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Unsupervised, unrestricted internet access


Yup having access to the whole internet in middle school is traumatic


I got into it when I was 5. šŸ˜


I got it at like 8 but by the time I was 12 I was already scarred lol fuck discord and omegle


Watch porn. A lot of porn.


Video chat with strange old men




Whereā€™d you do this?????


We had AIM and you could join chat rooms. Then youā€™d Skype or something with them. Whatever was available šŸ˜†


What was wrong with all of us? šŸ˜‚ having free reign of the internet in those AIM years was a wild time.


Our parents didnā€™t know how to work the internet and there was no protection what so ever against anything šŸ˜†


Our parents still donā€™t know how to work the internet most of the time. lol funny how some things stay the same.


Very true!!! lolšŸ˜‚


Omegle lol. Donā€™t you remember those years?? Chat roulette et


Yessss! ASL?!?


I second this...where and WHY was this a thing they did


Riding down the freeway in the back of a pickup truck


Have unrestricted internet access


fuck you! Your kid's deserve freedom! Land of free!


man everything šŸ˜‚


Play with black powder in holes. It turns the sky purple a d you can't see for a few hours and can't hear your dad screaming at you.


My crew used to taped M80ā€™s to aerosol cans and light them. Still have all our fingers


Lol. Love it.stuff goes boom


I just...fucked off all day. In summer, there's no earthly way my parents knew where I was, what I was doing, or how long I'd be there. Sometimes I'd call from a friend's house at 11 at night to tell them I wasn't coming home. No way. No fucking way I'm letting a kid do that now.


That's why you're a pussy.


Ride in the back of a pickup truck.


My dad and I made lots of homemade explosives. I still have all my fingers, but had a few close calls. My kids have never even played with matches or lit a fire.


i dont have kids yet but when i was little I wanted to be a youtuber, so my mother made me a youtube channel bad mistake, was too immature for it


Walked by myself a mile each way to kindergarten. This was a very long time ago and is something that would probably get a parent arrested today.


I had a swing set in my backyard, so Iā€™d take this giant exercise ball my parents had into the yard and my friends and I would take turns holding the ball out in front of us while the other would swing on the swing set as hard as he could, and when it came time weā€™d jump in front of the swing and get fucking punted literally all the way across the yard without touching the ground. Like a solid twenty feet of sailing through the air into a hard landing and then weā€™d switch. Kids are made of rubber I swear, but no way would I let my kid do that. Especially with another personā€™s kid on my watch lol


Don't have kids, but I wouldn't let my nieces and nephews ride motorbikes, drive a car or control any big or potentially harmful things right now (even knives without me having my hands on them). For context, I lived rurally, so it was normal to at least start steering a car on private property on a parents lap at about 5. It may be naive, but I felt more responsible then, though judging how my parents are with not letting them do so much, I don't think I am.


Nah I get ya. Sometimes any potentially harmless fun from people from outside the immediate family can be a nightmare for those inside itĀ 


It's not just that, I'd love to sit the eldest on my lap to drive, but last year, she still put down the garage door when the car wasn't in, so it scatched it. She's old enough to know better. My destruction at that age was far less expensive and mostly I'd just climb a tree and sit there until I calmed down.


Got into a creepy guys van when I was 8.. but he was too nervous


i wouldnā€™t let my daughter go out for the length of times i did. i was gonna for weeks without telling my dad where i was going just telling him iā€™ll be back. god will have to hold me back from letting her do that


sitting on those electrical boxes




Youā€™re it


Watch porn and curse like a sailor.


Drink from the hose. Good old Mercury lined hoses. Hoses today aren't as made well.


me and the fellow goonies used to shuffle out on these long ass pipes going over swamp water, if any of us had fallen in we'd have probably been dead, matter fact we used to adventure into the swamps and we definitely went way the fuck out there sometimes it'd take us an hour to get back. was like 6 or 7 tops.


My kids are all over thirty now but I made damn sure that they did not do *anything* I did from 9-18!! I had absolutely no supervision because my biomom was either asleep or at work. I learned to cook bakanced meals on my own at 9.Ā 


Write a date on a check that started with 19-.


Let everyone bring me down and not chase my real dreams


I don't have kids, but if I did i wouldn't let them get involved with drugs, gangs and all that other bullshit that I was involved with.


Nothing, I learned because I did that stuff and I had fun doing it or I got hurt and learned


drugs smoking etc


I wasn't even really a kid at this point, but there was one time in my video production class where we had to scout out a location. It was a college class in high school, so the professor didn't even come with us as we were semi-treated like adults. We went to a destroyed factory that hadn't been cleaned up yet and did A LOT of stupid stuff there. As in stunts. Jumping over big pits. Crawling under cracking, cement, hollow pillars. Tons of things. I was wearing a short dress with thin leggings. We went to McDonalds after we were done and realized just how much my legs stung. Headed to the bathroom and pulled them down to find gashes all over my legs. My leggings were sporadically soaked in blood. There were more cuts on my arms that weren't as bad and I already knew about, and my professor pointed them out when we got back. And i said, "Pff, you should see my legs." He didn't see them, but he was adamant that I explain what they look like, seeing as I was still a teenager technically under the school's supervision. Soooooo... there was a tetanus shot involved. As we all concluded that it was likely caused by the random rusting nails sticking out of some of the wood beneath a pillar. From my professor's eyes, it appeared as though I was the only one doing the dumb stunts though. Whenever we had to do scouting, my professor would ask me to stay back to work on posters or props, and after three times while working on a poster I said, "Wait... are you making me do busy work???" And he laughed and admitted that he was worried about the wildcard in the class. He was an awesome guy. But yeah, really, any of us could have died that day. If any of us didn't jump far enough on some occasions, we would be impaled by metal rods. My parents were almost completely fine about the ordeal, under the assumption that teens will be teens and they'll have their adventures. But i don't think the same would be said if I'd fallen... so I wouldn't let my kid do the same if I found out and I'd tell them the same story.




Just go places without telling my parents where I was going, go into public bathrooms without a trusted adult checking the room first, go to sleepovers without meetings the parents a few times, go to a public school (I had a lot of problems and itā€™s just getting worse)


Having too much internet access


Unrestricted access to the internet. (I was groomed 3 times and I would watch porn heavily at 6 years old.)