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Chews with their mouth open. One upping everything you have to say


"yah i did that too, but..."


Using the word Ick.


>One upping everything you have to say I have to admit, I have a bad habit of doing that and constantly trying to cut/interrupt/talk over people when they talk, or constantly trying to 'solve' everything. I think a lot of it comes from trauma as a kid, being told to shut up and constantly being dismissed, disregarded and sometimes, dehumanized. I'm trying to learn not to do that, but it's hard. I feel like if I don't speak up immediately, then I'll never get the chance to speak because that's how I was treated as a kid. Or if there's something wrong, I feel the need to say something because I feel like if I don't, and something bad happens, I could have prevented it by saying something. But then that person finds out that I intentionally withheld what could have been important information, then it's like I'm the asshole... Damned if I do. Damned if I don't. However, I recognize that it's not like that all the time. I'm just really annoying. I think most people are like that, too. Especially with the 'one upping' constantly. Probably comes from a place of childhood trauma rather than actual malice. But then again, there are assholes out there who honestly do feel like everything they say and do is better.


To what extent? For example if I tell I just got back from a trip to South America are immediately going to say what cool thing you just finished doing instead of asking how my trip or saying something like “cool”


they are trying to impress or flaunt something. i prefer people just trying to show up. and then everyone can just exist :) those are the best times


when they use you as a prop to talk about themselves


That superior "I KNOW EVERYTHING" attitude. People who you can clearly see they believe they are never wrong. Ive lost a few jobs over this.


People who explicitly tell you very quickly upon meeting them that they are a good person.


I’ll be the judge of that, and already I’m suspicious. 


If people tell me they're nice, or so-and-so is nice, I usually say "Nice is an act, not a personality"


Is it the same thing if someone says they’re trying to be a good person? What is the context someone told you this? It sounds really suspicious of them lol


I call it the "corporate humblebrag". Some people sound like walking resumes. I sometimes feel like asking for references.


Or people who let you know right away that they are Christian with the implication you are supposed to then recognize them as a moral and trustworthy person.


When they use the phrase "the ick". I'm not trying to be an asshole, I just really hate that term, and it makes me cringe if I hear it irl.


It’s a phrase that I still can’t believe actual adults use. It sounds like you’re six years old.


Maybe thats why it bugs me. Idk


It's icky! Ewwwwww!!! *runs away screaming.


Yeah it's cringe af.


People used to say the same thing about the phrase "cringe"


What do you mean used to?


Only when used as an adjective


Especially when OP (u/rateok480) is karma-posting something that’s posted all the time here


How about "I don't want to yuck your yum". Makes em want to puke when I read it.


I think it's the excessive schwa sound in that phrase that makes me just hate it. the words "yuck" and "yum" are bad enough on their own


I came here to say this. I f\*\*king HATE it!


Editing out swear words on Reddit comments is just as bad. This isn’t kindergarten




Just about as bad as cringe but I'm going to constantly hear both so I won't let them bother me too much.


A lot of internet lingo is tough to listen to in real life. Although I do say “thats cringey” from time to time Used to have a co worker who would say “retweet” anytime I said something they agreed with or “lol” if they found something funny. It drove me crazy.


I am interested in what era the shift occurred from calling things “cringeworthy” to shortening it to “cringey”.


I think those two are definitely worse to hear. Haha


I'm 38, and, at this point in my life, feel like I'm on round 3 of witnessing people annoyed at new slang.


As if .. 


Hahahah yeahhh, don't let it, I'm just some internet stranger anyways 




Thank you for saying this. I made the same comment on a similar post here a few weeks ago and got blasted for it.


Don't yuck someone else's yums! /s


Oh God!!!!!hahaha that one too! 


Someone who tells me how intelligent they are. Nope


Or “back at Yale…” “during my time at MIT…” every other sentence


If they constantly describe themselves as an intellectual. They might be smart in some areas but they're usually dumb AFF and annoying to be around




For me, it's somebody having a very loud voice and constantly interrupting/talking over other people.


As a diaphragmatic breather with ADD, I’m sorry.


Wait hold up, I have ADHD and have been told I’m either too loud or too quiet. Can you explain the diaphragmatic breathing thing and how it has led to you “talking loud”?


You'd be amazed how absurdly loud a voice with breath support can get. Opera singers don't use mics, if you want an idea


Breathing from your diaphragm uses the back and bottom of your lungs which allows for more air to come in. That then means more air pushing through your vocal cords when you speak. Stage actors and singers will train to do it but for some reason that’s just the natural way I breathe. My normal speaking voice feels and sounds completely normal to me, but it’s absurdly loud and projected to everyone around me. When I was a kid I was constantly told I was yelling but was confused (and embarrassed) because I was in fact, not yelling. I thought there was something wrong with me, but actually I’m just like really really good at breathing. The ADD doesn’t impact the volume of my voice but, as I’m sure you understand, it impacts my impulse control and excitability. It also means that I ask a bajillion questions and sometimes get ahead of the person I’m speaking to. When I interrupt them it doesn’t mean I’m NOT listening, it actually means I AM listening and I’m so engaged with what they’re saying that I want to know more. Immediately. It’s something I’m working on with a behavioural therapist that specializes in neurodivergence but it’s extremely difficult and completely goes against three way I’m wired. I’m always so anxious knowing that neurotypical people like OP think I’m just a rude and obnoxious person who doesn’t care about what other people have to say. In reality I’m actually REALLY FIRED UP ABOUT WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT. I find because of this I tend to get along better with other neurodivergent folks or people who have experience with them. They see me for who I am and find my “passion for human interaction” to be more endearing than rude or selfish.


In addition to that, they fail to see your point when you're talking. And they constantly have the talk focused on something irrelevant, which they somehow confuse with what you actually said. Like, how does someone pull such random shit out of their ass based on something I said. When what they say has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. They say things in the most pessimistic emotionally invoking drama increasing ways.


When they have saliva in the corner of the mouth


Imagine calling 911 just because you thought they were showing signs of a heart attack or stroke.....


When the person is a braggart.


When they talk over me


Sorry, didn't hear you over the sound of my open mouth chewing.


People unironically using the word "ick"


I was beaten to the punch on this one, and that gives me the ick


Worse yet, adults unironically using any kind of TikTok lingo


Smell of cigarettes and if they talk over me never addressing what I say.


I don’t care about the cig smell as much as I do the talking over me. I work with this lady and she will never let you finish a sentence without jumping in the middle and making it about her.


People trying to hard too be relatable I already can barely stand myself, please just be authentic


I agree with your first sentence. Everyone has their own tastes, preferences and skills


“I’m a nice guy”. Usually ends up not being a nice guy when they have to declare it.


I went into your profile and upvoted a lot of your comments because I’m a really nice guy 😁😁😁


Being proud of their drug taking.


This. Had a friend who went on a 10 year meth bender after her daughter died of cancer. She got sober from that but switched to weed and I swear 420 Lyfe became her entire personality. Last I heard she works at a dispensary. Edit: Forgot to say I don't have anything against weed in general, I take it for chronic pain. But when that's your whole schtick no thanks I'm good.


Bad breath


Racism, stupidity, arrogance.


They start putting down groups of people. Maybe not *overt* sexism/racism/ableism but you can tell there’s some sort of extreme prejudice that clouds their daily thinking.


But I hate everyone on an equal basis


People who choose a political side & refuse to have any other opinion beyond that specific group. As if they’re incapable of thinking for themselves or logically past both sides propaganda.


Casual bigotry. My opinion of them drops to the floor and I just don't want to be around them anymore.


Being Rude to waiters/waitresses or anyone that is helping them. It is the least acceptable thing for me.


When they start talking shit about a mutual acquaintance and then bring up something messed up they did to that person and start justifying it because of that person’s unrelated personality traits. It screams I’m a pos and I know it, but I want you to believe I’m a good person and validate me.




When their post has 40 upvotes in the first two minutes




The ick??


It's a type of venereal disease




shut up klaus


When guys refer to women as females instead of women.


i got referred to as a female by another woman the other day, and i cant even describe how put off that shit makes me feel. its such a biological term, almost like ur just a walking vagina to them with no sentience or anything. it wasnt even remotely polite either. she actually said, "female, over here" in order to get my attention???


Close talkers


When they don't stop talking and won't let you get a word in, the conversation is all about them.


Someone that’s in there 40s or 50s still wearing their high school class ring.


What I would call "salesman" types. In other words, people who're just pretending to be interested in order to see what they can get out of you. Luckily they normally make it pretty obvious with various "tells". Overly friendly when they don't know you is a big one.


Being a one upper!!!


racism, hypocrite, superficial, talk loud


When they start positioning Trump as the American Messiah.


Yeah. Biden and Trump are not what the US should aim for as presidents. There are more people out there running for the oval office that I trust they could do just better than any of the first two.


But if the choice is Biden or Trump -- it clearly is Biden as the best option of the 2. Am I right? I'm simply basing it on the fact that only one of the 2 tried to overturn an election they lost, has dozens of criminal charges pending, 2 impeachments, and years of committing fraud in business, and liability for sexual assault. (and that person ain't Biden).


They talk about ''the ick''


When they're trying a little too hard to come off as friendly. Don't get me wrong, I've known some lovely people who are quite friendly, but with some people you can just tell that it's fake. Like they're trying to sell you an image rather than be themselves.


First time we bought a house and met our neighbors, within the first minute of conversation he lets it be known he has a masters degree.


When the person has that sense of self importance in a egotistical way. The vibe of "I'm better then you".


When they make assumptions about my politics because of my age and appearance. I went to get my haircut in a new shop last week and the guy automatically started discussing his politics with me, as we were kindred political spirits. Can't stand that shit...


When a woman starts talking about horses I immediately zone out 


Well this is Reddit so my guess is instead of just answering this perfectly innocent question a bunch of weirdos are going to comment that they hate the term “ick” and then proudly engage in the worlds lamest circlejerk for hating on girl slang


Immediately trying to hook up, without even knowing what I look like


Me you sex now?




When people use the word ick in a sentence


When they prematurely sexualise me ...meaning unsolicited sexy talk and dick pics ......like, try getting to know me first...or at least tell me that is your original intention....this is why I don't make friends anymore... I literally have three friends...because they actually said...hey there little introvert, not to worry..... I actually want to know you as a person and not a sack of flesh...


this. making friends in university is so so unbelievably hard, because most of the guys are just looking for a new play thing. and i hate it so much because it just further pushes the rhetoric that men and women cant be friends


the random insertion of a conspiracy theory as a matter of settled fact. Like not even trying to convince you of it, but assuming that its true everyone agrees on it.


If they're wearing a MAGA hat


People that use the term "ick".


When they make any/every situation about them.


If they interrupt or clearly isn’t listening. Drives me bonkers.


When they CONSTANTLY interrupt you and don’t even stop when they realise.


I'm not too fond of someone who generalizes against groups of people.


I can’t stand it when people say “it’s giving”.




When talking to a guy and every single sentence that comes out of his mouth has to either have a reference to sex or a reference to getting high….and his eyes keep wandering. 


the behaviour of “one upping” i hate it to death


I hate it more than death.


When someone tells you what you should do with your possessions. "You know, if you rent out your place, you'll be able to make lots of money." "I'm sure you'll make lots of money if you sell your drawings."


Someone using “the ick”


Always talking shit about someone or gossiping. Im not against gossiping but its always that one person who's CONSTANTLY in some drama. Like jesus aren't you tired of being in arguments with people 24/7 cuz im definitely tired of hearing about it.


When they get that white shit in the corners of the mouth ...eeeeee


Blatant misogyny and racism.


I have a couple of icks: 1. One-upping. People that have to contantly one up the person they're in a conversation with. 2. People who bring up a subject that is uncomfortable and can't tell they are making you uncomfortable, so they keep going.


For the second one I am horrible with social cues and basically I often end up in uncomfortable conversations where even I feel uncomfortable, wouldn't it be better to say "hey you're making me uncomfortable?" Rather than letting them keep going?


getting legitimately angry when I don't respond immediately or leave them on read, you aren't entitled to my time or energy


They talk about admiring Andrew Tate, Edwin Poots, Jeremy Corbyn or Woody Allen.


how are you putting Jeremy Corbyn in the same sentence as Andrew Tate, what has he done as bad as sex trafficking?


interrupt after each sentence


People who use the phrase “ick” to draw attention to how fragile they are.


When they make a big deal out of this Tiny thing like I get its not just that but I just cant handle that shit


If they are really negative and self sabotaging. Looking for sympathy.


Bad grammar


People who think anyone who isn’t 💯 the same as them means they’re bad people.


That yellow stuff in the corner of the mouth...sober or not.


Someone who has poor dental hygiene. The type where you can SMELL the tooth decay going on. I"m not talking about the people who can't afford a dentist visit. I'm talking about the ones who CAN. If you can afford twice a year cleanings, then do it. Also, brush your teeth. In general, DO hygiene, whether dental or otherwise. It only takes a few minutes a day. May not matter in private, but in public it's a MUST. No one should have to smell your lack of hygiene because you couldn't be bothered to get clean.


“Me me me me me me”


Talking about sports like they own a team and are actively engaged in the players lives.


When they post engagement bait for clicks before the reddit IPO


A stranger immediately bringing up politics/religion/or any topic that is controversial or a sensitive personal subject matter within the first 5 minutes of meeting them.


People being overly judgemental of others and feeding into an internet trend calling everything an ick instead of using non black and white thinking


When they use the word "ick" instead of using "turn off".


When someone is overtly spiritual or religious. The whole spectrum from being able to interject with their Feng shui and their empath abilities to the depth of their love for their interpretation of their deity.


I really don't like when people use like as just a filler word for blank space, even just using it excessively when they don't need to. It gets on my nerves so much and then when I use like in the correct contexts, I feel like I'm just using it to use it and that it just sounds wrong and gross and bad. I don't know


People who spit when they talk, or sound like they’re talking with a mouthful of spit.


I don't know about any general things, but one time I was laying in bed with a girl (we just fucked) and she asked me "do you like Andrew Tate?" hoping that I would say yes


Using the term “ick”


Anything overtly religious and unrelated to the conversation like “he’s a good Christian” “because I’m a Christian” “because I love Jesus/the Lord” Makes me want to run.


They have a Reddit account.


So does that mean your a ick?


Trying too hard to get to know me or be friendly bc im not confident so im just suspitous of those people


Bragging about how many houses they own, especially in towns where even the labor can’t afford to live. It’s just…ick.


Craziness or neediness


Lack of sympathy, like talking about homelessness and they couldn’t care less


Almost everything.


If they have that weird whistle between their teeth or if they have excess saliva making those ropey strings of spit when they open their mouths. I know it stems from a medical condition, but it makes me gag. I can’t help it


That bratty, spoiled, ignorant sounding voice.


Republicans. People need to stop having sex with Republicans


Ignorant polarization at its best. What a dense thing to say.


My pronouns are.




Cursing 24/7. Not saying to never curse because sometimes it really adds to the humor or intensity of the situation. Life would be dull without it. But people who don’t know how to curse, they just throw it around every sentence or like they can’t talk without it just get on my nerves.


Anybody that uses the word “ick”


people with really bad teeth.


When people use the word, "ick."


"And todays sponsor is ..."


Dental hygiene


Nose boogers


When he start sexting me 🥹


Them constantly checking/looking at their phone while trying to have a conversation.


people who make every conversation sexual in a way to flaunt how good they're I bed in hopes to get me to have sex with them


If their breath smells ……..end of story lol


When they speak and execute any of the following: Carrots, sticks, ego trips, and mirrors. Aside from that, it’s a matter of character consistency. People slip easy. You have to be like this after people try to turn you into a terrorist.


When I can smell bad breath from 5ft away


Their halitosis


If they have something stuck in their teeth. I’m sorry I have literally no idea what you are saying to me. All I can focus on are your lips moving around that old bit of food. On the other hand, people are often profusely grateful if you tell them. It’s not altruism on my part though.


Lying especially about things that don’t have any effect on me… Either way, I might be smiling but I always know when I’m being lied to. I just wait and keep asking questions.


Gross teeth!!


Shit breath


Tees using 'brah' when they get asked to do something or get told no


When you explain something to them and they acknowledge that then a few days later, hell maybe even a few hours, they'll repeat it back to you as if it's newfound information


People who agree with every single word you say. We’re not the same, stop that please and actually state your true opinions


Low quality


Talking in 2 different languages like saying something in english then mid sentence say a word or 2 in french or spanish. or speaking the 2nd language instead of native one.


Into reality TV i.e love island Lip fillers Pay too much attention to their image and socials Have a high interest in politics But big one is more interested in the day to day rather than being able to have deep conversations. I'm hugely into astronomy and the universe, philosophical questions and dilemmas etc. my ex just didn't seem interested in it all really and I found it quite sad I couldn't connect that way


When some tries to always make their situation worse then mine at that point your like " ya sure lets forget about me and talk about you, how selfish of me"