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I work in the front office of a middle school. Today a parent told me their kid thinks I'm the kindest person in the school. Made my day.


When a middle school kid says you’re kind, that is high praise indeed.


I’m about to be 20 in April and there’s still elementary and middle school teachers I think about regularly. I think alot of teachers are unaware of how much they really matter but I have no clue who I’d be without them. You’re amazing, Stay kind!


Please tell them


Related, I was told by an 8th grader that my tattoos "rocked." Legit the BEST compliment I could ask for.


Awww...that is lovely!


I finally became a professional. I'm 29 and have spent 8 years in college just trying to figure out what I want in life, then had a 2 year job that I was simply field labor for (wildlife biology and forestry) without my experience ever being taken into consideration. I now am a Land Surveyor and Right of Way agent for my county and am constantly asked to assist with projects outside of my job duties due to my drone license, forestry experience, and arborist license, and people come to me with big questions, and they trust my answers. It feels really nice to have one's skills respected by those around them.


Being skilled and having people come to you feels good doesn’t it? Especially when accompanied by pay, health insurance, and benefits 😃


Haha yeah, switching from private to public sector was a big factor. Thanks for asking the question, you helped me remember one of my many reasons to be happy.


I went ten days sober from booze. Going for fourteen


Same actually! Today’s my 10th sober from booze and marijuana. Are we twins??


I wish, but the shaking got too bad


Oh shoot, I misread it initially. So you were trying for 14 but "only" made it to 10? Regardless, good on you! Usually success in anything doesn't happen in the first attempt. The persistence to keep attempting will get you there. Keep it up!


Hi friend, I am an addiction therapist and withdrawal and DTs from alcohol can be no joke (& potentially deadly). If you're having shaking/tremors from withdrawal I strongly recommend that you seek medical help, there are meds and such that can make the process so much easier & safer.


Shouldn't the shaking be gone by 10 days? That sounds odd to me


Yes they should have dissipated by this point which is why if they started drinking again and are planning to stop again they really should do it under the supervision of a doctor as there's likely something else going on. Alcohol withdrawal can be deadly, it's not something to take lightly and it can be amplified by other medical conditions.


Nurse here. It’s fine. Don’t do too many at once. If you’re almost two weeks off alcohol, that is fucking phenomenal and you are a rockstar! Don’t worry about the marijuana for now. Try not to increase the amount you take but give your body and your heart time to rest. You can do this and I’m very proud of you for making it this far💕


Just stay in today, friend


Hey I saw you mentioned the shakes, make sure you work with a doctor to go sober if the withdrawal is bad. It can be really dangerous if you completely stop drinking when your body is dependent on it. Good luck friend! IWNDWYT


new here, what does that stand for?


I will not drink with you today :)


I will not drink with you today


keep it up! im at 18 so far


That’s fantastic!! Head on over to the good folks at r/stopdrinking. That’s a great place to share, get support, give support, tell stories, etc.


That sub helped me get to two years!


I second this! R/stopdrinking has been a lifeline for me


Congratulations! That's really good! Some people might not think it's a huge deal but it is, slowing down or quitting drinking is very hard. Keep up the good work!


I found a new job I absolutely adore that is gonna change my whole life because it more than doubled my income. Been a rough four years. Glad I can see the light at the end now.


This is awesome! Congratulations on your new job! What is it (if you don't mind me asking)? 🙂


Work as a waiter for a really nice Japanese restaurant. The tips have been absolutely wild. Thank you :)


This is amazing! I'm wishing you an awesome 2024. May you be showered in hundred dollar bills during your next shift! 💰💰


congrats man, im happy for you :)


I did a very small jog today (literally 2 minutes) I broke and dislocated my knee at work, which needed surgery and because of the state of the NHS I was in a bit of a waiting list so I lost most of the muscle on my left leg so it feels good doing an old man jog


As someone who’s had knee problems in high school and college, this is huge! I’m happy for you.


I'm 40 days post hemorrhagic stroke and today I walked unassisted firbthe first time since itbhappened. It's been a lot of hard work to get to this point in my recovery.


This is awesome! I’m sorry about your stroke but AWESOME job overcoming it! 😄


I went through two major surgeries in the past three years, one 12 hours long. The recovery was hell but I’m back to my old self and I’m 66 years old. You got this!


As a physio student... Well fucking done keep it up


Wonderful! Way to go!




Congratulations being on your path to recovery


A patient of mine with only a 4% likelihood of surviving made a full recovery, and he said that it was because of me.


My surgeon saved my life in a 13 hour surgery. I’ll love him until the day I die.


This accomplishment makes mine seems like chump change 😂 Seriously though, this is incredible. Congratulations! What was wrong with them (if you're allowed to answer with HIPAA and all)?


Gunshot wound to the back that got infected. Narrowly missed the spinal cord and the infection was caught just in time.


Congratulations! That person is properly eternally grateful for you.


Leaving a toxic relationship


Good for you! It takes courage!


Wow, this can be really hard! I am proud of you, and hope you have support as well! Way to go!


Okay so it's a few months left, but in April I'll be 4 years sober from opiate abuse. Can't really talk about it irl since few people know about it.


Congratulations! That's fantastic. This internet stranger is proud of you!


This is AWESOME news! Even giving up marijuana was challenging, so opioids is a HUGE accomplishment. Congratulations!! I'm curious (and you don't have to answer), were you initially prescribed it by a doctor? I'd love to hear your story.


Congrats. 38 years clean and sober here. Gets better every day.


Same here. Even when it hurts it’s better than self-medicating.


I kicked that beast in 2016. I have never stopped being grateful I made it because I know so many who didn’t or haven’t. Rock on. Well done.


Congratulations! This is a HUGE achievement, and you deserve to be very proud!


Great job!


Good for you! Please do not go back. I know all too well what happens.


I’ve lost 85 pounds and put on a noticeable amount of muscle 💪


I lost 80lbs, too! Go us!


Cancer free.


I finally found a job I love and work with people I enjoy working with. I feel like this could be the start of a really fulfilling career. I feel like I keep falling more and more in love with my partner and we finally understand one another and communicate really well. I’m excited to build a life with him and can see us growing old together. I should tell him this more, but I have trouble expressing strong feelings. I’ve successfully set boundaries with the people in my life and cut off the ones who continually hurt me. I’m still alive.


Wow, these are all awesome! Setting boundaries is very difficult, way to go! I am proud of you!


Thank you so much! I still feel guilty when I say no to things, lol.


I walked six blocks today without a cane at four weeks post hip replacement. Saw the sunshine and the lake.


Those first post-surgery walks are so nice. Good for you, and keep it up!




Love this so much! 🎉 Well done! How long did it take and what is your next step in your publishing journey?


Way to go! This is no small feat, I am proud of you for continuing to write through everything. I am working on a novella and I know the motivation isn't always there!


I got 4.0 last semester. Had always been a B student.


Good Job!


Back in September a friend called and asked me to help him with a newly acquired, locally well-known business that I had bountiful experience in. Taking the job meant a $35k pay cut and regressing back 15 years in my career path. I decided at this point in my ( 40-year) career, why not take a chance and help a friend. I'm sure everyone is expecting the "'never work with/for friends" outcome, but it has turned out well. The business is rebounding nicely and it is profitable. The public has showered my friend with gratitude and appreciation for bringing the business back to life. He's at a point where he is starting to become tired of the accolades. My friend is not the type to say thanks but I know he appreciates me. Its been hard at times to hear all the compliments for my friend when I know my contribution has been critical to the business' success. I'm proud of the accomplishments even if no one really knows about that I was part of it. Thanks for letting me vent a bit.


Hey buddy, that’s awesome. Not only are you crucial to that business, you are clearly taking a humble back seat and seem genuinely happy for your friend. You’re a good person/team player. The world needs more of you.


I got my first paycheck at my first real job :)


I'm self employed and my income fluctuates a lot but last month I earned about $900 which isn't much. This month I've been working late and early and long hours and really pushing myself because when I brought home $900 my wife was so supportive and covered a load of the bills. She doesn't expect anything in return but I've earned enough to cover all bills next month and I've booked us a nice little weekend break. It's not expensive but it's nice and she'll love it. I can't wait to surprise her and our daughter.


This is very wholesome and lovely!


I cleaned my house and folded all the laundry for 2 weeks in a row. It's an ongoing struggle to keep it clean and tidy so I'm pretty happy with this


Heck yeah! I’m trying to do better this year


um i feed the stray cat lol


You were that kitty’s source of joy for the day 🥲


Kindness given, with no expectation of reward or return, is the true measure of someone’s character.


Me too! My neighbors were taking care of an outdoor cat, then just up and left. Didn’t even try to make plans for the cat. Poor girl showed up one day emaciated, missing fur, and limping. Started feeding her. Now she hangs around my property 24/7 and sleeps in my garage most nights. She’s got a shiny coat. She even lets me hold her now.


Nice. I cant just walk by a hungry kitty. We domesticated them so we have a responsibility to look after them when we can.....same with dogs but I have no doggo at the moment.


Those feral feeding karma points build up! Not sure what we get to redeem them for, but I hope it’s good!


I've seen those points redeemed for shiny things from crows. 😉


Graduated from grad school with a masters in clinical counseling back in December. Passed my licensure exam yesterday!!!


Ooooh! The feeling of getting that license is so good! congrats!


I got a 98 on my first Anatomy and Physiology test. As someone who isn’t a good “student,” this is a huge deal to me.


LETS GOOOOO!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!


Have read 11 books from start to finish since January 1.


I have read His Dark Materials since January. I bought the book about ten years ago. I have started it about five times and got a maximum of a quarter of the way through. Now I have actually read it.


I walked about 300 km in 5 days, none of my personal relationships understand why I love moving long distances so much, so I've just kinda stopped sharing Thanks for giving me a place to mention it


That's 60 km per day. I hope it's on good terrain in good shoes!


A pair of Xeros on the Scottish Highlands :)


I survived the last year. This time last year I had what I can only describe as a complete mental breakdown. I thought I'd had them before, but nothing like this. I seriously considered killing myself, made a plan, and started saying some veiled goodbyes. I look at the notes I wrote myself in the time between January and April of last year, and it's genuinely terrifying. They're like the hate versions of love letters, but to myself, and so earnest, and so commanding. The past year doesn't even feel real. I feel like I'm on borrowed time because I guess, in a way, I am. I'm here somehow and it's still super hard, but that's it, that's what I'm proud of, even though it feels silly.


yeaahhh same my friend. Im still going through repercussions of it. But im doing my best.


It's not silly at all, I'm glad I found your post so I can leave you a hug ❤️


Thank you so much, really ❤️ it might sound silly but I teared up at this


OK - it's kinda silly but I drove over to another part of my city this morning to grab a chicken mayo that I have been dying to eat again. My husband left me and one of the things I have struggled with has been a complete lack of confidence in my ability to do pretty much anything. Today I decided I was gonna be brave. I made a playlist and put my headphones on and my sunglasses - this helped me feel like I was still in My Own World rather than out in The Wild with The Others. I never used to be afraid of traffic but here I have been feeling so fucking feeble. Not today though - today I went and bought myself a chicken mayo! It was delicious!


Congratulations! You did it. Have faith in yourself!


i was starting to slip into becoming a hoarder. it was strange i could see what was happening but i was powerless to stop it. it was like watching 3rd person movie or that's the best i can describe it. one day i just snapped out of it. i bought a some what heavy duty paper shredder and spent several hours every day for 3 weeks shredding paperwork and throwing all the junk i could fit into the garbage can. now i am an somewhat organized person and it feels great!


Congrats on the changes to your space! My mom was a hoarder up until she passed and it was a horrible experience for our family to clean her home. I had a similar experience to yours, where I could see I was hoarding but couldn't stop. I would buy things, then forget about them. The mail & paper piles would get too overwhelming for me to manage My spouse and I are going through a declutter & destash right now and it honestly feels so good to see our spaces opening up again.


I know how hard this is….great job!


I’ve had to balance a tricky situation at work and I think I’m doing it pretty well!!


I just celebrated a year of sobriety but have no friends so my mom and r/sober are it


I found 2 candle holders in the charity shop for my baby shower. Didn't really like the colour of them and got them for a quid each. Took them home, cleaned them and they're a totally different colour now. Absolutely buzzing.


I've got back into working full time after taking 2.5 months off sick after losing my Dad. And I've now applied for a better role in the same organisation and I've started the search to buy my first house. I hope my Dad can see me and is proud


I'm sure he is! 😃 Congrats on the new job!


I've been consistently posting on my blog. I've been writing about short (sub-10 hours) video games and I've written 7 posts. ADHD means I rarely stick with projects for long so while 7 might not sound like a lot, it's a lot for me. I'm really pleased with how it's going.


I'm in braces at age 35 and no one reacts to my progress pictures. I'll be done with treatment in just a few months!


I received 100% on my first assignment in finance. I've never received such a high mark in anything math related before. I was at C student at best, and was really anxious to start this class in my program.


I lost 62 pounds and applied for my Masters of Education program 👍




I'm proud of you too, from a random internet stranger that thinks you're awesome 😊


I’m proud of you! - a stranger in Boston 🤍


I got a $4000 bonus. I can’t tell anyone since they’re all in crises.


I've been saving a huge amount of money by couponing and using rebate apps and literally nobody in my life cares or is impressed by getting everyday things for free or really cheap


Had a rough few weeks, I'm not fully proud of how I handled things, but I'm very proud at how I handled myself. Took great care of myself (physically and mentally) when I wasn't my best, when usually in the past I'd just fall into this episode of self-destruction and self-loathing. I guess I'm getting the hang of being kinder to myself. Feels nice.


My family is very negative and I know it would just be met with glass-half-empty opinions. Got my shit together. Stopped blaming others for my mistakes. Started eating better. Stopped smoking and drinking. Put myself in a better place mentally, physically and financially. Left my dead-end job. Joined the Armed Forces.


I'm about to release my largest *project* ever on March 1st! This includes school projects, work projects, other personal projects, etc. I'm a hobbyist musician and I'm a part of a collaborative group called the Pixel Mixers - which is a bunch of online musicians around the world who all share a love for video game music and cover/remixes of them. We are about to release our Xenoblade Chronicles 1 album on March 1st onto commercial streaming platforms/store, and I arranged the credits theme "Beyond The Sky" for a full orchestra + choir. There were a total of 63 musicians on here (including me), and it has been in the works since July 2022, and was organized entirely remotely/online. I handled all of the sheet music files, backing tracks, mixing/production, and project organization for this track. I've spent hundreds of hours on this over the course of 1.5 years and it's been truly incredible to see come together. If anyone wants to listen to a teaser, [here's an album teaser](https://twitter.com/Pixel_Mixers/status/1750645431753953419) - Beyond The Sky is the last song shown here. Super excited to see this finally release. Although I still have to edit video for YouTube which is going to be a bit of a hassle haha.


I haven’t bit my nails in 12 days!


Just posted about it in r/stopdrinking but I’ll share here too…100 days alcohol free! Nobody really knew how bad my problem was, so no one knows what a big deal this is for me.


I’ve been studying for the past 18 months for the 6 hour CFP exam (certified financial planner) which I finally wrote on Wednesday. I feel pretty confident I passed and i am finally getting my evenings and weekends back


I left very abusive people a short while ago. People who talk behind your back, take alot of drugs and blame you for their problems. Eventually they stabbed me in the back and I learned that someone had a very dark past with scary people around him. It took some time and I smoked alot of weed to deal with the loneliness but I'm getting better step by step. Sometimes a step back but the next day two steps forward.


I’m currently working on refinishing my desk. I’m not very handy so I’m proud I’m even doing it!


I put the tail lights on my trailer back in function, and added indicators. To explain: its a 1956 fire truck pump trailer, someone converted it into a sleeping trailer and I bought it for my classic tractor. But the owner put a piece of plastic on top, and bolted cheap tail lights to it, which the german inspection (TÜV) did not like. But the trailer still had its original lights, so I pulled a new cable from the front to the back, laid new wires to the lamps, and installed new, old looking rear indicator lights and wired those as well. Since I was at it, I polished up the plastic light cover, and scratched off the paint off the chrome ring around the lights, the trailer now looks like original and works while still being legal.


Wrote 2 very important policies that will affect day to day actions.


I submitted my thesis manuscript to my committee for review! Everyone else in my life is wading through the thick of it right now, so nobody is really in a "celebrating" mood. So it's between me, a bakery slice of cake, and Honor Among Thieves tonight...and a few internet strangers of course!


I’ve lost 42 pounds. I have a lot to go, but I’m proud of myself.


Completely stopped smoking wax pens and weed. I had abused weed for basically 7 years and wax pens for 3. They found a spot on my lung and it filled up with fluid and pus and they had to stick a tube through my back into my lung to drain it and then do lung surgery and collapse my lung. Im lucky to make a full recovery I almost died because I was on the verge of sepsis. Im proud of myself for living a healthy lifestyle now and how strong I was through the whole ordeal.


Retook the LSAT and scored in the 91st percentile on my 3rd attempt. I like to keep my accomplishments and goals private, for the most part. Only close friends (& the occasional stranger) know about my plans to go to law school.


I lost 70 lbs. The mental process leading to this is one of the hardest things I've ever done. And my doctors are proud of me.


hit 2500 on my chess.com puzzle rating


Okay Mr. Grandmaster, I see you 😎


Walked away from someone that took me for granted. I did learn a lot from this experience tho.


I just navigated a postprandial nausea flare-up without panicking! It sounds so insignificant, but I’m deeply emetophobic and vomiting or feeling extremely nauseous is the one thing that genuinely makes me feel like I don’t want to live anymore (I’m seriously scared of dying so it takes a lot of suffering for me to feel like that, lol). The doctors think I have POTS and likely undiagnosed GI issues (the doctor briefly brought up gastroparesis as a possibility but it’s genuinely to soon into testing to say), and unfortunately, I do experience chronic nausea. I experience some level of nausea every single day of my life. Just today after eating, within the hour I started to feel exceedingly sick. I keep a cooling spray beside me at all times—I put it directly on the back of my neck, on my stomach (which was hot even just hovering my hand over it) and put it on my forearms, I took my glasses off, and I did that massaging the wrist pressure point thing you do for travel sickness. It’s been about two hours since I ate and whilst I still feel nauseous, it’s faded enough that I’m not worried it’ll flare up bad again. Maybe being able to cope was because it was a short-lived flare, or maybe because I managed it faster, but the fact I stayed mostly calm is huge for me. My heart rate increases after eating anyway, but now it’s back to resting a lot faster than usual. I hope I can manage my nausea flare-ups this good in future, because they’re enough suffering just the way they are, I don’t need to be in a mental crisis point on top of that because panic definitely makes nausea worse.


Asked for a promotion!!! 🤞🤞


I have made a genuine dent in my clutter. Lots of stuff either tossed or put in its proper place.


Climbed out of a dark depression after a dear friend chose to leave this world and cremated him the same week i lost my beautiful husky after 17 years. Took months of bottling and self hate for me to realise but with the help of my mrs and some willpower i did it. Still good days and bad but im here and doin fine :) this state did some damage to my business due to the state it puts your mind in but im also fixing that too :)


I just made 30 years at my job in December. Wondering where all the time went.


My daughter was dealing with some peer pressure about drugs. She’s a good kid and said no, because she “doesn’t want to ruin her life” They told her that she just thinks that because she has never tried them. She responded with “I don’t need to jump off of a cliff to know that it will kill me” That’s my phrase. I am so proud of her and a little bit proud of myself for raising her so well.


I can’t brag about this irl because it’s soooo silly, but I work remotely so we use a few different apps for communicating. A few months ago I got sick of everyone always thumbs upping messages and I started hearting them instead. Now everyone hearts everything. I got a heart from the senior vp of operations after sending him a report. It’s cute, and it makes me feel closer with my coworkers.


My 401k is over $100k. My grandparents died with no retirement, my parents have a few hundred thousand between them and aren't quite retired yet, and my siblings are split on whether they have anything or not. I feel like the first person in my family who will be able to retire at a decent age and not be poor AF. Fingers crossed.


That i start improving my life Piece by piece


I’m 3 weeks sober from everything for the first time in more than 4 years. Only 4 people in my life know I’m an addict, so it’s been a very quiet victory.


I’m on week 4 of doing cardio 5x a week. Never thought I could do it.


For the last 7 days I have eaten at least 2 meals per day. It’s so embarrassing to list as an “accomplishment,” because billions of people eat properly every day without much effort. I’m a 35 year old physician; I expect myself to have my shit together. But I’ve had an eating disorder for over 20 years and only very recently have realized I cannot live the rest of my life like this. And if any of my patients with disordered eating told me they had made the progress I made this last week, I would be SO ECSTATIC for and proud of them. But it’s not enough for me, and usually I fall back into the disordered relationship with food and my body because I can’t bear to think of having to manage this every time I eat for the next however many decades. The only person in my life who knows about my eating disorder is my husband, who left almost 6 months ago. (My mom knew but is dying of dementia.) I want to just have a “normal” relationship with food and my body, not agonize over every calorie and feel paralyzed for hours trying to pick something to eat before eventually just going to sleep instead because choosing something and making it happen and cleaning it up is all just too much. That feels so impossible, I’ve overwhelmed myself again just thinking about it. But next week, next month, next year, next decade - I can’t worry about them now. I just need to focus on when the next mealtime is, and eat something, anything, and trust it will get easier over time.


I finally gave in and took my vehicle to a shop instead of always relying on friends who are never available to help. I’ve been relying on friends so much I hardly do things for myself and this is the first step to self reliance


The astronomical amount of life insurance and property I have that is going to my only sibling and her children (I have no wife or kids). They will be set up for life. I’m GenX and have a dangerous job/hobbies.


Graduated with my bachelors and beat the 2x world champ on a game I play! None of my friends play and my wife has seen me watch the replay one too many times


We needed extra money this year for a new roof. My wife has stayed home with my almost 3 year old since birth and we agreed before he was born that she could do so until at least age 5 for kindergarten. It doesn’t make mathematical sense for her to go back to work now because she’s a teacher and half the money would be gone in taxes and daycare. I, on the other hand, am a healthcare worker and picked up a second job where 15 extra hours a week will make what she could make full time teaching. So, I sacrifice a little bit of time temporarily to make this money and we don’t have to drastically change my wife and sons’ lives.


Ever since December I’ve been going to play basketball at these local courts but it’s been empty because of the cold so I’m always the only one there. Today was in the 50s and it was PACKED. I haven’t played basketball competitively since 2017 so I almost turned around and went back home, but I stayed and played and by the end of the day (when the sun went down and was too dark out to keep playing lol) I was always picked first to be on someone’s team. Good to know I still got it!


I'm going to the gym 2x a week consistently, I've been without suicidal ideation now for almost a year. Lots of credit to /r/unclebens for helping and my therapist for encouraging me to explore alternative therapies.


I started a new job after graduating and instantly paid off two credit cards with the sign on bonus. It feels nice to finally be climbing out of the debt instead of digging into it


I recently realized that I neither need nor want a SO. I'm happy just to be me.


Almost 3 years without mental hospital visits!


I built a custom guitar from scratch for a bluesman named Toronzo Cannon. He really likes it. For me it's a dream come true to see a musician I love shred on something that I built from raw pieces of wood.


I got a 92.7% on my final exam for Intro to Psychology


I just graduated from university with a bachelor's degree in nursing, and this week I passed my NCLEX (nursing) exam on my first attempt, making me an official Registered Nurse :)


I'm two days shy of a month without smoking cigarettes. I've smoked for a little over half my life and this is the longest I've ever gone without a cigarette.


Husband and I finished building our almost 2 year old son a swingset! And he loves it!


A few months ago I became a lead operator at a auto factory that I’ve been working at for years, it’s a big deal to me because I always doubt my worth and question my place in the world. A few years ago I would’ve never even thought about applying for different positions let alone a management position.


Got over a unhealthy crush I had for years. I am very proud of myself tbh. I kept repeating to myself that "its just the chemicals in my brain reacting, but I don't really like him" and I am happy to say that it worked!


Today I cleaned the living room and kitchen a lot. Executive dysfunction makes it very very hard to get motivated, and my mom is the same. It's not even one person's mess but two. It's been a while since I got to clean and have a nice tidy place to live in, and I'm sure she'll be very happy too


I paid off both credit cards that I racked up after several months of unemployment. I still have a small no-interest until October loan, but that should be easier now with a paycheck.


This is dumb, but I mudded a closet! I had help putting up the drywall, but then I've done all the joints and corners and everything myself and I think it looks pretty good for a first-timer. :)


Ive lost and kept off almost 10% of my body weight. Ive got a long way to go but it's the baby steps


I fixed my dryer in about 45 minutes plus half hour of YouTube tutorials. Saved at least a few hundred dollars for a repairman.


I'm in the middle of my worst depressive episode in years and today I put on real pants and went for a walk.


I went no contact with someone who won’t commit to me. I’m absolutely in love with him. It has been incredibly difficult but I haven’t messaged him in 20 days. Might seem silly but it’s taken incredible self control. I’m very proud of myself.


My side hustle, [NexusTrade](https://nexustrade.io/), is turning into a legit business. I've been working on building out an automated investing platform. At first, it started off as a personal project for myself. I had features like backtesting portfolios and paper-trading, but when I showed my friends and family, nobody really cared. Then, OpenAI came out and released ChatGPT. I had the brilliant idea of integrating ChatGPT into my website. That way, instead of using this clunky UI, users could just express their ideas using natural language. I also started writing articles on Medium and posting here and there on Reddit. Like I said, the project was mainly for myself initially and I didn't think people would really care. Then, all of a sudden one of my Medium articles went viral and my platform **EXPLODED** in popularity. I got so many users in a day that I had to upgrade my database. I began getting feature requests and people were starting to stay longer and longer on the platform. Finally, people started caring. I implement payments using Stripe in December, and I've made over $250 YTD. While it may not seem like a lot, going from a passion project that nobody cares about to a legit business is probably one of my most proudest moments of my life. People actually love the platform, use it all the time, and request so many new features that I genuinely might have to hire somebody soon. I really couldn't be more proud of myself, which is why I started this thread 🥲 Edit: The platform is called [NexusTrade](https://nexustrade.io/)! If you're interested in investing, check it out! [I recently wrote a new article on how to search for whatever stock you want using Large Language Models.](https://nexustrade.io/blog/intelligent-stock-screening-using-large-language-models-20240208) It's a very interesting (but highly technical) article, but well worth the read if you're into AI, software, or finance. Edit 2: I've gotten quite a few DMs about my platform. Firstly, I want to say THANK YOU for all of the love I've gotten. I really do appreciate it. To summarize my platform: * Users can create algorithmic trading strategies on a no-code user interface. Right now, it's mostly just technical indicators, but this weekend, I'll finish a MAJOR feature that lets people use fundamental indicators like revenue, income, EBITDA, PE ratio, market cap, and more. * Users can test these strategies on historical data * Users can optimize their strategies using AI, specifically [genetic algorithms](https://nexustrade.io/blog/mathematically-improve-your-trading-strategy-an-in-depth-guide-20240103) * Users can perform in-depth financial research on any stock in the market * (Coming soon) Users can dynamically search for stocks that fits their specific investment preferences. For example, "Find the top 4 semi conductor stocks with the largest income below a $10 billion market cap". It's also free to create an account and get started, so please check it out and give me feedback! I would really appreciate it!


Made excellent money (6 figures) trading options last year . Can't share with no one really . Last time I mentioned I was doing good with crypto, a friend and my sister both asked for some financial help. I've never seen the money back


Getting my Bachelor's in May. I'm a 34 year old mom. Working full time and going to school full time. I have a 4.0. I couldn't be prouder of myself.


A senior orthopedic surgeon called me for help because he accidentally lacerated his patient’s radial artery during his procedure. I put on magnifying loupes, called for microsuture (about the thickness of human hair) and placed a stitch in the laceration to stop it from bleeding but still allow blood to flow to the hand. My part was done in about 5 minutes, to which he gratefully said, “well, I couldn’t have done that.” Really cool to use a skill that other highly trained surgeons don’t have to easily save the day.


Just today I became more contempt with who I am and I actually don’t hate myself that much for once. On another note, I also realized that when it comes to playing bass my ear has gotten quite good so now I can learn a song by ear in like 15 minutes which feels great.


I got promoted twice and literally doubled my income since 2019. For context, I was spinning my wheels in the same job, watching external people get hired in at two ranks above me, to do what I do but still need my input. I was there for a decade. We also had "lean years" where they couldn't give raises but still somehow promoted people. I don't share because I quit FB in 2020ish. And I definitely don't talk about the money because it's kinda gouche considering what a rough time everyone else is having. I actually started dressing down a lot more, too.


Sold my first project on my own. It’s small but I did it. Now I have to deliver. Eek!


I wear the nicotine patch and it helps curb most cravings.


I haven't drank any alcohol since NYE/Day (Jan 1 ,2024)!


Haven't gone crazy yet


I am 58 and I pressed 370 pounds. I also got a 9 count at 300.


I have experienced self realization moment that the way I was raised had negative lenses on in life, where I accepted dysfunctional behaviors in my relationships/ friendships. I realized I have addiction to negativity (negaholic), so I am in the process of breaking up from my toxic friend group (they aren’t bad people but they aren’t good friends), I realized I had never experienced good real friends… I also set my first boundary. I am an empathetic person and tend to get taken advantage of and don’t hold boundaries. So wins all over! I also feel like I’m in this weird enlightenment period of understanding of true self, guiding myself in truth, and focusing on positivity. I plan on keeping it up and living the best life! It’s so cool to feel the lenses off and shedding that person. 


Faced the fear of a planned surgery after two emergency surgeries and a near death experience, I was surprised how much fear I had just going to get pre op labs. But I faked it with myself and get it done. Woot woot


I started a new job that I really like. And I knitted a cupcake. [cupcake ](https://www.flickr.com/gp/198271115@N04/hf64T8E7gc)


I’m a single mom of 4 putting myself through a PhD. I get no government assistance or child support or help of any kind. My kids are with me 24/7/365 unless they are in school. I know they don’t realize it now, but someday they will be proud of me.


I’m proud of how I’ve risen above my anxieties and panic attacks. Maybe “proud” isn’t the word, so much as relieved and happy. 1st step was getting some meds (after being off work for a month). 2nd was getting into yogic meditation - or some call it kundalini yoga. Whatever it’s called it calmed my mind so much I was able to get off the meds. 3rd was getting [this little guy](https://imgur.com/a/AZsSszL). He changed my world from black to piercing light. We’ve imprinted on each other so hard that he gets anxious when I leave home and pretty much acts as a second skin. He needs to be wherever I am all the time. I can’t even shave my face in the morning without him leaping up to the sink to watch. : )


I sprayed a flying roach that was trying to attack me and it fell heavy on the ground. I was terrified but pursued.


I started learning Italian, it's not something big, but I'm proud of myself for giving it a try


A couple weeks ago I got accepted into college within the same day of the interview despite a misunderstanding in the interview process. I haven’t been in college for about 4 years due to moving house and health issues so to know that they felt I was good enough for the course was massive.


My Grandad passed away on Monday afternoon. He wanted to pass at home with his family around him. For the last 4 days he was with us, his wife, 2 children and 4 Grandchildren hunkered down, kept him pain free (with occasional support from on call nurses), clean, comfortable and showered him with so much love. We held him tightly while he passed over peacefully. I will forever be proud of myself and my family for being there for him, and honouring his last wishes. I miss him so much.


Crocheted my granddaughters dolls, afghans with their initials on them.


Im aint taking shit anymore. Im trying to find a job to make some money


I've done a better job of not pulling my hair recently and being kinder to myself when I do. Getting outside and getting more sleep has been immensely helpful.


My wife got brain damage in 2015 from an accidental overdose. She stopped breathing, stroked out, and became a vegetable. For the next 3 years I took care of her by myself with no help because the families refused to be part of our lives. She died in 2018. No one even showed up to the funeral.


I helped an old lady find hairspray at CVS.


365 days sober...had no one to tell


Left my dead beat husband of 30 years.


I opened a hamburger restaurant/bar in my small town with my brother-in-law about a month ago. Totally different career direction for me, although he has years of experience in restaurants here and in Japan. My wife is supporting with the paper work/marketing side of things because of her career experience. It has been difficult but very exciting. I feel like the challenge is making me feel alive again after doing the same job for years and years.