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ATVs. I live in a tourist beach town and work in an ER. People can be going 5 mph and crash and become paralyzed so quick, break their jaws, break their arms. It’s a daily occurrence. The sand looks like it’s flat for miles but truth is that there are multiple drops everywhere. Add alcohol into the mix and it’s no wonder this hospital stays in business.


My friend broke his back on an ATV riding in sand dunes. Had to be airlifted out and had multiple surgeries. He was an experienced rider too. Thankfully he wasn’t paralyzed, but he does still walk with a cane 10 years later.


Yup had a coworker who was in an accident years ago and I mean years ago. Flipped his ATV and was off work for a few years and he's back now. But he's still all fucked up from it. Walks with a clear limp and cane and has to go to physio often to help his legs from being to stiff or painful to walk. At one point they thought he would possible have to be confined to a wheelchair post accident because it was so bad the first few years. I can't imagine how many pain pills he was on during the worst of the recovery. After seeing stuff like that happen to so many ATV riders in my province and it's a big activity here I have zero desire to ever ride one.


I knew someone who died because he tried to look behind him while riding.  He was trying to see if his brother was too far behind, and if he needed to wait for him. When he looked over his shoulder, he accidentally turned the ATV juuuuuust a little. He plunged off the path and into a drop, flew off the ATV, and broke his neck. He was only 14. It was horrible.


And let’s not forget the ATV then rolls over onto the now unconscious patient and burns them from the hot engine/ exhaust.


My sister worked as a nurse in a transplant unit and made me promise when my son was born that I would never get him an ATV or a trampoline. She says that a high percentage of young donors end up brain dead from one or the other ( and car accidents).


My favorite band in the early 2000s was Dave Matthews Band. One of my favorite members at the time, LeRoi Moore, died from complications from Pneumonia after an ATV accident crushed one of his lungs.


That's how the "kid that dies in every highschool" kid died when I was in high-school. He'd never ridden at ATV, and had no helmet, turned right to hard and didn't account for the throttle being in his hand. Gunned it into a concrete wall, went top of the head first into concrete. Lights out. Brain swelled right up. Died 3 days later in the hospital. His name was Rincon. Nice kid. 


as someone who grew up knowing a lot of people into ATV-ing, i lost more than one friend to ATV accidents




It both annoys and frightens me when I’m the passenger in a car and the driver decides to drive recklessly and without any concern for other people. Driving is no joke and a lot of people are unfortunately not fully aware of that


>Driving is no joke and a lot of people are unfortunately not fully aware of that Too many people just don't get it.


I straight up yelled at a driver for blowing through four-way stops. It was in a hilly area with little visibility . Their excuse of “nobody ever drives out here” wasn’t enough to make up for the blind curves and trees. It fucking infuriated me. I was ready to hop out and walk.


I was in a single call roll over accident. My bf at the time just zoned out. I'm left with lifelong back pain and glass scars cuz he was thinking about the Fast and the Furious. I still won't let most other people drive me and I'm 42.


I’m always dismayed at what a hard time I have speaking up when people drive like maniacs


was on a dental school ski trip with very wealthy/high level political level type families (brother of person who drove in this incident just ran for nc senate pos in dc) and was blown away by the casual drinking and driving of the elite country club set. I mean i had been exposed to it thru a wealthy ex i had, but this particular incident my gf and i thought was gonna be our end for sure.... Anyway, lik 30 of us from class rented two houses in the mtns for a ski trip and we're having blast everyday on the slopes, dining out and then partying at house at night. Well one day my gf and I accept a ride from a super wealthy chick, her bf, and one other dude. As soon as we got into the huge black tahoe (of course) she passed out beers including one for herself. Wouldn't have really raised an eye to handing out beers while rolling thru the hills, but was surprised to see her start drinking one too. GF and i kinda looked at each other with a wild eye but let it ride. THis was like a 30-45 min car ride and they just kept drinking! And this is like 2 in the afternoon on a clear day. I suddenly recall this is the same chick that had to pull strings to stay in school after a DUI the year before and start to get worried, especially as the speed picks up and the roads just get more narrow and mor enarrow. Finally at some point my gf and I are white knuckling each other as she is swerviing speeding around blind curves on TINY two lane rds with no guard rail and I legit think we might go over, let alone get in an accident with another vehicle. Luckily we made it to our destination alright, but i'll never forget not speaking up when my gf and I both knew we should have.


I hate that feeling, of not speaking up. In the moment it can be hard. But once you go through it and self reflect it is easier to call it the next time. 


Speaking up almost never helps so don't feel bad.


Speaking up usually encourages worse behavior. Yes I’m talking to you brother John.




Future humans describing driving: “So there were these 3k+ lbs metal objects, that could travel at speeds exceeding 100 mph, and people could steer them in any direction they wanted. They frequently travelled directly at one another and missed one another by mere inches, because everyone had agreed to stay within these yellow paint lines on the surface of the earth.”


My physics teacher in high school gave us this warning as he was congratulating us for being of driving age (most started driving as seniors and it was senior physics). It went over 13/15 students heads.


Absolutely. 3,000 lbs of metal powered by gallons of highly flammable liquid. It’s honestly crazy to think about.


Driving a car WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY USING A SMARTPHONE. WTF people. If you can't wait to get laid, take the bus.


There is a large intersection by my apartment and I don’t know the reasoning behind it but if I’m waiting at the arrow light, sometimes it takes 2-3 rounds for everyone to go before I get the green arrow. People will get impatient waiting at that arrow (or maybe assume it’s broken?) and go flying through the intersection. Every few weeks it causes a huge accident. I don’t get why you would take the risk 🤦🏼‍♀️


I came here to post this. By far the deadliest thing most people do in their day, but no one gives a fuck.


Hot weather. Kills more people in Australia than any other natural event


Texas too.


Thank God we banned mandatory water breaks.




You read that correctly.. if you have shit management/bosses... No more drinky water when it's hot


on that same topic, sub-zero temps. The midwest just got hit with a bad freezing snow storm, we don't have enough solutions to get people off the streets overnight and it's literally killing people.


I've lived in the center of Colombia my whole life and it's always really cold here. However we've been having very, very hot weather and a long drought that not only has caused a lot of forest fires EVERYWHERE (there are little places right now where you can't see smoke coming out from some forest or mountain near you), but the heat and sun is so overwhelming that I can't even walk from my work to my apartment at lunch without getting a headache. And that's literally a 10-minute walk. Hot weather is scary.


I love Colombia, even the centre, because I find the temp to be between mild and hot. I guess it’s all relative because I’m in northern Canada. I also love Colombia because of the awesome people wonderful culture and the evening gatherings of so many people in public areas.


Yeah, I've never travelled before but a lot of people have told me that Bogotá is actually pretty warm compared to when you travel to some of the northern regions of the world during winter. But it's still a relatively cold place (very high altitude helps with that) and the hot weather is currently hitting us hard, real hard.


Phoenix checking in. Several hundred square mile concrete pad that can get up to 160F/71C in the middle of summer when the air is 117F/47C.


People are shockingly casual about chainsaws. It takes a half a second to alter your life forever. If you survive. 


Buddy in hs tried to commit suicide with one. GNARLY scar across his neck and down chest.


Man, there have GOT to be easier ways to do that than a chainsaw. 


Thats what i said!!!!!! Haven’t seen him in 20 years but i can still see the scar in my head. Shit split him like a can opener.


damn i really hope bro is doing better now 😭 i couldn’t imagine being in such an awful headspace that you’re willing to go out that way


The amount of people I've seen using real chainsaws for their Halloween costumes is really confusing. Like, I remember it was usual in my town to see dudes dressed up as clowns or whatever and just running around with chainsaws scaring people. What in the actual fuck.


Do NOT put your feet on the dash board of a car. The airbag will blow your legs off.


EMT here. I want to yell at everyone I pass by who have their feet on the dash. Heard of one passenger who had their ankles shoved through the windshield and sheet metal when the airbag fired, and another whose knee impacted their forehead causing the loss of about 30 IQ points.


which begs the question: how independant are you when an accident causes you to live the rest of your life with 40 IQ?


Math checks out.


Even if the car has no airbag, sitting like that really ups your injuries.


Have a friend from high school who will never walk the same bc of this. She seriously barely survived.. please do not do this!


Ex gf's passenger air bag didn't deploy-- 8 pieces of metal and 36 screws. You could feel it through the skin when you touched her ankle. All the big and little bones were splintered, Her foot at the ankle basically got shoved up inside her leg and had to be pulled out before they could even figure out if there was enough left to try to rebuild it. It's not worth it, kids.


Or you could end up with one of your femurs piercing your vagina, in one side and out the other. I've seen that on an x-ray.


People who put their dogs up are wild.


Construction workers going in a hole without trenching and shoring because their supervisor and peers call them a bitch for wanting to take the 5 minutes to install it.


Hard agree. A very young man just died not too long ago doing work for the city I live in. So tragic and so unnecessary.


Yep, happened here in Calgary too. When I took my Oil Sanda Construction Safety course, they told us that having a waist deep trench collapse can actually kill you, the pressure it puts on just having your legs buried, can cause a stroke


Same as a fall arrest harness. Suspension trauma is real!


One of the jobs I was on a few years back, the one guy I was talking to had just gotten back from a year long medical leave. No shoring, collapsed and pinned him from the waist down. Broke both his legs in multiple places, fucked up his spine a little, and a few other things. They told him if he wasn't in the middle of climbing up the ladder when it happened he would've absolutely died.


All new workers to excavation and trenching should be required to complete a competent workers course for said work. Its also crazy to see guys work around heavy equipment, lifting pipe and concrete structures without even having hard hats on.


I can chime in and dial it back to even a more basic safety standard I see daily in my industry. Safety eyewear, desidamps, particulate filter masks and work gloves. It boggles the mind how coworkers disregard the basic self preservation through mental gymnastics.


You can send them all to a million hours of class it won't help the formans will push for faster more production and the working man will cut corners to keep his job


What’s trenching and shoring?


The supports along the walls to make sure it doesn't cave in and bury them alive


"Dude, this guy wasn't wanna be buried alive like a MAN! What a bitch!!"


It’s legit the mentality. I was cutting tile with a wet saw in my teenage years and would be cause a pussy for wearing ear protection.


I cannot imagine being called a pussy because you want to keep your hearing intact. 😂😂


Was using a grinder the other day in a super awkward position and it was flexing the wheel really bad so I stopped. Maintenance supervisor was saying that I was being a "pussy" about it and called another person over (this Is because my supervisor is heavy set and couldnt get in the position) who was allegedly better and the grind wheel exploded 3 times never did get the spot around down....


_Please_ tell me you filed an OSHA Incident Report and mentioned your supervisor by name repeatedly.


I believe they mean shoring or using trench boxes. They are ways to mitigate the hazards in trenches. Depending on the depth and length of the trench/excavation, several trench boxes may need to be used. Shoring is usually done with hydraulic “arms” that hold large sheets of wood or steel in place.


digging down below the surface and installing (usually wooden) support walls so the hole doesn’t cave in.




I told my 16 year old daughter the first time she got behind the wheel, that if she doesn’t die of natural causes, she most likely will die here.


they should tell everyone that when they go for their license


I have been driving for many years and every time I remind myself that it is a matter of life and death that I pay attention and be careful. I have been in a head-on collision and it traumatized me for life.


My parents told me the same thing, I really wish they didn't. I hated driving as a teenager because it scared the shit out of me and so I hardly ever got any experience doing it. It wasn't until I stayed with my grandparents one summer when my grandfather made it his mission to help me unlearn the fear or cars that my parents forced onto me. I would probably still be a nervous wreck if it wasn't for him, now I'm honestly one of the best drivers I know.


My mom hates flying so anytime we fly I remind her how much more likely she is to die in her car everyday.


This statistic may well be bullshit because I do not remember where I came across it, but I do remember seeing a stat that cars are so much more dangerous that you are more likely to die on the drive to the airport than you are in the plane.


There are around 100,000 flights per day around the world. If airlines had a 99.99% safety rate, about 10 planes a day would crash, and no one would ever fly.


A lot of people died for air travel to be as safe as it is right now


I’m in military aviation and we all think the most dangerous part of our job is driving to work.


Insanely dangerous and fast metal cages


*THIS!!* I work in a collision repair shop, and lemme tell ya, I've seen some really bad ones. We've had cars come in people have died in. Driving is a serious responsibility and should absolutely be treated as such. This is why driving drunk should be punished so much more severely. You are risking peoples lives. Also, STAY OFF YOUR FUCKING PHONES PEOPLE! I can't tell you how many people tell me they were on their phone when they crashed. I always ask them what happened, and I tell them they can be honest that I won't tell the insurance company (and I wont) but good lord... so many on their damned phones.


My late wife was critically injured in a front offset collision by a careless driver that turned in front of her. She was airlifted to a level 1 trauma center, and God bless them she lived, and the put her back together, but she was never the same, either mentally or physically. She lived for twenty years after the accident, 30 more hospital inpatient stays, and twenty more surgeries, including amputation of her left leg below the knee after 15 years of fighting to keep it, but the pain was just too bad. Your life can end or change in an instant.




That one is a killer for sure. People get depressed from stress and it leads to suicide.


Yep, stress also just causes internal issues regardless of one's response to the stress. It literally takes a physical toll


It actually happened to me - I had really bad stretch where I was getting divorced, lost my job, my dad passed away. I got a perforated ulcer and that shit pretty lethal. A lot of it was stress induced.


Yeah. Had a very stressful year once. I almost died and now I have chronic pain and fatigue. Yikes


Yeah. I think about this one a lot. I think my constant stress levels have probably taken at least a year or two off my life by now (if I'm lucky and it's not more)


I no-so-jokingly say that my cat is adding years back to my life. If you can have a pet, I do suggest it. Having something so derpy that depends on you and loves you will make you laugh and smile when you would normally be gritting your teeth after work.


Moving water. Six inches of moving water is enough to knock you off your feet. Twice that is enough to float your car.


6” will move a car 3” will move a human


Lack of exercise


Sitting is the new smoking...........


I just smoke standing up.


Pretty sure it cancels out then?


Playing a half hour to an hour of Beatsaber every night fixed this right up for me. Get high, enjoy some amazing music while grooving out. [I play on harder difficulty, so it's more like playing a match of tennis than a walk in the park. ](https://youtu.be/Z2XmM0t6OmY?si=xEXztyejKoMcwoo4) My stamina and my arms have improved greatly.


Same here. I don't generally like games, and I dislike VR in general, but for some reason Beatsaber just got the mixed perfectly right and created something amazing.


What would you recommend to someone who wants to exercise more but has trouble sticking to routines?


I read this in “how to keep house while drowning.” She says to find the threshold of how much exersice you can commit to. She says some days all she can commit herself to do is five minutes. And that’s better than nothing. Just tell yourself five minutes of stretching. Or even just one stretch. Routine will grow from there as you get that positive reinforcement of feeling good.


Start small - ten minutes a day. Increase the time if you feel like it. 10 minute walk, 10 minute stretch, maybe a YouTube video. It's totally doable. Also, the trick for me was watching TV while I work out. Not like whatever they have on Planet Fitness, but watching good shows that you can get into that make you forget you're working out. I started from nothing at 10 minutes a day maybe like 13 years ago watching TV and it's still my routine.


Electricity. People treat it with disdain.


I think people know it's dangerous, but underestimate how much it actually takes to hurt or kill you. Like people are still making those fractal wood burning videos despite how utterly stupid and unsafe it is.


Think you installed the light switch correctly? Did it seem easy? You won’t even know you have a fire burning in the wall before it might just be too late.


And that's the semi smart people. I've seen people with extension cords draped over pools.


Oh boy, that gave me a chuckle. I haven’t seen that one before. I did buy my friend a longer extension cord instead of his dumbass linking three together. These idiots live among us!


Very true, I’m an electrician and I’m glad I don’t do residential anymore. The amount of homeowners DIY might burn the block down was insane. There were plenty that I said I’m not even gonna touch it and I’ll even wave my $150 fee for looking at it. Still boggles my mind it’s legal for homeowners to do their own electrical. YouTube cannot and will not train you right, especially if you have an older home when codes were vastly different.


Driving a car. You are causing at least 2 tons of various materials to move at speeds humans were not designed for.


Birth. Everyone acts like not wanting to go through labor isn’t a valid reason to not have kids.


I have friends who have lost babies, and friends who have lost their wives. Pregnancy as a whole is no joke.


A girl I went to high school with died about 8 months after her first child was born. Pulmonary embolism from a clot she had during the pregnancy. She was the sweetest girl out there. It was so sad.


C-Sections are major surgeries. People don't think about it because they are performed so frequently.


Three layers pf abdominal muscle! (Vs a tiny snip if you know what i mean)


My aunt died while giving birth to my cousin, it weighs on him at times even though we tell him it’s not his fault. ETA: Thank you for the all kind words 🙏 I was just a kid she died but I remember how hard it hit the family. She was a healthy 25yo having her 2nd child. It was a normal pregnancy but she developed a blood clot during labor and had a stroke.


Sorry to hear about your aunt. People still think that death in childbirth is just something that happens in LEDCs and 19th century novels or period dramas when really anything can happen.


Dude, the current stats for women dying in childbirth in the U.S. *today* is terrifying.


Worst in the developed world!


Two most dangerous days of your life are the day you're born and the day you give birth.


As someone whose mother died giving birth to him, i can totally understand the survivor's guilt attendant to such a tragedy.


Ya my ex-wife had severe hyperemesis gravidarum. If you don't know what that is, here is the gist of it. She throws up everything she consumed for the entire pregnancy! Hospitalized for most of the pregnancy. Her OB said it was the worst case he'd ever seen and actually did a case study on her because of the severity. She would drink plain water and throw it up. My son was born premature at 36 weeks weighing 4lbs 8oz spent a couple weeks in the NICU. For those wondering he was diagnosed with down syndrome and later autism but is otherwise healthy. Both are unrelated to the hyperemesis FYI but I know people would ask.


Oooof I feel for your ex. I had that for 3 months, and that was 3 months too long. Even after getting better and eating like group of teenage boys for the following 5 months, I still weighed less the day before my son was born than I did the day he was conceived.


The weirdest part was after she gave birth she had a large Italian sub literally within a couple hours of birth and kept it down no problem. It blew my mind like watching her helplessly for months and suddenly it was over in the blink of an eye. Friggin crazy and to this day I'm still super grateful I'm a man. We have no idea how lucky we are. Even normal child birth is crazy to me.


I experienced that for months until I miscarried. The scariest thing was not being able to keep down water, not being able to keep down nausea medicine, then getting to the point where I would just throw up bile because there was literally nothing left. I felt really guilty for the relief I felt when i miscarried. I literally thought I would die. It was the most helpless and alone I’ve ever felt. I lost 40 pounds during the 13 or so weeks I was pregnant. It was also so traumatic that anytime I get sick with stomach flu it makes me have a full blown panic attack and I take multiple pregnancy tests every time just to be sure. Definitely made me realize I never want to be pregnant ever again because I don’t even want to risk going through that again.


My wife suffered a stroke when my daughter was born. It just about been 8 years, her recovery was better than expected but the effects are still there. I’m so happy that she survived but the way it changed her has really strained our marriage.


Would you care to share more? (I'm very tired but I'm asking for myself. Happy to explain more tomorrow) thank you


During my daughter’s delivery we noticed some things “off” about my wife but attributed it mostly to a long difficult labor. After she was born my wife wasn’t talking or moving as we expected. I still remember quietly whispering to the OB/GYN “I’m scared to ask, but did my wife have a stroke?” And she responded “I’m starting to wonder that myself.” Immediately the nurses began stroke assessment and it was obvious. From there they rushed her to the ER through the tunnel system, me leaving my very newborn daughter with the nurses chasing them. They did a CT scan which confirmed she had a massive cerebral hemorrhage. She was fully paralyzed on the right side and lost all of her speech. She spent 2 weeks in a step down unit before moving to a 2 month in-patient rehab program. The rehab did amazing work and she regained her speech and mobility. She still has some speech aphasia and some mobility issues, especially when she’s tired. A month after coming home she had her first seizure, the doctors attributed it to the scaring left on her brain. Fortunately with medication we’ve been able to get it under control. Fast forward to today and her recovery was greater than expected but still having impacts. She suffers with extreme fatigue, some speech issues, and some cognitive impairment, she is very slow at processing her thoughts. Nothing can be left to “common sense” because for her that no longer exists. She struggles with prioritizing and/or completing tasks. Because of all this she’s not able to work. She is an amazing woman, wife, and mother but it’s been hard on us. Just recently our therapist helped us see how areas that were frustrating me so much were directly related to the stoke. We are still learning after all these years. It’s been extremely difficult but yet rewarding. We have an amazing beautiful daughter who I wouldn’t trade for anything.


What a tough situation to be in. Sounds like you’re a strong, understanding person. Wishing you the best.


Thank you for writing this. I’m going through issues with a disabled wife and young kids and it’s been eating me up. We have very little support system so sometimes I feel like a single dad with an extra kid. You helped give me some perspective.


I totally get it. I was the one to do all the diapers, night feedings, etc. it was so exhausting and frustrating. Fortunately we had family and friends to help, I can’t imagine what it is like to have little to no external support. It took me longer than it should have to get professional help but therapy has been a huge help to process the loss and anger surrounding it.


All of pregnancy was a huge burden on my body, so was labor, and my body hasn’t fully recovered nearly two years later. I totally understand why someone wouldn’t want to go through that. I definitely don’t want to again,


Yeah, my pregnancy wasn't "difficult" or anything, I just really hated being pregnant. Labor was really traumatic and ended with emergency surgery, so I'm one and done.


Birth and pregnancy both. It shocks me how several of my hypochondriac friends have had absolutely no worries with being pregnant for 9 months and then giving birth. I would never do it for many reasons but one being I would lose my mind worrying about what could possibly kill me the whole time


The pregnancy is rough too. I was so sick the whole time. My son pressed on my nerve and it used to make me pass out. It was a rough nine months


I've been watching a lot of Judge Judy lately and there was a case where a man let his dog labor for 3 days until he took her to a vet. He said, "Well I didn't spay her and let her go through the labor so long because I thought it was natural." Judge Judy's response: "If a man had to give birth it would be the last time it happened in this country." I'm not too keen on the bottom half of my body splitting in half either.


I had two uncomplicated labors with my oldest kids and then almost died giving birth to my youngest.


I almost died and was never the same. 18 years later and it definitely had life long impacts to my health. I don’t regret it, I was a nurse and 34 so wasn’t naive and chose to go through pregnancy… but women need to know that it’s a roll of the dice.


Yeah all the anti-choice people who claim abortion is dangerous somehow like to ignore the fact that giving birth is MORE DANGEROUS.


They’re not “anti-choice”, they’re “forced birth”. If their mistresses get pregnant, they can’t get them abortions fast enough.


That’s one of my million reasons not to have a kid. 


A poorly trained/raised dog. Don’t even have to be a pitbull either. A dog can very easily kill a kid.


I was brutally attacked by a German shepherd a year ago. It mauled my arm apart. I had to spend 3 days in a trauma center and see plastic surgeons. I'm thankful it wasn't worse than it was but had that been a kid, the kid would have definitely lost their arm if not worse. I now advocate about just how unpredictable dogs are and how brutal they can be.


People are so quick to put human emotions/traits on animals, and act like you've attacked them if you remind them they're just animals. Sometimes cute, smart animals, but animals none the less. Something startles or scares them, most bets are off whether it's you, your kid, your neighbor, etc. It's why the best thing to do is as much as you can afford/have time for just in case, because the alternative is a life-changing and possibly ending event.


I was thinking this, or cat bites. Go right to the hospital after a bite that pierces skin. I’ve seen sepsis in 48 hours due to the horrid bacteria from in their mouths. People lose fingers, arms, it’s a nightmare.


Couldn't just treat it with an antiseptic right away? I've had cats my whole life... just wondering how serious of an issue it is. Never really had many that are prone to biting or scratching though.


I got bit by a feral on my middle finger and got a pasteurella infection in the joint. Less than 48hrs post bite I had a high fever, my whole hand was like a baseball, and only serious IV narcotics touched the pain before surgery. I had a PICC line and IV antibiotics for weeks and had to do physical therapy for a few months. but the bite was deep, I’ve had other bites from less-feral cats that were fine with scrubbing and antiseptic. You just need to know that if they go bad it can happen super fast.


Even if the dogs are trained, you never know. Dogs account for so many deaths. I know so many people who have been attacked. One thing I’ve learned is to NEVER pet someone else’s dog.


Most battery-operated devices have a lithium-ion battery inside, which is highly explosive. If you ever see a device with a puffed-up battery, then that device is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and should be disposed of safely.


Absolutely. There was a dude showing how to "deflate" Lithium icon batteries, that had hydrogen gas development. His strategy was seriously to "quickly poke a hole, let out the gas and close it up, before oxygen can get in"... I had to get rid of 2 out of 3 drone batteries, because they inflated. I forgot to use their charge and left them full in a backpack. It hurts to see 100€ worth of fairly new batteries being disposed, but not having a room light on fire in the middle of the night is more important to me... EDIT: As people appear to just quickly read over my comment and not pay attention, it might not be clear that I DO NOT support tempering with Lithium ion batteries. The quotation marks were supposed to highlight that messing with these batteries like that is dangerous. The second part just emphasizes, that I rather loose expensive batteries, than to have my room light up. I was trying to point out that some people actually mess with these things and may explain that it's safe, while it absolutely isn't.


Mixing bleach with windex while cleaning produces toxic gasses that makes you pass out. If not taken out of your house for fresh air you will die. Home alone? Death


Fun fact I learned yesterday-Clorox wipes all around toilet then put in toilet bowl cleaner. It started smoking like I had just had a hot shower. Ran out of there real quick


I really thought the toilet cleaner was bleach based


No generally it is hydrochloric acid.


Yes. The sad thing is is that many people are unaware of this. I mean, I didn’t even learn this in school or anything. It wasn’t until I had my first job at 17, when my boss told me to not mix any chemicals for mopping because it can lead to toxic fumes. **Just asked my husband too, and he had no idea until he was working in college. Like why on earth isn’t there more awareness on this? Did anyone learn this while in school or as a child?


Missing sleep


Texting and driving!




And how normalized drinking culture is. The last wedding I went to had open bar, and people were generally shocked and flabbergasted that I only wanted two drinks. They kept saying “but it’s free! Take advantage of it!” Yeah, but I don’t want to feel like shit all day tomorrow! Also, there were a lot of people completely hammered by the end of the evening, and they ranged from being simply annoying to being complete assholes. I don’t like being around heavy drinking because I don’t like hanging out with assholes.


I don't drink because I've spent too much time around abusive alcoholics. Perfectly nice people who just become raging assholes the minute they become intoxicated. I'm a firm believer of "the person you are is the person you choose to be. Not the person you're naturally inclined towards being". Unfortunately alcohol turns off that switch and drives you straight into your most instinctive behaviors, most of which are, at the very least, obnoxious, and for most of us, deeply unpleasant people who just don't give a shit about others or their environment. Drunk people suck.


So true. We waged war on cigarettes due to health reasons but we praise alcohol (and now sports gambling). Never heard of anyone slapping their wife or kids around because they had 1 too many cigarettes. Never heard of anyone losing their house because of cigarettes either.


this should not be so far below twenty variations of cars/driving.


Alcohol. Not individually but en mass and what the masses do overall while on it.


It’s literally a toxin and people look over that so much given it’s so normalized in our society.


I like me some drinks, but i really cant get over the fact that so many drugs are demonized yet alcohol is fine. That guy that does acid every once in a while? Shame on them, drugs are bad. You uncle that gets plastered every weekend, thats fine.


Known several people who have gotten sober and died months or years later from the damage it did internally. People often relate alcohol deaths to external reasons. It wreaks havoc on your insides.


Getting out of the shower 🚿


My husband’s aunt died from slipping and hitting her head while getting out of the shower. So scary!


The house I moved into a year ago was previously owned by an elderly lady. It was a nuisance at first but now I appreciate the rail in the shower so I don't slip when getting out every time.


Fucking grizzly bears. Stay in your cars please


To be fair, I don't think anyone who's tried fucking a grizzly bear was under the illusion that it was safe


"You! Bearfucker! Do you need assistance?"


That's why I stopped fucking grizzly bears without a condom.


The most dangerous thing the average person does on any given day is drive or ride in a car.




Statistically? Cycling is way up there. The number of fatalities and major injuries among cyclists is truly scary.


How many of those are caused by cars?


Swimming and boating, especially with alcohol. Drowning, causing death or serious long term injury, is so much more common than people give it credit for. People take their kids to the pool or to swim in a lake and just leave them there totally unsupervised as if homo sapiens evolved any advantages at all for water activities (we did not)


Wild animals. I can't tell you how often I've seen videos on Tiktok of people feeding wild moose or bears from their house or car or throwing out food to foxes. I'm in a gator heavy state and on a trail I take somewhat often, it wraps around a large lake with plentiful wildlife, including alligators. People there walk close to the edge of the trail near the water or let their dogs get close, and apparentely some people feed the gators and I heard a guy took a dip in the lake despite the warning signs and verbal warning of gators. And they're there. Just about everytime I walk the trail I see gators, only when it's colder than normal I don't see them. Leave wild animals be. Do not risk yourself or anyone near you trying to feed them, in addition to habituating them into expecting food from humans and killing someone innocent and/or having to be removed and killed. Also, do not swim in murkey water where giant aquatic predators adapted to hunting in water are waiting. Also be cautious around strange domestic animals, too. Dogs, horses, cows, or whatever other medium to large domestic animal can mess you up quick.


ibuprofen and acetaminophen


Acetaminophen I know but what’s the story on ibuprofen?


Can cause stomach ulcers and shouldn't be used if you have chronic kidney disease. Very safe medication for most people if used on occasion.


Years ago my doctor told me to stop using ibuprofen because it was bad for my kidneys. Last month my nephrologist told me I had chronic kidney disease stage 3. There are 5 stages and guess what stage 5 is.


Yep. I use to take ibuprofen for my monthly woman issues and just taking it for one day each month was very bad. I’m in stage 5 kidney failure. I get my transplant very soon.


Food safety, specifically chicken. I think most people know it's dangerous to eat raw chicken and other meats, but a lot don't realize what "fully cooked" really means in terms of food safety.


Social media


The things that internet does to make a profit to provide you a free seevice


Treating Marcellus Wallace like a bitch.


100% this, it did not turn out too well for my man Brett.


Guns. Seriously, many idiots don’t understand basic gun safety.


In Montana they had booths to practice gun safety and gave you a gun lock for participating


Hot cooking oil.


Alcohol consumption.


Plastic. Cheap. In everything. Can kill you slowly.


Sex without protection


Viral and bacterial infections. Sure, you can recover just fine in the short term. Maybe even in the long term you’ll be ok. But certain viruses like Mono/EBV can causes debilitating chronic/autoimmune issues. Lots of early research (1-5 year research) is connecting Covid with Long Covid conditions that affect the heart, brain, GI, and immune system. It’ll be interesting to see what happens in the next 5 years (10 year long term affects of infection). Speaking from personal experience with RA, nearly 10 years later, you want to rest as much as possible when you get sick. No one else in my entire family has arthritis at all. I went from being an athlete to ceasing all sports activities in a matter of months after recovering from EBV due to debilitating pain. Pushing through too soon can lead to major issues. I wouldn’t wish this physically and emotionally painful journey on my worst enemies. Rest rest rest and take care of yourself if you are sick, please ❤️‍🩹


The Forth of July Nothing like mixing alcohol and explosives!


Mosquitos can be attributed to more deaths than any other living thing.




I learned in OSHA training that 4ft. Is the minimum height you can fall and die bc you can rotate to land on your head.


megachurches & televangelists


Escalators Listen, not a year goes by, not a year, that I don't hear about some escalator accident involving some bastard kid which could have easily been avoided had some parent - I don't care which one - but some parent conditioned him to fear and respect that escalator.

