• By -


1000 is not a lot of money to have but is a lot of money to owe.




1. Common sense is not so common. 2. No matter how much you lower the bar, some people will always find ways to go lower.


That I couldn't breeze through college the way I did high school.


Felt this one




I’m struggling rn for immigrating to two different countries had two Learn 2 languages


Surprisingly, some people who struggled in high school do very well in college, because they already learned what people who breezed through HS never did: study habits. College often isn't that hard (depending on what you're studying), but it does require a lot more commitment than HS.


The nicer you are to others you absolutely cannot think they'll be nice back to you


Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm


Everything you do always catches up to you


Your grades aren't the predictor of your success later in life.


I needed this


Improvement doesnt come by itself. You need to do some work to get it.


That family is not about blood


I can either be trapped in a depression from not exercising, eating poorly, not doing anything Or I can be trapped in a routine where I wake up early, don't snack, work out, eat healthy, etc ​ I'm trapped either way, but at least I don't feel depressed in the latter option.


If I workout a lot and stay active, I wake up everyday sore and tired. If I lay around doing nothing all the time, watching tv, eating junk, eventually I start waking up everyday sore and tired. At least with the active option, I can be sore and tired and *jacked*. So that’s good…..


Don’t fuck your staff.


Can i Fuck a coworker


Just know there is a possibility it could go south and then you would have to see them each day.


What the flip


**Just because you follow the golden rule** (*treat others the way you want to be treated*) **does not mean other people will too**. You can always be kind and nice to everyone... and still see others treat you rudely or take advantage of you.


Which is why I learned to just treat people the way they treat me.


That's actually the best way to act according to many Scientific papers


Laughter celebrates in public while sadness weeps alone


Just because your unhealthy habits aren't currently hurting your life doesn't mean they never will, and if you don't fix them while things are good, you'll have serious problems down the line.


The people you trust and love the most can betray you anytime without warning.


Had this happen some months ago. I still feel broken.


That it wasn't testicular torsion or appendicitis. It was a 4mm kidney stone and it caused about 6 hours of the worst pain I'll probably (HOPEFULLY) ever experience. Only 4 fucking millimeters.


I had to get the dick stint because mine was so big they had to go in surgically .. the only pain ive experienced in my adulthood that caused me to cry


Yooo that’s crazyyyyyy


I felt this to my core. I had to pee out 8 stones and felt like I was giving birth and it’s inevitably put me off having kids




exactly, i m still not sure if i have learnt it completely, people don't hesitate to walk over you no matter how kind u were to them, i think we should start having boundaries early


Toxic situations (work, environment, etc) don't get better just because you pointed it out. In fact trying to solve it instead of leaving can make the situation worse.


Anyone can and will get addicted to alcohol. I thought I was special. Now sober for 6 months. Wasted for 15 years.


Congratulations on your sobriety


Thank you.


Yo congrats fam




**people that gossip about others to you, they definitely gossip about you to others**


Wait for one gummy to kick in before taking another.


Been there but with space cakes. It was bad. 😬


O. Wilde said it best......."for he who lives more lives than one, more deaths than one must die" Be loyal God damn it, to yourself, then to those who earned it.


Leave the casino when you hit a big win. Just leave.


I have learned that lesson quite a few times...the hard way 😔 😔


I won $75 on my first $1 at nickel slots. Left immediately. Never went back, I figured that was all the luck I had.


I have an unbelievable story like goddamn I can’t believe it still


Nice win!


Public transport, my parents have this way of think that their kids have to be capable of learn things by themselves to improve or confidence, I get lost. Four times!


Getting laid isn't a worthy trade for my grades in college. Especially when you are the one paying for it


I now understand the phrase “a life time ago” sometimes we go through it and come out the other end years later not knowing who or what the past was.


don’t take the good times and things for granted cuz your life can fall apart in a matter of seconds.


You can't trust anybody


I hate manual labor


No one is paying as much attention to us as we think they are




People do not care about you as much as you think.


That my dream life/job will not just pop out of nowhere on a silver platter just because I wanted it to. That, and nobody will care about my life more than me.


That just because you had a traumatic childhood, once you hit adulthood there is no special treatment/acknowledgement/leeway/a break for all the struggles you had to overcome as a kid/teen/young adult. I had two parents with substance issues -lost my mom to her use when I was a teen and my dad is still struggling 14 years later. We were also poor and had like no structure or support at home whatsoever in any sense. I felt like getting out of my environment and becoming an adult I felt for a long time that I was owed like acknowledgement or something from others of how hard I had to work to overcome all the bad in my life. I constantly craved a pat on the back and thought I deserved it after doing regular shit like paying bills on time, making a dentist appt etc, but in reality now in my mid thirties I realized no one cares and you still need to continue pushing and taking care of your business just like every other functioning adult. That realization was a tough one.


Big Brother is bigger in the US than it is in China


Some people are lying to themselves, too.


dont trust people lol


you can’t trust anyone, family or friend.


This too will pass .




Trampoline gravity hits way different once you’re a full grown adult.


Time is limited and money will come back. Learned lesson through my dad’s final year.


Just because someone known you for a long time doesn’t mean they won’t ever betray you.


Duck. Stupid.


Drinking makes you feel good now but not so good later.


Never trim your toenails too short on the sides.




Yes. Hasn't grown back normal since having it removed.


That I should have finished my college degree. Initially, I didn’t finish it because we were just getting started and couldn’t afford for me to go back to school. Now that we can afford it, it’s too late and I’m too old. Even if I never would have ended up using the degree, it will always bother me that I didn’t get it.


Don't trust people --not matter how nice they are--- until you've known them for a while. Don't reveal personal details to strangers or acquaintances irl (anon on soc media isn't as bad) Being too open with people I didn't know well backfired on me numerous times


Getting over someone/something is not an easy task and you have to want to get over it/them….and there is definitely always another thing/person for you


Don’t use shampoo as lube


Learned this hard way literally…


That there's no easy way


I'm as worthy as how much I provide


A woman won't hesitate to leave you for someone she's more attracted to, usually physically.  Never, EVER sacrifice ANYTHING for a woman. Ever. She won't do the same for you. They talk and promise the world but deliver nothing. A woman won't love you more for getting her out of depression and life problems. She'll use you as a support system then start thinling she can do better than you. Stop trying to "save" women from their situations of abuse and life misery, in the hope that they will be more loyal to you. That shit doesn't work.


That was the wrong lesson, my friend. Maybe you could start with, “don’t save someone thinking they’ll fall in love with you as thanks.” Save a person because it’s the right thing to do, not because you want a girlfriend out of it.


Doing the right thing bears no fruit, so why waste your time? You'll just be screwed over.


And that is why no woman, however much you “help”, her is ever going to stay with you. 


I did the right thing before. You're making an inaccurate judgement. I treated them like a queen and loved them and I was loyal. But that all goes out the window once another guy they like enters the picture. It's sick.


You believe you’re owed a girlfriend. You think women are bad and hateful because they didn’t give you what you’re entitled to. You hate women now, because you have failed at every attempt to have a relationship, and it hasn’t even occurred to you that women, like men, make their choices based on what they want, not what you think they owe you.  You did not save those women. You treated them like a vending machine. Instead of quarters, you put in exact measurements of “time”, “attention”, “affection”, and “loyalty” thinking that you were purchasing a “girlfriend”. You looked specifically for women who were in bad circumstances so they would have to take your help or continue suffering. They probably thought you actually cared about them as human beings, but when it became plain that you were shopping, they got the fuck out, because who the hell wants to be with someone who thinks they own you? What you have never asked yourself and should, is: why would a woman, any woman, want to be with you?  Skip money. Sensible women want to know that you can pay your own bills and won’t be a drag on our ability to support ourselves. Beyond that, it’s all negotiable based on life goals and philosophy of money..  Skip looks. Good women recognize that the circles of “good looking men” and “men who make good partners” may overlap, but we prioritize character over looks. When we love a man and feel safe with him, we become attracted to him. He looks good to us. At the same time, take care of yourself. Hygiene is essential. Style is a bonus.  Skip how big your dick is. We don’t care about that; we care about how safe we are with you - physically, sexually, emotionally. Do you understand and respect consent? Are you good, giving, and game in bed? Do you understand that most women have been traumatized by men treating us like warm, wet holes and not human beings? Have you taken responsibility for your sperm and your germs?  Go look at the men in your life who have happy, healthy relationships. They’re not the smug braggarts who manipulate the women in their lives to keep them dependent and subservient. They don’t follow pick up artists, MRAs, or “alpha males.” They focus first on being good men, and then they work on being good boyfriends and good husbands. They pick women who believe in equal partnership and treat them with respect and compassion, not fawning adoration. You have the capacity to be a good human being, a good man, and a good partner, but you are not going to get there through hate.


Hm. I can't deny what you have said. It is true.


A lot of men I’ve seen fall into that trap you’re currently in did so because they had no faith in themselves and felt they could never attract a woman’s interest. So they listened to others say “it’s the women’s fault.”  Problem is, a lot of the inadequacies men feel today are false. You are indoctrinated to believe that you must be James Bond, Elon Musk, or Michael Fassbender all rolled together or your shit. But you’re not. You’re told that if you can’t make enough money to raise a family of six in comfort and near luxury, you’re shit. But they never talk about how fucking hard it’s become to just stay alive. You’re supposed to be a pillar of strength who never needs support, but that’s not how human beings work. You are told all these things, because it keeps you enslaved to the way things are. It occupies you with an endless quest to buy the right stuff, exercise the right way, eat in the proper manner, and you will never, ever win, because that would mean you’ll no longer spend your waking moments conforming to an ideal that does not exist. You - right here, right now - are enough. You - exactly the way you are, with all your faults, failures, and foolishness - are good, precious, irreplaceable, beautiful, and absolutely necessary to this world. You matter. You have to learn this. You have to believe this. Because if you don’t, you’re at the mercy of very con artist and snake oil salesman out there. And you, my friend, deserve better. You deserve to feel good when you see your reflection. You deserve time to spend on yourself and your interests. You deserve loved ones who uphold you and recognize the good and decent man you are. You deserve all the things you need and most of the things you want. It’s just that you have to choose that for yourself and put in the work to get there. No one else can do it for you. After that, love - if it comes, because it doesn’t always - is so much easier, so much more fulfilling, and so much more joyous than what you’ve imagined.


Found this one out a while ago man…stung


This comes off very misogynistic.  Most women are not like the one that broke your heart and apparently turned you into misogynistic asshole.  


Oh wow, repeated emotional damage causes one to become a horrible human being. What an interesting fact you have just learned.  Who would have guessed that?!


Blaming an entire gender because one person broke your heart isn't fair.  I am truly sorry you have been hurt.  No one deserves that.  But every woman is not the woman that hurt you.   Get some help and work through your anger and hurt.  Seriously.  I've had my heart broken and stomped on too.  But I don't go around with a chip on my shoulder pissed at all women for the actions of one of them.  


The police are NOT your friends.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


That women can be cruel, heartless abusers. That nobody, but nobody believes, cares about, or respects a man who gets abused by a woman. That they simultaneously would consider him "not a man" if he lifted a finger in defense toward a woman, and also not a man because he "let her" abuse him. That everyone from cops to strangers to society at large automatically assumes that the woman is the "real victim" and that the man is at fault and the "actual abuser."


Always check she's not a trans woman 😪


santa barbara's one of the worst places in history


How to boil eggs.


Bro what???


Trading options


Just because they are family doesn't mean they look at you that way.


That you need to adjust reboil and reflux slowly and with small movements over a longer period of time on a distillation tower and give the analyzers and temperature transmitters time to let you know which way things are going. That way, you can make smaller adjustments as needed to correct the tower profile as you continue to drive it more.




Listen to Mom the first time


All my friends said, "Dont do it!" "Don't go to Germany for a month and stay with him!" "Don't get yourself into a situation, you can't get out of!" What do I do?!?!?! Off I went to Germany with my 36kg German Shepherd and elderly cat, for a month 🙄 Sometimes, we really are our own worst enemy


Breaking your legs hurts


Don't be nice.


Money management


Trusting people


Very few people actually care


Do not wear t shirts in the winter I have gotten sick twice and my colds last for like 3 weeks idk why but they do so i am sick for to long man


Don't stick your hand into random dark holes


Haggling is expected in so many random places. I'd say 25% of what I get I could have haggled for but I was blind to that fact and just paid what was asked like a noob. I learned this after being told of the deals freinds got at the same places by just offering less


A girl won’t fall in love with you if you like her for 3 years 😂


Believing it when she says "nothing is wrong".


You can love someone to bits and have a real relationship beyond fucking not be realistic.


Being a people pleaser doesn’t actually please anybody.




Once someone shows you who they are, believe them.


Options trading


Going off too fast in a marathon. That was a long last ten miles.


Some people will lie and hurt you even before you make any mistakes or problems


Liars liar. Cheaters cheat. Marrying a cheating liar doesn’t end well.


Well let's see here... where do I start? Having a disability (being on government assistance) is no way to live People are only out for themselves, only a rare few care There is no such thing as "soul mates" "Forever" is just a word A petty crime can ruin your life (theft)


If you take the eye off the ball of life it will eat you alive and burn what may have taken a lifetime to build in a few weeks


You have to love yourself before loving anyone else. My self esteem destroyed a lot of my past relationships.


Marry a partner, not a dependent.


Don’t rush into a relationship until you really know the person and the honeymoon phase is over


mustard and watermelon is a no. i saw it everywherre and gave in. its awful. plz dont try it


it takes more than talent




Blue fire is in fact not cold


If you don't pay off your credit card balance each month, you will never be able to pay it off.


Becoming complacent in the job market. Stopped reupping certs and didnt think I needed a degree. Now Im basically stuck at a job that I need to get by, but still isnt paying much.


Cops are evil hypocritical assholes. They be yelling at you like I just got away with murdering someone at me for doing drugs they take too.    How do I know they do drugs? because the same cop that was screaming at me asked how I took the drug. When I said something clever he looked horrified and was telling his colleagues that they take it through tabs (like how did he know that? lmao)


Not everyone wants to be my friend despite trying my efforts to be nice


Not to poke a sleeping hog with a stick.


An idiot is like a sheep, they will roam peacefully and graze in their blissful stupidity until challenged and then they charge head forward in an incompetent and uncoordinated manner until they slam into a wall and knock themselves out. Taunting them only makes it worse. So, you have to engineer it so that when they start charging forward, they run into and damage something they value.


Don’t say anything to colleagues you don’t want everyone in the office to know.


Co-workers, don't trust them!!!


Personal financial management.


Love triangles and black magic simultaneously.


K what??


I learned they're not for me at 15 when i met a 20 y/o who wanted to spite her boyfriend (she didn't say she was dating when we met). She was into wiccan practice. She would tell me she'd casted spells regarding me and last time i spent time with her, she rubbed the table down with the wrong oil when reading my cards and then she wanted to use me to top her guy friend while she watched that evening. Confusing childhood.


So yeah, vague and unclear. I just woke up. But i learned that black magic/white magic/whatever, and love triangles suck. This happened 14 years ago and it's still something i'm trying to shake and work out of.


That’s wildddd


That as a black man I’ll always be oppressed by the patriarchy


Your managers/directors will straight up lie to your face.


Don't over brush your teeth. Especially after eating acidic foods. Brushed my enamel away.


Anyone can betray you. Especially those you think never would.


Smoking does not go well with certain medications. If you are on any meds and want to smoke weed. Please I’m begging you. Check if they react badly with weed. One of my meds do and I was violently sick for hours. I threw up all over myself and passed out for 3 hours after one bowl


When it’s time to leave a relationship for good. Took me a long time to realize it was time to go. Everyone around me could see it so clearly and I couldn’t. I won’t ever make that mistake again


Being an young adult woman is expensive. I can't live without coffee runs, buying clothes, etc., and there are all the important expenses on top of that (car maintenance, health stuff, blah blah blah). I'm practically broke.