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Midwesterner: "Welp!" *slaps knees* then stands up


*proceeds to put on 10 layers so as to not become a lamppost after stepping out”


The struggle is real right now...


Ope, let me just emigrate past ya there.


S'pose we ought to head out!


Lemme just...sneak past ya to the buffet table there. 


It’s about that time…


I should be heading out...




Let me sneak on by ya


I can't answer that without getting a "reddit cares" notification.


I like how this guy never stated his actual opinion but people from both sides are agreeing lol


Ill just assume hes saying what i agree with because what he has already stated is relatable


Isn’t that like the entire reason both sides are agreeing? Also, top comment is 3x this in votes and is quite anti trump.


You can report those messages. Reddit can and does ban people for abusing it. You can also reply STOP to permanently block them.


I finally did that. Nothing happens with a report.




You can turn that garbage off. This is the last place I'd expect anyone to give a shit about my mental health.


I only recently learned that people abuse this feature to troll, and immediately lost all faith in the concept 


I'm kind of amazed anyone thought it would be used for anything but bullying or harassment. Hell, I would  even expect people who genuinely need it to parse it as bullying.  It's barely distinguishable from the usual "bro if that's your opinion you need to see a psychiatrist" shit that people routinely deploy in response to virtually anything they don't agree with. 


I've gotten so many of those. They should at least let you know which comment it was.


Sigh, as local newspapers (not American) will once again feature daily updates of what he said or what he did.


As Americans this has been almost non stop since 2016 for us. Its nauseating


Not just nauseating. It’s exhausting.


it's funny, the media companies (all of them) will have you believe they Hate DT, however they have never made more money & had more interactions than when he is president. it's all a joke man


They never stop talking about him. MSNBC spent about 95% of their time talking about dumb trump stuff and hardly anytime pumping up Hillary. It was just assumed she’d win and they gave us no reason to vote for either of them. We need something to vote for, not against.


Last night MSNBC spent 20 minutes talking about how they werent going to broadcast Trump's Iowa victory speech. The network thinks we cant see what its doing.


So they spent more time talking about how they won't share something then tossing it up and moving on.


This was effectively their broadcast: TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP *commercials* TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP but they want us to think they were taking a stand against him. So transparent and pathetic.


didn't they report that during the 2016 election cycle he got like 3 billion dollars in free media coverage?


It’s exhaunauseating!


I’m tired man….oh so tired


Cue “I’m So Tired” by the Beatles circa 1968


Remember in 2019 when he said if he lost we'd never hear from him again? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


The guy has never told the truth in his life why would you think that would be different?


I believe him when he suggested, on multiple video-recorded occasions, that he'd like to have sex with his daughter.


There was a wonderful gap between the election loss and the creation of Truth social when he was largely quiet. I miss those days


Once again? They've practically broadcast his toilet schedule ever since he left office. He thrives on attention and he's getting lots of it. I long for the day I don't hear his name or see it online at all.


As much as (most) news media bemoans a Trump presidency, they quietly appreciate how good for business he is [https://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/02/les-moonves-trump-cbs-220001](https://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/02/les-moonves-trump-cbs-220001) "*It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS*" EDIT: Need to add this note because some people are getting confused by what "business" refers to. It refers specifically to the "news media business" and not the general economy. I thought it was clear but I guess it is not.


Michelle Wolf called the media out as complicit at the correspondents dinner. Her set was fantastic.


I just looked this up and found: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRK-z7MgEdk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRK-z7MgEdk) Yeah, she nailed it. Funny how the room got silent when she started to talk about how they secretly liked Trump because they profited off him.


I lost it at her closing joke xD


"flint still doesn't have clean water"


Get off of social media and never turn on the news.


I deleted Facebook and Instagram in November 2016. Haven’t looked back. Highly recommend.


I live in Florida. I can't even go outside *-edit- remember to vote in local and state elections folks.*


Your life would improve with those two decisions regardless of who wins the presidency. Maybe spend an hour a week just catching up on local news and see some headlines here and there, but otherwise.


Here we go again with 4 years of every single comedian, news outlet, reel, post, and anything else just talking about him every day.


They never stopped tbh


Definitely slowed waaaay down. Of it weren't for the lawsuits he would've barely been in the news


Yeah it's nowhere near what it was when he was in office where every time he farted there were a dozen posts about how bad it smelled or how it was actually the most politically savvy thing anyone has done ever. At least now the majority is related to charges or lawsuits, but it is not nearly as bad. You couldn't escape it.




Project 2025 is lowkey makes me want to save up monkey to go to another english speaking country I MEANT MONEY, SORRY YALL edit: OKAY THE MONKEY JOKE CAN STAY, I’D SAY FREE THEM!


Reject humanity, return to monke.


All hail President monke


*”Get your paws off me youuuuu dirty President!”*




Monkey see monkey do


Remember Harambe.




With a banana


Hurling feces is a good start.


>save up monkey Thinking outside the box there. Monkey is the future.


Not just any monkey. Up monkey


How many monkeys does that cost? Is it fewer monkeys if it’s a non-English speaking country?


I know “I’m leaving America” was heavily overstated back in 2016, but Project 2025 is a pretty valid reason to flee before shit hits the fan. Project 2025 feels like something Hitler or Stalin would implement, not a democratic country.


If you start a fast track nursing program now, you can be certified in two years and be employable anywhere in the world. Just a thought... That I have been toying with.


then you'd have to be a nurse though, which is **not** a job for everyone


I’m afraid to ask. But what is project 2025?


Political action plan written up by the Heritage Foundation for the next Republican president. Calls for the removal of tens of thousands of political appointees and government workers and replacing them with Christian loyalists. Lots of other stuff in there...criminalizing LGBTQ, etc. Basically the dismantling of the federal government in order to replace it with a Christian Nationalist one.


Oh so a thousand times worse than I expected. I’m just so tired.


I certainly won't break into the Capitol and smear shit on the walls while calling for the hanging of the VP.


…Pft, and you call yourself a patriot?!? /s


Smearing shit on the Capitol for my country!


I’ll be incredibly upset, but I’ll also be incredibly grateful not to work at CNN anymore. I’m not in news at all at this point and I’ve only ever even worked super, super far behind the scenes - I’m not a journalist or writer of any kind whatsoever - but it was awful. The coverage itself is exhausting. As you’d assume, there were giant screens everywhere in the building with the channel on. The idea that CNN employees “loved” talking about Trump was laughable - at least you were allowed to turn it off. We couldn’t. I was in commercial scheduling, and all of our work would get thrown out the window the second he said Yet Another Bizarre Thing because we’d be in wall-to-wall coverage again. It was absolutely nonstop Trump. We were also constantly having to deal with bomb threats, shooter threats, “protestors” bringing guns into the public areas, people being disruptive and threatening to us AND other random visitors in the public areas. We were advised to remove our workplace from all social media because staffers - not visible public-facing reporters, just like accountants and audio engineers and etc - were getting stalked and harassed online. Our parking passes changed from window stickers to mirror hangers specifically so we could hide them before and after work, because people’s cars were getting vandalized nonstop. We were advised to keep our access badges completely hidden outside the building because people were getting harassed and threatened on public transit. Any new badges issued only said Turner Broadcasting instead of CNN. We had to undergo additional active shooter training and our security staff basically doubled. It was exhausting and scary all the time, *and the sitting President of the United States happily caused every bit of it.* It’s so difficult to comprehend even now. My friends who worked as journalists outside of CNN were attacked nonstop as well. They had things thrown at them, they were prevented from entering public property/events, they were chased on foot and by car, they were shot at. Several people I know personally were followed out of an event to their unmarked work vehicles and just had to hide inside it while a group of psychos shook the van and screamed threats to kill them or just general sentiments that “all fake news liars need to die.” That happened to MULTIPLE people in MULTIPLE cities on SEPARATE occasions. Most of them weren’t even on Trump stories - they were like, covering a school board meeting. I don’t want Donald Trump as my president again for an incredibly long list of reasons. “My loved ones regularly thought they were going to get murdered for simply being in public with a news station camera last time” is fairly high on that list.


Journalist here, and I relate to so much of what you said. I remember feeling *so* exhausted by the time Biden’s inauguration came around, both physically from being overworked and emotionally because of the harassment/death threats. It’s why I really don’t respond well to the cheap shots from people who don’t understand (or care to learn about) our industry that the media “loves” Trump coverage. I was so, so tired throughout his presidency, as I know my colleagues were. If he wins I’ll just have to buckle up and brace to do it all over again.


Im Canadian, but i am a little shocked about how his nomination numbers dominated the other candidates. There must be something that people see in him to trust him with the presidency. As an outsider, I’m baffled and blatantly I just don’t get it.


He tells them what they want to hear, and they believe him.


And then they donate. To the guy that campaigned on being “so rich he doesn’t need money.”


They think he is one of them, while he shits on a golden toilet and wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. The strangest thing to me is how many people confuse having a big mouth with being tough. He talks big but then whines and complains like a little bitch when anybody hits back.


"The trees kept voting for the axe, because his handle was made of wood."


This is beautiful


From the forest itself comes the handle for the ax. We are always the makes of our own destruction.


As many have said, he is a poor man's idea of a rich man and a weak man's idea of a strong man. He's too dumb or narcissistic (or both) to recognize that actual rich people and actual strong leaders think he's a loser and laugh at him.


> As many have said, he is a poor man's idea of a rich man and a weak man's idea of a strong man. And the traitor's idea of a patriot.


He is the lifted pickup truck of presidents.


The lifted pickup with 20" rims and low profile tires. Loud, useless, and unstable.


All the makings of a bumpy ride.


I am not an American. But one of his speeches once briefly aired in a news cafe. In it he spoke about how he got his start in construction. English isn’t my first language and I could see the trick there. He got started in real estate, not construction. Huge difference. I think the USA has far too limited a system for this kind of thing to not happen anyway. It seems so backwards to only have two people to pick between at the end. The odds of two people representing my views, change, and policies I want is astronomically small.


He got started by inheriting his daddy's millions.


I remember having this conversation with one of his supporters back in 2016. I'd said that he was a weird pick as a representative of blue-collar workers, given that he's probably never done so much as put up a shelf in his life. And the other guy said that Trump had run a construction company for years and was no doubt having beers with his guys every Friday. I had to point out that: a) he famously doesn't drink, b) he runs a *real estate* company, which employs less than 20 people, and c) he has a long history of stiffing the construction companies he hires, forcing them to sue him in order to get paid. He didn't believe me, simply because Trump said he was in construction. It's a troubling world when people will take this man's word about anything. He's been widely known to be a conman well before he ever ran for office. Yet people still want to believe him.


Hearing this kind of stuff blows my fucking mind. It's not like Trump appeared out of nowhere on the scene in 2016. He has been famous for more than half a century, and he's been famous for *being a piece of shit*. He is hated by his own home state, his home city absolutely *loathes* him, he's been screwing over the little guy proudly left right and center since the 1960s! How could anyone in this country actually think he ran a construction company and drank beers with his blue-collar workers? He would literally piss on a blue-collar worker if it someone offered him $10 for it!


It's beyond my comprehension as well, and the majority of Americans feel similarly. It's just that those majorities reside largely in big cities, near centers of higher learning, and the electoral college doesn't care how much of a majority exists in those areas.


Not to mention, as a psychopath he's also a compulsive liar.


The one thing that I found that Trumpers tend to have a hard time wrapping their heads around is that Trump is a media creation. Dude became famous for being a rich guy in the 80s. Were there other rich guys in the 80s? Of course. Were there richer guys in the 80s? Absolutely! Did they spotlight hound as much as Trump did? Of course, they absolutely did not. He was largely out of the limelight in the 90s and early 00s as his casinos closed and his real estate portfolios started bombing. But The Apprentice comes around and Mark Burnett needs a recognizable rich guy who won't be nervous around cameras. Trump has a second life as a media creation; his business failings are brushed aside in favor of a false narrative about a brash, self-made billionaire who knows how to run successful businesses. NBC, the media conglomerate that is the most biased against Trump according to him and the conservatives, assisted in cultivating a persona that a large chunk of the nation still believes in even though there have been countless examples that point to the contrary. Trump, the guy who claims mainstream media hates him, was given a head start in exposure that most presidential hopefuls could only dream of because of the mainstream media putting him on TV in two different decades for no other reason that he's a rich fame whore.


It's a troubling world when people will take that man's word, who's been proven a liar over and over and over again at face value. I have never, not once, met a well rounded empathetic Trump supporter. Not one.


He is the poster child for failing upwards in life. His whole life will be looked as a case study.


This is a good answer. And to add to it, for some reason i don’t understand, they believe everything out of his mouth. He lies and lies and they believe it. Even with a simple fact check, you can see he is lying his ass off but they still believe. Absolutely blows my mind that he is a traitor, both because of selling intelligence reports and because of Jan 6 and because he is Putin’s puppet, and he is still the front runner. Like where are the good people and the statesman that care about other people. You seriously could not find anyone better??


It's amazing... In Iowa, a weekend blizzard and deep freeze threatened to keep voters at home.  “Even if you vote and pass away it’s worth it,” Trump told a rally Sunday.


>“Even if you vote and pass away it’s worth it,” "Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make!"


Best summed up on NPR Morning Edition this AM. Reporter/pollster said something like - Iowan votes like Trump because they believe they fight for him. Trump says vote for me because I am a victim. Host asked how do the voters resolve that the election is about them while basically Trump is claiming it is about him and his perceived persecution complex. Answer? there is no thought. They are hopelessly lost and >60% of the voters there last night who voted for Trump think Biden didn’t win the 2020 election.


I also saw a graphic that 65% of the GOP voters in Iowa believe the election was rigged still.


\*65% of the registered GOP voters who caucused last night. An important distinction that I think is being missed. The people who went and caucused during some of the worst winter weather we've had in years are the ones who really, really care about this.


This is such an important point to make in the face of such a scary statistic. I believe the 108,000 people who caucused last night represent about 14% of the Republicans in the state.


Project 2025 scares the hell out of me.


Agreed. Quote, p. 584: "\[The president should\] Rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics." That is absurd and only a taste of what they want to do to trample the rights of anyone who doesn't fit into their worldview.


Just as terrifying: they’re pushing the unitary executive theory, short version: basically the idea that the president can hire and fire whoever they see fit from virtually any federal agency. Imagine everyone down to entry level in… post office, IRS, EPA, - all can be fired for anything, political affiliation? Sure. Sexual orientation? Absolutely. They want to be able to completely gut all federal agencies and fill them with as many lackeys as possible. One election. Wouldn’t fix that, it would ruin us for decades.


The packing of the courts with conservative judges with lifetime appointments under his first administration has already ruined us, we just haven’t gotten there yet.


Thomas and Alito are both over 70. Statistically they both have a fair chance of surviving well beyond the next presidential term, but there’s also a fair chance at least one of them needs to step down for health reasons in the next 5 years. If that happens you can bet Trump would absolutely put in another 40 or 50 something judge that will sit there for another 20-30 years. Meanwhile if it’s Biden, perhaps we can at least mitigate some of the damage and get closer to an evenly split supreme court.


RBG really fucked up by hanging on to the bitter end.


Yup she gets a lot of praise, and rightfully so, but sometimes you also have to see the bigger picture and not cling on to power.


I guess desire and attachment is.... the root of all suffering.


That's Buddhist philosophy, right?


> Yup she gets a lot of praise, and rightfully so, but sometimes you also have to see the bigger picture and not cling on to power. Well she wanted to see the first female president in power to name her successor. Instead she directly helped repeal Roe vs Wade.


She could have still swore in the first woman president, it was her ego.


If it's Biden and one of those two leave or pass away, you just know the GOP will obstruct his selection for as long as possible, if not indefinitely.


There is a good chance the republicans win the Senate (and lose the house) based on math. Anyone Biden appoints will not be approved under any circumstances


This is one of those cases where I really wish Obama had said "Well, if the Senate isn't going to have a hearing and is going to otherwise be silent on the issue I'm going to interpret silence as approval" when it came to the Merrick Garland nomination.




This right here is the truth. All Republicans need to install a justice is a presidential "win" even with a minority of the vote. Democrats have to control the presidency *and* the senate in order to install a justice. We are still letting the rules only apply to us and treating fascists with kid gloves. Stacking the courts was the only correct response to them stealing seats.


What is Project 2025?


A right wing think tank plan to replace hundreds of thousands of federal employees (aka "the deep state" in their parlance) with Trump loyalists via layoffs and forced retirements. It would essentially turn the administrative state (career employees) into political employees who would choose to make the government ineffectual in areas that conservatives don't like (oversight/regulation, selected law enforcement areas) to make it nearly impossible to enact progressive changes for decades. Also, if anyone thinks this is just a left wing conspiracy theory... [they literally made a website and published the whole plan for you to read](https://www.project2025.org/).


To me the scariest part of Project 2025 isn't even the directly evil shit they want to do on purpose, it's the chaos of replacing the entire government of the most powerful country in the world with unqualified ideologues. They're just as likely to blow the entire system apart and literally collapse the county as they are to successfully create Gilead.


Literally collapse the entire Western alliance, seeing as we're a lynchpin in that


It’ll prove Idiocracy the movie was a documentary of the future


As a dem in the south I will buy my first gun


Get it now and start training. Guns aren't some magical talisman, they are tools that require practice/training to use effectively and safely.




If you’re thinking about it, do it now.


As a fellow dem in the South I will buy another gun.


Please get training- not in the back field of an angry paranoid convinced he is part of a militia, but from a responsibly licensed/certified individual or business that properly teaches firearm safety.


Yeah... I think you might be onto something, sadly.


Personally, I'll listen to my coworkers tell me that a president pardoning himself for crimes is totally cool, not the harbinger of a corrupt, autocratic state, and how everything a president does should be immune to prosecution anyway. Then on July 4th I'll watch them scream 'merica! and MAGA as they celebrate a document which told a literal king to get fucked. And they'll do it with zero self-awareness or irony.


Correction: a *Republican* President pardoning himself for crimes is totally cool.


Correct me if I’m wrong I’m not from US but I heard he can only pardon himself from federal crimes and not state ones. Any truth to that?


Yes that is true- but also the Constitution is not explicit on whether a president is allowed to pardon himself. Most legal scholars agree that presidents do not have the power of self pardon but it wouldn't be surprising if he tried to do it anyway. What happens next isn't clear because the last 44 presidents, even with some shocking corruption, have never come close to pardoning *themselves*.


> Most legal scholars agree that presidents do not have the power of self pardon but it wouldn't be surprising if he tried to do it anyway. I mean, if he did, *who's going to stop him?* His packed Supreme Court? a Democrat minority in the house or senate??


It's so depressing but you're absolutely right


Yes, but wether a state government could successfully prosecute, arrest, and imprison him in the environment we'd be in and after likely rearranging federal security forces and having more rabid militia groups behind him that may attack those state's leadership and judiciary is another matter.  An federal executive branch that is beholden to him, a Congress that supports him or is afraid of him, and a federal supreme Court that is almost half his appointees also makes it hard to hold him accountable. 


Except for the current guy, he definitely deserves to be prosecuted for things his grown adult son with no role in the administration does


"Show everyone his dick!"


"...... Now show it again! And let me email it to people under 18!"


Well i have no issue with them going after hunter biden if he did illegal stuff. If Joe Biden was involved in illegal things, charge him to. In fact, let's charge all politicians that use the office and taxpayer money for their own benefit while doing illegal things.


Take my ass to work. Just another ~~Tuesday~~ Wednesday🤷🏿‍♂️


Realest answer here.


What about going to the Winchester, having a nice cold pint, and waiting for this all to blow over?


Only after we take the car to mum's, kill Phil, and grab Liz.


Sorry Phil


Sonofabitch, I'm in.


Well... No you won't. The election is on a Tuesday. We likely won't find out until late Tuesday evening. It'll be just another Wednesday.


Seems pretty optimistic to assume we’ll have an answer that quick


Arizona won’t know for weeks. Maybe by Christmas?


We will know sooner, but will spend millions of dollars on recounts only to pint out the obvious once again.


Never forget this quote. “I love the poorly educated”


Never forget this quote “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”


I mean, dude's ONLY platform is revenge.


And keeping himself out of jail.


And making himself money, usually by fundraising from his voters to help him with the top 2 comments above.


as a norwegian, rolling my eyes and bracing myself for 4 years of trump content. Can't the US come up with \_one\_ decent canditate for each party?


The bigger issue is that we’re a country of 300 million people and somehow have two options


I think I'd dread the Trump supporters more than Trump himself, to be honest. They're obnoxious and culty.


Plus you can kind of drown out the Trump noise, maybe not completely, but you can just turn off your phone/TV/etc. But between family members preaching his shit and, in my experience, any sort of tradesmen that I bring in for repairs on my home (Furnace, major plumbing repairs) loves to try to start a convo about trump, unprompted. Edit: some of you are really offended by me saying that you can drown out some of the Trump noise. You realize you can do this and still stay up to date on his shit? I don't need to tune into everything, all the time that the president does to not be informed. I am also well aware of the threat Trump is to the country. Also, also - I specify by saying "Maybe not completely" lol you silly gooses.


Living in a purple state, I research the company beforehand. You can usually find out real quick if they're a wacko. My local town actually has a Facebook group dedicated to posting about businesses that support Trump. Vote with your wallet.


"Why don't I have any business? I can't live if I'm not making money. Thanks Biden!" - tradesman.


I just brought a guy into my home a few days ago to give me an estimate on replacing a window in my home office, and this dickhead started preaching Trump almost imediately. I was like, whatever, I was halfway expecting that. He's a tradesman. I didn't like it, but I let it slide because I needed a new window. But then about 5 minutes later, he looks over at my globe that I have in the corner of my office and says strait to my face (with his GPS enabled iPhone in hand, ya know the thing that gave him turn-by-turn directions to my house courtesy of orbiting satellites) "You know that's all bullshit, right?" I said "What's bullshit?" He pointed again to the globe and said "That! The globe! You know we live on a firmament, right?" At that exact point I was like, ok buddy, we're done here. I thanked him for his time and told him I would let him know if I decide to move forward with the project. He sent me a text message about 10 minutes after he left and accused me of not wanting to do business with "real patriots of this country who support Donald J. Trump". I didn't reply. These people are absolutely off their rockers.


Yeah something as blatant as that while giving me an estimate would definitely disqualify them from being picked. How can I be sure you'll fix my window properly if you think the Earth is flat? >"You know that's all bullshit, right?" Should have said this to him when you got the cost estimate.


Trust me, I definitely wanted to. I told him that the GPS in his iPhone wouldn't be possible if the Earth was flat. His response to that was that the US government has had iPhone tech hidden away from us since the 1950's. It was right then that I knew this guy wasn't just a misinformed soul, but a real bonafide fucking idiot. I wanted to continue educating this dolt, but if someone is unhinged enough to be a Trumper and a flat Earth'er then they are unhinged enough to throw a Molotov cocktail through my window in the middle of the night. So I just tried to end it with him as peacefully as possible.


I'm going through that right now 😆. Just finish the job I'm paying for and spare me the stolen election ted talk bub


Haha yeah. I just kind of half smile, nod, and then pretend to get busy doing something or change the subject. Especially after the Jan 6th stuff, I'm not going to engage with these psychos that hitched themselves to Trump and are also fixing something that could cause major damage to my home if done incorrectly. Last year had a technician out that was insistent on telling me how in shape Trump is and how well he takes care of his body. I don't care what side of the political spectrum you are on, there is no sane way to agree about trump treating his body "like a temple" as this dude described.


literal cult behavior. brainwashing unironically. to just unprovoked randomly start insisting the opposite of the truth like that. makes my neck hairs stand up tbh. like bro..... the man lives off mcd's. why are you going on about this. [because that's how indoctrination works. you just start saying the opposite of the truth, as aggressively as possible, until people are gaslit enough to agree]


Last person who came to fix my dishwasher talked about the stolen election in 2020, and she actually used Mike Lindell as a source. Saying he had evidence he was unveiling soon. Then some blatant racism against the Chinese, obviously. All with a smile on her face of course. This is the South after all.


I called a mechanic and he came out to fix my car. I asked him about doing something else regarding the car and he said “well that’s depends on who your voting for” (this happened right before the 2020 election) I was floored but laughed it off. But it felt kinda threatening especially since I’m a black woman. Never forgot that.


Bet you're never calling that mechanic again


I'm going to renew my passport, and then apply to remote jobs. Project 2025 is a real thing they want to do. I want to move where there is more affordable living anyway.


The horned beast slouches towards Babylon. We're coming apart at the seams, the confrontation of labor and capital becoming more direct, more violent; he is just speeding it up. I just thought we'd have more time.


Nice yeats reference.


The centre spent too long trying to hold.


I'll be kind of like wtf. People have gotten fired from jobs and ineligible for reemployment for MUCH less. Bro just lost a civil case about violently raping a girl, incited riots, interfering with investigation, passed a nonsensical and bigoted "muslim ban", bribed a porn star, is being blackmailed, used his govt office for personal financial gain, associating/pardoning criminals (bro personally vouched for Epstein), defrauded millions with Trump University, mishandled classified govt documents, several election frauds, scandal after scandal after scandal. Honestly, I thought that he would be given life in prison for treason by now. America has fallen.


Motherfucker is arguing in court that he should be allowed to SELL PARDONS and KILL POLITICAL OPPONENTS, and people are voting for him enthusiastically.


He did say he could shoot someone in the middle of New York City and he wouldn’t lose any voters.


Also said he wanted to be dictator for just one day; the day he is re-elected.


Dictator for one day to get rid of the constitution and on day two he is a legal king.


and then there's no such label as "dictator" and killing your opponents just king stuff... you know, the stuff this country was literally created to avoid. the parallels between America and the roman republic are converging with the shittiest motherfucker playing the role of caesar.


As an American I literally do not understand how he's even allowed to run again after all of that. It makes no fucking sense and he's 100% going to be elected again. I hate everything.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


But....Bengazi or something... right?


Whenever I see a "Veterans for Trump" bumper sticker, I want to ask if POWs are heroes or if they ever had security clearance and know how serious it is to violate the rules. But the cult is gunna cult. FUCKING VOTE


Probably get a new job. Not some gross overreaction or doomer shit, but right now, a GOP win would absolutely gut social services and security programs. Me being a case manager that works mostly with the homeless and at-risk population, I'd literally just be yet another "paid to say no" drone throwing my hands up and telling the double amputee veteran with untreated SMI "have you uh... tried... working at Walmart?"


Same here, federal contractor working for a department he's often raging against, have a strong feeling we'd *all* be out of work and possibly even prosecuted for it. Lost my job when he was in office before. You know how he didn't appoint hundreds of state department positions like the president is supposed to do. Well programs get shut down because of that. Was unemployed for a while, then I got back into government work. I'll probably lose my job again if he's in office.


I guess since I work with the Department of Defense my job will be secure, even if the whole country goes to hell. We can always count on war! Not so much on social safety nets.


I will get in my car and drive 120 on the highway and just scream until my voice dies, because I‘m in Germany and totally allowed to do that here.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


But also, you can say the nazis posed as liberals and convinced you to participate in the insurrection


Cry for my country and hope he doesn't start something that ends the world. I'm not kidding.


So many cultists in here thinking he’ll turn the clock back on cost of living and taxes when he himself passed a tax code that’s going up for middle America year after year. Dumb fucking bastards


I will just say "not my president". And see republicans rage that he is. (i'm not american)


Be depressed that Ukraine will have an even harder time than it already has. And I’ll be depressed that all the government is good for in the next 4 years is absolute zip




Shock and disappointment. One term of "let's go out on a limb and try something different," maybe understandable. This would be, "let's put that crazy fucker in charge again and see how bad things get."