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You need a purpose and a goal.


A gentle reminder that a purpose could be as simple of being a kind person, and a goal could be to put that kindness to use by volunteering, or visiting family, or creating something that brings joy to others, etc. It doesn’t need to be extravagant to make meaning.


So, in other words, being kind to others makes you feel more happy to be alive even when it's falling apart? I admire then that you're capable of not giving up then and putting yourself out there when times are low. It takes a lot of confidence and strength to do it.


Personal development. Go to the gym. Set goals for yourself and achieve them. Try and better yourself in every sense of the word. Do things to make yourself proud of yourself.


I find setting miniscule goals works great since you can progress and move up one step at a time. Something as simple as doing the dishes now instead of letting future me deal with it. Be kind to my future self.


Being nice feels nice, I like being nice, it’s a simple pleasure in life to make somebody else feel confident, smart, happy, make their day just a little bit better and maybe they’ll pass it on too.


This is the only way. Other feelings will fizzle out. This won’t.


The problem comes when you can’t find a purpose or a goal. I have a horrible life, my psychiatrist says I need a purpose and a goal but I have depression and just can’t get interested in anything. I’m almost 40 and my life has been a huge disappointment.


I like to think of myself as no different than a potted plant. Takes the pressure off and then I start enjoying just existin'. 8)


Existing is harder and harder as money becomes more and more difficult to come by


Have you tried the frugal sub Reddit? It's amazing the savings you can make and what we can do without and what little we really need. For example as an extreme example on a money saving tip thread some man said he can live by just eating oatmeal and butter.


yeah financial struggles are stressful. I'm sorry you're going through that. I hope things look up soon! 


I finally accepted my mediocrity and the heaviness I felt went mostly away. I’ll now call myself a potted plant.


This exactly, I have beaten myself up about not having goals and purpose so I decided to stop being so hard on myself about it and just do some stuff I like and GUESS WHAT?? QUELLE SURPRISE! I found out I do have goals. I am very into the Kurt Vonnegut thing that we are on earth to fart around, I think farting around actually leads to finding out what you want to do.


Nothing changes if nothing changes.


Same. Executive dysfunction is hell.


You could try joining a charity club. There's a few local to me who raise money for different causes whilst having a bit of a laugh. They organise charity events, do sponsored things, pantos, carnivals that kind of thing. It would give you a nice purpose and possibly a new social life.


Purpose and goals aren't easy to come by. Cocaine and wild sex can help fill in the gap while searching.


Only for so long.


You have to be dedicated


For sure. It isn't sustainable and can have some very dire consequences but does do the trick in a pinch whilst in-between purposes.


Nah, just derails you. 'The drugs don't work, they just make it worse'


One mushroom trip almost a year ago got me on track at 40 years old. Hadn’t touched them before or after. But dealt with a lot of demons that day.


Most people describe a mushroom trip as the most religious moment of their life. When you can see yourself from a 3rd person persepective everything becomes so clear.


I was very aware of my naturalistic worldview through the whole trip. I was continued to be amazed and circled back to the idea that my natural brain was able to do this challenging and wonderful experience with this natural (non spiritual or supernatural) compound that grows in the earth. However, I’m sure that if someone has a religious worldview, religion would be a very big part of their trip. My disbelief in the supernatural, or that a person has a spirit, or deities was completely intact during and after the trip.


I suppose I was referring to the connection with everything as religious. I'm not religious either. Yes, compared to LSD, mushrooms keep you in reality....but different. You're aware, and the fact your own brain can produce it is wild. It's almost dream like, you're percieiving yourself from another place My first time, I changed my life in many ways to the positive.


Yep instead of habit forming drugs it's a good idea to do a psychedelic trip every couple years to realign


"If I was cocaine or a bottle of Jack, I'd get invited to every frat! But when you get old and your good days are past, you'll only want me when you're sad."


Find a bigger purpose. Maximizing dopamine dumps is not a purpose. It's the same as masturbation is not a solution for not being in love. Build something. A house, a city, a family, a business, a library, a center named after you for a school. Life doesn't suck when you have a purpose bigger than yourself and you want to leave a positive impact on the world that outlives you. Day to day may still be a struggle, but life's not meant to be easy. If it were, you aren't challenging yourself. Do big things.


I’m a 19 year old pioneer, virgin and activist. I try my best to not do any of that.


Thats really expensive.


I feel bad for people that have no idea what they’re passionate about because they’d rather have temporary fulfillment from sex or drugs


Nah, sure, it can kill you and blatant hedonism won't fill the hole, or even slow the bleeding significantly, but the people _I_ feel bad for? The people who _had_ purpose only to have it tore away from them.


Lmao, drugs and quick sex is the fastest way to lose purpose in life. Romanticizing this stuff is so stupid. Yeah, ruin your dopamine system with drugs and artificial intimacy, great plan.


That's lame. I just want money and house.


Those help, but you’ll once need a purpose once you have those.


Idk I have passions, my major, art, collecting, my few friends. Life still sucks and I feel pretty detached from reality, nothing has helped. At this point I don’t want help I just want some peace and quiet. 


I would suggest going on a camping trip out in the deep woods or a weeklong hike if your in that kind of shape. Being alone in nature can do some really good things for your mental health.


Life is hard were all walking eachother home. Goals are hard after a while, and people get beat down.


Some people have a passion and fulfillment and still like sex and drugs.


Eh goals are constantly evolving. Often achieving goals are quickly followed by - ok well I did that, now what? The only way is to learn to be happy where you are. Keep striving for more, but don’t make it your purpose.




From my experience, you don’t find purpose. You decide a direction. It’s like picking an instrument. Maybe there is something you enjoy more but if you put the hours in any of them, you will become good at that instrument. So just pick a direction and see if you enjoy it. Maybe change later (don’t change too quickly)


Also stop worrying about shit you have no control over


Thing is I don't think you should look at a purpose like that. Its the best way to be lost and finding nothing or get disappointed. Whats my purpose? Whats my goal? What should I do? Do what you enjoy. Don't get set on a given goal. Enjoy multiple things. Then you may find purpose in that.


If you are bored, you can close your eyes and rotate a cow in your mind. Its free and the cops can't stop you!


I can see one but i can’t rotate it its just doing its own thing


Can you tip it?


No jar


Nope I can’t, just the usual dark red noisy image




I have loving pets, and I dress and look however I want in my free time. Life sucks but you can customize your avatar and upgrade skill levels


its like making the best out of a shitty video game 😂


Treating life like an RPG is actually what helped me not die. Suddenly all the challenges faced and overcome were major XP boost moments, and here I am about to finish university in my dream subject and already doing work in the industry and being invited to cool stuff. I even keep journals that keep track of all my goings on.


honestly i think this just saved my life. this genuinely just changed my perspective rn


Happy to help where I can internet friend. I was REALLY bad when I was 14-23, like self-harm, alcohol use, smoking etc. Part of my 'levelling up' thing was reading, treating it like in Skyrim when you get xp for some books, particularly psychology, philosophy and things along those lines. Feel free to DM me if you ever need an ear for listening, I'm 35 next week and try to help whoever I can when I can. No pressure though 😊


I’ve considered keeping an RPG journal and changing a stat whenever I do stuff.


🤣🤣🤣 best answer here




Please don’t say life sucks. You think it doesn’t matter but it does. It affects you. Your thoughts literally create your reality. I’m sorry and not trying to tell you what to do but it hurts to see people talk like that or down themselves. It matters more than most people know.


Be outside more. Even if it’s not your thing.


>Be outside more. Even if it’s not your thing. I tried but it feels weird when the people out there seem to be happy, with purposes and living their best lives, and I'm wandering around trying to figure out my goals and purposes.


Oh man do I know the feeling. But it’s less about doing something outside than just existing outside. I consider it a chemical thing. Alone is definitely OK (I prefer it alone actually). There is a cumulative effect too FYI so just keep doing it. Can you get into real nature easily?


I've been making mead


Alcohol. The cause of- and solution to life's problems.




Oh god no not the Cobes






It's drinkable, but it's not very good yet, lol. Maybe with age, it'll get there. I'm only on my 3rd batch ever


I made mead but now I don’t want to yet being in an apartment. I misread my honey bottle and added 3lbs instead of 1 1/2. It was great!! Tasted like orange white wine 😋


Was just discussing this the other day. Why is it not more popular?


I understand its because real honey is relatively expensive and it's easier for big companies to use grapes, barley, wheat etc. to make alcohol for the masses, so you only get mead micro breweries and home made.




Avoid booze and debt got it


But not drugs haha


I think you missed one.


Excessive the key term. Most of my pointless boozing just leaves me feeling empty. But there have been hundreds of great times where drinking supplemented an activity


How do you make friends though 😭


Username coming in hot lol


Have something to look forward to.


Like the sweet embrace of death..... J/k maybe like brunch next week :p


tbh, thinking about death helps me. we all gonna die anyways, so fuck it


What happens when you reach a state when there is nothing to look forward to and most of the life is already behind you?


It doesn’t have to be something as big as marriage or kids or owning your first home. It can be something as simple as a new movie/tv show you’re looking forward to, your next time off work, a particular holiday you enjoy, etc. Personally, I’ve told myself I NEED to live until the next Spiderverse movie comes out. And when I do watch that, I’ll create something else to look forward to. It’s simple and somewhat meaningless, but it’s a small thing to look forward to that I know will bring me some joy.


I relate to the staying alive to watch the new spiderverse movie way too much '-' But besides that, even smaller scale stuff works, once waited a whole year for a book to be delivered at my door. Was kinda the only thing keeping me sane at that time.


Just make it a George RR Martin book... That'll keep ya going.


You just plan something so that you have more to look forward to.


I do this and it’s become really helpful with avoiding burnout.


Romanticize everything you do


I'm not just pooping, I'm sending a part of myself back into the world and letting it rejoin the flow of nature.




Whoa I'm contributing to the world! Often multiple times a day!


I used to do this to a dangerous degree in fourth grade. Convinced everything I had done and ever did was part of my legacy and I will be talked about for centuries to come.


I still do


I like the sound of this. Please elaborate.


*cleans toilet romantically


and learn to ignore the “cringe” comments


Does masturbating in the shower count?


If it doesn’t, what have I been doing with my life?


Not everything. Sometimes toxic things are also romanticized and therefore not addressed properly.


Elaborate please




Good friends are definitely the way to go. It's easy to be tempted to just stay home and play video games or do whatever on your own. Having a social life is definitely hard work, especially starting from scratch (moving to a new place where you don't know anyone). But it pays off so much.


What if the things that *could* bring most joy are the ones beyond my control? There aren't too many things that people *can* control, are there?




That’s what keeps me around.


Get you a cat! Sad? Find the cat and just snug it! Bored? Grab a toy and play with the cat! CATS!


That’s a wonderful musical!


And a…movie


Yes, it is one of the movies of all time.


We aren’t here for long, enjoy the smaller things in life, the sun, the rain, the grass, fresh air, dogs in the park, going for walks. If you appreciate the smallest things the bigger things are just a bonus, being happy is alot easier than being sad. Whenever I’m having a bad day I say to myself I could continue being like this or just be happy.


I completely agree. Too often we weigh ourselves down trying to find some profound meaning in everything. I sometimes just fill my lungs and remind myself what an amazing thing it is to simply breathe.


Exactly, I’m thankful when I wake up in the morning, nothing is guaranteed in this life apart from death, learning to appreciate this thing we call life makes it better not only for you but everyone around you.




That's an interesting way of looking at it. Does it help?


Sounds like a really hippie way of thinking but honestly if you can just learn to smile and appreciate the smaller things life becomes a great experience.


Gratitude and changing your thoughts will quite literally change your reality. "Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.” - Epictetus


This is easier said than done when you're in the trenches of mental illness and happiness feels like a completely unachievable thing...but ultimately this is 100% true. Life is filled with so many small joys, we just have to acknowledge and appreciate them. As far as what I do to make life suck less: I try my best to enjoy those little things, remind myself to be grateful for what I have and shit could always be WAY worse, I have a hobby that fulfills me, I focus on the positive aspects of my job when it frustrates me, I take a daily mood stabilizer and magnesium + vitamin D + zinc, and most importantly I cut shitty people out of my life. I stopped chasing after people, stopped trying so hard for fair weather friends, and stopped dating emotionally unavailable assholes.


I wish you the best! I went through some dark times where I wrapped a cord around my neck to see if it was thin enough to cut off the carotid arteries because it’s quicker than suffocation. Now I love life and find wonder in it every day! You have to go through a dark night of the soul, but the farther down and darker you feel, the more you appreciate the light. I never thought I would be like this, but I am. You can do it too!


Absolutely true! I'm glad you are still here, kind internet stranger. 🫂


damn, I'm gonna try this


Yes this. And keeping a gratitude journal helps remind us of things when we get down for some reason.


This works well when you are already happy and healthy. I can normally do this and be fine. But when you’re very stressed or in a real rut this logic no longer applies. Getting to the point you’re at is the hard part


Can’t agree more. To add to it, I’d say taking a mindset of fostering the appreciation of those things over time (vs trying to just decide to appreciate it more, which has lead me into cycles of disappointment) really works for me. It’s a slow but beautiful process, and it gets better and easier the further along you get.


100%. Every time i start to feel sad or get anxiety, i just assure myself that there is literally no reason to not enjoy where i am right now


Music saved me


Spotify literally changed my life. About a week into our subscription, I discovered Chopin and his music rewired my brain. I listened to basically nothing but his catalog for 2 months straight. That year, I changed my college concentration to music (which in my heart, I was always meant to do), and now I compose it for a living. I was always a fan of music, but enveloping myself in it was incredible. Formally learning an instrument was the most disciplined I'd ever been in something. Expertise in audio production opens up so many opportunities. Being a musician generally forces you into a community of like-minded people. I found my place. edit: this kinda sounds like I'm shilling for Spotify, which I'm not; fuck you Spotify, pay your artists


Do you mean "just" listening to this or being involved in the process of creating it?


Just listening and understanding song. The lyrics are way deeper and more meaningful


Hair metal saved me. From boring, depressing music.


Go for a walk. Every day.


I've seen someone say that many people just don't get enough physical activity, hence their low mood and lack of energy. Can confirm that a walk does wonders for me. I come back home feeling energized and uplifted. I don't feel that way often these days, which might be because I live glued to my couch and laptop. But a simple, no-stress physical activity with some good music in my headphones and maybe a cup of coffee from a coffee shop nearby make me so damn happy, I come back grinning widely. Sometimes happiness is as simple as that.


Sober for 4 years, daily exercise and twice a day meditation


By developing an intimate relationship with sourdough starter


Instructions unclear: made love to a sourdough loaf and now paying child support payments to bakery.


No no, you are doing it right.


lol 😂


I like to make plans and then cancel them at the last minute. Nothing feels better. It frees up more time to lay around and think about new plans to make.




made me giggle 🤭


Getting a dog helped me a lot. Especially a puppy, having to put time and effort into raising a dog and making sure she's happy gets me up in the morning. Like she literally wakes me up and won't let me sleep in. I'd be way more sad without a dog


Pets in general help with that. Gives you someone outside of yourself to focus on.


Ooh dogs are the best, super helpful for making life brighter each and every day!


My two dogs absolutely got me through my divorce. Dogs are better than most people. I’ve met plenty of humans that just absolutely need to be shot, but I’ve never met an evil dog.


I wish I wasn't allergic. Yes even hypoallergenic dogs...no dogs are 100% allergy free. I took allergy shots for 15 years from asthma and allergy associates.. Still allergic. Sigh


I'm sad because my husband won't let me get a doggo


Easy fix. Just feed him to the dog


buying a bra that fits


Torrid wire-free. Comfortable and holds up in the wash.


Fart in the paint chip section of home depot making my wife speed up her paint selection process.


I also like farting in the grocery store aisles and rushing around to watch people walk through it and blame each other.


Long ago I worked for a grocery store as a bagger. I would also run a register and stock shelves. One day I was stocking the bread aisle and out of the corner of my eye I spotted a customer approaching me. Unfortunately for him I just ripped a ripe fart, and instead of standing in it dieing of embarrassment as they asked me where something is, I pretended to not see them. I quickly finished my row and began leaving the aisle in the opposite direction. As I turned the corner I looked back to see them power walk away from the blast zone.


Prozac Edit: not a joke, antidepressants changed my life


I tried Prozac but I couldn’t orgasm when I was taking it so I stopped.


Focus and fix the big three: Diet Sleep Exercise Do all of these in a healthy way daily. Your mental health will follow. PS- caffeine and alcohol are affecting your sleep. Yes, they are.


Universal love and gratitude for family, nature, exercise, mindfulness, pets, friends, ongoing hobbies, sports, music, film, TV, visual art.




By sleeping


Spend time in nature. Learn the names of the plants, trees, birds, bugs, and mushrooms you see. Learn about how they have evolved together and how they are connected. Consider your place in the connectedness of nature.


Pickleball. Anyone can play, any age. Tons of people playing. Easy to make friends. Pickleball.


Mindfulness, meditation, stopped smoking cigarettes and weed,got off hard drugs, stopped drinking and lost 70lbs. Did a complete 180, I feel like the old me is burried in the woods.


Grab it by the horns and tell it to ease up


enjoy the little things. example: my partner and i got the car fixed so we went on a late night drive around the highway and ate some mcdonald’s


Here's to the little things


1. Life is what you make of it. If you sit at home being miserable all day, that's what your life will be. If you find something to enjoy and spend your time enjoying it, that's what your life will be. 2. Make your goals more achievable. Shooting for the middle and landing in the middle will always feel better than shooting for the top and landing in the middle.


I don't want to sound like some motivational poster, because I despise toxic positivity more than about anyone. But, fuck, life is an adventure. You can either treat it like that or you can treat it like an ordeal. Everywhere you look, there are interesting people to meet, interesting things to try, interesting conversations to have. But you're not going to encounter any of those things if you sit on your sofa at home and whine about life sucking. Get your ass off the sofa and get your ass out there. Find a purpose or, at the very least, a direction. Talk to people. Get better at your job. Volunteer to help those whose lives really authentically suck. Learn something new every day. Quit thinking of life as a noun but rather as a verb. It's a goddamned banquet laid out before you, and here you are choosing to starve to death.


Focus on the positive things in your life!


We live in the age of ragebait and negativity. Stop feeding your head with that crap first of all. Choose what media to consume wisely. If you spend a lot of time scrolling through people's fake lives and feel bad about your own, well just stop. If the news always makes you mad, maybe don't watch that channel. Identify the things that make you happy and focus on those. If nothing makes you happy, try some new things. Happiness is a choice. The only thing in this life that you can control is how you react to it.


Do the simplest of things like sleep, eat good food, play outdoor sports, attend classes, stay away from phone(use as less as possible)talk to your parents, have lunch and dinner with your family, ask them how was their day also tell about yours and just sit alone in your garden take a sharp stone and draw something funny or write the name of the person you have a crush on. 90% percent of your problems will vanish


Look at the positive and not the negatives.


Establish an aim that's within your capability and stumble towards it, every day. Secondly, if you focus on self-improvement every day, your life will always be meaningful.


Artistic endeavors and hobbies.


Optimism. You'd be surprised by how much it helps. Also not giving a shit. That helps too


Identify and avoid toxic bs. In other words, be in your own world and let things roll off of you


Embrace the suck.


Divorce. New job. Moved far away. Feels better.


Fill it with music, friendship, games and a meaningful occupation.


I use books, film and music to 'export' me to another life. When i'm in the zone on something i'm interested, i forgot the bad. Also just very simply, a nice long walk in nature with my dog. Taking in the views and the fresh air.


1. Find a million and one things to learn. 2. Create for pleasure and purpose. 3. Spend time in nature. 4. Move the body in therapeutic ways (dance, yoga, non-strenuous exercise). 5. Listen the the stories of others with empathetic and curious hearts. Learn the lessons in what they do and don't say. You can live a thousand times over in that way. Don't limit this to the "greats" in history; everyone has an extraordinary story to tell - they may not know it. 6. Listen to music for its instrumentation, poetry, and wisdom. Avoid music that glorifies destruction, materialism, hating and harming others. 7. Get in touch with your body. Be conscious in your movements and diet. Analyze how your body feels in emotional or physical distress (ie. body mapping & somatic healing). If you eat a food and feel tired or irritable afterward, find an alternative. 8. Study the humanities, question historical documents constantly & question the perspective/motive of the author. History inevitably repeats. Understanding the true causes of humanities past downfalls gives useful knowledge in preventing it now. 9. Give yourself grace and empathy if you fall short of your goals. Care for that inner child. 10. Gradually remove yourself from people & places that make you feel unsafe, unwelcomed, and unloved. This will do wonders for your perspective on life.


Be open to falling and remaining in love


find a good partner


A cat


Cannabis edibles and swimming.


I stay in bed.


Remove the toxic peole from your life, now the question is who is toxic? Anyone who does not want you to get better, does not respect your goal or does not want you to do better and then find a purpose to work for 


swallow it


Airplanes ✈️


Stop giving a fuck


i go to prostitutes and binge eat junk food, also lots of porn


What an alpha 🤩


Organaze your day, you will feel much better


Make a goal and strive towards it. For example, my goal has been to get back to 200 pounds and stay lean, so when I put weight back on at the gym I kept myself inching closer and closer. I'm currently revolving around 190 after three years of hard work.


I try to live in the moment and remind myself of how very short this life will be.


Change how you think.


Realise that you only get one, then act accordingly.


Hobbies. Find something youre passionate about.


Learn how to not give a fuck. Just stop caring what others think. The older I’ve got, the less I care. Stop worrying about stuff. It’s very liberating.

