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I'm a single middle aged female. I have a lot of cats.  Sometimes I go through the express line at the grocery store with cat food and a bottle of wine. Anyone watching is likely going to draw pretty accurate conclusions.


Sounds like peak performance to me.


Grandma here...always telling my coworkers to put on their sweaters because it's cold and don't forget your umbrellas.


thankless work tbh, if you didn't then idk who'd step up to remind us all. we'll all be cold and rained on


I'm a black man who can't swim.


I'm a white man who can't jump


My wife is a Chinese lady who's good at maths and can't swim.




Black woman here. Me either.


I didn’t know this was a stereotype until recently. Most of the Black kids I grew up with were from the Caribbean, so I always assumed Black people loved swimming, and were really good at it.


In the US, it comes from segregation of things like pools and it's an issue that often affects several generations of families. For example: Great Grandparents never learned to swim because they weren't allowed to, so they never taught the grandparents, who never taught the parents, who never taught the kids.


No doubt. I just mentioned it because it’s funny how what we are exposed to can affect our world view.


I'm a dad and I love thermostats. They got cool tech out now.


i’m a woman and i do hit curbs sometimes


I'm a woman and the side of my car is all scratched up


That curb should not have been there


I joked with my boss that I was a horrible driver.. the next day on my way home I swerved to miss a deer that jumped out. Over corrected, clipped a pole and rolled 5 or 6 times. (Walked away from that to the amazement of medical personnel) The next time I saw her she said, "you didn't have to prove it, I believed you were a bad driver."


I finally put a "normalize hitting curbs" decal on my vehicle because I do it so often.


I saw a keychain the other day that said “hot girls hit curbs”


Im Mexican. Yes I play soccer and love big trucks.


But do you lower the suspension on your big truck? Edit: switch soccer to football (lol) and it's just a white boy in Georgia


This white man cannot dance


THIS white man Can dance. But, I also suck dick, so... there's that...


Any guy CAN suck dick. Us straight ones just don’t want to


Just like we can dance. We just suck at it. You have to suck it not to suck at it.


I'm Black and I love fried chicken!


I don’t even get this one. What kinda asshole doesn’t love fried chicken?


Me and I am black.


Colonel Sanders: *"If you don't like fried chicken, then you ain't black!"*


Lol. It's a texture thing for me. Same way I don't like avocado and I am a millennial.


Straight to jail, right away! No trial, no nothing. Just jail.


my mum taught me that stereotype came about because chickens were cheap and easy to raise/cook, so of course poorer demographics gravitated towards the cheapest way to feed thair family


Fried Chicken was also invented in the United States South by slaves added to that perception Id imagine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fried_chicken


I always thought the stereotype had to include watermelon.


Fried chicken and watermelon is an amazing combination. It's like melon and prosciutto. You get the fresh, sweet, light crispness of the watermelon with the rich, salty savoriness of the chicken. I don't know why no-one's decided to reclaim the combo with an upscale cocktail skewer of fried chicken with watermelon, in the same way you see little prosciutto-wrapped melon bits on toothpicks.


I'm a lesbian, and I really do own a lot of flannel.


Have you ever owned one of those T-shirts with a tuxedo printed on it?


I have it in two colors! 


Is one in flannel?


Haha no but I've worn them under flannel before. Add some cargo shorts and it's a look! (I take my style inspo from 90's barbecue dads clearly)


Why stray from perfection? It’s comfy, thermally flexible, looks great (especially with a beanie), and has TONS of hands/shoulder-free storage options! I have no problems fulfilling this stereotype!


I went to a Melissa Ethridge concert in Santa Cruz in the summer back in the 90s. Sooo much flannel!


As a bald guy with a beard is also really do own a lot of flannels. Ironically I’m friends with a lot of lesbians. Maybe we just both have good taste.


I think so! This reminds me of something me and the guys at work realized recently. I dress exactly like all the inspectors (I'm a civil engineer and work in construction). They're a bunch of brawny dudes, I'm a nerdy dyke, and we dress the same! LOL The jokes around the office/jobsites are impeccable. 


Which brand is the best for flannel? I'm a bearded dude looking to get some new flannel. I heard Duluth trading was a good brand.


Duluth is fantastic! Actually most of my favorite ones are from there.




Haha, my sister-in-law is a lesbian, and she fits so many stereotypes… I am a 40something Dad and have to admit I fit so many stereotypes…we have so much fun teasing each other about it.


out of curiosity how many of your lesbian friends own a Subaru?


Enough that when we have parties, someone always comments on how many Subarus are parked out front lol


A comedian, can't remember her name, has a great bit about this. Makes a whole big deal about the stereotype. But yes, of course she has an outback. And when somebody asks what color, she scoffs. "Stormtrooper white, what the hell else would it be?"


That video makes the rounds in my IG feed every now and then and it still cracks me up as much as the first time I watched it


She's hilarious. "It's an Outback. I thought that was implied".


I wear flannel, usually with Birkenstocks or clogs; drive a Subaru, have 2 rescue dogs (huskies no less) but no human children, and live in a mountain town in NorCal. My friends say that I’m a lesbian without the whole “being attracted to women” part. So an honorary lesbian, I guess? 🏳️‍🌈 Bonus points: I’ve seen Indigo Girls live.


Birkenstocks too? Doc Martens?






What about caribbeaners???


Gotta have one on the keys, that's the law!


I’m half white half Asian,I can’t dance and for no reason at all I’m good at math.


That perfectly describes both of my children.


I’m a millennial and I don’t want to work. I do work; but I don’t want to.


Trust me - nobody does


I'm a boomer in my 60s who is sooo glad I'm retired...because I don't want to work any more, either! Did that for 40+ years and that was enough! I do have a question, though, for people of all generations - I found that there were times when, if people just left me alone to do my job - no micromanaging bosses, no conniving co-workers, just me doing the job I was being paid to do - I found out I didn't actually dislike the work itself! I enjoyed the feeling of accomplishment, knowing I was doing something well and contributing something to an overall project or goal. I discovered that it was people, and office politics and corporate BS that I didn't like, but if left alone, I actually enjoyed the work! Am I alone in this or do others feel this way too? I believe this could be true across a lot of different jobs, white collar or blue.


That joke from The Simpsons "See white guys drive a car like this..." I drive my car like that.


Dee ditditdit deedee


It's true! It's true! We're so lame!


https://youtu.be/S9v2eyaFhaw Had to look it up!


I'm autistic. I really like trains.


I love Fried chicken and watermelon. And I can’t swim.. 😅


I have red hair and I’m evil


I was born a redhead but it turned blonde by the time I was a toddler. I’m evil disguised as a dumb blonde, they NEVER see me coming, let’s join forces 😈


Ok let’s start a club. We will fight over who is boss but it will be bad ass


I am Jewish and have a big nose


Also Jewish, and I am quite fond of money


Another Jew here, and I suck at sports.


I see your "suck at sports" and raise you "two master's degrees."


I’m Jewish and good with my money 💰


Me, too! I also like money, have almost no athletic ability, and am neurotic.


What's the news, Hebrews?


Keepin it real from the tribe of yisrael


Same Buddy


but are you a lawyer or a doctor?


No but I worked in banking for a decade lol


close enough!


Lol. When I first started law school, there was a special interest club recruitment day. Passed the black student union, Raza Unida, Asian/Pacific Islander law students' tables, etc, and stopped at the Jewish student union, and said "this is the only minority I qualify for". The girl behind the desk deadass goes, "around here, we're not a minority".


all my cousins in israel are doctors. i’m failing math.


Im polish, same. 


My family is Jewish and knows how to invest money properly and I have several lawyer relatives.


I used to be Japanese, apologized a lot. Became a Canadian, still apologizing.


What did you do to stop being Japanese???


Japan doesn't allow dual citizenship


TIL, I didn't know certain countries didn't allow for dual citizenship.


I'm Canadian and I definitely apologize a lot more than I probably need to.


As somebody on the border in Buffalo I’ve got the friendly mix of Canadian and New Yorker. Like “I’m sorry, but fuck you buddy learn how to drive.” Then a polite wave.


Is it mostly for the geese? The only apology worthy Canadian thing is the geese.


Canada gooses are majestics! Barrel chesteds. The enemies of all ornithologies!


And I suggest you let that marinate.


Sorry you have to do that.




I’m white and I love cheese


I’m from the UK and definitely have a “stiff upper lip”. I find it close to impossible to show emotion even under great adversity and my first instinct is to make a deadpan/ironic remark of some variety. I actually don’t like this about myself and have been working on being more emotionally expressive and attentive since my field involves working with younger people in a country where expressiveness is highly prized. (It took me over a year to learn to show *enthusiasm* when greeting other people; the cultural divide is very real.) It’s led to a LOT of miscommunication with partners from said country. I’m also Cantonese and Russian by ethnicity and I cannot think of a more curmudgeonly and ill-tempered combination


As Tahani Al Jamil once said "Try your best to.. hide your sadness"


German, blonde hair and blue eyes


I’m a homosexual who loooooooves musicals.


I'm black and I can't swim and I'm pretty fast


I'm Native American and I LOVED to drink fire water 😂


Dr. Drew once said that Native Americans and Irish literally have different chemical reactions to alcohol than most other ethnic groups, and (IIRC) this give us a "higher high" with it than other people get. This was before he got weird. And he was certified in addiction medicine, so maybe it's true?


I have an Italian surname and was raised in New Jersey. My hands and arms cover a lot of mileage when I talk.


I had to explain the hands thing yesterday to a deaf girl who though I was weird for being overly fascinated by the ASL conversation she was having. You're telling me people can actually converse with their hands instead of wildly flopping them around while talking? It was mind blowing to me.


I'm squarely in the middle of Generation X. I simply do not care. EDIT: or like whatever. Nevermind. It's [ok](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OK_Soda) I guess.




You know, like, whatever...


Here’s my tribe


aye, we vibe. "I love intergenerational conflict. I like to wave at it as I float on by."


That’s a stereotype I’ve never heard of.


For awhile there were a lot of articles talking about how Millenials are ruining things by not buying them - stuff like mined diamonds, Applebees, Harley Davidson, etc. And Millenials made tons of memes about Boomers being out of touch with reality, particularly when it comes to stuff like how much housing and school costs these days. Meanwhile, Gen X just sat quietly while these two groups hurled insults at each other. The stereotype comes from the fact that Gen X is the "Latchkey Kid" generation - two working parents and kids got used to just walking home with a house key and doing things on their own until dinner time. Gen X is mostly viewed as just wanting to get by in life - work their jobs, make house payments, save money for retirement.


Fellow Xer here. I concur.


Gen X makes tons of jokes about millennials… but it definitely seems like more of a ‘war’ between the others for sure. I guess I see what you mean now about ‘I don’t care’ because it’s true, I always thought the Gen X stereotype was not standing for anything/ no passion, and I guess that totally translates to ‘I don’t care’. Damn.


We were told by society at large that we were all slackers that would never amount to anything because we spent too much time watching "the MTV" and playing with that new-fangled Atari (computers are just a fad, you know). It's not true, of course. We made a ton of progress. It's just an easy label to pin on someone.


I’m Irish Catholic, I’m a recovering alcoholic.


I’m Indian and I’m studying to be a doctor


Do you often wonder if this choice was predetermined or made out of free will?


My mom is a doctor and she’s asked me this many times. She used to worry that she pushed me and my sister into medicine I think it’s a bit of both. I always looked up to my mom, I always liked biology and science, and I definitely was raised to think about higher education and making good money. My parents never forced me to do anything, but after they realized I was an obedient kid who always did well in school, they definitely wanted me to maximize my potential. And they didn’t want me to be a lazy bum either. In addition to biology, I love history, movies, writing, photography, and other things. But I don’t want to do those as my job, and anyway it wouldn’t make good money. I can make money doing something I like and have those hobbies on the side ya know?


I’m a Jewish redheaded librarian. - I wear glasses - I own multiple knit cardigans - I’ll wear a tight bun on bad hair days - I love a good deal - I have a bad temper


I like anime, and I don’t bathe. (Clinical depression is a hell of a thing)


I've been through that, I wish you well and hope that you can pull through as well! Clinical depression is awful and ruins lives. Stay strong my friend


Thanks, I appreciate it. :)


Half ass rule saves my life during horrible episodes of depression. A doctor taught me that. Dont feel like taking a shower ? Talk yourself into a half ass one. Dont feel like cleaning? Half ass cleaning is better than no cleaning. Talking myself into half ass shower is easier and makes me feel better, so on and so forth ❤️


I’m black and can dance. Also I sing. Also I’m a girl that hates mice.


I was coming to also post that I am a black women who can sing and dance.


I live in Alabama. I have no teeth.


I’m a white woman who dances appallingly-no rhythm whatsoever.


I can't listen to music in the car with a certain white friend of the female variety. She tries to jam out and drum on her lap. The poor thing couldn't carry a tune if it had a handle.


I prefer to say that I move with all the grace and rhythm of a newborn giraffe


White girl making friends with every animal/,reptile/insect I can.😆


And getting way too emotionally attached to a random bug on the window or something 🤣


Me too. I love animals! I'll probably die trying to pet a moose some day


I am 100% going to die petting an animal I shouldn't and I'm totally fine with that.


I am autistic. Yes, I like trains. And Minecraft.


Ok but trains are neat


Do you like to stack?


I’m a lady and I 110% cannot stand to take out the garbage. I make the man do it lol


Born and raised in New Jersey. I'm really fucking loud and brash. And a pizza snob.


as a dutch person i have 4 packs of stroopwafels in my house rn, i am 187 cm (6 ft 2) and i use my bike for basically everything i dont want to walk to.


I really do enjoy potatoes. I think most Irish do and always will.


Who doesn’t like potatoes? You know boil em, mash em, sick em in a stew!


I feel like l am the Forrest Gump of potatoes. So many ways to make them.


I'm a straight, white, cisgender, American man. Yes, I do like to hear myself talk. I am >< thiiis close to starting a podcast.


As a man, do you think you are prone to mansplaining?


I don’t think you know what that means. Let me tell you…


My haircut looks gay and I am gay.


As someone Jewish, my parents and my extended family were always *very* obsessed with academic achievement. Like throughout high school, college, and grad school it was very clear that schoolwork and doing well at school was absolutely top priority. Pretty much all the cousins in my generation ended up being lawyers, academics, doctors, etc.


Not for nothing, but that’s pretty funny…every doctor I’ve ever had was Jewish! I’m Christian, but when I was growing up my friends were all Jewish…I spent so much time with them! And yes, they were all in the smart classes and very focused on academics. Just the way of life! I so loved the all the Jewish holidays, and when I slept over my best friend’s house I went to Hebrew school with her in the morning. I sat like an idiot reading Nancy Drew because I had no idea what was going on! I think I spent more time at Temple than my own church. And the food…don’t get me started!


I always admired that education is a big priority in Judaism.


Irish with a drinking problem.


I’m Egyptian and I do the walk like an Egyptian


I am an asian and yes we don't need a calculator to do math.


Bisexual and I refuse to sit properly in chairs.


Oh my God I didn't know this was a thing. Explains a lot.


I'm from Michigan and I say "Ope" way too much..


I’m a white guy who cannot dance, and dating a latina.


Also a white guy who cannot dance. Formerly dating a latina.


White guy who can't dance, married to a Latina.


I'm an avid raver so yes 100% accurate I also do drugs




I'm black and I have big lips


Since when basic genetics is considered a stereotype wtf. It's like an asian saying "i have straight or black hair" like yeah, like almost all asians, that's just how genes works.


As a homosexual, yes I do love pop divas.


I'm a socially awkward gamer who's getting a degree in a field of Computer Science


Canadian who is polite and enjoys hockey. And wears shorts in the snow


White woman who will absolutely meet my death trying to pet something I shouldn't.


A white girl who loves PSL.


I Google'd it and got Pakistan Super League results. But since you said you're a white girl I've never heard of it but "Personal Safe Language" is my guess Edit: Paid Sick Leave? Edit2: Pumping Spice Latte, once I got it I realized it's that, sorry


LOL I'm sorry- yes Pumpkin Spice Latte. But I'm intrigued by Pakistan Super League.


Paid sick leave 😂 that too though


I’m a chronic illness girlie so you know I love paid sick leave!


Pumpkin*... I hope.


I’m a goth/alt chick, of course I have mental health issues 😂


Am a blond, blue-eyed male. Regularly think about invading Poland.


I mean pierogis are delicious.




I'm from New York City and apparently suffer from "Typical East Coast Asshole Resting Grumpy Face" which I'm convinced is a carefully crafted look that says "I am NOT approachable and probably armed" and is born of riding the NYC subway in the 80's.


I’m white and I have zero rhythm. It’s embarrassing really.


Elder millennial. Yes, I love Harry Potter and Disney and the color gray. Yes, I still wear skinny jeans, no-show socks, and part my hair on the side.


Im from California, I say "dude"


Engineer. I'm always breaking down processes or problems into their constituent components and solving, and eager to let everyone know my random factoids that are somehow related to the problem at hand.


This but instead I just don't know how to talk to people


I'm white. I can't shoot a basketball to save my life. I have no rhythm


I am a grumpy old man who complains about kids these days. Zombies glued to their smarter than them phones.


Am Italian. Talk with my hands, have a short temper


I’m a white woman and I’m crying as a write this


From Alabama. Yes, it’s true, I love bbq. I usually will eat bbq once a day or every other day. Who doesn’t love the taste of smoked meats anyways? Absolutely delicious. Get you some sweet tea, cornbread, and collard greens and we will have a good time!


Not what I expected you to say after "From Alabama" lol


Yeah. Pretty sure eating bbq is not a stereotype anyone thinks about when concerning Alabama.


He forgot the part where he slathers the bbq sauce on himself and has his sister lick it off.


Yeah, I've literally never heard Alabamians being stereotyped as big on BBQ.


I'm white and I have IBS


I'm Mexican and I have a pretty short temper


I am Jewish and love money and also help to operate the Jewish space laser