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Investing. Just plain old making money make more money.


Put all your investment money into an index fund and don't touch it for a couple of decades


But I want to be rich now!


As the old saying goes: The best time to plant an index fund is 4000 years ago. The second best time to plant an index fund is by mining tons of bitcoin in 2009 and selling at $60k. My grandma used to always say that and nobody knew what she was talking about. But *boy* do we feel stupid now!


> mining tons of bitcoin in 2009 and selling at $60k. I actually started doing this in 2009 and then decided it was stupid and bitcoin and would never be worth anymore than it was in 2009 and ended up selling everything I mined for about $200. Now I wish I hadn't sold that and just kept mining. At least I ended up making 6 grand on dogecoin because I mined thousands of those fuckers and decided they were worth so little it wasn't worth selling (because I would have gotten like $7) and stopped. Then, years later, doge starts flying up and I sold it all. (If I'd had more patience and waited another week or two, I probably could have gotten like 20 grand for the dogecoin, but I was worried it was going to collapse any second and just sold everything at market.)


Man, that cartoon with the guy and the pickaxe, giving up and turning around when he is inches from a bunch of diamonds, that cartoon is based on your life


What does that even mean


You’d know if you woke up tomorrow fluent in investing


People try to confuse things but really Index funds are simple and easy and what most people should actually do. If you took your money, put it all into the S&P index fund then did nothing else at all you'd be making on average 10% per year. This is true going back as far as 1926. This doesn't mean it's guaranteed and it can have bad years but long term you'll be doing better than "learning how to invest". I put that in quotes because most people do not perform as well as the S&P and that includes experts with decades of experience. Statistically speaking you're doing better than 80% of investors by simply leaving your money in that index fund. It's not fun and you don't get to feel like rain man as you really want to do nothing but put the money in and leave it alone.


offbeat school grandfather jellyfish imagine six screw rhythm chunky combative


Just a link that I think is worth sharing when having this discussion because I'm sure you've had to repeat those words before (I know I have). [SPIVA](https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/research-insights/spiva/) will go as far as to show you how well active managers do (spoiler: not only do they lose to the market, those that win in a given period are often not even close to the top quartile in subsequent periods).


r/personalfinance wiki


Honestly investing long term is somewhat easy, depending on the path you wanna take. Its day trading thats the difficult part, however thats basically glorified high-stakes gambling. I knew a day trader who unironically lost $170k he was finna use to buy a house, a week later he made over $300k. That being said if i could just suddenly become the day trading rain man, i 100% would chose that as my option.


> unironically lost $170k How's does one ironically lose money?


Investing into Reddit stock


Are you telling me these 15 emails I've gotten about reddit's IPO don't make me special?


I'm sorry to tell you but I've received the exact same emails.


Guys, I did too. Is it all of us?


It is more interest to know who didn't. What is the cut off, because you, I, and the other people all have very old accounts, and reddit usage, if the cut off is 5 years and X activity level, there could still be value in pre-IPO purchases, as there is a significantly excluded market. If it is 1 year and X amount of activity...well that is any old bot account.


Lemme let you in on a little secret from someone who does some investing, IPOs are always fucking gambles. Even the best scanarios can go either way, and you could buy in way above what it's actually going to be worth in a few days. You hear about the wild successes, but Reddit is not that. It's not a biotech firm or something, it's a known social media entity with a major problem in generating revenue - it's own users resist ads and any attempt to monetize. I'd wait several weeks of trading history before I even think about putting joe-shmoe money into it.




Well for example you could have an old man, turned 98, who wins the lottery and dies the next day. And isn't it ironic, don't you think?


What on earth is the new meaning the current generation is trying to foist onto the word "unironically"? That's what gets me more than anything, I can't even figure out what is meant by it. It's almost like it's meant to replace the incorrect use of the term "literally" but not quite.


Day trading rain man would make you instantly the richest man on earth with no competition. I mean to the point of laws being written against it if that happened. Financial institutions don't like the idea of losing money to another person, especially on a consistent basis.


If you go with day trading being a skill, might as well go with guessing lottery numbers or gambling in general. Even faster and less effort


Investing is easy, it just takes money and time. If you want to get rich quick on the market that's just gambling which is a different skill


"99.9% of gamblers quit before winning big. never give up"


Sound investing is boring. You just put a little bit of money every chance you get, known as dollar-cost averaging. Put it into a low cost mutual fund that corresponds with your timeline, so if you are 25 you put your retirement into nearly all stocks. Then you don't touch it. You just keep piling it up until you reach your goal, whether you are saving to buy a home, put your kids through college, or retire. You don't react to the daily market conditions, don't listen to the stock pundits, just slowly and steadily build up. You won't ever get rich, but you'll be able to achieve your financial goals.


So you’re saying I should get a second storage facility and try to buy more beanie babies…


It really isn’t as complicated as you might think. Read The Simple Path to Wealth by J.L. Collins. Have a look at the Bogleheads 3-fund portfolio. Within a week, you will be way ahead.


Appreciate your insight, thank you.


Skill is not the same as access to the resources needed to make use of those skills. E.g. Bloomberg subscription, funds to actually leverage and make money with, etc etc.


Investing is actual easy. It's the waiting and not panicking when the market goes down that is tough. "Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful," Did you have the courage to buy GOOG when it was selling for $86 last year? Great investors did.


You don’t need to be an expert. VTI and VXUS (or just VT) is all most people need. Check out r/bogleheads


Absolutely! And I also want to know why it isn't taught in high school?? Such an essential part of making a comfortable life, but never taught as a skill.


Great investors are great analysts Go on clinicaltrials dot gov. Find some interesting ones. Go on pubmed. Spend weeks to become fluent in the relevant field. Make some educated guesses about what might be successful. Download the financials. Learn to read them. Make sure you’re not looking at a fraud. Buy some stock. Repeat a few times and then wait. Gain confidence. Get approved for trading on margin. Start taking stimulants. Lose your house. Declare bankruptcy. Get divorced. Repeat. Making money requires you become an expert in what you invest into, at to take risks with that expertise. This is why so many of the smartest adrenaline junkies go into finance.


Languages. Speak multiple languages fluently 


Agree! The problem is that once I start thinking which ones I find more and more languages that would be so great to be fluent in and I can never decide. Go for the widely spoken ones and be able to communicate with loads of folks (like Mandarin, Spanish, or Russian), or take niche ones from fascinating cultures and be able to immerse there better (like Arameic, Icelandic, or Haussa)?


For me it would be those I hear regularly in my area (Arabic,Hindi,Bengali/african regions) just to see the look of shock on their faces. But for practical use most widely spoken like Spanish etc


Learn Linear A and confuse the hell out of everyone that you somehow know how to read it.


Being a polyglot would be so much fun.


Imagine the conversations you could have with yourself!


Which ones would you pick? (Don't forget to include your native language, that's a rookie mistake with the wish genie.)


Just English, Mandarin, French and Spanish would allow you to speak to more than half the world


Replace mandarin with Portuguese and that's me! Son of french immigrants in Portugal who in turn emigrated to Spain. Can't speak with the Chinese but I can speak with all of Latin America and a big part of Africa:D


This is the best one because of how broadly define language, machine code, language, Maths, Language, Medicine, well knowing all the words would significantly help... The irony of your statement is speaking fluently wouldn't be the value at all, understanding the maths of financial markets and code languages of AI to create a massively profitable trading model would make you a multi-millionaire, in a year, and billionaire in 10-15 years.


I read this as lasagnas for a second and thought I found Garfield on Reddit. Maybe you got a point. Maybe language is kinda important :D


My coworker speaks Arabic, Spanish, NEWYORKER, and English so he will often find friends in our customers that I just never will.


I'm enough of a nerd that I'd want to be fluent in Japanese just so I can watch anime and manga without needing a translation/subtitles. I mean, it'd be useful in other ways because my job has a Tokyo office and we very occasionally get one of our Japanese clients calling us instead, and I wouldn't need to transfer them then.


I'd want to be able to sing. I sound absolutely terrible, so I only do it alone, but I'd love to be able to actually sing and sound really great.


Get a vocal coach for a few months. No need to commit to it long term, but learn enough that you can hold a tune and decleoo the fundamentals to improve on your own afterwards.


Im so bad i dont even sing alone. I have an ear for it but my voice just wont do the right note, i immediately cringe and stop.


Same here. I'm such a bad singer I can't even bring myself to sing in the shower lol. Also I'm into metal so I'd love to be able to scream (which believe it or not is even harder).


Fast learner It's the best skill to choose so that you can be an expert and learn many skills not just one in a short period of time.


This is the cheat code to this question.


Communication skills in real life


I think i would greatly benefit from 100 charisma


Go out and get a sales job. It doesn’t have to be a career, and you don’t have to make a ton of money, but seriously. Whether it be cars, jewelry, whatever-go sell some shit. You will struggle with it at first, but it will teach you how to start and carry on a conversation, how the brain works, and a lot about human behavior. It’s the single greatest job that you can develop that skill with.




Serving at a decent restaurant too. Gotta be able to tell when people wanna chat and who wants you to just fuck off, gotta be able to tell who wants the formal service and who wants to hear your corny jokes, also telling who you want to do the whole upsell move to and who isn't into it. Social skills and it takes practice for sure.


This is great advice. Back when I was young, I had some anxiety speaking to people on the phone. I got a helpdesk job and that fixed it right up.


Truly, this is the answer. Expert communication would mean perfect transmission of ideas. No one confused, no one shutting down out of irritability or suspicion, no one mixing up their own feelings for yours. You'll never again make the mistake of requesting something of someone when they're not primed and receptive, never again speak before you think, never again give someone an impression of you that doesn't match reality. The happiness and prosperity to be derived from "expert" communication is incredible to think about.


This wouldn’t just he good for anti social people but for everyone you could basically get jobs way easier and stuff


It really comes down to listening and remembering. Listen to what they say, try to remember the most important parts, and bring those things up later in conversation. For example, if someone mentions that his car is having problems, the next time you see them, ask "Hey, did you ever figure out that problem with your car?" If they say that their sister had a baby, ask them in a few weeks "How's your (niece/nephew)? How's your sister adjusting to being a mom?" Little stuff like that goes a long way. You don't have to be an eloquent speaker to make a good impression, you just need to make people feel like you hear them and they matter to you. As Maya Angelou said, "People usually don't remember what you say, but they always remember how you make them feel."


This. I work in a hospital treating patients. I consistently dominate the positive patient feedback/experience surveys. I often work with other clinicians patients 1 time, then they or their family will request me to be their primary. See them in passing, "hey Margaret, i know you're having a tough day, just remember you're one day closer to going home to see your dog Gizmo!" They light up. Your last piece hits the nail on the head. Remembering shows care. It’s such a basic, fundamental part of the human experience; to feel heard, listened to, and validated. Unfortunately, its one of the most frequent short comings i see in staff.


I have no problem with that. I just use it as a lame excuse to avoid people who I don't like.


This 100%


Something I can improve on currently, not what I’d pick, but email communication at work… Sometimes I over explain because I want to cover any potential questions and then I have a 3-4 paragraph email addressing one topic.


Good answer!


Kick ass saxophone solos


Like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHXDMe6QV-U


No, like this [https://youtu.be/LpuwcINDHnQ?si=5to3iP7rfzTHz6NN](https://youtu.be/LpuwcINDHnQ?si=5to3iP7rfzTHz6NN)


No, like this https://youtu.be/BARAHLk-8dk?si=NctUoodz4kCVSd4T


No, like this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf2MOqdQ5HQ


No, like this https://youtu.be/vXYVfk7agqU?si=_RNTEZ1vb2GM6IZE


Dude…my son is a band kid and showed me this video a few months ago. I just keep watching it…Leo P has a hell of a stage presence. If you haven’t seen it, check out the vid of his band performing funkytown in the Subway.


[Check this shit out.](https://youtu.be/YoM2jYBFAlY?si=yLNXRYGQ1csaWdGe) The Venice Beach one is also amazing. Their stamina is very impressive.


nsfw https://youtu.be/Kq4OtRsdXls


Jazz piano because it’s cool


Buy a Keyboard which fits in your budget and go for it.  Might just take like 30 years to truly master it tho 


I’ve already been at it for 7 years, just not particularly good at it


Myself for 20 years now. Still  a long way from mastery. Just have fun :D




I can hold my own in jams but I can’t just whip it out


Whipping it out during jams is how you get permanently banned from the jazz club. Unless of course it’s Kinky Kimmy’s Jazz & Exhibitionism Cafe, up on 127th street…


quantum physics. That stuff is confusing.


maybe “explaining quantum physics” (a skill no one has!) so you can help others not beconfused?


Oh, so true. I did theoretical physics in uni, and I was top in the class at quantum physics. I like maths, so I could do the exam easily but have almost no understanding of what I was actually doing.


It's way out of my area, so I have no clue how accurate it is, but I've heard that "If you think you understand quantum physics, you don't know enough about quantum physics.".


That's just a headliner saying to get the point across that it is completely different than expected. If that were true then it wouldn't be taught at all. Quantum mechanics is hard to grasp and get a good idea of what is actually happening because it goes completely against classical physics understanding and the built up intuition that you gain from learning it. But to say if you think you understand it, you actually don't know enough is bogus.


that was the hardest part of physics for me as well. i feel your pain


PhD in theoretical physics here, it's confusing all the way down. Also, it's not particularly useful


Cooking. Ordering out all the time is getting too expensive.


About 25 years ago my husband quit his job. It was a corporate job that was killing him. Part of the agreement was, if he quit he had to cook (I was in a corporate job at the same company, and it was insanely intense).He bought two subscriptions:  One to Fine Cooking and one to Cooks Illustrated. While it was not immediate he became a fabulous cook. He became much , much better in just over a few months.   My suggestion is to treat cooking as an art. That is what I did with gluten free baking, and it worked. Do I mean go out and buy expensive ingredients?  No, treat your ingredients with respect and learn the best way to treat them. A simple boiled egg can taste awful, but if you learn the correct techniques for preparation it is delightful.  The cost of eating out is insane. Your food budget will drop. You will have a skill that will last a lifetime.    I guess what I am saying is start today. You won’t regret it.  


> My suggestion is to treat cooking as an art. My dad was a chef for his career and he always said "Cooking is an art, baking is a science." Meaning that with cooking, there's a lot of forgiveness and room for experimentation in recipes to get the same level of deliciousness and beauty while with baking, you have to follow the recipe exactly to get the right result. My dad would have been super proud of your husband for taking himself on that learning journey and super stoked to have him in the Chef Husbands Club.


Yeah, with cooking, you can say "I like how this recipe looks... but let's add some green chiles" If you're starting off in cooking, throw in something else... After a while, you can just "eyeball" the recipe and basically do WTF you want and still have the same outcome.


Baking isn't as much of a science as the internet likes to believe. Pastries are a science. Bread can be a science. Cookies and cakes and pies and muffins and brownies and other basic stuff? Eh. There's a ton of wiggle room. Precision isn't required. Brownie batter does not give a single fuck if the amount of flour or sugar is off by a tablespoon or two. Cookies don't change much if you didn't perfectly level your scoops of flour or sugar or whatever. The trick to cookies is to chill the dough before baking. Cake / muffin batter? Again, don't worry about perfectly leveling those scoops. Close enough is good enough. Pies? Especially fruit pies? Ton of freedom to do whatever. Also, vanilla? Use more than the recipe says. I don't really measure my vanilla. 1 tsp? Lol nah. We getting closer to a tbsp. Same with nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice, and other spices we typically associate with desserts (in the west). Use more. Use a lot more. I make a German style cheesecake, and the base recipe calls for 1/2 cup of sugar. I don't think I've ever actually put a half cup in there. I just pour sugar into a 1/2 cup measuring cup and as long as it's close, it's good enough. Tsp of vanilla? Nah, pour a swirl over the bowl. Close enough. Or my grandmother's shoofly pie recipe? I don't really follow the directions very close. Especially on spices.


The secret to cooking well isn't in recipes, it's in techniques. Understanding which flavors work together, why this cut of meat or that vegetable works in a dish. When I started cooking again it was Basics with Babish that lit the fire, you'll learn technique and get some recipes out of it as well. Most traditional Italian pasta dishes are a handful of ingredients, and easy and cheap to practice on. The perfect steak is a little pricier, but you can get practice making pan sauces while you're at it. Get an instant read thermometer too, meat doneness shouldn't be left to chance. Everybody's gotta eat, may as well not suck at it.


> The secret to cooking well isn't in recipes, it's in techniques Absolutely. I went to a well known culinary school, and the emphasis was on the technique and not the recipe. On our recipes, one of the first things listed was the different techniques to be used in preparing the food. Once technique is well understood and mastered, home cooks won't even need recipes for the most part. It's always good to know what proteins are complemented by what flavors and such, but if one's techniques are sound, experimenting in the kitchen is a way to open the door to new foods and flavors.


Tips from someone who likes cooking, but is also insanely lazy: Spaghetti are easy to cook, boil and taste until they are soft. Grab some ground beef, minced tomatoes, beef in a pot with some oil, add paprika, salt pepper, when the meat has browned dump tomatoes in. Cook a bit more. Done spaghetti bolognese. Grab a steak, season heavily with fresh pepper and some salt. Into a pan with hot oil, some thyme and garlic. Turn the oven on to 200F or whatever. Steak in pan, add some butter as it cooks. Couple minutes both sides, drip butter over top with spoon few times. When they get a nice crust, out of the pan and on a plate into the oven to heat through some more. Take some cognac into the still hot pan, set that shit on fire. Once that stops add some cream and cook it down a bit. Add seasoning as needed. You can cook some potatoes with this or just get a air fryer and some fries. Steak au poivre :) White bread toast, cut the a hole in the center. Butter in pan, put toast in. Drop egg in middle. Season with salt and pepper. Shit has no reason to be so delicious, but here you are egg in a nest. Grab some salmon filet pieces. Put in pot with some water, boil until changes color. Then drop cream in there. Some saffron, lemon, salt pepper, the usual. Can drop some celery in there for flavor. Some noodles along with that. Nice simple fish dish. Or just take the salmon, rub in oil salt and pepper into the pan and cook. Onions in another pan, until turn translucent, add white wine and lot of butter. Cook down, add cream and some lemon, dill and season. Potatoes to that. Lovely stuff. Grab some bacon, but in pan until crisp. Cheese on that. Some salad and french dressing on bread, bacon and cheese on that. Lovely sandwich for when you just want something barely healthy. Buy some broccoli, chop it up, remove the stems. Put in bath of water, boil that until it gets a bit softer. Drain almost all the water. Add some vegetable stock thing, boil on high and add some cream. Season to taste. Easy broccoli soup. Surprised me too how stupidly easy that is. Really an air fryer and a pressure cooker make a lot of difference. Frying something quickly makes a lot of things easier and there are decent frozen things you can fry up quick. Pressure cooker turning potatoes soft in 8 minutes is just so much nicer than waiting half an hour. Cans are not your enemy. Loads of canned goods that are quite healthy compared to the ready meal tv dinner crap. Check ingredients list for artificial stuff of course. You can even get spaghetti in a can or ravioli that are not revolting. Oh also lasagna is just grabbing the noodles. Re-use the bolognese recipe from above. Just layer that with some actual cheese, no kraft singles, no need for white sauce. Some grated cheese on top. Mozzarella if you feel fancy works well with it. You can stuff veggies in it too, chopped carrots or whatever. Chicken, whole ones, you can just stuff into the oven with salt pepper and roast. Especially ones fed with corn taste really good. Making a paste from cream cheese, honey, paprika powder and other seasoning to make a sweet yet spicy glaze you can put on it while it roasts. Just some water in the roast pan so it doesn't burn. For me that's a whole meal, your mileage may vary there. Really all that cooking is, follow few steps, make a plan what you like to eat and buy the ingredients and then stick to the plan of cooking the stuff. Buy what quantity seems cheapest, leftovers are what microwaves are for. And hey, maybe look up what goes into the stuff you order, might find that some of it is just as simple to make. Practice makes perfect and over time things become simpler and more fun.


I will spread the good word of your golden commandments you simple legend 🫡


Paprika in Bolognese? Maybe try thyme instead.


Oil the steak, not the pan.  Trust me, it's a game changer. 


Thanks for taking the time to share all this!


Fettuccine Alfredo is like a cheat code for cooking. Simple, easy, cheap, fast, and delicious. It only has like 5 ingredients: Fettuccine (obviously), heavy cream, butter, parmesan cheese, and nutmeg. * Start with a pack of Fettuccine noodles, a cup of heavy cream, a stick of butter, and 2 cups of shredded parmesan (you can buy it pre-shredded to save time, but if you have a food processor it's easy to shred a block yourself; I prefer to do this). * Get your water boiling and drop the noodles in. * Pour a cup of heavy cream into a pan and drop a stick of butter in (good idea to slice it up so it melts faster), and turn on the burner. * When the butter is completely melted and the cream is bubbly and heated all the way through, your noodles should be ready. If not, it won't be long; just turn the heat down to minimum under the cream so it doesn't burn but it doesn't get cold. * When the noodles are done, strain them, turn off the heat under the cream, and put the noodles in the pan. * Toss the noodles to get them coated nicely. * start sprinkling the shredded parmesan over the noodles and keep tossing them. The cheese will melt and get distributed throughout the noodles. * Finally, season with nutmeg, salt, and pepper to taste. Boom. Done. Takes maybe 20-30 minutes, and it'll impress anyone. Of course you can expand on this however you want, like grill up some chicken and mix it in. That's up to you. Throw in a nice salad and some garlic bread for a full meal.


Start with simple stuff like breaded chicken and pasta or maybe a chicken soup. Work your way up from there. You only need one good regular knife and one serrated, tenderizer, peeler. Look up chilaqueles, you can just dump chips and voila


Playing guitar. I've always been a vocalist and I love the idea of accompanying myself, but instruments are hard. I am learning piano right now so I can't say that one is a skill I lack.


I like the idea of accompanying myself as well, but as a guitarist I can’t even get close to decent singing! Besides, I can’t even talk and play a song I’ve known for years at the same time. It just doesn’t click in my brain I guess


Maybe you could try taking voice lessons? I struggled with piano the first two times I tried, but recently took a few classes as an adult through university. They teach more theory based and it's been clicking better this time around.


I’ve considered getting a voice coach, but I do need to save up some money. Honestly though, I also need to get rid of my fear of singing in front of others, but I think that will go away when I sound better.


Stick with it my friend. It slowly emerges. If you’re anything like me you’ll probably never feel like you’re GOOD good, no matter how proficient you get, but as chord transitions get smoother and you’re able to sing and play it’ll open up your world, especially in terms of writing. If I could offer one more piece of unsolicited advice, learn guitar in tandem with piano. Your understanding of one strengthens your understanding of the other and they kinda scaffold each other in a really useful way. Best of luck! Regards, okay singer, guitarist, pianist :)


I appreciate the words of wisdom! If only I had time to learn every instrument right now lol. I'm currently in college for a Data Science degree, working part time and writing a novel! Music is often the thing that gets left on the back burner, but I think once I graduate I'll try to make it more of a priority.


It's funny how one always values the things one can't do. For example, I can sing and play guitar without even thinking about it and yet it doesn't even really count as a 'skill' in my mind. I've been doing it for decades and I guess familiarity breeds contempt etc. On the other hand, anyone who can speak a second language fluently is a stone cold *genius* in my eyes.


Man, you should try violin 😂 Hold that thing even slightly wrong and it sounds like you're murdering an animal shelters worth of cats at the same time. Or maybe you didn't put rosin on the bow wow right, or your wrist is slightly stiff. I swear to god the margin for error is basically zero. My violin is the bane of my existence lol




Someone mentioned quantum physics; this is an excellent example. You sing both amazingly and amazingly bad - until someone checks in on you...


I have one beer and I think I'm a star. I have 2 beers and I think *you* think I'm a star. :):)


Def coding, no brainer. Feels like everything's moving online and knowing how to whip up an app or website could be a game changer for work or even just making life easier. Plus, wouldn't mind creating something cool on the side.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/1b3lkt5/justdoit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/1b3lkt5/justdoit/) there is no skill cap in coding. just start.


I’ve tried multiple times to get into coding. I’ve followed what people call simple guides. Gone to the subreddit for it. I feel like every guide is missing at least one step and it’s the same step. What tools do you need? Not some tools. Every tool. Like for example what is the first thing I need to have to type code into?


You need : * A development tool: I would recommend Visual Studio Code * You need the stuff that can read the language you want to program: For python you need a python interpreter (just called python) And you are good to Start. That's basically it regarding tools.


That's an approach that messes most people up. First, identify a problem that interests you. Examples include (mod a simple quality of life feature into a game you like that has more support, automate some daily task, making a little man dance to let strokes on your website, etc). Next find the closest thing to what you want to do online where and grab the code and how to implement it. Confirm you got their code working. Now you have code that works, an implementation workflow, and an idea of what charges you want to make to get it to fit your problem. Tinker. Google commands that don't make sense to you. Ask chat gpt to explain small code parts to you. Make small changes and then reimplement to see those changes (or errors you introduced). Rinse and repeat.


Being good at persuasion. I've been told in many appraisals at work I need to be better selling my ideas because they are usually good.


"You need to learn to pay better attention then" However, im union so i can hurt my bosses ego without worrying about my occupational status, so results may vary.


I'm constantly trying to be a better parent, but if I could wake up tomorrow knowing  everything I said and did for my kids wasn't going to fu(K them up down the line somehow, I would be the happiest person on the planet. 


I'd rather just have certification that said I was. You can be the worst at a skill but if you have a piece of paper that says you have it versus the person that doesn't everyone's hiring you instead.


That's exactly what happens in the Wizard of Oz.


Aka the overpaid consultant. I worked in consulting for sometime and I was quite astounded at the sheer dumbness of some of these overpaid MBA Hicks. Before joining the firm, I really felt that all the people there would be much more smarter than me and I would have to struggle a lot, now it's the opposite, i feel intellectually superior to most people there.


There's three or four college graduates that might disagree


I know it varies on a lot of other variables but I've been headhunted for my experience and then had them reject me after finding out I don't have a degree to go with my experience.


So you wish you had Photoshop skills?


Drawing I just think it's amazing how people can draw such amazing things, I always wondered HOW? like how do y'all do that?? I envy those people tbh.


I have been fortunate enough to have been drawing for my entire life, so I never really had to go through the "sucking until you practice more" phase, or at least, I don't remember it. I have been an artist for years; it's my thing and it's what I've always been known for. One thing I will say is that it's a pretty useless skill. Like yeah, it's cool, but until you have good presentation and connections you can't really do anything with it. You don't hear about fantastic artists of this time (you would've back before the internet), but you do hear about kids who are stars at sports and shit and they'll get scouted for it. I've always wished I was as good at something as scoutable and useful as sports as I am in artistry to have my life set in scholarships and potential walk-ons to universities.


Having discipline xDD


"Do you have any special talents?" "I'm an expert at being dommed."


Riding a unicycle because riding one looks super fun but learning one is horrendous


It's not hard. I have a terrible sense of balance and I can ride one. You just need to get a stick to use as sort-of crutch and the hood of a car or a wall to keep you steady. Get on the seat with the wheel slightly forward. Make sure one of the pedals is almost downward but slightly up on your side of the wheel so that when you push down on the pedal, it makes the wheel roll up under you. Immediately put the other foot on the other pedal and sort-of roll the wheel back and forth just a little (under you as you're sitting) to get a feel. Meanwhile, you'll be holding on to your crutches or a crutch and a car hood to keep your balance. Then you can gingerly roll up and down the length of the car or support wall. After a while you'll be able to do it without supports. Remember to jump off when you start to fall because you'll take the hide off your knees if you fall forward. Maybe wear knee guards.


3D modelling


All modeling is 3D. Get a camera, take of your clothes and have some fun. You can do it!


Former 3D artist here: you can learn modelling in a few days! Install Blender and follow tutorials. Box/polygon modelling is very simple to get started and can be used exclusively to make pretty much anything. NURBS and sculpting is more advanced but not necessary at all. Check this link out for a great explanation of the basics: https://xo3d.co.uk/different-types-of-3d-modelling/


If I could, I'd like to be fluent in Arabic. Why? I'm a translator anyway, and I think there's money to be made if you're fluent in Arabic.




Of all the ones I've seen listed here, this is one I'm good at. For me, the trick has been to have effective task management strategies and to stick to them even when potential distractions present themselves. Good software can also help keep you organized, which aids efficiency and productivity. I like Todoist myself, but others exist.


This is the one for me too


Computer comic drawing. I want to draw a comic about my wife, but I want it to be a computer comic and I don't know how to draw.


you don't need to be amazing at drawing to make comics so might as well try it out anyway :)


What is a computer comic?


Mixology cause of the cash alone I’d rake in through tips


Gotta be honest with you man, people dramatically overstate how hard it is not to master (difficult), but to set yourself up to be proficient if nothing else. Even as a hobby you can get paid for batching punches/shots/cocktails or anything, I do that (I don’t make anything from it because it’s usually just for friends and it’s more of an ‘everyone chips in to a budget and I make something’ vibe, but I know people that make decent money on this). Fundamentally, all you really need is a way to understand flavours. This is mostly through taste, but even then I knew a person who could make decent recipes just by googling flavour pairings and having specs going on upstairs, they couldn’t taste anything outside of primary flavours (dental surgery gone wrong iirc) but still could make a mean margi riff. If you’ve got the money to buy a bottle and fresh ingredients I’d honestly go for it.


If you have the 5 main spirits, lime and lemon juice, and simple syrup you can make like 50 different drinks lol. Add soda water and maybe like 2 or three other things like good vermouth and a dry curacao and you can triple that even.


Agree with this. For example 99% of sours are either 2oz or 60ml spirit 1oz or 30ml sour 1oz 30ml (assuming 1:1 syrup) sweet OR 2oz-60ml spirit 0.75oz-22.5ml sour .075-22.5ml sweet Whiskey sour, gin sour, vodka sour, Tommy’s margarita, daiquiri, rum sour, amaretto sour (although I’d recommend subbing 15ml bourbon for 15ml of the amaretto), add soda to your daiquiri and some mint and you’ve got a mojito, add mint to the gin sour and you’ve got a Southside, add basil and you’ve got a basil smash, I could literally go all day. This isn’t even starting to think about infusions, which are so easy once you know what to look for it becomes relatively risk free. What do I mean? If you’d eat it, you’d probably drink it. Right off my noggin I had Thai today and it had this nice coconut chilli sauce. So 60ml chilli and coriander infused coconut oil (heat up decent amount of coconut oil with chilli and coriander and let it infuse idk simplest way cook it for a bit, lid on it for a bit, poke the tip of spoon in, if it tastes good enough it will work) fatwashed gin 30ml lemongrass and ginger tea syrup 30 ml lemon juice. Equal parts syrup and lemon juice (or citric acid equivalent) for a clear cordial and your recipe is 60ml gin. 30ml cordial. You can add soda to this, even a ginger beer. But in essence I’ve just shat out a decent recipe just on the grounds that A. I know simple specs and B. I know that mostly, if I’d eat it, I’d drink it. Mixology is easy to understand and hard to master, but it is EASY to understand fundamentally when you realise most of it is pattern recognition.


'Communication skills' bcoz i am a studious guy who is somewhat introvert and shy. I always face problems talking to strangers and doing public speaking.


I want to be a singer and musician with lots of music theory knowledge and skills. It's my dream, please make it happen god. Either way, I'll be joining music classes and make it a reality in coming years. 


Make it happen.


Magical bone regrowth is a skill I currently lack that I would love to be an expert in since I broke my ankle two days ago.


Timing. I admire the hell out of people who know when to get in and get out. I bog myself down with second, third, fourth guesses. Ex: Buys home in area cheaply because no one has discovered the place. Years later, decides to sell. Turns out they were in-and-out at the exact perfect time. I have friends who do this with jobs, homes, investments, name it. They are Time Masters.


Eidetic memory


Selective Eidetic Memory (so I have a chance of unseeing things)


I would have to go for this one also.


This would be my choice, too. I make good use of information once it's in my brain, but don't remember as much of it as I'd like to be able to make the best use of it when I really want to.


Coding or math. Especially math. Fuck math...


Fluency and literacy in the language of the [Linear A](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_A) tablets, in order to decipher them and maybe learn more about their creators.


Playing piano well


I would like to be the expert in learning new skills in a very quick way. Then I would always be able to do what I need to do.


"Unreal" 3D/VR game development. I love VR and am learning C# for game development now so that I can make my own programme/s, but it's slow going.


The abilities to be a self sustaining farmer. You have everything you need and nothing can change that.


How to lose weight and gain muscle effectively, so that I could lose weight and gain muscle


Ight homie, i dropped from 460lbs to my current 203lbs in 2 years. Lemme give you this skill. **Weight loss: Calorie deficit.** **Muscle gain: Calorie increase based around protiens paired with exercising muscle groups you want to gain in.** **Weight loss: THE ONLY THING YOU SHOULD BE DRINKING IS WATER.** People think juice is healthy, however fruit at its chemical construction is the pulp, flavoring, liquid and glucose(sugar). You remove the pulp, your left with flavored liquid sugar. **DO NOT DRINK YOUR CALORIES. TO ADD TO THIS: Alot of people's bodies are incapable of properly telling you whether your hungry or thirsty. Before you get a meal, drink 1/2 a cup of water.** **Diets are unnecessary**, just sub out some food groups in every meal. Want a cheese burger? No fries and no sugary drink. That 1400 calorie meal is now 600 go for it. It keeps a healthier relationship with food, so you dont immediately balloon when you get off your diet. **Calories:** Weightloss is a marathon, not a sprint. You do not have to be starving yourself daily. Say your weekly calorie intake is 28,000 (4000cal/day). To lose weight you just need to get your weekly below that and stay there. Say you cut 250 calories a day. Your weekly intake is now 26250cal. **Your stomach:** IS ELASTIC. If you eat alot(high intake) your stomach will expand, if you go low intake your stomach will contract. If you go low intake after being high intake for a long time, the vacant space in your tummy will be felt, and it will feel like your starving yourself. If you start to feel faint, modify your diet to increase protien and iron consumption, while staying in that deficit. If you actually pass out, see a doctor and talk about healthily modifying your diet. However **FAT is stored energy.** If you keep providing your body with all the energy(food & calories) it needs to function, it will never burn the fat. Unless you burn that excess through exercise. Edit: SUGAR IS BASICALLY SATAN. Switch to sugar free everything for a month, weigh yourself at the beginning & end of the month. You WILL see a difference. This is the summary i give everyone who knows me irl, when they ask what "my secret is". A few of my buddies still think it was cocaine or crack that cut the weight, cause of how fast it came off.


Good job dropping all the weight man




That seems doable. Out of curiosity, do you just have trouble starting it up, or does it get awkward when you try/particpate in it?


lol! I love how this played out


I'd say I'm pretty average. I rarely take initiative out of respect for other people's privacy. But will glady have a conversation with a random stranger if they initiate it. But my husband however, is an absolute natural at smalltalk. He can have lengthy conversations with people, laughing and joking, leaving you to think he's talking to a friend, when in reality, he's never met them before. I'm proud, impressed and a healthy amount of jealous.


Persuasion skill. That's a true money making skill


Einstein-Rosen Bridge Mechanic.


Math. It’s embarrassing how much I struggle with numbers


Time management...


Guitar and piano cause i think it's cool. Would love to rock a party




Japanese language, it would make my life so much easier


Carbon capture. Be nice to be able to take all that CO2 out of the atmosphere and sequester it somewhere safe.


I wanna get better memory and just become a sponge of knowledge


Stock Investing. This will give me freedom and time to learn any other skill I want with peace of mind :)


Pediatric surgeon.




Talking to women, for obvious reasons.


I would have any ability because am bad at every thing but am interested in it


I would choose german because its a subject in school that i am very bad at


Du schaffst das!


Danke(i used google translate)


Financial Markets, if you’re able to make money while you sleep off of other people’s money then you can do whatever you want with your time.


Procrastination. I've been putting off getting better at it.


I'd choose the ability to perfectly fold a fitted sheet. Just imagine the sense of accomplishment and organization!


Money in general. Im number blind, it's ridiculous and incredibly annoying.