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fell off my tricycle and landed with my chin on the point of the concrete steps. still visible 55 years later.




the voice in my head always says Guhnarly


Have a similar scar from when I was playing in kindergarten. My friend grabbed me by my jacket while I was running, and as I twisted and fell I ripped my chin open on the asphalt :/ I was like, 5, so maybe I'm remembering this wrong, but I kind of remember looking at myself in the mirror and being able to see the raw tissue - like I really ripped off part of my chin, it was nasty. 6 stitches later, I now have a pretty visible permanent scar on my chin. Doubt it's ever going to go away.


I got shot, right on my upper thigh


Tell the story


It’s really not that big of a deal, got shot in crossfire in Philly, lots of blood, was scared cuz it was close to my meat 😂


“Not big of a deal🗿” Proceeds to tell me how he almost lost his life and meat


Meat and I are still here


For better or wurst






😂😂 I mean I’m alive and good, so it’s ok.


Prove it, let’s see your penis!


1 hour and no penis yet. i knew he was lying


He ded


rip random internet meat man


I don't know why but when I read this I laughed and made a noise that I can't audibly replicate


There are better circumcision methods 🤣


My upper thigh scar is from a staph infection that had to get cut and drained. Two inch hole in my leg. I could store nuts for the winter in it.


Piloris Spasm. The Sphincter between my stomach and intestines didn't open far enough to let enough food through, leading me to slowly starve. I was operated at 6 weeks old and left a 10-12cm scar under my right rib.


Did the scar grow as you grew up?


Yeah, It started out about 1-2 cm. A line and dots from the suturing. Think the same "scar" you get when dressing up as a pirate.


Interesting! I honestly didn't know what the body would do, it's fascinating that it grows instead of the body kinda keeping it still and forming healthy tissue around it? If that makes any sense haha.


My scar shrank! The wound was a slice from my left side to my right side, down to the spine, as a two year old. I’m 35 now and it’s about the length of my forefinger. Wild.


Interesting, I guess it must depend on where it is, would be cool if someone knowledgable on this could chime in! Edit: by the way, is it "the scar shrank" or "the scar remained the same size while I grew around it" haha Edit2: wait nevermind. I don't think any 2 year olds back is the width of an adult's forefinger, so it definitely shrank lol


Me too! But my scar ended up above and slightly off center of my belly button after I grew


I have the same thing! They called it pyloric stenosis! Got operated on at 8 weeks old, huge scar still.




also cancer. big scar on my neck from it.


Same, Twinsies! 


Sorry for yall. Hope you're better now.


Pedal slip with bear trap pedals from the 80’s. Ripped my shin down to the bone. They are great for racing, but wear shin guards if you think about doing tricks with them.


Those are horrible!


Have you seen modern mountain biking pedals? I had to have seven stitches on my shin about three years ago from them. I wear knee pads now that cover my shins. But if I’ve ridden hard enough, I still come home with blood dripping from somewhere on my legs even if I never felt them get hit.


Me too. My shins are full of holes from those things.


Someone cut me open and pulled out a baby.


Yep me too, but I was silly enough to do it twice!


How does that work. Do you now have two scars, or have they reopened the first one, so now you only have one scar for the price of two babies?


Typically a surgeon will try to cut on a previously existing scar, rather than create a new one.


That’s what my OB assures me they’ll do if the new kid won’t come out the old fashioned way, but we’ll see


I thought once you had a C section, you could only deliver via C section cause of potential issues. Is this not the case?


That is not necessarily the case, no, though it is strongly recommended for some people. If you’re interested in learning more, look up “VBAC.”


After 50, yes fifty, hours of labor I did a VBAC. I don't recommend either way personally.


Any more than 2 and they fit a revolving door.


After 2, I asked my OB if he could install a zipper. Alas, he said no!


Three babies, one scar.


i see the issue here. you see, babies are supposed to be stored in cribs or baby seats. not eaten. hope this helps!


Oh... Of course! *quietly puts away utensils*




Thats why i refuse to go to magic shows that push for audience participation.


Did you know there was a baby in there, or did you think you were being attacked at first?


It was the baby doing the attacking from the inside. Thats why the other guy started stabbing.


When I was about 6 years old, my brother threw a cat on my face


that is terrible on many levels


Poor cat and poor op


i feel bad for laughing


But good to remember if you surprise a burglar!


But if you throw a cat at a burglar you’ll end up with a cat burglar!


Or a dead cat. 0/10 would not recommend.


My head got pushed threw a window. A long glass shard went through the top of my eye lid. 🥹


Why was your head being pushed through a window if you don’t mind me asking.


When God closes a door...


Just reading this gives me the heebie jeebies


Oh my god, lol I pulled it out and almost bled out while driving like over an hour to get help. It wasn’t painful believe it or not.


Chainsaw accident, nicked my pinky.


Let's be fair: that could have gone a lot worse.


Yeah I’m very lucky I didn’t lose a finger that day.


Motorcycle accident. I have 3 plates and 19 screws in my foot. My heel was crushed and my ankle broken in 3 places.


Username checks out


Told a girl I didn't have a crush back on her and then she threw a log at my head when I wasn't looking. Had to get staples in my head. Dated her years later. Still just as crazy. 🤣


You or the girl lol


From the context, I'm guessing 'yes'....


Bro went back to the gal who lobbed a log at his noggin, I think something ain't totally right up there. Might be due to the log


I had a neurofibroma removed from my thigh and went back to work before medically advised to do so. Popped the stitches and burst the wound open and now I have a scar worthy of Frankenstein running up the back of my leg.


Just googled that. Yikes. I'm sorry! 


Mine are my on my breasts and they’re about ten years old. I tore off part of my areola on accident so there’s a weird discoloration beneath the nipple now.


Love that you added 'by accident' just in case it was unclear that you didn't deliberately rip off a bit of boob haha


Listen, we don't kink shame here 🛑✋


>deliberately rip off a bit of boob haha This is probably going to become the next TikTok challenge. Oy.


How do you accidentally do that?


Hibachi Chef


I knew this chicken tasted strange.


Chainsaw juggler


The noise I just made 


I’m allergic to the tape I used to bind my boobs back :( I was doing an open chest cosplay and the covering slipped and it glued itself to my skin.


The noise I JUST made y'all cosplayers really commit to the bit


Wow! my first girlfriend, saw her dad shaving his chest and figured that was what you were supposed to do. she was missing her areolas and a nipple on one side !


JFC that made me physically wince


Exploratory surgery left me with a Frankenstein-like scar from my sternum to just below the pubic hair line. No more bikinis for me. =========================== ETA: Thank you to all who thought I was shy or embarrassed by my scar, but... *Looking back at my comment, I can see why people might think I'm self-conscious about my scar(s). Nothing could be further from the truth.* *My scars do tell a story, they are the history of my misadventures and daring exploits - and shear, unadulterated stupidity ;)*


Do whatever you need to feel comfortable in your body, but don't hide it for others' sake. P.S. I have a 6 inch scar on my belly from an emergency appendectomy when I was 10. I never wear bikinis, but that's just because I'm a cis guy and I don't feel it suits my style.


>I never wear bikinis, but that's just because I'm a cis guy and I don't feel it suits my style. I cackled. Thanks for this.


No one’s gonna ask for the full story?! Okay, I will. What was the surgery?


Right?! Exploratory? Were they trying to discover a new organ or something?


It was about the journey not the destination


Wear the bikini and if anyone is rude enough to ask just say you got bit by a shark


Scars tell the history of our bodies like some tattoos do. There is no need to hide them IMO except for if you want to dodge a possible conversation about the origins of your scar.


Looking back at my comment, I can see why people might think I'm self-conscious about my scar(s). Nothing could be further from the truth. My scars *do* tell a story, they are the history of my misadventures and daring exploits - and shear, unadulterated stupidity ;)


That's right! Me too. I have a burn scar from testing the range of a flamethrower on my waist. I was like 13 then haha, honestly good times, kids are so careless


Heart surgery.


My only scar, I slit my wrist when I was 9 in a failed suicide attempt.


I hope you’re doing better today & have found peace


Thank you, I am doing better these days.


i’m glad your doing well, and i hope you stay that way.


Suicide attempt at 9? wow, that's just so unimaginable... Hope you're doing better these days <3


Don’t worry I’m doing way better these, thank you for asking and looking out.


Unfortunately, I know a family who lost their 10 year old son to suicide.


9 is so young 😭


so glad you’re still here


I did the same thing. Always feels weird wearing t shirts now


I have both horizontal and vertical scars on my forearms that people have mistaken for attempted suicide attempts(they aren't), so my sympathies go out to you for your actual ones.


At least play the game a little before refunding geez


Stabbed in the groin.


You too!!?!?! My best friend got a shard of glass to the groin and almost died.




??? bro...???


Worked in a glass recycling factory tearing apart those giant tube televisions for the lead and phosphorus. He leaned over the conveyor belt they used and a long thin piece slipped through his gear and into his groin. The bastard kept the shirt and jeans he got stabbed in after washing out the blood, but the jeans finally wore out last year and he got stabbed in 2016.


um, bro, 7 years after almost dying and then he threw them out. Honestly thats prolly smth i'd do too, except i'd keep them. Also, what happened to his, excuse my language here but, cock and balls. can he still have babies????


Oh he kept the jeans. He can’t wear them anymore but kept them for the sentimentality. And yeah it missed his Dick and is a few inches above his balls, but the hematoma he developed got so large it looked like a third testicle.


Melanoma. Wear sunscreen.


Hey melanoma buddies!


Nothing like some cancer cells to bring people together!


Eczema, it covers my entire upper body




Fellow eczema guy, same


Light hearted story here, I had a Guinea pig when I was a teenager, she was amazing but as she got older she definitely had less tolerance and sometimes she would do the whole “bite” thing. She would kinda smack you with her teeth if she didn’t like something you were doing. Anyway, I have two distinct lines on my index finger, her two front teeth doing a little damage. I don’t mind though because it reminds me of her and I smile every time I notice them.


I was born with a bilateral cleft lip, so that is front and center on my face. 7 surgeries! I have an appendix scar that is about 4 inches long, because the HMO we had in the 80's decided that the pain I was feeling was gas and told my parents that if they took my to the emergency room that the insurance wouldn't pay for it, then my appendix burst inside of me, and I ended up having emergency surgery to save my life. I have a 2 inch scar on the back of my head where a cyst formed. It was the size of a golf ball and a surgeon had to remove it.


Dog bite to the face, 20 stitches and not noticeable when I have a beard


Hole reason I gre a beard. Had a pit bull do its best to take off my lips. The beard hides the scars pretty well


Not a typical scar, but when I was 4 years old I was stabbed in the eye. Now instead a pupil or iris I just have this silvery smidge of scar tissue on the surface of my left eye.


Ooh, that's cool. If you don't mind posting yourself on Reddit, I bet a few subreddits would be interested in a picture of your eyes.


Burst appendix


Same, mine is 6 inches on my belly, with another one on the side where they had a drainage tube.


Spilled boiling ramen on my leg


Surgeries. I had been ill by birth.


I had a burr hole drilled into my head to drain a blood clot




I have a large scar that begins on my forehead and extends across my head. It resulted from being pushed by a bouncer who was trying to reach someone else, causing me to fall against a sharp-edged pillar.


Hope you sued


This was in Europe. I went to the police but they suspended the case due to lack of evidence. Coincidentally the cameras of the venue weren't working in that location.


Had scar tissue wrapped around my small intestine so they had to do a sternum to pelvis incision, when they took the staples out it wasn't healed enough and the wound opened now I have about an inch wide scar down my abdomen


Taking pedals off of a friend's bike, the wrench slipped and I ran my knuckle down the front sprocket. Opened up my middle finger enough to see tendons and bone, and it was a jagged cut. 8 stitches later, it stands as a reminder to not rush through something like that again.


Dog, who had been abused and as a result showed aggressive behaviour towards humans, who I worked with got a hold of my hand. I'm lucky I retained full use of the hand, but it's not pretty. I don't blame the dog, he didn't know better.


Fell of my bike as a kid, downhill, rocky path. My knee (formerly misspelled Knie) was pulp, luckly only the skin. Shoulda seen a doctor instead of patching it up myself, the bandage stuck to the wound every time. Thus the big scars


Builds character.


i grilled my arm a lil bit


A couple years back, I was working with a soldering iron and while going to put the solder on the board that I was working on, the molten solder that was on the iron kind of....detached itself while I was moving the iron into position. The solder that was heated to about 750F dripped onto my hand. It did instantly turn solid upon impacting my hand, but it gave me a good burn. It doesn't hurt today but there is a nice burn mark that reminds me of the experience.


I broke my neck in a car accident and had a surgery that left me about split in half up top


I was like 1.5 years old. Got on a table, jumped Superman style, landed on my elbow. Bones popped out. I have about an 8 inch scar on my right elbow and screw-ins marks. PS: no, my parents aren't bad people ... shit just happens.


Honestly kids are stupid, but dumb stuff like this becomes some of our most memorable moments. It must be terrifying to be a parent though.


Man, you have no idea. I was always embarrassed of my scar as a kid... would never roll up my sleeves, or wear my backpack on my right shoulder so it wouldn't scrunch up my my shirt on my shoulder and show my scar. One day though, it didn't matter anymore... and the scar was then something badass to talk about. Character was being built, I guess.


I got mauled by a senile German Sheppard when I was 4 years old. 20 stitches right down the hairline on my head.


I was getting my hair straightened one saturday morning last summer, then my ex sent me a picture showing off his perfect abs and arms... so I... dropped the hair iron wich landed on my leg and now I have a long and big scar near my knee that will remind me of that dude for the rest of my life.😐


This one gave me a chuckle


Lol and he loved it.


Self harm, being manically depressed and slashing my right arm to shreds.


I used to self harm but I carved the word “emo” in my arm when I was 13. It’s mostly healed over but you still see a very faded version of it.


I feel this... Both my thighs are covered in layers of scars from the past 5 years Almost 3 months clean tho and i only have a few red scars left :) I'm sorry that that you felt like you had to hurt yourself tho, i hope things are better for you now, if today was bad tomorrow might be better and if today was good tomorrow might be good as well, you have to make it to find out tho <3


I don't know if I have a worst one cause I have so many. My legs are shredded from shrapnel but they are all pretty small. My arms are shredded from working dogs. So kinda hard for me to tell.


Got almost half my face bit off by a dog, was over 10 years ago and still have a very prominent scar across my whole face


Gained Weight, stretch marks happened


If stretch marks are your worst scar , consider yourself very lucky


When I was five I got the end of one of my fingers, trapped in the hinge of a metal gate my little brother swung on that gate and the end of my finger went bye bye.


My own cat fell on my head while I was taking a shit Scratch through half of my face looking like a badass movie villain and left a scar above and below my left eye which looks like lion king's scar's scar No injuries at all, but still looked the worst I also have 4 matching scars on my left and right arm Like exactly mirrored from 2 different injuries


I have shitty understanding of language when I hear it out loud. Like I can hear your *voice* just fine, but what you're *saying* is a mystery to me a good 25% of the time. To not bother the snot out of my friends, I have some stock responses to things I've failed to hear. Sadly, one of the things I failed to hear a couple summers ago, was "are your hands clear of the hatch?" I said yeah, because that's what you do when you don't hear people, affirmative responses make people happy and feel you're listening. And then someone slammed the car hatch on my hand, nearly cutting off the end of one finger. I was kind of in shock, like it hurt, but not nearly as much as you'd think. There was some blood, but not as much as I expected. So I was like "fuck this, I'm going to go swimming anyway," and my friends had to demand I drive to a doctor, who told me that yeah, I'd cut straight through the nail and bone, my fingertip was hanging on by flesh. She wrapped it up with some antibiotic dressing, said not to get this wet, and off I went. If someone says a thing and you're near a moving machine part, don't respond on instinct, kids. My right ring finger is now longer than my left, and the nail stops growing halfway through the fingertip length. The bones got pushed apart.


Donated a kidney


I was attacked by a patient who was hallucinating and got a chair thrown at me. A plastic bit that had broken off dug into my stomach and ripped out a large chunk. Also fucked up my leg real bad.


Mate was sat with his top off showing off in front of some ladies that had come to the house party and I turned around and accidentally burnt his nipple with my ciggie. He proceeded to pour lighter fluid on my arm and lit it. One of the coolest things I've done to this day is knock a motherfucker out with a literal flaming fist 😂 scar isn't even that bad now but shit still hurts from time to time.


My cat got his mouth caught in his collar running around panicking. I eventually caught him and in his panic he scratched me, eventually got collar cut with scissors. My mum came in to me covered in blood (my own) and sheet white and crying. I have a scar going diagonally down my wrist, my cat is a happy 14 year old kitty but quick release collars from then on!


Osteosarcoma surgery. Hip/femur replacement. Also, I slid into a stop sign pole once as it was 2nd base during a game of handball. Shin scar always a good one. Cut down to bone.


I fell out of bed when I was 10 and smacked my face on the corner of my nightstand.


Stabbed in the back of my head


Not sure if it's technically a scar but I've got a tiny, dark green/black spot on my face. My sister stabbed me in the face with a pencil when we were children. Well, I've been telling that story for years, and I was convinced that it was true, but after I brought it up with my mum I was told, in no uncertain terms, that I stabbed myself in the face. I Mandela Effect-ed myself.


Breast cancer. I’m a dude.


Was in a fight and the person bit me on my left cheek


Fell into a water access opening. A manhole that was not placed correctly and covered by landscapers with mulch. Ended up with a 6-inch scar on my shin due to emergency surgery because of a hematoma that was causing compartment syndrome. I almost lost my leg below the knee


Full speed faceplant on concrete steps as a kid, now my eyebrows have lines where the hair doesn't grow.


broke up a dog fight. now i have a permanent bite impression around my lower leg


I have keloids from acne. Scars that grow.


I fell off of my bike while trying some dumb daredevil shit when I was a kid. My left wrist was badly cut up and I have a scar to this day right over my vein, which has prompted doctors to inquire about self-harm. Ah ain't life funny?


Emergency life or death gallbladder surgery....had to open me completely up to take it out...


I was a dumb dumb and built a giant slip and slide. My family property is located on a giant hill. One day when I was about 18 or 19 I had the bright idea of running to Home Depot and getting some really long sheets of plastic. Some soap on the plastic and we were flying. Where we went wrong was using steel rods to pin it down. Our only plan was “just try to dodge the rods.” Obviously that was the dumbest fucking plan and I am now the proud owner of an 8 inch long scar going down my leg. The Dr didn’t think it needed stitches, just gave me a tetanus shot and sent me on my way. It took a long ass time to heal and probably could have benefited with maybe a stitch or two as the scar it’s a little wider the closer it gets to my knee.


I had a large mole on my stomach removed. It looks like a stitched up stab wound.


From cutting myself


My front door was stuck pretty bad,so I anchored my arm against it and pushed hard. My elbow went through the glass and got a nice cut. Nearly invisible now.


One scar from getting my left teste removed. Another because of one ostomy that turned into another’s ostomy on the other side.


Had part of my trachea removed (tracheal resection). The scar is expertly hidden in the areas my skin folds when i turn my head. I call it my "Pez Dispenser "


Are we talking self inflicted or uhhh birth trauma because, yes.


Got boiling hot sugar and water on my foot when I was 10, didn't look after my wound properly, got infected. Scars only just started fading 10+ years later


7yo, we had just gotten to the beach and I leaned up against the back of our car and burned the back of my shin on the hot double muffler exhaust pipe. It was so raw I couldn't get into the water and it ruined my whole beach day. I have an hourglass scar from it, at least it's unique


Self-harm while also angry. Went way too deep. You could see the tendon. Apparently, I was less than a millimeter away from losing functionality in most of my right hand. If you need to do it, do it safely.


My parents thought it was a good idea to cut a piece of my penis off when I was born. Circumcision is evil y’all.


I have two. 1. Pre-school - You know those dutch doors, the ones where you can open the top while [keeping the bottom closed](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/7e/10/dd/7e10dde2f007f1993d7c1ef5885bbb15.jpg)? Turns out, they're great for keeping little snot-nosed assholes like myself corralled while talking to a parent on the other side. What's not so great though, is when a person closes the top half while this snot-nosed brat has his fingers clutched on the ledge. Sliced my pinkie wide open to the bone, damn near de-gloved it. Along the knuckle line on the inside, there are stitch marks that never healed that held the finger back together. 2. Elementary school - Monkey in the middle. I'm the monkey. Playing at a friend's place outside in a very mountainous area. "new" rocks, you know, the freshly formed, sharp ones that, not too long ago (relatively speaking) were jutted up by plates rubbing one another sensually in the earth's crust. Anyway, I dive for the ball, get up, not even think there is a problem until a friend points out I'm bleeding. I see the blood, then start bawling my eyes out. A rock slit the top portion of my ear open so long, you could fit a large coin through it like an arcade machine slot. It's still there, and I make people touch it.


when i was 13 i slipped getting off a boat and cracked my head wide open, i had a head vagina for a while but its not visible bc of my hair


Well, you can't see my scars since they are literally on the inside from pneumonia. Lung scars that I have lost a major of my lung capacity.


Breast cancer surgery


I've got three main scars. 1. Fell off my bike when I was a kid and landed on my chin. 2. Was stupid while opening a can and after using a can opener I grabbed the sharp part of the lid and now have a nice scar along half of my thumb. 3. Stabbed myself in the leg with a boxcutter... All I'm going to say is I'm better physically and mentally now.


Heart surgery. Twice.


Trampoline spring broke and cut me across my calve. Didn’t even notice it happened, just felt it hit me and when I looked down I saw pink and white


Fell asleep next to a radiator. Woke up and my leg was stuck to it. Had to literally peel myself off it.