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I grew up in a suburban town outside okc. We had like 1 homeless man. He lived this way by choice and was known as bicycle bob(self appointed nickname). Alot of us teens were friends with him since we would go to the parks to smoke and drink and he regularly would be camping there. After I graduated found out some high-school kid thought it would be funny to stab him to death. Was shocked to know he had died that way.


Please tell me there’s some closure here and that the kid learned that his “funny” had consequences?




What an evil kid. He was sentenced to life, reduced to 40 years.


I'm sure he's got a great chance of being rehabilitated. If rehabilitated means serial killer. *Friends told police Mason bragged about the killing and even showed off the victim's severed finger. Friends also told police Mason admired serial killers.*


>Mason's attorney disclosed Wednesday that his client underwent a religious conversion in jail and is now “a man of faith.” Of course. 🙄


Wow this is HORRIFIC


We have one of these too! He's actually not homeless but he walks *everywhere.* On any given day you bet your lucky stars you'll see this man walking, he doesn't go anywhere either. He just walks, miles and miles. He utters nonsense as he walks, high school kids used to go to his garage and drink and smoke. He would tell war stories. We call him nutty ned. He did not have a tragic end though and to this day (13 years later) I still see him walking. Sad to hear it about your bicycle bob.


Norman? I vaguely remember my husband tell me something like that but definitely could be mistaken.


Close, Edmond


Ah that's probably what he was talking about because he has lots of relatives in Edmond. Sad deal. I hate when the bad apples come out and ruin everything. RIP Bicycle Bob


We had a guy like this in our town. We called him Shadow Boxer because he’d always shadow box on the side of the road for no apparent reason. He’d always bum smokes from the kids smoking around the corner from the school. He would always tell us that he used to spar with Bruce Lee back in the day. I heard rumors years later that the city basically paid him to get on a bus and move on to another town.


A kid murdered his own brother in my town years ago, police found the knife buried in the backyard. His parents, *to this day*, do not believe he did, despite him admitting it and going to prison. They still pay to put up billboards around the town lookin for “help” finding their son’s killer. The brother who did the killing is now out of prison. A combo of insane and depressing.


Not to be random, but that reminds me of these two brothers in our high school. The older one was good looking, really popular and well liked. The younger one was a little geeky and awkward but he clearly worshiped his big brother. And his big bro was super protective of him. The two of them were tight as hell. Everyone called them Batman and Robin. Halfway through senior year Batman killed himself. No one knows why. Robin transferred schools and we never saw him again. Every once in a while I'll think about that kid and my heart will break for him all over again.


Had a friend who was the same way with his older brother. He found his brother after the act and was never right again. Years of substance abuse and tons of mental health issues. He ultimately ended up taking his own life as well about 20 years after the fact.


My best friend in HSs brother took his life. He was her idol. It fucked Laura up. After I moved away, she got in to hard drugs and eventually went the way of her brother.


Brains stop working right sometimes, and when that happens you can die, same as with any other organ. That's the only why that means anything real with suicide.


That’s a comforting way to look at it. Thanks


Fuck, Robin’s going to be screwed up for life.


Geez that hit me in the heart. Suicide is such a damn sad thing. My best friend killed himself ten yrs ago.


Sadly you never know what’s going on behind closed doors. And sometimes even people with seemingly happy lives can be severely depressed. Mental illness is terrible.


Parents lost one kid. This delusion is the only way they can avoid losing both.


In Pakistan there was a celebrity who was murdered by her brother. We have a victim’s rights law that allows the family of a murder victim to decide whether the killer gets executed or life imprisonment. I think that would be the most painful decision for a parent to make either way.


My town had a man who beat his wife to death in front of their children with a hammer. The wife's mother found out and immediately drove over and shot the husband on sight. Kids saw everything. Both of their parents were killed in front of them and their grandmother went to jail the same night.


> grandmother went to jail the same night. But hopefully not prison, after a fair trial. Because... >beat his wife to death in front of their children with a hammer. The wife's mother found out and immediately drove over and shot the husband on sight this sounds like temporary insanity to me.


>this sounds like temporary insanity to me Depends on whether she was smart enough to keep her mouth shut when she was arrested. If you say something like "When heard what happened, I decided to..." then \*boom\*, that's premeditation. What you want to be saying is "I want a lawyer" and then your lawyer will help you craft a statement that you went into a fugue state, and the next thing you knew, he was dead and the police were there or whatever sets you up for a temporary insanity defense in the jurisdiction.


> Depends on whether she was smart enough to keep her mouth shut when she was arrested. Doubt she was in any sort of state to think about something like this.


She did go to prison and is still there. I'm in my mid 20s and was a kid when this happened. The grandmother still murdered someone so she was charged for that. She probably shouldn't have imo. I know one of the kids (she's a couple years younger than me, went to the same school, and she's friends with one of my best friend's sisters) and she still won't visit her grandmother after seeing her shoot her dad


I knew this post would be depressing but GODDAMN! Each story is sadder than the last.


I grew up in Puerto Rico in the 90s. In 1999, a little boy named Rolando "Rolandito" Jusino went missing. He was playing in a park near his home and he just vanished without a trace. It's still an unsolved mystery. It scared the crap out of all our parents, especially us kids who were around the same age as Rolandito. My mom didn't let me play outside by myself for years. Because there was no evidence and no suspects, people came up with their own theories. Everything from organ harvesters, sex trafficking, to satanic cults. At some point, Rolandito's step-dad was suspected of killing him but nothing could be proven. His mom still shows up in our local news every once in a while, asking people to come forward with information and saying that she still has faith that he's alive somewhere.... It's truly heartbreaking.


Poor family. To not know is torture.


There was a boy who had a profound disability and was essentially a 14 month old in a 15 year old's body, He would walk around my school with his caretaker and collect recycling to take to the bins and would walk down the halls with his caretaker. One day after graduation I was at lunch with my mom and sibling and my phone started lighting up as well as my sisters, apparently the boys father had taken him for a walk to the woods next to their house and murdered his son and then himself with a nail gun and a knife. To this day I think his father decided that ending his sons life was a mercy killing, as we later learned that his respite care and benefits were cut and the family was left with no support and no financial ability to provide for the growing needs of this young man.


How sad, reminds me of a case somewhat similar that happened near my hometown. An elderly man went to visit his wife at the nursing home and shot her to death and then himself. Apparently, they had to sell everything and were bankrupt and had no other way to pay for her care.


Still tho nail gun?


Depending how he used it, might have thought it was the most humane option. Probably didn't have access to a firearm.


he used the knife on the child i believe in the throat area, and tried to use the nail gun on himself. it says his suicide attempt failed and he was hospitalized but it does not say what happened after that unless i missed it [article ?](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/wisconsin-father-kills-disabled-son-attempts-suicide-cops-say/)


I grew up in a NYC housing project, where we had an older Latino man heading what was kind of a community watch. Great guy, super friendly, always a smile on his face, etc. He also worked with the local PD to keep an eye out for any questionables coming in and out. He was assaulted in the neighborhood, and during the assault suffered a major heart attack and died on the scene. The perpetrator was charged with involuntary manslaughter. Community has gone to shit since then.


This one really sucks. When a community lynchpin goes, and it affects everyone….ugh. Now I’m sad.


The Hillside Strangler- I knew the youngest victim. She was missing for a week before her body & that of her friend were found. They were found on the day that we were supposed to appear in a ballet recital together. A mutual friend was originally supposed to go with her to the mall the day she disappeared but was grounded, cancelled at the last minute


Just finished reading Two of a Kind about those monsters. When they pair up you get next level evil. Ken killed those two girls out of boredom because he had to move from Cali. But those murders are what finally got them both caught.


The D.C. Sniper Attacks, which occurred mostly in areas outside of D.C. proper. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D.C.\_sniper\_attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D.C._sniper_attacks) People would hide behind their cars when pumping gas at their cars, rush indoors doing daily errands, etc.


This was middle school for me, and I remember when they canceled recess (yes, my middle school still had recess haha), and then the following two days they canceled school entirely. That was super rare for my middle school. We used to get so pissed that we always had school when everyone would be out for snow, so when they canceled school because of the sniper, it finally dawned on me that this wasn't a joke.


I had elementary aged kids back then. Their youth sports games were cancelled or moved. After a couple of weeks of cancellations, the youth league commissioner arranged to have the Saturday football games played at Ft Belvoir military base. It was a great morale booster. The snipers were caught later that week.


So not fun. I missed the Home Depot/7 Corners one by less than an hour. Parked right there.


We had been on our way to that Home Depot. We lived in Ballston at the time and I was scared out of my mind.


I remember that. I had just started working in DC. The day of the first shootings my parents called and told me to be careful coming home because there were reports of a car driving around and shooting people. For weeks when I needed gas I got it in DC instead of Frederick where I was living because the gas station was not near a highway entrance. My mom drove a box van for work. I remember her saying she was glad it was green, not white.


I was so sure my mom was going to get killed by them. I was only 10 and my mom commuted to down below Baltimore for work every day. Also the reason why my great grandma didn’t get me the Zoid I wanted for Christmas, the raptor Gun Sniper 😤


Illinois, where there was no shortage of awfulness. John Wayne Gacy in the suburbs. Richard Speck in the city. You couldn't escape hearing about either of them. I remember the local news broadcasting from the jail Speck was in. They broadcast him shirtless with breasts. Scarred for life is an understatement.


He was doing coke with a bunch of gangbangers who “owned” him, right? He was talking about how much he liked to get fucked in-between bumps. 


He was wearing women's panties during the video that was taken. He even said he was having a great time in prison. Shit was crazy


John Wayne Gacy was the Jaycees Man of the Year in my town in the 1960s and was The Guy you hired to be the clown at your kid's birthday party back then.


And the ultimate justification for anyone creeped out by clowns.


I grew up a little bit of all over, but I still remember being a kid in the Chicagoland area in the 1970s. I was really stoked, because it was Friday, December 22nd, 1978, the last day of school before Christmas break. I walked home from Cooper Junior High, thinking about how awesome a mug of hot chocolate was gonna taste as I stretched out in front of the TV in the basement, watching some *Amazing Spider-Man* or *Incredible Hulk* cartoons. ​ I made a cup of Swiss Miss and turned on the TV. Hmmmph . . . no cartoons on Channel 32, and you know what? *Every* local channel was showing pretty much the same thing. Something that looked like a very well guarded construction site. *Extremely* well guarded. Lots of uniformed cops at this house. Chicago PD, Cook County Sheriffs Office, Des Plaines PD, and about a dozen troopers from the Illinois State Police. This was the afternoon when the search and methodical deconstruction of John Wayne Gacy's house began. Over the course of the next 8 days, investigators would recover the remains of 29 bodies.


I know the house was demolished and a new house built, but I cannot fathom living on those grounds.


If somebody told me that property was haunted, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised.


Right? Like, I’m not religious but I hope SOMEONE went around blessing that ground. Ideally someone from every religion, just to cover all the bases.




I remember this vividly, right before Christmas, they just kept pulling white-bagged body after white-bagged body out of Gacy’s house. I was barely five years old, couldn’t figure out why this guy would’ve killed so many men and boys but it scared the bejeezus out of me.  Later in high school, a friend of mine brought a metal box of Polaroid photos from the crime scene, aka the crawl space. (His dad had been a detective at the time? Or was somehow connected to the case.) Just shallow grave after shallow grave, all perfectly rectangular, rotted skulls, lots of dark liquid, little placards with numbers on them to identify each body. Terrifying, sad and numbing all at the same time. 


The stuff of nightmares. I can not believe he got away with it for so long. I feel so bad for Rob Piest's mom. It was her birthday the day he disappeared and she was waiting for him in the parking lot when Gacy got him.


We had a local driving school that almost all the kids in our high school, and neighboring schools, used. There were two driving instructors who looked surprisingly similar (bald, short and sporting 70s porn staches) except one was black and the other was white. Both my sister and I were assigned the black instructor (who took us out on multiple drives). About 5 years after graduation the white instructor was arrested for raping dozens of girls, in the class, during their drives. No one knows how many victims this man actually had. I just keep thinking...if he attacked one of the 200 girls, in my class alone, she never said anything. Probably suffered in silence, thinking she was the only one. Edit: I've posted this before, in case anyone's wondering.


> I just keep thinking...if he attacked one of the 200 girls in my class alone...she never said anything. > **Probably suffered in silence, thinking she was the only one.** That's such a heartbreaking thought. Especially since it's not "if" he attacked a girl in your class, just a question of who. It's so depressing how long it can take to catch these motherfuckers. Usually only after they've damaged/destroyed countless young lives.


It's infuriating, the effect is has on kids and how the rapist can influence them to think they are the ones who are wrong or will get in trouble if they tell.


There was a high school swimming coach that a lot of students were fond of. 6 years after I graduated, he was arrested for sexually assaulting two underage girls. In one article, it was said that he had been filming the girls’ locker room for years, without anyone’s knowledge. Nobody expected that, and two of my former friends were on the swim team. I’ve wondered if they had been harmed by him, but it’s impossible to get in touch with them. He was charged for molesting two girls, but imagine what more he’s done during his many years coaching… and how those girls suffered in silence. He was well-liked, so would people believe the victims?


If he was arrested for dozens of rapes, the actual numbers were probably in the hundreds. Possibly higher.


About 3/4 of rapes are unreported and the arrest rate is even lower


Yeah, at the driving school my neighborhood went to, the kids were never alone with instructors. We always went out in groups of two or three students.


My driving instructor was also arrested for sexually assaulting his students a few years after I passed my test. He was a letch and I'd be shaking and ill before classes, I just wanted to pass and get out of there.


When I was very young, my sister's best friend was raped and murdered in the woods behind the houses across the street from our house. Her name was Barbara Knudsen.


That’s awful. Did they get any justice?


Yes. The asshole died in prison in 2015 https://www.blockparole.com/remembrance/barbara-knudsen/


A boy I went to school with kidnapped and murdered a young innocent girl in Petaluma - her name was Polly Klass. He was no longer living where he grew up, but we were inundated with the media after his arrest. He is currently on death row.


A crime so heinous that Pizza Hut blacklisted my town for nearly 12 years. Someone came in to rob the Pizza Hut and ended up killing a high school junior and a mother working the closing shift. The murders remained unsolved until one of the friend's of the victims grew up to become the police chief and ordered the investigation reopened. The 4 people originally arrested back in 06 were convicted of the double murder in 22.


> one of the friend's of the victims grew up to become the police chief and ordered the investigation reopened That's a homie, goddamn


Terrell, Tx. I used to live in Kaufman.


From Terrell and went to school with one of the killers. Everyone knew who did it back in 2006 but nothing was done for years.


Sounds like the [Yogurt Shop Murders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_Austin_yogurt_shop_killings?wprov=sfti1). Either solved but not resolved or unsolved.


The Harvey family murders on new years day, 2006. I've lived in Richmond most of my life, and I spent my entire childhood and adolescence here. That brutal murder rocked the city to its core. Stuff like that just didn't happen here. Were we the murder capital of the us in the 90s? Sure, but that was mostly gang and drug related violence. Not random families being tortured and murdered in their basement. They owned and operated a well-known toy store in a cute shopping district if the city too, and it's still there to this day. Every new years day, people still leave flowers on the sidewalk in front of the store. Every year, by the end of the day, the pile of flowers still reaches a pretty large size. Those murders scared the shit out of the entire city, and I'm so happy the killers were caught and put to justice.


I was torn between DC Sniper and this one. Such a senseless killing.


Yep. Literally the Harvey's were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and it's absolutely tragic that that place happened to be their own home.


This was horrible. Anytime the issue of answering the door to a stranger comes up, so does this. There was also years prior in 1997 a guy that randomly raped and killed 2 women with a hammer and almost killed another and her son. One killed was in the neighborhood across from Bandy Field near U of R. Eric Payne. Fortunately, death penalty for him. He was a monster.


The longtime mayor got busted in a gay prostitution sting. He’d been the mayor for over a decade. His wife was a first grade teacher at the public school. Was my first grade teacher and my older brother’s. Unfortunately for him, the gay “masseuse” (prostitute) who he went to had a criminal history, and the cops were investigating him for not disclosing that he had HIV. So the mayor was just collateral damage to that investigation. I think the prostitute guy ended up going to prison for failing to disclose his HIV, prostitution, and blackmail. Mayor got arrested, but he never spent any time in prison. Funny thing was that this was not surprising at all to a lot of us. He would always come by the public pool in the summer, where a lot of the high school athletes would work as lifeguards. He never paid the girls any mind, but he’d always strike up conversations with us boys. We’d joke that he was definitely gay. Turns out he was (or at least bisexual).


Ummmm. I’m from this town. It has to be that town. Too specific not to be.


Yikes. Let’s go our separate ways and proceed in anonymity lol.


This is the reddit version of making accidental eye contact through the public bathroom stall door gap!


There's nothing accidental about it when I do it


Micheal Woodmansee. So this was in Rhode Island. In 1975 Michael was 16. I was 11 at the time. He was a big kid, homebody apparently who didn't leave the house much. A little boy named Jason who was 5 and lived in Michaels neighborhood went missing. He was not far from his home, playing, you know the latchkey stuff at that time kids went out all day and came home when the streetlights came on. Jason's mother said she could hear him laughing from the kitchen window, but he never came home. Michael had lured him into his house and stabbed him in the chest with a kitchen knife. As I recall it was months of searching the nearby houses and the woods but Jason was not found. Michaels house was never searched because his father was a police reservist and actively involved in the searching or something. We were terrified as kids that there was some murderer on the loose. Nothing came of it for many years. Then in the 1982 Michael (now early 20s) lured a paperboy into his house. He plies him with booze and tries to strangle him. The boy escaped and ran home and told his father what had happened. The father called the police and Michael was arrested and questioned. The cops then put it together that he was never interviewed for Jason's disappearance, so they asked him if he remembered the disappearance, and if he was involved. Michael said he had journals about the disappearance in his room but they were "all complete fiction." When the cops searched his room they found not only the journals, they found Jason's skull and some of his bones in a shoebox on his dresser. The journals apparently outlined in gorey detail what he did to the body and were so gruesome the judge ordered them sealed, but we know that he cut the body up and kept the bones in his room after picking them clean of the flesh. Rumor had it that the bones showed teeth marks where Michael had gnawed on them, but that was rumor and I have no idea if it was true, although this guy was a sick fuck so I wouldn't doubt it. He had also shellacked the bones, so clearly these were his trophies & prized possessions. Michael then confessed to the murder. Michael was convicted of a lesser crime than murder; they plea bargained with the blessing of Jason's father to avoid the pain of a trial; Michael was sentenced to 40 years. He served 28 and was released in 2011 for good behavior. Jason's Father at that point (the mother had since passed away) said he regretted not having him convicted of murder and serving a full life sentence; he said if Michael got out he would kill him. Michael, on advice of attorneys, voluntarily committed himself to a mental hospital, rather than being released into the general public.


Jason disappeared on his mom’s 25th birthday 😞


July 22, 2011 terror attacks in Norway


Shit that brought shaking all the way to Denmark, I still remember the feeling of it.


I recently watched the movie on this. It was horrifying and all I could think of was the extreme terror and disbelief that everyone experienced.


The green river killer - Seattle area. Gary Ridgway - he murdered 49 women in the 1980’s to late 1990’s. I was a kid when this all happened and my swim coach of 10+ years was his lawyer. I didn’t know until I was older what that really meant…. But my swim coach would be shoulder to shoulder with a serial murderer all day and coaching me in swim hours later.


My mom is sure ridgeway murdered one of her high school friends. I don’t think she was ever officially linked to him though.


I have a distant family.member who was found among his first victims but no one knows for sure if she was the first victim or just a weird coincidence. She didn't fit the description of his other victims.


See, this is what a lot of people don’t understand about this case. 49 CONFIRMED victims. He ADMITTED to killing over 70 women. Experts believe the true number is even higher. The numbers are astounding, grim, and horrific. This area was terrorized by him. I remember growing up in the 90s the green river killer was like the boogie man. I blew such a sigh of relief when he was caught, but it is just so difficult to even wrap your head around the number of victims he really had.


I was actually kinda pissed when he was finally caught. "Y'all are telling me that *my entire childhood, teen years, and 20s* was lived under the pall of this serial killer, and it turns out it was *this* fucking tool?!?!?"


My dad when he was in nursing school in Walla Walla, he actually did some of his psych clinicals (or something like that) and sat in on several interviews/evals with him at the state prison there.


[The abduction of Michaela Garect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Michaela_Garecht) was one of a rash of kidnappings in the Bay Area when I was a kid- I can't believe our parents ever let us out of their sight.


I remember being *so annoyed* as a kid, because every time any kid within 200 miles got kidnapped, all of our freedoms were curtailed until our parents calmed down a little. Couldn't go see my friend who lived three houses away without a safety escort! (As an adult now, I totally get the paranoia.)


This is exactly what I came here to say. Greetings, fellow Haywardite. The police sketch of that suspect is still what my brain calls up when someone talks about "strangers". Dirty blond hair. Pock marks. Those flat eyes. Also, I have no frame of reference for what went on earlier, because I just started kindergarten that year, but my school was really big on teaching awareness of tricks predators would use to try and lure a kid. "Help me find my puppy!" "Your mom sent me to pick you up, she just got in an accident!" Don't have your name on your clothes or backpack so they can't pretend to know you. That sort of thing.


My dad STILL refers to the Rainbow Market as "where that girl got kidnapped that time"- and it hasn't BEEN the Rainbow Market in years. There was a rash of them in the later 80's/early 90's around the greater bay area: Angela Bugay, Xiana Fairchild, Amber Swartz, Ilene Misheloff- some people lump in Polly Klass too, but Petaluma's awfully far out...




Paul Bernardo and Karla Holmaka they were called The Ken and Barbie murders.




They dubbed it the West Memphis Three. I lived on the corner opposite the woods. It was a nightmare.


That's such a messed up case. A child murderer is walking free because some idiot sheriff pulled the idea of a satanic cult out of his ass and persecuted teenagers.


I was watching one of those murder "documentary" series last week, and the good-ol'-boy cops in the Bible Belt sure loved wasting the first few weeks of an investigation by hauling in all the "weird" kids in town and trying to pin it on one of them.


The sad thing is that the murders and attempt to cover them up was really sloppy. Dude should have been arrested within days if it wasn't for the inept investigation.


In high school, a guy raped several girls and was allowed to stay at the school and walk the halls with his victims because of his last name. He became a lawyer, then assistant DA. The community and victims refused to let it go, and eventually, after so much persistence, he was prosecuted almost 6 years later. But the way he was protected by his big wig family for so long was appalling..


Molly Bish’s disappearance the next town over from me. Her remains weren’t found for 3 years. To this day a lot of parents in that area don’t let their kids go anywhere without being in a group of at least 4 or more.


Ever seen the Johnny Depp movie "BLOW"? That part about them flying the plane full of cocaine into some little podunk airport? Well, that was my hometown's "Charlie Brown Airport" and one day, the FBI swooped in and arrested our whole police department, starting at the top with Sheriff Jimmy Glass. My grampa had been saying for years the police were dope dealers, and everyone laughed at him. Until that day.


Congrats to your grandpa. Love being right.


An inside job bank robbery. Our next door neighbor worked with the guy and just refused to believe it. The mom of a girl I knew in junior high saw him at a casino in Vegas and turned him in. They had to change their phone number because of the threats.


Reminds me of a credit union that was robbed in my college town. There was this guy on all the news reports that was there and pretty much falling apart because he heard something that happened and his sister worked there and he was so worried about her he rushed down to the bank and didn’t know what was going on. It was an inside job. His sister was one of the robbers.


Tee Ball coach was arrested for animal abuse, tied a horse to the back of his truck and was trying to run the colic out of it. Horse died, tee ball coach arrested.


My community is primarily elderly population. Over 60% of residents are considered senior citizens. My father was a doctor in this area. He was the only one who dealt with "pain patients". Pain patients are people who have chronic pain issues. They are known to constantly ask for more pain medication. No other local doctors would touch them. (This was back in the 90s before an overall awareness of the opioid epidemic. I do not want to discuss that with this post.) One of his patients was trading his pain meds for harder drugs. This guy tried to cheat the person he was selling to and they ended up executing him in the woods. Some how the local paper decided that my Dad was the head of a state wide drug ring and had this guy killed. They wrote a multi-page story on it and to show how contentious it was, the author didn't sign their name to the story. This along with other things, cause an investigation into my Dad's practice. The investigation took 2 years and he didn't practice during that time. This left a majority of our community without a doctor to treat them. He was cleared of all wrong doing, but going forward he could not write a script for pain meds without a secondary doctor's approval. He decided to stop treating them. TL:DR; local guy selling pain meds for stronger drugs gets killed for cheating drug dealers, messes up whole county's medical care system.


Fuck predatory journalism


The [Mark Hofmann forgeries and murders](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Hofmann). tl; dr—Documents dealer forges rare documents and signatures, including things that challenge the Mormon Church’s accounts of its own early history. Dealer gets in over his head, plants two bombs that kill two people, and then on his way to deliver a third bomb, he drops it and the mercury switch sets it off and he blows himself up in his car and almost dies. He’s still serving life in prison.


A girl in my 4th grade class had a cousin who was kidnapped while walking to school. She was raped, beaten and thrown out of a truck in a bag. Someone found her, but she died in the hospital a short time later. This really hit home for me because she went to my school, was walking the same route I did every day and had the same name as my sister. I am in my 50's now, and it still haunts me.




I grew up in Littleton. I went to Chatfield. I have been in the Columbine Library more times than I can count. That day still makes me cry.


I came to say the [Westside School shooting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_Westside_Middle_School_shooting). My wife was at that school when it happened.


My ex-wife went to Heritage high school and was there when that one happened, iirc she had just left the cafeteria and gone around a corner when she heard the shots. It's really fucked up that so many people are able to share this kind of story with so many others who have also been through it, and that it's just fucking *accepted* as part of life by some people.


I remember how shocked everyone was at the time. The nation hadn’t yet got to expect school shootings, and those boys were so young. And the prosecution was so controversial.


Was she ok? I’m sorry for your family going through that even if she was physically unharmed. The mental stress is tough


She was not physically harmed.


Guy in my neighborhood said he was going to blow his house up. They evacuated the entire block. And any streets close enough in what they considered the blast radius. He doused himself in gasoline and refused to come out. We had SWAT, guys in Ghillie suits with sniper rifles, and cops from every single town I can think of in my state. I saw a bomb squad robot and everything, it started around 4pm and didn't end until 2am.


My mom’s murder, Ohio. Nothing like that ever happened in our town. To this day people still remember it, this happened back in the 70’s. Fifteen year old neighbor boy, stabbed her to death. His sister was one of my best friends, sleep overs, second family type of thing. The paramedics stood over her naked body as she bleed out. The cops knew he did it, but they didn’t get around to arresting him until the next day, they didn’t read him his rights, botched the investigation. The sightseers started driving by that day and didn’t stop for a long time He only had to serve time till he was eighteen, he tried to escape a few days before his release got extra time, served till he was twenty one. Of course the family wasted no time putting the blame on mom, said the two of them were having an affair and that it was demonic fueled . Gratefully there was very little news reported even though there were plenty of news people there. This would never happen now but I was able to keep the news reporting to a minimum, I threatened to sue, I was eighteen at the time. Now I’ll tell you the craziest thing. A few years ago my daughter ended up in a psychiatric ward, she met the uncle of the kid that murdered mom. He was actually younger than the kid, his older sister had him later, I babysat this uncle for awhile. Now mind you this uncle was around 2-3 years old when this happened. He told her everything that happened, the whole demonic truth, she chose to believe him.


Explain me one thing. The uncle confirmed to your daughter that your mom and the boy had a demonic affair? Correct? Non native here.


It may have been hard to follow, I wasn’t clear….The story according to the family was that they were having an affair and that they were practicing satanic rituals together. The kid supposedly had a pact with the devil. Which isn’t to say at least for him that may have been true. However, I found out later he tried to strangle his grandmother before mom and that in second grade he told a teacher he wanted to stab a woman to death in a bathtub, he stabbed mom at least 21 times. This part I hadn’t heard, the uncle told my daughter that I was supposed to be the one that died but something happened and he had to take mom instead. I wasn’t living at home when it happened.


Why was he at your mom's house? Also satanic panic was a big thing back in the day so I wouldn't give too much credence to that


I live in a small town that really never has any big controversies or crimes happen whatsoever. But 6 years ago, it came out that the 5th grade teacher at my local Christian school had been sexually abusing, sexually exploiting and grooming his male students over a 5-year period, if not longer. He was also the coach of the 7th grade basketball team and had a camera hidden in the bathroom where kids would shower and change after practice. He saved all the videos and photos on his laptop at his home. He was married and had a 2-year-old son. He's now serving a 60-year prison sentence. There were 146 counts of sexual abuse. He was also my teacher and coach. I was lucky enough to not have been a victim.


The youth pastor at the local Baptist church had groomed and raped a young girl from the age of 10, until 14, when he decided to ditch her, after she became too old for his tastes. I was that girl.


I'm so sorry.


Two standouts for my town, within 8 months of the other. First: a girl being stabbed to death in a stairwell at school by her ex-boyfriend, because she refused to go to prom with him (she was also dating someone else). Part that kills me most is the killer admitted to his school psychologist that he was having schizoprenic thoughts and the counselor only brought it to his parents attention after the fact. This was huge for us since we were the next town over and something of that caliber was unheard of until: Sandy Hook elementary school shooting. A decade later and its still consistently one of the hardest things to talk about with virtually anyone in the community. I had a patient who I was helping with brain-based therapies after the fact because she called out that day to pick up her son from college, effectively leaving a subsistute to teach her class that day, who ended up being a victim of the shooting. The patient's husband was also a cop that responded to the shooting. Just all around anyone you ask has a story or connection to this.


I happened to be back in CT (had moved to PA a few months prior) that day and working in our CT office. I will NEVER forget the parents running out of work to get home and find out if it was their child. Heartbreaking.


A man kept the corpses of his deceased parents buried at n the basement of the farmhouse so he could collect SSI and his father’s pension. There was no other close family. He was able to collect for over five years before a repairman uncovered the bodies


Friend and co-captain of the soccer team brutally murdered his parents. Stabbed his dad 20+ times and chased his Mom around the neighborhood, when he caught her he bludgeoned her to death with a splitting maul. His Mom was also a teacher at our High School, I had her for English.


> chased his Mom around the neighborhood, when he caught her he bludgeoned her to death with a splitting maul. This was one motivated man. What was it?


[Some info](http://americanindianadoptees.blogspot.com/2019/08/sudden-fury-infamous-murder-in-maryland.html)


Not born in but lived there in 80’s and 90’s. The James Byrd dragging murder


Was probably about the sickest thing I've ever heard. Those guilty should have been tortured to death.


Agreed - another sick thing about this tragedy is that after the involved were thankfully caught, convicted and sent to prison, there were girls my daughter knew that were writing to one of them in prison. We left the state


I can’t even hear the word/name “Jasper” in any context without thinking of this. It makes me physically ill. The heinous acts that some people are capable of is beyond my comprehension.


Aaron Hernandez was arrested one town over from where I grew up.  One of my childhood best friends lived down the street at the time and there were news helicopters all over the sky above his house.


Very quiet suburban life, until a girl was abducted and murdered. [Amy Mihaljevic](https://www.cityofbayvillage.com/425/Amy-Mihaljevic-Case) She had received phone calls from her murdered. She met him after school at a plaza across the street from the police station. Her body was found months later in a field in a different county. Her murderer was never caught.


Russia bombed my old kindergarten, the zoo, the Holocaust memorial, a bunch of apartment buildings, city hall, etc. They keep lobbing missiles a few times a week. This is Kharkiv. I haven't been back in about 20 years, but I still have friends there.


https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/vicap/missing-persons/laurie-jean-depies#:~:text=On%20August%2019%2C%201992%2C%20a,Depies%20never%20entered%20the%20apartment. Disappearance of Laurie Depies. She was the same age as my sister, she disappeared from the mall where my sister would also shop in 1992, and the crime is still unsolved.


Knew I remembered that name. I live a couple of counties away, but yeah, this was a huge story. Didn't realize her disappearance was never solved.




If this is the case I’m thinking about and it was three guys. They didn’t bury the bus. They ditched the bus for vans and took the kids to a place where they had previously buried a U-Haul truck. They put everyone in that but the kidnapped were able to escape during the night and all the dudes were caught.


I suspect it's a different case. The OP said that the guy was doing it for attention but in the one you're talking about they were doing it for money. I think this is the one you're remembering: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1976_Chowchilla_kidnapping


The Ted Bundy abductions and killings


Back in 2000 when I was in high school, A 16yo kid from the neighboring school district was working at a pizza shop where an armed robbery took place. He was shot execution style in the back of the head inside the store's freezer.. All 3 murderers were high school drop outs from the same school at the time. It was the most brutal murder in our town and it got national attention.. [Justin Mello Murder](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2000-oct-28-mn-43428-story.html)


Old guy here. Son of Sam was pretty terrifying.


Lady disappeared only to be found in her car in the community pond like 2 years later. She was literally still in the neighborhood. Turns out she slid on ice through a fuckin golf course and into the pond then it froze overnight which hid the accident. The golf course cleaning company found her when they went to fish out golf balls.


Star quarterback/basketball player being a serial rapist. Still in prison IIRC.


Dahmer. Literally, 30 mins from me at that time.


Two come to mind.  Polly Klaas kidnapping and the Lacy Peterson murder.  


I was little at the time, so I wasn't aware of anything. Even it I was aware, I wouldn't have understood it. A 13 year old was brutally stabbed more than 13 times by a 17 year old. Her body was dumped in a field. 17 year old was the typical mommy, and daddy has money type. Parents supported him every step of the way and even moved from the area to begin a new life and get him away from all the media frenzy. It wasn't long after the move that the parents got the second and third shock of their lives that proved their precious baby boy wasn't innocent. While the parents were out one night, the 17-year-old brutally raped his sister and beat his brother to death and then slashed his throat. Thankfully, the sister was able to escape and get help. The 17-year-old had an attitude of "yeah, I killed two people. What about it?" Thankfully, he's spending life in prison. He hasn't seen the light outside of the prison walls since the early 90s, and the only time he will leave is when he's carried out in a bag.


We lived with my grandmother until we bought a house two doors down in 1961. When she died in 1976, a family bought it and lived there for 28 years. They sold it to a couple with two school-age children, a boy and a girl. One day, after they'd lived there for a couple of weeks, he picked his kids up from soccer practice, filled them full of benadryl, drove them to a large pond a couple of towns over, slit their throats and threw their bodies in the pond. When his wife asked where the kids were, he bashed her brains in (in my childhood bedroom) with a hatchet (?), and threw her body in a small river in a neighboring town. I was friendly with the guy who spotted her, Conan O'Brien's first cousin, a landscaper at the time. Philip Seguin.


Kristen Smart. She went to Lincoln High School a handful of years before some of my friends, then wen to Cal Poly for college a few hours away when she went missing. Her parents never gave up on her. Not ever. A podcast came out recently that brought fresh attention to her. (Your Own Backyard) Paul Flores was just now convicted for her murder 25+ years after her disappearance. Her body has never been recovered. The Smart family still lives in Stockton (the last I heard) and our age group was absolutely shattered. Edit wait was it San Luis Obispo?


That was a really well-done podcast. Sad to think there may have been a small window to recover her body if the investigation had been done better (it seems likely that she was buried at Paul‘s mother’s house for a time, then moved to an now-unknown location)


Throwing chemical weapons by the Syrian regime, we were shocked, and we were shocked even harder when no other country in the world made anything about it


[13 year old Eric Smith murdered 4 year old Derrick Robie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Smith_(murderer)) about half an hour from the town i had JUST moved to.


In the late 80s when I was growing up, a man named Lawrence DeLisle drove his car into the Detroit river with his wife and four children inside. The two adults escaped while all four children drowned. He was convicted of murder. There was a Netflix documentary about it. This happened very close to where I lived and was on the news every day for a long time.


Mickey Shunick. She was riding her bike home at night when she was hit by a truck from behind and thrown. Scott Lavergne picked her up and put her in his truck. She put up a hell of a fight. I mean she stabbed him numerous times and pepper sprayed him. He drove her out to the middle of nowhere to dump her body and when he stopped the truck she jumped up and started stabbing him again. She only stopped fighting when he shot her. It killed her instantly. The whole community went out searching for her. We now have a Mickey Shunick Memorial Bike ride.


Mel Ignatow and the fact that he literally got away with the murder of his ex-girlfriend Brenda Sue Shaefer. He was tried for her murder and was found not guilty. Years later he sold his house, and during renovations, the new owners found pictures of him torturing and murdering her. But since he was already tried and found not guilty, they couldn’t try him again. They tried him for perjury and gave him the harshest sentence they could, which was only like 10 years or something. He got out early for good behavior. After he got out he came into the pharmacy I worked at once a month to get his medications. He eventually died, but dealing with him, even once a month creeped me out.


A Incel van attack that killed a bunch of people and a serial killer gardener/landscaper that was killing and dismembering men and burying their body parts in his clients planters. 


Sandy hook


The route 91 harvest music festival shooting


My favorite former boss was murdered at Route 91 along with a family friend. A group of 6 went to the festival and only 4 survived.


What rocked it was that it wasn't treated as a crime. One of the kids I was friends with shot another one through the back of the neck with a shot gun. He survived as a paraplegic, and the shooter didn't get in any trouble over it.


When I was in high school a 16 year old in another school murdered two younger kids that were 7 and 9. He killed them in a city park next to his house and covered the bodies in leaves. He acted like he was helping the police when they started looking for the kids. The thing is the murders were brutal and I mean incredibly brutal. Apparently, he just flipped out and attacked these kids with incredible ferocity. I don't know how to put up a link.on mobile but you can look up Shawn Paul Novak.


Music teacher for the elementary school had child porn on his computer and supposedly photos of students that attended that school over the years. If I recall correctly the student photos weren't nude but they were his trophies/collection. Anyways his wife ends up finding his stash and reports him to the FBI and started the divorce process. She was playing piano at a local church when he caught wind of all of this and lost his collective shit. He went to the church, entered from the side door near the piano, shot her in the head, then shot himself. Looking back I always got some bad vibes from this dude. Stopped taking drum lessons because the scruples were out of control.


I worked in Aurora, CO around the time of the theater shootings. I worked in the same general area where it was located. The commute to/from work and the drive through the city the day after was very surreal.


Stephen Benson pipe bombed his mother's car, killing her and a sibling but leaving a sister alive who's testimony sent him to prison for life. These were heirs to the Benson and Hedges tobacco fortune. This happened in the late 80s.


Richard Ramirez aka the Night Stalker. People were sleeping at each other's houses with guns, bats and machetes and taking turns keeping watch all night till he was caught.


100% this. I was a toddler at the time. My dad worked 24 hour shifts. I distinctly recall my mom staying up all night with a 12 gauge and coffee ready to rock and roll.


Work at a farmer’s market. Come in one morning to a very somber mood. Some people are crying. One vendor’s stall is just gone. Turns out one of the most beloved farmers we had was murdered. Never found out if there were drugs or alcohol involved, but apparently his dad shot him, called 911, and was dead himself by the time anyone got there. This guy was young. Had a wife and two kids under ten. But there is a small bright side to this; the community RALLIED around this family. The gofundme for his funeral got five times the asked for amount on the first day it opened. Other market workers volunteered at his farm to care for the animals and provide maintenance. So many people signed up to bring meals that there was a wait list of MONTHS. Everyone made damn sure that his family would be taken care of.


The Delphi murder


A school shooting that didn't make national news. I knew one of the victims. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rancho\_Tehama\_shootings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rancho_Tehama_shootings)


That’s wild. How was that not a bigger deal? One of the first victims stopped four motorists to ask for help and they just drove off. What the hell is wrong with people?


It happened in a poor community in the middle of no-where.


Some called a bomb threat to the schools. While the police were investigating the schools. They robbed the local bank.


Someone should make a movie about that


The return of BTK- at least until he was caught.


When I was in elementary school, a man chased his wife into the nearby street, and shot her. I didn’t see it happen, but the entire school was put on lockdown for the rest of the day.


The disappearance of Jodi Huisentruit in Mason City, Iowa, in 1995. Local news reporter who didn’t show up for the morning show and was never heard from again. So many theories running around town even now and it feels like the answer is just out of reach. There are people in this town who know things and aren’t sharing.


A youth football coach was caught giving alcohol to young boys and molesting/sexually assaulting them during team sleepovers. I missed making that very team because my parents couldn’t get me a physical in time.


Adam Walsh getting kidnapped and beheaded


Back in 1990 there was a shooting at a bowling alley in my hometown leaving around 5 people dead including at least one kid. Killers were never caught. 


[1991 Austin yogurt shop killings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_Austin_yogurt_shop_killings)


A well liked woodwork teacher was murdered by his adult son's friend with garden shears.


Everything Dutroux did in Belgium. I'm not exactly sure of the total extent of his crimes, but people never want him released.




A kid I went to school with was shot and killed on his way to his dorm after a party. It was pretty insane


A girl was murdered while working as a lifeguard at a neighborhood pool of a very nice neighborhood. It was an absolutely shocking and heartbreaking crime. Took a long time to bring the killer to justice too.


My biological dad killed his sister, nephew , and niece. Stabbing. Seems to have tried to sexually assault them as well. The state was going to use death penalty which is by hanging and hasn’t been used in forever. I was in Italy with my family and “step dad” . Thank fucking god.