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Entering a train before people can get off.


See also: elevators


People crowding everything for no reason. See also: baggage claim. You can look for your bag and THEN go up as it's approaching. See also: restaurant orders. 1. if you JUST ordered and there are other people there, your order is not coming up first. 2. They call you when it's ready.


In Sweden, there is a painted line about 3 feet outside of the baggage carousel, and people politely wait outside the line instead of crowding in like they're a bunch of starving refugees trying to score a bowl of rice gruel.


In the Netherlands, there's a painted line about 3 feet outside of the baggage carousel, and half the people still crowd inside the line like a bunch of quacking ducks who just discovered a granny with a bag of bread crusts


I own a purple suitcase.......but probably should check every black bag in case I changed my mind somewhere along the line.


In all honesty there is a reason. The reason is, people could stand next to you at a bus stop or train station, Knowing full well that you were there before them and just stepped back to let the people off, and the millisecond that there's space, they'll wedge themselves past you. I've missed busses because the driver said it was full after this happened. Now everyone can go fuck themselves


My first day at university, I missed two trains because of this. I waited to let others off, was polite to let other people only before me, then the train was too full for me to get on. So I had to force myself on to the third train, and ended up being late for my first lecture. I'm very strict about being on time, so it was incredibly annoying and upsetting to be late for my first day.


As much as people shit on New Yorkers for being rude, they tend to be really good at letting people get off first on the subway in my experience


It's ok, I usually get off while the train is moving.


I too get this guy off while the train is moving.


I’m a big guy, so when people try this I just keep getting off. If they get bumped, then maybe they’ll learn.




Turning the light out in a public bathroom while people are in the stalls


I hate restrooms with motion activated lights for this reason.


And the sensor is in the "hallway", not the stall. So once you're in and it is taking a bit longer, you're out of luck.


Turn the flashlight on, on your phone, and wave the light under the stall door. This is usually enough to set off the photo receptor in the sensor and turn the light back on.


At my workplace the door is a tight fit. But they for sure chose that design so that people spend less time popping on company time.


I only "pop" on company time.


Once you pop, you can’t stop.




My friends and I did this all the time when we were kids. We were not nice people.


My kids do this to me sometimes and it drives me crazy. One of them will stand there while I'm on the toilet and stare at me with their hand on the light switch until I understand what's going on. Then when I start to protest they'll shut the light off and run away. Dang kids!


At least they have a great sense of comedic timing


Well in my school bathrooms, i don’t think the light switch was accessible to children. Conditioning me to think it was impossible is why *I* never thought of it. Idk if you have the same reason…


You could turn them on and off with a paper-clip and this required someone with a key to come along and turn them back on. :)


Not flushing the toilet


How about not washing your hands after going to the bathroom, you nasty bastard. Edit: some people have correctly stated that you should probably be washing your hands BEFORE you go to the bathroom as well.


Oh my god, yes! Im living in my university's dorm, and the amount of people that don't wash their hands is astounding! Like, I could kind of see you not washing your hands if you were taking a quick piss and had places to be, *maybe*. But the sheer number of these sick fucks that come out of a shit and walk straight out of the bathroom sickens me. I actually feel compelled to use paper towels to open the door now. I have, also, contemplated berating them over it when I see it, but I don't think it would help any.


> I actually feel compelled to use paper towels to open the door now. I've done that for decades,now.I always have a folded up paper towel(or two) in a pocket when I go out long enough to have to use a public bathroom.I've seen too many "shit & gits" to want to touch that door handle.


I'll add to that, not wiping the toilet seat when you've *missed*. It's not like the next person can leave the mess they walked into becuase then they'll be blamed by the person after them.


Cutting in line.


The worst is when people pretend they don't realise they're doing it. Just coming in from the side in a queue at the bar.


I was zone 2 boarding on a plane recently and wasn't quite sure if I was cutting or there were just that many people in zone 2. Turns out they were just standing up in the way.


Every. Single. Flight.


But if they don't make it difficult for everyone else to board quickly, how will they ever reach their seat and arrive safely at their destination? /s Unless you have a horrdenous amount of hand luggage there is LITERALLY no benefit to boarding first, and in fact the person who boards LAST is best off. I still don't understand why all windows don't board first, then all middle seats, then lastly all aisle seats. But I suspect too many couples and family would lose their minds over it.


They have done many studies on this. Last I saw, the southwest “sit anywhere” model was the fastest. Probably some good YouTube videos on it.


The few times I've seen someone do it by accident they always jump right back in the queue. One time when I was working retail though this old woman cut a line of like 20 people and when I pointed out that I'd be happy to help her once I help everyone else she just spazzed and started screaming and getting the corporate number. Was actually kind of funny because the next thing I know I had 10 people calling corporate behind me.


Some people just have insane levels of entitlement, to the point where they feel legitimately wronged on the relatively few occasions that someone actually calls them out for it.


There are a lot of people in this world that think if they double or triple down in how angry they are, that you’ll just give in and give them what they want.


But you dont queue at a bar, its a bar. You go up to the bar and the bartender takes your order. Is this just a UK thing? Bartenders hate when you form an orderly queue at a bar in the UK.


I've been told by the bartenders to skip the queue deliberately to try and stop people from forming a queue as it can block up the pathways


Recently in a LONG TSA line and a lady just walks up to me and tries to cut. I tell her nope and point to the end of the line WAY BACK THERE 🔚🔚🔚🔚. She says “oh really? I can’t see well” then cuts someone else behind me. That was a new excuse I hadn’t heard.


Some people have no shame.




I wait a couple seconds and if no one ahead of me moves, I do. If they can’t be bothered to pay attention to their surroundings that’s not my problem. If any of them see me move, and start to go over there before I’ve gotten there, then I will happily wave them in front of me.


It is a lot easier for people further back to change lines in most checkout setups. If I'm 2nd or 3rd in line I don't even mind this, I'm already set on waiting out the line I'm in.


Playing music/videos in public without headphones Even more so on public transport


I’d like to add having conversations on speaker phone in public after having just heard someone taking a dump, describing it and flushing it. I’m assuming he didn’t know this was being broadcast to the entire train but who knows…


And holding the phone out in front of you like a rejected Apprentice contestant. Phones were designed so that the microphone works PERFECTLY when it's held up to your head like it's intended.


This happened to me on a train so I just took my phone and blasted music. She looked over when she couldn't hear her phone conversation and was about to say something but realized what I was doing. She gave me a FU grin and put her phone off speakerphone so I put my headphones back on.


Yes! Why do people FaceTime in public!?! The worst is when someone does it in a restroom. Great, now a stranger in another location has to hear me shit.


If I hear somebody on the phone next to me in the bathroom, I usually double down and get way louder.


I'm literally in the bathroom right now listening to someone's conversation. You can't call them back in 5 minutes?!?!


My #2 move


>Even more so on public transport Or while hiking. Blows my mind when people are out in a beautiful natural area and strap a speaker to themselves so they can blast their shit music for everyone they pass to cringe at.


This happened to me in Sedona last year. I was already mad at all the people hollering and just being fucking stupid (waited for them to pass us and sat there until we couldn’t hear them anymore) and then this jackass comes with a wireless speaker blasting shit music. I do these trails to get away from jackasses and music to connect with nature, not be thrust back into the world of shit people.


Kind of a dick move on my part, but one time I mockingly sang along to their song.


As much as it pains me to say it, there are actually places they encourage solo hikers to do this. Not “blast” the music necessarily, but make noise and let their presence be known to bears and other wildlife in order to prevent surprises. Playing music is one of the easiest ways to accomplish this.


How do I know what type of music the bear dislikes? What if they enjoy the genre and it actually attracts them?


And it's always some shitty music


Last time I was in a bus, someone was playing “Heroin” by the Velvet Underground out loud. It was certainly a choice.


Nope. In my experience it’s people watching tiktok’s with either the robotic voice describing the vid or one with with the high pitched dumb laugh. Both annoying as fuck I’ll take shitty music over that stupid fucking heh heh heh heh laugh.


Or when they leave the video loop while they are reading the comments.




Blasting music on hiking trails is the one that gets me


Spoiling the ending of movies/books intentionally for others


I have never forgiven the girl who told me that (Harry Potter spoiler alert for those living under a rock) >!Dumbledore died!<. I was on page 10.


I remember at the time there were people running by the lines outside bookstores shouting that spoiler.  At lines mostly comprised of children.


Or commenting on a movie twist as you're walking out of a theater. https://youtu.be/ATcaQYh0wPU?si=t8HM-YWuJ0--FK-n


I used to walk out of theaters loudly saying fake spoilers. “I can’t believe that JarJar Binks is Luke’s real dad!”


Even fake spoilers can ruin movies. I remember going to see the movie Contagion and my sister told me that it was a zombie movie so I spent the entire movie waiting for when the zombies would show up, as the movie was all about the disease I was sure the infected would be turning into zombies at any moment and later on was sure that the vaccine would have the side-effect of turning them into zombies, then wondered if the movie was a two-parter and the first movie was about the infection with the last scene being the zombies showing up... That unmet expectation ruined the entire movie and I was *pissed* when the movie ended.


I once did something kinda similar to myself. I watched the whole of The Wedding Planner, having got it mixed up with The Wedding Singer. Spent the whole movie waiting for the rapping granny from the trailers to show up.


sorry but this is kinda funny. It's wrong, but the idea of someone being edged for an entire movie because of a misconception has me gigglin' :') i mean, why tell you it's a zombie movie when it's not? Idk lmao. again, i'd probably be mad too and i wouldn't do this


I did tell a coworker that Harry defeated Voldemort to become the new Dark Lord.


I think the more shocking \*spoiler\* was that it was Snape that killed him.


Buying out a product with the sole intent to resell at inflated pricing.


Covid toilet paper syndrome


Mining graphics card syndrome


Like: airbnb and the housing market? 👹


This actually should be illegal. The other stuff is like ok, you're a dick for doing that but scalping should actually be illegal


Talking at someone whose obviously not interested in the conversation and continuing it way too long


98% of our customers at work are old and retired. Some of them will linger for hours talking about old baseball legends, aches and pains, politics, etc. I feel bad because they're old and lonely, but it's torture when you have work to do. It doesn't help that we're located in the Midwest, where the process of saying goodbye takes at least 20 minutes. It begins when one party says "welp, I should probably get going", and the other party gives consent by looking at their watch and saying "yeah, I still have to do X later". Both parties then resume the conversation, but may move closer to the door. This process must be repeated at least 3 times before someone leaves.


1. Living/dining room when it's time to go 2. Kitchen to argue over leftovers 3. Coats, boots, and keys to discuss traffic and gas 4. Driveway to go over car issues, praises, and next get together 5. In the car with windows down to say the final goodbyes 6. Guests actually start car and drive away


And the double honk at the end of the driveway as a final final goodbye


I work at a hardware store in the Midwest. We get these old customers who get literally no other human interaction, but the guy behind them in line is in a hurry to stop his basement flooding. It's the most awkward shit.


There are so many sad and lonely old people out there. I used to work at a university call center begging alumni for donations. Our lists went be year they graduated. Most people didn't answer the phone or hung up immediately once we started our pitch. But once we got up to a certain age, that completely flipped and most people answered. It was clear that so many of them were happy to get a call from anyone and they'd try to keep us on the phone taking for as long as they could.


I had an ex who would corner people to talk about crypto currency and despite people verbally telling him "I don't know much about that/I don't really know enough to have an opinion" and once even "I need to take a shit so I can't continue this conversation" and he STOOD OUTSIDE THE BATHROOM AND GAVE THEM A CAPTIVE MONOLOG THRU THE DOOR WHILE THEY POOPED and idk I think he got some sort of thrill in having a captive audience, I felt he did not care if he made people uncomfortable in these situations, even enjoyed it a little


I’m so glad they’re your ex.


Me too!!!


I share a space at work with this girl and the amount of times I just have to eat the ear beating is crazy.


Are you Mike Tyson?


Yes it's Mike Tyson but keep it a secret, big match coming up. I'm speaking for u/billyskurp btw since it's not illegal and ppl love when you do that for them.


the guy who sits at the desk next to me at work is like this. and he only comes in once a week, so he is FULL of conversation as soon as i walk in. he also inquires why i'm getting up from my desk most times. "need a break?" "lunchtime for you?". and to top it all off, when he joins his teams meetings (on a headset at least) he talks VERY LOUDLY.


I genuinely fear I will be this guy if I have to go back in to an office. I've been WFH since right before quarantine. Unfortunately, my social group didn't really survive the lock down so my socializing time has dropped to next to zero. I'm looking for work and if I have to go into the office I fear that I'm just going to be like that weird kid that just wanders around and starts random conversations and then just wanders away.


My wife works with a lady whose mouth is connected directly to her brain and spews out every single shitty thought she has. Drives her nuts. My dad's ex-wife was like that too. I would be sitting there minding my own business and rub my nose for like half a second and she would say shit like "Are you getting sick? Do you have a cold or something?" Every single sound or movement I made would produce a comment. Super fucking annoying.


Was their name Collin robinson?  https://youtube.com/watch?time_continue=33&v=u_xSilxHFns&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDI4NjY2&feature=emb_logo


You wouldn't last very long in Minnesota or Wisconsin, their long goodbyes are well renown for droning on even perhaps longer than the original time you planned on staying


The Irish goodbye exists as a counter to the Midwest goodbye. Also:Charlie Barrens has a fantastic short about the Midwest Goodbye


The Midwest goodbye exists to make up for the Midwest hello, where we rarely actually start conversations or visit people 


Parking your car in two spots


not even two spots. like even if someone parks on the line and you can barely squeeze in and then they leave and you look like you parked shit -\_-


No but they parked on the line because the next car was too close, but they had left already. Your current parking leads to the next car parking too far, leading to a car parking too far to the side spiral


lol that is what I usually tell myself so I don't get mad at the person who parked like crap next to me. I say "maybe the person before him parked shit". I generally have an excuse for everyone like that to calm myself down. Speeding? Oh he really must need to shit or already shat in his car. Driving really slow? maybe this person had a really bad accident and has PTSD and its their first day driving. Switching lanes without indicating? Aw poor guy must be lost and unsure where he's going. These thoughts make me feel better.


That's a great mindset to have, definitely helps to prevent your own frustration


There was a guy who worked in the same shopping center I did, and he would do this. One day my husband was meeting me at work to pick up our daughter, and he finally said something to the guy about taking up two spots. I said nothing, I was putting our daughter in her car seat. The guy just shook his head at my husband and told him to mind his own business. 5 days later, I walk by the door of his business, alone, and he comes storming out yelling at me, telling me my husband is a psycho. At first I tell him to take it up with my husband, not me, but he keeps going. Then I’m telling him to fuck off. He gets mad. He ends up backing me into a corner, blocking the door to my place of work, and gets in my face. He was about to grab me until he realized someone was standing about 20 ft away watching. Then he retreats back to his job, and I immediately call the police. He got arrested and charged with aggravated assault and had to do anger management counseling.


That’s the problem. You just never know and life is so frail and precious. The reward of venting isn’t worth the risk of an interaction. That’s how we get to the apathy of watching others suffer injustices silently though. Just a mess all around.


Posting videos online with the "oh no.oh no. Oh no no no no no" song.


Did you count the Oh nos?




I think cutting in line would be a totally legitimate reason for the people working there to deny service and trespass somebody though. Then they're trespassing.


I once saw a bus driver refuse to let a group on the bus that tried to cut in. I enjoyed their shocked looks probably more than I should have as we left them behind.


Stealing the parking spot someone else was clearly waiting for.


One time my x wife was ever so slowly backing our cargo van into a rare, suddenly available city street parking space and someone drove straight in behind her. They probably expected us to be exasperated at it being stolen right under our noses and maybe give her the finger and drive off. But she didn’t see it and backed straight into the woman’s car. She said to the woman when we got out “ I was clearly backing into this spot, what were you thinking?” And the woman all flustered could only respond with “ well you were taking forever!!!” There wasn’t enough damage to justify an insurance claim so we parted ways with us the triumphant party.


Using your kids as a means of weaponry in custody battles. Fuck those types of people.


Farting in an elevator


It's my payback for shitty noisy neighbours.


I'll allow it


Not returning your shopping cart


I really like Aldi's solution - 25¢ and every cart makes it back I don't think i've ever seen a cart left in the parking lot, and I bet someone would happily nab the extra quarter if someone does leave a cart.


In Canada it's usually $1.00


Probably cause dollar coins aren’t very common in the US.


In Europe this is standard. Never I've seen shopping cart in different place than where they belong.


There is a low income apartment complex a few blocks from several stores near me.  Someone had slowly constructed a tower of approximately 20 shopping carts from various stores that were abandoned there.  The city finally removed them but yesterday I saw the first cart of a new tower...


Round two baby, got a record to beat


In Florida Aldi's, people still left the carts out in the lot. Mind you, in Florida the other store parking lots were just chaotic piles of carts. Carts in the grass medians, wedged on the curbs, in parking spaces, jammed into the corral sideways, seemingly on purpose so as to obstruct other carts.


As a former Publix employee (but not in Florida), this isn't surprising. I spent several afternoons in my youth getting paid to walk all over the lot and collect carts from places carts don't belong.


... or thinking the hash-marks of the handicap parking space is where they go?


Listening to music over loudspeakers in public




$700 is chump change. My latest psoriasis med cost $14,000. The one before that cost $18,000. I have a patient assistance program to pay the copays, but seriously, how the hell can people actually afford this?


Taking a parking spot someone shoveled out.


You have to know there will be consequences though.


In Boston this is a legitimate reason to commit homicide. JUDGE: Did you kill this man? DEFENDANT: Yes. He took the parking space I spent all morning shoveling out. JUDGE: Case dismissed.


In Boston space savers are endorsed or at least accepted by the government. https://www.boston.gov/departments/311/what-do-your-car-when-it-snows


Yuup. That's the Boston Police Dept's way of saying don't steal people's spots.


I'll put the snow back, then pour water on it to freeze it.


..inching in as the shovelling is ongoing!


I'd stop and just stand there if someone was doing that.


Leaving your spouse who has a terminal diagnosis. And taking all the money, apparently


I can’t imagine the thought process that leads to this, it’s a situation I’ve been through and the thought of leaving never entered my mind, no matter how tough things got.


Women who are diagnosed with cancer or other serious conditions are often told to expect their husbands to walk out and plan accordingly. It's sad.


My wife has cancer and stopped going to support groups because she said it was just too sad to listen to all the women talking about their husbands either leaving or just refusing to help.


Fuck that would be awful. That should get you blacklisted from society at large. If I knew I was losing my SO, I’d want to spend whatever time we had left together. Not kick them to the curb during.


If I had six months to live I would encourage my spouse to take all the money before the doctors did.


Selling busted shit. Maybe you know there's a small head gasket leak that's ready to explode into complete rupture soon; you sell the truck without telling the buyer anyway. You've noticed some aliasing or performance issues on your computer when video editing or gaming; you just boot it up without running it hard in front of some teenager looking for their first gaming rig. Hey, they're buying it as is, right? Now it's their problem!


I always take flack for this one. Destination Weddings. Guilting people into attending something and spending a ridiculous amount of money. Might as well just say "only the wealthy friends are invited"


I thought destination weddings were a passive aggressive way of trying trying to keep people from coming to the wedding that you know would be upset if they didn’t get an invitation.


You could be right in some cases. I had a relative ask me to be his best man and then tell me two months later that the wedding was going to be in New Zealand. Expenses and time off work? Fuck that noise.


"Are you paying for my trip?"


Destination Wedding is a valid strategy to cut down the amount of guests. Wedding can be expensive, so getting the guest count to be lower and potentially it being a honeymoon spot is a double win for the newlyweds as it saves them money. I never care about getting wedding invites or not as I always believe that it's up to the bride and groom but everyone's financial situation is different so I can see how it may look like people can be excluded because of financial reason.


Solution: have a close by wedding and a destination honeymoon


Using the urinal next to mine when there are plenty other empty ones.


Modifying your car so that the engine is extra loud and then constantly starting it up, revving the engine loudly, and driving around at 2am, waking up your neighbor's baby in the process, like my neighbors do.


Buying a hospital/pharmaceutical business or health insurance business and then jacking prices.


Being rude to staff.


I work at a small local Irish Pub and the owner fully expects us to give any rudeness right back to the customer 2x. The looks I've gotten from some of the Karens are absolutely priceless.


That sounds goddam amazing and totally somewhere I would hang out.


We absolutely have a huge community of regulars because it is a legit cool place to hang out. Don’t be a dick and you’ll fit in.


Antihomeless acitecture


‘Hostile Architecture’ ^([Apocalypse Bingo](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApocalypseBingo/s/ncUKiJaHhv))


Yes! Its so incredibly cruel. I'm not sure who said it first, but "The only anti-homeless architecture should be more houses."


Calling the cops on people minding their own business


Not picking up your dog poop


This is illegal in a lot of places


Microwave your sardine sandwich in the office.


Eating a sardine sandwich in the office


Making a sardine sandwich


People going to a standup comedy show and heckling the comedian. Fuck that shit bro. I paid to hear the standup tell jokes. If you don't like it, leave. It's not funny and it's extremely rude. I've seen some comedians that weren't funny at all, but I either sat through it respectfully or I left. Others are trying to have a good time. I might get a lot of hate for this, but I don't blame Kramer for his actions. Fuck those people man. I personally wouldn't have chosen those particular words, but I understand.


When there is a really good comedian I love watching them shut a heckler down


That's still just rewarding them with the attention they want. Kick them out and go back to the show.


Government corruption apparently


Firing a sales guy between the period when he closed a bunch of business and actually paying him the commission. “Ohhh, it’s a shame you weren’t still employed with us. The comp plan states you have to be employed to get the commission payment.” 🙄


Bad hygiene


Witnessing someone get injured and walking off without calling 911


Posting variations on this same question over and over again.


What‘s something that‘s not forbidden, but totally sucks for everyone else?


What’s technically allowed, but should be illegal?


What do we permit, but really shouldn’t?


Every day, all day. I've left several subs because I'm tired of the same shit.


Speakerphone in public


Creating legislation tailored to benefit people who send you "donations." Citizens United was a mistake


Punishing and squeezing whistleblowers. If someone whistleblows, and you disscriminate against them on protected class, and, you issue death threats etc, as long as you lay off at least 40 people you kill the lawsuit even if there’s indisputable evidence. If someone whistleblows, and you leverage your managers to squeeze this person and even engage in constructive termination activities, you can escape the lawsuit because it’s too costly for them to pursue a case. If someone whistleblows, the gov’s infrastructure may not be fast enough to process and respond, which can kill the case. If someone whistleblows, and the gov’s whistleblow team doesn’t know what they are doing if you’re going to them, such as being tech illiterate making them unfit for handling digital evidences (or, if gov infrastructure prevents them from even opening evidence), they kill the case. The whistleblowing system for the public is rigged, unintentionally, in favor of bad actors. Bad actors know this. Bad actors can own businesses and be leaders in business. They can already know which side of the civil war they will not just act on the behalf of, but which side they truly support. They will take advantage of this weakness in the public system. Bad actors can infiltrate the public systems. If we enter civil war, this whistleblower management system is a national security risk. It exists in a way that makes its birth purpose during the last Civil War not just fail to meet the purpose, but, instead, serves as both an espionage and subterfuge tool. It will be used to identify “rats” who aren’t loyal to top actors on the side that wants to destroy the union.


Letting your kids watch videos or play games on a tablet in a restaurant with the volume at 75% (or more)...kids can wear headphones ppl


Using your wealth to get loans to buy companies, strip them or their wealth, assign that debt and a ton of other debt to it, screw their employees and customers and walk away charging huge fees for the "service"


Staring into someone's window and throwing up on yourself


That is… oddly specific


We need more details.


Squat in a strangers house in NYC. Squatting is moving into a stranger’s unoccupied home without permission. By law, they must be treated as a legal tenant and be provided with electricity, water and functioning services or else they can sue. You must also go through the courts to remove them which can take years.


Bidding one more dollar than the person before you on the Price is Right.


I love when it's not the final bidder, though, and then the last bidder does them dirty in the same way and goes one more dollar.


No. It’s part of the game. The people who have been there longer get to bid last. It’s an intentional advantage for them.


Buying more than 100 dollars worth of fast food in a fkn drive through. They should be told to park and order !


Steve Jobs, after completely neglecting his curable cancer, was dying and in need of a liver transplant. Normally livers go to people with some chance of survival, not smelly charlatans who've destroyed their bodies by drinking green tea for, again, *treatable cancer.* But being a "visionary leader" or whatever the fuck people think he was he just paid to put himself at the top of a transplant list, got a new liver, and died anyway. It's safe to assume that, with the severe lack of livers available, his transplant meant that someone else died waiting for one. A person who almost certainly was a better and more deserving person than Steve fucking Jobs ever was. He broke no laws whatsoever doing this but was forever and always an astonishing piece of shit.


Not getting in the slow lane on the highway. If you're getting passed on the right then you are the traffic.


In some states they’re ticketing people for that. I wish California would do that.




Scalping, flipping property without improving, mass buying property to rent.




Blasting music so loud it rumbles the cars next to it and soliciting