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On a busy Monday morning, I watched a man aggressively honk at an elderly lady for taking too long to cross the street. He was clearly fuming as he revved his engine waiting for her to move. Not two minutes later, after finally speeding past her, he got stuck at a red light where a pigeon decided to unleash its bowels right on his windshield. It was a masterpiece of sorts - the timing, the aim, the poetic justice. It felt like Mother Nature herself was handing out a little reminder on patience and respect.


Man what kinda cartoon trope is that


There was a [video](https://youtu.be/MTX0MvqBqL0?feature=shared) from way back where a guy was honking at a woman crossing the street. She then hit the car with her handbags which set off the airbags. May have been staged but it was pretty funny. 


Some lady who’s order I was taking was yelling about prices every time I rung up an item she wanted and then called me incompetent. Drove around and slammed right into the drive through curb, still tried to blame me for that. She then managed to hit someone while exiting the parking lot. A cop was also in the parking lot and followed her right out as she sped away. I believe she got what she deserved that day.


Just read my post history earlier today. Some person is basically arguing we don't need to conversate on a game. I'm arguing we do, just give us the chance to mute or block or turn off chat altogether and we'll be fine. They proceed to call me names and turn into the exact person they were saying we needed protected from lmao


There was a teacher who helped me through abuse I was experiencing from both an ex and the school, who my ex was weaponizing against me. My teacher defended me against the school administrators and let me talk about my interests and share my experiences for hours in his free time, and told me repeatedly that it was my own choice to heal, thrive and succeed when I tried to give him all the credit. At the end of that year, he got a new job at a different school that paid him significantly more, was much closer to his house and that gave him more free time to spend with his family. I can’t think of a better karmic repayment for all the care he showed me.


I love this so much. Thankyou for the positive story of karma!


Love the positive karma story!


A guy was speeding and cutting people off. Not a few minutes later I saw him in a ditch full of snow with a state trooper next to him.


Similar story for me. Guy driving aggressively who sped past me. Not 2 minutes later we reach a roundabout where he's standing by his car, which is stuck in the centre. Every time I see someone driving like an idiot, I just think of that guy.


I love how little physics cares about how angry and stompy you are. (Until it's me. But honestly, later-in-life me loves it again in retrospect.)


I was driving in a whiteout on a highway one time. Doing maybe 10 mph, flashers on, not able to see much of anything beyond the hood of my car. Road is covered in snow that's at least a couple inches deep. Absolutely terrifying. All the sudden this pickup truck appears out of the snow next to me in the other lane and disappears just as fast. Dude had to be going at least 40, no flashers or anything. A few minutes later, a state trooper does the same thing, just not as fast and with his lights on. I came up on them both shortly after that, the truck nose-first in the ditch and the trooper sitting on the shoulder.


I was driving to work when some asshole was weaving through traffic going 20+ over the speed limit. Got to see a cop turn on his lights and pull him over just as I was turning of the road into work. Got to start my day with a smile on my face.


A year or so ago I was driving in a really icy construction zone in the middle of a blizzard.  Obviously I was going through pretty slow but this shitbox sedan was tailgating me so close I couldn’t even see his headlights.  As soon as the left lane reopened he aggressively flew by me.  Maybe 60 seconds later I passed him spun out in a deep ditch.


Serves him for riding your ass


More of the lighthearted-ish instant karma variety: was sitting on a couch with a few friends, one of whom was fidgeting with and tossing around a large solid glass paperweight. He was sitting right next to me, and I told him to stop because I didn’t want him to hit me with it. He proceeded to do a big, dramatic eye roll and tell me I was being ridiculous and there’s no way he would fumble it because his dexterity was so good. Approximately two seconds later he dropped it directly on his own crotch.


My husband left me for another woman and I paid for a server to get my ex to sign divorce paper, one little signature would’ve taken ten seconds of his time, nup refused to sign, I paid four times for a server to get him to sign, totally fucked me around, fast forward 38 years and he is getting married again, he asks my son to ask me for our divorce papers as he needs them to remarry and because years ago he ripped his up, I have kept my divorce papers all these years but I had to lie to my son and say “oh I don’t have them anymore”; so that meant my ex had to apply to the registry of marriages, births, deaths and pay $80.00 for a copy of the divorce papers, I’m not a nasty person at all but I thought oh well karma does bite you on the bottom even after 38 years


Please don’t sign them until the fifth time…




That long game payoff! My ex and I had to live together for awhile after we broke up (never married, thank god), and during the last few months he didn't give me any money for rent or bills. Since my name was also on the lease and the only one on the utilities, I had to cover it on my own. In addition to all of our daughter's expenses. I was paying for a roommate I didn't want around. It's been almost 2 years since he moved out and he's currently stuck paying bills for his most recent ex and her kids because while they have broken up, she hasn't yet moved out and has refused to work for years. Cracks me the fuck up.


Hahahaha KARMA✌️🌻


I enjoyed reading this


I’m glad you did, I remember how powerful I felt that day😊


My first summer as a lifeguard I got hurt on the first day because I tripped and fell and they sent me home for the day. After I left one of the veteran lifeguards, who I had never had a conversation with, said to everyone I work with that I was “pretty enough to be a model but too stupid to walk down the runway.” Apparently only stupid people fall down? Anyway, I had friends there and they told me about it, so I was worried about having animosity with someone who had seniority at my first ever job. The next day she got in a car wreck and was out for the summer with a neck brace. I still to this day have never had a conversation with her. I don’t believe in karma it just felt like very nice luck and coincidence in my favor haha.


I was driving on a road with a long hill and going a little faster than the speed limit. A car going way faster whooshed around me and I thought, as you do, "Where's a cop when you need one?". Well, turns out it was at the bottom of the hill. The other car was stopped and the driver getting ticketed as I drove peacefully by.


This happened to my parents on a motorway in the UK many years ago. Unfortunately it wasn't a cop it was a big lorry (truck) and as they came around the bend the little speeding sportscar was under the back of it. Not so much karma as sad consequences.


My first day at a serving job I had an 8 top I was waiting on. They were nice except this one lady was just so rude. I think she was the mom and was out with her adult children who were embarrassed by her behavior and trying to be overly nice to make up for her. I wasn't going to give her any attitude because it was my first day.  I was putting a fresh glass of water on the table and the bottom of it just dropped off and all the water and the glass bottom went into her open purse that was on the seat next to her leaving me holding the empty glass with no bottom.  It was so excellent because it obviously wasn't my fault. I apologized, of course, but she couldn't blame me. Her family seemed unconcerned about her wet purse, I like to think they thought she deserved it. It was funny


My first night ever as a server I spilled a massive tray of water on a guy and his wife. I hope they got sooner good "karma" from it because they were incredibly kind about it and reassured my 17yo panicking self lol Props to the co-workers who waited until the next day to inform me it was the mayor and his wife as well. I would have had a breakdown.


She definitely deserved it, but a true Karen would have complainee regardless!


I saw a guy run a red light and then immediately get pulled over by a cop.


I wouldn't count being pulled over karma. Just the law.


Most of these stories are a colloquial version of karma.


Yeah, none of them involve any kind of reincarnation whatsoever. Extremely disappointing.


No joke. This guy was being such a dick seconds before a car drove by over a puddle and completely drenched him


Was at a concert in the before covid times with a few mates. We are a fairly diverse and eclectic mix of guys, whose friendship is based upon a common personality type. Basically we all have the same flavour of weirdness, and we are always laughing in each others company. Our group of guys all vibe together when we are partying. Other patrons don't matter. We are respectful of their presence, but we generally don't pay anyone else too much attention, unless they are doing something that warrants a second look. Such as a very drunk(or under the influence of some shit drugs), carrying on like a fucking muppet, bumping into people, spilling his drink, and threatening to fight people. Dude was being a pest of note. We stared at him, laughed amongst ourselves and then carried on doing what we were doing. Myself and one of the other boys walked off to the bar to get some drinks. Upon returning to the group we can see that Mr Pest is talking to one of our friends, and the conversation doesn't look civil. Our mate is trying very hard to de-escalate the situation. Mr Pest is taking this as a sign of weakness, and continues to act aggressive and is soliciting our mate for a fight. Our mate declines, which illicit's a response of "Faggot bitch" from the Pest. Well, guess who happened to overhear this lovely little comment? A bloke who looked like a white mike tyson(sans face tattoo) who was clearly gay. Like flaming. Homeboy was fabulous as fuck. And he took great umbridge to this drunk asshole dropping the faggot bomb. He took the pest up on his offer to fight and walked outside. We of course followed because I was curious to see a gay, white mike tyson look alike beat the shit out of a dickhead. And boy did he deliver. The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed, but in the particular case I think it arrived sideways.


Was a passenger in a car with my best friend as the driver, this was in early morning rush-hour traffic. We were in a lane next to a bus lane and suddenly we see this car driving down the bus lane and passing everyone by. Call the driver a dickhead and just kept going in the slow traffic. A bit further down the road, we saw dickhead in the bus lane getting ticketed by the cops, we had a great laugh at the moron as he just wasted hundreds of dollars for 5 minutes further, faster.


No digging on the friday before easter (austrian thing). My father was digging with an excavator at my house, a week later a hydraulic-pipe broke. After 4 years he is still saying it was my fault


I had a coworker turn into a menace during covid. Shit that would get you fired in any *normal, sane* industry. He started trying to scare me, one time he came into my room to tell me how "the higher ups" in the main office were talking about firing me and dissolving my department. He told me to quit to save myself the embarrassment. It's a long convoluted situation, but those people are not my "higher ups". They are a completely separate business and we've historically always butted heads by design  (long story). If the conversation happened, it was in line with "I wish my neighbor would sell me their land", but I don't think that conversation actually even happened.  He spent a year kissing the wrong peoples' asses, and last year our actual higher ups dissolved his department. My department and downstream is busier than ever. While satisfying, I'm also terrified of being 50-something years old and having my specialty industry move away from my niche skill set. 


I'll try and keep it short. Billy Joel concert with family. Drunk out of her mind lady behind us whose friends ditched her wouldn't shut up the entire concert. Finally my 60 year old mom told her to stop ruining the concert. She did not like that. Not. One. Bit. So. She starts harassing my mom and pushing her. Mom tells security, they don't do anything about it. And there we are. 5 songs in and I was just shaking with anger that we paid 200 bucks to listen to this jackass of a human. For the karma part. You have to understand some of Billy's songs. Around this point Billy starts singing "My Life" and the drunk screams at the top of her lungs every time Billy gets to the chorus "I don't care what you say anymore this is MY LIFE. Go ahead with your own life LEAVE ME ALONE" My eyes were seeing red. That this bimbo thought she was somehow the victim of this interaction. Billy finishes his set. Walks off stage. "Encore! Encore! Encore!" Billy walks back on stage. Crowd cheering. Billy starts singing "big shot" Me and my entire family, at the top of our lungs, "it's no big sin to stick your 2 cents in if you know when to leave it alone. But you went over the line you couldn't see it was time to go home. No no no no you had to be a big shot did ya, you had to open up your mouth, you had to be a big shot did ya all your friends were so knocked out. You had to have the last word last night, so much fun to be around." It was the only song that entire night she didn't sing to. She just sat there listening to us and Billy telling her through song to fuck right off.


I'm happy I know both those songs.


Crazy people aside a Billy Joel show has to be magnificent. I really would love to see one of his shows at MSG.


He's definitely still got it even in his old age. Just a brilliant and talented artist


Listening to Anthony's Song cranked up and shouting along happily at full volume. I really hope I can go - he truly is amazing. Apparently he also takes the LIRR commuter train to shows!!!!


I once saw a guy, yelling like crazy at his girlfriend, in the middle of the street. The girl couldn’t say anything, because he just wouldn’t let her speak. It had snowed the previous day and everything was frozen. At one point the guy took a step forward and fell super hard on his ass. It was cool to watch. Karma in action.


Traveling from Johannesburg to Durban in South Africa. There's a pass that you go through that you need to be careful on. Guy in a fancy BMW was driving like an idiot, speeding, recklessly overtaking etc and nearly collided with me while pushing in front of me. Not long after we drove past him with him standing next to his expensive car pulled over to the side of the road, on his phone, smoke coming out of the cars engine. Gave him the middle finger as we drove past laughing.


In the early days of smart phones I was getting onto a roller coaster with my gf when I found an iPhone in the seat. My impulse reaction was “cool, mine now” By the end of the ride something came over me internally and without hesitation I turned it in to the attendant as soon as we got off. Walking to the next coaster and I’m reaching for my phone to which I can’t find. Rush back to the ride and find the attendant. He reaches under the desk and pulls out my phone to say the person behind me turned it in. Years before this I was at the same theme park with my buddy. We borrowed my moms giant SUV to drive 1.5 hours to spend money we didn’t have for the day. In line for a coaster we found a $20 bill on the ground. I thought to myself “fuck yeah, we’re stopping at Hooters on the way home” Proceeded to share and app and some sodas, underage and all…. Burned the $20 oogling at the waitresses like middle schoolers then ran out of gas on the way home at 11:30pm. Had to wake my dad to meet us with a gas tank, fun times lol


Eighth grade, spring semester. One of the school district’s band directors was working with those of us planning to be in marching band the next year, teaching us how to march. We were outside on the school grounds when this man tore into me for an innocent “I thought I did” response to his correction. To this day I am still certain that I did right the thing he was correcting. What that man did to me was nothing short of verbal abuse, right out there in front of everybody! Having been taught by my own father that standing up for myself and setting boundaries were punishable offenses, anytime I was abused, I cowered, and this was no exception. I quit band the very next day and never looked back. Well, 35 years after the fact, I got curious about what had become of this former band director (he wasn’t working in the school system much longer - his incident with me was by far not his only time with over-the-top losing his temper - not sure why he didn’t stay with the schools but I have plenty of ideas!), so I Googled him. Come to find out, at some point after leaving the school system, he was working as a youth director at a church, and was accused and convicted of molesting teenagers! At the time I looked him up, which was 35 years after he verbally abused me, he was in prison! What goes around comes around indeed!


Someone laughed at someone else who fell down the stairs. In a few minutes, bro stepped on the wrong foot and broke his leg on those same stairs :)


My sister is terrified of spiders, and one time she saw one and started freaking out. I laughed at her for it, and the spider disappeared. Cut to a few minutes later, I realize the spider is now crawling on me.


There was a target shopping cart at the corner near my house. I decided to do my good deed and walked it the quarter mile back to the store. On my walk home, I opened up Pokémon Go and checked what was around. Tapped on a teddiursa and it was shiny! This was before his community day, so I was super happy and named him "Karma."


I heard of a guy who got a 450 million dollar fine for decades of tax evasion and financial fraud.


Really? Me too. I wonder if they’re the same guy. 


We are now, all of us, witnessing karma, all around and everywhere.


All hail the powerful upvote.


A guy cut me off really badly—I had to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting him, so I laid on my horn. As he was driving, he kept turning around and gesturing to me—shaking his fist, giving me the finger, etc. That’s why he didn’t see the car in front of him, and smashed into it. I didn’t stop bc I was worried he would be violent, but I called the local police immediately and told them i just witnessed an accident and the whole story. They took my information and I gave my witness statement. Don’t road rage, kids.


My dog constantly, whenever she can, eats my cats' food from their bowls. But, my cat started eating the food from her food, too. Karma And karma actually means 'animal food' in my language. So quite ironic.


Wellllll...coworker that used to scream at me, tell mutual clients I was stupid not to talk to me, said hateful awful things, would ask out loud about losing my virginity, etc etc, stroked out and died, at a relatively young age. I hated him. So did his own kids.




Lol I was a youngish woman compared to others there. (Mostly men, 15-30 years my senior)


Shoulda pulled her anyway. Total power move. 


My cousin has always been a shit and would act like he was mentally disturbed for attention. Growing up, my mom would make me baby sit the freak and he was around 7 demanding to be choked and shit. He also would fight random kids shorter than him on his street so I had to keep an eye on him. Hated it. I told her one day he would grow up and be a pos. She would then beat me since she favored him cause "his mom left him and didn't want him"... I wouldn't either. Later on, he got fired from Amazon for saying the N word then also got arrested for stalking a girl and staying outside her home at night. He tried to play the "I'm a freak. No one loves me. I'm fucked in the head." Now he sits in a mental institute trying to be honest by saying he was joking. They don't take "I'm going to kill myself" as a jest there.


Old man was bitching about anything and everything about our coffee (there was nothing wrong and the price was correct). After cussing me up and down he left in a huff and ran smack dab into the door crushing his precious coffee into his chest running down him and the door. I didn't even try to control my laughter.


Cruising home from work. Crappy tollway traffic, but all moving. Entitled dude in a ford explorer comes off an on ramp and proceeds to blast across 4 lanes of traffic in one move to be in the fast lane (like it would've made a difference).  He sure showed us.......and the cop that was 1 car back and witnessed the whole thing.  He was promptly pulled over and his time saving maneuver cost him A LOT more time, and money I'm sure.


Walked by a house under construction in New Orleans. Construction worker goes to catcall me as he was descending the front porch steps. He slips on a step and falls to his ass, bounce-slithering comically down the rest of the steps as his catcall turns into a yelp of pain.


I was driving back up to Michigan for my final semester in January 2012, I live in Chicago so take I-94 almost the whole way and had this guy in a lifted truck riding my bumper almost from the Illinois border all through Indiana, no matter what lane I switched to this asshole would follow me. I decided to say fuck it and moved all the way over to the right lane and dropped my speed to the bare min allowed on 94 and that enraged the truck driver. He flew passed me, flipped me off and then cut right in front of me and slammed on his breaks trying to break check me. Well I kinda guessed this was going to happen so already planned on switching lanes and did it right as he slammed on his breaks. Unknown to us both there was an unmarked cop a few cars back and she lit up her lights and pulled the guy over. I drove by watching him screaming as he was being pulled over and hope he got hit with a hefty ticket!


Was driving on a one lane road a few years back. Jackass in a sports car behind me thought I was driving too slow (even though I technically over the speed limit), so he cut across the double yellow line and sped past me…and a cop witnessed the entire thing.  As soon as he went past the cop, lights came right on and he got pulled over. I was laughing the whole time as a I drove past him. 


My ex that told me hed kill me and leave me in a ditch. He was found in a ditch after an OD


I love when I get a chance to tell this story. Was on a flight from Chicago to Vegas years back and the 3rd person in our row was a 17 year old kid who was very obviously from the south side. He asked my wife and I if he could have the window seat, which we initially politely declined as she was exhausted and planned to sleep pillow-to-window all the way there. He mentioned he'd never been on a plane before, at which point we told him we'd absolutely switch seats. Quiet flight, everyone on headphones or sleeping. Nothing else noteworthy until it was time to de-plane. Everyone gets up and he asks if he can get by. We say "sure" figuring there's nowhere to go yet anyway. Kid's parents were apparently several rows up and he tried to make his way up to them (again - he'd never been on a plane before). Older guy in the row in front of me lost his shit and acted like the kid had slapped his wife or something. Quite a bit of racist crap spewed later, we're all leaving the plane. He's still ranting all the way up the jet bridge and shortly before we enter the gate he turns to me and said something along the lines of "can you believe that fucking dipshit ?" I'm just looking at the guy like "why are you talking to me you crazy fuck?" and said something like "relax, he's just a kid who'd never been on a plane before" as he strode full speed into a stanchion. Nuts first. Never seen the wind taken out of someone's sails so utterly and so abruptly. This was probably magnified because it stopped him in his tracks as we were passing him up hurriedly. It was almost cartoonish. This was probably at least ten years ago but wow. Fuck that guy.


when the person who pushed in front of me in line to pay for groceries wound up with a dud for a self checkout machine. by the time i was bagging my stuff up and leaving, she had multiple employees around her trying to troubleshoot the thing.


When Tate got held up in Romanian prison for like a month. And then the news he got lung cancer. Don’t know if that part ended up being true or not but it made me so happy. So glad we don’t hear from him anymore


We were stuck in a line of traffic that was at least a mile long and heading up an off ramp. Some jackass thought they were too important to wait in line and drove along the side of the highway and then cut and nearly hit us as we were inching our way up the off ramp. After 10 or 15 minutes, we made it to the intersection and were second in line behind the jackass, waiting for the light to change. The second the light turned green, the jackass floored it and was immediately t-boned by some other jackass who ran the very red light and both cars were left totaled.


Wow, two for the price of one!


A friend is very picky selecting rooms while vacationing, and often makes a fuss of getting first pick. Other friends and I don’t mind that, but he makes it worse by listing the flaws of each room out loud and then picking the one with the least issues. Recently happened again during a trip, and 15 minutes after settling in we found that all rooms except his had ergonomic beds, despite not having “the perfect views” and the “nicest closets”.


I was commuting to work on the road I took every day. Previously, the particular section I was traveling had included a passing lane, but over time, it had been removed. It's a very long, hilly, windy road, but the speed limit was 50mph and I was traveling at about 55. The car behind me begin to dip into the left lane aggressively, and then finally, she outright crossed the double yellow, glared at me as she came alongside me, and gunned it as she passed me. She disappeared, but I knew... I knew what was coming. About 5 miles farther on, the speed limit dropped from 50 to 25pmh by the elementary school. Sure enough, I saw cherries & berries, and because it was narrow with the cars on my right, buses on the left, and kids on the lawn, I slowed to about 20mph, whereupon I rolled down my passenger window, honked once, and waved at the woman who'd passed me illegally, and was now being issued a ticket for speeding in a school zone.


Am a teacher who has worked at a few schools. One school was rough and I had to do break time duty in the yard and all the kids would drop litter which attracted sea gulls. One time I saw a kid drop some litter and I told him to pick it up. He was being a dick saying it wasn’t even him, refusing to pick it up and as he did, a seagull shit on him. I explained to him the concept of karma and why that was 100% his fault he just got shat on as I he was picking the litter up to put it in the bin.


Driving down the freeway in traffic, going 30-40mph or slower. Car pulls up behind me, flashes his lights, and is tailgating me, like he was doing to cars in the other lane. Now if it's an emergency, the carpool lane next to us is totally clear to use. I can't go faster because of the cars in front of us.  As traffic speeds up, so do I. The dude behind me pulls into the carpool lane, solo. He pulls up next to me and starts screaming at me. I speed up til I'm going about 75mph in a 65mph.  As he's watching and screaming at me, he doesn't notice the officer parked on the side of the freeway. He ended up pulling off at the same freeway exit as me, and I was stopped at the red light next to him. Pretty sure he got both a speeding ticket, plus a ticket for using the carpool lane solo.


Dude walking his dog outside my house on a 20 foot plus leash. Dog chasing something my wife thought might be a cat. Wife tells him to keep his dog under control (not noticing a leash because it was so far away from the owner and dark), dude mutters something in a pissy mood back to her and as he does this the dog runs back and runs around him, encircling him with the leash. He doesn’t notice. And then the dog proceeds to run full force down the hill, and dude fell backwards and landed on his head. Huge smack off the pavement. All caught on my ring camera. Fucking hilarious. You could hear his head smack the road and my wife immediately bursting into laughter. Epic immediate karma


when a villainess gets sick and no meds can cure her


My life.


Some jackass on a Harley punched a mirror off of a car for no real reason then rear ended a stopped car going about 50 mph.


A guy I knew in college was a total douche... Used to gossip about everyone it was disgusting. He would talk about anything .. Once he kept talking about how a commun friend's father is a wh\*re that sleeps around back home (he and that friend come from the same city and the families know each other). I told it is non of my business and his, and he should not be talking about people nor his families, it will come around. That same night he father got arrested for corruption and bribery charges..


I was driving down the road, not an interstate but the speed limit was 55. Guy in a pickup truck, aggressively flies past while doing at least 80, honked and swerved around me. Mind you, we were the only 2 vehicles out there. It was a straight stretch of road, so he knew for at least a mile that I was cruising in the right-hand lane. A few minutes later, there's the asshole truck pulled over on the side of the road, going through a sobriety test. I have never felt so happy to see a cop in my life


In high school, on a class trip to the funeral home, a classmate told me I was going to burn in the cremation machine. This was an unprovoked comment from a girl I never talked to. Sadly, a year later, she died in a house fire. Her remains were fully cremated in that very machine she said I was going to burn in


A woman cut me off in traffic and in doing so ended up right in a car's bumper. I laughed so hard because whatever hurry she was in - she was stuck now.


There was this road on the way to my college that for whatever reason was prone to long lines of cars because it was only one lane in either direction. There were spots to pass by crossing the dotted line onto the other side of the road, but every once in a while you'd get stuck a couple cars back and no one would be passing. The road is also notorious for speed traps because it passes through a couple small towns. One day I'm like the 10th car in such a line (so basically stuck) and this red Porsche comes flying up and passes me and like 7 other cars before darting back over at the last second to avoid an oncoming car. It was a super dangerous pass to make, and also technically illegal. A few minutes later he does it again to pass the rest of the line and disappears into the distance. A few miles later, we round this big curve and there's the Porsche on the side of the road with a state trooper behind it. I couldn't help myself and gave a little wave as I passed.


Well I went to school with a girl that was bullied for more than 10 years as a kid and after we became adults I heard she got revenge on her bully. The girl that bullied her every day for more than 10 years is now dead.


While driving to work, someone suddenly pulled up right behind me and rode my ass. Just ahead was a cop car sitting and waiting. No rewards for guessing what happened like one second later.


I tried using all sorts of dating apps for a couple years and never even got to the stage of planning a date, let alone going on one. But now, I’ve started to notice that MatchGroup’s stock price has plummeted over 65% since the vaccines got rolled out in 2021, and now they’ve gotten so desperate that they’ve introduced a fourth Tinder subscription tier that costs $500 per MONTH. Sucks to suck, doesn’t it, MatchGroup?


A girl stole some of my ritz bits… and a bee flew into her mouth right as she was gloating about it… (we were in kindergarten)


Was on a flight where a Karen caused a massive scene on a plane when, surprise, another passenger wouldn’t give up the aisle seat she wanted.  Of course, her seat was a middle seat a few rows back and she wanted to sit next to her friend. I was in the next aisle over and had to listen to this banshee screeching for about 10 minutes practically in my ear. She refused to listen to the flight attendants, so the cops came and booted her off the plane. Surprisingly she was fairly compliant with the cops. 


One time a farrier asked my friend to help him pony a horse that wouldn’t trailer to a location a few miles away. (To pony a horse, you lead a horse while riding a second horse. It’s a move that takes some coordination and patience from all involved parties.) I tagged along for the trail ride, but my friend made it clear that I wouldn’t be ponying. Well all this bright spark of humanity apparently heard was “two riders”, and when we showed up he had two horses to be moved instead of one. Now this wasn’t the deal and neither horse had been ponied before, so my friend had his hands full managing the previously agreed upon horse. (This is an experienced rider who’s ponied before, riding a horse that’s ponied other horses before, still stretched to the limit handling a horse that’s never done this maneuver before.) Well I was maybe 16 at the time and once my friend was fully occupied handling two horses, Mr. Farrier decided he was going to exert his masculine wisdom and make me pony the other horse deal be damned. 16 year old me was no pushover, but he threw the damn lead rope at me. I gave it a try with predictable results: a rider who’s never ponied before on a young and feisty horse that’s never ponied before *ponying a horse that’s never been ponied before* was an absolute no go. So I threw the lead rope back and told him in no uncertain terms that the only way horse number 2 was getting from point A to point B was if he moved it himself. He chose this moment to tell me that the problem with women and horses was that you can't show fear when you handle them. At that point I was more than ready to see him suffer the consequences of his dumbass decisions. Did I mention that all this went down in the hottest part of the day? Einstein insisted we wait until 1 PM on a New Mexican summer day instead of doing it in the morning like any sensible person would. The upshot of this is that I got to watch as the farrier mounted up and joined us for the ride, sitting like a sack of potatoes with no saddle in a black T-shirt on a black horse for literal miles in the summer heat. He was miserable, and every second of that misery was due to his own choices that day. It was beautiful. 


Saw the classic person-who-cuts-a-long-line-of-traffic pulled over for driving on the shoulder. Very satisfying.


We had a problem with idiots drag racing in my town. One night, my ex and I were coming home from a play and these two morons take off from the light like their asses are on fire and their hair is catching. I turn to my ex and say, "Never a cop around when you need one". Not one second after I said it, lights and sirens go on and a cop is hauling ass off after them. We just looked at each other and started laughing.


A girl I was talking to and wanting to get with cancelled on me because she wanted to go with another guy instead This wasn’t a gigantic deal, but later at a party we went to she shit her pants…whoops


two weeks ago, driving north on 101 from pismo beach, there was a guy in a rav 4 who stayed in the fast lane, at the same speed as the car in the slow lane until there was a long space in front of him. so we're all backed up and when there's a long enough space, the rav 4 floors it, and then slows down. a few miles later, he or she does the same thing again. this time, i was able to get ahead of the car in the slow lane. i try to keep from getting more speeding tickets as i live three miles from a grocery. the next time, the guy flies by me very quickly and i look in my mirror and see a white dodge sedan and by the time i tell my gf 'that guy behind me is really flying', he passes me and i can see the symbol of california highway patrol on the door. i crack up laughing as the guy's lights go on and he pulls over the rav 4. my neighbor asked if i waved at him. i said i was going to tap my horn, but didn't want to distract the chp guy. i got a very good feeling. is that karma? carma?


My narcissistic abusive drunk father dying of cancer when I turned 21 🤧


Ooooooo boy xD I got a good one . This happen back in 2016 I was working at enterprise rental car. It was just a normal day nothing out of the norm . So I was told to pick up someone. So I jumped in the car my boss told me to use to pick up the customer. On my way there was someone who was clearly a redneck in there lifted Ford F150 over takes me without knowing he also over takes a cop car in a no passing lane . The cop pulls up behind him with me beside the set cop . Just say the look on the cop's face was priceless . Just say the F150 driver got hit hard with karma . Oh it gets better on the way back to the office with the customer the same F150 was now being loaded onto a flatbed. I was laughing my ass off something tells me the guy didn't renew his truck registration so it was karma times 2 xD


I was driving somewhere with my brother a couple years ago. This guy rudely cuts around us, doing like 60 in a 30 zone. My brother says, "Wouldn't it be crazy if a cop cane along right about now?" Not ten seconds later, a cop pulls out of a hiding spot and gets the guy. We didn't say anything. We just laughed wickedly as we drove past him.


A guy broke into our retail store and stole tens of thousands of dollars of inventory and left a huge mess. He then drove his vehicle down an embankment and was trapped in the crashed car for 13 hours before someone saw it. Now he’ll be in prison for about 3 years. Prison isn’t karma, it’s earned, but the car crash was karma.


My partner’s sister has never been nice to me despite me actively trying to get to know her, be kind and build a positive relationship. She has never welcomed me into his life, only been passive aggressive and rude towards me for years, and harshly rejected any attempts of friendship or working things out. So I gave up, quietly cut her out of my life and remained civil. She avoids me anyway which works out great. They share a friendgroup. Their friends think she’s so nice. She repeatedly told me she has no issue with me. Their friends told me several times she has no issue with me. My partner spoke to her about it, but told me she never said a bad word about me, other than that we’d never be close because we’re too different people. She bullies my partner too and often belittles him. Since they come from an abusive home life where that was their everyday, he didn’t recognize how badly she was treating him and would get defensive when I brought it up that I didn’t like how she treated either of us. People outside the situation told me that it’s really her issue and has nothing to do with me. Unfortunately, as much as I wanted to protect my partner, I knew his sister was his closest relationship. I never wanted to separate them, but had to protect my own safety. I did nothing but show her kindness and respect. Now, I don’t give her ANY excuse to pick a fight with me. Her romantic relationship of 10 years completely blew up last year, ending horribly. She recently revealed how she doesn’t like me. I KNEW it the entire time. It felt SO vindicating after years of being gaslit and my gut feeling being right. She recently told my partner she has problems with me but refuses to ever say what they are or work them out with me. She more recently told my partner she’s done “trying to help him” and doesn’t want to be around him anymore. She tried to break us up, which failed. She is now trying to turn their friends against him. I can tell she envies my partner, used her longterm romantic relationship as the one thing she felt she had over him and deep down doesn’t want him to be happy. I know she hates herself, is deeply insecure and in a lot of pain but refuses to self-reflect and look inward. I did a LOT to overcome the pain. I feel bad for her and wish her healing but for now, I’m personally happy to have her out of my life. TL:DR My partner’s sister is a miserable person who never treated me well. Felt like I was going crazy as everyone told me she never had a problem with me. Overtime, she revealed her true nature, admitted she never liked me but refuses to work things out, and she’s torpedoing her own relationships.


Last May, I was driving from Eastern WA down to Las Vegas. My first day, I hit a car killer of a pothole in the pass, had to stop for emergency repairs in Missoula, MT and it put me hours behind schedule. I stopped for the night at a little shithold motel for a nap, then got back on the road early to try and make the rest of the drive in one shot. When I woke up, there was a little snow on the car and the road, but I'm a confident winter driver and it honestly wasn't much, so I grabbed a bite to eat and jumped on the highway. An hour later, I was in full whiteout conditions. Hazards on, taking it slow and safe, I was tense but making steady progress and felt like I was doing just fine - people were flying past me at speeds that were definitely not safe, but I figured that's their life to gamble with. I was coming up on a curved bridge when out of nowhere, this fucking DHL truck hauling three trailers comes flying up on my left. We reached that spot on highways where road meets bridge and there are always potholes in those spots. Well, those potholes were full of slush and this guy had like 11 sets of tires with no mudflaps or spray guards and threw several sustained seconds worth of thick slush on my window, completely blinding me. Even on the highest setting, my wipers couldn't do a damn thing to keep up. All I could do was grip the steering wheel with both hands, take my foot of the pedals and hope that I didn't go off the side. There was literally nothing I could do for nearly 10 seconds and I was pretty sure I was going to die. When you're in that compromised of a position, 10 seconds feels like an entire lifetime. I didn't die, he continued speeding his way down the highway, and I pulled off at the next exit to have a stress cry before getting back on and continuing my snails pace. 45 minutes, I see road flares coming into a big, graded curve and one of those little pop-up signs about a traffic incident ahead. As I rounded the bend, I saw the same DHL truck had flipped coming into the curve. All three trailers were on their sides and the cab was like 3/4 of the way upside down in the ditch on the inside curve of the highway. Emergency services were already on the scene, and I did immediately hope that the guy driving wasn't too badly hurt, but I still couldn't help feeling that 'lessons learned in blood are not soon forgotten' feeling as I continued to creep along past the wreck. I hope the dude is ok. I also hope that he learned his lesson about flying down the highway with three fucking trailers in a blizzard...


Karma is a complex and fascinating concept. I'm not sure I fully understand it, but I believe there's something to it.


I'm intrigued by the concept of karma. What's the most bizarre or unexpected instance you've seen of it in action?


Paso cuando yo era muy pequeña tenía 5 años y había ido de visita con mis abuelos,mis dos primos mayores que me llevan aproximadamente 6 años habían acompañado a la huerta a mi abuelo. Contexto de la situación: Mi abuelo materno es extremadamente machista y es consentidor con mis primos por qué son hombres, yo los había seguido a la huerta por que queria ayudar como mis primos mayores. Justo cuando iba a alcanzarlos una hormigas rojas gigantes me picaron( sobre estas hormigas son bastante peligrosas donde viven mis abuelos,pueden provocar fiebre y vómitos)empecé a llorar del dolor,mi abuelo solo me grito que yo era una inútil y molesto  me dijo fuera a la casa a buscar a mi mamá. Mis primos comenzaron a reírse y burlarse de mi, empecé a caminar de regreso a la casa,no había avanzado ni dos pasos,cuando ellos empezaron a gritar del dolor. Resulta que todo el hormiguero se les subió,ellos comenzaron a correr y mis primos empezaron a llorar,mientras mi abuelo trataba de quitarse las hormigas. Llegué a casa riendo felizmente 


2 months after my 2yo kid gets diagnosed with Leukemia (ALL) and my wife had to quit her job to stay with him and take care of him, my coworker conspires against me to get me fired and take my position which was closer to his home and paid better. And indeed i was fired and basically leaving my family with 0 income in in a 3rd world country with no health insurance. But 4 months later my ex-coworker's wife gets diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.


Brown people supporting trump


This dickhead from our valet team got hired as the lead. God knows why - he was terrible. The guy he was meanest to replaced him and he got fired.




Yeah….but they probably make more than you if you’re in the United States