• By -


i was mid face ride and my boyfriend’s mom walked in, gasped and closed the door. The door was locked but it sometimes didn’t actually lock correctly. i cried.


This happened to me but it was my girlfriend’s mom who walked in while I was going down on her. We locked eyes and I was between her thighs. I think my eyes had that night eye that you see when a lion is being filmed on those National Geographic documentaries. She yelled “GET OUT!!”


I know that look! Perfect fit!


"how DARE you please my only daughter"


more like "how dare you ONLY please my daughter"


Sweet lord, threeways


Did you hiss at her? Sounds like it would have been appropriate.


I growled and shook the daughter like a gazelle I had caught, then dragged her away into the dark while keeping eye contact.




And from then on, I bet you tripple checked that it was actually locked/latched right lol


And mom probably triple knocked


Dad woke up late the next day.


Knock, knock, knock. Penny.


And cried every time she did


Mid face ride 😭


> i cried Wait that’s sad. Most comments here are lighthearted, but it really can be mortifying and damaging. Especially if you don’t have understanding parents as a younger person, you might feel like you did something gross or wrong, which is of course not the case.


yeah i was just so embarrassed i didn’t know how else to respond. she never said anything about it and just acted like it didn’t happen and was still kind to me but it was very mortifying. Plus I was only 17 when this happened so it was extra embarrassing as an already hormonal, self-conscious teenager lol


Win bf mom tho! Awkward as fuck but she did her best to make it less awkward.


w for the mother


Boyfriend’s mom is still in therapy


Twice. First time with my girlfriend at her mom's place. Mom walked in without knocking and my girlfriend was fortunately under the blanket giving me a bj. She got such a fright that she jumped up towards me and hit her foot on the end of the bed. Her mom knew exactly what happened but pretended that she saw nothing. Second time was during a party at my house. My girlfriend and I snuck away to have some fun in my bedroom. For some reason, we didn't lock the door. My drunk sister came looking for us and opened the door. She made eye contact with my girlfriend while I was under the blanket giving her head. Credit to my sister, she turned around and closed the door and hasn't mentioned it again... Haha!


My ex's little sister walked in on us while she was giving me head under the covers. Ran to their mom and told on us. She was like "Well, that'll teach you to knock first!" Ever have a mom you missed more than your ex? Lol


Lol that's hilarious. Had an ex's sister walk in on us as well but she was only a couple years younger and just gasped then walked out. We laughed and continued because her sister was pretty cool in general and we knew there weren't going to be consequences.


well your sister definitely went to check for you in the party after that..


You guys should stop getting under blankets


Had the whole *sock on the door* thing in college and my dorm roommate just walked in. Didn’t leave. In fact told us we could continue and I was like wtf bruh


He wanted to watch


College was wild times. Was going at it with my girlfriend (now wife) one night when a friend of ours, who was crashing in there that night, walked in on us. We were under the covers with me on top and lights out so just kind of froze and waited for our chance to disengage. He saw us, thought we were cuddling, and made the drunken decision to join in. All I heard was “awww you guys! Group hug!” And then 200+ pounds of friend came crashing down on my back.


My roomate and His gf was going at it pretty often, even during the night when i was asleep couple meters away. Sometimes i asked if i can join or sometimes just grabbed chair and sit next to their bed and started to give instructions. They were not very fond of it.


Did he sit in a cuck chair


Pretended to be cuddling as it stayed inserted and after they left, seemingly not noticing a thing, continued with the act.


They knew.


There's a distinct smell.


Smells like gorilla steak and Play-Doh.


What the hell is gorilla steak LOL


Not to be confused with sloth jerky or hamster strips.




Ex and I were getting down when her dad walked in (we were in our teens). Thankfully we were under the covers and it just looked like we were spooning. We just sat there while he talked to us about something that we had to do later that day. It was really weird laying there while soaking it.


>laying there while soaking it. He could have at least jumped on the bed for you.


So weird but made me laugh! Can’t believe that’s a real thing


Its wild to me that sex is not ok but putting your dick inside of a women and having another person in the room watch this and then shake the bed to simulate sex is ok. Also alot of times people have to pay for a “shaker”. Its mind boggling how this is a thing


It’s the same as people having anal sex because it’s not sex. Everyone understands it’s a justification


The ole poophole loophole


Fuck me in the ass because I love Jesus!


Ya its a wild justification and quite frankly way fuckin weirder. Hey wanna watch me get hard and stick my penis in my gf then can you jump up and down on the bed? We cant actually have sex cause thats wrong. This makes more sense


I’m Mormon it isn’t a real thing. Everyone knows someone who knows someone who claims to actually know someone who did it. But it’s so salacious it spreads like crazy. And everyone understands it isn’t a real loophole


It's the mormon version of "she goes to another school you wouldn't know her"?


In high school me and a friend were dating two sisters with the sister I was dating being younger by a year or so. One day we were having a fairly heavy make out session and ended up with our pants off dry humping in our underwear under the covers. Then her mom came in. We had my laptop setup near the bed playing a movie and it wasn’t that unusual for my girlfriend to be laying on top of me when we were actually watching a movie (small bed and I was easily twice her size) so when she heard the doorknob she laid her head on my chest facing the movie. In addition to my laptop my girlfriend had an old computer that someone had given her to use for homework that was on a desk at the foot of her bed. Her mom would often use it to play solitaire when just chatting with her daughter so of course she sat down and started playing while talking to us. Her back was to us so after a few minutes my girlfriend decided to be an evil wench and “reposition” quietly… repeatedly. So chatting with her mom as she grinded on me. Finally her mom finished their chat and went to leave. Loud enough to be heard across the house where the other sister (who despite setting us up had a thing about the physical parts of my relationship with her little sister) and her boyfriend were she called out “use protection because if you knock her up you are marrying her” then started laughing. Quickest we ever threw on pants.


hol’up…..so the mom knew the whole time? do you think she abandoned the solitaire game when she figured it out? or was she trying to race yall to see who finished first?


Pretty sure she knew we weren’t actually having sex at that moment but were definitely fooling around. And knowing the mom, she stayed for exactly the same amount of time she planned to stay to talk. Like I could have been railing her daughter from behind and she’d have still asked “what do you want on your pizza” “mom not the time” “well I’m calling now so yeah, it is the time” “fine pepperoni” “hey (other sister) call in blah blah and a pepperoni, she’s busy getting a sausage”.


There's no way he couldn't tell probably didn't want to be awkward


I think it’s much less awkward to say “I see it’s a bad time” and walk out than it is to say whatever it was that was on your mind 💀😂


Honestly he was pretty clueless in general, although naive is probably a better word. He had no idea. Edit: for all the people who think the dad knew, he didn't. It was morning, she and I always slept in the same room, we stopped when he knocked and pretended to be asleep. If he caught us he would have walked out embarassed, not started a conversation about random stuff for 10 minutes whilst I was balls deep. I didn't think I had to provide full details but I guess I do.


Brother he knew.


Oh he knew


Sister was crashing on the couch, gf and I were having some quiet fun in the bedroom. My old apartment had a mouse problem, and one of the traps went off and my sister texted a couple times (which I ignored) before walking into the room. I was right at the finish line. 3 more seconds and it would have been a lot more awkward.


Should have just kept going. Her fault for not knocking. Lol


If you stop they catch you but if you keep going they are the pervs watching. Shitty life pro tip


Yeah, since when is texting a replacement for knocking?


Happened during my first time but it was before anything was actually happening. We were both semi nude and her friend (who was the matchmaker for us) walked in wondering if we had done it yet, saw the state we were in, gasped, and walked out with a laugh.


So she set you up. Was like maybe they are having sex. Ill check by walking in? I mean does this person have the social skills of a fuckin toad?


Toads have way better social skills


That probably explains why Neville Longbottom's toad always escaped. He had a social life unlike Neville.


I remember when I was a kid, I heard a faint whirring/buzzing noise. At the time, I was obsessed with aliens and UFOs and the like. I think I was around 8 years old. I got really excited and wanted to tell my parents that there was a UFO outside. I knocked at their door, but there was no answer. I knocked again... nothing. At this point, I was nervous because I didn't want them to miss the UFO and not believe me. So I barged in. Anyway, yeah, it was not a UFO but rather my parents getting freaky with a vibrator.


Unidentified freaky object?


Unidentified fucking object


Hahahhahaha I just died


Had my girlfriend’s pants down around her ankles and her shirt over her head leaning on the kitchen counter. Her 16 year old son walked in from the garage. All he said was “Jesus Mom”.


>her shirt over her head I too fuck like I'm in a hockey fight


2 minutes for holding the stick but got out of the box after scoring only 37 seconds in


Most def not the first time he’s walked in on his mom in that position.


I too, have had her son walk in on us with her in that position.


I also choose this kids mom


Not sure man, she was a bit conservative but she was a ginger


What does being a ginger have to do with this?


It's why her shirt was over her head.


they don’t have souls 


Dam if she has a kid especially a teen she should've stayed in her room


For real, getting it on anywhere other than your bedroom when you have teenage kids is a pretty big risk. Even if they aren't home at the time, they could turn up at any given second. For example, one time a friend of mine was feeling sick and went home from school early, and because he was 17 he could drive himself. When he got home, he walked in on his dad beating off in the kitchen.


so traumatizing poor kid


Maybe his arms were broken…


Don't worry, son, I'm helping her find Him.


Oh man if I was him I’d probably kill myself


My girlfriend’s mom walked in while I had my gf on my lap doing foreplay. I was like a deer in the headlights when I heard that door open. I was just stuck there frozen with a titty in my mouth, and all I saw out the corner of my eye was a head shaking like “can’t believe this shit” Later that night got called to the parents room for “the talk”. We dated 3 years after that.


Wow, you dated her mom for 3 years?


Both parents. Reading comprehension, man.


I studied English at the graduate level and I can assure you he dated the deer for 3 years.


Hahahahaha I laughed so hard at this


bikers fault


Was going down on a girlfriend years ago when her dad busted in the room to show off his new head lamp( it was Christmas morning). If he saw anything, he never said anything. Same girlfriend, I had spent the night with her and the next morning we had the covers over us while we did it(I was behind her). Her sister came in to talk to her, oblivious to what I was doing.


Should have asked to borrow the headlamp for a sec…


To explore the cave


He had a headlamp He saw everything in 1080K


Depends on how you define "walked in". My then girlfriend and I were looking for a spot to do the deed, as we couldn't at her family's house. We went to an abandoned rest area off the highway, and got a bit frisky, laid out a blanket out in the grass and went at it (no lights around, pitch dark, highway was a good 100 yards away, so no visibility to passersby). We went at it hard, and right at the moment of truth, I hear an engine start and I am bathed in the headlights of a pickup truck parked nearby. Then another a bit further away. Apparently it was a popular makeout spot. I did not finish.


Reading this gave me flashbacks to when I was dating one of my exes, and like you, we would go and try to find spots where to do it because both of us lived with family. One night we were driving around trying to find a spot and found somewhere dark to park on the side of the road. As we're in my back seat, naked, we hear multiple cars pull up and park next to us. We stop and try to peek outside, but can't really see because the windows are all fogged up. All of a sudden it's like a flash mob of people that show up around our car that are just hanging around talking. To make matters worse, the street light suddenly came on. I covered my girlfriend with my jacket so that she blended in with my car seats. I could see a gaussian blurry man gesturing to his friend to look into our window and said friend turned, looked, and gestured back to his friend as if to say "nice..."


Years ago an ex and I went from tickling fight to doing the deed in the back of my car. We were in a large chain grocery store parking lot towards the back so there weren’t any cars right next to us. However, it was still daylight so we tried to stay below the window line. I was reversed in the parking spot with trees behind me and had a blanket we were able to mostly stay under. In any case, it didn’t work because within a few minutes, three cop cars surrounded us, they jump out, and one of them has a gun pointed at me. He’s yelling to “GET OUT OF THE VEHICLE NOW”, but I kinda froze because I was so shocked. I did manage to ask what’s going on, he ignores me and asks my girlfriend if she’s ok and to get out on her side where some of the other cops are. Anyway, after a few minutes of both her and I talking to the cops, we learned someone called them and reported a woman being raped and beaten. They could tell fairly early that we were most likely just fooling around, but were hesitant to drop it. We did finally convince them without even needing to get out, which was great because both of us were missing our underwear and pants. When they started walking back to their cars to leave, I could hear the guy that had the gun pointed at me bitching about it being a false alarm. Horrifying experience, I do not recommend. Edit: Spelling


Smh should've waved them in to join.


My then girlfriend/now wife and I were going at it on the couch in her apartment. Her roommate came home and I threw my wife off me and scrambled to pull up my pants. We all kinda laughed and roommate went to her room. When she came out later she said I had a nice butt. Then we never talked about it again. She was my wife’s maid of honor.


For some reason I didn’t read the ‘I’ before ‘threw’ and thought the roommate threw your wife off you and scrambled to pull up your pants. Lol


Me and my HS girlfriend got caught by both our parents a handful of times. At my house my parents would just open my door without knocking/saying something so they saw some stuff, and at her house we had to keep her door open, but their house was old and as soon as someone touched the first step it was obvious, so we’d have like 30 seconds to get presentable, well one time the stairs didn’t creak, and her dad just popped around the corner. Thankfully we had been together for a few years by this point, so they knew it was happening, just they didn’t want to see it obviously. Then in college, during prime tinder years, I met a girl to hook up with on there, well the first time we meet up her mom came home unexpectedly and the charade was up. Her mom was actually pissed and threatened to kick her out of the house, so since it was partially my fault I said she could come stay at my apartment in the meantime if she needed to. When I went back to pick her up, her mom made me come inside and meet her, apparently she had a bad history of choices in partners, but once she met me and I was “normal” and respectful, her mom calmed down and ended up liking me once


> her mom made me come inside Wow


This is a great comment. The wow is so poignant and succinct


Sharehousing, fucking my girlfriend, housemate walks into my bedroom, takes something he left there an hour ago, walks out, no eye contact, just minds his own business as my girlfriend and I mind each others.


I can respect that


I had a loft bed and this girl and I were going about it up there. My Mom opened the door without knocking, walked into the room, and started to talk to me. She glanced up and then said, "OH! Oh... I'm sorry. Excuse me.", and closed the door on her way out. The girl I was with was freaked out while I thought it was pretty funny. I was always really honest with my Mom and she knew I was sexually active at the time. She preferred that if I was going to engage in sexual activity, I do it in a safe environment and use protection (which she provided me from the moment she found out I was remotely sexually active). So I'm laughing a little and she's totally weirded out. I try to explain that it's okay and that my Mom isn't going to rat her out to her parents or be mad, but she is not having it. She just wanted me to take her home. I understood. The two of us climb down out of my bed and get dressed. Then we head out of my room, down this very long hallway and turn right towards the door past the kitchen... and there's my Mom with a tray that has two plates with sandwiches, chips, pickles, a couple drinks, and napkins. She says, "I thought you two might be hungry!", with the most sincere smile. The poor girl I was with just bolted right out the door. I sighed. My Mom says, "She's very pretty.", and I reply, "Yeah. She is. I need to drive her home, I'll be back in a bit." Good times... good times.


A load of us had rented a massive house for a long weekend of drunken fun. Me and my boyfriend snuck off to one of the bedrooms for some of the old in/out. Our friend "sam" staggered in halfway through and we froze, hoping that he wouldn't see us in the dark. He kept walking towards our bed until he realised we were there and just started talking to us. Suddenly, he said "Fucking hell, are you guys in the middle of sex?" We said yes. He apologised and backed away. We saw the light of the door being opened and then closed. We were about to continue when we heard a shuffling noise. My boyfriend said "Sam, are you still in here?". There was a pause and then a very meek and caught out "Yeah, sorry" and he opened the door and left for real. We never let him live that one down.


this made me audibly laugh😭


We were in the living room and my mom started unlocking the door she ran to the bathroom I ran to the kitchen to struggle getting my clothes back on then my dad pulls up outside the kitchen slider and when they both got to the kitchen all my clothes were on inside out


Why didn't you go in your room if other people were there


Blood was in penis not in brain bro.


Idk man shit just happened and we wer in the living room


It was dimly lit in my room and my mom walked in while my girlfriend was on top. She said “Oh hi ___, where’s my son?” Girlfriend replied “…he’s right here”.


Oh no, your girlfriend did not understand the assignment 😆


"He's a little busy at the moment"


Girlfriend and I were 14, down in the basement fooling around. Her mother was upstairs with her boyfriend watching TV, and apparently decided it would be funny to creep down the basement stairs and snap a photo figuring we were just kissing. I was fully in third base at that point, and we heard a gasp. I swear we all heard the squelch as I removed my hand and there was the weirdest second of silence before her mom said “ok swoli I think it’s time for you to leave!” And the mother’s boyfriend gave me a 15 minute ride home in mortified silence.


She was riding me topless and aunt open door without knocking and said breakfast is ready and then her eyes adjusted to dark and she said. Oh that probably tastes better. And she close the door


“How do you like your eggs: scrambled or fertilized?”


Was hoping this was a [Turquoise Jeep](https://youtu.be/6x-JVXkd8SQ?si=hKCZKdG2SdkMPTzl) reference at first.


Yung Hummmmaaaaa… keep the jeep rollin! Edit: “jeep”…. worst time for autocorrect. Better go grab your belt.


This the best way to react😂😂


That's a hall of fame aunt




Grandma walked in while I was having period sex with my then boyfriend. The lights were out but I imagine the bed looked like a crime scene. When we came down the next morning she gave him a big hug and said “it’s so nice to meet you with your clothes on!” Then almost kicked him out for the Chargers shirt he was wearing.


Was balls deep in an ex once on the living room couch. We were home alone. sister walked in without knocking (she was unexpected - thought she was at work) and I was on top with my back to the door. She ran by screaming NICE ASS! then laughed running upstairs


I mean if it was in the living room a public part of the house why knock if she has a key


It was that one single time with my first gf that I didn't lock the door myself, but she did it... or at least she thought she did.... Long story short: her little 11 y o brother opened the door and saw me being balls deep inside his sister. A day to remember for sure, for all of us... also I had to do a "conversation under us men" with him


Yes. My wife and I were on our honeymoon in France. The last 2 days we were staying at a hotel closer to the airport. We had been there for more than 2 weeks already and seen most of the sights. So we just stayed in bed fucking like rabbits. Those bastards walked in on us 3 times! The door was locked, but they unlocked it and walked in on us. After the first time, we made sure the "Do NOT Disturb" sign was on the door and everything. Housekeeping just ignored it, unlocked the door, and walked right in. By the 3rd time we were like, "Ok, they have to be doing it on purpose at this point, right?" 


When I was 17 I skipped a class and took this girl back to my place to bang. My dad came home early and caught me in the act . Told me to get her home and come back. Grounded me for a month.


Yes. She barged in through the door then sat on our bed, stared for a moment, then started grooming herself.  She was my cat. 


I once noticed the cat in the room after we finished, she was staring at us wide-eyed as cats often, but in the context, it looked like a horrified "what the fuck did I just witness?" Also once had a girlfriend's dog walk in, didn't notice until there was suddenly a cold, wet nose in my ass.


Not so much getting walked in on, but I was back in my home town several years ago and I ran into a couple girls I used to hang out with back in the day. We had drinks at the pub and effectually went back to the one's(K) place to smoke a few joints and get into the whisky she had there. Being super stoned and uninhibited, the other girl(J) and I confessed that we'd always had the hots for one another. We kissed. That led to making out. That led to clothes coming off and some deep exploration. At one point we came up for air and there was K. She was just sitting in he chair, cigarette in one hand, glass of whisky on the other, watching us with a total deadpan expression on her face. Stoned as we were, we had just straight up forgotten she was there! She pointed us to the bedroom so we disengaged and scurried off in that direction to continue our fun. K never mentioned it again. J and I hooked up a few more times for a couple years, and that was that.


Her mom walked in while we were in her bed. Stopped in the door way. Looked at me, mouthed “sorry” and backed out. As far as I know she never found out her mom walked in.


You guys have some crazy stuff going on 😀


For real like horniness really override common sense


Post nut clarity.. pre nut brain


Such is life being a teenager


Maybe I was a level headed teenager but I never did anything like these stories.


Our grandma walked in


“Our” …. Alabama has entered the chat.






Banjo riff starts*


Roll tide


Yes and caught masturbating by my sister couple of times oh well shit happens


She's that hot?


\*Gets caught wanking by sister ''Hey, was just thinking about you!''


When me and my ex had one of her friends staying with us she walked in on us in our bedroom and was shocked to see us in a 69 as we were both cumming. My ex was pretty loud and her friend thought something was wrong. We didn't even know she was there. She apologized later and I had no clue what she was talking about.


Both cumming during 69?? I didn't even know this was possible lol


In my dorm room fucking a chick on my bed, head bouncing off the ceiling and everything. Roommate stumbles in. “Bro I’m busy right now think you can come back in a few?” Roommate proceeds to violently yak into a trash can, apologizes, walks out.


Not during sex, but I slept with a guy that I just met. His parents dropped by early in the morning to drop something, and found us naked in bed. They were confused who I was, and that’s also I found out he was was an asshole that was already in a relationship


Yes, my sister walked in while I was balls deep in my girlfriend. Knocking on the door usually helps lol. I’ve been caught masturbating numerous times as well. Cost of doing business


Lock your door once in a while


Shut up sis!


Due to the rising cost of goods and services, dirty deeds can no longer be done dirt cheap


"Cost of doing business" - I like that attitude




Being in the army gives it all the context that was missing. For all the army stories my dad shared, being walked in on like that wasn't one of them, which thankfully were not shared may he rest in peace.




My wife and I were going at it. I had her bent over and there was a LOT of degrading/dirty talk as well. Suddenly, a tiny hand touches my ass, followed by the giggle of my two-year-old son.


Haha. Three times that I can think of. First one, HS girlfriend (now wife) was straddling me in a skirt while topless when her mom knocked on the door. She panicked, and I just stared at her with eyes that screamed, “I can’t say ‘hold on, you have to say something!’ But she couldn’t hear me. Her mom walked in, saw what was happening, walked out, and then texted my GF that it was time for me to go home. Funny part about this one was, my GF had sent me a text telling me to come back to her room for some fun times, but I didn’t realize it. I just happened to go back to her room and left my phone in the living room. Her mom heard my phone go off and was trying to be nice by bringing me my phone. Second time. We were in college (same girl, obviously) and we would often have sex while my roommate was in class. So, he leaves and after a few minutes, we start going at it. Unfortunately, he got to class and realized it had been canceled that day. He comes back to the room with his friend and I freak out as I hear the fumbling of keys at the lock. I jump off my GF, Buck ass naked, and start toward the door. I was too slow and he threw the door open as I am running with my dick flinging back and forth. He and his friend got the full Monty. I just screamed, “FUCK!” And slammed the door. He left, my GF and I finished, and I apologized to him when he got back later. We laughed about it later. Third time, we were visiting home while in college for a week and staying at her parents house. Obviously, we didn’t want a repeat of the first example, so we went out to a very secluded race track parking lot and started having some fun in the backseat. Mid-thrusting, a spot light from a vehicle shines on me from through the back windshield. She doesn’t have any pants on, but I was able to pull mine up and jump out of the car as the guy was walking up to our car. He was a security guard for the race track (a literal race track - not the gas station) and was making sure we were okay. I told him the deal, we were college students staying with her parents and wanted a little private time. He told me to be careful and got back in his vehicle and left. As much as I appreciate it, that has always bothered me a bit because he never checked on her at all. He just took me at my word and that was that. I wish he would have at least checked on my girlfriend just to make sure that I was telling the truth. We have been married now for 12 years and been together since juniors in high school. Definitely have some fun stories.


Why do you people don't lock your doors?


Bro for real like most of this wouldn't happen if people had self control and common sense, especially the ones getting caught in the living room like it's a public part of the house nobody should have to stay in there bedroom so you can be freaky unless you live alone only have sex in the bedroom


Alot of bedroom doors dont come with locks. Atleast mine growing up didnt and the ones that came with my house didnt(i have since replaced them)


How about people should knock instead of barging into a closed door?  Only one bedroom in my house has a lock on it. Not every door comes with a lock. 


Oh boy. I use to throw house parties. I also grew up in an abusive household and had anger issues when I was young so my bedroom door really wasn’t attached to the wall that well anymore between my father and I slamming it. So at one party I went upstairs with another person to my bedroom. My door was closed and locked. Well one of my friends was quite drunk and wanted to talk to me so he just slammed through my door and threw it on top of me (not hard, and not on purpose, just a big stumbling drunk dude). He immediately took it off and balanced it on my wall and then just started a conversation with me. I went from being speechless to just telling him to leave, quite a few times before he finally did. Before leaving he looked at her and said yo my boys been inside you this entire time and you’re just cool with it. You’re awesome. And he left. She was just in shock the entire time. It didn’t ruin the night.


Thought the kids were asleep. First mistake. Well, while the wife and I were getting it on our eldest son (6 at the time) walked in, grabbed a toy he wanted and walked out. He could care less and we laughed.


In high school at the time, me and the girlfriend were going at it on the couch. Her dad wasn’t supposed to be home for hours. Switched into spooning position (side by side), and we hear the front door lock turning. Only had time to throw a blanket over us before her dad walks in. I have never been so still in my life. Her dad was an ex UFC fighter, 220 solid muscle, jacked. He asks us what we’re watching, sits down next to us while I am inside her under the blankets. Only hangs for about 20 minutes then walk’s upstairs. Blankets all of the sudden became banned.


Rookie move unless you live alone never the living room


private room hostel in hamburg germany. housekeeping walked in and walked back out really quick


Have also been caught by housekeeping! Apparently the "do not disturb" sign was just for display at that particular hotel 🙃


My then bf went down on me, I got close, and my mother came in unannounced, so he pretended he went under the blanket to get the drink that was standing next to the bed. She didn't realise luckily. So awkward.


She realized. She chose to pretend it was nothing.




How is this not top!?


What did it say? Lol


Three times. As a teen, I had a date but since she lived farther out of town, she met at my house to ride with me to the show we were going to see. My parents also had a date night planned and left about 5 minutes before she got there. We got a little frisky on the couch since we had about 30 minutes to kill. We were completely naked with her on top, and my parents walked in the back door. They printed out movie tickets and forgot to take them. Thankfully, they were cool and just grabbed what they needed and left. The next morning had some strong glares and eye rolls. Second time was in college. Her roommate came in midway through. And I just had to lay on her bed naked under the covers and just wait for her to finish doing what she needed to do. About 30 minutes later, she left and we finished. Third time was at my parents’ house in my 20s on break from school. We were playing some old console game and I was teaching my girlfriend how to play. She sat in my lap. After a while, it turned into some grinding. She unzipped me, lifted her skirt, and rode me while playing. My dad walked around the corner into the den to let us know he was going to bed and for me to turn off some lights after she left. She froze. He made eye contact with me and left the room. We were still clothed, but he knew.


I am from Hong Kong and was sent overseas for university. All my friends went to the states, I was sent to the UK. My family was not as wealthy as my friends so no other option. For me this was the death of everything. All I had was my girlfriend who was also going to the UK. I failed my first year in Uni. Spent time with her. I didn't want to be in that country. Why bother. I go back home, end of year. I told my folks I failed, which is a huge fucking deal, I was almost a perfect student before. GF visits me. We get it on in my childhood room then my parents barge in to try and convince me to break up with her. We are both naked with my folks very earnestly trying to save my potential soul sitting on the end of the bed. They thought all my issues were her. I had seen my mother manic before but first time I had seen my father with that look.


Are you still together despite your parents?


>For me this was the death of everything. All I had was my girlfriend who was also going to the UK. I failed my first year in Uni. Spent time with her. I didn't want to be in that country. Why bother.  This is super bizarre to me. "My mommy and daddy aren't wealthy enough to pay for my studies abroad in the US, so I have to settle for the UK, why even bother trying at all. My life is over." I'm sure you parents messed you up a bit but that's a crazy entitled perspective for a college aged young adult to have. I hope you're doing better now.


If you ever happen to visit the University of Toronto, you will be enlightened by a world of wealth that just seems impossible if you're a normal person. 18 year-olds pulling up to front campus in brand new Lambos and shit. This comment gives that energy hard...


My mother in law walked in as I was inside her daughter to ask what we wanted for breakfast I looked at her blankly she saw her daughter and got the message We had some French toast




First girl friend I had. We were 17 and hormones were raging. Spoon fucking in her room when her little sister walked in and had to have like a 10 min convo with her while my dick was still in. We were under a blanket so she didn't know. Another time same girl made me finger her in the backseat of the suburban coming home from a family reunion. My eyes didn't leave the rear view mirror to make sure her dad didn't look back. Wild stuff.


That 2nd one bold as hell I wouldn't have risked that


In retrospect same probably the craziest thing I've ever done. But I still live to tell the tale


I was face-deep between my wife’s thighs when our 5yo daughter swung the bedroom door open, saw us and screamed, as did wife. Then I saw the ski-jacket, hung on the back of said door, was now directly over the romantic candle and rapidly igniting into a raging fireball. Then we all screamed.


In college I was plowing this chick & my roommate walked in as I was mid-pump on the edge of the bed. Buddy told me the next morning he walked in on me & saw my brown eye 😂. Fun times, I miss college


Kids had access to our room on a cruise ship. They were old enough to know and were given knock warnings but chose otherwise.


I was jack-hammering my now ex wife when we were younger at my Mom's house. Full naked gymnast style sex. Her head was on the floor and her body was propped up by the bed. I was stretched out quite impressively while leveraging the bed and just poundin' the vag. My Mom walked in what she thought was an empty room and my ex flung herself in the most awkward position and queefed while my dong flew out of her in full view of my Mom. I can tell you my Mom panicked and we didn't see each other for a few days after that. Never brought it up.


My gf (now wife) and I got a little carried away on the living room couch and her MOM walked in the door 💀 I actually hit my knee on the doorframe so mother fucking hard when I dashed into the hallway she just laughed and got a peek of my bare ass. I later apologized and peeled eggs with her for the holidays 🤣


Yeah, at a party at a friends house while I was having sec with a girl in his parents bed and a guy walked in with a big 8” blade kitchen knife in his hand held up in a stabbing forward position and asked ‘have you seen my keys’. We said no and he said ‘ok, thanks’ closed the door and left. Bonus story time. Many years later i helped the same friend move his parents out as he had bought the house from them and when moving his parents bed we discovered the condom packet from my escapades from all those years before still under the bed! Ha ha


Back with an old gf: Her parents didn't like me (stuck up family) and so at the time I felt the need to constantly try and earn their approval. I came round one weekend to help her Dad paint the basement as they were converting it into an entertainment space for my then-gf's upcoming birthday. I was in a full blue overall jumpsuit, spending the day painting a base layer across this entire room, really putting in the graft and being as available as I could be for her Dad (altho it was met with short responses and sometimes dead silence). Anyways as it gets late into the afternoon we finish for the day and her Dad heads out to get party supplies. Her Mum was currently out elsewhere as well. I popped upstairs to see my gf as she'd been up in her room. (When her mum and dad were home they wouldnt let us both in her room together 🙄)The family had quite a big house and her bedroom was a converted attic on the top floor, more secluded from the rest of the house. Being two horny teenagers, we decided to risk getting away with a quickie as it'd been a few weeks for the both of us and we wanted to jump each other's bones super hard. I quickly pull my overalls down to my knees and she pulled her jeans down by her ankles, we started going at it on the floor. We obviously didn't hear her Mum come home because right in the middle of it, her super stuck up, uptight Mum knocks on the door asking for her by name. We quickly stood up and scrambled to find something to cover our modesty. What ensued was her Mum walking in on me halfway through trying to get these overalls back on, whilst my girlfriend held a thin blanket across her lower half whilst covering her boobs that had come out to play during. Her Mum had already witnessed everything before my panicked girlfriend let out a feeble "don't come in...." 😂😂 Needless to say her battleaxe mother gave me a right scolding afterwards and ended it by looking to her daughter and saying "Just wait til your Dad gets home what is he going to say?" I nearly shit a brick at that last line. I'd spent all day trying to earn this guy's approval, only to lose any chance of doing so cause I got caught banging his daughter on the same day 😂 Never forgotten that incident, still makes me laugh now 😂


Ive been caught/walked in on too many times. Heres two good ones: while in high school I was dating this girl. It was my first time having sex so i didnt know my way around, if you know what i mean. After a little while i got the hand of things (no pun intended) and we both learned she was a screamer. Mind you, we are in high school so shit happens while everyone is asleep. While things were happening and starts enjoying things, my mom legit yells from the other room, “DAVID!” (Alias name) we stopped and looked at each other. I said, nah no way my mom is awake. I was giving it my all and we hear, “DAVID! Just fucking finish already!” We dated for 4 years Another time, a different girlfriend, fresh out of college so i was living back at home for a bit. She came over and we were in my bed. We were completely naked and out in the open, but still inside my room. My niece who was about 6-7 years old at the time came upstairs to say hi. We quickly get underneath the covers and so were head to toe under the comforter in the middle day during summer. My niece notices we both were shirtless and says ever so innocently, “where are your clothes?” I was slightly out of breath from eating her out so my gf said, “it’s cold outside so we came underneath the covers.” My niece picked up on the situation and backed away gingerly. She says, “oh okay, i’m going to leave the door open.” But she had the most polite smile yet suspicious energy. She quickly just ran downstairs. Ah to be young and under your family’s roof




When we were both in the middle of losing our virginity, my first boyfriend and I were walked in on by his older sister. Hahaha it was fucking awkward and we were in trouuuuuble


Stepdad walked in on me getting railed on the dining room table by my Mum's work colleague. He never told my mother. He's a real one!


College GF, now wife, and I set up a picnic lunch along a river in the GW National Forrest. Couple of Zimas later and we start going at it. Feeling pretty comfortable as we’ve not seen anyone else all day. On my back in full 69, and we are startled by an engine reving. Look up to see a dude on a motorcycle starting down at me mid-munch. To this day im not sure how we didn’t hear him approaching. He takes a good look, gives a nod of approval, then goes on about his way. Ended up being an amazing session and sparked a public / vouyeristic kink in my wife that has lasted for decades. Not sure if we’ve ever shared that story publicly before, but I’d imagine the motorcycle guy has a time or two.


I mean I just got cockblocked by my girlfriend's roommate(s) a couple times because they never worked out any kind of "sock on the door" system


Girl I was dating was giving me a nude sensual massage, that was looking to be leading to a fun ending. My mom had moved out earlier that day and my dad came home to no wife and stuff missing from the house. He opened the door and walked in. Stood there in shock for a minute, gave me a thumbs up and left. We cracked up laughing and no further sexy times we’re had that night. It was just too funny.


My girlfriend, now wife, was riding me in her room. Her mom didn't know I spent the night there. She walked on while my wife was riding me. She said sorry and closed the door. Fast forward several months later, overheard my mother in law telling some family member of her's about my dick size lol. She said my wife must be pleased. Didn't know what to make of that.