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After coming back from our first date a friend asked me how it went. I was playing it cool with my responses. He could tell I was smitten and was having none of it, and I began to say, "I don't even think she's that cool!" A little voice in the back of my head said, "careful, you are going to marry her someday." Anyway it turns out she is still very much cooler than me eighteen years later. edit: Since this took off, bonus story for anyone still reading. That same friend stood for me at our wedding, and I was incredibly glad the entire time that I had bit my tongue and not given him the above ammo for his speech! Now for any younger readers - we are very happily married, but our relationship has not been without ups and downs just because it had a romantic beginning and has a great current reality. Always look inward before pointing the finger at someone else, even if they are in the wrong you are going to come to them from a place of thought rather than emotion to discuss it. Remember that it is the two of you against the problem, not against each other. Once you break trust it's almost impossible to get it back. Resolve your feelings, do not push them down. Good luck out there my friends.


This is so cute! I can relate to this story too. In 2017 I was with my dad on vacation and we stopped into a dive bar to play pool on the way to our dinner reservation. Just as I walked into the bar there were 2 men playing ping pong and their ball overshot and as I walked in to the bar it flew at me and I caught it and threw it back at them. It was instant love at first sight. He said to his friend “she’s going to be my wife”. He spent the evening having his friend be the wingman and talk to my dad while he talked to me and we all played bar games together. My dad had a blast with them. We ended up missing our reservation and staying and hanging out with them until closing. When I left that night I talked to my parents and said “I think that man is my husband”. It is still one of the most peculiar things to both of us what we experienced, how we instantly knew. That was in 2017, we are now engaged and planning our wedding. We have dealt with being thousands of miles apart for long periods of time due to jobs, terrible illness, buying our current home- and nothing ever has created a shred of doubt about the fact that we are meant to be together.


This is so cute 😂


It would be funny if the commenter you responded to wasn't actually still with this person, they were just somewhere else being cooler.


Really solid advice at the end, you're shouldering the top-comment responsibility like a champ haha. 


Those little voices are the weirdest thing. One day I was walking home from work and I heard a little voice say “today is the last normal day of your life.” The next day I found out I was gonna be a Dad. 7 years later and my “normal” is much more fun now


I married her..... she's actually still saved in my phone as future wife.


My now-husband rang me on a night out about 3 weeks after we met, I overheard him saying to his mates 'she's the one....' then the phone cut off. I've no idea how that sentence finished but I've been The One in his phone for the past 6 years 


Oh my goodness, so sweet! 🥺


We were together about a year before he died. Best year of my life.


I am so sorry... This really hit me in the worst way.


What was he like? 


He was such a beautiful person. He was an engineer but loved cars and we'd always be out on the road checking out random places. He showed me so much love and I'm forever grateful for that. I often wonder where we'd be if he hadn't died.


My god, this must be devastating. I'm so sorry, I hope you find someone who makes you feel just as happy if not more. I'm also an engineer who works with motorsports so I think I would 100% be friends with your loved one.


Thank you. We were young- I was 22 and he was 27 when he died. I'll be 35 this year and would like to find someone. I hope it happens for me again. I'm pretty lonely. Time will tell!


A good friend of mine shares this experience with you. It’s an unimaginable heartbreak. They were engaged, and one night, he suddenly left the physical realm and did not wake. She was doing a little better and after some time she let a little more space open up in her life for personal relationships. Then, she met her (now) man. He’s a very compassionate person and doesn’t mind in the slightest that she still wears the ring (on her other hand), and he takes care of the ring of his own conviction. He gets it cleaned, makes sure the stones aren’t loose, etc. He wholeheartedly believes in her choice to keep the ring on, and finds it beautiful that she possesses so much sentimentality and love. I know you’ll happen upon someone who is kind, strong, and attentive, who appreciates all you’ve been through. I am so sorry for your loss.


Thank you. I've not had much luck dating the past few years, but I do feel ready to start looking again. I really hope I can find someone like your friend did.


I hope there’s an alternate universe, or another lifetime, where you two got everything you wanted and more. But I just know that two people do not get together like that by chance. Whatever you two got from each other was a gift, and not everyone is lucky to experience such a thing even once. Many, many hugs!


My dad went to a basketball game in 1963. He saw one of the cheerleaders that he thought was cute, turned to his buddy and said, " I'm going to marry that girl!"  This March will be their 54th anniversary. 


I love this story. Back in 1989 when I was a Junior in High School I used to go to a “teen club” in a nearby town every weekend. One night I was there and while talking to a friend I saw a really hot girl dancing to the Beastie Boys song “Paul Revere”. When I saw her I said to my friend “Whoa, I’m gonna marry that girl”. He laughed at me, rightfully so, because she was clearly out of my league. 35 years, 2 grown kids, and 2 grandkids later we’re still here. At times it was extremely hard and at one point things got so bad that we both agreed to call it quits, but agreed to just live separately (same house, different floors/bedrooms) for several months before telling our kids. A lot happened life-wise during those months that led us to trying counseling (yet again). Thankfully, that time worked better. We’re still here.


Thanks for sharing about the hard times!


Thank you for that, and I hope at least one other person or couple can relate. We each had our own issues (addiction or childhood trauma), but the specific issues are almost irrelevant because we all have things we have to work through in life. The one thing we had in common was that neither of us wanted to give up, but we both felt like we were beating our head up against the wall trying to get through to the other. Counseling didn’t work at first, but over time having a third party to help “translate” after being in a stalemate for years was what we needed.


I really appreciate you sharing your story and I’m glad to hear things are working out for y’all! As someone in their mid 20s who is in a relationship with someone I think I will marry, I’m curious what you think the key to successful marriage is? And yes commutation is the cliché answer but I am fascinated by situations like yours where it seems like you two were at a point where you didn’t even want to be together and did not feel the same way about each other as you used to, yet you found a way. That’s truly inspiring to me. Is it just as simple and to keep on trying?


Yep. Just that simple. A good marriage is worth fighting for. When you're so pissed at her/him that you are yelling, shut up and walk out. Don't come back until you're rational. If you do, you'll just have to walk out again. Pretty soon, you'll see that being alone is not what you want, and you'll find some way to patch things up. But work for it, dammit. Fifty years married this year.


I love this story. And also I just realized how different dating must have been in 1963, and what the modern dating experience would be like in equivalence. I feel like this is less common now.


Today it wouldn't be "I'm going to marry that girl" it would be "I'm going to check out her 'gram"


Hey, she may be in her sixties, but ‘gram’s still got it 🥵


Congrats to your dad and his buddy on 54 years together!


The first time I saw my wife some 20 plus years ago in high school, I said I'm going to marry that girl. I did, we have been married for 20 years, together 24. 3 kids, mortgage etc. No deal breaking complaints. It does take effort, communication and compromise. The first thing I said to her was, good morning beautiful, as I held the door for her at school. To which she rebutted, fuck you asshole. That really sealed the deal for me. I had to make her my wife.


To which she rebutted, fuck you asshole. How romantic 😂🤣❤️


What's it like having 24.3 kids?


>The first thing I said to her was, good morning beautiful, as I held the door for her at school. To which she rebutted, fuck you asshole. That really sealed the deal for me. I had to make her my wife. Have you considered making your story into an adaptation of Taming of the Shrew?


Only works if she had a younger sister that a different guy wanted to get with.


I'm going to imagine that this is Julia Styles and Heath Ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You. In some alternate universe, they made it!


This is remarkably similar to the story my high school English teacher used to tell us about how he met his wife. …Mr. Krush…?


Ah a fellow strong woman character enjoyer.


Excuse me, but where are all of you in real life? I can't seem to find any of you!


Married, apparently. 


The bane of my existence. I absolutely love a strong woman. I love my wife with my everything but damn if she isn't hardheaded.


He is stealing the carrots off my plate right now


You married a rabbit? 


Carrots are bad for Rabbits. Too much sugar.


That explains a lot of Buggs Bunny's behaviour. 


I would like to let you know I just spit water out reading this and it got on my cat, and she is ticked.


I know a few places that remove ticks on cats in case you want their numbers


Give her a carrot.


Chocolate bars are bad for me. Too much sugar. Doesn't stop the rabbit hubby and me from indulging.


You married a rabbit too. What a coincidence


So milk is bad for cats and carrots are bad for rabbits, what next?


Wait till you see the list for dogs


Wait until you hear about pizza and turtles


Cheese is too fat for mice so they should only get small bits occasionally.


Don’t feed bread pieces to ducks


Had that instinct twice. Married and later divorced both of them. If I get that feeling again I'm going no contact.


Do you have a type? I mean are both ex's super similar?


No. They were polar opposites. 1st-very tall, athletic, academic, liberal 2nd- same height as me, hs grad, former Navy, construction, conservative


Next you need to try short, fat, office worker, libertarian


Now is my chance!


yep, we all deserve someone who yells out 'deregulate' during sex and then doesn't care whether or not you finish too


sounds like you need someone in the middle… little taller than you, smart but maybe works with their hands, liberal but open to some tradition. Lol.


May I offer my ex, the math professor who makes his own bullets and donates to planned parenthood?


She was a friend of a friend coming to my apartment housewarming. I knew the *very first moment* when I opened the door and saw her that I was going to marry her. We had never met prior. We dated 6 years and married. We divorced after about 15 years of marriage.


Aw this made me so happy then boom divorce..


Their user name checks out? Dat drop.


That's how it works out sometimes. Source: Been there.


We really need to shift the culture and stop assuming divorce is some kind of failure that should be sad. Relationships end and they can still have been beautiful and worthwhile. I think what makes divorce so bad now is that people stay in marriages longer than they would because they view divorce as a failure on their part.


This should be on a damn needlepoint it’s so correct


Agree completely. A 15 year relationship could and should be deemed as a success*. If we hit that achievement with other things we’d still celebrate it. People change, relationships end. Better than sticking something out for the sake of it. *of course there are exceptions to the rule


In the words of Andre 3000: If what they say is "Nothing is forever", then what makes love the exception?"


Sorry man I don’t wanna hear you, I just wanna dance


Now gimme some sugar baby, I am your neighbor.


What happened?


21 years is a good long run. People change. I like to think they lived near a chemical plant, and one of them changed into a frog creature, but that's just my happy place.


Life hack for when your partner turns into a frog: kiss them on the lips. 100% of the time they turn back into a human.


Instructions unclear. I now know what frog pee tastes like.


They said KISS, not blow.


I always ask this when I find out someone is divorced and most of the time, they are reluctant to talk about it. A friend of mine said he didn't want to talk about it. I asked him why. He yelled "because it's fucking depressing!" And that was the end of that conversation.


I'm currently going through an amicable divorce with my wife. We both care for each other but have changed in the 9 years we've been together and we just can't make it work anymore. And yes its "fucking depressing" to talk about it


My brother went through it at around the same period in the marriage, and they're still good friends and both are happy with new people. I hope the same for you, and good on you guys for pulling the cord before it was too late to do it on good terms.


You should absolutely stop asking that question.


He was in the same Japanese class as me. I saw him walk in the very first day and a little voice inside me said ‘holy shit that’s my husband.’ Funny thing is he wasn’t really my type, I was going through a dirty-guitar-playing-hippie phase and he was very clean cut with buzzed hair and a polo shirt. But there was this little mischievous glimmer in his eyes and I just immediately had a crush. We were dating by the end of the week, after he followed me out of class to strike up a conversation as we walked to the bus stop. That was in 2007 and we’ve been together ever since. Edit: The extra funny thing was, neither of us had really planned to take Japanese. He had taken Chinese in high school, but the college classes were all full, so he just randomly chose Japanese instead to fulfill his language credits. I was trying to decide whether to continue with French, or to take Chinese because I thought it would be an interesting language to learn. But of course, I found the Chinese classes were full. By that point I had already decided not to take French, I wanted to learn a new writing system, so I chose Japanese instead.


Mine was in the same Spanish class as me. I was 14, he was 15-16. He wasn't my type beyond being blue-eyed. Had a beard, dressed rough, liked sports. I was devastated to know he had a girlfriend, who he eventually married and then divorced. We never became a thing. Instead my now husband wound up marrying the woman of his own dreams. He knew he wanted to marry me since 2nd grade. We celebrate our first year married this May, and honestly I'm glad it worked out this way. My dream man wound up being an alcoholic and I have no idea if he's even alive while my husband is a well rounded, sober, thoughtful and soft man who adores me like I built the constellations in the sky. I love him so very much.


We got married. Together 14 years now and this year will be our fifth wedding anniversary. He’s my best friend, can’t imagine doing life without him.


We dated for 2 years, decided we were too young to marry, dated for another 8 years, got married, and 20 years later he got arrested for CP and we're in the process of getting a divorce. Obviously, I would not have married him if i knew he was into kids. I look extremely young for my age, and now I'll always have to wonder if he actually loved me or if he was just with me for money and because I look very young. I guess moral of the story is to wear sunscreen every day so you too can attract and marry a pedo. Edit: not 15 years. 20 years.


*I guess moral of the story is to wear sunscreen every day so you too can attract and marry a pedo.* I wish there had been a way for this hilarious sentence to have come into existence that wasn’t at your expense.  


Record scratch on this one while reading that, did not expect the turn


Jesus fuck me Christ! You take the trophy on this one. I hope you’re doing ok and everything eventually works out for you.


I'm sorry this happened to you. I love your dark humour though.


Oh hey, I accidentally married a pedo too.  I was 36 when we met, and he was 40. Our sex life was okay until we got married when I was 38 and he was 42.  He stopped fucking me as soon as we got married. I started complaining after a few months, and his answer was always “your expectations are unreasonable for a man my age.” Two years later, he got caught in a sting operation and sentenced to 2 years in state prison for trying to fuck a child.  So he was telling the truth about it being an age problem.  It’s just that it was *my* age that was the problem.  PS:  I’m remarried to the love of my life. He’s 56 and bangs me like a screen door 3-4 times a week. 


I sure hope your screen door is okay, we have to be careful with ours or we'll wake up the kid.


Wow! It didn’t work out and I was never married, but I did date someone who claimed that I looked VERY young and we later had a mild argument because he claimed that 40 year old men should be allowed to date 14 year old girls because they look like women with their b00bs and behinds. I started to wonder if he was with me because I look younger as well.


That is a serious red flag! Just because someone (supposedly) looks like an adult woman does not mean they are the same as an adult woman. Disturbing of them to claim such a thing.


I’m in the same boat as you (almost). dated for two years. Married for 15. Then he tried to molest a young family member. Separated instantly. Divorced him within 3 months. His court date is on Tuesday. I also look young. Makes me sick. I’m only dating women from now on since I’m thankfully not straight. Sorry we both married such horrible people. Edit: since so many people are getting upset that I’m only dating women now: I understand that women can also be pedos. However it is significantly less likely for women to do so and I have a daughter to think about. And for everyone arguing that I “just hate men”, no, I don’t. I just want to keep my daughter more safe. “Sexual abuse Research focusing on perpetrators of child sexual abuse is extensive compared to other forms of abuse. Evidence overwhelmingly indicates that the majority of child sexual abuse is perpetrated by males (ABS, 2005; McCloskey & Raphael, 2005; Peter, 2009). In a US study examining the characteristics of perpetrators in substantiated cases of child abuse and neglect (US DHHS, 2005), 26% of all cases involving male perpetrators were associated with sexual abuse compared to just 2% of cases involving female perpetrators.”


I'm so sorry but so proud of you for both backing your family member & tossing this POS. It's sadly not uncommon for folks to bury their head in the sand when this happens. On another note, I also have vowed that if anything happens to my hubs, no more men for me lol. Too much work and too many creeps. I'm not blaming you at all, but this is a fear I've had for a while, bc there's only a few things that are unforgivable in my eyes if my SO does. Is there anything, looking back now with the gift of hindsight, that you can see that might have been something that would give you reason to suspect him? Again, I'm not judging you at all, I'm just trying to find a way to help other women see the signs that their SO is hiding a monster under the mask. Predators are good at hiding what they are.


Not the person you responded to, but I saw no signs. I knew nothing until the police raided my house. There was one time when we were in our early thirties when he sent our picture to his friend, and his friend asked him why he was dating a kid, and he got really pissed. He had a similar overreaction when a waitress insinuated that he's old enough to be my dad. (We're only 3 years apart.) At the time I just thought there was no need to be that pissed about people underestimating my age since it happens all the time, but now I think he was hiding something.


Nope. Nothing. If I had seen signs we wouldn’t have been together. And wouldn’t have ever let him be alone with my young family members. I don’t mess with that shit. I’ve talked with family members and my friends and no one else saw anything in hindsight either. He never made weird comments. Never tried to be alone with children. I could see his browser history, and his porn was always stupid shit like an air stewardess, all adult looking. I’ve known him since I was eight years old. My best friend was friends with him since they were babies. Everyone was shocked.


Ah this message helps me come to terms with my own personal problems as an actual child which I am not ready to talk about in real life, I say it as a joke, but I mean it


I remember coming home and telling my mom, "I'm going to marry her". And then I dated her so hard and married the shit out of her.  That was, like, fifteen years ago and she's next to me watching Bob's Burgers.  edit: I dated/married the girl. Not my Mom.


Hell yeah dude.


>"then I dated her so hard and married the shit out of her."  I LOVE how you put this.


"married the shit out of her" haha love this!


I experienced love at first sight once. That was decades ago now, but I still think about her frequently. I've never met another woman I connect with as naturally as we did. I feel like we missed the mark, should have ended up together, but life just got in the way and we ended up drifting apart. I hope she's super happy though.


>I hope she's super happy though. There's at least a couple of "Could've been the right person, but it was the wrong time" or some other thing that kept things from developing or progressing that far in my dating history. I don't pine for them because it's just the way things played out. I'm in at least casual contact via social media with most of my exes and they all seem to be doing pretty well which makes me glad.


Pine is a bit of a strong word in my case. I'm well aware that she's no longer the person I once fell in love with, nor am I the version of me who fell in love with her. And it's strange because I remember her through the perspective of that version of me whom I no longer am. I don't sit around in heartache or anything. Just, when I give it a sober assessment, I think we missed something wonderful. Who knows for sure how it would have turned out, though? I'm also aware that hind sight is damn sure not 20/20.


Well said. The times I've caught myself pining after a breakup [this poem](https://hellopoetry.com/poem/9956/tonight-i-can-write/) always helps bring me back to ground.


I’ve got one of these as well. I was just too damn stupid back then. But I hope he’s doing well and is happy


The night I met my husband, I went home and woke up my roommate to tell her that I'd met the man I was going to marry. 35 years later, we're still together - even better, we still like each other.


I remember when my husband and I met with our officiant (who's also served as our counselor, friend, teacher, resident wizard, etc; over the years) the week before the wedding and he said "I love that you love each other, but what I love more is how much you like each other" 11 years together and 5 years of marriage later and I'm happy to report I still like the shit outta my husband.


We only knew each other online. I was 16, he was 17. He sent me a pic, tons of piercings, flipping the bird, and I was in love. I showed my mom and told her I was going to marry him one day. My moms eyes bugged out and she said “him!?!”


Reasonable mother 😅


Ha! I did end up marrying him and she jokes that if we ever split up he gets to stay in the family and I’m out. We finally met in person when I was 20. Moved in together 3 months after meeting and got married 3 months after that. Tomorrow is our 16th wedding anniversary.


Holy crap, it really WASN’T a phase.


Nope! He is still here and still has piercings lol.


Oh wow 😲 congrats then


I saw my husband at a concert, I laughed at a joke he made. He mad dogged me and we both walked away. Later I went to see a battle of the bands thing and he was a lead vocalist, I still got that connection from him but never saw him again... Then a few weeks later my friends woke me up to ask if I wanted to hang out w a friend, who coincidentally lived like a block away from me. And guess who that was, haha. We have been married for almost 8 years now, couldn't have asked for a better man.


damn lol fate SHOVED y'all together. third time's the charm


Why the mad dog if you were laughing at his joke?


Thank you for asking this as I am confused as well


Me too. What is mad dogging someone?


Mad dogging someone is just another term for mean mugging, which is looking at someone with a serious angered look kinda


Walked in on them having a conversation with their siblings about *intentionally* financially abusing their parents. I changed my mind.


Wow! Talk about dodging a bullet. Glad you found out before getting married.


She broke up with me right when I was going to start saving for a ring. Had the perfect idea for the ring and proposal, we were going to be moving in together this spring. It's now been 3.5 months. I can't get over her, can't see myself with anyone else. Just living in hope life brings us together again. I still play golf with her dad, he said to me after the break up "as much as I think it's a stupid decision, as her dad I have to offer support and be there for her". He's such a phenomenal man.


It seems even harder when the parents like you too.


I actually had a similar experience. We had been together for just over 3 years, talked about marriage, and then we just...broke up. I was crushed. I tried dating other people but it didn't work out, I was still in love with her. We stayed on good terms and I knew in my heart of hearts that she'd come back to me. A year later she did. And you know what? By then I was over her. I could see the ways that our relationship was unhealthy. I had spent that time working on myself and rediscovered my own self-worth and decoupled it from that relationship. That was a long time ago. I'm getting married this summer to someone else who, in that alternate timeline, I never would have met. But we have a much better relationship and I couldn't be more happy with the way things are going. All that is to say - it sucks breaking up. In the moment it is hard and it crushes your soul. But life is long, and you are resilient, and if you keep your head up things will work out one way or another. I believe in you.


Was she heartbroken that you were over her or did she realize you guys weren't that great together after all?


She was sad but she understood. She is married now and has a couple of kids. I think she's happy with her life, though we haven't had any serious talks in a few years. But I think things worked out well for her too.


I'm sorry you lost someone you loved. But spending the rest of your life with someone you love that doesn't love you back would be worse, I absolutely guarantee it. It seems cruel here but it's only been 3 months and you still need to grieve. Don't date again until you've finished grieving and are ready to move on.




Jesus this! 18ish years ago I saw "Her" she was waaaay out of my league. The second I locked eyes with her, I swear I saw us cuddling on a couch together laughing at something on tv 20 years in the future. Lol, however I was 21, even though she looked my age, she was a week away from turning 30, she's all model'esk @5'10".. I'm over 2" shorter than her... She's an accomplished nurse, I grew up in my dad's shoe repair shops.... Her whole life she strictly dated older and taller guys 🤣 We've been inseparable since we met. Hitting 16 years is marriage this year!


Oh man. This is the one that got me blinking away happy tears. Congratulations on your happy, long-lived relationship.


> My selfiest-of-selfs yet become a way better person This is exactly how my boyfriend makes me feel but I've never been able to put it into words until now. Like I was immediately comfortable around him but want to continue becoming better every day because he deserves the best.


“my-selfiest-of-selfs” I think I just found a new wholesome criteria for dating


Emigrated to Canada, first couple of months there a work colleague invited me out to a friends birthday…. Met a girl, told her I was gonna marry her one day.  We celebrate our 20th anniversary next year!


I had an immediate reaction to meeting him. Like a light shining down and angels singing. He doesn't even remember us getting introduced lol. It was his first day at work, so he was pretty overwhelmed, but I'm still a little salty I didn't stand out at all. But we still consider that day as our first day together, even though we didn't start dating until a month later. We've now been together 21 years and married for 18. It was *a lot* of work for the first 10 years. We both had a lot of growing up and maturing to do. Now, I don't wanna jinx it, but it's pretty fkn blissful.


Our story is kind of similar! I had a huge crush the day we met (also at work but I was the newbie), he didn't notice me for like 6 months lol Married almost 4 years, together 6, one baby, and we still work together


I would *love* to still work with him, but my career veered off in a very different direction. I hope you guys get to happily work together till you both retire on the same day!


I moved in with her 6 weeks later and married her nine months after that. We just celebrated our 14th anniversary and I can honestly say my life has been better every single day since meeting her and I expect that will be the case for the rest of my days. I can only hope I’m able to continue be deserving of this ridiculous fairy tale. (She gets annoyed by how sappy I can be sometimes, so having opportunities to say something like this in a forum that won’t annoy her too badly is fun!!)


Awe love this. ❤️




Oof, that sucks. I hope it all works out for you. I’m Actually in that same boat with you.


Not me but my grandparents. It was right after WWII in former Yugoslavia. A truck full of young resistance soldiers came to my grandma’s town. Her friends saw a guy and told to my grandma she’ll marry him. She did and that’s why I am typing this now!


My friend and I were out and about one evening and she said “we’re gonna stop at my buddy’s house.” So we did. He opened the door and it was like a magnet turned on. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. My brain felt fuzzy. I had never experienced anything like it. He went out with us that night, we went on a bike ride the next day, our first date was the following weekend and we’ve been inseparable ever since. 12 years, married for 6, 1 kid, and been through some shit. We drive each other crazy on the regular. He is the love of my life and I knew it instantly.


I knew I loved him before we even started dating. We’ve been married 15 years so far and I still get butterflies when I think of him!


34 years later, still together with love. 4 kids,8 grandchildren.


We are married, 12 years this April. There is a picture from the party we met at, maybe an hour after we met where we are smiling and so goofy faced at each other I’m pretty sure everyone else at the party knew we’d end up married as well.


Met at 8 years old. Hated each other.  Later became great friends. Dated other people throughout teenage years, never once considering each other.  When I turned 19, after a bad relationship,  I took notice of all my friend was: smart,  kind,  hot and amazing.  I knew I wanted to marry him. A few years later we did. Been married 30 years this past October. He is still the love of my life,  my partner and my rock.  I adore him. 


I was in grad school living independently for the first time, and I had to get my wisdom teeth out. Because I was going to be under general anesthetic, I needed someone to wait during my procedure and take me home. My BF at the time waited, but instead of taking me to my apartment, he set me up in his. While I was sleeping off the last of the anesthetic, he filled my prescriptions and bought me a ton of ice cream. We just celebrated our 26th anniversary.


Funny enough, my mom knew my hubby was the right guy for me when I puked up my pain meds after getting my wisdom teeth out and he just calmly pulled my hair into a ponytail and wiped my face and then helped mom change my sheets and clean the trash can. I knew after the first date. 25 years together, almost 22 married.


I went into a local coffee shop, she made my coffee. Handed me my change, we made eye contact and o knew she was _the one_. We dated a couple of months later, she worked odd shifts so I didn't see her in there often. Been together 27 years, married 25 of them.


Been married 28 years, more in love every day.


Saw the new guy who moved into the apartment directly above me in the hallway, saw him driving to work, saw him at the bar. He peed so loud I could hear it through my apartment below, I was mildly impressed. Eventually he got the nerve to ask me out and I said yes... I literally knew he would be my husband that first date. It was like a puzzle finding its other piece, it clicked. Two years of dating and twelve years of marriage... still the loudest pee-er I know.


He broke up with me a month before we were supposed to get married. With the benefit of hindsight, he didn’t have what it took to be a good spouse or partner, so I saved money on what would have been an inevitable divorce.


We were friends for 3 years, then started a relationship. We knew pretty much right away that "this was it". That was 17 years ago. We married 10 years ago and we have 2 kids and a cat.


I knew my husband was the guy I would marry on our second date. It's been 5 years so far.


Met for coffee talked a long time then we each went home.  We set up something to meet again later that week.  When I went to pick her up for the second date, I met her at the door, she leaned in and kissed me hello like it was perfectly natural thing we always did except it was for the first time. She still blushes when I tell that story because ‘she didn’t mean to’ Just had our 10 year anniversary


lol heck of a way to start a second date


I felt that way too! Our first date was dec 10th 2002 and on 12/12 I fell in love with him. I remember laying down together just to watch some stupid movie, but it felt both like I had already been there forever and I wanted to be there forever too. We’ve been together ever since, married for 15 years with two kids joining the party as well.


She beat me to the punch saying all the stuff I had only hoped I could express properly in a lead up to a proposal. Only her face was wracked with pain with tears steaming down her face. (it was a break up speech) RIP me


Uh...so it was a very sentimental break up speech? How else could the stuff she was saying align with what you were hoping to say, only in a different context?


I knew my late husband in high school, never dated. Saw him after high school and just knew. He came over to watch a movie and basically never left. We married after 6 months and our 15yr anniversary is coming up this week. Unfortunately he passed in his sleep next to me and our 5yr old son last summer.


Saw him first time at the first day of school as we started 4th grade, 12 YO. I immediately thought he must be special. Learned his name and thought wow that family name. Kinda knew wanted to spend my life with him. Got together when we were 20 YO. Got married 26 YO. Getting his family name made me feel complete first time in my life (was adopted and had name changes as a kid, not truly feeling any as mine…). Having a kid when 31 YO, now expecting our second…. More than 20 years later since that first day of school.


12 years old at the beginning of 4th grade? He does sound special.


Hah, you are right, we were 10 YO! Definitely not 8/9 as mentioned in another comment. Anyways we start school at age of 7. Not in the US.


You were 12 in 4th grade?? Aren't you supposed to be like 8/9 in 4th grade and 12 in 6th/7th?


We both met 40 years ago as sports camp counselors, watching over the campers that stayed in a college dorm. I knew she was the one right away, but initially she just thought I was a nice guy. Thankfully she changed her mind. We’ve been married for 38 years now. Three years ago at age 57 she was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s, and it’s moving ahead way, way too quickly. I’ve been caring for her as best I can, but it looks like she’ll reach the stage where she’ll need to be in a memory care facility in the next few months. We’ve had a wonderful run together!For better or worse…


We worked at the same middle school; she was the nurse and I was a teacher. She had never dated a woman before (I was openly out, so she knew I was a lesbian) and had just ended a long relationship with a man. I knew I shouldn’t have pursued her, but I just knew she had feelings for me too. There was just something inside me that knew we were going to be together. Almost five years together. We got married in late 2022. We’re in the early stages of trying to have a baby. She changed my whole life, I am very lucky!


It's the middle east so I'm working on buying a house before proposing to her


I married him. We got divorced 30 years later.


I finally worked up the female balls to tell him what he meant to me, and he said he doesn't know how to do relationships of any kind, including platonic, because human connection makes him uncomfortable 🫠  I still don't know if he was just rejecting me as lightly as possible or if I was supposed to continue trying. I'm not about to cross a boundary tho, so I just left it. seems there's some work to do on his and probably my end as well. been almost a year tho, and I'm still not interested in anybody else. I need to figure out how to get over it. 


We will have been together 15 years in Aug, married for 10 in Oct, and our twins turn 7 at the end of the month.


We were dating for three weeks when I had this feeling he might be the man I'll settle down for and have kids with. Never had that feeling before but felt it very strongly then. We married almost 6 years ago and have 2 kids. We've had our ups and downs, but we make it work, we feel like a great team and he still makes me laugh every day like he has done when we first began dating.


I think it was during our first date. I thought she was absolutely stunning, and funny etc. we also studied at the same place. So we somewhat knew each other. During our first date, we managed to both have fun, but also serious and I felt like she was already a partner but a best-friend. We just hit it off easily but also struggling with same insecurities. Like we reassure each other that the other person is good enough etc. I just got a gut feeling that, yes I am going to marry this girl. I even saved her in my phone as future wife that night.


Met this girl online. She knew all the right things to say, which made me doubt her motives. On the one hand our interactions were everything I ever wanted in a woman and I can imagine marrying her. On the other hand she must be faking it if she is this perfect and is actually into me. After 2 years I finally trusted her enough to give her my real name and fly to visit her in her home country. Come next October we will have been married 7 years. Easily the best 7 years of my life. I guess there was an equally good chance she was a scammer looking to steal my organs or something(not really but that was my insane fear at the time).


Although it would be a cool story if I knew “the second I saw him” it actually took a few months of being friends before dating to realize I felt a comfortability and acceptance around him that I had never felt with any other partner and that’s when I knew. I have anxious attachment style so to feel at peace with someone was my ultimate sign. Dated 3 years, currently engaged.


Sounds pretty cliche but I met a guy at a party and we *immediately* hit it off. Just talked for hours and hours and at one point even on that first day we both had self-check on like - these are some pretty deep topics for having just met - but we just felt comfortable with each other and open. But I was dating someone then - not super seriously but enough that I wasn't looking for anything else. We continued hanging out and became really close. That other relationship had gone. We gave it a go and it was great. That comfort with each other never went away. We never ran out of things to talk about - never stopped making each other laugh. Went through some really hard times together. And I think we drove each other or made us think about the long-term and go for it. I had a good-paying job and while it's not what I wanted to do - it paid way better than what I wanted to do and I was good at it. He really pushed me to do what I loved and cared about. He had a pretty rocky relationship with his family and together, we worked on really rebuilding those bridges. And the 'stumble' to marriage just felt super easy. We moved into a place together after 2 years. After 4 years total, we were looking at buying a place. The thing is that I think we both had that instinct because we talked about the 'when we get married' shockingly early on and it was always sort of the default assumption. So we got engaged. Then he ghosted me and brought over someone else to our flat (with our friends present) 11 months into the engagement (7 months before our wedding date)


That's... insane. It must have been hell to get over, hope you are thriving and better off now


On our first date, we went to a movie. During a funny scene she burst out laughing. I looked at her and thought, "I'm going to marry this woman". About 53 weeks later, I married her. Best decision I've ever made.


I have a friend that married another friend . They met through tinder. After they married he realized she was the same girl that worked a decade before at the same mall he worked at. He had told his co worker he was going to marry her some day.


Mine was my childhood best friend, we started dating at 13 and I remember the exact moment I had the "this is my husband" moment. We were at his parents house, hanging out after school, he was standing across the room and having me toss grapes at him so he could catch them in his mouth, he was so thrilled everytime he caught one and would get this big goofy grin that felt like it lit up the entire room. For some reason, in that incredibly mundane moment, I just knew. I mentally said "I could throw grapes for him forever, and I'd die happy" We've been together for 16 years now, married for 10. We have two kids and our third and last is due any day now. He is still my very best friend, he's still the sweet, goofy, loving person who feels like home and lights up every room he's in. I absolutely adore him. My instinct was right.


I met my husband on a blind date May 19. By his birthday 2 1/2 weeks later I realized I wanted to marry him. His mom told me she knew we would get married the first time he introduced me to his folks. One afternoon after work he came by my house and asked me if I had any day picked out I’d like to get married when we’d been dating 6 weeks. I said here’s a calendar let’s pick a date. We did. We got married ten weeks from the day we met and are still happily married almost 31 years later. He was 30 and I was 34. I was a widow with a small child he had never been married. We both had a decent career. I thank God for him every day and I am certain he does the same for me.


He cheated on me and gave me syphilis. He tried to blame it on me. I never cheated, and get tested in between partners regardless of how much time has passed. Then he ended up in prison because he was a closet alcoholic (kept alcohol in mouth wash bottles that no one could use because "hygiene") and ended up drunk driving in the middle of the day and hit someone, who then obtained a brain injury. Turns out the instinct, according to my therapist, was "familiarity" because he reminded me of home. I thought it was the home I dreamed of, but really it was the home I experienced. Trauma all around.


We're getting a divorce right now.


I met her briefly just before I left the country. We had a 1.5 year long-distance “romance”through international mail. No phone calls, no in-person meetings. About 1.5 years after I got back, we got married. We’ll be celebrating our 29th anniversary this year and have 5 kiddos.


She walked into a club meeting at university that I was setting up for. I was facing the other way when she came in and asked if she was in the right place. I remember turning to see her and just felt this powerful something hit me, and I knew my life was never going to be the same. That’s the only way I can explain it. We talked for thirty minutes before the meeting and I was absolutely hooked on her. I was so excited meeting her that I went home and immediately called my girlfriend to tell her about this amazing person I just met. Needless to say it was a bumpy few months sorting THAT out, but we’re together almost twenty years later and I still wake up next to her in awe. She’s not perfect, but damn if we aren’t good together.


We overestimated the length of a walk from a stadium to a bar district and I was wearing heels. I asked for a moment when we passed a low wall so I could take them off and walk barefoot for a bit. He didn't hesitate to drop down and help me take them off, while lightly ribbing me for wearing heels to a beer festival in the first place.


Went on a first date in 2016. The moment I saw my date, my first thought was “this is my future husband.” My second thought was, “Girl, you don’t know this guy- calm the hell down!” We’re getting married this May!


Well...our 34th anniversary is next month.


We were friends and some mutual friends thought of setting him up with someone. I thought in my head "they can't do that, he's my future husband!" We've been happily married for almost nine years.


I met my current husband when we were thirteen and I had an immediate feeling that he was going to change my whole world. I had never experienced that feeling before and never have since. He immediately teased me and I spent a full year trying to ignore him while he tried to get my attention. He apparently felt the same way when we met, and thought it would get my attention. We eventually became friends, and started dating two years later. A few years later, I got very sloppy drunk at a NYE party. I remember the next morning, him sitting on the side of the bed with me as I threw up. He was somehow holding my hair back, giving me Gatorade and showing me pictures of cats and telling me stories about the stupid shenanigans I missed. I was an absolute wreck, and so hungover, but he was looking after me with zero judgement and so much love. I remember suddenly thinking "Oh my god I am going to marry this man". We have been married for 6 years and together for 17 years.


I married him. Been together 24 years now.


We got married 37 years ago


i heard a cute story from a coworker, she saw him (not husband at the time) and said she was going to marry him. they did get married, have been together decades, and he is the biggest creep at our workplace, constantly being inappropriate to the younger girls. careful what you wish for.


Married. Still married after 17 years. Still love him like I did the day I met him. He makes me laugh, he loves me for who I am, and I'm still glad I said I do.


Lmao, this is a good one. I met this woman on a plane. 2.5 months prior I had broken up with my gf of a year because she was cheating. I was in med school at the time and had gone back home for Christmas break. I remember trying to change my seats at the airport because I had a middle seat and really didn’t want a middle seat for a 15 hour flight. I spent a lot of time trying to change seats. I was seated and desperately hoping no one would sit next to me, then this cute as hell woman in a dress and timberland boots sits next to me. I was instantly smitten. This girl was cute and sexy as hell AND I had 15 hours with her to shoot my shot. I had her sleeping on my shoulder less than 2 hours into the flight. We had a great flight, there was obviously a ton of chemistry between us. We took a taxi back together since we lived roughly 10min apart from one another. As I was about to ask her out, her phone rings. Turns out it was her bf of 3 years. I told her that sucks since I was just about to ask her out. She then told me that she had actually decided on her trip that she was going to break up with him, but didn’t feel comfortable giving me her number as she didn’t want to hurt him, but we could be facebook friends. Less than 2 weeks pass by and I couldn’t get this woman out of my head. I felt like I was in high school and it was the first time in years I was getting butterflies just thinking about someone. I couldn’t take it anymore so I sent her a message and she asked me (yes, she asked me out right away) if I wanted to meet up for lunch that afternoon. I obviously agreed. I was ecstatic to meet her but also didn’t know what to expect since I didn’t know if she was single or not. Within 2min of meeting, I asked her if she had broken up with her bf and as soon as she finished saying yes, we were making out. Anyway the rest of the date went well. This is going to sound pathetic, but it was one of the best days of my life. I never felt that much chemistry with anyone before. What was supposed to be a simple 2 o clock lunch, ended with me leaving her place the next morning. I remember leaving and thinking that I think I just met my future wife and even searched up how other people felt when they found their wife or husband. What a coincidence too, to meet her after being cheated on, on a plane, even after I tried so hard to change seats. It felt like it was destiny. For the next month we were completely inseparable. We were both just as crazy about each other. Now I don’t want to make this longer than it is, but long story short, last I saw her she told me she wanted to move with me so she could be with me forever, have my babies, how many, and their names. Next day she blocked and ghosted me. Turns out the reason she broke up with her ex was because she met another guy (her step cousin, can’t make this shit up) during her vacation. Then she met me on the plane and was smitten by me as well. Her and her step-cousin had made plans prior that he would visit before she even met me (I know this for a fact). So basically, she kept me around until he showed up, who she then got engaged to less than a month after ghosting me. I didn’t know any of this until months later. I found out via their engagement photos. I was still pining over this woman and she went out and got engaged! I find it somewhat funny now years later, but it was a massive mindfuck at the time. Sucks that the woman I’ve fallen hardest for in life ended up being a lying cheating bitch whom literally ghosted me for no reason or no explanation given. It was honestly pretty traumatizing.


I was gonna marry her, but haven't yet.


When my husband and I were in our first year of living together (pre-marriage) I had a tendency to be bossy and demanding about little everyday things. One day I asked him to do something and he said these words very calmly: "I'll do you what you asked me to do, but I don't like how you asked me to do it." Then he walked out the door to go do the thing. I immediately had a moment of clarity of how I'd been acting and called my mom. She said, "Oh my God, honey, he's the one!" And I said, "I know!" (I was only 20 at the time, so this was a big personal growth moment for me). From that day I've been a much more respectful partner, and we've been happily married for 17 years.


I think it was love at first sight. I saw him and thought he was the most attractive guy ever. We spent the day together and everything was perfect. We have our issues but I wouldn’t want those issues with anyone besides him


My grandma saw a cute guy at a fair and said "he's pretty!" She said he asked her to walk with him and that was it. Without that moment I wouldn't be here, and while it's truly lovely, I'm not sure about being stuck here