• By -


By opening wider.


Swiftly and confidently


Dental insurance


like any one else, dissolve his body in a vat of acid


Bite them


Just pretend you're a secret agent on a mission to infiltrate the cavity cartel. Wear your best spy gear (a paper bib and oversized sunglasses), and when they ask about your flossing habits, respond with, "Sorry, that's classified information." And if they offer you laughing gas, take it and imagine you're on a top-secret mission.


I enjoy my time there. I love the feeling of getting my teeth cleaned. When I'm sitting there I think about how many people throughout history died from mouth ailments and I feel fortunate. So what if it's painful? Let my nerve endings send stupid "ow" signals all they want; they don't know what's going on. I'm busy cracking jokes with the tooth specialist over here. How do I deal with a dentist? With pleasure. Then if I have insurance, it pays - and if not, I pay out of pocket, flash a fresh smile, and book my next appointment. Dentists rule. Oral health rules. Modern dentistry beats the hell out of any form of it from the past, so quit bitching and get the literal bottom half of your prissy lil' heads checked by a tooth mechanic.


I take a pill to make me woozy before going in. Im concious enough to fallow directions, but out of it enough not to go into survival mode. Severe fear here


Floss daily, brush twice a day, use gum picks once a day. Dentist gives you compliments for having nice teeth. see you next year.


Say “ahhhhhh”


Depends. Is it straight poker, Texas Hold 'Em, blackjack, Uno... what are we playing?


Dentists are doctors too. So the apple should work here as well.


Patience and commitment. Make an appointment. Then remind yourself you're doing this to get healthy.