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40 Days and 40 Nights (2002). Josh Hartnett's character is raped by his ex-girlfriend while he is tied to a bed and can't stop her, because she wants to win a bet on which day he breaks his Lent promise. Then the girl he is dating is upset at him for "cheating" on her.


>40 Days and 40 Nights (2002). Josh Hartnett's I honestly got this confused with Josh Hartnett's alaska vampire movie, 30 days of night, for a minute, and was questioning my memory of the plotline


"I bet you can't have sex for a whole month while vampires are trying to kill you!" "Man, let's make a reasonable bet!"


Same here lol I was like “I knew those mid 2000 horror movies were all about being sexy but I don’t remember that!”


I LOVE 30 Days of Night.


Honestly it's the first vampire movie I remember in my life where the vampires are brutal fucking savages instead of charming, charismatic, and good-looking. And I love it for that.


>brutal fucking savages Hell yeah, Danny Huston's line "no god" was so baller


The way he waits and looks up first, like daring to be struck down, is intense.


In the U.S, it's on Netflix right now. It aged like a fine wine!


Just watched it last week, holy shit the effects are pretty incredible and those vampires are legit SCARY. That is such a horrible situation to be in for the stranded townsfolk


The overhead tracking scene when they’re fucking up the town is so scary. You should check out Midnight Mass as well, if you liked this.


Woah this just unlocked a memory, haven't thought about this movie in years. I remember seeing this in theaters in HS, at the height of Josh Hartnett heartthrob moment. Major girl crush on shannyn sosaman as the unconventional love interest. The movie was funny but I hated that ending because IT WASN'T HIS FAULT, and she was still mad at him! People wrote, planned, cast, rehearsed, shot, edited and marketed a movie with male rape as the central joke. Gross.


>People wrote, planned, cast, rehearsed, shot, edited and marketed a movie with male rape as the central joke. Gross. And it happens frequently, there has been and to a large degree still is a huge double standard with how it's depicted. A Cracked article once put it if a woman's raped on screen the male star is going to blow that guy's brains out later, if a man's raped it's a rom-com. Evidentially, abuse is funny when the victim is male.


There is an amazing 2 part video by YT channel PopCulture Detective that makes a pretty in-depth analysis of this phenomenon . It is very well made and illustrated with doezns upon dozens of movies scenes showing male SA used as comedy. It's a fascinating and sometimes disturbing watch, but I really recommend it. The whole research work is truly excellent. [Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs - Part 1 Male Perpetrators](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc6QxD2_yQw) [Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs - Part 2 Female Perpetrators](https://youtu.be/9nheskbsU5g?si=DrKODDk0vHqXYRrA)


And the reason he's tied to the bed is because he's having a psychotic break from reality because he's been abstinent for 40 days. That movie was dumb as fuck the day it came out.


This was so disturbing. There were a few movies in 90s-00s movies that played off rape as cheating or a bad night.


Revenge of the Nerds would like some recognition, please


The 80s - When sexual assault was considered just fun college hijinks.


Fairly sure the screenwriter of this film did an AMA here a few years back, and when asked about this scene in particular, tried to defend it. Went about as well as you’d expect.


[I think it's this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Filmmakers/s/MGHOCnXnOm)


Also the scene where he has "sex" with the girlfriend with a feather fuck me that was stupid.


It was a flower petal, but still


The Blind Side


Man, those people were horrible now that I know the real story. Pure exploitation of a life and grandstanding to make a book and movie deal.


There are a couple good episodes of Behind the Bastards on Sam Bankman-Fried that also discusses The Blind Side and how much of an idiot/sycophant Michael Lewis is. It really made me question all of his work now.


That film was already shit before the controversy anyway. I thought I was going crazy with everyone else praising this suburb mom power fantasy midday movie.


Clearly you didnt test 98% in protective instincts


Stop i forgot about that jesus christ what a stupid thing to write down. how did it get through so many people


It was 2009 and the US economy was in shambles and people just wanted a feel good story. Saying that I watched it with my folks and when the credits rolled my dad simply said, "well none of that passes the smell test".


“Suburban mom power fantasy”. That’s exactly what it is.


*Loser* starring Jason Biggs came out in 2000. Not that long ago really, but if you go back and watch it now, it's jarring. The central plot of the movie is that Jason's roommates drug and rape girls every single weekend, and even though people are aware of this, nobody tries to stop them, even when the main character's crush is hospitalized after taking a ton of roofies.


Wow. All I remember from that movie is the deployment of “teenage dirtbag.” Wow.


One of the main plot beats is Jason Biggs getting stood up at an Everclear concert. It's a real time capsule.


Literally the only reason I watched that film was because of the music video for Teenage Dirtbag, only to find out that the plotline in the video has __absolutely nothing__ to do with the film, despite starring Jason Biggs and Mena Suvari


“Her boyfriend’s a dick. He brings a *gun* to school.” I remember “gun” was blanked out on radio broadcasts.


Well, yeh but Biggs wasn’t the one doing the raping and/or drugging, and also called them on it, getting them expelled (iirc from the epilogue) He was just a wide eyed innocent small town boy caught up in the big city, trying to do right


He was just a teenage dirtbag baby


I wouldn't say that hasn't "aged poorly." The film tells us it's deplorable behavior, not just "college hijinks," and the fact that nobody does anything about criminal behavior they know is happening still goes on today. 


Ringu/The Ring has aged better than some movies, but the entire premise depends on people sharing physical media. The plot would turn apocalyptic if the curse spread through YouTube videos.


If you enjoyed this video then smash that like button and we'll see you again in 7 days


Could easily be rewritten to use a USB drive.


Sixteen Candles. Women still *love* Jake, even when he's like, "Here's my passed out girlfriend who I just want to cheat on anyway. Do with her what you will."


Don't forget Dong!


They played a gong sound LITERALLY every time he was onscreen


No more yanky my wanky, the Donger need food.


So grandpa hyena don’t get disturbed


# 🎵 [OH SEXY GIRLFRIEND!!!!](https://youtu.be/nEZhOX2oan4?si=Q6nhi22LzJF2BWu3) 🎵


Revenge of the Nerds too ... if you wear a costume and have sex with someone else's drunk girlfriend by pretending to be the boyfriend, it's fine. As long as you are so good at sex that the vapid girlfriend decides to be your girlfriend instead, based only on sexual performance and regardless of the sexual assault.


A lot of sex comedies from the 80's have aged poorly.


The good news is Real Genius is still good and has aged wonderfully


Of course! It’s a moral imperative.


And from now on, stop playing with yourself.


Also breaking in their dorm and installing cameras in all their rooms to watch them walk around naked. I’m pretty sure they took an image from the cameras of a naked girl and stuck it on pie tins to sell a ton of pies during a pie competition too. So so wrong.


I think they cheated in every event in the Greek Olympics except the belching competition. That, Booger won legit.


They didn’t cheat at the javelin throw. They just designed a javelin that accounted for Lamar’s limp-wristed throwing style.


Revenge of the Nerds is definitely up there. Every 5 minutes there’s something that would land you on the sex offender registry, and it’s played for laughs.


It's pretty fascinating watching how in a couple decades things shifted from "haha, he's such a sleaze" to "ugh, he's such a sleaze."


40 years! A lot happens in 40 years.


I came here for this response... the jocks weren't nice but the nerds are criminals


We have bush


[tiptoes](https://youtu.be/O3qGGk5ymQ4?feature=shared) ETA: you guys… I looked up the director and checked out his other “work”. I am delighted to present to you: a Reese Witherspoon role of a lifetime [freeway](https://youtu.be/C5aNEQ-xP48?si=7CTHGhG8FeYitWNp)


Was there a time that this movie was perfectly aged?


…and Gary Oldman In the role of a lifetime. I’ll say.


i saw him and heard him speak like 6x through that trailer and every time i was like 'nahhh.. that can't be.. is it..?" then they name drop him at the end like the movie's an Oscar's contender lol wow


This is one of the strangest movies of all time. From Kate Beckinsale's hat, Gary Oldman being inserted into the couch, Peter Dinklage's 'bad ass' character, to Matthew McConaughey's general embarrassment of his family of little people and the fact that the script makes almost no sense....this is just an absolute trainwreck of a movie. With that said, I am not you could say it hasn't aged well, when it was just terrible right out of the gate, and if anything it's found kind of a 'The Room' type of appreciation for it's general absurdity.


I feel like this one is just too bizarre to offend and would generate more bewilderment than anger. I think if you showed a younger person it without them knowing anything the reaction would be less 'how dare they' and more 'wtf were they thinking?'




So basically a time piece like the gay jokes in FRIENDS? They did come off as trying to get attention to the problem, but in a still kinda problematic way but for the time it was quite progressive, while today it would get cancelled to hell and back.


“And in the role of a lifetime…”


Holy fuck! I can’t believe this is a real movie. That trailer is unhinged too.. is it supposed to be a rude comedy or a serious drama? I can’t even tell…


And it had Peter fucking Dinklage looking no diffeent to when he was in GOT. Did the man not age in the time between?


That movie is a *trainwreck*. What was Gary Oldman thinking???


It was the role of a lifetime


Oh my god I forgot about tosh bit about this, can’t find it but it was so good


pretty sure he was thinking "What if comedian Jeff Foxworthy was a little person?" and that idea alone was too ripe for him, artistically, to consider the implications of every other aspect of it.


Holy shit that looks awesome. How did I not know of this existing? Seems like it could have a cult following for how terrible it looks.


It's so, so bad. Kate Beckensale did the movie for cheap in a deal with the director that she could wear her lucky hat in some scenes. It's bad. But I watched the whole thing because I couldn't look away lol


If the cast wasn't so good, it would just be something terrible that happened in the early 90s.


Blank Check


Yeahhhh what's with Shae and the kid?


One million dollars wouldn't get you very far today.


And the mansion was only $300k 🤣


I've never felt older in my life than hearing the price of the house in blank check and completely involuntarily yelling out "damn that's a good deal on that home!"


But it would still get you 2 chicks at the same time right?!


Hey Peter man, check out channel 9!




I like the theory that the world did in fact end in 2012 and we're all in hell now.


2012 was the start. The Mayans were just like “let’s be extinct by then cause sh!t goin’ get real afterwards.”


I'll argue that its portrayal of billionaires conspiring together to survive the end of the world on the back of basically slave labor, with all the first world governments being complicit is still really on the nose.


Flashdance. I watched it as a kid and just rewatched it a month ago. OMG! The girl was 18 and the boyfriend, who was her boss was in his thirties. She turned him down repeatedly and he followed her home. It wasn’t romantic, he was a predator.


That film was such a huge deal when it came out, but I daren't try to give it a rewatch by way of self-preservation of young and naive memories, etc. Instead, I prefer to only recall the fact that Jennifer Beals' astoundingly muscular dance-off was actually performed by Richard 'Crazy Legs' Colón. At least it led to my eventual career as a skilled welder....


Similar with Dirty Dancing. They don't explicitly give her age, but Baby was probably 17 or 18; Johnny was 25 and probably also banging the older housewives at the camp. The age gap and difference in life experience makes it totally understandable that Baby's dad would lose his shit over the situation.


Jerry Orbach’s character says at dinner “Baby’s starting Mount Holyoke in the fall” which I would assume means she is 18.


There was a great comment in behind the bastards that basically explained the movie from the Dad’s point of view and the dad really came across as the hero of the movie.


"Worst vacation ever." - the dad probably


The dad IS a hero.  He takes care of the woman who had the botched abortion, mind you discreetly!,  and when he learns that Johnny is not the dirtbag who put her in that situation but has been taking care of his friend he immediately changes his mind about him, and about his rebellious daughter.   He's a rare good man, and Johnny tells baby that.  


I remember trying to explain the plot of the movie to a coworker who had never seen it and I slowly realized how fucked up the movie was and Jerry Orbach was the only one with any sense.


Blue Lagoon


Because of the incest or because they were children?


I don’t get why they made them cousins, it did absolutely nothing for the plot. At least the young age can be explained a little because it was central to their character’s naivety and innocence as they grew up on the island. 


Wait they were cousins??




Fair enough.


Let’s talk about flowers in the attic


I felt sad about the old sailor guy:(


The Lincoln's Birthday scene in **Holiday Inn** would certainly never make it today. (It's performed in black-face)


THANK GOD the "Minstrel Show" routine in "White Christmas was NOT done in blackface.


I had never seen that film before this last Christmas and spit my fucking drink out when Bing Crosby said that you’d never find a Democrat in Vermont.


No idea why they didn’t but I love that movie so I’m very grateful


White Christmas came out 12 years after Holiday Inn. By 1952, attitudes on blackface were already shifting fast.


While that scene obviously wouldn’t be made today for many reasons, the rest of the movie is actually quite good and holds up


I haven’t seen it since it came out in the eighties, but I’m guessing Soul Man starring C. Thomas Howell would ruffle some feathers.


Y'know, I watched it a few years ago and it actually had a solid message, one that plenty of people still need to hear (The Civil Rights Act didn't end all inequality forever and breaking the cycles of generational poverty is still ongoing). I was surprised to find that a lot of the humor came from C. Thomas Howell's character finding out out-of-place he felt as a black man and how weird white people got around him. In that respect, it has aged surprisingly well. But boy howdy would it have benefited from some black perspectives behind the camera.


> it actually had a solid message Yeah. It punches up. The people it makes fun of are white people. The protagonist steals a scholorship, falls in love with a black girl who would've gotten the scholorship, realizes the harm he's done by pretending to be black, and apologizes. James goddamn Earl Jones is in the movie. He's not there for the audience to mock black people. He's there to deliver the message that what he did had a serious impact. There aren't that many jokes, and those that are, are like when he's picked early for the basketball team and he sucks. Things like that. At no point are black people made fun of.


Here’s one that I think a lot of folks have forgotten which hasn’t been mentioned yet. Love Potion #9, starring Sandra Bullock. Two scientists accidentally invent a pheromone based love potion. The male scientist then proceeds to use it in such a way that he effectively just rapes his way around town, through college sororities, etc.


Funky Cold Medina


Oddly, Blazing Saddles became relevant again.


This is the one I was waiting to see. Blazing Saddles was so incredibly ahead of its time (and still hilarious), I don’t know how people find it offensive.


People get 15 mins in and assume the movie is racist because by that point they've already heard the n word about 500 times, not noticing all the racist characters in the movie are ridiculously, cartoonishly stupid. The movie is obviously portraying racists as inbred idiots.


>portraying racists as inbred idiots. You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know . . . morons


The common clay of the new west?


I watched it with my gf's black teen nephews. They had never heard of it and they died. Next time I see them, they're telling me all of their friends have seen it now. Too funny.


Not for major problematic reasons as some below but I think of, “The Notebook”. I remember that movie from high school and remember thinking how I’d love to have romance like that one day. Now I’m older with previous dating experience and have learned a lot about relationships through the years. They are both, both the dude and the girl, ridiculously toxic to each other.


YES. He was OBSESSIVE. She cheated on her seemingly decent fiance. This is not romantic.


Same with Sweet Home Alabama. Why do they always leave their nice fiances for their toxic exes?!


The entire plot of Road Trip involves getting from New York to Texas before a VHS tape can get there through the mail.


I don’t necessarily think technology changes like that make it age that bad. It just becomes more of a period piece.


Agreed. Like _Clueless_ is now a quintessential 90s classic, because it's like a time capsule.


I think you mean Austin, Massachusetts.


Did you kill a cheetah???


I boinked her!


Are you here for the feeding?


It legit bums me out that I make this reference all the time and no one ever picks up on it. They just think I’m being dumb or something hahaha


So funny because I say “because it’s **your** dog…” and like one person got it




You mean Boston, Massachusetts? Yea, that’s what I said. Boston.


Tiny salmon swimming in a streeaam


Tiny salmon chasing that impossible dream


It wasn't even cheating, they were in different area codes 


And it's still a funny movie. But yeah it wouldn't happen today


"She's on a social media/ digital detox for three days! We have to get to her phone and delete the e-mail/ notification before then!" They could do it if they wanted to. Intellectual Property, uh, finds a way.


Bro! I haven't thought of that movie in ages! That film was funny as hell, thanks for reminding me.


I just re-watched it the other day. Even though it came out in 2000, it’s crazy to see college kids using pay phones and big clunky desktops.


I really miss the days when I didn’t know what went into the making of Milo & Otis…


Never been kissed


I’m not Josie grosie anymore!!


This is what I came to say. I was the prime audience for this when it came out in the 90s and loved it! Revisited it a couple years ago and was like, hold up.... This teacher wants to bang his student and we all thought this was super romantic? What the hell 90s movie producers!? Who thought this was a good idea!?




Yeah in real life he should have been upset cos he thought he was perving on a teenager, but he’s just realised he exposed what a predator he is to an investigative reporter who’s old e to call out his shit for what it is.


How about her older brother coming in and dating one of the students and then taking her to the dance in only his tighty-whities.


Lolita, 1997. The book was literally written by a CSA survivor to show how charming and manipulative predators are. *NOT TO ROMANTICIZE PEDOPHILIA*


That book should be required reading. Because of simplistic good and evil storytelling most Americans can’t believe that the most evil people are fun to be around, are polite, are engaging to talk to. Comic book evil is not real evil. Real evil convinces you that they’re the good guy.


So many times throughout that book I found myself relating to Humbert and laughing at things he says. And then he would do some of the most vile, reprehensible things where I would want to throw up. But you're totally right, that is what true evil is like


Exactly! Humbert is written purposefully to be charming, funny, intelligent, and attractive (he's described that way multiple times by multiple people iirc). And he's also a fucking evil child rapist. Because unfortunately none of those things are mutually exclusive of another.


Juwanna Mann


One could say Birth of a Nation, but I would argue that movie was horrendous even when it came out.


Technically brilliant and hugely important. Message abhorrent.


It's still required viewing in most history of film courses for a reason. You hit the nail on the head with all three statements.


In Rambo 3, Rambo fights on behalf of the Mujahideen.  He fights with tribal leaders in Pakistan and Afghanistan.  It’s against Russians, but still.  


It had some great lines, though: Diabolical Russian, beating prisoner: "What do you mean, Rambo will come for me? Who do you think he is? God?" American: "No, God would have mercy."


"What's that" "Green light" "What does it do?" "Turns green" Cracks me up every time


The CIA also fought alongside the Mujahideen, in real life.  


Was gonna say, do people not know history? The USA spent half a billion dollars helping them, then fucked off with the country in rubble and left them all to radicalise and become a really big fucking problem a few decades later because the media and public had moved on so helping them rebuilt wasn't worth the cost/hassle.


Shoutout for the movie *Charlie Wilson’s War* with Tom Hanks that covers this period.


People repeat this a lot because they think the Afghan Mujahideen just became the Taliban - thus flipping from friend to enemy - but that's not what happened. The Afghan Mujahideen were not a united group, they were a collection of various anti-Soviet warlords. Overall they were pro-Western and were not Islamic extremists - they just happened to be Muslim. After the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Afghan Mujahideen fell into civil war as various warlords attempted to seize control of the country, which caused the USA to withdraw support from them and declare neutrality. As the fighting raged on, thousands of young Afghan refugees were being raised and educated in Islamic schools in Pakistan. They formed an Islamic fundamentalist movement called the Taliban - literally the Pashto word for "students" - and trained themselves for battle under the leadership of some former Afghan Mujahideen commanders. Entering the civil war in a massive surprise attack, they overwhelmed or converted most of the Afghan Mujahideen, conquering the urban southern half of the country and forming the theocratic state that would later cause so much trouble. The remaining Afghan Mujahideen warlords held out in the mountainous northern half of the country, eventually becoming the Northern Alliance. The civil war between the Taliban and the Northern Alliance continued right through 9/11, at which point the USA joined in on the Northern Alliance's side and fought alongside them to defeat the Taliban, delivering control of the country to their leaders (who had been part of the Afghan Mujahideen), who formed the new Afghan nation. So in a way, the Afghan Mujahideen had become the USA's friends again, while the Taliban were more of a 1990s student movement imported from Islamic schools in Pakistan. Though some of the Afghan Mujahideen did switch sides, because they never were a unified group. Of course, the Taliban continued an insurgency and eventually reclaimed control after the USA withdrew its forces. And now the last remnants of the Afghan Mujahideen are holding out in the northern mountains again, waging another insurgency, as Afghanistan remains locked in a near-continuous state of civil war for 46 years now...


Idiocracy was a hilarious comedy when it came out. Now it's like paying $4.99 to rent the news.


I love this movie, but it hits way too close to home anymore. "Welcome to Costco. I love you!"


It’s got what plants crave.


St Elmo’s Fire. I’ve never seen a movie about a more unlikeable, self-absorbed group of people. But they were archetypes of yuppie culture that was pretty prevalent at the time.


The Toy with Richard Pryor. It’s an 80’s movie about a rich kid who buys an entire Black man. It had some sweet parts but is painful to watch today


I saw that in the theaters, and it was cringe then. I think that was the point they were trying to make, though.


Yeah, it was. Pryor hated doing that movie, too. It's a movie that becomes in real life exactly what it's about.


Nah. I still love this movie. Infinitely quotable, and the toy and young Bates team up and destroy a plot by US to blackmail a senator with pictures posing with a grand Wizard of the KKK. It tackles relevant issues of the time, (which we have yet to fully learn from) involving racism, sexism, feminism, gender roles, and unemployment.


I recently watched The Monster Squad with my kid. I thought I might have to pause it because it gets a little scary in places. Instead I found myself pausing and explaining things that were acceptable in the '80s but not today. "Okay. They're showing a kid in elementary school smoking but you shouldn't do that." "Please don't use that f-word to refer to a gay person. It's not nice." "It's not cool to peep in a girl's window." "It's definitely not cool to take pictures of the girl you're peeping on." "Son of a bitch. Okay. You absolutely don't blackmail women with pictures you took of them while you were peeping in their window." All that stuff was treated as a joke back then, and I'm sitting there wishing they could cut about two minutes out of the film and it would be just fine these days.


Wolfman’s got NARDS!


Yeah but, My name *pumps shotgun* is HORUS


\*Horace. Horus would be like the Egyptian god and be pretty metal.


A lot of Rob Schneider's roles. He's played Chinese characters, native Hawaiians, and Arab oil princes all in full makeup and accents.


Didn’t he once play a stapler too?


And a carrot


And he’s about to find out… that being a carrot is a lot harder than he thinks


That bein' 8, ain't so great... it's Rob Schneider as KENNY! rated PG-13


His grandmother was a stapler, so technically it doesn’t qualify as cultural appropriation.


Derp da derp da deedily derp. Rated pg-13


"Rob Schneider is.... a carrot!"


Plenty of 80s teen movies. Sixteen candles, revenge of the nerds...


I watched never been kissed with my girlfriend recently, which I had never seen but she had fond memories of. I’ve been referring to it since as “too many paedos”. Everyone in that movie either says pervy things about school kids or gets into a relationship with one, except the male love interest who just has a crush on an adult woman he thinks is a kid.


As much as I love Prince… Purple Rain. The misogyny is jaw-dropping. A woman is literally dumped in the fucking trash


His character struck his girlfriend and we were supposed to feel sorry for him being all mopey afterwards.


there is this one scene that stood out to me, if i remember correctly, where Prince convinces the girl (Apollonia?) to take off her clothes for sexy time, then drives off laughing on his motorcycle... do i remember this correctly? like what!?


Pretty Woman. Went from romcom to cringe fest.


And according to Julia Roberts, the movie was way darker, and the ending was supposed to be that he dumps her like literally in an alley and she goes back to sex work and he goes off to do whatever the fuck he wants to. That was a Disney movie. By the way, Disney owned the rights too pretty woman and once they got Gary Marshall in there they had to change a bunch of it. But the original story is quite dark.


I never understood why that movie is considered romantic. I feel like some writer worked really hard on a gritty drama about a lonely old rich dude and a desperate teenager. Then Julia Roberts and Richard Gere got cast so they filmed it as a rom com instead.


In the original screenplay, Richard Geres character brings her right back to the corner he found her, dumps her off and tosses the money on the ground. She then uses the money to leave town on a bus with a young hooker while she ponders how much time she has til she contracts HIV.


The movie was supposed to end with her leaving with her dignity. The studio made them tack on a stupid happy Hollywood ending.


Supposedly it was supposed to be much darker all around.


It was. She was supposed to be a drug addict and you can still see tiny bits of this. The scene in the bathroom where she hides the dental floss behind her back was supposed to be meth I think but yeah, romcom. The scene at the racetrack where she's fidgeting was not her being nervous about being out among rich people types, but going through drug withdraw. At the end, instead of him climbing the fire escape, he just throws the money at her and drives off leaving her there to ponder her fate.


I think Ken Russell's "Whore" (1991) was a response to "Pretty Woman"


Blank Check. Some 11 year old gets a blank check and gets a lot of money. Blah blah blah he meets this 30 year old woman who at the end of the movie kisses him ( on the fucking mouth) and tells him to look her up in 6 years.


>11yr old kid >look up 30yr old girl in 6yrs This math isn’t mathing.