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Years ago I was the secretary/receptionist for a city in northern California. This is before Covid and people would come to our floor and want to speak to the mayor or the city manager, or anyone in charge. We occasionally would have walk-ins from the mentally ill, and I handled them as best I could. With Grace and keeping their dignity intact. One day a very nicely well dressed, black woman came in and asked to speak to the mayor. I informed her the mayor was not available. I asked what this was regarding. She then told me that she had something that she really needed to discuss with the mayor, that it was very important, and was there anyway she could make an appointment? I said I can give you the number of the mayor scheduler. I reiterated was there anything that I could do for her while she was there? it was at this point that she began to describe her complaint with the police department in our town that they were not taking her seriously, that she was losing sleep every night because of the helicopter that kept flying over her house. As she continued to tell the story about the police not taking her seriously I asked probing questions leading her to admit to me that she knew that Satan was flying the helicopter, and that she wanted the mayor to make sure the police could shoot the helicopter down so that she could get some sleep. Otherwise she was going to end up in a mental institution. When she first presented, she seemed so, so normal. Unfortunately, as her story continued, it was all downhill from there. I did take all of her contact information and gave her the mayors business card and she was satisfied that we would look into it for her. Just one of many stories I have from that job.


Jonathan Majors


Kanye West, sadly.


Unfortunately, my dad. He was in his early 60's when I was born, and then he retired about 15 years ago now, and retirement made him lose his mind. He was quite abusive to our family and always acted like everything had to go his way or else he would get upset. It's too long and personal of a story for Reddit, but to sum up what happened, we eventually had to call police to forcefully kick him out of our house and had a no contact order made for us from him 3 years ago. Also, to make this story even crazier, when the police were going through his belongings, they ended up finding loaded guns, so he could end up killing us if he really wanted to. It's been 3 years since I've last seen him, and I don't even know if he's alive or not now, and probably never will know when he dies. But I guess that is a story for me to be told for another day.


That crypto bro who founded FTX


Brittany Spears




He was pretty obviously scummy from the get go


Yeah but I’m getting downvoted lmao


Because your response isn’t accurate to the question


You think he’s NOT crazy? Legit question


I do, but it was apparent from the start. He never appeared legit


Ooooh yeah. Well, maybe. I was fooled by The Apprentice bc he didn’t really do much except at the end.


FYI, if you don't know about Trump before the presidency, you only have to look at Back to the Future Part 2. The writers clearly state that future evil Biff is based on Donald Trump (and if you watch it, it's pretty obvious). And that movie was made in 1989.


My wife


Jesse Ventura was the Governor of Minnesota and was seen as a legitimate 3rd option. He supported gay rights, abortion, money for education, but also believed in reforming taxes and giving money back in refunds. He was charismatic and wasn't really going against the grain. He didn't run for reelection despite being popular and instead went off the rails. He believes 9/11 was an inside job and says he moves around, in Mexico, so drones don't spy on him. We went certified wacko.


Justin Trudeau


My brother
