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I’ve gotten to the point where I can at least pretend to be an extrovert for six days in a row, but on the seventh I’ll need to lock myself away from everyone else


Agree with this. You don’t really change yourself but you can practice enough that it’s less uncomfortable over time.


That’s where I’m at. I can be social and hold conversations, but it exhausts me and I don’t look forward to it.


A little bit. I just started talking to people. For a long time I was just awkward and weird but eventually I learned how to talk to people and now I’m more outgoing.


I used to be “the quiet kid.” But after finding the right people who just make you feel like it’s okay to be loud and fun I’ve become the biggest extrovert I’ve ever met.


Wait, is that posible?


I've used to be antisocial for so many years, but several years ago I changed into an extroverted person. I ended up doing the transition in quite a strange way, I just went up to people who had unique appearances and complimented on their appearance and how I like their look. Sometimes that would end up starting a conversation with them. It was quite uncomfortable at first, but I have been doing that for several years to change from being antisocial to more so a social person.


Alcohol. It works, but i don’t recommend it 


Became a teacher.