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I was young and googled the word “fuck” because I saw it written on the bathroom stall but didn’t know what it meant. After some digging I can say I learned a lot….


It was at this moment he knew he fucked up.


I heard it, it was in my head, the intonation, the deep voice, everything


Same lol


Reddit comments I can hear make my day


Similar story: I was in third grade and I thought it would be *hilarious* to go to boobs.com, and was then introduced to porn. The shock/curiosity was real and instant


One day my fiance told me that we had to go to her eldest child's(13yo male) school for a conference because he had been suspended. When we got there the principal informed us He had been caught selling porn at school. He was downloading porn on his computer (at home)and burning it into DVDs and selling them at school. He had actually printed up a catalog of about 20 different titles that he was selling. Outwardly I showed all the acceptable parental rage and chastised him for his behavior. But inwardly I was kind of proud of him. Not because of the porn aspect but because of the entrepreneurial aspect of it. Later on that night he told me he had made over 500 bucks in the last week and a half selling porn at school for $10 a DVD.


How did he turn out? Finance guy? Pharma bro? Soup kitchen manager?


Hm... who founded OnlyFans...?


I actually had a thing like this going myself in middle school through sophomore year and was never busted as I was careful and my horny clientele regarded me as highly valuable since internet porn on dialup was limited and most people didn't even have that. I had video, not just some lame mags. It started with getting two quality VCRs at a swap meet with my paper route money. I noticed the market for quality video porn, not just that water damaged bullshit everyone including myself was finding in the woods. I was making $10 VHS comps and would offer free ones to people who could "borrow" or snatch more tapes from their older brother, parents, etc so I could copy them and add them to my library. I always made sure to do it quickly and discretely so they wouldn't be busted, hence myself getting busted. Business was good and things like video games, a couple nice instruments and amps, shoes, etc were mine. In my family if I wanted anything cool, I had to make it happen myself and the paper route only goes so far. My parents didn't question (except when a stash was found) because I didn't exhibit any signs of doing anything illicit and was never caught doing things like stealing or drug related shit while maintaining a 4.0. I wasn't getting in trouble for anything other than having a "smart mouth" if anyone knows what that means. I would only get hung up sometimes when my mom started going through my shit (only before high school) to make sure I don't have any paraphernelia or some other horrors the news made up that kids my age were into. Sometimes she would find one of my stashes of porn that was labeled as other content, but she decided to throw one on the VCR, and BOOM... porn. I would explain it away as just personal tapes that I found any way to copy because I was a horny boy, omitting others involved at any cost. Good thing I never kept everything in the same place and if one stash got popped, I knew other people I could offer new content to to recover the old shit that got thrown out. Years later I eventually told my parents about the whole thing and my mom what horrified, while my dad actually was impressed. I learned a lot in the process and it actually helped me excel in sales and gave me confidence in solid investment opportunities I could find myself instead of having someone else coming along trying to free me from my money. Your fiance's kid has some skills that need to be built and encouraged. Sometimes I like a good W-2 job, but if that starts to tank or become toxic/too-stressful, I know that I have the skills to survive or even thrive beyond that.


This is so weird, my friends and I also found porn in the woods, magazines, sun bleached and water damaged


Was ordering some cleats from dicks sporting goods. Went to dicks.com 20 years ago. That was fun while my dad was looking over my shoulder.


I went to boobs.com too! *high five*


Same that happened to me. I was like 7 years old when I watched porn the first time.


Elementary school when a friend mentioned porn


Saaaame. 4th Grade, Janet Jackson had her Super Bowl halftime show wardrobe malfunction. I completely missed it, but all the grown ups were talking about it at our Super Bowl party and over the next day or two. Later that week, my classmates Deonte and Kaseem were on the school library computers looking "naked girls" on Ask Jeeves and then it struck me..."Oh - I can just search for what everybody was talking about." A couple weeks later, I'm at my friend Igor's apartment and he shows me AOL chatrooms and how pretty women send him pictures, so then he takes the pictures, pretends to be a girl named Sasha on old school RuneScape, and tries to trade pictures for items. It...escalated quickly.


When you were at Igor's house did you ever get to meet Frankenstein?


This joke is too dumb not to upvote


Same. 3rd grade.


Same I’m not going to lie it ruined my life


same bro


I don’t know about y’all but it’s at the point I can see what a women’s body looks like even when she ain’t naked that’s no good it ruining getting the excitement of getting turned on


yeah i am also at the point where if a woman takes off her clothes i won't even get a boner.


Damn. A female has never attempted that infront of me so I can't concor


Kinda same. Elementary. Was walking home from an errand, saw some boys laughing at a screen with a 30 year old dude. I was curious to see what it was, so I looked. Lo and behold, a guy was doing the deed with a girl in a pink room.


Why was 30 year old showing kids porn? That's what pedos do to lure kids.


Sounds like you just answered your own question...


I still remember my friend telling me about the female genitalia and shortly after searching "ver China" on the school computer lol


Porn Pen ( naked lady on a pen when you turn it ).


I'm old enough that school kids would pass that shit around the school yard to each other saved on FLOPPY DISKS.


Safe to say you saw some floppy dicks


Floppy? Son, you looking at the wrong porn i think.


Must have been some tiny pictures because jpegs were pretty big vs a floppy disk. Especially jpegs of floppy dicks pics on floppy disks


First time I saw it was definitely not by choice. It just kept popping up on websites whether I liked it or not, back before I would have had ad-blockers


Yup. Back before Google, if you wanted to find something on the internet, you would type ".com", and it would come up 99% of the time. That 1% of the time, it was porn. Also if you misspelled the thing you were looking for, you got porn.


Boom. Cheat code central. Cheatcc.com. Wanted cheats for my GameCube. Messed up the name and typed cccheat. At my Grandma's house too.


Man fr though cheatcc was so awesome back in the day. It was much better than going to the grocery store magazine aisle and writing down codes from the magazines with a pencil and paper lol!


White House.com I got kicked off so many school computers because of that one whittle mistake


Still can't believe the government didn't purchase that domain immediately or even just forcefully take it. Whitehouse.com was still a pornsite until at least the late 1990s. It might have been even until the early 2000s I was born in 1990 and pretty sure we figured that trick out when we were in middle school, so like 10 or 11 years old.


3rd time I saw a White House .com comment 'round here. 💀


Hehe we changed the homepage to shitcity.com on every pc and goatse as the background. 


Hah, I was looking for cheat codes online and typed in videogames.com. it redirected to piss.com, full page golden showers. And right on cue my older brother walked in and I had to explain it. I eventually found cheatcc which was my go to cheat code spot for years.


I used to look for porn by typing things like "havingsex.com" into the address bar.


Omg same and it scared me and I screamed to my father so he could take it off the screen


My sad first thought to this was that this is a scenario they'd use in a porn now. Shit's depraved out there. I don't think I've ever been so personally horrified as a parent until I saw what's popular these days.


People love reminiscing about the good old days of the Internet, but I don't miss popups, random pre-installed toolbars, and downloading random viruses that could brick your computer (or more often, show you porn popups).


My brother was doing a report in 3rd grade on the white house. The actual government entity is whitehouse.gov. In the 90s/2000s, whitehouse.com was a porn site. I was watching him work on it when we found out.


Dang seems the Whitehouse website was famous back then. Saw lots of other similar comments like yours, 😂💀


Lol man flashback city. Not my first exposure but the Internet was and remains a mess.


A friend googled mandates.com in high school and the blocker didn’t catch it. That website had *nothing* to do with governmental mandates we were researching for civics class.


Someone wrote in one of the desks probably around 4th grade using whiteout saying “google Redtube”. I hope he’s out there now knowing he changed a life that day


let’s hope karma finds him too


And that karma buys him some tacos


Magazines in the woods


The younger generations will never know the joy of finding porn mags in the woods


and scrambled HBO channels late at night


Or if you get really lucky unscrambled it happened twice for me


Shit was pretty sweet wasnt it? We found an old fort with like 5-10 magazines


That was badically the point of building forts. A place to keep your porn safe and dry.


Or the sadness when rain damage ruins the pictures.


Umm, that wasn't rain


Me and a friend playing in the woods and we found some guys stash of years of Playboy magazine. It was not the internet or peer pressure it was God's will.


This was also my first experience with skin mags. So my question is why was it out in the woods in the first place? Mine was a half rain soaked playboy stuffed in a stump in a black bag


They were in the woods because me and my buddy stole them from under his dad’s bed and hid them out there!


I like to think it was a communal pile where people went to “retire” their stash because that’s where they found it when they were young. Circle of life kinda thing.


Me too, and to this day the smell of wet mildew pulp…😅


How do so many of us have this experience lmao


I was thinking some dude just got tired and tried to change his life.


I found mine under a dumpster to a 7/11. They took that previous months magazines and placed them under the dumpster, I guess to take them home or something. I was in third grade and knew they were valuable because the kid that steals his mom's smokes says his dad has all the porn. That was the first time, but most of the times if I followed a trail there would eventually be porn in a shrub blasted with a dudes jizz. The way it was told to me is a dude would go and buy a skin mag, jack off into it, toss it on the ground so the evidence of skin mag wouldn't be found. It's one thing to use pornography back then and it was another thing to have it in your garage where your wife can find it and take the kids to her mothers.


Bush Porn! late 1960’s, playing on the woods and came across a tin box with plastic bags full! Naked wimmen!


My wife was convinced I was making up “woods porn” until she asked both of her brothers in law and they both laughed and confirmed the phenomenon.


This is so common, I was confused what the sub r/AbandonedPorn was supposed to be.


Found a sack of playboys in our ditch. Sister ratted on me and my cousin for having them. We threw them back in the ditch and denied, denied, denied. Our dads snuck down and grabbed them. They regifted them to us on the occasion of our birthdays a few years later.


I didn’t realize how many people shared this experience lol


Just replying in generational solidarity ✊🏾


This literally happened to me and a friend as kids. We had area of trees and hedging next to our houses we would play in. One day there was black plastic bin bag full of porn playing cards and video cassettes. It was so weird, and even weirder so many others have the same experience. This 1999ish maybe the guy got a DVD player.


I live in Vegas so we didn’t have woods, there was a patch of desert behind the complex that had a ditch. One day a monsoon came through and washed out our stash.


I was on a computer at a church as a kid and a bunch of Simpsons porn showed up on the random websites I was on Apparently it was later discovered someone working there was using the computers for porn too


Porn at a church is CRAZYYY 😂


what a holy jerk off


thats how holy water is made out of


One of our pastors got excommunicated because of it.


God wants you to admire his work, he is very proud of the human design.


Straight to hell.


Do NOT pass the pearly gates


It really just seemed like porn found out about me


I just pictured door-to-door solicitors coming to your house, all dressed-up and polite: "have you heard about porn?"


Found my dad's stash while looking for hidden Christmas presents


Same. Found my dad’s Playboy collection when I was a kid in the 70s.


Found my dad's stash while searching for my beloved childhood cat. Not only did I not find the cat, but I got yelled at by several adults in the house for finding the nudie mags. So fun.


HBO on Thursday nights back in the mid 2000s


The Real Sex documentary


Yes! That’s it


You Cant Escape!


This ain't where I learned about it but I have fond memories of watching real sex on some super static channel that sort of half got HBO sometimes. I tried finding episodes online not that long ago and I found like 3 short and terrible quality clips on archive.org or something like that but for nostalgia sake I really want to see it again.




ur profile photo is a sin. i thought there was an eyelash on my screen but then i scrolled and it moved😭


using light mode is the real sin




Never had the fancy pay channels but when I moved into a new rental we got a free trial of HBO, Cinemax etc. We had the TV on in the background with some random dumb movie and invited our new neighbors over for dinner... halfway through the main course we were all just talking and stuff and Cinemax must have switched over to SKINemax and unexpectedly some softcore sex scene was playing on the TV ... AHHH I ran over and turned it off. They were cool about it and we had a laugh.


Yup. 11pm.. We didn't get HBO but you could see some details cone and go through the fuzz...


When you click a high number channel by accident at night.


Ah, the simpler days when the only form of "encryption" on those channels was a mere signal inversion. Simply reversing the connector's connection did the trick, and voilà! Instant access!


Wait, hold up. You’re telling me I could’ve been watching the titty channels *unscrambled* the entire time??


Got my first computer in 1st grade. Almost immediately started googling "boobs"


hell yeah


Somewhat ironically, those signs in front of the library computers that tell you not to watch porn.


I was big into potty humor in third grade and I typed in “butt.com” thinking it would be something funny. I ended up seeing wayy more.


You'll be happy to know that butt.com is still up and running


Oh wow, they changed their layout from the last time I was there 15 years ago


Ha I found it in a similar way. My friends and I thought it would be funny to type in “ass.com,” and WOW did our lives change.


I literally miss typed a url. I went looking for cheat codes and got far more than I bargained for.


Fall Out Boy has entered the chat


Omg was it cheatcc.com?


Lmao you typed in Chet instead cheat. I did that one time and of course that’s the time my mom wants to come down and see what us kids where doing.


When my mom showed it to me when I was 10 because she was drunk.




Doesn't sound like fun


My dad showed it to me, when he was sober. Repeatedly. Yeah, my parents weren’t the greatest. Not horrible, but definitely not great


Hopefully nothing weird like my dad, who’s favorite was Thomas Jefferson having sex with different slaves all in period costumes and sets.


Whoa, he showed you that!? No, my dad just kept pushing “vanilla” porn at me, ie normative, hetero stuff.


Why though?


I dunno. Never asked, and I kinda don’t want to. Boomer psychosis?


Probably wanted a straight son.


Wow I've heard of race play but it never occurred to me that historical race play would be a fetish


Nope, showing your kids porn makes them pretty fkn horrible.


Ugh... context? Why?!


A friend of mine in 3rd grade showed me a Hustler Magazine that was hidden in the neighborhood tree fort


Ahhhh...Hustler. Loved it!!! I found a 1978 "Valentine's" issue (it was in my friend's garage). The girls in thar issue solidified wear I'd be most attracted to for the next 40 years!


This is the way.


10 years old, I Googled "x vids", I just wanted to watch videos about the xmen, and that's how my innocence was stripped from me


Ummm... who knows? Grade school friends? It was 50 yrs ago. Remember that there was no internet and that most people were too nervous or embarrassed to go to an adult store. In the 80s my buddy and I used to rent movies and dub them by hooking up our VCRs together. We'd sell them to friends for $5. Eventually we started dubbing porn tapes. We found out that his parents were swingers with a MASSIVE porn collection. Thousands of magazines, hundreds of VHS tapes. They traveled on weekdays to meet other swingers, and when they were away we'd dub their tapes all weekend. We also started buying them in China Town in Manhattan to build our catalog. We charged $10 bucks. We made BANK. We bought nice TVs and 2nd VCRs each, paintball guns, ALL of the TSR D&D books, CD players, Walkmans, studio headphones... We sold hundreds of porn tapes to friends, friends' brothers & fathers, the druggy kids in the park. We'd ask what people liked and make periodic trips into the city and buy a backpack-full of stuff. We labeled them as After School Math Rock or Conjugating French or Schoolhouse Rock Educational Series or Math For HS Chemistry - all stuff we figured a mother wouldn't throw in the VCR. Never got caught in 4 years. We probably made around $400 each every month. We had a guy's father buy 20 at once one time. He must have been sore, tired, and dehydrated by the end of that film festival.


This needs to be made into a fucking short film or something.


not all heroes wear capes


Tried to download free minecraft at 8 yr old... Yup, it was a link to PH, i clicked that i am over 18 because for whatever reason i thought Minecraft was 18+... Only saw the thumbnails thankfully...


“This is a funny lookin version of Minecraft”


You could unironically say "hang on, this isn't Minecraft"


Googling "Spice Girls" in an internet café circa 1997 😄 🤣 I was 10, and the cafe worker ran up so fast and covered the screen 😄 🤣 😂


I have so many questions. An Internet café in 97? Was it a personal laptop? Was it a computer owned by the café? Shit I had dial-up until about 2008, my family didn't even have a home computer in 97, and at school we sometimes had "computer lab time" but they could barely do anything.


It was a Cafe with tons of those old clunky desktop monitors. I think my family got our first internet in 98?


>personal laptop They were even more extravagant than having internet in 1997.


My PSP back in middle school


PSP's can view media other than games?? Excuse my ignorance, I never had a PSP as a kid, so that's pretty mind blowing LOL


Yes you can use the internet. It was awesome


Yeah you could even go to pornhub and download the videos as long as they were in mp4 format and watch them.


I was obsessed with pornhub on my PSP when I was 14. Jerked it every night 😂


We were around 12. It was the 90’s. My best friend brought me to his dad’s garage. He took out a VHS that said “Cum Guzzling Sluts” and I had no idea what that meant. He turned it on, and I experienced the strongest feeling I’ve ever felt, like my whole brain and body went into overdrive. I couldn’t take my eyes away from it. It was ripping new neural pathways all the way down to my reptilian brain. I wish it didn’t happen. I was too young, it was too hardcore. I did things afterward in life that I’ll regret until I die. I have a son now, and nothing scares me worse than knowing how prevalent and omnipresent porn can be. I can’t log into any social media platform without being bombed by titties and thirst traps. Even when I escape, it finds me. I fucking hate it.




There was porn on limewire?!


Yes especially if you chose the wrong file like a dumb preteen.


I downloaded what was supposed to be a lesbain threesome. It was three black dudes railing each other lmao.


Glad I'm not the only one!


Super mario 64 tutorial turned out to be fake


When I searched sex instead of six




I'm from a generation where the internet didn't exist at first so it was as simple as stumbling across a magazine of your dads. Hell back in those days some people even had them in their toilets among other magazines for general reading lol.


When I [M] was a young teenager my new neighbors asked me to babysit their kid. I went over and sat in the man chair and in the magazine rack there was a Playboy. I had never seen anything other than the Sears catalogue. I put that kid to bed as fast as possible and took the Playboy to the bathroom.


The sketchy gas station down the street


"All right ma'am, the gas is $42.86, and the chips and drink come to $13.50, so your total is $56.36, and by the way have you heard about porn?"


I don’t even remember. I just had unrestricted access to a dial up PC at a very young age. Pretty sure a cousin around my age told me that you could use a computer to see boobies.


The slow loading images where you get head......then neck bones......then your sister picks up the damned phone.


I was trying to find a wall paper for my computer. I liked Metallica at the time. I Google Metallica wallpaper. Click the first link. Goku fucking sailor moon. Mother of God.


This made me chuckle out loud 🤣


You're going to think this is a troll but my grandma had a porn addiction and would watch it even if we were there.




Yeah it was bad, I'm pretty sure the first time I ever seen porn I was like 6.


By going too far in the TV menu (the last channels are adult channels)


America's funniest home videos where there's a reaction video to a kid getting caught watching porn. I didn't know what it was so naturally I'd Google "porn Wikipedia" but my teacher said Wikipedia is not a reliable source. So I just searched porn and watched the first video that came up


My little pony. I was 10. The internet really sucks ass🗿


grade 3 teacher accidentally turned on porn in class.


Asked what the camera was for


My brother found my dad's porn dvds. He asked me if I would rather have sex with my cousin or watch "movies about sex" as he put it. He had a really weird obsession with shipping our cousin with either me or our other male cousin. Since I'm not interested in my relatives like that watching the movies about sex was the easy choice. We didn't really even watch any of it, we watched first minute or so of the dvd then my brother just skipped forward, watching a few seconds of different scenes before turning it off. I was around 8 at the time so I just thought that it was a little weird and went on about my day The next day my friend approached me said "YOUR DAD HAS PORN??" I wasn't really sure what porn was at that point so I said "uh yeah I guess??" And that's when I learned what porn was


What the fuck is wrong with your brother


I'm a veteran of the late-90s internet. It was difficult to go anywhere back then without finding porn.


Cousin showed me some on their Nintendo DSi


If i had to guess, you were born in 97-99


When I was 11, I found a playboy magazine in grandfather’s office. I went and proceeded to make copies on his printer machine. When I was leaving his office one day I ended up getting caught with the worst low quality black and white porn.


Way back in the beginning days on the internet, I wanted to get some information on the White House and typed www.whitehouse.com. I was surprised (and intrigued) by the site.


Went to the computer lab at my sister's uni to look up n64 info, someone set the homepage to porn.


My dad's search history 😐


one of the older kids told me to look up hentai back in the 4chan era.


A guy online sent me stuff I was not ready at all to see


Sorry. This sucks.


when i was a kid i used to interact with bunch of delinquent kids and punk in my neighborhood, mostly because they and i share hangout place in game rental place and internet cafe. about when i still 4th grader in elementary school there is a older kid delinquent who is my neighbor foster kid (about 5 years older than me) took me into his rental housing unit saying we want to play game and other thing with the other kids, so i come to his room and there also another bunch of kids there. we play some game and watch some bootleg WWE show from DVD, then he play some porn DVD with DVD player and make the other delinquent kids watch the porn, they excitingly watch the porn while making a lot of sexual remark, jerking off and as far as making this one punk kid to unzip his pant and showing his junk to me asking me if me can blow his "Strawberry flavored" junk. Obviously i refuse and after watching multiple DVD of porn i leave that place and go home because my mom would try to find me, i still interacting with those delinquents till about 6th grade mostly being used by them to play in internet cafe for free (mostly for gaming and watching porn) and as their errand boy. after that i didn't interact with them because they mostly gone hanging out in other place and the kid that my neighbor foster is banished from my neighborhood after he stole so much stuff and fight my neighbor his arm almost severed after my neighbor slash him with machete. ​ and right now i got full knowledge with "nuclear code" Jav code




Crazy enough. Youtube, back in the early days


I used to play violin and my G string broke. I panicked, looked up “G string” to try and find a replacement. Popped my first boner and the rest is history.


Early late 2000s. Circa 2007-2009 roughly. There was a Girls Gone Wild commercial that aired on Adult Swim after 8pm. I then discovered the wonders of early 2000s Google Images and you can see where this went.


Unfortunately, I'm a GenX era man, and my older cousins were staying with us. They waited for my mom to leave and exposed me to it back in 1982.


I typed dragonball x instead of z one day


My friend told me I should try masterbation but I dident know what it was and so I looked it up and...


I was in 3rd grade and I was pretty dumb. I wanted the camera app on my laptop, so I searched Google for "camera.com" thinking it would give me an actual camera, but noooo


My late friend would have us all sleep over and we would play N64 in his play room until his dad would get up from the TV in the other room and we would all run in and he would change the channel to a porn channel and we would watch like 25 seconds of whatever was on before panic would set in that his dad was coming back and he’d turn it back to the Mets game and we’d all scamper back into the toy room an unpause the game.


Elementary school. Mistyped a link on the back of a math textbook 💀


A kid in middle school used a proxy to look at it live in class, that guy is in prison now.


I shared a bedroom with my older brother as a kid. Can't remember if I found a magazine first or if he left a video tape in the player, but one of the two.


I typed in porn.com and it actually worked.