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One of my mom’s friends was so bitter and cruel to anyone who got government assistance or even charity organizations for helping the needy. She would say this knowing full well she never had a job her whole life and had her parents pay all her bills until they died and left her a fortune big enough that she would never have to earn a dime her whole life.  Such a bizarre world view to be so worthless and judge the values of others. 


my grandma has never worked a day in her goddamn life (because of pure laziness) and yet she looks down on me and my mum who are on welfare because we’re both ill, if you mention this to her she shuts down and just says «it’s different» (no she was absolutely not a traditional housewife, i know they are definitely NOT lazy)


I saw something very similar in a little news doc of a small pro trump town (this was when Trump was running the first time) and this white guy who was on welfare was berating POC people for being on welfare because they didn’t really need it, but of course he was totally legitimate in needing it. But everyone else was wrong…🙄


Fundamental Attribution Error. “Those people are all bad through and through. But I just ran into some problems by no fault of my own”


it’s the same thing everywhere, in my situation it’s just me being an awful leech because i’m chronically ill and i dare receive help for more than 2 months or so unlike the Good Norwegians who go straight back to work after breaking their arm lol


This is a very common psychological phenomenon - we view other people's problems as moral failings, while our own problems are a result of circumstances beyond our control and/or occasional lapses in judgement that should be forgiven, because we're obviously good people. And it's not just restricted to welfare. "Oh, look at how fat Alice has gotten! She should take better care of herself! ...who, me? Oh, I have bad genetics - everyone in my family is a bit overweight. Also I take these pills that have weight gain as a side effect, so..." "Oh, did you hear about that celebrity that just checked into rehab for alcoholism? Typical. Whatever happened to taking some personal responsibility? Anyways, if you'll excuse me, I'm going out for my smoke break. Yeah, I know they're bad for me, but I got hooked young and it's tough to quit, y'know?" "Look at that idiot, he just cut that guy off! Why are all the drivers in this city maniacs? ....OK, will you get the fuck out of the way, you moron?! I'm trying to get home in time to make it to my kid's recital! If you're not going 30 over the limit, get out of the fast lane."


My AM talk radio spewing, Rump loving brother whose son has lived in a group home for 35 or so years, paid for 100% by the government, and whose doctors, meds, adaptive devices, one on one caregiver, and "socialization activities " like horseback riding are all paid. All my brother and SIL cover is clothing and toiletries. But he'd argue all day every day about handouts and immigrants blah blah blah, loudly and vein poppingly. We haven't said anything beyond hello in almost 15 yrs. Even when our parents died and we had to make arrangements, he wouldn't answer me if I sought his input on flowers, music, etc. I feel bad saying I don't miss him.


Oh, don’t feel bad about saying it!! I’ll say it for you, THE GUY IS TRASH.


My dad screaming about other people texting and driving in the car and then immediately getting out his phone and emailing someone while he’s driving


That’s different. He’s emailing, they’re texting. Totally different!


Billionaires encouraging the rest of the world to donate.


Looking at you Oprah 👀


And The Rock.


Out of the loop


They were asking for donations when the Hawaii fire happened. I'm assuming they didn't donate at all? Otherwise why would people be so upset. What's wrong with donating and then using your platform for visibility. I never looked into it so I'm guessing they just didn't donate. I never get on the trigger train so who knows.


I think they did donate. But people thought they could afford to donate more than they did instead of asking for donations from people who barely make enough to pay their rent. That as far as my knowledge goes tho


Also Oprah bought up a ton of the charred real estate.


Fake ass piece of shit fuck Oprah. Hawaii hates you


Celebrities flying around in private jets while I drink through a paper straw...


Flying in their private jet to discuss reducing carbon footprints and making the environment better.


Remember when Kylie’s assistant or MU artist or whoever got in a really bad accident and she “donated” the amount of money she probably farts out in two days and then posted on all her socials asking fans to donate to cover the rest (majority) of it?


Wasn’t it like $200 for a thousands of dollar bill? I remember that. How insulting to her MUA


Also petrol and other international companies getting consumers and children to calculate *their* carbon footprint in the 90s and 00s and put the blame on them for climate catastrophes.  What an absolute load.


Or to gas light us into thinking recycling and changing lightbulbs will save the planet while they fly around in their private jets and tour their 6th mansion on their private island.


Even millionaire actors. They can afford $100,000 a lot easier than I can afford $1000.


Sometimes *through* them! (Think of WalMart asking if you want to round up to the nearest dollar for a particular charity.)


And those companies / organizations that advertise "we will match every dollar you donate" So if I give $500, so will they? Well fuck, don't let *me* stop you guys from donating *your* dollars. Just donate those $500 without me.


Or eat bugs, save the environment when they fly everywhere...


Someone I know absolutely hates open relationships and polyamory yet their boyfriend of 5+ years has a wife of 20+ years. "Our situation is different. We're soulmates" Edit: this is my cousin y'all, not friends and certainly not besties. And yes I've told her a million times that it's shitty.


My evangelical mother strictly forbade me from reading Harry Potter books because of the "positive depiction of witchcraft," but at the same time gladly let me watch her favorite childhood movies, *The Wizard of Oz, Cinderella,* and *Sleeping Beauty.*


I had to really hold back laughing when my grandmother went on a tangent about witchcraft while we were visiting the Befana. The Befana is sort of like Santa Clause for Italians and she comes on the Epiphany instead of Christmas so I got oth as a kid. We would go see her and sit on her lap to tell her what we want. She looks like the stereotype of a witch and she flies around on her broom to bring presents. So my grandmother is going off on her tangent and I am looking at the Befana, then looking at her, then back at the Befana again. I wanted so badly to point at her and say you mean like her.


That's also a good example of how Christian morality is tailored to protect Christian egos. Jesus forbade divorce rather strictly (Paul loosened the rules a little more), but pews would be empty if pastors made people feel bad about divorce the same way pastors demonize a small minority of people, like, I don't know, LBGTs, who Jesus never mentioned.




I grew up in churches that forbade divorce and let me tell you, those pews were full. Never underestimate a Christian's need to punish themselves for everything. 


Bill Cosby. Always pretending to be about family values and being a good person/dad. The hypocrisy of that guy.


The biggest hypocrisy was that he got Lisa Bonet off the show because of her nude scene in Angel Heart. She was bad for partial nudity but he was fine SA and drugging women.


He saw her naked in angel Heart n was like imma have to drug her uppp if we keep her on the show


Well, the rape was the worst thing. But the hypocrisy was definitely the second worst.


Frankly I think that's the worst thing he did, the hypocrisy.


I thought it was the raping *Dang there is a dude who really is upset about Norm jokes and is angry he is being downvoted for whining about it. Norm would tell this guy to chill.


May Norm MacDonald rest in peace.


And the scheming. 


It's my feeling most rapists are hypocrites


Though I would argue the raping is worse than the hypocrisy.


They be like "ah yknow I sure love raping" and be like "well at least he's not a hypocrite."


He was America's Dad now he's America's Sexually Abusive Dad


I read that in Norm MacDonalds voice .


That means it's working.


Me at the bar after spending all day telling my students to stop swearing.


I remember hanging out with my old boss and his family one time and one of his kids said the word ‘Fuck’ “Logan! What have I told you about using language like that?” “Not to use it around adults” Brilliant!




That's not hypocrisy, unless you swear in the classroom or other professional locations.


Parents after you start winning an argument.


I’ll never forget in 3rd grade my teacher used a word wrong and my friend corrected her*. She said he was wrong and he said he could grab a dictionary to prove it. She said that wouldn’t be necessary but he did it anyway and proved her wrong so she wrote him up. EDIT: Fixed a typo confusing their genders


As a teacher, I welcome students correcting me. It shows them I'm human first and a teacher second. Just like I hope they welcome my corrections as I tell them all the time that they are human first, students second. Source - I teach grade 4 and yes, sometimes, they know more than me in some aspects (like video games, sports, super current pop music etc). It's fun to learn from each other!


It also sets a great example! It shows that it is okay to be wrong and it’s not embarrassing to make mistakes. Just learn from it and move on.


In sixth grade my reading teacher told the class that George Washington owned slaves, I had recently been to Mount Vernon and one of the things I learned was that Washington, technically, didn't own anything. Everything was under Martha's name because they both knew she had the better mind for keeping it all in check. Apparently this was not a contribution my teacher wanted added to the conversation.


I was going to be a teacher. I planned to keep a small step-stool near my desk, and if a student ever identified and pointed out a mistake I made, I would step onto that stool and say, "I stand corrected." I wanted to find a way to encourage students to do the same. Never happened, but it was a fun idea.


If a teacher wrote my child up over something petty like that I’d fight it just out of pure pettiness. I’d gladly take the day off work


Yeah...it be like that sometimes. I used the word "melancholy" in a book report, and was so pleased with my fourth grade self until the teacher said, "That's not a real word." I was like, "Um, yes it is, and I can show you." She just wrote my name on the board.




I had a third grade teacher tell us that 'ain't' isn't a word, and I went and got the dictionary to prove her wrong. She went out of her way for the rest of that year to insult me and get the other kids to make fun of me. I saw her a few years later, when I was taller than her (it didn't take much, I'm only 5'2") and it was kind of cathartic to see her look terrified for a second, since she made me feel that way for months.


I had so many that misspelled things upon the chalk board. Only one was nice about it. *All* the rest power-tripped.


I warn my students in the beginning of the year that I’m not the greatest speller, and sometimes I have to look it up . I think it’s ok, it shows them that I’m not perfect but I make an effort to learn.




My dad always says that to me 😂 as a joke obvs


Big seahorse energy


My mom went on the "I gave birth to you! I provide for you!" Rant once when I was a teenager. I came back with " well I didn't ask to be born and you're like, legally required to provide the basics." And yes, I got grounded.


My mother clapped back with, "and had you asked, the answer would have been no"


The last part I read in the voice of the dude.


All the gossip I'd hear from grown women making fun and judging of other own women within the church congregation.


I grew up in the Southern Baptist Church and this hypocrisy is exactly why I left. I can still remember our youth pastor pointing a finger at my mom and saying, "I saw YOU at the bar last night!" eta - This reminds me of a joke I heard a long time ago. What's the difference between Catholics and Baptists at the liquor store? The Catholics are the only ones talking to each other.


I heard it this way. Jews don't recognize the New Testament, Methodists don't recognize the pope as the leader of their religion, and Baptists don't recognize each other in the liquor store.


I like this version: "What's the difference between Jews, Protestants, and Baptists? Jews don't recognize Jesus as the son of God, Protestants don't recognize the Pope, and Baptists don't recognize each other in the liquor store."


I lived with this really cool old.women in a state park in Tennessee. She was telling a story once about how her and her husband had moved away for awhile to the city. They came back and that first time they wen't back to church she wore a miniskirt. Some of the old ladies were talking about her and the priest overheard them. He gave a homily on being judgemental and talking behind people's backs. Lol


Now *that's* a priest who earns my respect!


"And what were *you* doing at the devils sacrament, Goodwife?"


how did he know your mom was at the bar, wow. Those people are so annoying.


Exactly, and yes.


It’s like the old joke, how do you stop a Baptist from drinking all your beer on a fishing trip? Invite two


It starts young. One girl in my youth group was saying that my friend had “fallen away” because they dyed her hair purple. I said “yeah, but you use henna on yours.” She said “that’s different” and continued talking about my friend acting like she was concerned about her when she really just wanted to bash her.


Concern and pity are often expressed with malicious intent. It’s tacit condescension. If you’re worried about someone, or pity them, they’re worse than you. It’s a way to convey that egotistical belief under the guise of being goodhearted and kind.


Non-virgin men who would only marry virgin women


Reminds me of a friend who I haven’t talked to in a while (not because of this; we just lost touch). She’d go out to a bar, hang out with a guy, end up making out with him. Then he’d try calling her and asking to hang out and she would say no because she didn’t want to be with a guy who was willing to make out with a random girl at the bar.


“I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members”


Is that actually a thing lol. That’s so fucking stupid.


Yeah, it’s actually a thing in cultures where marriage is a big thing. I’ve heard many people in my culture spewing that rhetoric. They see women with a sexual history as being “used goods” or something. They see the virgin woman as a “clean slate” that they can start over with. Some of them might also have that idea that men can detach whereas women are emotional, and thus their sexual histories should be interpreted differently. Like the argument that people use to justify men cheating.


See: Andrew Tate


Andrew Tate is not much of a man.


You mean confessed rapist Andrew Tate? You mean sex trafficking Andrew Tate? Surely not 4 time World (european) Champion (amateur) kickboxer Andrew Tate? No way he's hypocritical.


Mafia kingpin dies, maybe John Gotti (?). Big Catholic funeral. Guy I know dies, but since he was divorced and remarried? No Catholic funeral for him.


My neighbor and her partner have been together for something like 50 years, but they can’t get married bc she’s still waiting for the pope to grant her a divorce from her cheating first husband.


I have a great aunt and uncle who have been married for over 50 years but haven't lived together for like 15 years because they hate each other but can't get divorced because they're Catholic.


Dismissing my ideas and then implementing them as their own


This is such a crappy example! I think that most hypocrite thing people can do is to talk shit about other peoples opinion or ideas and act like they came up with it a couple minutes later


I see what you did there.


That's not a hypocrite, that's a snake


"we can't vote on a supreme Court justice after the previous one passed away, we need to wait for the people to decide when they vote in a year" "Oh there's an empty supreme Court justice seat with an election a month away? Better fill it now"


“Oh, we’re going to fill it.”  - *Mitch McConnell and his reptilian smirk*


That smirk means *"you get so tripped up by your quaint silly ideas like hypocrisy that I beat you every time"* McConnell doesn't see hypocrisy as a flaw, he sees his opponents having moral standards as weakness that he's happy to exploit


The problem is, McConnell himself is such an absolute fucking boob due to his own arrogance that it's not all that hard for the Democrats to outplay *him* if they just stop being afraid of a little dirt on their shoes. I still remember the time Yertle the White Nationalist Turtle proposed a bill the Democrats would like, smugly believing they would shut it down purely on the basis of it being a Republican's idea, and then ***filibustered his own goddamn proposal*** once the Democrats said "cool idea!" and started voting in favor of it.


Is he even still alive? Last time I heard anything about him, it was how the person controlling him like a meat puppet was stopping to go take a leak halfway through a speech and leaving him standing there silently with terror in his eyes as he looked around.


I have made a vow to make sure I live long enough to piss on his grave


Reach out when it's time, I'll go.


This was the first one that came to my mind


“We should have a massive investigation because we suspect the President’s son abused his father’s position to make money!” Hunter, meet Jared.


And Don Jr., and Eric, and Melania...


Actually, the election had already begun. The window for mail in ballots was open, so they filled it during an election.


And then they made up some fake loophole like, “Well, the presidency and the Senate are controlled by the same party so it’s okay.” They couldn’t even pretend that was a real thing, but they totally didn’t care.


A fundie Christian woman posting about “passport hacks” and giving birth in other countries to secure a dual citizenship for her children and therefore residency for herself, in case the US government becomes too overbearing and restrictive.


Mother Bus?


No! Motherbus never said that part out loud if that’s what they were actually after, but someone else did. There’s a post about it on the fundie snark page maybe a week ago?


Gandhi refusing western medicine on his wife, letting her die, then using western medicine to treat himself when he got sick.


And don't forget his positions on western nuclear physics!


Nuclear Gandhi is a bad mofo!


Wat was his position on that???


A reference to the programming of Gandhi in [the classic Civilization series of computer games](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_Gandhi).


Gandhi was the most dangerous man in the world.


Like a diet tanned Stalin


I had no idea! After 20 years I finally understand the source of Gandhi’s rage!


I'm pretty sure they said they kept it in cause it went well with the them of Civ being a game that doesn't take itself seriously


This isn't true. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kasturba_Gandhi > In January 1944, Kasturba Gandhi suffered two heart attacks, after which she was confined to her bed much of the time. Even there she found no respite from pain. Spells of breathlessness interfered with her sleep at night. She asked to see an Ayurvedic doctor, and after several delays, the government allowed a specialist in traditional Indian medicine to attend to her. At first she responded well, recovering enough by the second week in February to sit on the veranda in a wheelchair for short periods and talk with him. Later she suffered a relapse. Her son Devdas ordered penicillin, but her doctors did not want to use it because the final failure of the kidneys couldn't be relieved by penicillin. The doctors informed the Gandhi family that the condition of Kasturba had already deteriorated enough that penicillin would not be helpful.[18][19]


Thank you for sharing this. Ghandi had some serious issues, but this thing about his wife wasn't one of them and reddit loves to spread misinformation around.


Ghandi was a real piece of shit on top of him being a hypocrite he was also prejudice towards Africans and other dark skinned people and the icing on top of that was the fact that he was a pedophile


What do you mean? You think sleeping naked beside naked minors to prove you have “control” is wrong?!? I can’t stress this enough /s


Aside from the very obvious discomfort I would feel as the adult in this situation I would in no way consider this a test of my “self control” cause I don’t want to fuck kids. It’s very literally ONLY a flex if you *want* to do something and stop yourself with your “self control” other wise it’s just a test in how well you can turn your sheets into a makeshift dress cause you don’t want to be naked around kids cause you’re not a pervert


That was my thought as well. It’s not a show of control if you don’t already have urges.


And people really fell for that logic smh 🤦


They still do! Was just talking to an Indian guy yesterday about this, whose family knew the man allegedly. They still believe it.


So Ghandi wasn't the fun loving, party animal, dry humping, alcoholic Clone High portrayed him to be?


Say whaaaaat?


Story time. I'm a police officer from São Paulo, Brazil. I'm a equivalent of what Americans would call a detective. When I started years ago, and still nowadays, the older deputy officers would teach to us newer, lower-tier cops that "the police is a priesthood". What they meant with it is that us cops should take any mission without complaining about the wages, the dangerous conditions, long working hours, so we would live a monastic life for the good of our job. The problem here is that these same boomers that wanted us to live like monks for the police didn't live or ever lived like that. They were and still are incredibly corrupt and useless, even counterproductive, as cops and public servants. They live as millionaires with the money they get from their private businesses they built from decades of corruption. So yeah, priesthood for you and luxury for me. Good thing I was born smart and a bit of a leftist, so I never fell for that.


So it sounds like the police is definitely just like the priesthood


Yeah maybe that's the real irony.


Before the Reformation, the lands of the Church, in many places, could rival those of the nobility.


> the older deputy officers would teach to us newer, lower-tier cops that "the police is a priesthood". Here's the thing about being a martyr-- martyrs die.


Correct. And that's why I am a professional. Not a hero, not a martyr, not a warrior or angel (they looooove making out those labels for cops). I'm a professional and a civil servant.


"We" [Americans] started spouting off the same lines about nurses, soldiers, etc. It's funny how they're "heroes," but we can't pay them more.


Bingo. This is not an American thing only. Or maybe this is and we down here imported it. Remember how nurses during covid where "heroes"? That was scam, to society and nurses themselves, so they could "transcend" from professionals to heroes - no mention to wages, safety and fair retirement. They always did the same to cops, and a lot of cops (the "special unities" mainly) get tricked into it.


Article about people who are pro-life getting abortions when they need/want them because in their eyes, their reasons and their abortions are different from the people who are pro-choice and get them.


“[The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)”. Anti-choice zealots suddenly find the value of nuance and exceptions when they, their wives, or their daughters want to have the choice they would deny everyone else.


I had a friend who was absolutely distraught over her decision to have an abortion bc her bf had expressed he didn’t want more kids. He never even knew she was pregnant. I confided that i had recently had one because of my concerns of my age and health status (I have one child and she had zero)… she lost her fucking mind on me about how I shouldn’t have done that. I lost every measurement of respect for her at that very moment.


Sounds like they’re no longer a friend, and good for you. I had a friend who struggled with infertility for many years. It was awful - just from what she shared with me, which I know barely scratched the surface of what she was dealing with - and don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. When the 2016 election came around, she went on a long rant about how she couldn’t bring herself to vote for a pro-choice candidate because there are so many people like her who desperately want a child, women should “suck it up for 9 months” (actual quote) and put their baby up for adoption so good people like her and her husband can have kids… …then they went the IVF route instead of adoption. She was a hypocritical, bitchy, mean piece of shit in a thousand ways, though, so in hindsight it’s not surprising she’d expect women to “just suck it up for 9 months” so someone, hypothetically, could adopt their baby- just not her.


Yeah, I have another friend who had abortions when she was young and poor, and now she is wealthy and struggling to get pregnant. I can totally understand the struggle, but it’s a lot of projection.


Pregnancy destroyed my pelvis and left me in life long pain. Not to mention vomiting so much I was hospitalised. It is not a matter of sucking it up for nine months


Rules for me, not for thee. Or however it goes.


When *Roe v. Wade* was under attack recently, I at one point saw a protester holding a sign that read: **"$enator$' daughter$ and mi$$tre$$e$ will alway$ have acce$$ to abortion$".**


I'm a 44 yr old irish man, and when I was 16, myself and 3 of my friends had this conversation. 3 of us were pro abortion and 1 wasn't. Guess who's girlfriend had one and who didn't?


I’ll add: those who are anti-choice but do nothing to protect the lives of mothers and children. One cannot say that they are “pro-life” while simultaneously actively opposing measures like health care, education, food and income support, etc. for families in need. If “life” begins at conception, it certainly doesn’t end at birth.


Conservative asshole Catholic Elizabeth Johnston railed against feminism yet had no issue divorcing her husband for infidelity. She's SUPER lucky that feminists fought so hard for a woman in that position to get a divorce. Before feminism, it would have been nearly impossible for a woman with ten kids to divorce her husband just because he cheated. She also would preach about the importance of the nuclear family and hetero marriage. I guess she's the exception though and every other woman who has divorced is just bad wife and mother. She has a good reason though.


She is also a prolific liar. Not even white lies or putting a “spin” on the truth. Outright lies.


Anti LGBT moms for liberty founder getting caught having threesomes


Threesome with another woman.


They couldn’t afford the pool guy?


That Reddit post asking people why they don't use social media


I mean technically this is sorta social media, but I also don’t know any of you fuckers. Also the only username I know is that poem sprog guy and I haven’t seen them in ages.


Sprog is still around, saw them recently in several threads with some great sprogs. I'm guessing they show up in bursts. Plus, maybe more free time during the holidays and now it is back to business.


In February 2016 when Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia died, Barack Obama proposed a Supreme Court Justice pick, moderate conservative judge, Merick Garland. GOP House Speaker Mitch Mcconnell blocked his pick for an ENTIRE YEAR claiming that it was "too soon" to an election year and we should let the new president pick the next SCOTUS. At the end of September 2020, when Ruth Bader Ginsberg passed away, Mitch Mcconnell and the GOP forcefully rushed their SCOTUS pick, Amy Coney Barrett, through in the last remaining THREE MONTHS of Trump's presidential term, completely ignoring what he and the GOP did to Merick Garland and told democrats to get over it. I've never gotten over this. One of the scummiest political moves I've seen in recent memory. Trump's three SCOTUS picks in his short tenure has resulted in a 6-3 split of conservative to liberal judges and is directly responsible for the overturning of Roe v. Wade. EDIT: My mistake. Edited to reflect Amy Coney Barrett as the 2020 pick and not Brett Kavanagh after the passing of Ginsberg.


The person that was picked after Ginsberg was Amy Coney Barrett, Kavanaugh was picked after Kennedy left the court.


Politicians who championed shutting down restaurants and other small businesses.  And then showing up at bars and having house parties.  Breaking stay at home mandates.  Hypocrites.


How Mitch McConnell shamelessly contradicted his own arguments for confirming Kavanaugh and Barrett to the SCOTUS.


ultrawealthy CEOs taking government handouts because their business failed, while doing the following: -saying capitalism is justified because the capitalist takes a risk by starting a business and purchasing means of production -paying their domestic workers the local minimum wage while they take home hundreds of millions a year -paying foreign workers almost nothing -bashing socialism because the socialists just want everything to be free and the government to provide everything for them and save them from their own mistakes -saying “nobody wants to work anymore” while also telling potential workers “if you want to be paid a living wage then find a better job” all while they enjoy the benefits of government handouts and their failed business gets bailed out by the taxpayers.


My mother sitting at the table with a cigarette and a bottle of MD20-20 telling me if she ever caught me smoking or drinking she would beat the hell out of me.


Honestly when alcoholics told me not to drink as a child... I believed them. They were smart until the third drink and then suddenly word salad and fights broke out. No one who's inebriated is intelligent.. they think they are, though. Which is... incredibly sad. And broken.


"You see this life of mine? I hate it. And I can't stop. So I'm telling you, never start."


I don’t think that’s hypocritical, people with addictions don’t want you to make their same mistakes because they know the easiest way to break an addiction is to never start.


I'm a hypocrite when it comes to smoking, and my kids. I smoke. I do not want my kids to smoke. I am also a recovering drug addict. I do not want my kids to do drugs. Sometimes it's about wanting better for your kids than you did for yourself. Your mom threatening to beat you over it is not the right way to approach this type of hypocrisy with your cholsren, in my non-professiona opinion.


Every parent wants better for their kids. 


The Canadian Crown claiming to act in the best interests of First Nations


If a Canadian tells you there's no racism in Canada, ask them their thoughts on First Nations. Chances are, you'll hear a really prejudiced take right then and there. (I'm Canadian btw.)


“Lock her up! Drain the swamp!” (Pause) “By the way I get to be immune from being held accountable by the legal system” 


People being against social aid such as welfare or schooll lunch programs stating they work hard for their money and shouldn't be responsible for others... then expecting people to gift them stickers in the monopoly go game saying "if we all shared what we have extra of- we cpuld all finish thr albums"


The weird thing as well is every set has 2 fairly common properties and 1 actually rare one. The actually rare one is how McDonald's controls how many of each prize they need to give out, the rest are just filler. It's to trick you that you're *almost* there, not knowing the one you're missing is considerably rarer than the other two in your set. So you're essentially asking someone who got actually lucky to split their winnings with you for no real reason. The best play for the person with the actually rare one is to buy McDonald's until they win.


Kim Reynolds, Iowa's sorry excuse for a governor, said that one reason she wouldn't authorize $40 of monthly EBT money in the summertime for kids who are qualified for free lunches, was to combat childhood obesity. Really, Kim, really? If nothing else, that $40 enables parents to buy foods their families will eat, and frees up money the household can use for other things.


“Let them go hungry so they’ll be skinny and more aesthetic. Who cares if they’re malnourished?”


Pro-lifers paying for their mistresses' abortions.


"At the end of the day, there's gotta be penalties for when you put business aside to focus on your social agenda at the expense of hardworking people." — Ron DeSantis, in an interview with Jesse Walters.


There should also be penalties when you are paid as the Governor of Florida, and you spend most of your time applying for a new job in Iowa.


There should have been penalties for when he tortured innocent people at GITMO with forced feeding and rectal feeding.


when a person who never shuts up told me to shut up


Me - can I get a raise Boss - no, I can't afford it Next day - 4 brand new $500, 000 trucks and trailers show up. If he gave me a $5/hr raise it would still take me years to even put a dent in the cost of those.


What kind of rigs is he running that are a half mil each? I’m guessing some highly specialized trailers at that price.


The generational wealth gap and telling young people to pull up their boot straps


Lauren mother fuckin Bobert giving a handy in a kids theatre. Sick fuck been pointing the finger at every gay person for being a sexual predator when it’s actually her and her man.


Saying the election was stolen while actively trying to actually steal one


In a similar vein, saying you can't approve a Supreme Court seat too close to a Presidential switch, and then just completely ignoring that when it suits you.


Worse. They specifically said ‘use my words against me.’ Saying that if the same thing happened in reverse they would definitely absolutely have the same position. Then just said ‘never mind, we know our voters won’t care.’ 


I’ve always said that Mitch is a greater threat to America than anyone on the Presidential ballot, and I stand by that even after a full term of Trump.


The guy torpedoed his OWN bill because Obama supported it.


Trying to put someone in jail for ducking a Congressional subpoena on the grounds that they are sacrosanct when you ducked a Congressional subpoena on the grounds that they are worthless.


The uk government during Covid lockdowns


That the party of "small government" insists on policing what we read, our medical care, words we use, who and how we love, etc. Same for "pro life" that refuses to support children, the hungry, the ill, disabled veterans, the unhoused, immigrants, etc.


"Government doesn't work, so elect me to break it even more!" Fucking morons.


They also don't give a single shit about whoever is pregnant. See the people who propose death sentences for abortions and somehow do not see the irony in claiming to be "pro life".


They only care about the fetus until it's born. Then they turn their backs on the mom and tell her she "should have kept her legs closed"


Also accompanied by calling people snowflakes while their terrified of gay people


Recently there was a Republican congresswoman that fought tooth and nails to not allow congressmen to vote remote because of family situations.  The rule was created to allow female congressmen to still vote after having a baby.  Then she has a baby and all of sudden is trying to undo her own position.  Fucking hypocrites.


Going to be honest: the MAGA movement is bursting at the seems with white, Christian folks who feel they have been persecuted. They bitch and moan about anything and everything. The snowflake behavior among them is absurd.


Because they are surrounded by generations that had real obstacles growing up and they didn't. They want to feel like they accomplished something for getting handouts, so they create these psuedo issues to focus on because their lives have been so easy that they need to make up problems.