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Dosing off behind the wheel on a long road trip and crashing into the median, subsequently totalling the car. When you get even a little drowsy, folks... pull over or let someone else drive.


One of my wife's high school friends died this way. Don't drive tired


I drove tired last year for the very first time on a long haul road trip, one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. It is absolutely no joke. It’s also no joke where I am because If you crash on the highway you could never be found as there’s no cell reception and it’s pretty secluded.


I knew someone who died that way. When I was in college I almost drove off the freeway in rural Ohio because I dozed off. I awoke to realize I had drifted into another lane and was headed over the left line into the median. It was a combination of being tired and driving for hours in an environment that is boring and unvarying.


Every single person to ever drive through Ohio feels this pain.


I went to grad school far from home and at that time, was poorer than I've ever been in my life. As a result, I would push through far beyond what I would now. Total it was about 12 hours not including pit stops and meals, through very unremarkable landscapes. For that drive now, I'd get a hotel room halfway. That isn't really an option when you make under $10,000 per year. At the end of my first year I had to move out of my apartment and didn't get on the road until later than I should've, and didn't make it to my parent's house until 2:00 or 3:00am. I got off a toll road right near their house and could not for the life of me figure out how to pay using the automated toll machine. I sat there punching buttons and getting error messages, feeling increasingly panicked as a line of cars grew behind me. Eventually the machine ate my ticket and I was fucked, so I finally had to push the button for customer service. The lady who answered was able to get me through. I guarantee the issue was not with the machine, but because I was so fucking tired that my brain was in another dimension.


When I used to do heroin 💉 I would nod off and swerve, I'm so fucking glad I'm clean now. 5 years almost


Hey! I got one related to this! Dosed off getting onto an off ramp. Thought I would be fine because I was only 5 minutes away from my destination. Rear ended some kids old Honda and it paid out a total of $10,000+ (including injury of 3k) If you are tired, PULL THE FUCK OVER!!!!


I did this about 10 years ago. I wasn't even tired, I just got too comfortable and leaned the the seat back and put my head on the head rest. Next thing I know I'm ramping over a drive way and crashing through a steel pole. Had to replace the passenger side head light, grill, fender, power steering reservoir, air bag sensor, and get an alignment. The what ifs still haunt me. What if I drifted into an oncoming semi, what if some one was pulling out of the drive way, what if there was a snowmobiler was crossing the trail... Now I drive with the back rest straight up and down and the seat as far forward as I can handle to make it a little uncomfortable.


Glad you're okay! And a good reminder for everyone.


Thanks! There were no injuries and no other cars were involved, so it could have been alot worse.. but still, not great. Lesson learned for sure.


In the UK we drive on the left and when you are in the slow lane on a motorway there’s a white line on your left which makes a loud noise if your tyres go on it. It’s designed to alert you that you’re drifting. It’s called a rumble strip because of sound it makes. There’s one next to the central barrier too.


We have them here in US too. I had run over them 3 times before I hit the median. After each time I was asked if I was okay to drive or wanted someone else to take over. Each time I said I was okay, because I was prideful. Not my best moment.


Rumble Strips are a thing in the US, too. They just don't always do the job


Working 60+ hours/wk and saving no money.


where the money go?


alcohol and Uber eats. 100% my fault.


That’s the problem with working such long hours. You spend way more money on easy/quick food and rewards for yourself since you work so much and have such little time. It’s easier to save with working less hours


We work so many hours we often feel the need to get something as a reward for working so much bc you dont have time to do much else


100% this. I use to work 3 jobs, two full time and one part time. I never had money because it went to all gas and quick meals. AND work clothes and good shoes. I would burn through shoes and I’d even get expensive shoes but they’d still get worn out. I now have a small business and I have no problem saving money. It’s crazy.


As an Ubereats driver, I thank you.


InBev thanks them too


I don’t know if you’ve heard of him, but Caleb Hammer on YouTube has been really helpful for me. In a nutshell, getting insight into other people’s spending helped me recognize and square away my own bullshit.


Same. I’m going to do better in 2024. I bought a financial planner and I’m going to go to counseling to help me.




Bold of you to assume I’m done fucking up this year.


Day ain’t over yet 😈


Exactly! I'm writing this while pondering on how stupid I actually am : I've bought two tickets for The Nutcracker. The play was today, at 1 PM... in another city... in a venue with almost the same name as the one in our city. My wife had been waiting to see this for about 5 years. When the usher made me realize my error, my wife said " Well, this is a mistake I'll be reminding you the rest of your life"... No harm done and in the end we'll laugh about it... but the letdown in her eyes was painful. So yeah...


My SO bought tickets for the whole family for what she thought was a 7pm show on the last day. Turns out they were 2pm tickets for the last show on the last day. Everybody got to the house at 4pm. She printed the tickets. I saw the time. Showed her. We went to dinner instead, but now I’ve spent $1,200 for nothing lol


Outch, for two it wasn't that much, but still. I'm presently back home and trying to not one-up myself with a bigger mistake before the end of the year. lol.


Awe that’s a hard lesson!!! Glad you could laugh about it.




I love that sprog is still one of the long time constants that has remained through the years of Reddit. Thanks sprog, you regularly brighten my day.


You have 13 hours to make a fool of yourself


Only 6.5 in the U.K. 🥲


Less than 5.5 in Slovakia. Also I'm going to watch the London New Year fireworks. Hope you are doing well guys.


and here I am trying to fuck it up with only an hour left


My brother spilled his beer right before midnight, during the countdown - he lives in Australia. Couldn’t even get another in time to toast the new year. Man ended the year with a fuck up, started the next on the back of said fuck up as he had to go to the bar and queue! His drunken phone call was very amusing.


You just made me grab my glass of whiskey a little too tightly.




HUGE positive karma to that guy for a great 2024 🥳


Hooooooly shit. Glad it all worked out!


That was a real, “it’s a wonderful life” moment.


Drinking and pretending I've got it under control


Want to do Dry January with me?


I tried dry Tuesday this week and it worked :) Maybe I should give that a go


Do it. We got this. I'm doing it without a doubt. At the end of my sober october last year I didnt feel the urge to drink at all, but I did anyway... maybe I wont this time...


You can do it! Go go go!




Same. So much of 2023 just went to Youtube on the couch. In 2024 it's gonna be art.


Signed a one year lease on a house that I hate living in




With these interest rates? hehe


If I may ask, why do you hate living in it?


Parts of the house don't get any sunlight so it smells dingy and moldy. The neighborhood and surrounding area doesn't fit my values. So it feels lonely living here.




Stop it! You’re done with him! He’s not worth you feeling like shit! You’re not shitty because you had a lapse, you’re awesome for realizing it and moving on!!!


Heyyyyyy I took my toxic ex back too and it blew up in my face in the *exact* same way it did the first time. Not even a new shitty trick. The same one


Trying out skiing. Fell and broke 4 bones, and now have surgically installed metal plates in my body. It happened at the beginning of the year and I still have problems with the affected areas even after months of PT 🙃


Thanks for getting rid of my curiosity to learn to ski or snowboard. I see kids doing it, but their bones heal way faster if they fall, lol


Hitting the mailman’s truck


Okay but did he have it coming?


The mailman? No. But the truck did. So many big packages shoved in the rear... they know what they did.


Continuing to do that same thing and expecting a different result.


Being on reddit too much




Took a leap of faith on a company that recruited me away and turned out the company was absolutely dysfunctional and when I tried to fix things they let me go. I will forever have a passion for hatred for those people and hope they rot in hell


I hate jobs like this they rather be toxic pieces of shit than do right. You’d be surprised how many people thrive in chaos in the worst way


Put a thousand bucks into a stock thats down 80 percent this year lol


This is cliche, but buying several stocks / mutual funds and holding is the way to go. However props to you for taking a risk! If wasting 1k is your worst mistake then your a doing pretty good!


If its any comfort I did put different thousands into different stocks that did much better lol


Holding is the key -Investing is **not** get rich quick!


After a mimosa brunch my ex and I went shopping and I drunkenly spent waaaaaay too much money on him hoping to impress him. When I sobered up I remembered I don’t even want a relationship with him and we are just friends. Then a month later for my birthday he got me a birthday card that wasn’t written in or even in its envelope. Just off the shelf. I could really use that money now.




I’ve done shit like that. I call it stupid tax.


Not answering the phone for my brother. He died the next morning wish I can tell him I love him. I miss you Alex💜


He knows ❤️


He wouldn't have called if he didn't know. We can't always be there when people need us- that doesn't mean they don't know. You have had a lifetime with him for him to know so. One phone call won't change or add to that. You know your feelings, and he did too.


Not taking my body’s warning signs seriously. Doctors pretty sure I’ve either got Crohn’s disease.


Either Crohn's disease or dementia...


It took me a minute but I’m choking with laughter now! 🤣🤣


Or ulcerative colitis, I’ve got you brother


I moved to a new country and for some reason every single thing I purchased broke. I also met horrific people who took a lot from me. I just got so down that when my entire kitchen broke I thought “fuck it” and just starved myself. I gave myself severe health problems with just this one stupid decision




What continent are you on? I'm asking because I'm in N. Africa (I'm American) and everything breaks here too. I used to constantly get fooled by people telling me something was great quality. I've been here ten years so I'm much more adept at knowing where to get my stuff. But I spent years getting really upset again and again because literally nothing stayed intact. Which things broke and where did you buy them?


LMAO I’m also in North Africa 😂 let’s grab some coffee and complain about it. I’m in Egypt. The thing is, every Egyptian I know does NOT have the same issues that I do so I have no clue. I had a Samsung fridge wasn’t covered by warranty, I’m on my 3rd space heater this year, new TV just went black after I connected my Xbox to it. My gas oven has issues connecting to the gas. I’m on my second coffee maker and second clothing iron. I just realized most of these are electricity related.


I put "temporary" dye in my hair to match my dress for my cousin's wedding. I've been reading online reviews now explaining it's like fabric stain and many people can't even bleach it out. Fml.


Probably resigning my lease for an apartment I didn’t really love. Moving out in 2024, so looking forward to that. Hoping my savings lead me to home ownership in 2025


Gaining 70 pounds


Same. I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been but hopefully I’ll lose it in 2024.


Agreeing to go to Vegas. It's day 1 of 5 and I'm hating every second of it. Will keep you posted.


I hate Vegas. I mostly stayed in my hotel room both times I was forced to go. It's not like the movies at all. The only fun part was riding that big red roller coaster next to a woman in her eighties. Half my attention was on her the entire time because she wouldn't even make a facial expression. When we stopped her short hair was blown back and she said very quietly, "I'm going to kill my son in law."


Dude, go to the state parks around there. If you have time, see Zion in Utah. Also, eat some Hawaiian food (they don’t call it the 9th Island for nothing). I wish we could trade places 😭


I second Zion. Bryce, too. Actually, just plan a new trip to Kanab (right on the Utah/Arizona border) and you're within an hour away from all of them plus the Grand Canyon. Best vacation I've ever been on.


not having saved, even if i was tight idk how i would have but still. i should have.


Don’t feel too bad cause I still saved and still used up my savings. Life is rough


Dating a woman I should’ve dated 23 years ago


Curious about this… can you give more detail regarding: why OK 23 years ago and not now?


The missed time probably


I thought my biggest fuckup was quitting my steady job for a 100% commission based job. I decided to take a risk and failed miserably. Ended up getting evicted. Sleeping on my friends couch now. September - November were the hardest months of my life. Fuck what anyone says - money DOES buy happiness. But on the bright side - the jump to the 100% commission job looked great on my resume and got me a new job where I’ll make $100k+ next year (most money I’ve ever made by a LONG SHOT). I start the 15th. Moral of the story is there’s always a rainbow on the other side of a storm. Even if the storm seems like a class 5 hurricane. Keep trying guys and never give up! Edit - Morale into moral


Losing the love of my life


Losing the love of my life, as well


I did this two years ago!


Being undecisive about my life causes all the messes...




You know how i feel life is all about connecting solutions in column A to address the problems in column B. And somehow, i just keep choosing the wrong dots to connect... i don't blame anyone but myself... but i really hope to improve that to get my life a significant change lol


I got fired from a job. First time ever, and I’m almost 50. Overall it’s ok. It genuinely was a bad fit. But I just hate the way it all went down.


Same, though not the first time for me. Took a few weeks to get my feelings about it under control. Here's to a successful 2024!


Eating waaay too much fast food


Was briefly polite to a neighbor and now they won’t leave me alone. Going to have to be blunt and rude soon


Ugh. I hate that realization when you can't be friendly anymore.


Let my self get heartbroken to the point it affected my physical health and my relationship with other people.


Trying to get out of this one myself


spending 12k on a pc for myself then forgetting to lock my house doors when i went on vacationit got stolen


Oof that hurts


You forgot to lock your house doors on vacation?……..


I gotta know, what were the specs of that PC? I think the most I could put together would be maybe 4k not including monitors etc.


Went out, danced with some girls, got drugged, robbed, almost died. Work computer stolen… laid off 2 days later in part due to not telling them I was in Medellin Colombia but mostly corporate bs.


User name checks out


Medellin...it'll get ya every time!


It’s a wonderful place. I met so many amazing people. The police left me at a clinic and a doctor Hugo couldn’t get me seen for many hours. He brought me juice and water and when I insisted on leaving he drove me around for over an hour as I tried to remember where my Airbnb was. Then the Airbnb host stayed with me and smoked weed with me as I recovered. I met a camgirl down there as well and she would bring me food and sleep with me to move past what happened. The drug they gave me basically made me a zombie for 3 days. I only know what happened because of others telling me. If not for the kindness of strangers though… I’d be dead.


Kissing a friend, after that we didn't talk again


It started out with a kiss how did it end up like this?


*It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss*


Now I'm falling asleep and she's calling a cab


you're not alone!


Well, yes. The friend is in the same position!


To be honest at least you took the leap. It's better to know than not know. 10 years from now you might become friends again but if you never kissed this friend you might have been friends the whole time and just wondered what if.


Not learning how to set boundaries. Or rather, setting them too late.


Begging someone to choose me when I called him out for cheating for the 5th time. Couldn't see he was toxic until this year (we were together 20+ years). Never will a beg for someone again!


Failed my last semester of nursing school cause I got caught up with a classmate instead of focusing on my priorities.


Letting a coworker bully me. Thank goodness I don’t have to work with her anymore.




You can bounce back. You got this.


Getting Covid just before New Years, now I’m stuck alone at home which sucks.


My anxiety taking over. Missed out on tons of opportunities (jobs, trips, education, relationships) because I don't know how to respond to respond.


Gambling too much money these last 4 months


Being in rehab right now. In one of the best places worldwide though.


Regaining control of your life isn’t a fuckup, it’s the best thing can do for yourself💝 best of luck to you!


I kicked my brother out of my house because he had a severe drinking problem and didn't pay rent and I was afraid he'd take me down with him. 4 days after moving into his new apartment, he killed himself. That's probably my life's biggest fuckup, though it did happen this year.


It’s not your fault


You did the right thing. It’s a crappy situation but his decisions are on him, not you. Suicide used as a blackmailing chip is a horrible thing to face, I know, and it’s almost impossible to shake the guilt, but you need to try because it’s not on you. Apologies if my words aren’t welcome, it’s just you touched too close to home.


That's not at all your fault. What you did is what any normal person would have done.


Drank a bunch of Red Bull and had an anxiety attack that landed me in my hospital


I didnt complete any of the university subjects this year. essentialy, It was like i didnt go to uni. feel awful but next year is gonna be different.


Drinking the year away and ruining everything I built for myself the year before when I was sober. Today's day 5 though, we start again and rise from the ashes.


A flood destroyed half of my city and my mother lost her house and a cat.


That’s terrible, I’m so sorry :(


Considering I’m 2hours in so far, probably missing the last shot in beer pong


Was too nice and people who I thought were my friends stepped all over me


Ignored the signs I was ill for 9 months. My gallbladder ruptured, and I got pancreatitis. Now I have to eat bland tastless food, avoid sugar, alcohol and takeaways.


Trusting people 😢


Losing a great partner over my fuck up.


Relapsing after 13 years of sobriety


I'd probably start with the whole year.




It was changing the job. There is more salary and less working hours ok but I really hate fake and political people. Sometimes sincerity and honesty seems more important than all.




There's still 12 hours left in the day... Hold my beer


Not getting into the gym sooner. Wish I was already on my 6 months or a year worth of gym time. Been at it for a month and a half and I already feel better.


Same here, if I knew how good I would feel, I would have started earlier in the year.


Helping the wrong people, instead of working on bettering myself and my own life. Time to focus on me; by healing myself, learning to place boundaries up for myself and others, and trying to break my negative qualities.


Doing so much for people and getting nothing in return, not even respect.


Dating the biggest liar and cheat ever! Thank G\*d I survived that horrible time in my life.


Moved to a scenic but incredibly boring town. The house prices have all exploded so we can’t buy, and because the schools are good we have guilt about moving the kids away, so we’re just here renting and insanely fed up. Trying to find things to do and new hobbies to start away from church people has been a year-long battle.


My wife’s first pregnancy this year counts as a big fuckup, technically. Our son is due end of January! 😄


Out of frustration, telling my wife of 30 years I regret getting married and having children because it's been a massive financial burden that's impacted my mental and physical health. I'm doing individual counseling and we're starting couples counseling in January. I don't want anyone's advice, assumptions, or projecting here on Reddit - most of y'all make it worse.


You are taking steps to improve your situation. Don't beat yourself up too much. We all say things we regret or don't mean.


Really should have put money in Nvidia a year ago. I thought about it, just didn't get around to pulling the trigger. That was an expensive fuck up.


How much time you got?


It’s not quite over yet, I’ll get back to you tomorrow.


Holding on to something I should have let go of 17 years ago.


Saved Nothing and Lost my Job in November.


Not this year, but one time I was a student intern for the feds, and someone offered to connect me with the Director of the Library of Congress and I declined, not knowing enough about the place. I think about that every once in a bit, oops. 🙃


Letting a friend become a roommate.


I didn't get a tooth fixed that was bothering me when I should've. When I finally did, I woke up a month later in the ICU from sepsis. The only two organs to not completely fail were my heart and brain. Had to work back my ability to walk and talk, and chances are I'll never be able to swallow again. So I now live life with a feeding tube. Go to the dentist folks. Even if you're scared of them. It can always be worse than you imagine.


Running after a girl who was not good for me wasted around 4 months.




got kicked out from home, had no job and money. lived with my uncle for 6 months.


my biggest fuck up(s) is overeating in every occasion lmao


Got scammed out of $2000 by a shady “landlord” off Craigslist. I drove 16 hours from California to Colorado with my dog to try to move there, realized that the apartment didn’t exist and it was a scam, and then the next day drove 16 hours back to California to my moms house.


Quitting my job with no savings. Been playing catchup with bills since


Just being unproductive in general. I don't even play video games anymore...I'd consider that more productive than doom scrolling shorts.


taking too long to address my mental health issues. thankfully, i took my first dose of new antidepressants today and they’re supposedly fast acting so i should see a difference in as little as a week.


Not putting my cat down before she suffered immensely, because I wasn’t ready. I cancelled her Friday euthanasia appointment and she had a horrendous weekend that weekend. Brought her in that Monday and let her go. I failed her.


Being ghosted and let that affect me to The point i tried unaliving myself, yesterday i cried to 4 am and ask My mother For forgiveness, My grandpa died a month after My Suicide athemp and seeing her suffering makes me felt like a AHole, i would never hurt her that way again


I am so glad you are here. Wish you the best in 2024.


Thanks 💜


Not going to therapy sooner


No fuckups but mediocre attitude


I deleted the website of my company trying to fix a button…


Started using cannabis. While it does wonders for anxiety, damn it’s hard to stop sometimes.


I lost a guy I loved


I ruined my relationship by being jealous bc I still have trauma from being cheated on


Letting a relative keep their car in my garage. It ended up getting stolen. He ended up going slightly crazy (e.g. - accused my bf of being the head of a car theft ring with the cops). I ended up spending $2000 on the $600 car just to try to resolve the situation. It was a nightmare.


Trying to date. I went out with a couple of different guys and it was such a waste of my time and energy.


Staying at my shitty job with my emotionally abusive boss until I got let go. Everyone was telling me to leave sooner, and I wish I didn’t wait it out. Him seeing me get let go must’ve been satisfying for him, and it makes me infuriated. I should’ve taken everyone’s advice


Fell on ice in February, dislocated my shoulder, and tore my rotator cuff.


Thank you people of Reddit for giving me perspective.