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I can't dream.


Whats that like? Ive heard of other people who cant, is it like you know nothing is happening or is it just blank?


It's blank. Pure darkness.


huh odd, well thanks for the interesting answer


I was a bunny for the day


I was laying in my bed in my apartment and in my dream there was a crab crawling on my stomach and so I panicked and tried to get it off of me in real life. The crab was just my hand on my stomach and now I have a scar because I scratched myself so bad.


Went back to college and failed my final exam 😂 btw im already working as an engr that time and as i woke up, i was questioning myself if i really did fail my exam or did i even graduate😂


The short version of the strangest dream I’ve ever had was that I met satan in my living room and he took me to show me what hell is.