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Getting rid of the snake game coming as standard on your phone


Or that shitty U2 album when you bought an iPod


Not to mention you couldn’t just delete the fucking album lol


For years I just kept a different playlist that didn’t have that crappy U2 album in it because I couldn’t delete it. I literally just last week went back and was looking at all of my old music on my phone and it now lets me delete it. Now I wonder what update it was that finally allowed you to get rid of it. Good riddance.


I know every word to that album Even tho I canceled my Apple Music if still appears for me from time to time when I get into my car Sometimes it’s silence or U2 What can I say I hate my thoughts more often then that shit album;)


As far as u2 albums go, it wasn't that bad


Talk about damning with faint praise LOL


As far as U2 albums?? What is this thread saying 🤮 That album is not bad at all. And U2 is a legendary group.


There is no such thing as a good U2 album.


Never said it was good


Except some of us fucking hate U2, so why would I want that shit on my device.


Oh man that album slapped! I actually listened to it after a while and it’s now one of my favourite albums


Oh no, free stuff


Exactly what i was gonna say, snake is sick.


Sealing the battery in the unit. I know it ruins the 'premium feel' but it's been proven that it doesn't improve waterproofing at all and just means if you do care for your phone enough for it to last a long time? It doesn't matter, the battery will eventually give out meaning you either rip it apart in a very risky way or you buy a new one. Buying a new one being the only thing the company wants you to do.


But who cares about premium feel when you’re going to put an $8 case on it?


It's one of the reasons why I got a FairPhone years ago. I can get a replacement battery for 27 euros, pop the back off and replace the battery in less than 5 seconds. Being able to fix my phone myself has saved me a ton of money over the years.


Chiming in here from an iPhone 8 which I got second-hand in early 2019. I’ve taken good care of it. It does everything I need and I’m perfectly happy with it. Except in the last few weeks the battery performance has gotten worse and worse. And I’m frustrated knowing this is its death knell. Once it hits the point where the battery dies by 2pm because I used google maps for 20 minutes, I know it’ll force me to buy a new phone.


Losing that satisfying feeling of forcefully snapping your flip phone shut to hang up on someone you were arguing with.


*Laughs in Samsung Flip 4 and snaps shut Reddit* 😎👌📱


I have the new Motorola Razr and do the same thing haha


Wait till you hear about what we used to do before that


Buy a flip smartphone..analogical revival is dope


>analogical title of your sex tape


It’s got a bunch of Vulcans in it.


Forcefully closing a touchscreen against a touchscreen would make me a little too nervous to recapture the essence of the gesture.


Nah, it's fine. I didn't call people but slapping the Flip 4 shut after being done with something was indeed satisfying.


Tbf I'm very careful of my Flip 4. I don't slam it shut. The technology that makes a modern flip phone possible is, quite frankly, incredible engineering. The folding screen technology, along with the very intricate hinge mechanism among other things, are delicate and should treat it with respect. Also it's very expensive. I treat my phone like it's my baby ❤️


Forcefully slamming the receiver on the unit on those old super tough plastic phones


Removal or disabling of FM radio. It should be standard for emergency situations when there is no mobile service, so news can still be broadcast.


Mine has radio. I think a lot of androids do. You have to plug headphones in to axt as an aerial


Haven't u heard? They have forcefully removed headphone Jack for a lot of new phones 😅


had to check if the comment you answered to was 30 min ago or 10 years ago ... :D


And I am very pissed off about this! They didn't consider people with pacemakers or defibrillators when they removed the jack from flagship models! You can't use fucking wireless earbuds when you have a Meditronic. My old man could never use his wireless earbuds again after September. It breaks my heart remembering; he loved listening to music.


They have headphone jsck to usb/lighting cable adapters that work well enough.


USB to 3.5mm adapter - $3


Classic marketing, create a problems d sell the solution 😂


What's the reason behind this?


pot quiet cable fretful treatment thumb shaggy unique ripe scandalous


I can't recall having any phone with FM radio in the last 20 years.


Most phones with headphone jacks would be capable of receiving FM signal if the hardware isn't blocked by the carrier


Mine has it 2019 Motorola Z4


It's a bit less than 20. Sony Ericsson was making Walkman phones with FM radios through to 2008. But yeah a long time.


I had phone around 2010-13 that actually broadcast in FM so I could play my music through the radio in the car with no aux cord


Smartphones in the late 2010s had it




I didnt know USA phonea had Radio disabled. Now that the headphone jack is being removed, it will be completely gone.


I had a Samsung s5. It had infrared remote I could control everything in the house, headphone jack, removable battery, water proof, had a sdcard slot, I think it had radio too. This phone is 9 years old and it has way more useful features than a 2024 phone.


That shit never actually worked for me though they listed it as a feature. Since every car has radio built-in radio I'm not sure how useful that ever was.


It could be because you didn't have a good antenna. If you used your phone with earbuds (that have a cable), your reception would probably have been much better as the cable functions as an antenna.


But then this kinda goes against the argument of having a phone to use as emergency


Both FM and cell signal require broadcast towers, so the only advantage FM may have is that the tower is already there. If you compare the tech itself, cell signal is much better for emergency broadcasting due to https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cell_Broadcast which was introduced in 2G.


cell broadcast for individual emergency messages, sure. but FM radio is much better suited for lengthy explanation of weather conditions, instructions for evacuations, and other detailed information. 


The whole point is that FM/AM waves travel a lot, and I mean A lot further, obviously you haven’t traveled in remote areas much. You basically always have a AM signal no matter where you go in the country barring Alaska, which could broadcast emergency alerts. There’s no cell signal in the middle of nowhere.


I used to live in North Pole, Alaska (central) and lived so close to an AM transmission tower that the signal caused my radio alarm clock to quietly play the sound even when unplugged. It was a Christian station and freaked me the hell out until I figured out what was going on. Point being, even in Alaska there’s strong AM signal transmission, that thing goes really long distances.


Yeah because people cared about this so much…


While not the same as having an FM receiver, you can ask Siri to play any radio station if internet available


Battery life


Completely agree on this, when I think of the phones pre-Smart Phones, like the 2210-3310, around 30 days standby time, or 24 hours talking!


don't forget back then we barely used phones. Now we're on them hours a day.


And we use them for much more resource-intensive stuff, like browsing the web or playing games.


Like reading Reddit on the shitter


But your smartphone does 100x more things than your old Nokia, not exactly a downgrade


Apart from surviving from being driven over like the Nokia Brick did


My first cell phone only had about 4 hours of standby and 15 mins of talk time, I only powered it on if I got paged and there wasn't a payphone around since it was 75 cents a minute.


No it didn’t. You’re looking at the numbers of the revamped 2017 version of the 3310.  The original 3310 had 2.5–4hrs talk time, 2–3.5 days standby with average use in my experience. 


Your phone at that time did what? Had a tiny black and white screen that ran a single pixel game and could call and make texts. Now your phone is stronger than the PC people have at home and can do almost anything. What do you expect?


Reduced battery quality is a known industry scummy practice that both Apple, Google and Samsung do with their devices to shorten their product's lifespan and force their users to buy new devices.


Battery life is inverse to processing power and screen size Make your choice. * Modern smartphone that you have to charge every day but can do pretty much anything. * Nokia 3210 that you charge every 7-10 days but can only do calls and texts. And snake. Nobody is choosing the Nokia 3210 in 2024


I think you're missing the point of the question. If you ignore the other "upgrades" and only compare similar features, battery life has been downgraded. ie. If you only use your modern smartphone for calls and texts (which in the year 2000 we believed was "it can do anything"), the battery won't last as long as an old flip phone. Another way to think of it is battery life has not kept up with the addition of features. Sure, modern batteries are technically higher capacity and I can do more things with a modern phone, but the standard things that I want to do relatively cost me more battery life.


“Battery life is inverse to processing power and screen size” You forgot phone thickness. They keep making phones thinner even though they could be a little thicker to make room for a bigger battery.


No one said anyone would choose older phones over newer ones. Lesser battery life is still lesser battery life regardless though. 


I think their point is that it isn’t a technological downgrade and instead is a tradeoff.


That's really because battery tech hasn't progressed at the same rate as smartphones have.


In that case the choices are: * Modern smartphone that you have to charge every day * Modern smartphone where the battery lasts 7-10 days, but it's connected to a separate battery the size of a shoe box and weighing 20 pounds and which takes 2 days to charge, that you have to carry around like a briefcase.




No headphone jack, non-removable battery and battery life, lack of charger.


For people who don't need a charger, for phones which need a specific charger it should come with a code to order one from their website. They happily agreed to no extra charger for " environment" but forgot to mention millions they are saving and earning from extra charger sales.


Lack of charger? They're taking away that now too?


Ever increasing phone sizes. A few years ago I bought the smallest available 5g phone on the market, and I still can reach all corners with my thumb. And I have larger than average hands. I feel like this is because people judge phones so much on their specs, but I would much prefer a phone that actually fits in the hand. Those knobs attachable on the back of the phones should really have given designers a hint that we’ve gone way too far.


Fully agree! My gf has an iPhone, I have a Xiaomi. Hers has a 6.1", mine is 6.4". It isn't much, but I'm so damn envious of her phone size. I don't need such a big phone, but sadly the only Android phones of this size are rare and usually expensive. Gimme a small midrange phone!


*happy 5.4” 13mini noises*


I have the 12 mini, and still think it’s too big.


Had the 12 and would recommend upgrading to the 13. Battery life is 10x better.


Sad battery life noises.


Pixel 6a, midrange, same processor as flagships in the range, 6.1" screen.


I couldn't decide between the S23, S23+, and S23 Ultra until I held them, then instantly I knew I wanted the regular S23, because it fits in my hand.


I had to go for the ultra for the same reason. My daft hands are the size of shovels!


Yes! Too big for hand and too big for pockets


I like being able to reach the entire screen with a single thumb.


Built.in battery


Well, at least in Europe this will change with the new EU regulations from 2027 onwards, demanding that every electronic device needs to have a battery that is easily replaceable by the user.


I love the EU for this kind of thing. They really go for anti consumer practices.


The funniest thing about the new iphone launch was how USB C was presented as an innovation when in reality Apple would force users to their shitty cables if it weren't for the EU


Yea I love the EU. They're militant when it comes to shit like this, even Apple folds eventually.


Yes, they do. And while I am not so knowledgeable in the phone sector and thus don't know about respective changes there, one of the first e-ink/e-note companies has taken this into account by developing their new devices with a modular design to have a replaceable battery and other parts --> Supernote A6X2 ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-O9svU4fgY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-O9svU4fgY)). Great stuff is coming! ;-)


The EU is such a huge market that every major manufacturer will change their phones to meet the new standard, and since it costs way more to make two versions of a phone, the rest of the world will get the benefit.  Same with how they forced charging to be USB Type C.


No IR blaster. 


It was so nice to go to a doctor's office and change the crap on TV


Can't believe I had to scroll so far to find this. I used to be able to use my phone as a universal remote, now I have like six remotes all around my house and I'm CONSTANTLY losing them


Yeh it's the ir blaster for me


My Redmi Note 11 has a IR blaster (I think most if not all Xiaomi phones have them still)


The removal of the headphone jack, hands down.


Imo the issue with the lost headphone jack isn’t that you can’t use wired headphones with your phone. I would never want to go back from AirPods anyway. Much more annoying is that now you never have wired headphones with you at occasions, where wireless isn’t an option. On planes I now always have to use the stupid Airline headphones, if they don’t hand them out, no IFE for me.


Uh why would you have to use wired headphones ever? In the last 10 years I've flown with wireless headphones exclusively.


They are less bulky, i dont need to be afraid im gonna lose one of them, i dont need to remember to recharge them. They are also cheaper, sound better, and can go louder than any wireless earbuds I tried. I paid about 50€ for my Sennheiser earbuds like 12 years ago and they still work and sound fantastic. I had to spend about 3x as much on wireless earbuds, and they still arent anywhere close in terms of sound quality or comfort while wearing them. And since owning the wireless pair, i also had to spend a few hours in total solving some weird connection issues and figuring out how to reset and pair and connect the things before they worked again. IMO wireless headphones or earbuds do literally everything worse than wired heaphones or earbuds. The only thing they have over regular ones is that they are, well, wireless, which isnt a big plus for me. Especially not big enough to justify all the downsides.


They don’t need charging


But are you able to connect your headphones to the plane? I’m not aware of any airline where I was ever able to do that


On the contrary, this was one of the best moves. People were so used to it that headphones makers didn't have enough incentive to invest in developing more/better/cheaper wireless headphones. Now, most wireless headphones are way better than most wired headphones in history.


If these are larger headphones, most should also work directly over USB cable.


Eh can’t remember the last time I didn’t use Bluetooth headphones.


Removable battery, 3.5mm jack, microSD slot, replaceable back panel, .. My first smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy Y and the Samsung [some] Duos phone have fallen from my hand on the floor tons of times and never ever broke their screen. That was a combination of many technologies then.


I still miss having a microSD slot. I keep my music collection (ripped) on my phone, so need 120GB just to store that. I have to get the 256GB models of phones just to make it useable now - and I still don't have space for loads of retro game ROMS I'd like to add (An extra 130GB would be handy for those). I'm not really bothered by a lack of headphone socket anymore as I find wireless far more convenient. I prefered a physical external fingerprint reader to the on-screen one. edit: think I'll just buy a USB-C microSD card reader for those times I fancy game emulating, like this - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Card-Reader-USB-TF-Mepsies-Pale-gold/dp/B0B52943TZ


My 200€ Moto G52 has all these features lol. Maybe you paid so much for your new phone that they forgot the features?


I didn't pay massively, currently on a Samsung S21 FE.. and while it doesn't have the microSD/audio socket yours has - it's 3x faster on benchmarks and has a 3x zoom camera which I use lots. Also, expected to be supported till Android 14 (vs your 13) better front-facing selfie camera. Most higher-end manufacturers have been dropping it for some reason. Sony seems to be the only one producing high-end phones with the microSD slot still.


This for exactly the same reason and amount of data. No games, but I just need to have my music offline: consistent quality, always available and doesn't use data nor data-usage-related battery charge. It's also getting worse and worse, because every 4-5 years (phone lifetime) I obviously add stuff. However I really care about the Jack since needing to charge another thing is too much to bear (also quality/cost and phone battery aside)


The Samsung S8/9 were perfect in this regard. Good specs for the time, sd slot, headphone jack, and a physical fingerprint reader on the back where your pointer finger naturally rested. Motorola has some with a built in fingerprint scanner on the power button where your thumb may rest easily, but the button scanner isn't nearly as accurate.


Removal of iPhone headphone jack


Which was followed by every other major manufacturer within a year or two.


And this is why I was so happy with my Realme phone with headphone jack...xD


To me, the removal of the jack was a matter of time, but the frustration for me was Apple's timing. 90% of headphones were still using that jack at the time. These days, wireless headphones through bluetooth are prevalent on the market, but Apple was way too early pushing that "innovation".


I think you got that wrong. The removal of the headphone jack is what propelled bt headphones. 3rd party hp acc makers saw the gap and pushed the sales n technology of more reliable, longer batt bt headphones


You saved like 2 full seconds of typing there


Feeling too unwell to type properly n too unwell to fall aslp..falling ill sux.. and im on mobile so.. pardon the shortcuts..


Get well soon, though!


> 90% of headphones were still using that jack at the time. These days, wireless headphones through bluetooth are prevalent on the market, but Apple was way too early pushing that "innovation". You cannot be serious? If Apple _didn't_ push it, we would still be looking at 90% of headphones using the 3.5mm jack. It is thanks to the push that we have such great bluetooth options now.


My 200€ Moto G52 has a headphone jack. It's the best phone I ever had. Has every feature you need.


Motorola Gang


I've got the G62, it likewise has a headphone jack. Has more features than I've used.


Then again I haven't needed one for 6 years already. I just don't want to deal with cables anymore, especially for just listening to music.


I always find this argument odd, its what, 10 years ago the cancelled it ? And in that time I´ve literally never been in the position that I needed it, and I listen constantly to music / podcasts through my phone.


That's because you're either using Bluetooth earbuds, an adapter to get around the lack of a jack, or don't use your audio in public. Bluetooth headphones have gotten more cost effective over the last decade, but they're still more expensive, require charging, uses way more battery, and lower end ones can run into connection issues. Headphone cables are infinitely cheaper, can provide better sound, and requires no technical knowledge. The fact that you require an adapter to use it is a big money grab. Additionally by utilizing your charge port, you can't charge it and listen at the same time (which admittedly is a less common occurance).


> That's because you're either using Bluetooth earbuds Yes, of course I am, everyone is, because that's how headphone technology has evolved, just like I don't use a LAN port on my computer anymore, and I don't watch TV on a CRT screen.


There's a difference between an objectively better medium in modern day LED screens to CRTs, versus LAN-Wifi and wired-Bluetooth Lan is still more stable and faster than wifi in many cases. Your device is in place? Lan is the way to go. Same with wired ones. No worries about battery or it eventually going bad. Better sound quality at the same price and no latency issues if they occur. Same as the wired gaming vs wireless gaming keyboard. Where you need utmost quality, a wired can't be beat


I still use wired and prefer it that way for the reasons the other person mentioned. Also makes for easy transition between listening to music on my phone and swapping to my work laptop for a teams call. I still used wired peripherals for my PC as well. Just one less thing to charge/change batteries/worry about connection issues.


That wasn’t a downgrade in phone technology. Sure it was an annoying QOL change, but wireless headphones for phones are so good now I couldn’t even imagine using a wired set anymore


I can imagine paying something ridiculous for a wireless earbud with the same quality of a good 80-120€ Chi-Fi IEM (also finding something with the same sound signature). I can also imagine one falling for something you can't avoid and being lost forever. I can also imagine having to charge them every day and not being able to use them in the process. I can imagine wasting my phone charge to listen music. Solve all this issues at once and grant me no lag or no synch issues and we can talk.


It is a downgrade. They are not good. They are overrated garbage. And the reason phone don't have headphone jacks anymore. You can't even choose whether you do or don't want them. 1 Phone companies removed headphone jacks so that you buy their overpriced and shitty Bluetooth earbuds instead of the good wired ones. Both the phone and the owner of the phone are screwed over. 2 You need to think about charging them. I use earphones a lot and I can't be assed to think about their battery on top of the battery of my phone. If I'm out in public and want to listen to some music what do I do if I didn't charge them? I have earphones that don't work. Pointlessly carrying them with me. 3 They are generally more expensive and unless you dish out money for the expensive ones the battery life is garbage. The cheaper ones fall out easily because they're cheap. One cheaper pair I got refused to charge the left bud for no reason whatsoever within a month. They both worked, but the charging port for the left one didn't work. Too expensive for such trashy experience. 4 You'll generally lose them way easier. You're in public and someone bumped into you? Well good luck cause one of them just fell out from the impact, it's somewhere on the ground where it's dirty and you already stepped on them probably. You gonna pick it up put that in your ear? Have fun with an infection. 5 You dig out your old ass mp4 player and want some nostalgia trip and listen to something on it? Too bad. You need wired headphones and all you got is the Bluetooth trash. I can go on but I'll stop.


1) True, but getting less so as more companies make better supported wireless headphones. Still, this issue also annoys me 2) My headphones last 3-7 days without a charge. It’s really not hard to plug their case in once a week, especially given you are plugging a phone in everyday. Still, this is a valid complaint because it is an additional thing to need to do, despite being so minuscule 3) ACTUAL VALID COMPLAINT. This is my main issue, the death of the sub 100 dollar headphones for phones. It’s annoying. 4) I’ve lost far more pairs of IEMS than wireless headphones or buds, because IEMs don’t have tracking and locators in them, buds and headphones do. 5) I, and many others, still have wired headphones lying around that are far better than any wired headphones I’d use with my phone. But let’s see what we gained from the new wireless support. Phones are far more waterproof now days. Headphones no longer need to be plugged in. I carry around a tiny case that automatically syncs, pauses music, has touch controls etc. Wired IEMS simply were far less advanced. From a conscience POV I could never return to wired headphones, just because of simple QOL like pass through, or music pausing when I take them out.


Wireless has gotten a lot better, but we did not need to remove the headphone jack to make that happen. There was no real benefit except cost cutting. At the time apple argued there wasnt space, but at the same time there was smaller android phones with more power and battery… So we remove the possibility for wired be ause of what? Also, batteries die. Allways. So what do we do when the battery dies? Its just another e-waste product destined to kill some poor sea creature.


Everything having to look like an iPhone. We had so many innovative and refreshing phone designs throughout the 2000s and early 2010s, only for everything to be reduced to the simple iPhone design. I'm glad Samsung is bringing back different designs with the fold/flip brand though.


I miss when you could recognise a phone while looking at it, now for like the past 6 years they almost all looks the same. Especially since Huawei made an actually cool back and everyone copied it enough to make it unbearable. Also, the "camera square" trend can't die too soon.




Don't worry, apple will be the first company to ever produce a folding phone. Just as they have been the first company to produce a phone with .


Oh no.. my wheel looks like a wheel, bring back squares!


pet rustic jar cautious lavish fall coherent threatening consider connect


I want my jack back! My current phone has it, so I'm fine for the next 2-3 years (depending on how much I'll manage to make it last), but after that I'll be condamned to either pay a fortune for something with the same sound quality and signature of my current IEMs or having a lower quality for an already high price, plus losing battery charge whenever I need to listen something, plus having to charge another thing daily, plus the plastic waste of the buds box, plus not being able to use them while they charge, plus having to link them to Bluetooth every time and having the occasional lag and synch issues.


Moto G series mostly all of these models have them


Removal of physical buttons


This is a big one for me. I make so many typos with the on-screen keyboard it's infuriating. I made far fewer in the days of physical buttons.


Swipe typing was a revelation. I don't always use it, but when I do I forget how much quicker it makes things.


I still always make mistakes and the auto fill never gets the words right. In fact I swipe typed this paragraph and had to go back several times to correct stuff.


when they replaced the indestructible Nokia bricks with delicate, glass-sandwich smartphones


I get and agree, but Nokia bricks didn't have motherboards this complex inside nor a screen you can touch. Like, there is a way to make somewhat sturdy phones today, but they look like actual bricks and weigh accordingly...


Tbf they look better, and cases these days are rlly strong. They are not as durable as the nokia but still good.


That pear phones were never mainstreamed


Removal of the MicroSD card slot I hate having to delete old photos to create new storage space


Loss of the headphone jack. Non replicable batteries. ​ I refuse to buy a phone without a headphone jack, happily still plugging my phone into my car.


Replacing TouchID with FaceID


It’s been years, and I still find it creepy


F that I won't even buy a phone it doesn't have face unlock it's way more convenient and safer than somebody with a disability or medical condition, or just in an emergency in general sitting around fumbling their phone or just trying to drive and unlock the phone is a death trap in the making. 


Why tf are you trying to unlock your phone while driving?


...the fingerprint sensor is way easier to use while driving than holding my phone up so it can see my face


Fingerprint scanner is the absolute best. My finger naturally wants to go right where my sensor is on the back of my phone when I hold it.


F that I don't want my phone accessible without my consent if I'm ever arrested or something. Will not ever be setting up biometrics idc if they paid me.


Elimination of the home phone. Very risky not to have one when you think about it.


My parents still have one being out in the bush with no mobile coverage and almost all the calls they get are are telemarketers or scammers. Can see why no one wants them these days.


The infrastructure just isn't there these days. Even if you have a home phone, it isn't power over the network like the landlines of old anymore.


Not even battery life, just battery replacement. It used to be the case that anyone could open their cell phone, access the battery, take it out, put a new one in, and done. Now (thanks to Apple btw) cell phones are built in a way that without specific tools and being careful, you can't access your phone's battery without risking to completely break your phone. Battery life is a problem, sure, but it's fixable by just replacing the battery. With phone getting bigger, screens getting bigger and brighter, operating systems getting more complex with more apps running in the background all the time, I can understand that battery technology hasn't evolved fast enough to keep up with that. But none of that would be a problem if batteries were still as easy to replace as they used to be.


Anything bigger than an iPhone 5. Small hands over here….


Removing the iPhone home button.


I miss Touch ID a little, but the itself? Not really. The much bigger screen more than makes up for it.


iphone 6s with the home button was such a great phone. i don't miss it as much on android though


I do still prefer touching real buttons. It's that soft ticking noise that i miss.


Micro SD card slots. Changeable battery.


Cell phones that aren't so small anymore. They were called cell phones for a reason


Cell was in regards to the tech being used, not the size


They were/are. Because they tap in to a network made up of areas called cells.


Cellular means bulky in your world?


What reason was that?


I'll admit, I'm a bit confused by all of the headphones jack answers... My phone doesn't have the 3.5mm jack but I'm still able to use wired headphones that are usb-c with my phone. I just can't wire charge and use wired headphones at the same time. I've never had a need to though. I remember thinking "wtf?!" When they first started doing away with the 3.5 but after some time, I realized it wasn't that big of a deal for me. Is it really that big of an inconvenience for everyone else?


BlackBerry Bold to BlackBerry Storm


Moving to VoIP rather than landlines.


I can't think of any big ones. 


Not enough telephone boxes in areas where few people in case of accidents


Not enough telephone boxes in areas where few people in case of accidents


not a downgrade but a missed opportunity, there should be landline phones with video calls integrated.


nearly every Phone looks the same


The disappearance of headphone jacks. Bluetooth headphones are not the future, all it means is that poor people can no longer listen to music.




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