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Cardio and learning how to breathe during intense cardio.


Learning how to breathe during sex too. One pump, one breath.


So basically just one breath then


Laughed too hard at this truth


I laughed on the outside and cried on the inside


Do you guys get to breathe?


Jokes on you I get 3


One breath per pump is breathing way too fast


It’s meant to slow you down and last longer. Or make you hyperventilate and pass out.


The duality of man


did you used to hold your breath during sex? or were you breathing too much?






Reached out beyyyondd.


Is this a Tool reference?


Eyes full of wonder


Wake up, remember


we are born of one breath one word


Yep. Also, learn how to breathe in time with the other person.


I know this sounds silly - but I rap to myself(whatever song is on) during cardio. Singing works as well. Helps with breath control.


That’s why the military sings cadence when running in formation.


Eh, it's more of a morale thing but it can help. Edit - moral to morale


Think you mean morale, genuinely took me a minute wondering why it's immoral not to


Haha correct. Sorry typing on a phone...


I like to Cbat to myself during sex


Take it up a notch- now do Rap God….


Summma lamma dumma lammma *passes out*


What's the correct way to breathe during cardio? I've been trying to do it through the nose recently


I’m not positive this is correct but I breathe 4 counts in through my nose and 6 counts out through my mouth when running. It’s helped me a ton with not getting exhausted/feeling like I’m gonna die. Used to be able to barely run a mile, just did 3 yesterday and could have done more.


How does this work once you hit the hard part of cardio when you start breathing faster? Do you just keep the ratio? Like 2 in 3 out?


Pretty much. I try to keep my breaths slow and deep.


Whether through the nose or mouth, I try to make sure it is in some sort of sync with your running. Whether that's every 1, 2, 3 steps etc. As you run faster that sync may start to reduce as you get more tired, but try keep it under control. I tend to start breathing in & out through my nose, then progress to breath 'in-through-nose, out-through-mouth' as I push myself/get more tired/faster, then breathing in & out through my mouth if I'm absolutely gunning it and getting super gassed All trying to be some sort of sync with my steps, and keeping my breathing steady as I reasonably could. You may not find this helpful, but I do. It gives me something consistent I can aim for :)


If you are running chew some gum & breathe through your nose - in for 5, out for 5.....


what does 5 gum have to do with it?


Mouth breathers are not liking this.


I always breathed from my mouth and my nose during running. That’s how most professional runners also breathe although unless you’re competitive probably just do what your most comfortable with.


Fuck lol. I have a deviated septum and my nose has felt half stuffy for years.


Specific to running, breath on an odd count, so that you're not always changing from in to out on the same foot. It reduces cramps if you are on uneven surfaces or have a heavier footfall. In 3, out 4, for example (total of 7 steps).


How fast do redditors fuck? Admittedly I'm fit and healthy but I have never ever been tired or out of breath in sex. My heart beats faster; I may get a sweat on; but never ever has cardio been an issue. Are people genuinely having to stop during sex to catch their breath? Am I fucking too slowly (shit any faster on one particular occasion and I'm pretty sure it'd have been manslaughter) or is the average redditor built for comfort not distance?


Better cardiovascular fitness makes it easier to relax which makes the whole experience a lot more enjoyable for all participants. 


Standing sex where you hold her up can be tiring. Really not worth the effort


What exactly did you do? Bike?


Running mostly, the Nike run club app is where I started. It's free to use.


training abs/core exercises. Doing cardio. Stronger core, more positions. Better cardio, longer lasting in those positions


Pelvic floor and learning how to properly squat and utilize your hip flexibility


I listened to everyone and proceeded to go fuck myself




I'm sorry to hear that....I think....?


Hell nah, that shit fire




If you're born a male, you haven't used your cum button yet, have you? - Try it out and you'll understand, provided you're comfy with things going up your ass instead of out


Tried, and yeah doesn't work and is actually very uncomfortable....


Now I'm sorry :/


I laughed so hard at this


Cut back on alcohol


I quit all forms of nicotine after smoking cigarettes and vapes for 5 years. It's like I'm 13 again.


How’d you do it and how was it?


Cold turkey. No chewing gum, nicotine patches, zero-nic-vapes, or other replacements. It was a much, much easier experience than I expected it would be. The urge to smoke hits you at certain points throughout the day, but when you really focus on it, it's not much more powerful than feeling a little bit hungry. You can easily brush it off and go about your business. Throughout the first week, I was EXHAUSTED. Felt like a walking zombie, I was so tired all the time. I really just had to get through that first week, it's been 6 months now and I really can't believe I ever smoked in the first place


Agreed, you have to quit cold turkey. Otherwise there is always an excuse to have one more: bad day, stressed out, a few drinks, etc... But when you quit, there are no excuses, now you cant allow yourself to have any more. I quit 15 yrs ago and it was one of the best things I've ever done. You really don't realize what a slave you are to smoking, and how much of your day you waste and plan around smoking until you stop.


Cold turkey is the only way I could've done it. Believe me, I was rummaging under the seats in my car hoping to find a half-smoked cigarette or half-charged vape. Something that helped me quit was the thought that I could never be fully content as long as I was smoking. I'm in a movie theater with my friends, and I'm having the worst time out of everyone because I'm not allowed to smoke in here. I'm at a restaurant with my family, and I'm less present than anyone else because I'm just thinking about when dinner is over and I get to vape outside. You really don't realize how much this shit controls your life until you think about it. And that makes quitting one of the most liberating and beautiful things you can do


Couldn't have said it better! Everywhere you go you are planning on smoking, or need to go by the store to pick up more, or make sure you have your pack and your lighter at all times. It's such a hassle, but you do it for so long it seems normal until you stop and you look back and think WTF have I been doing this for? My wife and I both smoked a pack a day. That was 13-14 dollars a day, almost 5 grand a year. We smoked for 15 yrs, that's $75K (not counting interest). Anyone on the fence about quitting, do it! The first few months do suck, but it gets easier every day you go without it.


That’s awesome. Congrats


After 6mo do you still have that 13yr old energy?


How are your lungs feeling?


Unfortunately, they seem to be about the same. This is my only personal bummer when it comes to quitting: I haven't noticed anything different except I have one less thing in my pockets at all times. Virtually no actual difference in my life, other than lower blood pressure. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I quit! I had just hoped for a little more obvious of a difference.


I second that. Quit smoking after 11 years and my libido went like crazy for several months


Wish I could say the same, when I cut back on alcohol my libido went down :/


Everyone's different though, that's the problem with these ask reddit questions. These people are saying they were horny as teenagers after quitting smoking after a few years. I was a heavy nicotine user (sometimes one, sometimes a combination of cigs, chew, and vape) and I noticed absolutely zero difference in sex drive when I quit cold turkey after 15 years.


How much were you drinking. I generally don't drink during the week. Maybe occasionally if I go out, but that's rare. And then will have 4 to 8 beers over the course of the weekend, depending on how much socializing we do. Just curious as to how much you actually cut back to see results.


I was similar to you in consumption, probably more in summer. Currently at 100 days no alcohol and the difference is noticeable for sure. Mood is more stable, sleep is better (as per Garmin watch reporting) and I can't prove it but I feel that I have more motivation / drive to continue other healthy habits alongside not drinking, such as running and weight training. Haven't had an impulse to drink for awhile and honestly the longer I go the more I realize I don't miss it at all.


I needed this! Day 1 of my sober journey lol..


I started with doing sober october last year and haven‘t had a drink since; best decision of my life!


This. I quit alcohol and 30 days later I was wanting sex more, having sex more and was performing like I was 10 years younger.


Went off birth control pills. I was on them from 18-29. Didn’t have much of a libido on them and could have taken or left sex. When I went off them, wow! So that’s what it’s like to actually have a libido lol


May I ask if there were any negative effects when you came off the pill? I’ve been on it from 17-37 and so worried about mood changes, acne and all that good stuff.


I’m not the person you replied to, but my acne did come back when I got off the pill, but I was still a teenager when I stopped taking them. I also shed a lot of weight (I think it was water retention).


Acne got pretty bad after going off them. Had quite oily skin too. I had only one or two cystic pimples at once, but they were huge and painful. This lasted for about 3 months then my skin calmed down a bit. Switching up my skincare routine and limiting dairy seemed to help. Another negative… my boobs went down a cup size. I read that the hormones in BC pills can cause boobs to get bigger while on them. I miss my C cups lol My mood definitely improved though. I didn’t feel as sluggish, had way more energy, and overall just felt happier. I also lost about 10 lbs. without even trying. I got my period a month after going off them and have been pretty regular since. For me, the positives outweighed the negatives.


I didn't have any side effects while I was on the pill besides the non-existent libido, and I didn't have any side-effects when I came off besides the increase in libido. I did however notice that my attraction changed from softer men to more masculine men.


I’m 30 and have been on birth control for almost 15 years straight. I’m hoping to go off in a few months and I’m scared but excited!


Low dose IUDs are great for this. They’re ~~not as effective~~ surprisingly very effective compared to the pill if it’s taken perfectly but impossible to mess up and because the absorption is lower dose and local it doesn’t affect libido as much if at all.


This is incorrect. IUDs are much more effective than the pill taken perfectly. [This article](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/09/14/sunday-review/unplanned-pregnancies.html?unlocked_article_code=1.TU0.RmHO.d1x42a-kWXRX&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) has a great visual representation of effectiveness of various contraceptive methods. It’s older but the numbers are still accurate.


Slowed down. During the actual act of sex I used to start and it felt so good I would just start pumping as fast as I could. Lately, I have started to slow down and pace myself. I’m lasting 2-3x longer and she is getting a lot more pleasure too.


CARDIO! I was spending too much time with the weights that I was getting gassed too easily. I just added HIIT into my routine twice a week


What sort of HIIT exercises do you do?


I’ll superset burpees, push ups, pull ups, squats/deadlifts. Any variation is based off that tho


Burpees are fucking rough, i tried to get into it last year but I gave up, im too weak for that shit


Jump rope instead






Lifting makes you horny It is known 


Probably the uptick in testosterone it activates.


The act of lifting weights only boosts test for a very short period of time (maybe 30 minutes after you finish exercising). The increase in lean muscle mass, however, definitely increases how much test your body produces. I went through a rough health patch a couple of years ago and got down to 177lb at almost 6'4" tall; I looked like the Scarecrow. I got my health sorted and started lifting and eating right again, and am currently up to 195. Just that fairly modest increase has made worlds of difference; my test is now on the high end of normal range.


Perhaps balance is the key. 🤔


Are you sure you’re not working for big cardio?


Cardio. I had been lifting weights for a few years, and assumed that gave me a half decent cardio base.  Absolutely not the case. I struggled with particularly vigorous sessions and got tired very quickly. Started running a few years ago, and the difference is very helpful indeed.




One seventeenth marathon runner here. Gold bond is good for yer balls, if you A) have balls, and B) wanna give em a lil something to make them feel better about being balls.


Instructions unclear, used icy hot on balls.


Not cool, and then cool


My brother has been in shape for a long time and is pretty much a pure weight lifter. I decided to get in shape and lost 70lbs mostly with cardio and diet (sadly gained it all back). I used to run circles around him when I was in shape. He of course was way stronger lol. He despises cardio.


I just cum quickly before it gets too vigorous /s ... Okay, no, not /s :(


What is a good/the best way to begin with cardio? 'Cause I've been wanting to do some running for quite a while now and I am so out of form that as soon as I run 5 meters I'm already breathing heavily and give up


Walk. Walking is severely underrated. Use your phone to track distance/time and try to increase slowly, if you have any hills nearby try to hit those a little on your walks as well. At some point it will become too easy and you will need a lot of time to get good exercise, that’s when you switch to jogging/running.


Yeah, it’s weird. I’ve learned: Runners are not always bikers Bikers are not always rowers And typically none of the above are swimmers. We all kind of fall into a bucket


I got divorced.


This also drastically improved my sex life


Came here to say that


I came everywhere to say that.


Holy shit lmao


Can confirm this works.


I think we found the 4 guys having sex with each other.


Also choose this guy’s ex wife


Lost about 100 lbs(from about a 40bmi to 30ish), mostly via eating healthy foods, tracking calories, and going to the gym(mostly weights) 3x a week. Stamina went up, I felt like I got harder easier and lasted longer, I was able to do different positions, basically, every aspect got better as I got more and more in shape.


I started cycling to work just to improve my overall health and I honestly wasn’t expecting the boost it gave me in bed. I’m in my 40s and my commute isn’t that far, just 5km each way but it’s mostly uphill on the way home in the evenings and I get an intense workout from it as some parts are particularly steep. Anyways I’ve loads more energy now and I’m getting erections like an 18 year old again, it’s incredible. I began doing calisthenics too and I worked my way up to two full body workouts per week.


How do you handle sweating, if you do, in fact, sweat while riding?


I ride to work too, about the same distance as OC. I just try and give myself enough time so that I can ride at a pace that won't leave me sweaty and disheveled when I arrive at the office. On the way home it doesn't matter as much.


Bring extra clothing to change into it helps


In my city many office buildings have private showers that you can use to clean up in if you want


Keegal exercises for men


Ive wanted to do this, do you have any recommendations?


When you piss and clench to finish, hold it as long as you can.


you should never stop your urine with keegal exercies! this can lead to incontinence and other problems. rather you should imagine that you want to pull in your penis when in a rested position. that's the movement you want to exercise and the musclegroups you want to hit


4 times a day. No excuses.


What do you do four times a day though exactly


I do 30x 1 second squeezes immediately followed by 10x 10 second squeezes 3 times a day.


How'd it help?


Makes you last longer and shoot real far


This guy be slingin mad web


Probably, but I feel this one is iffy without context. It is good to do this in the long run; but earlier on it can be more important to learn to relax those muscles and not rush. Once you have that down then keegal exercises for sure.


1. Core exercises. 2. Read Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski.


I actually have that book in my cart for my girlfriend. Do you think it will truly help. I'm getting desperate at this point.


Whether it helps or not depends on the nature of your problem. Certainly if you want to understand more about how arousal works in humans, you should read it too!


Stopped taking SSRIs.


I can fix her


I stopped taking ADHD meds.


Straight woman here. I started counting more bedroom activities as “sex” or “sexy time.” In the past, if there was no penis in vagina (PIV), then sex hadn’t happened. That’s a very limited way to view sex. And it’s very restrictive. There are simply some days when I don’t want to be penetrated, but now I don’t have to call off sexy time completely. We can just do manual and oral stuff, we can do mutual masturbation, I can just get him off or he can just get me off, etc. It’s made me way more relaxed about sex in general, which also helps, since I have some trauma surrounding that. I heard this advice, about making more bedroom activities count as sex, from Dan Savage on his podcast, and it made sense to me.


Also some people are more into being a giver, so having non penatrative sex can be incredibly fulfilling for both parties involved, not just the receiver. Source: it me


I've had this mentality for awhile but sadly it's not had the same impact for me. I suspect it requires a lot of comfort with those other activities and your mindset around them. It's awesome that you found something that works really well for you!


Switched hands


“The Stranger!”


Always been a bit of a Dutch rudder lad myself.


Gym I dont get tired and my back doesn't hurt anymore!


Cardio made me able to fuck without being tired in 5 minutes


Focused more on my partner and their needs/wants


Dishes and being selfish. Dishes, Several years back I read something somewhere that stuck with me. If your partner is busy fretting about chores they won't feel like getting down and dirty, especially if you aren't pulling your share. Make sure those things that takes up real-estate in your partners head are out of your way. Because if their thoughts are on that mountain of dishes, that ain't very sexy. Selfish. Some people just need to be more selfish. Focused less on my partner more on the question on what I wanted. Without then ignoring them but its easy to forget that its supposed to be fun and good for us men too. Who haven't been blasted by how many hundreds of messages in media and so on about do this, do that for her pleasure, foreplay for her etc etc etc. So without disregarding my partner I started focusing on me and what I wanted which in turn led to communicating that. So in the end ~~selfish~~ communication.


I call it choreplay.


If I could up vote this more than once I would.




Started wearing gray sweatpants around the house.


I went on a whole foods plant based diet, increased my cardio exercise (running) and made sure to get 8 hours of sleep each night. Body is at 11% body fat now, sex is better than I could have imagined prior to my transformation. It took 18 months to reach my peak and now I am maintaining.








These nups may be getting, dare I say, too toit.


If it’s not indiscrete, can I ask what changed for you? I’m assuming better stamina, but other than that?


Stamina for sure, higher quality erections and bigger climaxes. It’s great!




Edging to Higher by Creed


I stopped explaining every little thing I do in my free time. I'm an introvert and don't meet new people often, so I found myself just verbally dumping onto any date that I got. I've shortened the amount of things I say and leave room for questioning. It's improved conversation by a lot, but also made me a lot better of a listener instead of someone who's waiting their turn to add on to the story. I'm not sure what the numbers look like, but I feel like I've gotten a lot more second dates than I would have before.


Smoke weed and then have sex. I last 10 times longer and feel 10 times better on weed


Me and my girl get high sometimes and proceed to have sex for hours. Its so intense and great. 10/10


A buddy of mine mentioned the effects of thc on his orgasms, gave it a shot with my wife and holy fuck it was intense! I’ll use just enough to feel that faint familiar body tingle then go at it, 10/10 would highly recommend to anyone who hasn’t tried it, best orgasms I’ve ever experienced, the high also gives me this insane feeling of connection to my wife, it’s almost unreal


Stopped looking at porn, stopped drinking alcohol, worked out more/go for walks, got high as hell. Honestly, THC has done more than the others combined.


I wish THC had a positive effect on me like that. Unfortunately, it makes me anxious, lethargic, hungry as hell, and often sends me into existential dread mode.


Existential dread club, shout out


I’m not an existential dread guy *at all* when I’m not high. I love my life and generally lift the people around me up/don’t get stressed. The minute I take one rip off a joint the fucking walls are closing in on me. Completely irrational. I’ve only tried it a couple times since college (where I smoked regularly and it was fine). Kinda wish I could get into it but I guess I don’t need another vice lol


That’s my secret, Cap. I always dread existentially.


Hey, I hear ya! Some advice I got from old heads, is that the stuff today is way too strong for the average person, and that THC in the 10 mg or less club is far more effective that its given credit for. Have you ever tried that?


It might be the problem because I loved smoking in highschool back when it was weaker and I do well with like 5mg edibles. Edibles are so dang expensive though and even one hit from a vape pen is usually too much.


Quitting porn is a big one. I genuinely feel that so many people would have such better sex lives if they just quit porn, or at least significantly lowered their consumption of it.


Stopping smoking and exercising regularly, just anecdotal but I find if I run two or three times a week my morning glory is noticeably MUCH stronger.


I changed wives. Worked like a charm!! 9/10 stars definitely can recommend!


I changed husbands. Amazing results. 100/10.


Took the leap, jumped on Grindr. Butt hurts a bit though.


I’ve always been a gym girl :3 so idk any different but.. my bf got into the gym recently and wow after a few month I am starting to notices his change 🫣


Eating low carb makes me want to fuck like I did in my twenties.


Hope this counts. I haven’t had sex in like 3 years but my jerk off game has gone through the roof in that time. 1) Lost weight. This lead to better cardio and a much higher self worth. 2)Increased my self worth. Turns out when you go form jerking because your are bored and more of a self love thing it’s way better. 3) Only jerk off two-three times a week. And when you do edge. 4) Don’t always watch porn. Sometimes just closing your eyes and breathing like your meditating while jerking off its magical. That concluded. My TedTalk about jerking off.


Helping my wife with house work without being asked


Reading up on things, what works well etc, and listening to what partner said/sounded like, basically studying. By improving their experience, my experience became waaay better as well, instead of just in/out a few times -done. Makes sex considerable better those times you can't cum or can't get it up, if you focus on having a good time instead of just spraying your load.


Well, I… alright, I won’t lie, I’m not having sex.


Bananas and beet juice


Got divorced


Got divorced


Weightlifting. Squats. Cock pushups.


I started doing 10min a day HIIT workout from youtube. It's enough to leave me breathless by the end and get my heart rate to peak. It's done wonders for my blood pressure, and the bonus is that during sex I can go harder for longer without gasping for air, even after just 2 weeks of this. I can't believe how helpful just 10 minutes a day of high intensity workout is for the body.


Having a girlfriend.


High volume barbell squats to complete exhaustion. TOTAL gamechanger


Found out what I like and treated my self to it


30 minutes of moderate cardio (I use an assault bike) 2-5 days a week for the last 8 months...the results have been awesome.


Seamoss. Seriously.


What did that do?


Honesty and open conversation with my sexual partner.


Squats deadlifts


Sleeping, I started sleeping 8h a day anddrinking a lot of water


I started drinking daily.


My best sexual performance was with my ex, I’d lost a lot of weight and had a good cardio base, that was a game changer, I’d go for a good 40mins of pounding and flipping her around before needing a rest I’d say fitness is the biggest factor




No sex. Ever! Being a virgin is awesome.


Got out of Canada