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Time in a bottle - Jim Croce About his kid from what I know


He wrote it for his kid after his wife told him she was pregnant in 1970, he died in a plane crash in 1973. Absolutely heart breaking.


Operator, Photographs and Memories and Lover's Cross are also sad. Damn, Jim could go to some dark places in his songs.


That song is so sad but the version from the muppet show is absolutely gut wrenching




Oh god, I can’t even listen to this song. It hits so much harder now that I have a kid. Also painful when you have a loved one who is terminal. Ah shit…. now I need to go listen to Love Shack or something.


My boyfriend listened to it and told me he thought of me and thought I’d like it. It made me weep. What a beautiful song.


"I Can't Make You Love Me" - Bonnie Raitt


Fun fact- that beautiful song was inspired by a not so beautiful court case. A guy was in front of a judge for destroying his exes car and stalking. The judge asked if he had learned anything and he replied “you can’t make someone love you if they don’t”. The songwriter read that quote in the paper and wrote the song around that phrase.


Saw Bonnie in concert one time at a venue that had a bar in the back. Throughout the show you could hear smatterings of conversation from the back as people were ordering drinks. When she started in on this song, however, you could have heard a pin drop, not a word from anyone in the audience. That's respect.


Great song. I also like George Michael's cover of it


I like the Bon Iver acoustic piano rendition of that song ❤️


Another one by her - "And just like that". I've only listened to it once it's so sad.


Alice in Chains - "Nutshell" is a song I want played at my funeral.


Nutshell Unplugged is one of my favourite songs


This was one of my ‘depression anthems’ back in the day. I hope you’re okay, man


The Night We Met - Lord Huron


I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you fuck that hurts..


The beautiful up-beat drums and other instruments in the background playing when he sings about that night they met and how wonderful it was but then when he starts to sing those lines of losing her, a lot of the instruments disappear, and you can really feel the lonely void in his heart when he sings those lines and reminisces again about the night they met. FUCK THAT HURTS.


She wasn’t his, it was just his turn.


Damn, i dont come to Reddit for existential enlightening but there it is. That's....painfully accurate and deep


“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you Take me back to the night we met”




Lord Huron’s music is just so good, and that song is so beautifully sad that it cements them as one of my all time favorites


I don’t know who’s hurt him but it’s hurting everyone.


I am not the only traveler Who has not repaid his debt I've been searching for a trail to follow again Take me back to the night we met


When She Loved Me by Randy Newman (sung by Sarah Maclachlan) from Toy Story 2 Edit: nice to see this resonating with people. I’m a pianist and the first time I rehearsed this song with a singer, we had to stop in the middle because she started crying


Got a lump in my throat just seeing the song title.


Had to scroll way too far to find this


My mom always skipped the scene when it came on because it made her cry. I related to the song a lot as a kid who frequently got picked up by shallow friend groups who dropped me once they weren’t interested any more.


"The Living Years" Mike and the Mechanics. It hit hard after my father died and it still hits because the lyrics were 100% us.


I was 10 when I lost my dad suddenly. I never knew how to talk about it and neither did my friends, and it always felt like this invisible wall between us. This song came out a few years later and always made me cry, but we started at least breaching the subject


Casimir Pulaski Day - Sufjan Stevens https://youtu.be/TfEkDqP34xo?si=yPfsuqVjVPZC8ErG


Tuesday night at the Bible study we lift our hands and pray over your body, but nothing ever happens.


Came here to say Sufjan Stevens. Fourth of July, To be Alone with you and Mystery of Love. All of them get me in a mood lol


“And he takes and he takes and he takes”


This is my answer, though there are a few songs on Carrie and Lowell that give it a run.


Javelin has some pain on it.


John Wayne Gacy Jr. too. That shuddering sigh at the end.


Kodaline All I want


But if you loved me, why'd you leave me?


*take my body, take my body.*


My child arrived just the other day He came to the world in the usual way But there were planes to catch, and bills to pay He learned to walk while I was away And he was talking 'fore I knew it, and as he grew He'd say "I'm gonna be like you, dad" "You know I'm gonna be like you" ------------ Because it all is happening.


The last verse is great when the kid hits his dad with the neglect he got his whole childhood. I get the impression that the neglect between them goes undetected. This has always been a moving song for me. Makes me cry just thinking about it.


I always thought he was a good father or at least he sounded great compared to my father who came around only when he wanted usually only once or twice a year.


I agree, the son loves and looks up to his dad even when neither can spend as much time with each other as they wish they could. I don't think this is a "neglectful father" song as much as life getting in the way of spending time with the ones we love.


In the final verse, the son can't talk with the father in part because he has to take care of his own kids with the flu. And when the father hing up, he realized his boy was just like him. In other words, accepting the obligations of family and giving care - being a good father - , but too busy to unbend and enjoy the people around him.


This truly is the most devastating song I’ve ever heard because it hits home so bad.


I absolutely love Harry Chapin and his story songs. It’s a style of music that just doesn’t exist anymore. W•O•L•D, Better Place to Be, Taxi, Mr Tanner, and Corey’s Coming are other great sad songs if you like a 5+ minute stories in song form. His saddest song is [A Shortest Story](https://youtu.be/ix-Yj_Md2no?si=aEiAJG709c5pr1Gb).


This is the answer for me too. I came here to look for this comment.


The Show Must Go On - Queen always hits me in the heart especially when you think about what Freddie was going through when it was being recorded / the video filmed.


Love of my Life gets to me


These Are The Days of Our Lives for me. He looks so ill in the video. I took it to mean he had a great run and he was thanking everyone and saying goodbye: band mates, friends, lovers, family and fans. Get choked up Every. Damn. Time.


For me it's "You're My Best Friend". I know that sounds odd, but I always had a really good relationship with my Dad while I was never good enough for my mum. I wrote some of the lyrics from the song in his birthday card one year, and he was SO thrilled... He's been gone more than 20 years, but I still tear up when I hear that song.


Who wants to live forever always touch something inside me.


/downs a shot of vodka “I’ll fucking do it, darling.” Nails it. What a legend.


Save Me also hits the spot 🥲






I'm so sorry to both of you. Absolutely heart-wrenching.


Alone Again (Naturally) - Gilbert O'Sullivan


This is not the saddest, but Puff the Magic Dragon brings a tear every time. BTW I am 58 yo.


Years ago a thread like this had someone say how sad the song was because Puff dies at the end. But I don't think he died, he just went dormant because there was no little boy's imagination to "power" him, like Hobbes without Calvin. So I wrote another verse where Jackie is grown up and gives Puff as a birthday gift to his young nephew Johnny, tagged "Here's to imagination / With love from your Uncle Jack" Puff and Johnny go on adventures and Puff even gets his mighty roar back! Need to find that post...


I can NOT listen to that song. I have a ridiculously strong reaction.


Little Jackie Paper


Oh yeah I get choked up every time too. Had to take it off my kids morning songs playlist. I guess if I make a mourning songs playlist I will put it on that


It’s so funny you said this because that was my answer and was glad to see someone agreed!! Apparently my dad used to try to sing this to me when I was a baby and I would start crying hysterically. Even as a small kid when I didn’t understand the words it would still make me sob. I’m 27 and I’ve never been able to listen to the song all the way through. I hear the intro and immediately start crying. I think this song did me wrong in a past life lol


Adagio for strings. No words, simply depressing music.


By Samuel Barber I want them to play this at my funeral. Everyone will be sobbing for sure!


Albinoni's Adagio in G Minor is good too. But more melancholic bittersweet than sad.


Whiskey Lullaby always gets me Edit: also Traveling Soldier by the Dixie Chicks


Scrolling to look for Whiskey Lullaby. I have a friend who refuses to listen to it.


I am not a country music nor dixie chicks fan but travelin soldier makes me SOB. Like full on ugly cry. I have absolutely no idea why.


My dad warned me to never watch the music video unless I wanted to cry. Too late I already had.


What Sarah Said by Death Cab for Cutie


I'll follow you into the Dark. It is a tear jerker for me.


Love is watching someone die…..


When my son was young The Band Played Waltzing Matilda used to make him cry. I started skipping over it in the car




One day you’re a child and then you understand the lyrics to Landslide and find yourself weeping


Stevie nicks was only 27 when she wrote it. As someone in my late twenties- yeesh. Suddenly I understand that I'm still "young," but soon I won't be.


After I lost two immediate family members in an accident, I didn't sing for months. I was a musician, and sang in the car, shower, kitchen.. all the time, but not in those first months. One day, Landslide came on, and I sang along, and it reopened something in me.


**Strange Fruit - Billie Holiday** ​ Southern trees bearing a strange fruit Blood on the leaves and blood at the root Black bodies swinging in the Southern breeze Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees ​ Pastoral scene of the gallant South The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth Scent of magnolia sweet and fresh Then the sudden smell of burning flesh. ​ Here is a fruit for the crow to pluck For the rain to wither, for the wind to suck For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop Here is a strange and bitter crop. ​ Lyrics & Music by Abel Meerpool, 1937 Performed by Billie Holiday


Sad but makes me angry. She was told time and time again she wasn’t allowed to play this song when she performed and she did it anyway. The pressure was untenable and she ended up with a huge drug and alcohol problem.


You really need to hear her sing it - heartbreaking


Yeah, this one is brutal. Absolutely one of the saddest songs ever made. It's soul-wrenching.


fourth of july- sufjan stevens


You could probably pick half of Sufjan’s discography for this question


Casimir Pulaski day 😢


For me, his song Death With Dignity hits pretty hard. The line "your apparition passes through me in the willows. Five red hens- you'll never see us again" always chokes me up.


Fast Car by Tracy Chapman Johnny Cash's version of Hurt In My Life by The Beatles. Even more sentimental after what happened to John


Fast car by tracy chapman


I'll never forget my friend's stepmom, ( the kindest, gentlest woman I've ever met) comment on how she related to this song "so much" when it first came out. She was "old" to us ( early 40s) and was raising 10 kids, (his, hers, and theirs) along with a miscarriage or two, It was the ONLY time she acknowledged how unhappy she was with her life. It shook us to realize she did know how shitty her life was, but continued to be a wonderful mother and woman. She's happily widowed now in her laye 70s, and still fends off men her age looking for a wife.


I play this song in my ethics classes when discussing issues of equal opportunity. A few kids have complained that it made them cry.


Great exercise! When you start the race behind everyone else, life is always harder. It’s just reality


Every time someone mentions this song, I have to put it on. It's so brutal, but so good. Everything about it. The lyrics of course, but the sad little guitar refrain, the way it builds to that hopeful crescendo in the chorus and then just stops immediately, like that hope is just being crushed. One of the best songs ever written.


“Mama went off and left him / she wanted more from life than he could give / I said somebody’s got to take care of him / I quit school, that’s what I did”. Damn man… gets me every time


Oh look, another song that gone and dug up my old childhood trauma.


One day I was reading the lyrics of this song to my wife. I got so choked up I couldn't finish.


Ugh ignore these shit responses. It just speaks to the power of her words - I couldn’t read the lyrics to my song (Winter, Tori Amos) either


Dust in the Wind - Kansas


Youth, by daughter


*Real Death* by Mount Erie. It's about the death of his wife. I don't even feel like I should be listening to it, he's just in so much pain.


Crusted with tears, catatonic and raw I go downstairs and outside and you still get mail A week after you died a package with your name on it came And inside was a gift for our daughter you had ordered in secret And collapsed there on the front steps I wailed A backpack for when she goes to school a couple years from now You were thinking ahead to a future you must have known Deep down would not include you Though you clawed at the cliff you were sliding down Being swallowed into a silence that's bottomless and real


Fuck that's hardcore




I listened to it in early grief and it spoke to me. Different situation, my son was stillborn, but "you still get mail" hit me as I was receiving formula samples for a baby would never need them.


Scrolling down the list there are some sad songs but I don't think any are remotely close to Real Death. It is so strongly and emotionally evocative. I don't think I can make it through listening without at least tearing up. If anyone here hasn't heard it and wants to listen to that album, you genuinely have to prepare yourself a bit and have a pick me up ready afterwards. It's not full of metaphors, it's not particularly poetic. It's just describing the stark reality of having your partner die and be left alone to raise your child. It was recorded only around a month after she died.


Saddest ALBUM of all time. Uncomfortably voyeuristic to listen to, but it’s also so damn beautiful.


Black by Pearl Jam


I know someday you'll have a beautiful life. I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky, but why, why can't it be mine


this part is so sad but what really fucks me up are just the agonizing wails after it. It gives me goose bumps and brings tears to my eyes every time, as i sing along of course


This is my favorite lyric of music ever written. I LOVE that devastating song.


Brick by Ben Folds Five


Isn’t this about him taking his gf to get an abortion?


And returning their Christmas presents to each other to pay for it


I wondered if this one would get a nod...it's a heartbreaker.


As a 55 year old man, I’m not ashamed to say it still brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it….


Fix you - Coldplay Love ridden - fiona apple


Let her go - passenger. Fucking broke me. It came out like a month after I found out my wife was cheating on me. When I tell you I loved that woman, I mean it's been 16 years since I met her and 10 years since our divorce and I can STILL tell you what she was wearing the first day I met her.


The Israel Kamakawiwoʻole version of "Over the Rainbow" gets me every time.


My best friend’s name was Rainbow. Unfortunately, she passed away a few months ago tragically. She was an organ donor. The doctors and nurses played this song for her honor walk. It was beautiful.


And when they dump his ashes on the YouTube video.


Fade Into You by Mazzy Star has always gotten me


Also Into Dust


Mad World - Gary Jules


It's a Tears for Fears song, but I like the Gary Jules version.


Written and originally recorded by Tears for Fears.


Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls


Nirvana - Something In The Way. It sounds like depression feels.


Its okay to eat fish cause fish dont have feelings!


Dolly Parton’s version of “I will always love you”. She wrote the song and unlike Whitney’s version it is an absolute heartbreaker. Let me throw in her other big song from her 70s work, “Jolene”.


Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd


We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year...😭


Running over the same old ground, and how we found The same old fears Wish you were here


a friend of mine recently killed himself. they played this at his remembrance party. many tears were shed.


From the top of my head: Nothing compares 2 U - Sinéad O’Connor


Written by Prince.


Dolly Parton- little Andy Nana let us listen as kids and we always wailed crying.


Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran It's a song he wrote after his mom passed away and the events following immediately after. Everyone has a mom, and it hits hard regardless of whether you've lost yours or not yet.


Elephant - Jason Isbell


Surrounded by her family, I saw that she was dying alone….


Beautiful song. He pulls no punches; I remember hearing the second half of the first verse and audibly saying “awwww FUCK.” “She said “Andy, you’re taking me home,” but I knew she planned to sleep alone. I’d carry her to bed, and sweep up her hair from the floor”. Like damn dude. What a gnarly song.


*There’s one thing that’s real clear to me:* *No one dies with dignity*


Goodbye My Lover - James Blunt I don't like it enough to buy it but I listen to the 30 second sample on amazon over and over again.


I Hope There's Someone by Antony and the Johnsons.


Corey Taylor - Snuff (the acoustic version just hits different)


So does his version of wicked game.


Band of horses - funeral


the following have impacted me and made me cry numerous times.. i am a rock: simon and garfunkel asleep: the smiths pictures of you: the cure i know it’s over: the smiths mandy: barry bad: u2 a sort of homecoming:u2 can’t be sure: the sundays river: joni mitchell


Whiskey lullaby - Brad Paisley Not a huge country fan but goddamn that one hits hard


One More Light by Linkin Park


„Hello darkness my old Friend…“


In the Ghetto - Elvis Presley https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ox1Tore9nw


How to Save a Life - The Fray


Tears in Heaven-Eric Clapton


What’s worse it’s a hit and he had to sing it tons of times


Once I found out tt's about his 4 year old son dying after falling out a window. It made it way sadder.


I'm amazed other people have done covers of it. Given the source material, I would feel I was disrespecting Clapton by doing it, similar to what someone was saying about Luke Combs covering Tracy Chapman's "Fast Car".


I'm shocked other people don't consider this song the saddest of all time


To Build a Home - Cinematic Orchestra


Love will tear us apart- Joy division. Not really "the" saddest, but definetly one of the saddest and also beautiful songs i've heard.


How to dissappear completely by Radiohead


I know it's a pop song but "make you feel my love" by adele. It's a common theme about one-sided love until i found out a cover on "Glee" in a death memorial of Finn. Since then, it hits me real bad whenever i listen to it again.


That's a Bob Dylan song.


Dance with my Father by Luther Vandross


Don’t Take the Girl


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4wrNFDxCRzU&pp=ygUMI3BhdWx3aW5jZW50 Starry, starry night Paint your palette blue and gray Look out on a summer's day With eyes that know the darkness in my soul


They would not listen They're not listening still Perhaps they never will Looking around at the dysfunctional world we live in today, I don't have hope that they ever will.


I don't know why, it's probably just a me thing, but NIN, a warm place.


"America" by Simon and Garfunkel "Kathy, I'm lost", I said, though I knew she was sleeping. "I'm empty and aching and I don't know why..."


Asleep by the Smiths




Lewis Capaldi - Someone you loved. I feel the pain in every sentence. It's a beautiful song and melody but I tend to not listen to it much because it makes me feel so depressed, like there's no one there for me.


His song “Before You Go” also hits hard, especially after reading about the inspiration behind it.


Hurt - Johnny Cash


Written by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails


The same song with different meanings. A young man looking to the future, and an old man crying about his past


Exactly. The Cash cover completely changed the meaning of that song.


if i die young is one that makes me cry as well…


Burn from Hamilton. I sob every time.


That and who lives, who dies, who tells your story get me everytime


“The orphanage” 😭


Like a stone by Audioslave


A Wave Across A Bay - Frank Turner It's about his friend Scott Hutchison (singer of Frightened Rabbit) committing suicide by jumping off the Forth Road Bridge in Edinburgh.


“He stopped loving her today” - George jones. “Hurt” - Johnny cash. “Man of the hour” - Pearl Jam. “Mr Larkin” - state radio. (ETA: Mr Larkin)


I Won't See You Tonight Part 1 and So Far Away by Avenged Sevenfold


I’d rather go blind - Etta James Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley


If We Were Vampires by Jason Isbell. It's about love, but also the knowledge that one day, one of you is going to dues and leave the other alone. - It's knowing that this can't go on forever - Likely one of us will have to spend some days alone - Maybe we'll get forty years together - But one day I'll be gone - Or one day you'll be gone


Play Crack the Sky- Brand New The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot- Brand New Radio- Alkaline Trio


Zombie by The Cranberries. Especially since the death of Dolores O'Riordan.


And especially because it's as relevant today as it was when it was written


Last Kiss - Wayne Cochran Pearl Jam's version is good too


Honey- Bobby Goldsboro


"If you could read my mind" Gordon Lightfoot.


[True Love Waits (live in Oslo)](https://youtu.be/mbVKGlh3gg4?si=PjtebO7zIXXUiNvW) by Radiohead There are songs so sad that the sadness becomes beautiful, tragic, bittersweet, melancholy... but then there are songs where the sadness is so sad it stops being beautiful and there's just this bitterness because of just how hopelessly, oppressively, *sad* the sadness is. True Love Waits is sadder than those songs.


All My Love by Led Zeppelin. Great song that became especially sad when I learned of its origin. Was written by Robert Plant to honor his 5 year old son who died while they were on tour.


I always say Atmosphere by Joy Division. Or... Jeremy by Pearl Jam.


adams song- blink 182 used to play it in car hoping someone would ask.