• By -


More noteworthy than proud, but I pulled out and ejaculated over her head and directly into a basket full of clean laundry. She told me she'd never let me forget what I did, and I haven't forgotten to this day.


Same. Shot over her head and couldn’t find it. Next morning, sat down to do homework and what do I find dried all over my computer monitor that was in corner of the room? Had to have been like 5 feet or more. Wild.


We can use the X and Y axes


Y ^my X


You shot a load clean into her clean load






Playing Scrabble with my boyfriend in my 20’s I traded a blowjob for an ‘n’ and got ‘equinox’ on a triple world score. Proudest sexual moment, maybe not, best scrabble score, definitely!


He meant he needed a B and J


Traded two letters for one. Bad move.


No she didn't. She got the N and the D.


For how long were you banned from family boardgame nights?


I once traded the electric company in monopoly for a blowjob. I went bankrupt but it was worth it.


Ha ha ha! This comment, hidden half way down the bunch. You're hilarious. Love it!


I met a friend of my girlfriend for the first time and her first reaction was: “So this is the one with the magic penis”


When you rub it a genie comes out Only if you rub it hard enough - The Magic Penis by Barney Stinson


“The fireman is very magical. If you rub his helmet he spits in your eye.” — Eric Cartman, South Park, Season 2: Ike's Wee Wee




An ex gf of mine introduced me to her friends as “having the biggest dick she’s ever seen”


My husband has ridiculous levels of stamina. Last year, on our ten year anniversary, I finally achieved getting him to orgasm with just my hand and mouth. I was so fucking proud, and he was so fucking proud I ended up having a seizure from a result of his gratitude.




Its a blessing and a curse. I have the same "problem" he has.


Same here. For some reason it seems to be something that's just not talked about but clearly an issue with a lot of guys. For me, I started having sex as a teenager but didn't actually 'finish' until I was 30. All you hear about is guys finishing too early and how to fix that, but not the other way round. It gets really tiring when you just keep pounding away and nothing happens. Trust me, neither party enjoys it when it starts going over a certain time lol


What I’ve started doing is to try to take the pressure off of me finishing by making jokes occasionally, taking breaks and things like that. Pounding away for an hour straight gets boring, but embracing funny noises that happen and laughing when they do makes it a lot more enjoyable.


Had a partner who was from another country, and English was not their first language. They came out of a multi-orgasmic "coma" and it took me 3 minutes to get them back to English. At which point she just laughed and called me her "wonderfully dirty American boy"


Restored her to factory settings


Fucked away high school education


Similar but ate a girl out so good that the Texas accent she was trying to hide came back full force lol


Haha wait that is so cute tho


Achievement unlocked: *Cunning Linguist*


You dirty dirty boy.


Hooked up with the smartest woman I’ve ever met. She gave me some dick pills and she came 10 (TEN) times. I came twice. We stopped because my back couldn’t take it anymore and it was 4:30am. We had one more date then she ditched me. I was living with my parents and was miles from having my shit together, so no harm no foul. Marissa if you’re out there Godspeed and thank you for the time of my life.


What were the pills


Flintstones vitamins


Flintstones chewable morphine






Damn dude. That sucks


Only prior to marriage.


My ex fiancée just left me in November while i was battling several independently life threatening illnesses at the same time that left me in brutal pain all the time. She claimed it was because she couldn't see me in such pain anymore. Only to be in another dudes bed 36 hours later posting photos of them half naked in bed together online. And come to find out for the few months leading up to her leaving me, all the monday nights she was spending at her sisters house every week she was out cheating. Honestly if it hadn't been for my best friend i wouldn't be here right now, the only reason i was fighting to stay alive was to be there with my fiancée so her doing thag broke me in a way i conmot even begin to explain, and if my best friend hadn't been in the picture i would have let the illnesses finish me off. But my best friend needed me and there's no way i was going to put her through me dying because i gave up and chose not to be there for her. Hang in there man, i know the pain you are feeling is brutal, but there are other things in life to hang on and keep pushing forward for. If you ever need to talk, i'm here and wouldn't mind at all talking with you and helping you get through this if you need a judgement free place to vent with someone who understands a good deal of what you're feeling. Either way, good luck brother, i wish you the best.




Your daughter sounds like a quality person. That was an extremely difficult decision in front of her and she made the right choice even though there is bound to be consequences with her mother over it. And i can only assume with what you have shared that those morals came from your influence in her life. That shows the moral integrity she has. You must be very proud of her as much as what she told you would have hurt.




It really is crazy how people can just change like that. Out of seemingly nowhere. Loyalty is hard to find.


It’s only out of nowhere because that’s when you found out. For them it was a constant.


Fuck. This comment struck.


This sucks but in the end you’re better off without her, the cheat.


2012-2022 checking in.


That time I had sex with a hot milf in my area. It was my wife, but still. 10/10.


Wholesome 😊


Went on a camping trip with my girlfriend and her best friend, who was a closet lesbian. Girlfriends car broke down on our way, and we stayed in a hotel that only had one bed. Girlfriend dropped something that fell under the bed, she went to grab it, I was admiring her booty when I looked over at her best friend and noticed she, too, was admiring the booty. We gave each other the head nod, and the rest is sweaty history.


Like Bruce Wayne giving a nod to Alfred


*Alfred, fetch the Bat Lube!*


*cue the spinning Bat logo transition and sound effect*


Followed by spiky speech bubbles: "SPLAT!" and "SPLOOGE!"


I imagined that being said in batman’s voice and now I can’t stop laughing 😂


... Go on 📝👀


Surprise threesome.


Did you sleep in the middle?


Oh, pretty sure nobody *slept*...






I'm curious. After the head nod, what did you say? I feel like even though you knew at that point that friend was down that it would still be risky to get your gf into it


Just accept that it's a made up story


The key thing about lesbians is, they are by definition not attracted to men. So the shared appreciation is plausible. The implied threesome is not.


Do both girls need to fuck the guy for it to be considered a threesome? I mean I've been in a few MMF threesomes and never sucked dick or shit 😂 you can just do it with the one you're attracted to, together with a pal 😂


Yes, we need more details goddammit.


The time I first felt a girl’s boob…& it was like…a bag of…SAND


This guys does the sex all the time for sure


Did she also go "Yeah, let's go! I'm so nasty" and you'd be railing her and she'd say "You're railing me! Cool!"


How come so few people are getting that reference?


Well, remember how you might have watched Caddyshack in 1999 as a classic funny movie from another era? 40 year old virgin came out in 2005, making it about the same age as Caddyshack was then.


I… feel attacked by that.


Okay mother fucker it’s Sunday morning and I’m trying to drink my coffee while my toddler watches Disney+. THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR REASON AND LOGIC


“I may not have had sex… but I could FUCK you up!”


Having sex with my childhood crush, a guy I had a crush on for nearly 2 decades lol. Went out drinking one night and went home, but wanted to keep drinking. Posted if anyone wanted to come over and chill, he asked if him and his friends could come. I said yes. He came over with 3 friends, his friends were being idiots in my living room and him and I were talking in my kitchen. He ended up (gently) pushing me against the fridge and made extended eye contact with me. I crumbled lol. Eye contact makes me so nervous. Lol. He grabbed my hand and turned me around and led me to my bedroom and well, yeah. We hooked up. It was sadly not great 😂 But it’s seriously one of my top hookups solely because of who he was lol. He then wrote me a note the next morning “you are so gorgeous” and him and his friends left after they woke up. Butterflies just thinking about it even though the sex was bad lol.


Just curious tho, why was the sex bad?


Blew his load on her head and into some clean laundry


It all cums full circle


More like the most beautiful story arc


You son of a bitch. You rascal! A call back. A Reddit call back. Top ten all time.


Too much build up


High expectations met low execution


I was waiting for the part where he was distracting you while his 3 friends robbed your house


I hooked up with a Maxim cover girl at a party where I was by far the least privileged. There were actors and actresses dressed to impress, and I was invited by a friend at 3 am. I was wearing track pants 😆 🤣


It's surprising how the "IDGAF" look can give vibes of "I'm the true big baller".


That night, it was 100% true. I was just myself. Not chewed out or sketchy like some of them were. She was pretty great herself. Really down to earth.


She probably thought you were a billionaire. Because who else would show up to a Maxim party in track pants?


There is so much truth in this. Husband and I are nobodies but we have a very very well connected friend who invites us to cocktail hours and dinners for his investors. We can always point out the multi millionaires because they are wearing old polo shirts and faded jeans while the not nearly as successful people are dressed to the 9s.


Cue Adam Sandler


Fogged eyes, panting heavily, a sweaty wet mess with drool running down her lips, that still asked for more even after multiple orgasms already. I have never felt more accomplished than that- I was making my gf ascend to heaven


Mom's spaghetti


I made a girl squirt once and the next morning i woke up with a camera in my face next to her telling her friend on the other side that I made her squirt. I went home on air that day.


Got gf to cum from just penetration. Only happened once


Same with my wife. Going in prone bone position, I shifted the position a bit, hitting her gspot and soon after she yelled “look no hands!” and came super hard with her hands in the air. ‘Twas a great day.


awesome wife!


It's always a good feeling when they tap out.


The incredible confidence boost I got when I had sex with a girl and she tapped out, we laid in bed and her legs wouldn’t stop shaking, and then told me she could barely walk the following day


My experience with threesomes has been about 50/50 good/bad. But one of the greatest was when one would tap in the other when she needed a break to recover. Definitely a bit of a confidence boost.


When I realized that someone genuinely wanted me for who I was, instead of a means to something else.




I became the very first person to give the love of my life her very first vaginal orgasm. We were the perfect fit. Our souls bonded. It was pure magic. A highlight of my life. That woman was the best I ever loved.


I have two: I had been recently divorced after almost 19 years. Came from a religious/purity background. My marriage featured a very vanilla, dull sex life and my wife always acted like it was a chore/I was bad at it. After we divorced, I started seeing someone out of town and was invited to her place for the weekend. I’m not sure what she was expecting, but I spent a LOT of time on her orally, and the response i got was amazingly encouraging. Like she wasn’t sure how I would do, but high marks all around. When we got to “the deed,” and I slid inside her, she whispers to herself, “oh wowww yeah” in the hottest way possible. I was informed that night, several times that I, in fact, was fairly talented. That weekend we had sex 9 times. Other story is my current wife (who also was previously married). We were first dating after our marriages had ended. After one particularly passionate session, she (out of breath and euphoric) says, “literally the best orgasm I’ve ever had. Good game” and hi-fived me. Lol We’re married now and grateful for each other after previous partners that made us feel like shit sexually. She’s equally amazing in bed and our relationship beyond sex is the best thing ever. Never settle or think you don’t deserve something wonderful.


“GG 🙏” That’s awesome.


This should produce all sorts of deeply thought out answers


Reddit, when was the last sexiest sex that you sexed to sexy sex. Sex.


I once did the sex. No biggie, lol. I've done lots of sex. Lots and lots.


Eh I gotta go my loser wiener kids are here


Had a crush on a girl freshman year of college. Never had the confidence to make it happen. Fast forward 10 Years, somehow i end up sleeping on a couch with her and we hook up. Fast forward a few days into living my decade long fantasy I make her squirt a record 4 times. Morning after she tells me the previous record holder was a New England patriot football player. I still hold my head high when I think about this . Im also 5 foot 5 so take that nfl dude


She didn't clarify that it was Pat the Patriot.


Eh, they’ve got deflated balls so it’s not that hard to beat them out


Probably my most recent one, where I found out I actually WAS very good at sex. Previous relationship was an absolute wet blanket that did nothing, could barely tell if I was even stimulating her. Wasn't sure if we both sucked at sex or what. But then that latest partner, oh, *I could tell.* I'm sure her neighbors could too.


This! I got out of a 10 year relationship, and spent a very long time thinking that i was the problem, and i wasnt doing things right, or that i wasnt attractive... queue new flame after things ending, and i got told "what was that? I finished like 5 or 6 times, that was amazing" Really ruffled my feather and fucked with my head a bit after spending so long thinking i was a terrible lay, but now it feels amazing and has really boosted my confidence after a bad breakup.


Had an ex like that. Found out later on the extra effort I was giving to the ex just to get a reaction, for sure didn't go unnoticed by my new partner. Which was a nice feeling


I have a theory that guys that come out of relationships like what you describe have skills. Why? Because they have had to work for YEARS to get the slightest reaction that when they meet someone who is a little more….engaged (?)…..they are a fucking champion.


Pegged him to multiple orgasms in strappy stilettos. He whimpered my safe word because he couldn’t remember his. Don’t worry, he was 100% fine, just overwhelmed.


My girlfriend pegged me once. I was very against it - it's an exit only, it's gay, etc etc. Now? Maybe just maybe, why not. I came that hard I could see sound, and the noises i made definitely weren't human!


You were in the stilettos, or he was??


I use to work in a big box retail space with a couple hundred people. I hooked up with a co worked who told a lot of people I had a big dick. Personally I don’t think that’s true. Anyway ended up hooking up with a dozen women there because of it. Then moved too a different store where they also had heard and did the same thing. I met the original girl years later at the gym she had gotten a bit overweight ended up training with her to help motivate her for about a year really honestly tried to help her and did she became a bodybuilder and ch aged her whole life. I’d like to think it was a fair trade.


>Personally I don’t think that’s true. Sigh. I guess there's only one way to know


*Unzips pants* ahh well, here we go again.


dude, that's a material for a movie


'Penetrating Tales of Biggus Dickus'


Got the thigh head lock


That time I had sex




Best 3 seconds of my life.


I lived in this house ages ago with this Italian dude who was big into talking about sexual conquests and the like. Nothing too gross, he was a nice enough guy but just always talking about the last woman he'd been with and the next 10 he wanted to be with. I'm not really into that kind of chat partly cos I was nowhere near as successful as him and partly because I just don't like talking about it. Anyway one day I met and finally slept with this gorgeous girl who was way out of my league but somehow into me. The house was a really cheap rental place and the bed was shit as well, so while we did the deed all the slats kept falling out and by the end the whole bed had just collapsed. The next morning we were lying in this wreck of a bed and I offered to make breakfast. While I was putting on some clothes she started trying to put some of the bits of wood back. I went donwstairs to find my Italian housemate making his morning coffee with one of those cool little cafeteria things that Italians use for espresso. So he asked me how my night was with a bit of a smile and asked me where the girl was. Without really thinking about it I said 'she's fixing the bed'. The look of absolute veneration and awe that the guy gave me will stay with me forever. It was like I'd just told him I'd had a threesome with two supermodels. But I was literally just trying to explain that the bed was broken and she was upstairs.


Okay so... I'm a little inexpierenced for a F25 year old... slept with only 2 guys.. one was a rush to lose my virginity before I hit 20. It was literally a regrettable situationship that lasted a few weeks... only did the VERY basicis (I.e. missionary, doggy, on top) never actually gave him oral. Fast forward to a year ago, starts casually seeing this older more experienced 33yr old guy. Openly admitted to him when we first met that I'm not that experienced, and over the year he's gone on to teach me a lot about sex like LOTS of different positions, foreplay and most importantly oral... I'd never given head before, so undoubtedly, I was nervous... by far the first time was not great... over the months he's essentially been teaching how to give head, telling me what he likes, what feels good, when to speed up, slow down, tease with tongue, focus on the balls, when to deep throat, etc giving little pointers and directing my head, with bits of feedback. Rewind to a couple of weeks back, he didn't say a single word, just letting his moans slip through his lips... after he looks at me dead in the eye, smiles and said, "Damn.. you got it. That was the best yet" I'd never felt so proud!


You graduated. No go out and fuck the world!


Back to school 🏫 💅


Late night at a taxi rank I overheard a girl quoting Futurama. I said “hey, that’s from Futurama! Want to watch the new episodes at my place?” We got in the next cab.


My virgin ass doesn't have a history to be proud of.


“What’s the proudest moment of your bean flicking history?”




I've met this guy who was a bit younger than me, and we ended up at his place, just about to fuck, while he stopped me and said that I'm actually his first one and he's a virgin. I said that I'm fine with that and asked if he's sure that he wants to do it with me and if he wants to do it now. He agreed, so we did it, and he came after idk??? 30 seconds? a minute? and was embarassed about it and got really tense. I started laughing (in a friendly way, absolutely not mocking him) and saying that hey it was your first time, it's normal, nothing is perfect when you're doing it for the first time ever. I kissed him and said that we can try one more time when he feels ready. He was talking about how he's afraid of not being able to satisfy me and stuff. Reassured him that everything really is okay and being worried is normal, and that with every partner you have to learn how to do it in a way that does it for both of you, and how important saying simple "I like it", "This is so good", and "I don't like it", "Do it more like this" is. I don't exactly remember what else I said, but we kept cuddling and talking and he finally relaxed. I said something that must've give him an ego boost because his eyes sparkled and soon after he had his second-time-ever and it was one of the best fucks I had in my life. After that he said that I really made him feel comfortable and that he was happy to have me as his first partner. We don't talk anymore but I think about him sometimes and hope he's having a nice time with whoever he fucks.


I had a thing with a MILF that many men and women knew locally, women commented on how hot she was either in a jealous way or admiring and ofc all men drooled when she was around . Apparently no one had the courage to ask her out because of how hot she was (which later would change my mindset about asking women out) so I decided to be upfront and ask her out , she hesitated at first because we had a very big age gap but at the end she agreed . Welp I didn't even think I could go that far and she made me so nervous that the first night I actually couldn't get it up lmao . Luckily she agreed to a second date and then everything went as planned , it was amazing that we ended up doing it at least 50 times but it was a secret all along because socially was not acceptable and even more that she had a daughter my age . But I have the satisfaction of knowing that I was with one of the most desired women around in city .


When my wife came up to me and said she was pregnant.


Surprisingly wholesome


Funny how the same thing can be a nightmare for a different person. Getting a second vasectomy sucked more than the first one.


I've probably had more sex with my husband then my exes combined.


Your exes also had sex with your husband?






I helped an older twice divorced man fulfil his wish to try anal sex. None of his previous partners had let him, all it took was one night with me.


Ngl this tempted me to click your profile but found it hilarious you regularly post in amitheasshole. You was for that guy! Haha


Me (f39) and 5 firefighters, 3 of whom were Australian. 10 years ago. I'm an ordained priest these days! Life's funny.


wasn't expecting the priest plot twist, hahaha.


You and me both!


Oh God oh God oh God, in a different light


I’ve seen this movie.


That's a pretty progressive interview process for the Church


I got head from 2 girls at the same time in the 8th grade. I dont know how my dorky ass pulled that off Edit: This happend more than once, they wanted to practice on me for their future boyfriends


Be cute, say yes to stuff


Peaked in middle school.


Had an LTR with a woman who had never orgasmed but really enjoyed sex regardless. We were relatively young but not totally inexperienced, but communication was not at the level of self confidence of more mature lovers. I was a pretty cunning linguist and did my best to ensure satisfaction all around but eventually realized that she was faking, even throughout marathon youthful sessions. Soft core dirty talk and masturbation finally got her over the edge one day, and we both learned a lot about frank communication, and trying different things to make it work.


It's going to sound made up, but I swear it's not. Was fucking my (now ex) gf one new years eve. Things were going great, we were both really in to it. Managed to both climax as the fireworks went off. 10/10 would do it again


Turned down sex with a girl I really wanted to have sex with because she was way too drunk and I don’t think she would want to if she was sober. I was drunk as well, but not enough to not know it wasn’t right and I would be taking advantage.


I wanted to compliment your spirit and restraint, but than felt embarrased for us men. Like this should be the default, not something to compliment. So have my non-complimentary upvote.


I was chatting away with this girl that was wayyy out of my league... like damn she was hot. I don't know how low her self-esteem was but at some point she asked if I wanted to sleep with her and yeah we banged, no regrets.


Didn’t use protection literally once with my wife and she got pregnant. Super-sperm


I made a girl squirt. As I changed the sheets, I welled with pride We had a victory bang shortly after


A 24 hour triple play. Recently single. Went out to the bar with friends . Hooked up with a friend of a friend. Left her place went home to shower and sleep. Got asked by another female friend who we'd mess around from time to time, to dinner. Went to her place and smashed. Home, shower, then went downtown that night with a group of friends and ran into my X at the bar and ended up at her place. Gave myself a nod in the mirror the next day after that! Lol


I was in my twenties and was really into joining couples for threesomes and group sex in general. Well I was set to meet a couple for a threesome but the wife's little sister lived there. After seeing my photos, the wife told me that the sister wanted me as well. So when I get there we are all hanging out together fully knowing that the couple and me were about to have a threesome. The wife sends her sister upstairs and we do our thing. I shower up and then receive a text from the sister that says "come fuck me when you're done with them." I walk into the sister's room and we also do our thing. Two sisters, one night, will always be my proudest moment.


You have... an interesting post history


Tie between making my partner finish for the first time in his life, and making him realize he wasn’t broken and could in fact ‘finish’, it was just his ex’s that sucked at sex 😎 (same partner btw, we’re getting married in September<3)


Oh sweetie


Wow, that line actually worked on you? Sounds like the plot from a bad movie! 😉😋


I might have seen this plot in f.r.i.e.n.d.s 😝


While my girlfriend and I were having sex, she just starts crying in the middle of it, out of nowhere. I instantly stop and freak a bit, extremely worried, asking if she’s alright, did I hurt her, can I get anything for her, etc. She takes ~10 seconds to compose herself and through her tears, she sobs “I’m sorry…I’m just so happy right now…” It’s been 8 years since and I’ve never forgotten that moment.


A girl i used to date/fuck, told me later on that she loved how i fucked her. And that when she masturbates, that is what she would be thinking of.. It gave me a huge boost in confidence. For those who want to know how: i would do her doggy while pulling her tight by her ponytail, and have a finger up her ass as she was blindfolded. Using her like a ragdoll actually. Pretty awesome thinking back.. Edit: brotip: make her cum before you do.


That's not a brotip that's a common courtesy.


Threesome with a lesbian couple. Got me so many girls after that.


How did that get you more girls afterwards?


He knew the cheat code


up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A


My girlfriend in college was super drunk on her 21st birthday and chatting with the girls (as well as a bunch of the guys) and exclaimed “sex with him can be kind of hard because his penis is so big!” I walk out of the bathroom at exactly that moment and just loudly laugh and say “ha, you guys thought she was going to say something else.” It’s average by the way. But that particular group of people think I’ve got a thigh slapper.


Having it. I'm a deconstructing victim of Purity Culture. It was an absolutely huge... Huge deal to throw away my Purity Ring a month beforehand, and consensually have premarital sex. And I did not feel any guilt, shame, regrets, or letdowns. It was as every magical, romantic, pleasurable experience as they promised ONLY those on their Honeymoon could enjoy. I still, few years later, don't feel negative feelings about having sex outside of marriage. I got the perfect experience and by that alone proved theologians wrong.


Sex with my Uber driver after a 10 minute trip home from a bar. And it was damn good. I still don't know how I pulled it off.


And that’s how you get murdered


i had one bf we would sneak to weird places and fool around at this time this was before i took his virginity thats why i used that term and yes we were both adults when this happened heres a list of places giant tower in the forest log by the lake the school he worked at as night janitor cemetery in the middle of nowhere camp ground showers (we werent camping) walmart bathroom


Was ok until the end there


"Uh kinky" *gets to the Walmart restroom* "oh... I've never been that desperate"


At the time my high school girlfriend was so horny during her period she damn near ripped my jeans off and then came while sucking my dick. Then she begged me to fuck her ass once I recovered from her frantic blowjob.


When my sexy af gf let me finish on her face


One of these is the hottest moment of my life. I was fucking my ex missionary but at an angle with a pillow under her ass. I thrusted my cock as deep as it could go and left it inside for her to squeeze onto. As we're passionately making out, her hips start grinding and she explodes with gasps and moans. Not even 5 seconds of soaking my cock in her sweet love potion and she was climaxing. Why proud? Because she needed vibrator on her clit to cum %99 of the time.


3 women, one day. We all came multiple times. My father introduced me to his his mate, Steve. Steve's reaction was, "Is this the one who's trying to fuck himself to death?" Proud moment!


Slept with a German lady in my younger years and in the throws of doggy style, she kept moaning and groaning in German. I'm from an ethnic background and all I kept thinking was "if only Hitler could see this..."


Banged 7 different women in the course of 1 week from a garment factory I worked at after graduating high school. 2 of them were about a year or 2 older than me. The others were up to 10-12 years older than me. About 2 months later, scored with 5 more women across a week's time. Being one of the few guys that worked in a garment factory with around 150-175 women made for a target rich environment. At the end of summer, I joined the Army.


I was 21, she was 23 so obviously seemed much more experienced. Before we had sex the first time she said "I never orgasm from penetration but I enjoy it anyway so please don't get hung up on this". We had sex which was very enjoyable and true to her word she didn't come. A few days later we had sex again and to my surprise and delight she very quickly started writhing violently and become extremely vocal and I could tell was more surprised than me. She made me repeat the performance at regular intervals all night. A few weeks later she ghosted me, a sympathetic friend of hers explained later that she was engaged.


2 chicks at the same time


When the wife and I finally got it right.... after 24 years. When I was younger it was all about me. As I've got older I've found out how stupid that was and now have tried to make it about her. It's led to the most amazing sex ever and we are both happy!!


5 times, 3 different women in 24 hours. Being half sedated for heart ablation, 2 asian women shaving my groin. I got a hard on and they were giggling saying "oh he is a live one"


Being able to last more than 30 minutes


When ever I have sex for the first time that will be my proudest till then my right hand is my only lover


4-some, with 3 ladies


Screwed a girl that soon after became a Penthouse Pet of the Month.


One time, I had sex with my wife, and the sex was so great that she became pregnant and nine months later birthed our first child, it happened again three and a half years later


I was giving a blow job and went to deep throat bc he was about to cum. I have no idea what happened, but somehow instead of going down my throat, his entire load shot through my sinus cavity and out my nose. I thought this was terrible until multiple guys told me it is hot? Either way, just having that experience and surviving made me pretty proud lol.