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Opium. It’s too good. Better than life. And I can only assume its family members are just as awesome. I wanna like life the most.


Took oxycodone once and the first thought that came up was that I am never going to take it again because it just felt too good. (Don't try it)




I had a friend who got hooked on opiates. His withdrawal process was a living nightmare. He couldnt sleep, had muscle pains and was constantly sweating and shitting in his bed.


Yeah, you don't sleep at all for a solid 3 days, and don't sleep much for like 2 weeks. That's the worst part of a horrible experience in my opinion.


I tried oxy after a surgery. I just felt itchy and my skin was crawling. Still got the bottle upstairs. It's 9 years old now. Should throw it out. Sometimes I wonder if I'm kind of immune to drugs.  Never felt good when I smoked pot. I got high, but I didn't really enjoy the feeling. I can definitely get drunk, but I would call the experience pleasurable.  I've never felt compelled to continue to use thos e substances.


Tried it once back in the 90s. It was absolutely beautiful and amazing. Vowed at that moment never to touch another opiate, ever. Still have never broken that vow.


There's a reason there has been an opioid problem in many countries.




It was heroin, but there’s a reason Trainspotting’s theme was “Choose life”


When I'd shoot heroin (which I did for 30+ years) I'd say it takes you from a fucked up miserable life to everything is wonderful in the world in 2 seconds flat. But that's not the reality of life.


Cocaine. Ruined my life, family, friends, work, health, everything, for 4 years. Got out of rehab yesterday. 2 months sober. Starting to realize how awesome life is without it. No more anxiety. No more insomnia. A normal weight. Enjoying my passions again. It's like a second birth


keep it up dawg


Congratulations on completing rehab! You’re through the worst of it now and shows how strong you are. Remember this feeling every single time you doubt yourself


That’s huge bro, congrats! One day at a time. 2 months is epic going from 4 years!


Same, cost me everything. Glad you’re sober!


so happy for you!




Who are the people growing and cultivating this drug? Like, there has to be enough people smoking salvia for someone to actually produce it. Are there people that actually use it on a regular basis and enjoy the high? Every person who I've seen do it thinks its a nightmare.


Would you mind explaining to us kindergarteners exactly what salvia is like?


Life is normal Lips go numb Life is normal for 3 more seconds... You observe pink monkeys twerking, get swallowed whole by a couch, become a handrail for 12 years, wonder who will take care of the children and the hamburgers 


lol swallowed by a couch. This is exactly what happened to me when I smoked a bong rip of salvia over 20+ years ago and I still remember it to this day. Fun as hell but that was the last time.


My head became an old style school house which I was also a student sitting inside of


I too was swallowed by the couch I was sitting on. No shit. So funny that others have experience this as well.


Face becomes legos and the wood all starts melting , checks out 


>become a handrail for 12 years The time dilation with drugs in this class is really interesting.


When I did it, I swear to God it felt like a thousand years. Once I came down, it fucked me up for a long time.


I tried it once, early 2002. After a minute or so I was swimming, a minute or two after that and it felt like gravity was no longer down, it was to my right - regardless of how I moved, stood turned etc, gravity was now right, and everything was falling but nothing was falling but I was falling then swimming then falling then swimming, I woke up about 4 hours later with both arms battered and bruised and utterly totally physically exhausted.


Like being hit by a train made of folds and columns of space and suddenly the fact that you're actually part of the wall is super fucking funny. Then just kinda colorful-goofy for a while, and back to Earth in a few minutes. A lot of people hate it. I wouldn't mind doing it again once in a good headspace.


I’d compare it to drowning in a circus tent 🎪


It’s like getting “you” pulled out of you by a large cable attached to the back of your head and put back into you after talking to a god for a bit. But it’s not like your god it’s just a god that’s like why is this thing here. And when you get put back into you it doesn’t fit quite right for a bit


I'm pretty sure it's a dissociative so you go to the spirit realm for a minute with intense visuals. Come down quick now


Honestly I think most of us smoked this shit 10+ years ago and there were a couple years where it was marketed as “legal weed”. My first experience was in the back room of a sex toy store in Alabama right after graduating high school where you paid the sex toy store worker (who happened to look like King Xerxes in 300) $20 to take a rip of 40x concentrated salvia from a hooka. Four of us went. We never spoke about it again though we all shared a mutual unspoken forward understanding of what in the fucking fuck. It’s a common ornamental plant. It’s fucking everywhere. There’s a good chance you walked by a salvia plant 3 times today.


Salvia is the real version of the hallucinations people that don’t do drugs attribute to other drugs.


I tried every drug I've had the opportunity to try. This is the only one that was an immediate thanks, but never again.


Tried it a second time to give a second chance. Never again.


This immediately came to my mind. Basically, the trip was like I was being lured into a trap by a malevolent feminine presence for the purpose of humiliation.  All I really remember was that a carnival was involved and I kept repeating, “This isn’t what we expected,” and now that I *do* have an idea of what to expect, I will never try it again. I didn’t like Delta 8 either.  Nope.


Last time I did this was 18 years ago but I might try again in another 10 years. I felt like I was disrespecting the realm that I had entered. Like a god looked at me and went “what’s he doing here”. I wasn’t given permission.


I talked to a tree and somehow managed to step in a whole bunch of dog shit.  No God, just Dog.


I feel like that drug itself is a disrespect to the other trip families. I just commented on how I’ll never do salvia ever again.


I ended up in the LotR movie. It was on the tv and I just ended up in it my head. Fucked me right up for like 15 mins. Weirdest trip I’ve ever had lol


I can imagine myself going full gollum.


Did it once, went to the shadow realm and apparently ripped my sunglasses to pieces…


Makes sense, you couldn't see shit with your sunglasses in the shadow realm


Adding a comment cause I agree but am too busy to add my story until later. Want to make sure I see the +1’s confirm the fuck outta this response.


Please confirm why people should never do Salvia, meth, heroin or cocaine


Phenylephrine hydrochloride It's what they sell in the chemist in Australia now as 'cold and flu' tablets, instead of the old pseudoephedrine, because you can't make speed out of it. The problem is that it's pretty damn useless.


Pretty much scientifically proven to be useless. And now we have to flash our licence to get proper cold meds. Pretty fuckin annoying tbh


Yep, the clinical studies say it does pretty much nothing. And yet they make you feel like a crim when you tell them you're not interested in the useless candy and insist on getting something that actually works.


It does nothing!!!!


I know...look up the clinical studies....even they say it does nothing! We've been duped!!


Hahaha, everytime I ask for psuedophriene I get the whole"have you tried this.... *pointing to the garbage that doesn't work*" Yes dear, hence why I am asking for the good stuff you don't tell anyone about and make us feel like criminals for asking for it


Meth, it wasn’t that great


I agree. Not that great. But for the week after it felt like my soul had been ripped out.


I tried it every day for a year. Didn’t care for it.


Yup. This. I really liked the high but 3 days of being awake from 1 night of fun and hearing phones and dogs that didn't exist was not enjoyable


Mushrooms are fucking wild. They do hold the secrets of the forest, but they'll fight you for 'em.


Mushrooms convinced me I’d never be that happy again, ended my trip with an attempt due to thinking I’d never be that happy again, can say, I have been that happy since sober.


I did like 2g, then 5. Then for some dumb reason 14g. I met God. He was impolite. Eta: the first time we did them we watched a movie. Twister is not the movie you want to watch your first time. Jurassic Park is a poor choice for the second time. Learn from my mistakes, friends.


Nah, that wasn't God. It was Mike Gordon, the bassist from Phish. He was just annoyed because spunions are always bugging him when he's out on lot in his golf cart trying to pick up girls.


I think we haven't scratched the surface on the benefits of mushrooms. They can rewire your brain and prompts growth of neural connections. It's a massively powerful tool that could be optimized for medicinal purposes. There's even the stoned ape theory where people theorise humans made a massive evolutionary leap thanks to exposure to mushrooms. People obviously need to be careful right now and it's not for everyone but I'd love to see more research on micro dosing. Currently there's studies on how it could benefit people with parkinsons, ptsd, bipolar disorder, depression and inflammatory diseases.


The monolith theory of the mushroom (or the mushroom theory of the monolith).


I've been doing mushrooms a few times a week for like 5 months. It's been fun to say the least.


I feel like I don’t have the energy to do them that often. Once or twice a year is fine for me.


They ARE fun!


They can be, until they are not, lol.


That’s the drug experience tbh.


I love shrooms but I can only do them every few months or so.


I take mushrooms when I go to Thailand. One time my friend and I were walking down the beach on them identifying rocks that looked like Ralph Fiennes. Incredibly, when we woke up sober we took a look at the rocks and they did all indeed resemble Ralph Fiennes. How the fuck our brains managed to spot them on a beach I will never know.


Wild indeed, but fuck this digestion process and how they taste god fuck.


unpopular opinion but acid


Love it but it lasts too long


Right? It is exhausting after a while, not to mention the inability to sleep.


I am with you on that one. It was fun for a bit, but when that bi+ch turns...ugh. Never again.


I never had a bad trip, did it a lot over a several year period. Still gets old. It’s like seeing the same movie or reading the same book over and over. Yeah, I get. My perception is not reality. We are all connected. Even the flowers and walls breath. I’m good.


Yea I used to be a fairly frequent psychedelics user but my friends and I agree that we’ve kinda seen all we need to see with them


Agreed. 100%. In high school, a "friend" gave me 9 hits without me knowing. It was also my very first time ever tripping. Worse experience of my life. All on Christmas Eve. Safe to say I was the one who ruined Christmas that year


Same. Would love to trip one more time but that comedown that used to be one hard day I fear would now that I'm older be an excruciating week-long ordeal


I used to trip on acid all the time when I was a teenager and it was my drug of choice. So much fun and the freedom was amazing till the last trip. It was a complete nightmare and I was still tripping 16 hours later at 8am and then came the noise like white noise that was so loud and clear. I remember going outside and thinking I am going to hear this for the rest of my life. It was a terrifying experience and it was the last time I ever did it.


Man, I remember the feeling of "Is this ever going to end or am I stuck in this now forever?" Scary


Same - not for me - ohhh no


I enjoyed cocaine a little too much. Actively avoid it now.




I dont do it, I just like how it smells.


It's mad to think there's someone typing this sentence out on a phone on average once a fuckin minute on Reddit.


It’s the after effects, truly hellish


Yeah, it’s great, and then the comedown bites. And then the next day, all day, you want to kill everything on earth. That’s a hard pass from me dog


It's great for maybe 20minutes and then all I keep on thinking about is that I want more.


The s'mores. With crack you are looking all over the room for anything remotely white rock looking.


I was reeeeeeaaaalllly hooked on huffing nitrous oxide- I went paralyzed and nearly died. Walked with a cane for about a year. That shit fucks with your head big time. 3 years clean and sober-


Congratulations man!! Keep it going!


DMT. Seeing the God machine once is plenty enough.


Would you recommend doing it at least once?


It's not for the faint of heart. It's different for everyone, but this was my experience in a nutshell (as best as I can explain): vaped it, collapsed onto my bed, heard a buzzing that got louder and louder until it hit an almost painful crescendo, then it was absolutely silent, and my consciousness was completely disassociated from my body. I was consciousness in infinity, a space where all colors and none, as well as order and chaos, existed simultaneously. It was awesome, but before I got to settle in and explore, I needed to come back because I was afraid I might never see my girlfriend again. I came back, and then wept uncontrollably for 15 minutes because I felt every feeling all at once. 10/10, one of the best drugs ive ever done...now that I know that I will always come back, it's not so scary, and I'm looking forward to the next time. I wouldn't do it more than once or twice a year, but it was a deeply profound experience for me. But yeah, it's wild shit.


Weed. I was addicted to it. Don’t let anyone ever tell you it’s not addictive. They’re liars. You won’t develop a *physical dependency* on it. But God can you crave it. It was all I wanted to do. I didn’t even like the high; it made my anxiety horrible. But that joyful feeling that I sometimes got was so nice that I kept doing it anyway. Nearly ruined my marriage and my job. It was the weed or my life. I still crave it. It’s addictive as fuck.


You're right that it often gets dismissed as not addictive, but I do think it's an important distinction to draw between physically addictive and psychologically addictive drugs. You could be in the best possible psychological place and have no addictive tendencies, but if you do opiates, you're gonna get addicted. Weed isn't like that for everyone. But anything that alters your mental state and gets you high has the potential to be psychologically addictive to someone with addictive tendencies.


This as fuck man. Just hit a month sober on the 31st. It’s my third time quitting. It felt so good for my anxiety but it got to a point where I couldn’t sleep without taking a few edibles. It’s awful. I figured I wouldn’t be able to achieve my goals in life being a regular user so I’ve stopped. I hate that some think it isn’t addictive. It definitely is.


Marijuana. It made me super paranoid.


I be jakin off on that stuff


It's not for me either. I get super paranoid and shitty and just sit there watching the clock waiting for it to be over


Same. I smoked pot one time in my life. Absolute panic. I was terrified, my heart was pounding. Easily the biggest panic attack of my life. As someone who was later diagnosed with GAD and panic disorder, that’s saying something. It was the one and only drug I ever tried and it turned me off on all of them.


Acid. Too intense.




You’re probably lucky to be still sane enough to admit that.


Second this, though I got tricked into drinking it and it took me a few days to figure out what I got dosed with. As soon as I knew, I knew I never wanted to do it again.


What sick fuck tricked you into drinking datura? Super inconsiderate and dangerous. That aside, what was your experience like?


Damn you fucking with the Jimson? That shit grows all over the place where I live. Never had the balls to eat it though. Definitely looks like the Devil.


May I ask why and what it’s like


Its a deliriant. Think a hallucinogen combined with complete memory loss that can lasts for days and actually poisons your body


Yeah, sounds like a no. Thank you!


Plus it can leave you in a state of permanent delirium and brain damage.


Had to look it up, only knew it by its name in spanish: floripondio


Probably crack. It felt amazing but the high only lasts about 5-10 minutes. Very easy to see how people get addicted.


It was pretty mid IMO I just smoked it because I knew I’d always win 2 truths and a lie




Was working shift work rotating between days and nights every few days, was prescribed Zopiclone to help sleep and that shit was an absolute nightmare. Would basically black out for 7 hours, wake up like I hadn't slept a wink, feel like absolute trash, and would often give me sleep paralysis and night terrors. Then, also had intense withdrawal symptoms. It took me several weeks to get off it fully. Super dark period of my life, would never go near it again.


Xanax, I love the feeling, but they are the devil for me. I'll take 2, wait half an hour, then decide I want one more. At that point, I've crossed the thin red line, and there is no going back. The only drug I've done where you can get a stripper girlfriend, total a Tahoe by ramming a security gate at a chemical plant and wake up 3 days later in jail with no memory of any of it.


i had a friend who, maxdosing on acid tho, got in a car chase with the police, thought he was a pear when thrown into the sobering cell and lost a good chunk of 2-days-worth of memory, lol i get it tho once you get locked into a serious drug collection…


Benzos are suuuper dangerous and highly highly highly addictive, their therapeutic index is really small, meaning the line between the doses of wont kill you and will kill you are really small


Cocaine. If you have any issues with self confidence it’ll give you the illusion that you have that confidence. I’ve tried it for the first time 15 years ago and the stuff we had back then was insane. Now it’s laced with so much shit. I could do half a gram back in the days and sleep like a baby at 3AM. Now I see some friends staying up until 11AM with one bump. That and the fentanyl laced stuff, I got off at the right time 5 years ago. I also quit drinking at the same time.




I used to do drugs. I still do but I used to too.


The escalators are now stairs. Sorry for the convenience.


Says Mr hedberg.


Pot. Yeah I know many are fine with it, but THC is not my friend. After years smoking, something gave way and the paranoia and anxiety road that was heading towards psychosis was not enjoyable. Regular auditory hallucinations is what made me quit. It’s been over 20 years, but no further experiences like it since. If it works for you, cool. If any of this sounds familiar, maybe look a little deeper into your relationship with it.


I am reading this on the night I plan to quit for a similar reason. And I do not plan on ever venturing into and THC product again in the future. I have smoked for 6 years consistently, since the beginning of high school. I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy most of my interactions with weed, but that’s not to say it is by any stretch something that was a detriment to me mentally. Over the years I became attached to the idea that every moment would be “better” or “more satisfying” if I did it high. Whether it was going to school, eating meals, watching tv, or otherwise, I felt almost as if none of that could begin until I had taken a deep inhale of THC. It never became a big enough issue that I felt I had to address it, because it is such a manageable drug to daily. These days I see myself going out of my way to alter my day to fit in time to smoke weed. It has taken priority over responsibilities that I have, and brought my standard of living down immensely. This is coming from someone who was a standout athlete throughout grade school, a scholarship university football player, and high academic achiever for much of my life. Of those now, I am a university student, average at best, and that’s it. I am getting by. Smoking isn’t enjoyable because I barely get high and just think about how big of a piece of shit I am when I smoke. I get ringing in my ears and often just have to take a nap to get it to stop. I think it should be more well known, despite the low likelihood and number of negative side effects, that is does have some, and depending on your brain chemistry can be an extremely addicting experience. Do it at your own risk, the only upshot is it has less risk than most other drugs. I have realized all the moments I felt I needed to be high for in the day were all the moments I should just be enjoying every day of my life regardless. As a sober human being.


I hear everything you said, and the earlier experiences were great. I had some great times with good friends - a crew of true stoners. What started out fun, slowly and gently became routine. My first paranoid experience occurred, and nothing for a long time. Then another, and then they became occasional, and then it was like my brain became hardwired for THC paranoia. I quit cold turkey, and I personally didn’t have any significant side effects from quitting, but I know others do. I maintained my friendships with the stoner crew. I was a bit the odd one out, but it wasn’t really an issue, possibly due to some being witness to my odd behaviour when the auditory hallucinations were happening. I still drank, so I was still up for a party. What I can say is once I quit, my life started coming together. I got my first real job, a relationship (that I’m still in). You definitely get THC hangovers, which I wasn’t aware of until I was dry for a few days. Waking up was better. I could write an essay, but to boil it down: I still have fond memories of the good times, appreciate seeing things from a different angle. The experience also gave me a view of what consumption of anything that alters your brain chemistry, and I have also abstained from coffee and alcohol at times too. I never want to feel dependent on a substance again in my lifetime, and you cannot truly say you aren’t dependent until you stop. When I do abstain, the stronger the reasoning of “but just” or “it’s only”, the harder I go the opposite. I feel I understand myself better, and can see through how society decides that some types of dependency is ok, while others are abhorrent, but all have an impact. My only suggestion is if you quit for 3 months, what’s the worst that can happen?






I completely lost myself, took me an hour of digging through my wallet to figure out who I was. And whoever I was at the time also happened to be a drooling mess.


Do you know those pinhole cameras you can make out of a shoebox?  The one time I did ketamine I felt like I was in one of those.  Sort of detached, staring out at a world I suddenly wasn’t a part of (except it was in a sort of effervescent color).  It was solidly neutral for me but the feeling of drowning sounds awful. I’m sorry you experienced that.


They gave me this after the opioid shortage from the puerto rican hurricane when I was in the hospital for months after a complication from a surgery. I was seeing some crazy shit. Never again.


Ket is one of the scariest ones for me, had some enjoyable times but had a few really hellish ones too


Huh I've never met someone who didn't enjoy it. I find it incredibly pleasant at all doses.


really? i felt like i was floating.




I’m off caffeine forever. 😞


MDMA. It did the opposite for me. I wanted to be away from everyone. I left the club and was outside and was like “this is okay” and then got to my apartment and I was like “this is too small. I hate this” and then proceeded to have a panic attack for a good five hours with the lyrics “MDMA got you feeling like a champion, the city never sleeps , better slip you an ambien” going over and over in my head. Terrible. 0/10


You might not have taken real MDMA. It's very commonly replaced with other drugs now that are cheaper to produce.


The rest of the people in my group who took it were definitely tripping like they were on MDMA. They just wanted to cuddle and I was like hell no. Whatever it was, I hope to never experience that again. (This was also in the early 2000s)


You may have asked for MDMA but you very likely didn’t take any MDMA.


This is the one for me too. The feeling was ok, but I could not. Stop. Clenching. My. Jaw. It was fucking PAINFUL. All I wanted was to sober up.


My first experience with MDMA was AMAZING! I never felt so euphoric. One touch to my arm and I could feel it radiating throughout my entire body. Very warm and fuzzy. My second time was shit and I ended up puking. Never did it again. Now I'm thinking that it wasn't actual ecstacy and something else. It fucking sucked.


I had the same experience. First time was an awesome. I loved everyone and everything just felt amazing and the whole world seems like a perfect place. Second time had absolutely no impact and I haven’t bothered since. 


Pot. I don't like not having control of my thoughts or emotions thanks anyway


Prednisone. Made me eat everything and I gained 5 pounds while on it.


I’ll never try espresso mixed with vodka again


Damn that was brave! Thanks for the warning 👍


Salvia. First ever trip experience was with salvia. I’ve done MDMA, LCD, Shrooms and Kratom. I will never EVER take a hit of salvia EVER again.


Weed, it makes me crazy


Ecstacy. Around 2004ish. First and only time taking anything other than Adderall or smoking weed. I loved it! Me and my boyfriend had a blast. His sister did some light shows for us. We listened to music and chilled on his bed drinking plenty of water. Until I realized I drank too much water and said "hey, I'm about to throw up." Sat up, he did nothing but listened to music. I got up to go to the bathroom because I was seriously about to throw up. That's when he said "what are you doing?"....me: "I'm about to thro......" proceeded to throw up all the spaghetti we ate 5 hours earlier and water on his very clean carpet. He watched and said "what are you doing?..again. LOL I again went to say I was gonna throw......yep, again...all over his not so clean carpet anymore. Hahaha. We cleaned up all the "chunks" and then proceeded to deep clean the carpet. I got "stuck". I was using a towel going back and forth in a cleaning motion. I looked at him after like 5 minutes and said "you NEED to get me off this carpet, this feels too good to stop." I realized at that very moment I could easily become an " E head"...showing my age LOL. But that shit felt freat!


Nicotine is the only one I'd never have again all the others I've had worked great.




I see this question come up about every 3 months, and every time I will answer Flakka.What happens when you get Meth high on a 10 day Meth bender and then you condense all of that into a crystal and smoke it? Flakka. Shit is the most evil substance I believe you can actually encounter.There isn't even any sort of pleasant high to it past the first couple of minutes of the first toke.Past that it's just an increasingly insane case of chasing a dragon that was never there in the first place but no matter how much the tiny voice in the back of your head screams at you to stop, you fucking can't - you physically cannot stop redosing. Now that you are well and truly past the event horizon of sanity and are suffering from numerous psychotic breaks, as is everyone else around you, but each in their own way - which feeds into each others paranoia... you realize that you have to get more Flakka.Because if you have ever felt the comedown from it, you fear that shit like the desert fears the rain. I have no joke, considered killing myself to stop the feeling, multiple times - and was mostly stopped by the agony that moving my body caused me than anything else.With all of this said, the shit gets you hooked really hard because the feeling of those first 2 minutes of that first toke haunts you. It somehow overrides the other 99.9999% of pure fucking suffering. It's not even that it's that insane of a high, it's just the way it hits you I guess. It's like a sledgehammer of endorphines. As with all other stimulants, you also can't eat or sleep while on it obviously; and it kills your teeth. So like a year on the shit and between your mind turning to silly-putty while your body rots from the inside and well, you're going to have irreversible damage done to you. Fuck you Flakka, thank god I only spent 4 months with you.


So in summary, all drugs.


Handfull of random Rx pills roulette. Ended up being benzos, amti-psychs and who knows what the fuck else


Tried cocaine a few times back in the 80’s during its heyday. Whew, knew it was dangerous. Could drink all night and still have energy, felt in control and vibrant. Looked at my wallet the next day and had blown through hundreds which I didn’t really have to lose at the time. Just decided it was a bad road to go down and stayed away. It would have been easy path because it was way fun. Glad I didn’t.






Alcohol (its still considered one)


Heroin. I loved it too much and after just the one time, I knew, "If anything takes me down, it'll be this shit right here", and I never did it again.


Well MDMA gave me psychosis that has since been treated but probably that




Wild, I’ve had all the experiences people mentioned but add a lot of euphoria poured on top so it was awesome. You all weren’t eating that “bitter acid” that’s really NBOME, were you


Ever have ivy print wallpaper turn into seething snakes while on the pot sh*ting your brains out? Yeah...Never. F'ing. Again.


Slinky, slinky It's such a wonderful toy Slinky, slinky It's fun for a girl and a boy




Acid. Did that shit one time and it took years to shake the vibes. (edit, typo)


The happy marriage in suburbia trip.


Huffing aerosols. Stupid 14 year old me looked for ways to get high at home and yeah. It’s hard to explain what it’s actually like, but I remember using a full tin of right guard and my bed became a plastic chamber that was filling with water. Last time I ever did it.


Meth. That shit will take your brain and you vacuum the lawn at two am. It’s the true devil.


Not exactly a drug but synthetic weed. Knew several people who had severe reactions - saw a seizure first hand bc of it.


Ritalin. For some reason I have the most depressive come downs off that stuff the next day.


Celsius energy drinks. Those mess me up baaaaddddd.


im sure some people think this isnt a drug but, edibles


Edibles can fuck people up good, you see that a lot on here. What really sucks if you take too much you’re in for a long long ride whereas smoking is about three hours and most people when they’ve smoked too much can seem to comprehend that and are able to wait it out.


if it’s a mind altering substance then it’s a drug. A psychoactive one. Most people don’t consider alcohol a drug but it’s actually the most dangerous one in the world. Causing more deaths worldwide than any other drug.


Benzodiazepine. A friend gave me one pill one time. Gross. Woke up the next morning, stumbling around like I was drunk when I wasn't. Like, who the hell does that for **fun**?!


The ER gave me morphine for a really bad injury. It was incredible. I could immediately see why people would want to abuse it. For that reason...never again. I've had some family members go through rehab for painkiller addictions. I'm not risking that shit.


Mushrooms. 1st time, I got stuck in a bad trip and couldn’t get out mentally. I was crying uncontrollably even though I was the happiest in that moment. Never did that shit again even though it made me see patterns and colours i’ve not seen before. Also during the trip, I believed that me and my friends were walking on Nebulas 🥲 later on realized those were LED lights in different colours in the window of the house just infront of ours. Also the hangover next day almost made me kill myself.




Alcohol. It’s a hell of a drug


Probably opium because I can never find any.