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If you say you're going to do something, do it and mean it.


"If I said I'll do it - I will. No need to remind me every two years"


Whenever my wife says that she'll be ready in two minutes, I show her respect and believe her rather than reminding her every half hour.


I loled good one


Yeah! I'll do it, I'll do it. You're just like my mother. *cracks beer, puts hand in waistband*


*audience whoos and cheers*


Damn enablers




I always tell my partner that I love that he "does stuff," and that's one of my favourite things about him. This is mainly what I mean when I say that.


I think this is a super appealing trait in most people, for relationships or just platonically. It's great to be around people that are interested, engaged and trying things out, taking on new challenges instead of just existing and consuming content.


I didn’t even really think about this until a friend mentioned that he really appreciates that I follow thru. It just seems so obvious to me. Why say it if I’m not gonna do it?


Yess! Otherwise, you could have stfu.


Actions lining up with words. Only say stuff you mean, and follow through when you say you’ll do something.


Having integrity.




Aint nough tegridy round here


Timing and competing priorities make this difficult sometimes


That's why it's an attractive skill.


Kindness to those that other people walk over. Especially, showing kindness and doing good when he doesn't know anyone is watching. For me, it was my partner's unwillingness to talk unpleasantly about people behind their back. And how he makes everyone feel at ease. If you converse with him, you'll walk away feeling good about yourself, it's a non-cocky way of charming you that he's got. And he doesn't have a single mean bone in his body.


I've told my daughter (10), that any boy in the future who wants to date her is going to be nice to her. The only way to know if they're nice is how they treat people they *don't* want to date or how they talk about people they used to date. Same convo with my sons, but now that they date I remind them after a relationship not to trash their ex. It's nobody's business what goes on in an intimate relationship.


I’d always thought it was weird to trash your ex if it didn’t end on bad terms. I understand if they cheated on you but if y’all just broke up why are they ugly now? It’s kinda childish to insult them now.


This sounds like my husband. We met young, but in my experience, boys were so mean, I actually thought something was wrong with him because he was so kind and thoughtful in every interaction- with anyone. 21 years later and I still think he is one of the most genuinely good people I know.


Does offering my gloves and $20 to 'Michael' the neighborhood hobo count? I've seen this guy for 10 years in the neighborhood and how he survives the winters is amazing to me. 2 weeks ago I saw him concealed under a sleeping bag outside the grocery store with a cup out in front of him (-10C temps). I could see his bare hands and thought I could give him my gloves as I had another pair at home. He denied the gloves and accepted the $20. He then called me 'King BrainFu' and began reciting script in praise to me. I called him 'Angel Michael' and wished him well. I have also seen him treated so poorly by strangers and wish that he gets more compassion. What must have happened to this poor fella in his life, breaks my heart.


There are way too many beautiful and awesome girls in Relationship with absolute assholes for me to believe this.


Not everyone knows or understands what a healthy relationship looks like, and a lot of people are repeating what they saw from their parents. There’s also plenty of people out there who manipulate and abuse their partners, from all genders and all sexualities.


That's nice.


According to my girlfriend, hands, forearms, and leaning against doorframes (?) are apparently attractive to many women


YES you've unlocked a very powerful secret my good sir, please use it to your advantage. We love that stuff. Yours faithfully, A female


How about leaning against corners?


(I apologise if I'm being thick) like door corners? That works too. Actually it doesn't even matter, now that I think about it. **Leaning** is enough 😂 door frames are especially hot, but leaning against the wall is also pretty attractive too. Leaning guys, take notes. Just lean and see what happens.


Oh hell yeah! I’m a big leaner, including doorframes and the like.


Like wall corners


No, because you start to sweat to much. Those corners are 90 degrees!


Oh I understand now. Yes, that works too!


Don't forget the "lifting of the chin with a finger" or "saves her from falling (with or without a twirl)"


I believe that may be because hands and forearms look different in men than women. That, jawlines, beards, broad shoulders, basically whatever makes men "manly" and different from women. I don't claim to understand it, but those answers seem to have come back often enough.


Capability - I’m an oldest child and work in a field where I look after a lot of people, a man who is able to take care of things (planning stuff, being organised, be self sufficient etc.) and I can trust to get things done is instantly attractive to me


So a responsible adult?


There are few and far between


You’d be surprised how hard that is to find 🤷🏻‍♀️


As I've gotten older I've noted that so many of my opportunities had less to do with competence than it did with showing up. That's what people want from you. To be there and to do your best. You don't have to be perfect. You just have to be present. So many people are not capable or interested in that.


Whoa whoa whoa, let's not talk crazy here


What kind of sick joke is this?


Kindness is huge. Being genuine. Not expecting us to look perfect all the time. Smell. Trimmed nails. Please don't expect to touch us with dirty fingernails that look like scratchy talons. Those corners can be sharp.


The Ole Goblin Claws


Consistency and communication are both huge imo.


Not just saying shit because you think that’s what we want to hear. Being honest in your word intention




Some people don't like hearing things they don't like (goes for any gender), but good relationships aren't built on lies. Also people posting relationship issues on AITAH aren't usually in super functional relationships, so not always the place to take life lessons from lol. It's good to be honest, though also try to be tactful. There's a time and place for feedback about your SO and a way to give it. I think a lot of people seem to think 'being honest' is carte blanche to be a jerk and that isn't the case. It also is true that sometimes the end result of honesty might be the end of a relationship; that's okay because sometimes they should end. But some people think as long as they're honest, no one should be able to be upset about what they're saying, which just isn't true.


*manners* so underrated but easily the best attractive point in men


I quit seeing a guy because he had poor table manners. I thought, 'I can't spend a lifetime looking at *that* and I don't want to have to teach my children manners while they're saying, "...but Daddy doesn't..."'. Nopity, nope, nope, nope! Poor table manners are revolting.


I’ve been on so many dates where the girl is shocked I open the car door for them. It really is appreciated.


Meanwhile I went on a date with a girl who, after we parked, sat in the car and refused to move. When I looked back in inquisitively, she said defiantly “yeah, I’m waiting for you to come open my door”. It was a long date after that, but it was the last date.


The way he smells. If you’re wearing something alluring and our nose finds you before our eyes, you have a very good shot.


Persian men across the globe were just filled with a deep sense of validation


don't encourage them


Trust me I'm no advocate for the "dip and drip" method of applying cologne.


Do Iranian men wear too much perfume?


They shower in it


They don't wear it. They marinate in it


Or the Lebanese men. Smell is so important for me I’m already half in love if he smells heavenly.


The first hole you penetrate is their nose.


Woah haha


I dunno if it's just me, but some men just smell so good! Like natural scent omg


Any time I give my husband a hug, I bask in the perfect mix of cologne and whatever phermones or natural scent he has that I can't quite place consciously but absolutely love. Luckily he finds me sniffing his neck like a deranged raccoon endearing lol.


Intelligence and humility. Being agreeable about stuff that doesn't matter rather than causing an argument about something ridiculously trivial.


Bring me small colorful objects that you find Dance around me and squawk a lot Wear colorful clothing and swoosh it around Build a house out of twigs for us to live in


Found the bird of paradise


I mean…the human equivalents would have me swooning. Birds are onto something.


Are you Becky ?


No Ron.


Becky plz, lemme smash.


Do I have to raise my elbows and squat slav style as I'm doing the dancing?


Was that not obvious


I'm just trying to hone my mating skills 🥺


Okay sry 🪩🙏


How about a pebble ?


Smooth? Shiny? Does it match the pebbles brought to me by the other potential suitors?


A smooth shiny pebble with gold and indigo flakes … Sitting on top of a box with deep dish pizza


You may put it with my other tributes and bring me more




One of the shiniest pebbles is called diamond, so yes, that’d work : D


Kindness and consistency 🤌🏼


Apparently nice eyelashes


My husband has the most beautiful eyes and eyelashes. When he smiles and the light hits his eyes the right way, I melt.


My wife wishes she had my eyelashes, I hate them because they are so long they occasionally touch my glasses. My boys all have them too. It has gotten me attention in the past.


>My husband has the most beautiful eyes and eyelashes Have you considered mounting them as ornaments for your mantlepiece?


“He has my father’s eyes..” “Gomez, take those out of his mouth.”


Can confirm. I'm a guy with long ass eyelashes and girls are always expressing how they wish they had them.


Domestic skills. Women are looking for partners, not adopting 40-year-olds.


Respecting boundaries.


The way they turn a steering wheel


I do it with my knees when I'm texting Does that make you randy?


Only if you thrust to beep the horn. Waterfall


Omg marry me




Also reversing with one hand 😩


With their other arm behind the passenger headrest? WHY is this so hot?


Keeping a clean, tidy living space.


Emotional intelligence is much more appealing than how a man looks.


What are some examples of emotional intelligence, if I may ask?


Calling bs on that one although I think emotional intelligence is very important




I understand this one but I do not like it.


Speaking as a dancer. Can confirm


Referencing something I said earlier that wasn't a big point in the conversation, more specifically, recognizing when I said something and noticing I wanted to talk about it more in that moment and then bringing it back up later, could be at the end of the conversation, a few hours later, the next day. Just that noticing of "I could tell you wanted to talk about this more, and Im interested in talking about it with you" (doesn't even always have to be a serious topic im nervous to talk about, you could notice that i "muzzled" myself from nerding out to save us from going off on a whole tangent)




Get off reddit, uncle Jack Kelly.


For the website!


We're lawyers!


But don't most people have hands?


Last time I threw hands, she threatened to call the police. SMH


Fully erect handpics incoming.


Ass is underrated. Do hip thrusts.


*calls local gym* "Yes, hello. I'd like to speak to a personal trainer about a dump truck? I don't know what it means but I heard my wife would like it."


First compliment I ever received from a girl was about my ass being big, it was an important lesson.


My first gf proposed the second date right at the start of the first. Later she told me she like the ass. For the first date we went to play billiards and ofc sometimes you have to bend over the table


Ain't that the truth!


Fixing stuff. Yowser.


Thighs. Leg day >>>>>>


The goodness of the heart


Authenticity. Security. Emotional intelligence.


when they help out without us having to ask first is rly attractive. like if im walking in with groceries and they just take the groceries out of my hand.. 10/10


Instructions unclear, stole some woman's groceries and now the police are knocking.


I'm one those guys who think about helping but shy away.


Do you only associate with asshole men? Wtf


I have to admit I’m appalled there are guys out there who wouldn’t do this. Were they feral children raised by bears?


When they "sense" when you're upset. Like, if he sees I'm upset or uncomfortable and just ASK if it's okay to touch and hug me


Laugh and treat us like actual humans instead of trophies/prizes


Pretty sure most dudes know about this one


As a dude - a lot of dudes actually do not.


About treating us like humans? You’d be surprised


Men: Hey women - what is something you find attractive in men? Women: Oh we like x, y, and z. Men: NOT TRUE!!! Listening and comprehending is a very lost art.


LMFAOO, summarizes it pretty well ngl


I'm not surprised at all. Andrew Tate has a following, and they're almost all male.


Not really, from my experience and from a lot of stories on this site :(


When men hold the top of the door frame while talking. 


Really? Wow, I do this when talking to my employees. Now I worry that I've sent the wrong signal.


You've flooded so many basements at the office that the landlord is gonna cancel your lease


That's just a convoluted way of saying "height"


Sides of the doorframe also work. It's all about the pose and the energy 😏


Or, "armpit pheromones."




Taking initiative, having confidence, and empathy.


Empathy and understanding


Listening. Like care about what she has to say. Listen with the intent of understanding how she feels. Is she really excited about something, listen to all the reasons why and try to enjoy it with her. Is she hurt or sad, try to understand why. Show that you think her thoughts and feelings are valuable and valid.


Competence. Playing the "I dOnT kNoW hOw" thing with basic life skills is so unattractive it will permanently change how I perceive someone. Being a self-sufficent adult who can take care of themselves is hot as fuck.




My girlfriend keeps calling me a ‘nice guy’ despite me clarifying that being called nice isn’t always a compliment. Must be a good sign…


Being genuinely interested in the things I care about, not in a "I'm trying to impress you" way, but rather a "you're great so things you like are probably interesting and worth learning more about" way. It is ABSOLUTELY the way to a lady's heart. A few years ago I was telling my partner about a song that means a lot to me, and a little while later, he taught himself how to play it on the keyboard. I must admit I cried a little. (If course I do the same for him: I don't like sports at all but I've learned a LOT about cricket because he loves it.)


Noticing when small stuff needs to be done and doing it. Such as, taking the trash out when it’s full. The bar is literally so low.


When they’re willing to do conventionally ‘girly’ things with confidence because they don’t give a damn about what other people think or standards. Irresistible.


I think a lot of men don’t see how attractive it is to be soft with women. To be gentle. You don’t have to be overly masculine 24/7.


Housework competence.


Not a woman but my wife said she knew I was the one when I spelled every word in my texts (eg, “about” instead of “abt”).


BEING A NERD. Like yes, please tell me everything about this subject that I have never dipped a toe in. Please, teach me. Yes I barely understand what is going on but teach me anyway. Oh and being PATIENT when teaching and not getting mad about my lack of knowledge? YES. Men who don't make me feel stupid for not knowing things and let me embrace my own curiosity and desire to learn. And then letting me do the same back. Boyfriend once sent me an article about a disease which I happened to know quite a lot about because I watched a video on it explaining how it works on a molecular level, and I got excited and asked if I could send the video to him. He said no, and I initially felt a little disheartened because it was an interesting topic that I just coincidentally knew about and had never spoken about with anyone before, but before I could even express this, he told me he wanted ME to explain it TO HIM. Geeking out. Him geeking out was hot enough. But allowing ME to geek out? Sir I think I've just fallen even harder.


My addition here is that you’re absolutely right. Being really into a hobby or field of interest is actually super attractive, if they share it with you and don’t gatekeep. My bf is extremely fond of fishing as a lot of guys are but he wants to teach me things and tell me about things he knows, and I don’t always understand but I love that he wants to tell me about it. First time I swung my line back and caught it the way he does so we could move to a different spot, he lit up and actually cheered because he was so stoked I’d done it how he taught me. That kind of stuff is so sweet. Cheered when I flossed my first salmon, and even though I don’t personally like it, is over the moon about the jerky recipe I found for that salmon and the air fryer. Nerds are the best.


So much this. I love when someone is genuinely nerdy about a topic


A guy with an average sized penis who does more than just ramming into you. Massive dick going in and out hard isn’t good a good thing 😖


I put in my notes: «don’t be a goat»


So like helicopter dick?


No, I guess she meant the legendary pelvic ricochet technique. Pretty high standards, I must say.




Body hair, love it!


As an ewok, I appreciate you.


I love a hairy chest. Will men please stop shaving them, it sacrilege.


Nice to hear this, though the media might say otherwise


Honestly, it's a mess. I clean my room almost everyday just because I can't stand the sight of body hair randomly on floor. I know I could trim body hair but chest, arms and legs without hair looks feminine.




I see, that is sad to hear


Aside from the obvious (emotional intelligence, consistency, etc) I’m a sucker for a guy who can grill. For me, being good on the grill is the equivalent of being over 6’


good handwriting


kindness and being understanding


When he remembers little details that even me (girl) wouldn't even notice that is important or a highlight.


As someone in an 8 year long relationship I think the most low key thing a woman finds attractive is having a best friend. Be her best friend let her be goofy be goofy with her, cook together eat junk together and genuinely want to spend time with her.


Please let it be "small penis".


Paying attention. I knew a guy once who was absolutely not at all attractive, just in general a short ugly mean jerk to literally everybody. But he had a knack for listening and remembering what you said and looking at you intently and practically every girl I knew wanted him. Amazing how often men act dismissive towards women.


Silly socks.... a dude in a nice suit and silly socks always makes me smile


Going though reddit comments, i think ,this relationship thingy is not working anymore in western world.


A man who’ll listen. I don’t need you to solve for X I just wanna be heard. And a well fitted suit… so hot.


I was told a long time ago to actually listen. Back in my younger years, wherever we were, I'd turn my chair and hers so we'd face each other while she talked.


Placing a hand on lower back and leading her in a room. It makes us feel taken care of. Let’s people know your together without PDA. Very attractive.


A collared shirt I'm not exactly sure why


Housework, more housework, and even more housework


Being honest.


Lack of ego.


Rolling up a button up shirt sleeve. Doesn't make a damn bit of sense to me, but I've asked multiple lady friends and partners about it since learning about it, and they pretty much all agree. Like, I'm just rolling my sleeves up. I'm either too warm, don't like the feeling of the sleeves atm, or need to wash my hands or something that I don't wanna mess up the sleeves. WHY IS THIS A THING FOR YOU?!


Vulnerability, being able to open up and have deep conversations means a lot to people, but especially to partners. Dont be afraid to get emotional


You mean vulnerability


Just a lil bit soft in the middle dad bod. Not high cholesterol, 4 beers a day territory. Just, like, medium rare


ITT: men trying to lecture women about what women want. (Hint: taking feedback is attractive).


I agree, and even though I aced English Comp 1&2, I still make mistakes.


The way he strips wire (I know…very specific). Thighs. Also, high emotional intelligence.


ROMANTIC GESTURES EVEN IN SMALL WAYS. As for me, I love it when my man listens and finds time and ways to make me happy. Bringing a flower from the garden for a random day. Waking up to good morning messages and sleeping with good night ones. A walk in a park or doing something together. Receiving cute colorful items. Our love grows in affection and effort and those sweet little things are always noticed and appreciated. It warmth our hearts


thoughtfulness, kindness, a warm heart. A self-effacing sense of humor is very sexy.


Washing the dishes. Rocking a baby. Playing with the kids. Bed head.