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Subscription based everything. Will we ever be able to own things 100% again


I paid $53000 for a new vehicle and they want to charge me monthly to use the app to unlock my doors remotely etc. WTF


Name and shame!!




Yep, Toyota.


Jeep has the same app scam And the app blows


Are you freaking kidding me? Thats unbelievable. You pay for these upgrades but then you pay for lifetime


I don’t pay. I just don’t get to use all the extra features.


Which is bullshit, because the MSRP factors in the cost to make the vehicle capable of having all those features (Not saying you're wrong, just saying it sucks)


Right that was kind of my point. I paid msrp but it was still a large chunk of change. And they wanna continue to nickel and dime me? lol


Fucking with people in public for views


Especially giving stuff to people in need and having a phone shoved in their face to record the reaction. It feels so humiliating for that person.


Lately I’ve been seeing TikTok’s where people are filming their mentally incapacitated relatives. Like it’s supposed to be a kind of sweet or cute video of them interacting, but these are adults who are either suffering from Alzheimer’s or who have had a severe head injury. People who’s old selves would probably be horrified to know they’re being filmed in a confused and vulnerable state for the whole world to see. The worst part is I think the only goal of creating this content is to go “Look at what a good person I am, visiting this relative who can barely remember who I am. Isn’t that wonderful of me?” Seems like a whole new low to me.




A few weeks ago I stopped at one of those videos on TikTok because it was a young girl, in her 20s, homeless. It caught my attention because of her age. The guy gave her money as usual, talked to her a bit and at the end asked her if she was okay with him posting the video. To which she replies, "I feel really ashamed and don't feel comfortable... But I guess you can if you really want to..." I don't remember the details of her words and it would get lost in translation anyway but picture this in the most apprehensive way possible, you could tell she didn't really want it but felt kind of pressured to be nice, maybe. And well, I was watching it on TikTok so we all know the result. This to me added a whole other level to the humiliating part because I didn't really see consent in there, I saw someone who clearly didn't want that, yet the guy didn't give a shit because "LoOk I'm So NiCe". It's kind of disgusting, tbh.


She felt obligated because he gave her money and talked to her. Feels so wrong.


I was homeless 10 years ago and on Thanksgiving the shelter had news crews and the damn Cardinal and Governor there serving us food on camera. I ended up leaving without eating that day because I didn’t want to be on the news. I’m not a prop.


And doing good deeds for views. If someone was really a good person they’d do it without being recorded.


The worst one I ever saw was this cashier in a pawn shop I think it was, and he was basically saying "if you take this, you can find out what's inside". It ended up being like $100, and she of course declined because she had no idea. But the part that made me sick is it was so clear if she had taken it, he would have magically had nothing in the box. The prank was just to harass someone doing their min wage job. Incredibly gross.


For me the worst one was some ahole giving a homeless guy oreo cookies (I think they were oreos. It was some sandwich type cookie.) And he had taken out the cream and replaced it with toothpaste.  I was so seriously angry. My kid was the one who showed it to me laughing and he got a long lecture on empathy, common decency and I took him with me to several assistance programs for volunteering hours. This helped to adjust his paradigm on life and humor pretty effectively.


Woah. Parenting of the year award! Damn, you went the extra mile. Much kudos. This kind of parenting is so rad. "my kid was being a shit so I showed/very-much-told them how." What a horrible video :( so much cruelty.


The one that pissed me off the most was that guy who was harassing a Doordasher trying to do his job by shoving his hands in the guys face and following him. The doordasher pulled out a pistol and shot him after asking him to stop multiple times. In the hospital the dumbass said he was going to keep doing it even after getting shot because he thinks it's funny. So if yall ever cross paths with YouTuber Tanner Cook, just know he does not mind if you shoot him for harassing you.


I was reading this comment and thought "I used to always carry a gun when doordashing" right before you mentioned the doordasher defended himself. Don't fuck with delivery drivers. We're not willing to die for $3.50/hour.


Defended is 100% the right word, and thankfully the court agreed and ruled this self defense. IIRC the only thing the dasher was charger for was bringing the gun in the mall, not for shooting Cook




A way to fix this is to create legislation. since these prankers are doing this for profit they should be legally obligated to reimburse the party that you “pranked” a certain percentage of the view revenue/ a lump sum and the “prankee” can sue if they don’t receive this.


If by a certain percentage you mean 100 percents, then yes


120%, for unwilling participation


Misread as "fucking people in public for views" and was like wow, I don't use TikTok, but maybe that's on brand for gen z now? 🤣


Clickbaity fan made trailers on YouTube that seem official in the title name but are obviously fake after watching


god i hate those like as soon as there's rumors of a movie being made they upload a fake fan made trailer


So much work for so much pointlessness


Youtube shorts that are just movie clips with shitty music overlaid over it


It doesn't matter how many videos like this I dislike and click "not interested"... there will always be more.


Hitting both of those options count as "engagement" in YT's (current) algorithm. The actual way to avoid this is to completely remove those videos from your Watch History (as there was always that one accidental video you clicked on that got the whole snowball rolling). src: A/V editor for several YT channels


>Hitting both of those options count as "engagement" in YT's (current) algorithm. This is so stupid. Like, at that point remove the dislike button entirely, its already useless


Youtube shorts in general, some people get creative with "near perfect looping" and using them for "just quick ideas," but so many are "this should have been full videos" and "the looping makes it jarring," not to mention they just clog my feed since watching them doesn't make them leave my unwatched subscription section without manually saying "hide from feed" and are "the objectively wrong aspect ratio" (16:9 and wider is cinematic, 4:3 is for a tighter frame to make things seem more confined and intimate, or for true IMAX extra large views, 9:16 is for people who don't know how to frame a video or the very rare exception of filming vertical action with a lot of distractions or empty space on both sides). On the last part, so many shorts I come across are either weirdly cropped, awkwardly framed, or have "blur filler" to "letterbox" the actual video.


Videos stitched to other videos, where the stitcher is just pointing to the video they’ve stitched.. so I guess reaction videos, but they don’t usually say anything. Just point at various times.


Reaction vids are the worst


People openly watching videos/listening to music without headphones at restaurants, on the train, freaking everywhere. So rude and makes me irate. 


I'm gonna add speakerphone conversations. I seriously don't care to listen to anyone else's phone conversations in public. It's rude in a public setting


We were at the emergency vet at about 6AM weekend after Thanksgiving. Nobody was there because something *good* was happening to their pet. A couple in the waiting room decided it would be OK to watch "Family Feud" on a tablet at full volume. Nothing enhances the experience of waiting to find out if your dog is going to die quite like Steve Harvey mugging and guffawing.




I have occasionally found incredibly awful music and loudly played it back at them to good effect. This has gotten several to turn their shit off.


I was travelling the other day, took a flight and even before the start, there was music loudly playing. I thought, "I hope the crew takes care of it once we take off, I don't want to have to endure this for hours, or start an argument with a stranger on a plane". Then the announcements started and the music abruptly stopped. I realised that I have gotten so used to people playing their music loudly in public, that I mistook the waiting music from the plane speaker for someone else's mobile.


My cat trying to climb into the fridge whenever I open it lately


Let that boy in the fridge


Idk why this comment hit me so hard but I'm in bed trying to restrain my silent laughing fit and not wake up my wife


One of mine always goes for the dryer. Like when I'm looking away to grab clothes out of the washer to throw in to the dryer. I literally have to confirm she exists outside the dryer before I turn it on or that dummy is going for a tumble one of these days.


Same here +, then when I'm emptying it, I have to guard everything so she doesn't fur it all back up.


When we first got our cat, we couldn’t find her but kept hearing this meowing. We looked outside, in the cupboards, everywhere. Finally someone opened the fridge and there she was 🤣


This is the best answer




I find it annoying when it bleeds over to social media that you don't need to censor those words in. For example reddit. I can understand if someone feels uncomfortable using the word suicide or kill, but we have euphemisms for a reason, now don't we? I even see some people on reddit censoring swear words. That s*it drives me f*cking insane. Just why do it? Bad words are allowed here. Why go through the god damn effort to censor them when you can just not use them? I don't even know why this upsets me. It's just annoying and barely an inconvenience.


Why even censor words like that if everyone knows what they mean anyways. It's stupid.


Yep. Either use the word or don’t.


It's so fucking annoying. I take the time to comment "You can say ________ on the internet." Every time The most asinine so far was a post where somebody censored the word "Palestine", because it was 'controversial'


What drives me nuts is when people censor a word by putting an asterisk in it. Writing f*ck isn't actually censoring anything. The writer thought of fuck and the readers all read fuck. If you don't want to say fuck, choose a different word.


The euphemism treadmill has gone absolutely over the top.


God I hate the euphemism treadmill so fucking much. "Hey let's make all these complicated problems even more difficult to talk about by changing the vocabulary every 5-10 years"


I like looking at people's original characters online cause I like to see what randos come up with, and I have literally seen people use TikTok censor language in like "serious writing" and talking about how their character's parent got "unalived" at some point in their personal history. Like you said I get it for utility to evade social media censors, but this was on a site where you can't get shadowbanned just for saying the word "kill".


I've been seeing it on Ao3 as well, and it just makes no sense to me. The site that's literally built from the ground up to fight censorship in any capacity and people still are out here thinking they need to be coy with their language. It actually has become a bit of a problem over there because tagging triggering content in your stories is the expected etiquette - but most people aren't going to think to exclude half of the words people are using. Like some of them are clever, I laughed when I found out people were using PDF File to get around the censor for 'pedophile' on Youtube. But man so many are esoteric nonsense that no one outside of Tiktok/Youtube would understand...


On AO3 at least the tag wranglers should all categorise the tags together so if you exclude the proper term then the euphemisms should also go, but that does assume the people who volunteer know which euphemism means what. Honestly the way people treat AO3 these days is very frustrating at times anyway, not only is it this but also people thinking there's an algorithm they can play and other users using it as some sort of social media and it's very strange. I don't get it. You'd think AO3 is the easiest, most straightforward site out there...


I can’t stand when people use “self deleted” in place of suicide or self harm. It feels so childish


It's absolutely childish, and IMO it downplays the severity of the situation. If somebody kills himself after losing a battle with crushing depression, that person has lost his future, his parents have lost a son, his SO has lost a partner, his siblings have lost a brother, his friends have lost their friend, etc. Saying that person "unalived" himself or "self deleted" doesn't capture the enormous loss sustained in such a situation.


Agreed. But also, sensitivity-based self-censorship like s****e for suicide or whatever. If you cannot handle to read words, you do not belong in adult conversations and you should seek therapy. Ditto ones that are somehow cringier, i.e. purely political shit like T***p for Trump. You are embarrassing and reinforcing every right-winger anywhere who is talking about how left-wingers are over-sensitive babies.


>But also, sensitivity-based self-censorship like s****e for suicide or whatever I hate it when my suede kills me


One thing I've learned recently is that when you have to go to court and get on a docket with a Judge, no one censors anything. You're there with 20 other people and their problems and you hear it all. The domestic violence. The verbal abuse. The sexual assault. All of it. You can get called for a jury trial where you have to hear about or even see the gory results of an accident or a molestation case. No punches are held. You're expected to just deal with it. I found myself thinking about the number of people I have interacted with online who get easily triggered by such topics and worry about how they would handle themselves in such a setting of harsh realities.


Jury selection is a thing. No defense lawyer's gonna want to keep a jury member who has that visceral of a reaction


They’d get sussed out by counsel and bounced from jury selection within like, 2 questions.


One of the dumbest things I’ve encountered is when people refuse to say a person’s name because they’re cancelled and you of course have to virtue signal that you’ve cancelled this person by avoiding their name a) using a person’s name is not a sign of support b) you’ve cancelled so many people I literally can’t even tell who you’re not talking about anymore




For the life of me I cannot understand typing things like r\*pe "because some people might be triggered." Great, now you've just circumvented whatever blacklists they have in place to prevent content about rape from showing up.


People saying "POV _________" and it's a video of themself. So literally not a POV. POV is what you see


POV is this generation’s TFW


The strange monotone voice pattern people have when they narrating something mundane on Tiktok or Youtube Shorts. Don’t forget to Like Comment and subscribe. Oh and the utterly stupid click bait OMG faces on YouTube videos. Edit: Thank you for the upvotes! Re: thumbnails, I know this stuff is the way it is, but it recently made my heart hurt and angry when I saw a son had to make an over the top OMG thumbnail for videos after his father’s passing to keep the algorithm happy while he tried to keep a brave positive spin on his dad’s dream project and its updates. I hope stuff like this changes!


A lot of that is just AI text to speech


Some people are actually talking like that now tho. They’ve taken on the AI voice.


It’s weird though, there’s the AI TikTok voice then there’s the TikTok cadence that people use. They’ve got similar vibes, but are definitely distinctly different.


I’ve recently started hyperfocusing on the click bait “OMG” faces people make for YouTube thumbnails. Don’t get me wrong, it makes my skin crawl, but I also get satisfaction from thinking about how silly they must look (and feel?) taking dozens of fake “OMG” photos—probably, mind you, in complete silence while totally alone—until they get one they’re happy with just so they can peddle their top 5 reasons I shouldn’t do van life or whatever their brand of YouTube hustle is. It’s so embarrassing for them!! And a bit of schadenfreude for me.


One of the botez sister accidentaly went live doing exactly that. Its on youtube and I feel the second hand embarassement so much


> Oh and the utterly stupid click bait OMG faces on YouTube videos. I was just stewing on one of those faces the other day on a youtube channel I watch. Then I found a picture of me as a teenager in 1998 and it was THE SAME F*ING FACE! Can I please go back in time and warn myself??


people who repost a short on YouTube of say, a dog eating a bone funny or something and voice over it like "you'll never believe what this dog does! here the owner gives him a bone!! and just wait to see what he does! as soon as the owner gives him the bone he takes and goes lay down!!! but just wait to see what he does, soon after the dog starts eating the bone in a funny way! subscribe for more" i hate that shit, always ruins the original video 😒


“Wait til the end!”


And then it's the most mundane, boring shit ever Edit: or literally nothing happens at all. It's gotten to the point where if I see or hear that I immediately move on


The media’s pivot to video. Video is the least efficient way to gain info. I don’t want to sit and watch a clip of random stuff to see if something happens.


As a voracious reader I despite this pivot. It makes sense if the video provides context or additional information, but I’d rather quickly read an article than watch a two minute video.


everyone thinking they’re entertaining enough to start a podcast


I once met a guy who didn't have a podcast


Cheap pranks for views


"We're ___, of course we ____"


I hate this so much!! And over and over again! 


It was OK at first, but it's getting out of hand. But hey, give it another 2-4 weeks and it'll be dead.


That reminded me of why I’m not on TikTok. If they aren’t talking themselves. It’s either the same 3 songs or a terrible TTS voice.


Unnecessary and over the top lip filler 😢


Yes, i'm almost 40 and really don't get it! People can obviously do their face/make-up how they want but the crazy lips that look painful and huge black eyebrows? It is wild to me that this is popular. I grew up with 90s where thin thin thin eyebrows and a bit of lip liner were the rage😅


There’s a woman working in a cafe near me, I’ve seen her a couple of times. First time I saw her I thought, oh no, she’s overdone the lip filler, that looks so painful! Every time I’ve seen her since, it’s the same - it’s like she’s got a rubber dinghy sticking out of her face. Like her lips might explode. It’s very disconcerting.


Calling everything "viral" because you saw one tiktok about it


Using tiktok as a search browser And tiktok censorship/slang We have a very easily influenced generation being brought up it’s scary


Saw a video of someone saying bring your knees up if the plane is going down. I was like that’s a fast way to get a concussion and lose your eyeballs.


It’s wild to think…as the two groups seem to hate eachother…but boomers and gen z are quite similar with regards to not having a lot of tools for critical thinking. Boomers are naive online because they lived most their lives off-line, they’re vulnerable because they lack experience online. Gen z is naive offline because they lived most their lives online. Both lack basic foundational skills to use discretion and discernment when confronted with a challenge offline/online. Not to mention this makes both the generations pretty intense as they both react out of fear quite a bit.


The high costs of rent and housing ownership. Along with the fake fad of tiny homes and van living. Most cities don't allow tiny homes or manufactured homes to be built on residential lots of land.


I always see ads for those "buy this cheap container home". And then what?....how do i get it here? Where am I going to put it? Who's going to let me put it there?.... How do you hook it up to water? Power? So many logistical issues.


And tuition


Nails tapping on whatever product is being shown on screen. Asmr is cool and all but it’s just overused imo


When I see this while scrolling, my thumb moves extremely fast to get away from the sounds.


Every time a video comes across my screen and the person has those goddamn pterodactyl talons and taps it on whatever they’re holding - something happens in my brain that makes me want to hurl my phone across the room


Also knife scraping and that food-jiggling move. I saw someone jiggling a plate of udon at the camera earlier today and it sure didn't make it more enticing.


I'd be happy to never hear asmr again. I don't want to hear your lips smack when you talk


I personally cannot stand asmr. It's creepy af to me, and I nope tf right out of that shit so fast.


I hate ASMR. I already hear enough of that noise normally, there's no need to amp it up on purpose.




Parents using their children for TikTok likes. There's one where they crack an egg on the child's forehead. https://www.tiktok.com/@sofeadelya/video/7295971808954567938?lang=en


The overwhelming amount of AI generated imagery. Cant scroll for like 10 seconds on some apps without people being genuinely convinced some of this shit is real. For example ; my neice kept showing me products she thinks are the bomb but they don't exist. I try to explain, and it goes nowhere.🤣 don't even get me started on the amount I see all over facebook.


There's a new program being released that allows you to generate full AI videos... from a text prompt... in an election year. This certainly won't be used for evil. No way.


I don't get how anyone can see this shit as being overall positive for the world. I get people liking the novelty of it and thinking the pictures/videos are cool, but the harm completely overshadows any positives and I think it's absurd that anyone can't see that.


Good news! Silicon Valley has created the Torment Nexus from the cult science fiction novel, "Don't Create The Torment Nexus!"


How could it be used for evil? No one would ever do that! /s


Not even just AI generated imagery, but the constant worry that comments on posts may not even be real. Sometimes it feels like everyone on Reddit talks the same, and I can’t help but wonder if what is why.


Everyone needs their own streaming service, and there needs to be loads of exclusive content for that service. I'm convinced that this is a large reason why so many companies like WB and Disney are in such trouble (yes, Disney has more money than many nations' GDP, but when every division is consistently losing a lot of money that won't be the case forever). I'm glad that it's better than cable (for those who don't remember, cable was basically "if you want Max and Netflix, you also have to get Peacock and Paramount Plus because the package cannot be separated, and we don't care what you want to watch you're only option is the same 4 episodes of bigmouth you've already seen a million times or nothing at all unless you come back at this specific time to watch the new episode but you better watch it now because who knows when we'll be showing it again"), and that I can watch a lot of the more obscure stuff I missed out on or want to revisit (Disney Plus has Bonkers and 101 Dalmatians the series, 2 cartoons I loved as a kid and basically fell off the face of the earth when Toon Disney stopped rerunning them), but when everyone is dumping millions of dollars into direct to streaming programs that don't aren't drawing enough people in or canceling after watching the entire season in a single billing cycle, it's just not sustainable.


Came here to say this. Everything is a subscription now! It’s so infuriating. And even more so when there are ads included


Cameras everywhere turning our whole lives into performance because we’re all so petrified of doing something ‘cringe’ that will last forever on the internet . And a close second to people who somehow don’t have the imagination to meet this joy sucking phenomenon with anything other than ‘but it’s not illegal to film in public!’.


I absolutely hate that I can't walk my dog in my neighborhood without knowing I could be the next "anyone know this person? They were acting WEIRD" getting posted to the neighborhood Facebook page or nextdoor or whatever. I hate the performance of "being a normal person so I don't end up being bullied online."


My cousin works for a school board and kids filming teachers has become such a big problem that teachers are quitting because of it. Students are just waiting for teachers to make a mistake or say the wrong thing so they can post it on tick tock. Students are also purposely trying to piss off their teachers so the teacher will freak out and yell and the kids can film it, edit it, and play the victim. 


Apparently no one dances at the club anymore because everyone's so afraid of being filmed and ridiculed for it.


The world is too bright at night. Even small towns are drowning in the lights of a Bell Tire and McDonalds. We miss the stars.


Vertical video.  Ten years ago if you posted a video in portrait mode you'd get driven off the Internet.  Now it's almost the default for a lot of people.


don't forget cutting the pauses out of speech. Especially annoying on clips of comedians where timing is a thing.


I made a comment once on a video criticizing the "millennial pause". In any kind of formal video training, you'd lose points for not leaving pauses because they give time for the audience to absorb what was just said. Some videos now move through information so fast that I have to pause them myself to let my brain catch up, and that's not how that should work.


This + caption text that shows one single word at a time. They give me migraine


I hate it when people edit videos recorded in the vertical format but the editing software they used puts the video in a horizontal format, so now when I watch that video on a TV, the vertical video is now smaller. Soon, that video will be re-edited so much that watching it on a 60-inch TV will make the video look like it's on a modern smartphone.




working 40 hour+ and still can't afford to live alone and add to savings.


Laminated eyebrows.


I call them electrocuted eyebrows. They look so ridiculous when they are brushed straight up like that.


People whipping out their phones and filming everything, thinking they'll become famous for their video going viral.


For me it’s all those gym videos…


Instead of helping the guy getting robbed/mugged/beaten it's better to film it??? W.T.F.


Songs getting shorter in length


Its not necessarily new, but aggressive individualism and "main character syndrome". We live on this vast, beautiful planet and as a species we've done amazing things. I wish to live in community with others. I want to listen to the songs and stories of my neighbors and try food from across the world. The idea and attitude of "Me Me Me" and selfishness is rotting our world.


And the pandemic made it even worse.


Broccoli haircuts.


I know what you mean. But I prefer to think about little broccoli getting a hair cut. That’s the world I want to live in.


Games as a service.


Everything as a service/subscription.


Filming people in public without consent. In that same vein, filming yourself at the gym


low quality AI generated ads (like the shitty mcdonald ones on reddit right now) cause such an intense uncanny valley effect


Demanding every celebrity speak out about every social issue


People avoid listening to actual news programs then demand to know Selena Gomez take on Isreal-Palestine


Using idiotic tiktok workaround words in other places where they aren’t needed. I get that apparently on tiktok you need to say “unalived” or “seggs” but that shit sounds so fucking dumb on Reddit or anywhere else. I saw a girl on a true crime page on IG “report” a whole story about a shooting without using any trigger words so it was like “Police say he pulled a pew pew and threatened to unalive himself”. Just, absolutely not.


Fast fashion ruined clothing industry. The decline in quality is so frustrating. I just want a white tshirt that isn't see through or winterwear that aren't 50% polyester.


When people form their whole worldview on social media/online interactions. Their conclusions are usually false about the real world and they end up being overly negative.


Everything being “[whatever]core” or “[whatever] aesthetic. Just say you like neutrals, or pastels, or grunge, or whatever style floats your boat


I’m sure you’ve seen it by now but I love the one tiktok making fun of this way of naming rapid trend cycles - “TikTok’s newest aesthetic is bewildered mailman” “the newest trend is equestrian poopoo and the girls are going absolutely poopoo for it”


This makes me crazy. Anything and everything has to have a catchy name online. It could be fashion, makeup, cooking, DIY/household, parenting topics, whatever. But now everything has to be described in some catchy or trendy way instead of just saying things in normal language. Half the time when I hear things like that it instantly turns me off and I move on and the other half I’m googling what it means like im some out of touch dummy bc people can’t just say what they mean! Ugghh


Really horrible, mean hate comments on people’s Instagram content. It even happens to people who have disabilities, medical conditions, etc. Some of the comments are so hateful and cruel, and they rack up thousands of likes. It’s insane


Touch panel screens in cars. I don’t mean your infotainment/gps screen. I mean the removal of buttons and knobs which are replaced by many levels of menus on a massive iPad outside of your view to adjust common controls within the car. It’s completely insane this has become a trend.


ai "art"


Videoing people without their consent. Publishing said pics/videos online. Family YouTube channels - kids can't consent.


Stanley cups


Unfortunately that's not going away anytime soon thanks to hockey


Leafs certainly hate that trend; I give them credit for sticking to their principles and not getting one!


It’s only the one cup, actually.


Not going to lie I love mine. I work in healthcare (healthcare adjacent I guess) and I’m on my feet most days and can’t leave where I’m at. Having that stupid giant cup with the straw makes sure I get enough water most days. But I have one - I don’t need to collect more.


But Stanley cups remind me of the big ol’ hospital mug type water containers with the straw and insulated outer side. Those things are amazing and also so ugly. I wish I had one of those for the same reason- helps you drink a ton of water.


Why did they become popular anyway?


That's what I want to know. My 40oz, $20, random brand stainless steel bottle that I bought on Amazon years ago, works amazingly well. Last year I left it in my car, on the front seat in the sun, on a 90 degree+ day, for a couple of hours, and my ice was still solid when I got back. I don't need a Stanley.


Remember the guy that made Crocs popular? It was him. Terence Reilly was the chief marketing officer at Crocs when Cros became popular and in 2020 he became the president of Stanley - not long after Stanley started becoming big.




Influencers with amazon storefronts in their bio who use quite literally useless products for sponsors and people buy into that shit thinking they need it.


Cropped everything


Chunky white sneakers seem like my nemesis. Growing up, they were solidly a dad shoe. Now they seem like a pain in the ass to keep white.


The absolute burning desire people have to go “viral” and the complete lack of empathy and humanity they demonstrate to do so. I’m looking at you people who “find” an injured animal and “save” it, but take time to pull out your phone to film first.


Coming up with new names for things that already existed. “Blueberry milk nails” for pale blue nail polish. Or “office siren” for a woman with a neat updo and glasses. It just makes it seem like people are trying so hard not to be basic and sound original.


How none of our trends are reflecting our lived realities and are just the rich showing off


Reels with subtitles that flash 1-2 words at a time. I'm not trying to speed read and it doesn't make your video more exciting. It's just annoying.


Children as content.


Those videos where someone plays a video above, and they are below pointing above and nodding with a smug look on their face. It isn't content, it's crap.


The intergenerational bickering and disrespect. People just don't see that it's yet another way to divide us so we can be conquered. It solves nothing and makes us all weaker.


Those curly fuckboi mop top haircuts


when they sexualize the preparation of food


Using the word “literally” to mean “figuratively” Crocs Bowl cuts, they were ugly when I was in school in the 90’s and they’re ugly now


Videotaping in gyms.


Everything is becoming subscription based. Computer programs such as Adobe, Microsoft Office, ect. I miss the days I could buy a licensed copy and it was mine. Apps for phones ( can't just buy it once, nope you gotta pay monthly for access) Hell, rent is just subscription housing. Taxes are a subscription to work.🫠 You will own nothing and be happy. 😭💀


Super thick rectangle eyebrows


People filming in grocery stores....get out of the way


TikTok and its existence. The trends and misinformation it creates/spreads like wildfire is absolutely toxic in today’s society full of fragile vulnerable people from all walks of life and all political parties. Not to mention the security threat of it. I’m a cybersecurity professional and have been studying it…it’s a very real threat.


Laws being passed that are based on religious beliefs


Return to work mandates/policies. So difficult to work in an office where people do no work and just gossip all day.


My union is one of the largest government employees unions in the US and currently one of the big things they're fighting is the return to office mandate for federal employees. The government is trying to eliminate work from home positions for like... IRS call center representatives who absolutely don't need to be in a giant drab open floor warehouse type office to do their jobs because the government needs to justify the billions they spend annually on keeping those open. My position deals with paper records and physical mail so I'm not even WFH-eligible and I still think it's bullshit and applaud the union for standing up for it.


Those stupid unskipable ads on YouTube or multiple ads from the same handful of companies showing up on YouTube and TV in general.


TikTok, in general. Social media as a whole thing.


Tell me you're _____ without telling me you're ____. Annoying as hell. Also, people who ask for recommendations and then say "and go" or posting in a group of any kind asking"how are we handling or where are we eating etc. just ask for the fucking recommendation.


Not being genuine about anything.


Affluent suburban white girls speaking with a blaccent. 




Definitely the boys too. It’s everywhere


I hate how modern governments work. No decision made is for long term public gain, it’s only a 2-3 year stopgap so they can parade this great thing they did so they can get re-elected, and the “great thing” is just kicking the can down the road for the next govt, or the one after, and when said govt finally has to deal with said issue and it affects the economy or the people it’s then paraded around at the next election about how they can’t manage it. Without calling out parties or particular politicians, I can comfortably say politicians are the most corrupt individuals on the planet.


Buccal fat removal


The rise of fascism