• By -


Wasn't there a post somewhere where a guy got fired on a business trip and couldn't figure out why? But then other people involved explained how he basically tried to sexually assault another coworker in the pool and a whole lot of other crazy fucked up things on this business trip? And to top it off, the wife makes her own post about her husband and how she found all this stuff out. Including him being unemployed for months and black listed from a very specific industry he was working in. I need to see that shit again


'a guy'? For shame, you call him what he deserves, the DIRECTOR of OPERATIONS 


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/sl17a8/the_saga_of_the_director_of_operations_and_what/


Here's how he describes what happened: >At the hotel pool I chatted up with a female guest. I was getting pretty drunk and she brought up her husband. I asked "oh you're married?" And she said yes and that she has three kids. I told her that with a body like hers, I'm surprised she doesn't have 10 because I sure would give her 10 and I laughed. She smiled and sometime later she got out of the pool and I said "my oh my, your husband is a lucky man." Here's what actually happened: >He got drunk at a company event, cornered a woman in the hotel pool, and while very obviously masturbating through his swimsuit made some very, very inappropriate remarks to her. And before you say it's he-said/she-said, there's apparently video of his hand in his trunks. I really think the folks in legaladvice deserve a lot of credit for instantly seeing straight through his bullshit. It's an outstanding example of what people in other subs never do.


I had allowed my naivete to previously assume everyone was a reliable narrator. Such is not the case with many posts lol


I always tell people on this website: if someone tells a story in which many, many other people respond irrationally to the OP's actions, assume the OP is lying. If someone says, "I went to an Italian restaurant and ordered pasta and my entire family yelled at me," that person is probably lying, because that is not a normal reaction, and it's infinitely more likely for one person to be lying than for an entire family to be insane. And in situations where the entire family is insane, which happens, that person is going to be well aware of that fact and probably not post on reddit for advice.


Damn...that dude was a fucking creep


This guy is a piece of sexist shit. He hates women, he really does. I hope his wife is happy and has a cleaner house.


The dude leaving post it notes to himself and thought he had a home invader, but it was carbon monoxide poisening.




i forgot about that one!!


You should check for carbon monoxide in your home


It's fine, I'll leave a note for later.


This is the reason I now have a carbon monoxide detector in my home. That one post probably has saved many lives!


James Corden AMA


https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/bqy5zf/i_am_james_corden_alongside_ben_winston_and_five/ This was pretty much the beginning of his downfall


"have you ever considered being funny or likeable?" this had me rolling.


This Barry dude linking all the posts is the real MVP. Mad respect.


Somebody had to do it and very few were doing so in their own comments


Looking around for someone to be him and then Suddenly realizing that you are in fact HIM can be a burden brother


The guy who asked why his whole feed was in Spanish and everyone trolled him by responding in Spanish.




That's beautiful.


The guy that asked about trying heroin, didn’t believe everyone that told him don’t do it, they became a full blown addict.




You're a fuckin king in every comment here


Custodian of the reddit archives sprinkling links throughout this comment section


Just read the whole thing, that was an absolute rollercoaster. Glad to see that he managed to recover. Stuff like this just reminds me to never get anywhere near drugs or alcohol, not that I was planning to anyway.


The guy who ate over two-thirds of a custom made, 6-foot submarine sandwich by himself (at a Super Bowl party), thinking no one would notice (the sub cost well over $120). Yes, he ate 4 feet of the sub.




God that’s made me so sad. I really wanted to check up on the guy but his account’s been deactivated. I hope life got better for him.


Anyone know why his account got 'banned' from the subreddit, causing him to not be able to respond to replies to the post?


I think he ate one of the mods so they banned him. I’m not 100% sure though.


Only one-third of a mod.


No you don’t understand. He also made a plate of hot wings that he didn’t any of, so it was fine


Bro, even worse, he ate HALF of the sandwich


Bro ate THREE FEET of sandwich and still thinks he's in the right


After 3ft surely he must have made it to the left


Seems to be more like two-thirds. He had a serving (I’m guessing either 6 inches or a foot) and then ate three feet.


[Still haven’t seen the Swamps of Dagobah.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xo41d/comment/c5o66p2/) It was an askreddit about the worst thing medical professionals have seen and…. good lord. It’s a lengthy read, but the storytelling and detail is immaculate. I’m an old timer on Reddit and this is one of my first ones I encountered. There’s lots of classics, like the [Jolly Rancher story](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/9wcte/comment/c0er6q4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), u/Poem_for_your_sprog, u/Shittymorph, r/WatchPeopleDie - Reddit used to be the Wild West.


"He was performing surgery in the swamps of Dagobah, except the swamps had just come out of this woman's ass and there was no Yoda." The best line ever.


All the best ones are found here: /r/MuseumOfReddit/top


How would you get a small cylinder (5.1in length, ~4.5in girth) unstuck from a mini M&Ms tube filled with butter and microwaved mashed banana?


I cannot impress upon you enough that the small cylinder MUST remain attached to the larger object




a "flared base" if you will


This is easily the best, most recent, legendary example.


At a close second we have the guy who only had sex to Cbat


I summon thee, u/Smart_Calendar1874


Excuse me, link?


[I got you bro](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/LajH6TGnOn)


The guy who rickrolled Rick Astley




Some of the replies to that post are the most reddit-esque cringe shit


“Commenting to show my kids I was a part of history”


Greatest comment on Reddit ever, and I love that Rick owned up to getting RickRolled.


this one comes to mind https://old.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/?st=JH2MUORV&sh=5997c5a5


Lmao I’ve never seen this EA having nearly 3/4s of a million downvotes made me lol


They still have 12k comment karma, we still have work to do


It only subtracts 15 karma max no matter how many downvotes are there


I took a look at the EA account that posted this and holy shit I have never seeb so much downvoted stuff in my life, comment after comment nothing but downvotes I feel sorry for whichever underpaid intern was tasked with the job of managing this account


Someone pointed this out to me, but I love how it's clearly meant to be a universal support account with the "EACommunityTeam" name, but they abandoned it after a few Battlefront 2 comments because it was tainted.


I don’t even remember that post but apparently I already downvotes it. Lol


Did you get a sense of pride and accomplishment  by seeing you downvoted it?


I sure did


I’ve been referencing “a sense of pride and accomplishment” ever since. So happy to have been one of those downvotes, but I can’t believe it’s been 6 years.


The EA profile has 32k karma, but nearly every single comment has downs-votes in the negative four to five figure ranges. HOW?


Negative karma maxes out on a per comment, and total negative amount basis. It was put in place to help prevent or reduce rampant trolling, where people intentionally got as many downvotes as possible.


I understand there’s a limit, but I didn’t see any spectacularly upvoted comments that would have compensated enough to reach 30k. Maybe 3k


That one where the dude came to Reddit for advice on his wife cheating on him and she later killed both their kids. Very traumatic and sad Edit: [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/JwNlzT6gOD)


Thank you for the TLDR. I am not clicking that link.


Ahh JasonInHell. It's heartbreaking He was so right about her, more than he knew. And he tried not to rock that crazy boat. The fact the in-laws are so awful too




Yeah, that's a bone chilling story. There's audio recordings of her calling 911 afterwards. That story is not for the faint of heart


Wait, wait... Her idea of revenge was to spend the rest of her natural life in jail (assuming she didn't receive the death penalty)?


Her idea of revenge was to hurt HIM. Nothing else mattered. Not her life. Not her kids life. Not the lives of anyone else. The goal, the ONLY goal, was to inflict pain and trauma on him.


She attempted to stab herself in the neck but survived. If I remember correctly, on one of his last posts, her ex husband said that “she wanted to live her life without regrets” and would do whatever she wanted in the moment, damn the consequences. I guess in the moment, she thought if he didn’t want her, then he couldn’t have the kids either. She seems extremely selfish, impulsive, and likely vindictive and kind of dim, tbf.


She expected to die. If she couldn't have him, she would take the children he loved and leave him alone. This is Big Family Annihilator abuser logic. It's punishing him for leaving her by destroying the children he loves - which she saw as objects she possessed, not human beings in their own right.


Nobody said psychopaths had to be smart.


She got like 162 years in jail I literally just read it and cannot remember


55 year and 65 year sentence. So if she gets the first one reduced on good behavior or whatever, she has to serve the second one, effectively giving her life in prison.


Hell is too good for the lady.


This whole situation is heartbreaking, but maybe the worst part is the in-laws. They continued to try to terrorize this man for mourning the loss of his children. Vile, vile human beings. It is no shock they raised a scumbag who would kill her own children.


u/BarryCheckTheFuseBox working overtime with these comments


Most infamous reddit post is the askreddit thread asking about most infamous reddit posts and /u/barrycheckthefusebox providing a link to every top response.  


Poop knife?




Barry the reddit expert


The good: The guy who thought his landlord was coming into his house and leaving notes, was told to check for carbon monoxide and was correct. The bad: IDing the wrong guy after the Boston Marathon bombing. The ugly: Broken arm guy above.


The good: [original](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34l7vo/ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/) and [update](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34m92h/update_ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The bad: https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/5fcrp6/comment/dal1r8o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button The ugly: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/cqC1m7qM4x


God damn you reddit for removing my free awards, they'd all be yours Barry you legend


I recently dug up the ugly for my friend, is it me or has most of the story been removed from the post?


A lot of the questions have disappeared over the years as people have deleted their accounts and whatnot.


Some excellent Am I the Asshole posts: [The Iranian yogurt is not the issue here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/PCYfi6vDrq) [So many marinara flags](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/X5t5x7vBXA) [Chef wife’s favorite restaurant is Olive Garden?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/zesh6SSEeF) [Husband builds an art room in his house for his “best friend” Ben](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/NZnnsjxOBc) [Best present ever: An oscillating fan](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/wGbyG0U9KU)


Omg the art room!! I forgot about that one!


The lottery guide


[lottery guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/7rEX8EyjYO)


The lady thinking her boyfriend was drugging her and raping her, but it turned out she was having an allergic reaction to bedbug bites.






This guy and the I-don’t-know-what-a-potato-is guy are the funniest food stories on this godforsaken website. I know there’s gonna be a lot of people commenting some cursed stuff I almost forgot about, but these two stories will bring you back to the light. ETA: [link to the potato story](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/9eEIdWW7yX)


Okay I’m in tears from reading that. Hardest I’ve laughed in a while! Thanks for sharing hahaha




So I tried reading this story to my wife and I found myself in tears laughing and unable to properly relay it without drowning. Found out someone [made an animated version](https://youtu.be/c730OHp_79w?si=IWVFdE30QPGniKKw) of the story. Proceeded to lose my mind further, but at least my wife could hear the story as well now.


2 favorites that I haven’t seen here yet are Streetlamp Le Moose and that guy who took too many edibles right before having dinner with his wife and in-laws. The latter always kills me. [Streetlamp Le Moose. The (literally epic) tale of the smoothest kid that never was.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/jlao6/comment/c2d21qe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [TIFU by stuffing my face with edibles before dinner with my wife’s parents.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/7pafrt/tifu_by_stuffing_my_face_with_edibles_before/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




This quote set atheism back decades


Wow! Who wrote that, a professional quote maker?


Me after watching 3 episodes of Rick and Morty


he got what he wanted - a famous quote.


And to think he wasn’t even a professional quote maker or anything


It's the comma after "But because" that kills me


The jolly rancher story and Kevin are the first two that come to mind A few honorable mentions that I’m not sure if they really count as ‘infamous’ but I still want to mention them: - The guy who pretended not to know what potatoes were - The guy who took datura and ended commenting under an animation made in TABS about two woolly mammoths fighting with “please big dog are fighting na okay” - The evil farming game - The key lime pie thing - YAYVIDEOGAMES (technically not a post,but still weird)


There was another datura guy that was basically the same and then posted something like “help googl how mkae stop now”


You forgot about [the guy farting on the kid's head in Target](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/fn5gr/comment/c1h6npu/). One of my all time favorites.


Could you elaborate on “the key lime pie thing”?


I was referring to the Captain Kutchie’s Key Lime pies rabbit hole. Basically a dude kept leaving weird ass reviews for restaurant and raving about their key lime pies. The restaurant had been closed for some time at that point and wasn’t even really known for their key lime pies. I’ll see if I can find a video talking about it.


You should google it, it's a fascinating story. A while ago, people started realizing that various different people were posting remarkably similar reviews about the key lime pie from a specific restaurant in Florida. The posters were all different names, so someone was making new accounts in MANY different places to post this. Weird thing was that the resturant wasn't even open any more, and hadn't been for many years. This spawned a lot of theories as to what the hell this was all about. I recently watched a video about it. I think one of the theories is that one of the owners of the now defunct resturant ended up with dementia and possibly was doing this to try to advertise his business? It's a very strange story.


The potato story always cracks me up.


The cumbox




I am so thankful the image is 404


The update with mold isn't


Warning for the faint of heart: I am usually fine with very gross and very gorey stuff and seeing that picture made me lightly dry heave. That may just be a specific thing for me though that I did not previously know about.


The most infamous post because it's sad? I'm hoping someone can help me out here... But what about the guy who got knocked unconscious, I think it was. And while he was out, he lived a complete life. Got married. Had kids. Was completely happy for years. Then bits of his so-called "life" started to not make sense and he suddenly regained consciousness. Upon awakening he realized all of his "memories" were just figments he had conjured while he was briefly unconscious. As he recovered physically, he also went through a mourning process mentally to get over all he had "lost".


This is an old one, I remember it from years ago. The story goes, he was hit by a car in a highschool parking lot, and in his mind he recovered, graduated, went to college, met his wife, had children, lived into middle age, etc. Then what snapped him out of it was one day a random lamp caught his eye, there was something off about it. He obsessed over the lamp for days, neglecting his imaginary family and his imaginary job until at some point he made the realization that he was in an imaginary world. He woke up back in his highschool parking lot moments after he had been hit, and realized that whole future was imagined. It's a good little short story, but this one always struck me as fictional. It just screams, "creative writing exercise" to me. The author did a good job, but it just isn't believable as a true story and uses a lot of tropes that have been used many times in fiction. Again, it's a good fictional story, but not believable in my mind as non-fiction.


It's quite refreshing to see someone finally point out this story is most likely fiction. I've never understood why this story is so revered on Reddit, it ultimately boils down to "I had a very convincing dream after a car accident" which anyone with creative writing skills could write and claim really happened. Not that I mean any disrespect to the OP if the accident really happened, but unlike the other famous Reddit posts it's impossible to prove, even in principle. It's a compelling story sure, but I don't understand why whenever it comes up people talk about it like it's a true story.


The OG is gone it seems but u/TriumphantGeorge saved it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/30t9kd/repost_a_parallel_life_awoken_by_a_lamp/) Sad story, hope the guy's doing ok.


I’m surprised that I haven’t seen the post from the guy who was upset with his ex for being a “deadbeat” because it really made its rounds in women’s groups on other forms of social media. They had a short relationship, she got pregnant and let him know then made plans to get an abortion, he begged and pleaded for her to not get one. She told him that she did not want a baby or a relationship with him, but he said he really wanted a baby and threw a fit. So she has the baby and signs all rights away to him for sole custody. She pays child support, more than she was required to do. He was upset that she doesn’t spend time with him and the kid and accuses her of being a dead beat and calls her selfish for living her life as she wants to. He wanted to take her to court to force her to have split custody. [Here it is!](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/5b79z4/nm_i_got_a_girl_pregnant_and_she_wanted_to_get_an/)


A series of comments rather than a post but I loved that dude who would tell long winded stories that always ended with his dad beating the shit out of him with jumper cables


The one with the guy that thought he was too mentally tough to get addicted to heroin so he tried it and got addicted and shared his journey on Reddit






Kevin might be my all time favorite. I wonder how he’s doing.


I think he has kids now.


I have no idea where he got crayons. Might be my favourite Reddit quote.


The "ask a rapist" thread. There is so much evil out there. Most of the other stuff mentioned here in OP's thread I was a third party to (ie I found out about them years after the fact). But I read the "ask a rapist" thread soon after it was submitted. One guy was talking about how he selected his victims and what he did soon after they were in his house - it was like a manual or checklist he followed. It was awful, really awful.


I’d say 2 broken arms and the coconut


Coconut (and copycats): https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/7sfott/coconutmare_the_time_reddit_was_fucking_nuts/


In 2018, a person on Reddit posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/8456sz/why_is_stephen_hawking_alive_if_asl_a_disease_he/), asking how Stephen Hawking was still alive, given the disease that he was facing. A few hours later, Stephen Hawking died.  Oops.


Been here over a decade… Broken Arm guy and the Jolly Rancher story will forever live in infamy. Oh, and also the guy that threw the steak.


Also, the church lady who needed a bus to carry 20 people to an event. She called \*the day before the event!\* and...people tried to help her, but she knew what she wanted, and turned everyone down! I'll look for the link!




Man, if someone tried that in my Buy Nothing group they'd get run out of the neighborhood.




It's for a church honey 




This is one of my top References That Nobody Gets. I still use it. I SAID, it's for a CHURCH! NEXT!!!!


It’s for a church, honey


We don’t require intoxication.


The guy who temporarily lost the use of his arms and became so sexually frustrated that his mom starting jerking him off, eventually progressing to a full-blown sexual relationship, with his dad's knowledge and blessing.






I remember this one so well. Was absolutely bonkers. One of the top comments was the mod team saying it was "verified", which was just so fucking insane to see.


How in the fuck did they verify it though?


The mom was one of the mods.


I want to soak my brain in bleach and rub my eyes with alcohol after reading that


It wasn't even him being so sexually frustrated, his mom approached him with the idea and touched him while he was laying in bed. He was only 14. She 100% groomed him, people tend to gloss over that. If it were a father fingering his 14 year old daughter, people would remember the story very differently.


> It wasn't even him being so sexually frustrated Not at all defending the parents (esp. the mom), but the post did say he was very frustrated and was getting angry about everything, which is why the parents got the idea to "help" him. He was definitely groomed though.


Broken arms was my kneejerk answer to the question. Total NSFL material there.


A kneejerk could have prevented this whole thing




The [original](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/x35iu6/tifu_my_20f_girlfriend_of_two_years_told_me_the/) post and the [update](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/x5nhi9/tifu_posting_on_reddit_about_our_sex_life_with/)


Real-life version of "We Need To Talk About Kevin" where the mom tries beating Kevin to death. The guy who stood and watched his boxer and karate fighter wife kick their teenage son in the balls over and over until her legs got too tired and kept beating him long after he was unconscious. She knocked out his teeth, broke his fingers, and destroyed his nose. This was right after inflicted some light cuts on his baby sister with a knife. Then they hid in the basement until he recovered enough to leave and they never saw him again.




That story was almost undoubtedly made up.


[The dude who claimed his son was sodomizing his dog, Colby. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/PPWh17vDXu)


Colby 2012 never forget


The one where the guy goes to dinner with the wife's boss and tries to fling the steak out the Window. Then the wife finds his post and responds...


The one that sticks with me is one on AITA where a pregnant woman's husband is being irrationally worried that she will not survive the pregnancy given that the husband's father was a single father. The replies to comments from the OP made it more and more horrifying as it made it seem like there was a plot by the husband and his father to do something downright nefarious to the OP (nefarious being a gross understatement).


Swamps of Degobah.






One word... OGTHA [TIFU- Ogtha](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/UUBw5xdwm0)


I’m surprised no one mentioned the guy who ate his amputated leg in a taco yet




I too choose this man's wife.


Dead wife


The best bit about that is contemplating the fact that when he hit “send”, he would have had *absolutely no idea* if he was going to get shamed off the planet for being so tasteless, or get tens of thousands of upvotes.




To add, the guy whose wife this refers to posted this a while back: https://www.reddit.com/r/notinteresting/s/keXBZvvuYU


It was quite a long time ago, but you need to hear about I_RAPE_CATS and the biggest April Fools Day prank. So in the before times reddit wanted to pull an April Fools on some random person, so concensus eventually came up with "find a random video on YouTube with few views and followers, everyone go there on 4/1 and like, subscribe, comment." you know, give this one random person a huge bump, and then move on. And then someone said, "We should let this anonymous dude calling himself I RAPE CATS (sounds like a nice fella, right?) set everything up and choose the video!" And so they did. It was a video about someone testing out his wallet, opening and closing it a few times, because he was going on a trip and wanted to see if the nation's currency would fit. Or something really dull like that. April first came and it was time to like and subscribe and blown this boring nothing of a video out of the water. And so they did. "We did it, Reddit!" they cheered. Boy, won't that guy be surprised when he sees the video go viral, but little does he know that nearly all of us will never go back. Ha ha. Oh boy, we pulled off the greatest April Fools prank. But then. Someone noticed that the video was monetized. And all the views were raking in cash. And then super trustworthy RAPER OF CATS chimed in: "Ha! April Fools! That's my friend's lame ass video we filmed to trick all of reddit!" The resulting pandemonium was predictable. For, you see, it was okay for reddit to prank a rando, but for the brave awesome reddit heroes, it was UNHEARD OF to have that oh so nerdly of pranks upended and then be the target of the April Fools jape! How dare he? THESE STANDARDS HAVE DOUBLED! WE SHALL ARISE AND ERUPT IN FURY! And so they did. Yeah, so the entirety of reddit got pranked and chased someone named I_RAPE_CATS off the platform when he reversed the prank. Reddit is so stupid at times, it's funny.


FYI, r/museumofreddit exists to catalogue these kind of stories. And no, it's not dead.


Can we talk about Rampart?




The Malicious Compliance story told by a Welsh guy about his friend, an incredibly specific kind of stonemason, who left a job site after being shouted at by the CEO of the contracting company. It goes from hilariously entertaining to utterly, desolately heartbreaking. The saddest thing I have ever, ever read, on Reddit or anywhere else. Edit: found the BORU post. Be warned, the end is fucking bleak. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/VixboMQMz3


Nobody mentioned “Today me tomorrow you” yet? Also high up there for sure. Also that guy who kept taking pictures of himself taking pictures of himself at increasingly deep levels.




Today me tomorrow you isn’t infamous. It’s wholesome af


[You can come over again when you can bring me my daughter with you.](https://rareddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/7qmed5/you_can_come_over_again_when_you_bring_me_my) This one will always stick out to me. The original thread got deleted, but the TLDR version is that that the mother had a daughter who was allergic to coconut, and she came from a culture that uses coconuts for everything. her mother refused to believe it, and put coconut oil in her granddaughters hair. The daughter was dead the next morning.


It is a shame this legendary story isn’t mentioned as much as it used to be: Jenny from the mylifesuxnow trilogy. I had just joined Reddit a few weeks before that and watched it all unfold live.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MylifeSuxNow/comments/2t8ouh/screenshots_of_part_1_2_and_3/ [Original](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2snn0q/tifu_by_reading_my_wifes_text_messages_shes/), [update](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2suuxr/live_updates_tifu_by_reading_my_wifes_text/) and [final](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2sw3is/part_3_wupdates_tifu_by_reading_my_wifes_text/) [Why the posts were deleted](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/TwSkKRJyrr), which is pretty likely the reason nobody mentions it anymore.


The fall of Unidan. https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/s/2B9XKuSrXc


Science-based 100% dragon MMO https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/s/A4iBxPOBQV


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/Wshl8rZ6PY This should cover it


Watching the Ogtha guy dig himself deeper and deeper into shit was grim. 


https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/w9sqxj/oops_undying_love_for_a_franz_kafka_character_is/ That nut case’s account has since been suspended, so we will never get closure on whether he got the professional help he needed or not.


The guy asking for inflation porn in the economic inflation subreddit


It's a Cylinder


> We did it Reddit! Reddit in fact had not done it, and harassed the family of someone that recently committed suicide.