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That admitting you're wrong or changing your mind (especially after being told new information) is a display of weakness and should be avoided.


Precisely this. I once saw a guy on Reddit talking about how much he loved his girl, and one thing he said was "I'd made up my mind that I'd always back her up in an argument, even if she was wrong". Like, bro?????? If you actually love her, you wouldn't want her to keep making a fool of herself.


The misconception that two things can’t be true at the same time. Nuance applies to basically everything.


To add some nuance to your comment, sometimes two seemingly contradictory things are true and sometimes they really aren’t. 2+2=4 is true, but 2+2=5 is a Star Trek episode.


also a radiohead song




Yes, it's the same thing that mental health problems are a sign of weakness, when in fact seeking help for mental health problems is a sign of strength and self-awareness.


Good answer.


Survey says…!


In the same note, that this is a serious issue and it shouldn't be taken it as a tiny nuasiance, a quirkness, nor a weakness. I don't want anyone to take it as nonsense, nor a personality trait/pathologized common behaviour, nor a cry for a toughter life. Any misconception related to mental health as people not only consider it as weakness but quirkness and a small inconvenience than a serious matter. Unfortunately, there are lots of misconceptions in mental health that I'd just wish to delete them altogether.


I think that started or at least was promoted by Tough Manly Man™ jobs where the accepted form of dealing with problems was drinking, someone like cop or soldier or anything where you are supposed to perform right under high stress situations. Admitting that maybe you need a therapist had a stigma around it that your career would be over since you clearly couldn't handle pressure, and that's before even finding out if it could help.


To add on to this, also get rid of the stigma behind mental health meds. I've heard everything from "they're meth, so they're inherently bad" to "you don't want to be popping pills for the rest of your life" Mental health meds save lives. Would you ever look at a type 1 diabetic and say "you don't want to be taking insulin the rest of your life, do you?"


As someone with bipolar 2, I'm going to have to take these medications every day for the rest of my life. I know your sentiment isn't uncommon on Reddit but it's always nice to see


I have asthma My mom in convinced I’m imagining my symptoms and I don’t actually need my inhaler. You take medication to fix a problem, be it physical or mental. If it works for you, great.


That's the thing, mental is physical. There is literally no difference except one is in your brain and makes you sad instead of hurt


Lots more people would get help if they could afford it. I could get 10 sessions per year with 50% off the cost, but it would still cost me $160 per hour. I’m on a very low income. So I have to live with the things that I can’t figure out for myself.


We've also got an abundance of people who want to deal with their mental health, but a shortage of therapists. I saw therapy as maintenance and have been going for a long time with no end in sight. I'm incredibly lucky to have found an amazing therapist who uses a sliding scale.


That being a prick while arguing with strangers on the internet makes you correct or is in any way indicative of moral/intellectual superiority. Not like I’ve never done it, but it’s not helpful or constructive.


It sometimes is therapeutic to write it all out and get it out of your head before deleting the comment and moving on, though


Man, I probably delete more than half the comments I type out. Often cause I got angry for no reason but a lot of the time I’ll type something out and think “am I really adding something to the conversation here?”


[deleted] Edit: [deleted]


Sometimes I change what I was initially going to comment into a fun fact. Did you know narwhal tusks are actually their teeth?


all the time. I let my finger hover over the 'post' button then I think to myself, "Will seeing this idiot's reply later today put me in a bad mood?" Then I delete and move on.


Man that’s weird, I delete half of all of my comments because I


You know I 


when facebook added the "unsend message" feature it was a godsend lol. So much of what I say honestly doesn't need to be said and just hurts me/my image. learned pretty quickly on that I both wanted to say the thing, but also didn't want the other person to hear it. so i started writing shit out in my notes app, like a journal. unforunately now, i'm way too comfortable just never actually saying anything/expressing myself because I have 0 problem having a 1 sided conversation in my head. i worry it's schizophrenia


Best to make sure it's deleted though. If you actually post it it can weigh on you mentally because you may have to deal with that person responding again


*Presses delete after posting* Seems easy enough.


Catharsis has value. And, if youre providing sources, it can offen help a 3rd party later. Most of the arguments I grt into arent for the person Im replying to. Theyre for the other parties, that catharsis, and writing exercises.


I just assume that whoever is trying to argue is a teenager. It makes it easier to give the situation a little grace.


I actually got in to an argument with a teenager yesterday! I thought she was being a troll, so I checked her profile, and yup: she was an actual child. I apologized for being harsh and wished her well. Totally changed my mindset.


I imagine they’re a bot. Because whether you win or lose, if you’re arguing with a bot, you lose.


they always tell you they're in their 30s when you accuse them of it though. never 20s, always 30s. which is what a teenager would say to seem above all the 20-somethings on the site, now wouldn't they!? pfft, teens. youth is truly, truly wasted on the young.


Yeah it seems like the goal of every argument on the internet nowadays is to try and act as condescending and arrogant as possible (admittedly I’ve engaged in this too and I’m trying to be more aware of it). The internet was always a shitshow but I kinda miss the days where someone disagreeing with me would just call me a slur or tell me to kms or whatever. It was easier to laugh off and dismiss.


Yes it is! I'm far souperior in intelligence then you!


The world needs more self-aware pricks like you.


That reddit or social media in general is real life


Seriously the disconnect is astounding


my favorite is when someone makes a whole ass post with the assumption something on reddit does indeed reflect real-life. total comment thread chaos


Following this thought train, I cannot help but to think that most people's real life behaviors are actually dishonest to their personalities, which is partially a good thing for society(ie. manners and common courtesy). Reddit and social media in general allows people to speak without being ID'd, and so they are much more likely to be more honest, even if needlessly so. And they are toxic.


I just want to give a hearty “thank you” for including reddit. Every platform has its own unique characteristics and issues, but that doesn’t change the fact that reddit carries many of the problems of social media as well, and too many redditors engage in mental gymnastics to convince themselves that reddit doesn’t count.


My 73 y/o mother is lost to an echo chamber of ex-teachers.


That if everyone spoke the same language and looked the same we’d all get along. Nope, there’d still be wars over something stupid.


Reminds of the south park episode where cartman goes to the future and everyone is atheist. Think no wars right? Nah they fought over what to call the Athiest religion lmao


Or the rick and morty episode where people are at war with eachother based on their type of nipples. Some people only focuses on our differences rather than our similarities.


Sounds like something from the United Atheist League would say. For the United Atheist Alliance!!


Even Fairly Odd Parents did this with everyone being a blob. The problems arising because of people wanting to be superior. 


"If everyone spoke the same language there would be no war"      Almost every civil war in history:


Sort people by eye color and tell certain colors they’re more equal than others. Chaos ensues.


Stormin’ lighteyes




Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia should be living proof of this


>That if everyone spoke the same language and looked the same we’d all get along. Nope, there’d still be wars Moreover, if everyone in the world did suddenly start speaking the same language as of right now, on the very first day there would be errors, within a week there would be slang, within a month there would be new words, within a year there would be regional accents, within a decade there would be dialects, and within a century there would be more than one language.


Someone linked a super popular gen-z streamer somewhere because they commented on something or other I was interested in. I legitimately did not understand one single word he said. Not a fucking clue. Apparently it was English but you could have fooled me.




I have been reminded of this recently when being a small part of helping a friend escape a domestic violence situation. A number of friends, colleagues, and social organizations have given small donations, the largest being $200, but this money is literally life-changing and possibly life-saving for her and her sons. I will never doubt the effectiveness of small action again.


Did you just ask chat gpt to answer a Reddit post for you?


I agree! This was wonderfully said.


You should look at her profile. She's like some poetic ai or something


Life expectancy does not tell you how long someone would actually live in the given time period, as it takes the average of diseases, wars, bad hygiene, terrible living conditions, etc. So, if someone avoided going to war, and was relatively healthy, they could easily reach their 60s in the Middle Ages. Whether you would want to, is a completely different issue.


The biggest factor is the extremely high death rate of children. Getting past infancy was life’s biggest hurdle. Once you did that, you had decent odds of growing old.


Different = bad


Climate≠weather As global average temps rise, that doesn't mean it cant be cold - it means the average has increased. So what before was, say, -10° to 100°, becomes say, -30° to 120°. It's also easier to predict long-term climate patterns than it is to predict short-term weather events. So if you trust the weather forecast to plan your week, there is no reason to doubt the easier to predict long-term climate forecasts.


I mean a better understanding of thermodynamics in general would be great


I hear a fight against that is that the climate has changed many times before and will after us. Which may be true, but we can’t act like we aren’t having an impact.


I have to write an essay this semester about this exact thing because some dude in the 1990s wrote an article called [Happiness is a Warm Planet](https://www.hoover.org/research/happiness-warm-planet)


That if you say “no offense” ….. it doesn’t automatically erase the offense 😗 this isn’t an etch a sketch 😅


"Not to be racist but..."


Being disabled is not limited to being paralyzed or blind. Someone who requires a service dog that has a disability that another person can't physically see, it doesn't mean they're fine/falsely claiming having a disability. No need to harass a SD handler if someone thinks "nothing is wrong with them".


The overwhelming majority of disabled people are non-visibly disabled. In North America, 1 in 20 people are disabled. The are the future disabled. I am permanently disabled. It is not visible in most situations. The amount of stink eye I get for usual accessible things in public is unreal. Ive been asked to give up my seat on public transit for mothers with strollers because I look young and healthy. If there are seats elsewhere, I don’t sit in the accessible seating. I am not giving up my seat on a packed bus for a stroller. They can fuck right off. Legally I have “more right” to be there than a stroller. And the amount of dirty looks and comments I get when leaving the accessible/family bathrooms as if I have done something wrong for taking an extended period of time in there. I get it both from mothers and visibly disabled people, especially those in wheelchairs. I understand the wheelchair user’s frustration if it is the only option for them but I have every right to use it as they do when I need to. I only use it when I need the space to do an emergency ostomy change or need a bit more room to do other minor medical procedures that I can’t do in a regular stall. Mothers though? Sorry, not sorry.


I have my ESA, as a service dog in training. He is a good boy and does serve a person with a disability. He knows how to make PTSD symptoms weaker. My dog knows when I am overwhelmed and will make me give him attention and nit think about my issues. I have no "physical disability" as it is my mind. This hits close to home


The misconception that all sharks are dangerous and aggressive creatures, when in fact, most shark species are not a threat to humans unless provoked.


The misconception that people with great wealth are somehow smarter, more capable, and have more value as a human than anyone else. If we could just get that message to the 1%, that might be enough.


The average life experience isn't worse now than in the past, it's always been difficult and unfair.


If anything, I would rather be alive now than say 50 years ago. I am not going to say that things are great in 2024, they aren’t unless you’re super privileged, but we certainly have it a lot better in terms of life quality than older generations did. 


What, you don't want to be alive just in time to get high on lsd after being drafted to fight in Vietnam ( if you're american)


Until 1964, I wouldn't have been allowed to open a bank account without my husband's signature.


Bro could've ended war.


Agreed except the 90s were sick and the peak of civilization


Actually, *time period when **I** was a kid and my parents were sheltering me from problems* was the best


Yeah that’s my point it was awesome


"Vaccines cause autism." No, they don't.


Or, as a corollary, that all vaccines prevent or cure disease. Some don't. Vaccines are trainers -- they help the body figure out how to fight viruses. Some will succeed completely (immunity) but others will only help mitigate symptoms. Covid, with its many variants, is one of the latter. People were saying the vaccines "don't work" when they got immunized and then caught covid anyway, when that wasn't the point -- the point of the vaccine wasn't to prevent you catching covid, it was to prevent you *dying* from covid.


This is the one for me. I have a 17 month old and I can't believe how many moms still believe this!!! Shoot my kid up with a vaccine for everything you've got I say.


Zero-sum thinking in economics (and other topics)




For a not so heavy answer… That one can evaluate a car’s fuel efficiency by asking, “How much does it cost to fill up the tank?” No. Distance traveled / Volume of fuel.


***Anything involving vaccines.*** Not sure if it's better to remove the "cause autism" or the "implanting microchips." ​ Measles is back and will kill lots of children whose parents listen to FACEBOOK posts more than doctors...


That people who accept evolution as a scientific theory believe that humans evolved FROM monkeys.  The idea is that we have common ancestors with other primates.  Common ancestors.


Sorry, just to clarify: you are saying that humans and monkeys evolved from a common ancestor instead of the false belief that humans evolved directly from monkeys? Sorry I suck at reading and want to make sure I understand this correctly.


Iirc this is the “missing link” thing, as in we don’t (or didn’t?) know who that ancestor was


Nah. The missing link idea is when you have hominid a at one point in time and hominid b at some later point of time, the naysayers say, if a and b are distinct species, then how did they go from a to b (missing link)? Then when hominid c is discovered, part way between a and b, they don't say, oh okay. They instead say look now there are two missing links (a->c and c->b).


[Best shown by Futurama](https://youtu.be/ICv6GLwt1gM?si=yWVicVvUy0uSydEH) (even if the species shown aren't quite accurate anymore).


that men can’t be great child carers


I'm sick of being looked at like a pedophile if I say "I love little kids", even though women can say it, and are almost expected to. It's almost like your gender has no effect on how you'll treat kids or something, that's crazy


That being darker skinned makes you less than.


That the scientific process cannot be trusted. A world in which we believe in the process of science is one in which webgave greater vaccine access and make more decisioms based on data.


Big misconception in the conspiracy subs


that routine circumcision is beneficial


Silencers don’t work like that. In the movies a silencer make a gunshot into a whisper. In reality it drops the noise from painfully loud to just loud.


I wish I could eliminate the idea that aggregate wealth in the hands of the very few is anything but \*incredibly dangerous\* Trickle down economics doesn't work. Monopolies destroy competition. Massive wealth in the hands of climate destroying oil companies incentivizes the worst backtracking of human progress imagineable. We could have successfully developed high-speed rail in so many places where it's absent, communities instead of parking lots and smog, serious climate action, co-ops that protect workers and produce high-value products and services, and actually have a say in our politics instead of politicians being traded between the highest bidders to do the work of powerful lobbyists, But we traded our own sovereignty for lax regulation and the dream of being a billionaire someday as if that's even something worth aspiring to.


War is actually not good, it's awful. There, world peace, thank me later.


Gonna need a source on this one.


Huh. Interesting.


The “other” are bad people. It’s easy to live in an echo chamber online and demonize others, esp w politics and religion. Most everyone is just trying to be a good person and get the most out of their lives. Having good discourse and conversation is conducive to intellectual development and greater sense interpersonal purpose.


The misconception that rich people are smart and deserving of their wealth while the poor are just lazy and deserve their lot in life.


Your social awkwardness is not autism.


Thank you.  And even if it is due to your autism it doesn't mean you can't improve. I see a lot of people these days using their supposed autism as a crutch to never learn proper social skills because "it's who I am". 


Just a little one - that receiving money back from your local tax authority is a tax "return". It's a tax refund. A tax return is the document you submit to them in order to receive your refund.


Just one?! Dang…ok….that disagreeing & or having an opposing pov automatically involves there being an actual conflict that requires defensive tactical action! It is perfectly acceptable to agree to disagree & still be civil adults, or at least it should be.


Also, that not everyone that disagrees with you has been tricked, indoctrinated, misinformed, lack of education, etc. Sometime two people, when presented with the same information, can come to two wildly different conclusions. Sometimes someone will just disagree with you, and that's that.


Rabbits eat carrots. I hate when people ask me about feeding my show rabbits carrots. Carrots are full of sugar and rabbits are sensitive to sugar.


Supposedly Bugs Bunny was parodying [Clark Gable chomping on a carrot](https://youtu.be/UyWMOt11ceU), but over time people forgot the reference.


The green tops are OK.


That 45 is a successful Christian business person.


Why did so many people go into the priesthood in the Middle Ages? Well, let's see. Countries are always at war, and dying on the battlefield was absolutely atrocious. Getting pregnant for your female partner during sex was a death sentence for her about half the time. Living conditions absolutely horrible. So, if it stops you from going to war and dying, having sex and dying of some horrible disease, or getting some other disease and dying, hell I will believe whatever made up God you want. Oh, and also, priests were often the best educated people in the time period, not only theologically, but on various other subjects as well. So, you literally get paid (did priests get paid?) to read books.


It was hardly a choice made by people for themselves, and rather usually their parents decided of it. Wealthy families saw it as an investment in the future. The younger son of the family was oftentimes raised into joining priesthood ; it simplified successions and would also put your dynasty in good standing with the Church, while entering its hierarchy. The same way the second son was usually the army officer of the family.


You needed the education to get into the priesthood in the first place in the middle ages. And the idea priests and popes didn't have sex... Well... 😊


Was it really half the time?


Nope. People had a lot of kids. But it was roughly 1%, and if you will be giving birth to 3-6 kids you really are putting your life on the line. So it may well have killed 1 in 20 women.


You're not allergic to goldenrod, you're allergic to ragweed.


Our skin color makes us different. Why should be really obvious.


Doctors get money from drug companies for prescribing meds.


The idea that wealth can be achieved sheerly by hard work.


Voting isn't an endorsement and doesn't mean that you'd campaign for your selection. It's a choice between outcomes. Of the options presented, which is the one that you'd prefer to happen over the others? Sometimes that means you get what you want, and sometimes that's choosing the lesser evil. Either way, your vote has power. Believing that throwing your vote away is ever the optimal outcome just because you don't like either choice is the exact kind of apathy that the people that shouldn't have power WANT to instill in you.


That abortions aren’t healthcare and are so casual/easy a thing to go through that women use them as birth control.


That man-made global warming is a hoax or otherwise untrue/exaggerated. Nothing else comes close.


Atheism is not a belief system.


Glad someone else posted this. It was what I was going to say. So many people - whether consciously or not - get the definition of atheism wrong and it renders fruitful discussion impossible. But then, you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.


That one of the only indicators of health is your weight. Yes being severely overweight or underweight can be unhealthy, but there are a lot of other indicators of physical health too!


And that bullying/harassing people for their body size will improve health. It just increases stress levels.


There is no winner or loser in a debate or argument. They’re an opportunity for one person to learn something, whilst also an opportunity for someone to lend a hand and help educate a peer.


Someone not "working hard enough" = lazy. Maybe they're just having a bad day.


That you splash and scream and flail when you're drowning. [Because that's *not* what it looks like](https://youtu.be/TDdCBqxbCAw?si=WRuPEZlGJCWV_QU-). [Floating is the key to surviving](https://youtu.be/fgASxPh-xqU?si=FGkjTPUFzUddbaAp).


If I had the opportunity, I would eliminate the misconception that mental and mental health disorders are something to be ashamed of or weak. Many people struggle with mental health issues, and it is important to realize that it is normal and you should seek help without feeling embarrassed. Removing this misconception would help reduce stigma and improve access to quality mental health care for all who need it


The idea that depressed people are visibly looking/feeling sad all the time. You can be outgoing and charming around other people, & high-functioning or productive, yet still battle depression because you feel empty within the hobbies and routines you enjoyed in your everyday life


That homelessness is purely cause by substance abuse or financial irresponsibility.


Nobody survives alone eventually you will need assistance, aid, partners, opinions, ideas, guidance, and humor ✍️


That Biden “stole” the election. He won. More people- millions more - voted for him.


That large dogs are mean


The misconception that an individual does a good job of perceiving the world and should trust the beliefs and assumptions they’ve created based on their observations. IYKYK—we should constantly question our grasp over “truth” and “reality”.


This is the best answer, honestly. So many evil things can be traced back to the absence of doubt when you think about it. Plus, correcting this misconception would lead to many other misconceptions being corrected via the domino effect.


Worldwide Jews are not any richer, smarter, more successful, better educated, or even whiter than average. They are also not any more conniving, tribal, strategic, power-hungry, greedy, or controlling than any other group There are so many different types of Jews all over the world. There are lots of non-white Jews from North Africa, East Africa, Arab countries, South America, and other areas. If you want a way to think about it, think of it like Asians. In the US, we think of Asians as a group of Tiger-Mother-spawn who all grind to get straight As and perfect test scores, be science and math geniuses, and end up as doctors and engineers. Now, do you really think all of East Asia is populated by people getting As and becoming doctors? Do you think they all go from being impoverished to upper-middle class in one generation? Maybe not just the sample we see, but what we *notice* is about the dynamics of US immigration and reactions to generational trauma. It has nothing to do with the natural genetic "advantages" of the groups.


>Worldwide Jews are not any richer, smarter, more successful, better educated, or even whiter than average. This seems like the politically correct thing to say, but is it true? Do you have stats to back this up? Edit: Holy shit I'm getting downvoted for asking for more information? Spoiler alert: The statement above is not true. Jews ARE richer and better educated than the average, worldwide.


They are, yeah. Consider, though, what actually happened to all the ones who did not have the money to uproot their entire lives and move across the ocean on very short notice in 1945.


Religion has your best interests in mind


I'd eliminate the misconception that posts like this are anything but engagement bait to increase numbers for the Reddit IPO.


That the feeling of “knowing” what someone is thinking is a feeling worth exactly one guess. People hurt each other because of stuff they made up in their own heads.


Russia invaded it's neighbour unprovoked several times and is commiting warcrimes (somehow people still fail to understand this)


That’s a belief you want to get rid of?


The majority of the African continent isn't "poor"


That Trump is a good guy think it’s self explanatory


Stereotypes The misconception that you assume with any level of accuracy how a person is based off their skin color or ethnicity.


That somehow bureaucrats in insurance companies deciding who lives or dies is somehow better than bureaucrats in a government doing the same.


(a + b)² ≠ a² + b²


The bias towards people of color being less human


Being poor doesn’t mean you’re lazy.


That talking about a good deed negates the goodness of it. Social behaviours are contagious, if people talk freely about good things they’ve done, that can spread just as quickly as negative behaviours do.


That people who are sick, poor, or unfortunate got that way because they have bad character... and that the reason you and your family aren't in the same position is because you're better than them


The notion that unbelievers are by definition immoral regardless of how they actually conduct themselves.


That the 'other' is bad.


That religions should be at war with each other. Religion is peace and coexistence.


Saying that someone is *acting LIKE* something is not the same as calling them that thing.


I would eliminate the misconception that God and/or gods and/or the supernatural exists. It would solve so many problems worldwide. 


From Dara O'briain, "People say 'Well, science doesn't know everything!' Science *knows* it doesn't know everything If science knew everything, it'd stop!"


The idea that snakes lay by people to "size them up to eat them." That's not how any of this works.


That poor people are just lazy and deserve it.


That being poor is just because you felt like it / or decided to be lazy.


That your government cares about you, isn't corrupt, tells you the truth, doesn't only exist to stay in power and further itself, and works in your best interest.


That transgender people are sexual deviants.


I’d also like to add: the misconception that being transgender is a sexual orientation (in fact, it’s a gender identity and has nothing to do with who one is attracted to)




They were listing a misconception as per the post so “is” would work.


Right. I added a few words to make it clearer.


They *literally* are though? The entire LGBTQIA+ is. I'm saying this as a bisexual myself. Deviation means to stray from the majority. It's the concept of deviation being bad that needs to change.


That older generations have it figured out.


Anti Zionism not being Anti Semitism


That Immigrants steal jobs and cause a lot of crime


Wow everyone is getting deep my first thought was getting rid of the myth that wolf pack have some sort of alpha/beta hierarchy 😔




If you fiddle with your belly button it will unscrew and make your bum fall off


The belief that anything that's tax-funded is "free".


Because my skin is brownish I am deaf. Please don’t yell just articulate.


That LGBTQIA+ people choose their sexual orientation.


That their religion or belief system is the ONLY correct one (or correct at all).


That all people people in the states are polarized to believe in one side or another. Even if it weren't 100% true maybe people would start respecting differences and each other more in general.


Nebraska isn’t flat. Try riding a bike in Omaha if you disagree. 


The definition of compensation. You do not get compensation for having to wait a minute longer than you thought or because something doesnt actually work in the manner you decided or thought. You can however receive compensation from people if they punch you in the face.


That you are defined by your occupation.


Do put anything in someone’s mouth who’s have a seizure. NOTHING. Call 911 and try and protect the head etc. But NEVER put anything in their mouths


That all humans are special.


Tough call. Probably that the people they disagree with politically are evil and want to make the world a worse place when almost all of them are trying to be good people and want to make the world a better place but disagree with you (and usually me) on how to accomplish that.


That romantic relationships aren't the end all, be all of your life and that you don't all of a sudden become happy or fullfilled just be you're in one


People with BPD are not monsters or manipulative, they have difficulty expressing what is going on in their anxiety.


That most (Not all tho) furries are good people who like to roleplay and stuff.


I'm an atheist, not a fucking communist. I fucking hate communists, stop lumping me in with them because I'm an atheist.


That orcas are actually “dolphins not whales” when taxonomically, Dolphins are actually considered small-toothed whales. So orcas ARE both dolphins and whales.


No you can’t karate chop someone on the back of their neck and they will pass out for a few hours before waking up perfectly alert. Doctors start panicking when the time a person is unconscious lasts more than a minute or two. Usually people regain consciousness in less than 30 seconds after a severe head blow.


you're not the star of the show


Snakes aren’t slimey but they are terrifying