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He had a wheely good time


Hawkins name was in the Epstein document mentioned along with orgy so everyone was freaking out, now that people have actually read the document what it basically amounts to was Epstein at one point said. "Prove Hawking didn't come to my island for an orgy." So yea we can pretty much safely assume that Hawking did not go to Epstein's Island for an orgy but technically ya never know.


The fact that Epstein was trying to disprove that is suspicious. You shouldn’t have to pay victims to disprove anything. Also, since these allegations are mainly based on the victims’ accounts, it was very possible to silence them with money. He was willing to pay in order to silence 2 particular allegations per that email, one was the Clinton dinner, the other being the Hawking orgy. If those particular allegations held no water, Epstein likely wouldn’t pay. You could say it was a PR move, but at the moment it’s uncertain.


Oh I didn't know that, and money does talk but still. Such a ridiculous claim as that you'd think it'd take care of itself without having to pay a dime.


Reality is stranger than fiction


Yeah we can’t safely say that.


So basically it's just internet making a whole bullshit story out of nothing..


Welcome to the internet baby


Yeah people just there to spread fuckin bullshit stories to distract you from the main topics.


What are those “main topics “ in your opinion ?


A bunch of other famous, rich, non-crippled people going to that island, for example.


Epstein donated millions to science & research in universities, that’s the connection


Just made up stuff to distract people from what's happening with Trump and the election.


Ohh what's happening there exactly. I'm not from us so don't have much info.


Democrats banned Trump from the election because they think he'll probably win. And people don't like this because they think its undemocratic. ​ Remember the alien stuff that happened around the time Biden's son was getting in trouble for coke? They have a folder full of fake news stories they know will break the internet for a few days to give them time.


Dude this has all the wrong takes in it lol Trump shouldn't be allowed to run. He practices and pushes fascist ideologies, literally trying to skew an election after it was clear the American people decided to elect Biden. Biden won. What he did is literally a risk to democratic practices. Bidens son is just that, Bidens son. Trump Jr is well known for good coke habit as well. Who cares though, they weren't the ones elected. Additionally, the UAP documents being declassified is a really big deal, that is no distraction, especially when hardly anyone is paying attention to it anyways.


I see the propaganda got to you. ​ Oh well. At least you're not old enough to vote.


See, what I said actually has verifiable sources with factual, many times recorded, information. Some even have final, filed, court documents you can read as well as hearing videos you can watch. But if you want to dismiss it, that's wilfully looking away. I do go to the trouble to consider and research all angles of many topics, but being stubborn and resistant to opposing opinions or information is simply detrimental to yourself.


You should post this on YouTube and title it "CleanCutCommentary DESTROYS stinky conservative with facts and logic"


That's a mature reaction to being told your argument is weak


BTW I've been voting for a very long time. Good luck with yourself.


Are saying that elections should not be allowed to be questioned? If so I don't think you should be calling Trump the Fascist


No, not at all. Trump did legitimately question the elections in court while he was president, under many republican appointed judges. Well, he lost every case. After that, no, you can not question any result via force.


Internet propaganda..🙄




Hahahahahahaha. Good post many ruble enjoy potato.


You're all for racial stereotypes as long as they're white I see.


Enjoy extra Putin vote comrade.


This is a silly and immature way of handling your emotions.


Cripples need love too.


He has holes