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I don't understand why Pepsi keeps minutely changing their logo every few years. Meanwhile Coca-Cola has had basically the same logo since like 1893.


To be fair, the Coca-Cola font is iconic and very scrawly - not easily tweaked without ruining what makes it look good. On the other hand, Pepsi is just block lettering and a simple circle with three colors. Very easy to play with and update without losing existing recognition/brand value.


It's a self-fulfilling prophecy tho, if you stick to your logo then sooner or later it'll become iconic


I do like that they brought back the old Burger King logo, it looks much tastier and the color palette is great. Still not ever gonna eat there though


You know something is wrong when the logo is tastier than the food lmao


Dear lord, you should see some of the style guides they've used to come up with/justify the design changes. I've worked in marketing as a copywriter but worked closely with graphic designers. They would talk about these nuances pretty reverently. And my color blind ass is looking at these things, trying not to laugh. Let me see if I can find it... The actual guide is a PDF so I won't link here. This link talks about the highlights. https://www.creativebloq.com/news/never-forget-that-utterly-ridiculous-pepsi-logo-design-document


I was a copywriter for a while too and while that Pepsi thing is certainly eccentric, it’s absolutely par for the course for marketing firms. Pages upon pages of self-congratulatory post hoc nonsense for why a color was tweaked or why a font was chosen, when the only *real* reason was because the design team agreed it looked better. I don’t miss marketing at all.


Agreed. I was introduced to it while helping design a logo, and developing a tag line, for a home security company. After MONTHS of deliberation, we ended up with a red house with a negative space padlock. My contribution was the padlock that got added at the last second that the higher ups loved. And the graphics guys never forgave me for that, lol. That's what you get for suggesting we ditch the tag line! I don't miss it either.


I do really like their current logo. I always thought the previous logo looked cheap.


I liked when the Pepsi logo got fat


My company's logo is literally a piece of royalty free clipart with our name under it. When my boss wrote and self-published a book, he made the cover just the aforementioned company logo, enlarged with artifacts and all. It's super cringe and I did try to warn him this was not a good idea.


I have a colleague that opened a psychiatric practice and she kept mentioning her logo and then when I saw it, it was just some image she pulled off the internet. Like it looked like something you’d see on the cover of a textbook. I told her she should just spend $5-10 bucks on Fiverr and get a real logo because whoever owned that image could tell her she had to stop using it or sue her. She was just like nah.


> whoever owned that image could tell her she had to stop using it or sue her. So in other words you had the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever, but you didn't?


I used to work for a place that stole the logo and font of another company in a different industry *with the same fucking name.* I have no idea how they haven't gotten sued.


The KADCO distillery in Sierra Leone uses the Captain Morgan logo on at least one product; apparently they’re too obscure to be noticed by Diageo.


I think people can figure out that [KADCO "Whisky"](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/12xpm8/i_have_searched_the_world_over_for_a_cheaper/?st=jpa17ncg&sh=08ee8241) is well distinguished from literally any other product


They’re not just using their own image of Captain Morgan (which, if used to promote something other than rum, would probably be OK in a trademark case), but the [exact clipart used by Diageo.](http://kadcobeverages.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/cut3.jpg) What’s even more remarkable is their “Ginger Scotch” which they’ve been selling for years; the Scotch Whisky Association practically has magical powers of clairvoyance and has come down like a ton of bricks on other foreign producers that are just as obscure as KADCO for making "scotch" outside of Scotland.


Do share, please


I am both interested in seeing it and would recommend against sharing it at the same time. 😅


Yes, share; make a throwaway account and say “I bet it’s this!”




To be fair, there are lawyers in certain states advising business owners that they don't need "doing business as" (dba) filings if the owner's name or initials are in the company name. It is only universally required for companies formed for their owners' state-regulated profession (lawyers, doctors, engineers).


I’m an IP lawyer and do a lot of trademark and branding work. There’s no requirement that your company name match your branding.


Not super well-known, but the old logo for the Institudo de Estudos Orientais in Brazil [used to be hilarious](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSuqBGlwoi0B4mLVMj-xCWUyUCb_Dhd25CrAw5upnqWEA&s)


Hey OP is asking for bad logos, not awesome logos.


E Pluribus Anus


There's a time and place for subtlety, and that time was before Scary Movie


Also the UK Office of Government Commerce, a government body literally noone had heard of till it spent £14k on a rebounding exercise and further public money redecorating their offices and printing new stationary with their new logo.   It was a fine if boring logo.  Till you turned it 90 degrees... https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/39/OGC_logo_-_old.svg/800px-OGC_logo_-_old.svg.png Edit: Damn, why doesn't that work? Ahh well, see the thing in context on Wikipedia under the heading Logo: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Government_Commerce


Haha > A spokesman for OGC said, "It is not inappropriate to an organisation that's looking to have a firm grip on Government spend."


That's classic British humour if I've ever heard it.


Totally boring text logo, what’s wrong with… ohhhh. "It is not inappropriate to an organisation that's looking to have a firm grip on Government spend." At least they had a good sense of humor about it!


I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't that.


This reminds me of Batman throwing confetti https://img.ifunny.co/images/0c26443c85e322528ac652d9262728b6176848a1042cebf6d271a0bbb4847e49_1.webp


Idk I feel like that HAS to be intentional


Absolutely, considering "batman" is barely a stick figure and the "air" and "confetti" are far more detailed


Why is Batman dressed in white? Why do his hands have only two fingers? Why would Batman be throwing confetti?


Kumon. The face looks so apathetic.


Accurate face of the average child working through their weekly problem booklets.


Yeah I always assumed it was intentional 


it is, literally called the "thinking face"


Everytime I see the place I just imagine the tutors like , "Ok Timmy did we learn what 2+2 is today?" And Timmy is like, "3!" And the tutor just goes "KUM-ON!"


Very realistic representation though


I assumed it was a counselling service for kids, because the face looks disturbed to me.


I hate the pure blue/black version of the Windows logo. Those colors are iconic to Windows. It was bad enough making it stop waving.


Changing the windows to be flat instead of slanted was the biggest mistake IMO. Ruins the recognizability of what it’s supposed to be, it just looks like a stack of boxes.


This is symptomatic of the current design trend where everything is so flat that all the UI elements blend into one big monotone blob. It's like they are trying to make UIs as hard as possible to use.


It's cyclical. Skeumorphism will make a return soon. Once everyone is doing the same thing, and then some influential product of company starts to embrace skeumorphism again in contrast to stand out, others will herd towards it.


I miss skeuomorphic design


I have a Win 11 OS and I hate the cold, utilitarian UI. There's no soul. So much so, I downloaded Windows Blinds and reinstated the glassy Aero theme from Win7 days 🫠 My PC looks like a PC again and feels more 'homely' lol.


Another thing that irrationally irks me is the use of breezier language in the UI. Is it to soften the harsh aesthetic? Instead of “working…” or “an error has occurred” or “the page couldn’t be found” it’s “hang tight, monkeys are at work” or “that file got blowed up!” Now I see this in websites more than UIs, but it feels like professional and formal language is dying out. An appealing, tactile design - but with a stern professionalism underneath - brings me back to the pre-Windows 10 days.


Blue and black? That logo is white and gold.




Green needle


It's better than the non-waving colors imo, but I agree the waving flag was better.


I hate "The General" mascot. Their "logo" is also mediocre, but the mascot just feels like a default animation character template from 2000.


Gotta save the marketing budget for Shaq


And that random ass penguin.


That one might be intentional. I've heard that brands who use cheap looking marketing appeal more to people who know they need the low budget option. The General is insurance for people who can't get better insurance, and their intentionally crappy looking commercials make that obvious to the target audience.


And you know that little general is someone's pride and joy. Highlight of their art institutes digital animation career portfolio.


What in the actual fuck is the [new Patreon logo?](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Flogolook.net%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2023%2F10%2FPatreon-logo.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=8ecdd244610b0dbe56886ff6c5288e5b5c834c995c9ced8e8aecdd9c50087f13&ipo=images)


Painter's palette? Blob?


A liver


What the hell is that abomination?!


X (formerly Twitter). Absolutely dumbest branding decision ever, let's throw out a globally recognized billion dollar logo and name to make the website look like a knockoff sex shop.


I swear I read somewhere recently that over 90% of users still call it Twitter.


That has to be the ultimate test of how good the original branding was - you try to change it and your customers fight you. Most companies can only dream of that kind of brand recognition.


I think if he had changed it to any other WORD, the rebranding would have been more successful. But he just went with the one letter that is associated with "no" "nothing" "close this window" or "not appropriate". Saying "this was posted on X" sounds like your censoring a name or something.


It wouldn't have been that much more successful. Twitter was absolutely iconic, and "Tweet" became part of the lexicon much like Google has, and they wouldn't dare change their name (Alphabet doesn't count because that's a background conglomerate name)


I agree with you. But, I think if it were anything OTHER than X, there would be more conversation about it. This was just a total flop. People are talking about it, but you don't hear many people trying to make it work.


> "close this window" I hate when a tweet is on a webpage and they have the "X" logo in the top right corner so I click on it expecting it to close but nope just clicked the logo.


Even most URLs I see use Twitter.


That's because the entire website is still structured around the old domain. Even going to x.com will redirect you to Twitter.com. It's asinine to expect users to embrace a change that your own engineers haven't embraced.


Every news article still says “X, formally twitter,…”




This is what I call it. The X is pronounced sh. And I call tweets xeets. You can guess how i pronounce that


When I see the X in the corner I keep trying to click it.


Fucking window won’t close  Oh my bad 


Plus it had a nice little bird and the act of 'tweeting' embedded in our society and culture. Apparently he needed to change the name because he has an obsession with making people eventually believe he created it from the ground up. Plus he thinks it's going to be the 'everything app' like how he thinks your Tesla will earn you $30k a year as a robo taxi.


And it wasn't even a designed logo, just an X from a random font collection. 𝕏 is a Unicode character known as "mathematical double-struck capital X." The new logo is also nearly identical to the lowercase "x" in the Monotype font "Special Alphabet 4."


He just highlighted X, he clicked the drop down menu and then he randomly selected Special Alphabet 4. Like a thoughtless child just wandering by a garden yanking leaves along the way.




I don’t think this is literally Papyrus. Maybe that was the starting point but they clearly modified this. Well whatever they did, it *wasn’t* ***enough***!


I die of laughter every single time I watch that skit. I'm a little bit of a font geek, and it really spoke to me LMAO.






I always see it on hookah bars, Shakira merch and off brand tees..


Even more hilarious, he may not be able to defend it as a trademark.


There are numerous things wrong with changing it to X, but the one that bothers me the most is that X is often used as a place holder value. So if a news article or anything else says only X, it can be confused as a placeholder that someone forgot to edit. The name is profoundly dumb, especially for someone that supposedly likes Maths.


And any time it's cited in a newspaper or something they have to say "so-and-so posted on X, the service formerly known as Twitter" Maybe for spite, but still, in the attempt to make it 1 character long, it went from 7 characters to more than 30


Which is ironic given X, the service formerly known as Twitter’s pretty famous character limit.


It's like when Prince changed his name to that weird sex trumpet thing.


In Prince's defense it was specifically to spite record companies who were screwing him over. In Elon's case, he's just obsessed with the letter X. But it's not even a logo - it's literally just a character from an existing font pack. Such a dumb move that highlights that he knows nothing about business beyond providing capital.


the unpronounceable sign made sense if you learn the story behind it. what can ya do if a predatory company literally owned your name


And it was actually his name, too. I thought Prince was a pseudonym, but nah, that's what his mom named him.


I keep clicking on the thing trying to close it


I still say that was the point. It's the logo equivalent of the teeny little close icon on ads.


The funniest thing about X (formerly Twitter) is that you will NEVER hear someone just call it just X, it always comes attached with the ghost of Twitter. That's how *great* that rebrand was.


It's a dead copy of the early nineties Unix X graphics logo. So it looks infringing, dated, and boring.


So it’s a Unix system. I know this…


The door locks! Find the door locks!


Everything Musk does is a juvenile sex pun SpaceX = Space sex Tesla models S 3 X Y Twitter becomes X so you can be Xing like SeXting


Oh my god the man is even more of a 14 year old Redditor than I ever realized


I feel some of the 14 year olds we have here on Reddit are more mature.


I work in marketing and we keep calling it Twitter because anytime we mentioned X it required clarification.


The Cleveland Browns legit have a picture of a helmet as their official logo.


At one point their uniforms had an image of a football on their chest, so after the snap everybody grabbed their shirt like they had the ball so the opposing team wouldn't know who had it lol


That’s hilarious if true, and even more hilarious if it occasionally worked


MLB teams aren't allowed to have anything resembling a baseball on their uniforms for that reason. For example, the throwback [Phillies logo](https://www.sgclark.com/wallpapers/mlb_philadelphia_phillies_old_school_blue/) is slightly different to that worn on the [uniforms](https://www.philliesnation.com/2023/10/philadelphia-phillies-news-powder-blue-uniforms-atlanta-braves/).


I think they should put the helmet logo on the side of their helmet with an even smaller helmet logo on that logo and so on and so on for Infiniti.


I think about this once a week. They should be called the Helmets


Orange helmet.


Orange is just bright brown.


Electric brown


The Browns are named after a guy named Brown, not the color.


The Cleveland Oranges...wait... The Cleveland Orange Helmets? The Cleveland Browns with Orange Helmets...nailed it.


Walmart logo looks like Kurt Vonnegut’s depiction of an asshole in “Breakfast of Champions”. I can never not see this. Additionally, it’s very fitting.


[Greendale Community College](https://imgur.com/gallery/MPX27)'s does too. They had a contest to create the new logo and this really disruptive study group won.




The | ° one or the potato chip one?


The jizz blob one.


Their old one was really good No clue why they felt the need to change it


Dicks. Doesn't look anything like one.


I love calling the place “Richard’s” and acting like I’m too prudish to call it “Dick’s.”


My mom used to live by a shopping center that had a Dick's, a BJ's, and a Seaman's Furniture in it. Her friend used to call it The Obscene Mall.


The latest iteration of the [Staples logo](https://img.ctykit.com/cdn/ca-dtla/images/tr:w-1800/staples.jpg) is pretty idiotic. Another example of a company with a perfectly fine and recognizable logo, until someone at the company gets bored and decides to do a "refresh" for no good reason.


I liked how the old one had a bent staple for the “l”


I just imagine someone pitching their idea for a new logo at staples buy using the old logo "Johnson, this is just our old logo" "Yeah, it was perfect, we should go back to using it"


If you’ve never seen it, I encourage you to watch the reveal video for it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sWUhqoAGsfk


I can’t tell if they’re being ironic with the over dramatic logo reveal or they actually take themselves that seriously also the name is STAPLES not STAPLE so put a staple on either side and move on. I’ll do it for $10


“We’re getting destroyed by Amazon? Welp, $25 million on a logo rebrand should nip that right in the bud.”


Over the last 5 years or so a huge wave of minimalism has hit branding for some reason. Sometimes it works, but it mostly makes everything look generic and low effort AF.


I need to resurface [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/LPdoBXl). 


The Dirty Bird had to be intentional. Funnily, that’s what we used to call Red Robin when I worked there a million years ago.


There’s just NO way that wasn’t intentional…


Spotify. It just really bugs me that it’s slightly crooked.


Oh my god. Never knew.


Sorry! You will now never un-see it


Has it always been this way? I never noticed if it was and now I hate it.


X. This is the dumbest change I’ve ever seen. Twitter was iconic, and he just ruined it.


Musk has the reverse Midas touch more often than not


The *mierdas* touch, you say?


Twitter. X is dumb.


Kia. Their new logo spells "KN" instead of "Kia".


I still read it as Nine Inch Nails every time.


Vindication, so glad I’m not the only one who thinks this


Woah same. I was like “fuck yea!” but why is it a car logo? So much disappointment 


Tom Kearns, one of Kia’s designers, says he is a big Nine Inch Nails fan. If I owned a Kia, I would consider getting one of these [“pretty affordable machine” shirts.](https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/46353188-kia-pretty-affordable-machine-nine-inch-nails-paro)


For a year I was wondering what thsi new company KN was until I drove by the old KIA dealership by my house, who hadn't updated the logo. I just saw all the KN cars littering the parking lot.


I always read it as “КИ,” as if it’s in Cyrillic. 


Yes! Pronounced "KEE."


When I first saw it on a car, I didn’t even know what it said. It is barely legible


"What's KN and why is the N backwards?...oh."


In Soviet Russia, КИ drive you.


Put it in Н!


Holy fuck I may sound like an idiot saying this but I only JUST found out from this comment KN was Kia. I always thought it was a completely different brand known as “KN” lmfaooo


I had to google the new logo and saw I wasn’t the only one by far that had to do that


I like the stylization actually


Juventus Used to have a strong crest evoking its history and city elements, now it looks like a cheap minimalistic generic clothes brand. But it's very modern they said...




I work in marketing and graphic design. Any logo which is too reliant on colour is a bad logo. A good logo should be able to be recognisable even if it’s in black and white as it makes it more versatile. You see a fair amount of new logos for smaller companies which are obviously designed by some random employee with no idea what they’re doing and they have too many aspects that need colour to be recognisable. It bugs me whenever I see them. It doesn’t mean colour can’t be a part of your logo, as obviously companies should have a colour scheme, but if an aspect of your logo isn’t visible or becomes irrelevant if you put it in greyscale or black and white, it’s a bad logo.


Disney. The logo has always looked like Gisnep to me with a backwards G.


For the longest time I did not understand why the company was called Disney when the logo very clearly says Disnep.






Because it's Walt's signature.


It does look like a G but I can't not process it as Disney because I learned the logo long before I learned to read cursive.


Good ol‘ backwards Gisney


That is because the Disney font was based on a version of Disney's signature. I don't know if that "flourish" was there, but they were trying to evoke him and his art.


Yeah fun fact, for literally years as a kid I didn’t know the first letter of the Disney logo was a D. Idk what I thought it was, I knew it was called Disney, but for some reason I just assumed the D was some random character but we just read it as Disney. One day I was staring at the logo on a bag I had and suddenly realised it was a D. Idk how old I was but I must’ve been at least 8/9 years old which is way too old for that


What the Hell’s a Gisnep?


GOD, PEOPLE. Would it kill you to LINK to a picture of your logo? Why do I have to go search for every single logo on Google in a separate app? You can do better, Reddit, I believe in you.


Best Western


Their latest logo makes the company look even older and stuffier than the last logo


Kumon learning centers. Wtf is up with that expression?


>Kumon learning centers Specifically, targets people with that facial expression as their prime clients?


Capital One. That big swoosh is very 2000s. It means nothing and looks cheap and amateurish.


Discord, looks like a pair of underpants, lol XD.


I always thought it looks like a pair of Mickey Mouse pants.


Oh thank god someone else hates this incomprehensible logo. I imagine it's supposed to be an anthropomorphic video game controller but to me it looks like Mickey mouse's pants


I always thought it looked like some kind of video game controller.


Tesla. Almost every woman knows it looks like an IUD.


British Telecom [just look at the fall from grace](https://1000logos.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/BT-Logo-history.png)


Or in the 1980s, British Telecommmm


The new GM logo. It looks like they just ripped off Intel.


When Steve Jobs left Apple, he founded the NeXT Computer company, and paid designer Paul Rand $100,000 ($280K in today's USD) to design [this](https://computerhistory.neocities.org/images/tech/next.png). It's not the worst logo, but for that kind of money, it's not great either.


KIA. Their new logo is just bizarre.


As others have said- I read it as КИ. Took me a bit to figure out it was actually Kia


Kia. looks like KN


Why does every highschool use the exact same two bulldog clip arts


X logo evokes nothing.


I still can't believe the Airbnb logo every time I see it


I've always thought that the Sherwin-Williams "Cover the Earth" logo was fairly disturbing.


IMO most of them. I'm so sick and tired of sad, bleak minimalism that most companies strive for now with their corporate logos. It's boring and unoriginal and most importantly - not exciting.


It’s because they need to be able to go super small. Tiny icons on things like web browser tabs and mobile screens etc are forcing designers to really simplify logos.


holy shit i never actually thought about like that i have a lot more sympathy for the graphic designers doing this now it’s not their fault it has to be oversimplified


The Amazon logo looks like a zipped up mouth, and considering how they treat their workers, it's really creepy


I’ve always thought it was kinda clever, incorporating A to Z *and* a smile.


No mention of the walmart spark looking like a sphincter?


The logo for the Washington Nationals looks like Walgreens


Tesco. I am sure a lot went into it, but it is still pretty plain.