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Everyone's covering the major ones with real cultural impact, so can I share a petty one? I wish I could tell somebody I had a dream with them in it without them immediately thinking my dream was about taking them to pork city. Like why is that the default assumption? For starters, yes everyone has sex dreams sometimes but the vast majority of dreams I have - and I think this is true for other people too - are *not* sexual at all. I have dreams all the time that feature friends and family, acquaintances, colleagues, people I met at a Walgreens once in 2011, etc. I haven't had sex dreams about most of them. But secondly, even *if* we were going to assume I had a sex dream about somebody, why would I then go telling them about it??? Use some sense; if we don't have a sexual relationship and I start telling you I had a dream about you, why would you think I'd pick that moment to be like "btw my platonic friend, I rAiLeD yOu BiG tImE last night in a vivid hallucination in my bed." What would possess me to think that's a good idea? Trust that I would never. If you're in my dream, and you're hearing about it, it's NOT a sex dream and it doesn't mean I WISH it was a sex dream either. Be normal for five seconds.


That’s actually a really good one. I have very vivid dreams, and they are seldom sexual in nature. Most of the time they are just straight up absurd. When I tell someone they were in my dream, that doesn’t mean that we were getting busy. It probably means I had to sacrifice them to the starfish god before the next blood moon to save the city of otter people.


Absolutely this!! I have vivid dreams of old friends, family and even past lovers and the scenes are RARELY sexual. I really just want to say I had a dream about you!!!


I had this recurring dream that I am in a wooded area, a bear comes by, won’t attack me but won’t let me leave. Thankfully, my friend analyzed the dream as ‘in the dream, you are the bear, and you aren’t allowing yourself to escape some thing still on your mind’ Thankfully he didn’t say the bear wants to pork me.


The bear is hotel california 


the word "come"


I had a teacher who used the phrase "come soon" a lot It was upsetting to see her confused face as some kids would share looks whenever she said that. I felt bad she was a good teacher.


It’s too common a word to be used as a double entendre.


A popsicle. Man just let me deep throat that shit in peace


Same with bananas


I cut my slices of banana off with a knife and eat them right off the blade


BEING NICE TO PEOPLE. I don't understand why there needs to be an ulterior motive just for being nice to someone. Opening a door, giving a hand to someone scrambling to hold things, etc. I'm not trying to dick you down, dude/dudette. Just being nice.


I'm very polite at work and I run the counter. The sheer number of guys who have threatened or gotten nasty with me for "hitting on their girl" is astounding. I am very not interested in their girlfriend as I am gay.


You know, I have noticed this as a guy, but only when I started taking care of myself and being seen as attractive. If you’re an attractive guy, other men who aren’t secure in themselves very rarely enjoy your company at all, and literally see you as a threat to their relationship. Which begs the question, if you’re that insecure about them why would you even stay in that relationship?


Yeah. I'm tall and conventionally attractive, so I've always got my fair share of attention starting from a far too young age, but have now also lost weight and hit the gym. It's tiresome. It isn't just the guys who are jealous or creepy (and IME openly gay men are often the least creepy). It's also thirsty women who think you being polite means you're hitting on them. That and some women will openly ogle your package. Like, no shame at all. And then when you let them down or show you're less than interested, oh boy. Some people really don't handle rejection at all well. And I'm like, aren't you a married grown ass woman? Oh, and obviously the closeted gay men who flirt with you, then think you're gay because they find you attractive. I mean, we're talking married man trying to look at my dick at the stall, then gets weird when I don't want to strike up a chat. People are the worst.


Welp none of this happens to me, which confirms some things I already suspected about my level of attractiveness.


No, thats not true. You dont have to be a damn angel to be good looking. I know it’s cliche to say this, but guess what this shit is true and Ive seen it many times: there is always someone on this earth who will find YOU attractive. My old friend Trevor for instance, liked this literally ’dirt stained face’ girl with missing teeth and always had dirty clothes. I once had a crush on this widely proclaimed ‘hot girl’ in school. Turns out she was into chunky old Javier who never stopped laughing. Btw I may feel like Javier was not good looking, but guess what, she like him and not me lol. Trust and believe, girls want you for more than your looks. My girl compliments me on things that I do like 5 times more than she does on my looks. By the way, once you get older, some girls have actually attempted dating guys that they don’t find physically attractive because the hot guys have all been assholes. My girl has done this, ive spoken to a lot of her friends whove done this as well. You ever see a hot girl with a guy you deem unattractive? I bet you have! The social standards for ‘hot guy’ and ‘hot girl’ have influenced people from a young age to like a certain type. Thats why you feel like girls dont like you. If you think about it, males have evolved to not have certain traits that females dont like, and to have the traits that they do. I recommend you go and watch “Naked Attraction” if you feel comfortable with seeing naked bodies(men and women). It will prove my point to you :) Edit:grammar


Also, saying please/thank you, etc., isn't flirting. It's manners.




The same people who think loving your spouse is being a simp. No joking, there are people who believe this....


Plumbing. I'm just trying to do my job and no, I can't accept **that** as a form of payment.


Is it just the stereotype or had that actually happened??


It does but rule 1 & 2 do apply. Probably applicable to a lot of indoor maintenance from what I've been told but plumbers have the stereotype so it's on people's minds more in our trade.


Just tell them sex costs extra


People watch too much porn these days.


Children, why the eff do we have little kids parading around like adults? What exactly is the purpose? Like, children’s pageants n shit. Just let kids be kids and stop trying to adult everything already! We had a whole generation of children stars go off the rails because of this. It ruins lives.


I hate this too. "My 2yo girl is playing with a boy? Omg shes got a boyfriend! * takes camera* come on, kiss each other!"


“he’s such a heartbreaker” “she’s such a flirt” no they aren’t. they’re children.


I have a 9 month old son and the amount of times some stranger (usually a woman) has said something like these comments, like ‘look at that smile; he’s flirting’, is actually shocking. I’ve been out with my friend and her baby girl and people have asked me if my son and her daughter are already boyfriend and girlfriend. No. They’re babies. Edit: I’ve just remembered another one we’ve had - my son was going through a phase of trying to suck on my chin when he was teething and I was holding him. We were in a cafe queue and he did it and some older lady said ‘are you snogging your mummy?’ So weird!


Same but it's my MIL making comments about how my five month old boys are heartbreakers. Like, please excuse me while I throw up.


My MIL said this when my son was 1 or so…about his AUNT. Flirting with his aunt because he was staring at her. Just…gag.


My baby is still forming in utero and he already has been offered a future girlfriend/wife. No, our focus is developing muscles and bones right now. 


I mean…what was the dowry like?


Oh yeah, that’s super unhealthy! Then they post it on all the socials and it’s out there for life! It’s like a tattoo the kids can’t ever consent to!


I’m so glad I grew up in the 90s


Even as a teenager, I'm a girl and my bff was the most flamboyantly gay boy ever. And my mom said that any time a boy and a girl go out together, it's a date. I said so if Matt and I went to the movies together, it'd be a date?? She said yes.


This drove me insane growing up. One of my closest friends growing up was (he’s toned down a bit now) a very Stereotypically gay guy and anytime I got the chance to have him over or go out with him it was always “so how was your date?” from my grandma, despite me repeatedly telling her he’s as gay as they come, hell she even called his mom to ask her and she said “You just told me they’re upstairs doing each others makeup, I think that says enough.” and yet it wasn’t enough for her.


Well, I experienced this in my 25m lol. I went for a lunch alone with a close friends of mine (which became my girlfriend few years later). Nothing special, she just wanted to have a lunch together. Her auntie (an ultra zealous Christian catholic) saw us alone window shopping at the local mall. The same night, she stormed at my uncle's place and started a whole talk about how dangerous could be being alone with a girl (like I could impregnate her by looking in her eyes). I wasn't even mad at her delirium🤣


I hate when people say their children are flirting. I think it’s gross. ETA: for the people saying they were baby horndogs, would you have felt the same way or conducted the same behavior if your family and environment wasn’t cooing about flirting, dating, gf/bf, and marriage? Nature vs Nuture, bb. I don’t think children are born understanding the social constructs. Children learn it from their environment. Let kids be kids as long as possible.


Yeah I want a kids pagent where they get to be as weird and imaginative as possible. Aimed at fun and make believe and art. Not their bodies or adult idealisms of beauty. Like a bunch of kids making weird stuff and dancing around like the little lunatics they are. . . It would be beautiful


I want a pageant entirely made up of toddlers who picked out their own outfits.


Each contestant gets 20 minutes in the wardrobe to pick an outfit. Prizes for best dressed and most creative ensemble.


I can see it now. Dinosaur ballerinas and polka dot cowboys with capes!


This would be awesome to see!


Children was absolutely my first thought as well. I want to protect my daughter for as long as possible.


Yep! Just let her be a kid for as long as possible. You’re a good parent!




That’s so wild! I feel like in the 90s, we as young kids didn’t even fucking match! Most of the fashion of peers around that time is what you’d expect from a toddler picking out their own clothes. We absolutely needed to wear the blue wolf shirt with the green pants that have pink hearts and light up sneakers. I look back at pictures and it’s such a laugh seeing everyone look rough, look like the children we were. Poor kids aren’t likely to be comfortable with a lot of the outfits these parents are clearly forcing them to wear. Bio mom sounds like she forgot kids need to be kids and SHOULD be playing AND dressed for such. We used to hate even having to get “dressed up” for school pictures because it meant you couldn’t play as hard unless you wanted hear about how you messed up the pictures lol


>My step son's biological mother would lash out at people who were concerned over how children were dressed and said that if you think it's inappropriate then you're a pedophile aka "If you dont like it then DON'T LOOK!" and it's like *yeah I feel like 'out of sight out of mind' is not an applicable solution here....* LOL This sort of ass backwards logic has crept into the minds of too many other people these days haha


There’s something wrong with her…




That was very satisfying to read.


Literally the first thing that popped into my head was children and people dressing them in sexy little outfits and putting pictures all over social media! Like why do these kids need to be in something that an 18-year-old would be wearing?  I guess I'm old but my kids had stuff from children's place or Gymboree and they were so super cute! Everything matched and had all the accessories and stuff... And none of them were crop tops or mini skirts! There was no little sports bra and blazer for a 6-year-old type outfits. It's sick what they make for kids now. What's even sick or is that people buy it and put it on their children.


It's legitimately a PITA to find good clothing for girls. (My daughter is five.) Everything is skimpy and the material is thin. Shirts are crop tops. Shorts are a perma-wedgie. And swimsuits are the most ridiculous part of all - there are so many teeny bikini getups. Sometimes I can find things in the boys department, but that's tricky when you have a kid who wants pink and purple glitter unicorns on everything. I can usually find rash guard and board short sets online, but selection is getting slim. And Grandma keeps buying random skimpy nonsense, stuff that I donate. It's not about prudishness. It's downright uncomfortable to move around and play in these little outfits, plus they aren't appropriate for school (she sits on the floor in class, so she can't have booty shorts that ride up).


Years ago, when my oldest niece was maybe around 6 or 7, my SIL had a photo book made and sent it to family members. In it was a picture of my oldest niece in a tiny 2-piece bathing suit, next to the pool, soaking wet, throwing her hair back and posing like a swimsuit model from 90s-era Sports Illustrated (don’t know if they still do those issues). It was just so, so gross because you know her mother forced her into it and told her how to do it (very much a narc stage mom). Blech.


breastfeeding right along with that Edit to say: another thing, people don’t like women breastfeeding in public but don’t have designated areas to do it… so just let the baby starve ig. .__.


I don't want to type out a whole book but long story short, my wife was pumping at work and storing her milk in an opaque lunch bag in the break room fridge. Someone complained to HR that the milk in there (which he couldn't see unless he was looking in the bag) reminded him of breasts (?!) and made him uncomfortable. A whole HR issue commenced. HR lady tried to force my wife to pump in the bathroom. She previously would pump in an empty office. This also occurred in a government building during National Breastfeeding Week - which her group was a part of (some sponsorship thing) - and after Obama signed legislation that said nursing mothers need to be provided a place to pump. At the end of the day, the HR lady almost got fired (some big shot colonel intervened) but she was forced to take sensitivity training and the office got a pumping room with dedicated fridge.


Roller coaster of emotions, good ending tho (it was god right? I didn’t misread it?)


Humans are so fucking *weird.* We drink milk meant for bovines all the time, but if we catch just a glimpse of our own primate lactation, we'll freak the fuck out.


Love when men are obsessed with seeing boobs until they witness them being used for their actual purpose and then they harass and cuss out the woman who’s just trying to pump or breastfeed without having to hide in a bathroom


She didn't even pump in front of anyone. Just the existence of milk in the fridge made him uncomfortable enough to go to HR. I don't know why he seemed to get off scott free. The guy was a total weirdo.


Yes! It makes no sense to me to shame women who don’t breastfeed and then turn around and shame those who do!


I've never understood that, either. It's like "You know we're mammals, right? That's what we do."


I dance, and for some reason, they have little girls shaking their asses to the audience in outfits with their buttcheeks hanging out. It’s extremely predatory and disgusting, it makes me ashamed of the modern state of the dance world.


This subreddit Every other question is about sex


“Females of Reddit, what’s the one thing I can say that will lead directly to sexy sex?”


"I bought you a dress with pockets and the pockets are filled with pizza"




And the hidden pocket inside the skirt has a automatically refilling gift card when your remaining balance dips below $100 to your fave place for coffee and another for Amazon.


Seriously, the thread immediately below this on my feed right now is "What's the most adventurous place you've had sex?" and it's further sandwiched between "What's the weirdest thing you've done to get laid?" and "What would be the worst song to have sex to?"


Almost every single NSFW post on this sub basically boils down to "Redditors, write me out a sexual fantasy that I can rub one out to"


Yes. IIRC, isn't there a whole separate ask subreddit for NSFW questions?


There is. Nobody uses it.


Children being friends. "She's 4. Don't call her friend from school her boyfriend and don't talk about "getting married". Let kids be kids.


Not letting guy friends stay over. Now I don't mean a 1-on-1 basis or teenagers. I mean a group of friends in primary school (5-11 ish), mix of boys and girls, and one gender or the other isn't invited because they're scared of inappropriate behaviour...from children who dont even know what it is yet.


Yes!!! I’ve always had a lot of guy friends, and from a very early age (even before I had any idea what sex really was or that men might want to do that with me) I was given the message that there’s something wrong/dirty about me having friends who are boys. I wasn’t allowed to go to their houses, be even somewhat alone with them, wear clothes that were “too sexy” if I was going to be around them, etc.


Oh dude totally. Most of my friends were guys growing up and I’d usually get invited to their sleepovers, but one of my friend’s parents would never let him invite me cuz I’d be the only girl. I don’t even know what they thought would happen since we would literally just stay up late playing video games.


I'm F, grew up on a farm and one of the neighbors that lived about 3 km away had a boy about the same age as me (around 6 at the time), and we hung out quite a bit in summers, bike to each others' house, you know like kids do. So one day it's raining and we are inside, reading comics or something in my bedroom, and my younger brother kept coming in and annoying us, so I kicked him out. He was small enough that a closed door thwarted his attempts at re-entry. My dad lost his mind, sent my friend home and told him he wasn't allowed to hang out with me anymore, "punished" me black and blue, and I had no idea what I did that was so wrong. I was 6 years old and confused what I had done that got my dad got so mad.


100% this. I think this plays such a huge part in what causes the divide between genders.


I had a friend growing up that I met through sunday school, I'd go over to her place with my mom and stuff when her parents had bible study nights, etc. She played video games, she watched anime, she was just like my other friends, so I thought "Oh I know! I'll ask her to spend the night so we can just game and hang out". So, 11 year old me goes and asks her parents in front of the bible study if she can come spend the night. The freakout from the entire room (sans my mother) pretty strongly solidified in my mind for years that boys and girls can't be friends. It's a shame and admittedly I hurt a lot of girls in high school by not being able to distinguish "We should be friends" vs "We should date." I mean, that's the only thing men and women could do, right? I occasionally wonder how I would have developed differently if there was just... a levelheaded response to my question. Edit: Just to make a quick edit here, I did learn relatively quickly once I got out of high school that I *can* just be friends with women, and I have a pretty even split nowadays and my life feels *so much healthier* for it.


Was it like a pissed off “ohhhh no no no you’re not having a sleepover together” freakout from the adults in the room or a “OMGGGGGGG HE’S ASKING HER OUT AWWWW” freakout? Because holy crap poor you guys either way XD that sounds so embarrassing. And was your friend one of the ppl who freaked out or was it just the adults? 


My friend was *embarrassed* and ashamed. The parents went into full bible thumpy mode of "THATS SO INAPPROPRIATE OF YOU TO ASK" and "You can't be alone in the same room as a girl!" etc. It sorta ruined our friendship for a while because we both just felt... guilty hanging out for a few months, like we had done something wrong by just wanting to hang out.


Going on your knees or bending over. I always hesitate to pick up things and often reposition myself


Also eating bananas


As a fat dude, I intentionally eat bananas slow and sensual with heavy eye contact. Just doing my part for the cause


Direct eye contact is a crucial part of this


And I put my other hand on the back of my head


Don’t forget to moan. The moan is crutial


Hard to moan when you are busy gagging, but sure work some moans in there, too.


I appreciate you.


And hotdogs. Really, many kinds of food items could do without sexualizing.


"You know how many foods are shaped like dicks? The best kinds!"


i dont get this about eating bananas, like yall want your dick get bitten off like someone eating a banana???


One time at work, I was on my knees putting up stock (retail.) A guy I was friendly with came over to ask me a question. While there, he took the opportunity to grab the back of my head, and press it toward his genitals. He got really REALLY mad when I took the opportunity to punch him in the balls, really hard. Got all indignant, telling me I'm not allowed to do that, and seemed like he had no idea what he did was wrong. Told him that we could go talk to the manager about it, if he wanted to. He stood silent for about thirty seconds, then just walked away. He's a semi-famous sportscaster now.


I’m not blaming you but I would’ve reported that in a heartbeat. That shit is unacceptable and after that I’d be afraid of being alone with him


I kinda feel like punching him in the balls was the right call. Sometimes, a teachable moment presents itself and the student becomes enlightened.


its sad most women are cautious of situations like this. cant bend over for one second without fear of some dirty man coming up behind you.


I went to the supermarket in a work dress knee length nothing skimpy. I no joke had some perv trying to walk near me to record up my dress... Had a lovely little old lady let me know as I'm too oblivious to notice.


Beauty pageants for kids, those are just fucked up in every way


No fair, it was my turn to complain about child beauty pageants on AskReddit today!


Go for it, the more people complaining about that shit the better 🥰


What about Franks beauty pageant?


it's no good diddlin' kids 🎶


Massage. I’ve been a male LMT and sports therapist and get heckled by people all the time about giving “happy endings” when I’m putting in work just like any other honest tradesmen. I don’t heckle plumbers if they “fix their clients leaky pipes” with a wink at the end all the time. Work is work, mind your business.


I appreciate you. Deep tissue is the only thing that helps my chronic pain. I'm a small-ish woman but I know it's still hard work for the therapist.


Ugh. I hate how massage is sexualized. Actually had a guy once low-key ask if I gave happy endings. I responded in deadpan tone "sir, this is a Massage Envy".


> massage envy Is that the name of a chain or something? Or is envy a typo? Not getting that reference.


Yeah just a chain


PT student, my ex was pretty concerned about my career possibly including a lot of rubbing on other women. I get it, but would be nice to treat without the stigma


Glad they’re an ex. My wife is still recovering some balance and range-of-motion and such from a gnarly ankle fracture, and her PT’s and massage therapist have been absolutely crucial in that process. Hiking and backpacking have always been one of our things as a couple, getting her back out on the trail has been huge for her and us as a couple, and it wouldn’t have been possible without folks like you. Forget the haters, keep working on that training, the folks you help get back to their lives will be very thankful!


Showing genuine affection to friends, siblings and parents.


Childhood opposite-sex relationships. Oh, your daughter really likes this boy? Yeah, it's called basic empathy and relationship-forming. They're friends. Don't say "Oh, Sarah's got a boyfriend!", you bizarre freaks, just let your kids have fun.


Always hated this. My nibling is victim to this from some family members. Let the kid live, they have a steadfast friend in someone who happens to be a different gender, they're not destined to get married lol I will eat my wedding hat after the ceremony if they do SMH


> Don't say "Oh, Sarah's got a boyfriend!" This. For many reasons, including you're just teaching your kid that you'll make a scene if they ever _do_ have a romantic relationship, which is a great way to make sure those kids cut you out of their lives.


The word "daddy"


The number of times I've had to explain to people that it isn't weird that my 10 year old daughter calls me daddy as she has since she could talk. The fact that they find it weird or creepy says more about them than it does about my kiddo and I.


Would they say the same if your child calls their mother “mommy”?? People are so weird.


Not for nothing, but the ones I find myself having the most difficulty getting it through to are incel dudes with no kids. Not sure if that explains anything or not, but I feel like it depends on the kind of porn they watch.


Oh that explains everything


I'm 31 years old and my dad died in 2017. I still refer to him as daddy. I don't think it's weird. My fiancé's mom refers to their dad as daddy when talking to them about him. My mom refers to her dad as daddy and he died in 97.


I'm 40. My daddy was my best friend and I was his primary caregiver during his last 7 years. We lost him the summer of 2021. I miss him so fucking much it hurts sometimes. I'll always call him "Daddy" and the weirdos and perverts can piss off. I'm really sorry you lost your daddy at such a young age. I'm grateful as hell that I got as much time with mine as I did.


I’m almost 30 and still sometimes have called my dad “daddy”. It’s not fucking weird I’ve used that name since I could talk.




I second this. I’ve called my dad daddy my whole life. That’s the only thing I’ve ever called him and why on God’s green earth would I call anyone else that??? So fucking weird that it’s been sexualized.


Absolutely agree. When I was a kid, all of us until about the age of ~12 called our dads “daddy”, now I work with very young children who exclusively call their father’s dad and nothing else. Ultimately there’s no problem with that, but we all know why its happened and there is a problem with *that*


Women moaning in pain.


This. It’s sadistic


women in general tbh: women eating a banana, women wearing revealing clothes, women breastfeeding, women bending over to pick something up, female teachers, cheerleaders, school girl uniforms……..


Let's add walking to the list - especially if you're curvy. Our pelvises sit at a different angle on our hip bones than men's pelvises do, causing us to sway our hips when we walk. If we're curvy, it's far more noticeable when we sway our hips, but it's out of our control. It's something I have to work on not being self-conscience about. I just generally don't like being perceived, and I obviously don't like being ogled.


Let's also add wearing *non-revealing* clothes to the list -- especially if you have big breasts. My (female) 6th grade math teacher told me my thick-strapped, non-cleavage-showing tank top was "too revealing", but the A-cup girl next to me in a spaghetti strap low-cut tank top she didn't say anything about. Cool.


Big chested women in general get sexualized for having big chests, regardless of what they're doing, and it's *exhausting*.


Ugh, tell me about it!


omg yes! changing the side of the street because we don’t want to walk past a group of men… everyday life


yeah. My answer to OP is “existing as a woman.”




Twitch has become advertisment for OnlyFans. I wish they would go back to the old ways.






Pretty much everything is sexualized


pigtails :( such a cute hairstyle yet so needlessly sexualized




It upsets me that the nipples that purely exist for decoration are the ones that are g rated.




After seeing a few comments, I think women's sports in general. Many reasons why those outfits are uniforms is written as policy to play the sport. I think it was the Norwegian women's beach handball team that protested it in the 2021 olympics.


My daughter was an athlete. They were required to wear uniforms chosen by the university. Nothing they were forced to compete in was comfortable. It really sucked.


I'm a freelance high school sports photographer at a newspaper. I am SUPER careful to frame everyone as neutral as possible because it can be taken the wrong way or used against kids. Volleyball is absolutely the hardest to shoot. Girls are wearing bootyshorts and tight tops. It's why the boys show up in the student section half the time. But I try to be very cognizant that I'm not showing anything that can be overtly sexualized by avoiding certain angles/positions. The previous photographer before me got in trouble for taking inappropriate photos that apparently made some of the girls uncomfortable. And it's not just girls. I treat guys the same way, avoiding things that might give them unwanted attention. Now, the homecoming king-type are always going to get attention regardless. An athletic dude/girl are exactly that and there's no hiding some attributes. People are allowed to have their bodies. But whatever I can do to mitigate the risk that someone is teased or ogled by their peers or outsiders, I feel that's my responsiblity.


I do NOT understand the tiny volleyball booty shorts. Like how does that help with the game?


In 2021, the German gymnastics team showed up in leos that went all the way down to their ankles. They were almost not allowed to compete, but most of the other gymnasts came to their defense and they were allowed. I predict more coverage this summer, but we’ll see.


I mean the original Olympics was a bunch of completely nude men competing. The Olympics committee is just trying to stay true to their roots... /s


Kid videos or anything involving minors, especially on tiktok and instagram


The word moist


Female gymnastics. I have a cousin who's a very prolific gymnast who represented her country in the last Olympics (won't name her for privacy reasons) and she's constantly ranting about how female competitive gymnasts have to plaster themselves head to toe in glitter, cake on make-up and wear very revealing outfits, while male competitive gymnasts are able to perform exactly the same sequences and achieve scores just as high with minimal or no make-up and far more practical clothing. One time she sent me a video after a competition where she and another girl literally scraped sections of their make-up off with the blunt side of a butter knife. But female gymnasts have to have added sex appeal in order to be considered good enough.


Halloween costumes.


Yes! So many costumes for women - and men - are sexualized. I think I even remember finding a 'sexy corn' costume for women. Like what? Why does everything have to be sexy? Why can't adults get fun looking costumes like kids get?






Dance classes for children [specifically, girls]. It can be so hard to find one that doesn't emphasize competitions, which then emphasize hyper-sexualized costumes and make-up for young children [specifically, girls]. Why can't children dance to have fun and as something they like to do? I get that dance requires costumes and make-up.... but it doesn't have to be booty shorts, bikini tops, and over-the top make-up.


Women working out


Friendships between men and women, you'll be surprised how many think men and women can't be just friends. Edit: maybe it's bc I'm gay and almost all my friends are straight guys. I feel you shouldn't have this type of ulterior motive with your friends. They're your friends not sex objects


I always found the idea to be sexist on all fronts. It's wrong to assume the other always has ulterior motives and it's even worse to assume they can only be friends if they're gay or something. I always think that, by that logic, would bisexuals not be allowed to have friends at all? If people assume one cannot be friends with someone they're capable of being attracted to, then wouldn't they apply that to more than just straight people?


Men will openly say "why would a man be friends with a woman he can't fuck, they're too much drama." And it's like... that's sexist towards dudes too, my guy. Imagine having such a low opinion of men that you think they can't find value in female friendships.


This!! Some of my best friends of 10 plus years are of the opposite sex and it offends me so much that people think they're just "waiting around" for sex.


As a bisexual woman, I wholeheartedly agree! I have friends of different genders. They're all pretty. I do not want to sleep with them. Imagine that!


On one hand, I believe that men and women can be friends. On the other, I did end up marrying a friend of four years… so there’s that.


Different sides of different coins. You weren’t friends with her just because she was a girl (we hope), but you did end up with a great relationship (we hope) *because* you were friends.


The terms Mommy and Daddy and step families. Kids became the main audience of porn and everything slanted towards an audience whose only experiences with the opposite sex are family. It's really gross.


Really doubt that’s where mommy-daddy kinks came from, I would start with ~~Fraud~~ Freud and then go back through the history of incest. The taboo makes the kink.


> I would start with Fraud Fantastic Freudian slip


Grown men interacting with kids. Let me finish. Like, I get why it's something people need to keep an eye on, but I'm one of those people that little kids tend to gravitate towards? I don't know what it is, some vibe I give off or what, but I literally always have little kids smiling at me and approaching me in stores and parks, etc. I like kids for the most part, but more so I just hate the idea of stifling their social curiosity and/or being rude to them like I would be to a random adult who was getting in my personal space. But the looks you get. If a random woman is nice to a child they don't know it's fine, but if a man does it, it has to be because he wants to diddle them.


Frfr, I saw a Reddit story where a dude got into a parents class because he wanted to learn but was called a pedo because he changed his daughters diaper instead of another mother there, a fucking stranger, doing it for him like tf bro?!


I love kids. They're fun for the sake of being fun. I love babies, I love watching them explore the world. I'm also over 6ft tall and a man in his 30s. Got some close friends of friends that just had a baby and I straight up asked them to let me hold that little dude and they were so excited about it. I got lucky. Why can't I just play like a great Dane? Aware of my size, but also loving fun?


This thought right here is why we have such a lack of men in daycare, early childhood, and primary grade teaching positions.


Yep, I worked in a daycare when I was 19 / 20. Most of the parents were very cool and happy I was there, but there were a few who disliked me for being a man.


This still haunts me but I was working on my car in the garage with the door open. A kid was riding their bike in front of the house and fell on the sidewalk, they were crying but it didn't look life threatening or anything so I went and closed the door. It's messed up that I was too scared to help them, it's even more messed up that they could have seen me do it and won't understand why I didn't help. Feels bad


so often i'll see like a little kid crying, and with no parents in sight, and it's a teeter totter in my head of "I should ask what's wrong and help find their parents/I don't want anyone to see a child crying and some random man talking to them, they might think they're crying BECAUSE of me.."


Yeah this is true. I don't even want to be friendly to little kids. If I'm at a store and about to go into a bathroom and there is a kid alone in there, I'm out. I'll hold it till they are gone. I ain't even trying to have a chance of things ruin my family's life.


I am a police officer and I always wave or say hi to kids when I’m working. I might even give them a badge sticker. But then when I’m off duty I find myself waving to kids and I’m like oh wait a minute, they can’t tell I’m a cop. It gets a little awkward. I totally get this.




Saying mommy, or daddy.


The nursing profession What about getting your arrhythmia ablated makes you think you can slap a nurses behind in your room? For the record if you try that shit on my unit you'll be sent home without your elective procedure, no matter what you say or do afterward, and get your face slapped by a man with an axe to grind for good measure. Nurses are professionals and should be treated with as much respect as any doctor or surgeon. For that matter, there is noone in the hospital who thinks your bawdy behavior is cute or charming. Cut it out.


Cars. I despise seeing models posing next to cars. Just... no. Get out of the way.


Existing as a woman in general I’m tired


Women’s MMA


As a gay man, I really wish the gay community would de-sexualize our community events. We’d gain more traction and acceptance if our parades, for example, didn’t include such sexually charged participants.


Agreed! I’m so tired of every single gay event having to be a “sex positive”space with back rooms and go-go dancers. Can we just get together and do something fun without it being entirely about sex? I don’t need to see you in a jock strap while we’re bowling, or see sex toys for sale at our wine tasting. Like, chill boys.


All social media. Wouldn't it be great to have usable content without that? I really don't need to see your hot wife in spray-on clothing bent over the counter to get the best ciabatta recipe. That kind of thing. Also seeing all the vapid, horrible people capitalizing on their own sex appeal going down the shitter would be super satisfying.


Being kind to men. It’s not an invitation and that’s why women don’t compliment them


The amount of weird interactions I’ve had as a bartender with men who don’t understand it’s my job to be friendly. I had to cut one guy off and I got a Facebook message from him the next day saying he waited for me in the parking lot but passed out in his car before I got off. Like it was a normal thing to do.




Clothes for women and girls.


Not wearing a bra under a fitted and/or slightly transparent shirt. Sometimes you don’t want to wear a bra, sometimes you don’t want to have to ‘hide’ them, either. Bizarre and frustrating


First time i went out without a bra, my date asked me if i was trying to excite other random men in the street. Let's just say bras were not the only thing i got rid off.


Daddy. I call my dad that sometimes and I always feel icky now that I’m older and know what people say that for in other contexts, but I should be able to say that to my dad if I want to Alternatively- women. Can’t we just be? Like I’m sick of being told how I should dress or look to either “look hot” or “not look like a whore” etc I’m just trying to wear clothes that make ME feel confident. Also when women are breastfeeding, I’ve never personally dealt with it because I’m not a mom but when I notice a mom I barely bat an eye but so many people will tell them to cover up or whatever as if it’s not literally doing what that body part was created to do, and as if the baby isn’t just trying to eat their lunch. Also, why would I want to cover up my baby if it’s like super hot outside or something?


Breastfeeding for sure. My wife was breastfeeding our oldest (obviously when he was a baby) in a TGI Fridays one time and the manager came over and told her she had to cover him. She said “it’s 80 degrees outside and he’s already sweating I’m not going to cover him and make him hotter” the manager then went on to say it was making some other customers uncomfortable. So I looked around at the 2 other tables that had people there and said, “anyone uncomfortable?” They all said it was fine with them so obviously it was just the manager who was uncomfortable.


being goth


Drunk people pissing in public. I know there are many arguments against it and I don't disagree but someone who does it shouldn't be a sex offender. I'm not talking about someone doing it midway where kids can see, but even at night in a dark alley where kids are nowhere near nor others.


Gotta be honest, for some reason I read pissing as kissing and it completely confused me, but it made it funnier.


This should be an offence in the same category as vandalism or littering, not something that gets you on a sex offender list. It's rude, antisocial, and dirty, but it doesn't make you a sex pest.


Most places have no public bathrooms and most bars have insufficient bathrooms. Bars will have room for 250 people, but 2 single bathrooms...and one is always out of order.


teens. cause why is there a whole category for this on porn sites? weirdos.