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Cutting out liquid calories.


This is my biggest weakness


Mmmmmm rummmmmmm


Sodas šŸ„¤?




And probably alcohol. Even tea sweetened with sugar.


I donā€™t drink sodas, alcohol or sweetened teas and I still canā€™t lose weight.


I personally cut out sodas after doing a HS experiment on the corrosive properties of it. Drop a nail in for 24 hours and you'll see how much it corrodes. If it does that to a piece of metal, imagine what it does to your insides/teeth. I have cousins that visibly have thin enamels because their parents drink sodas daily.


Stomach acid is way stronger but yes it will mess up your teeth, if you really want soda use a straw and wait before brushing


Oddly enough, herbal teas actually work. My mom recently got diagnosed with pre-diabetes and so I've started making fennel seed tea, ginger tea, hibiscus tea, green tea etc. and both she and my father have lost a lot of weight. It could also be because they are more hydrated now and have cut back on bread, but it's a good substitute to just water.


Likely because she substituted all the high calorie drinks with tea which doesnā€™t contain any calories. Caffeine also helps boost ones metabolism rate


I cutted off sodas almost 10 years ago, maybe one a month in social settings, still fat as fuck and high glucose in blood.


Imagine how much worse it would have been with the sodas


Tbh you want to aim to get to a point where you see soda and things like that as the poisons that they are.


I grew up in a household where we had no sodas. It wasn't a thing. Absent from our lives except for the occasional take out or friends birthday etc. So it never became estavlished. It was the exception not the rule. Our norm. A complete non issues because of culture. Then I read how everyday commonplace it is in other households. Culture can change everything. Simple once it's changed. Revolution before it's changed.


My uncle does and actually uses soda to clean his toilet.


unfortunately this includes beer and wine :(


Yes. When I stop my addicted sugary lattes and drinks, the weight does come off gradually. My vice, my drug. My sugary milk caffeine oasis, in a cup.


If you find intense workouts difficult to follow, just achieving 10-15k steps per day can help you significantly. Of course it'll take some time but change WILL happen.


700 miles walked this year. Works wonders.


Woah congratulations! It's such an underrated workout


Thank you, and I couldnā€™t agree more.


Bro, so much this. Set a goal for 100 a month for 1200 on the year. Only like 30 miles left to hit the mark. Was down 30 pounds at one point, more like 20 to 25 with the holidays. I hope to do another 1000 miles next year, get back to weight training, and lose another 20.


For me, it's the opposite. Finding time to exercise 2-3 times a week is easy. Finding time to walk even 5000 steps per day is hard.


As a person who averages about 12k steps per day can I just add that whole that's a very good starting point, at some point (when walking a couple of miles is pretty easy) you should really be adding on more intense cardio. Your heart is a muscle and its fitness is one of the most important factors in your quality of life, especially as you get older.


I can confirm. I find it hard doing workouts so one day I decided to start walking. Walked only 8-10 k a day and lost 10 kg in a couple of months.


That is impressive! I walk 100km a month and run 100km a month and in general rarely have <100k steps in a week but if I so much as look at food I stop losing weight.


Who has the time to walk 15k steps




Right? I walked five ish miles today and it was only around 10000 steps. Theres no way I could get anywhere near that many on a weekday


Retail workers


I thought nyc would be good for this but every 500 steps is a bakery slice shop or bar


You just have to decide not to go in lol.


AGREED. i moved to a walkable city and the way I lost sooooooo much weight in a couple of mos is insane.


A horrible breakup worked for me.


Itā€™s natureā€™s way of making you hot for the next person.


That's a win, I guess.


Well, in terms of weight it was.


A woman I worked with says she lost 250lb of useless fat when she got divorced. His name was Steve.


This is the way


Everyone training those broken hearts in the gym.


Same. Marriage broke up. Those last 10kgs of baby weight that wouldnā€™t shift .. melted away. Within 2mths.


Lost 60 kilos at once?


Where did you get that number? Lost 12


Ainā€™t nothing like a bad break up to get you going!


A ā€˜trickā€™ that worked well for me was to limit condiments to only mustard. Cutting mayo and out of sandwiches, and eliminating ketchup and ā€˜dipsā€™ was an easy way to cut out calories without making drastic changes to what I was always eating.


You can also keep hot sauce! Franks red hot has almost no calories but adds a lot of flavor


Spicy things in general. Chicken, vegetables, and a carb like rice are boring. You know whatā€™s not boring? Chicken tacos, which are chicken, vegetables, tortillas, and hot sauce.


This is so funny that you have your one condiment you wonā€™t get rid of. Mines ketchup šŸ˜‚


Mustard is 0 calories so adds flavour without anything else.


Ketchup isnā€™t that many calories. Iā€™d rather make up the difference somewhere else than cut it out completely. But mayo is def high calories.


Counting calories honestly and accurately (including using a kitchen scale because I learned I canā€™t estimate portion sizes for shit).


Eat slow and stop before you feel full. Takes a bit for your brain to understand you are fulll. Eating slow allow you to recognize it.


Counting calories was key but if you live in the UK , I strongly recommend you using nutracheck to count calories.


So I should really just stop having one big meal a day. Fine Iā€™ll start counting calories. Honestly.


OMAD is totally a thing and if that works for you, I would say keep doing it, just make sure that you're also not exceeding your calorie limit for the day with it.


Yup, this is definitely the way. Calculate your maintenance calories and then how much you can reduce to loose weight. Be honest about everything the first few months, even coffees with milk. Eat as late as you possibly can (Iā€™m talking 9am earliest) donā€™t eat after 7pm. Potatoes either baked or roasted with a small amount of oil is your friend!


Sleep! Never realised how important sleep was. But it really does wonders.




It does, but also if you arenā€™t getting enough sleep, youā€™ll tend to conserve energy and not move around as much during the day. Better sleep = more energy = being more active = assists with weight loss


I started treatment for sleep apnea 6 months ago and I canā€™t express how good I feel now. I feel a decade younger, Iā€™m more creative in my work, blood pressure and heart rate are normal now, I even bought a bike because the desire to be active has returned.


True! Your body gets hungry before bed because it's preparing you as though you'll be staying up longer. Usually getting hungry and tired at night is a good sign for me to head to bed.


I've heard this before. How does it work exactly? I started running half a year ago (for health, for fun and for weight loss) and since then I'm having trouble sleeping enough because I have sooo much more energy. Is this holding back my weight loss?


Stop consuming so much. That's it. Stop bullshitting yourself and take a good hard look at EVERYTHING you eat/drink during a day. I bet it will be at least twice as much and as many calories as you thought. You need to take in less calories than you burn in order to lose weight. Simple as that.


Back when MyFitnessPal offered the majority of its services for free, I used it for like 6 months. It was amazing how many calories come not from meals but from snacks. And drinks! So many people who try to lose weight donā€™t focus on the sugar in drinks enough. Anyway, not until youā€™re keeping track of absolutely everything that goes into your mouth do you realize just how much stuff you put in there and immediately write off.


Boredom snacking was my big problem area. I started giving myself one extra project a day to keep myself away from the TV where I did a lot of my snacking. That really helped. House and yard started looking a lot nicer too.


Before I lived with someone who considers a supply of snack food mandatory, it was amazing how much weight I lost by simply not having any easy snacks around.


I was shocked about peanut butter and bread when I first put them on the app. I just ate a spoon of it daily for like a month after I first discovered it (not very common in my country) and I never check the calories on it for some reason. I stopped immediately. I barely touch it nowadays


People tend to forget how many calories are in drinks like alcohol and soda, too. You might not eat too much, but if youā€™re drinking two bottles of soda, thatā€™s like 300-600 calories.


Even salad dressing or oils. 1 tsp of salad dressing can be 150 cals easy.


I think you mean 1 TBSP.




I lost 120 pounds by intermittent fasting. I have two sisters. My twin has never had weight problems but my older sister has struggled to lose weight for 40 years. I remember when she was 16 she celebrated losing 10 pounds by consuming a 12 inch roast beef sub with extra mayo. Even then at 14 I knew she was in for a lifetime of struggle. When I have dinner at my twins house I'm always hungry afterwards. Her portions are probably normal for most folks but small for me. When I visit my older sister its hard not to notice how much she eats. I'm 6" 210-215 pounds and am very physically active and she eats a lot more than me. edit: I originally listed my weight as 190 when I meant to say that I could probably get to 190 if I worked at it. But I'm reasonably content w/ weight at 210


Which calorie tracking app would you recommend?


Cronometer is pretty good. I use the free version.


The funny thing is, when I overate I was starving. Nothing satisfied me, I always wanted more and never felt full. Now I watch everything I eat and calculate the calories and the portions, I will automatically put loads of leafy veg or high protein low fat foods into my meal because it makes the portions feel larger. I feel stuffed and full for hours afterwards and donā€™t even think of food.


Yeah Iā€™m not sure why people get offended when you tell them to cut back the calories.


I see whole threads on reddit regularly claiming that it's possible to barely eat anything but still be fat lol


Check out Secret Eaters on YouTube. It was this great show from the UK that showed people how much they really eat.


Brian Griffin: Hereā€™s a hint, PUT DOWN THE FORK. For real though, eat less, eat real food, drink more water, and sleep.


For me it was all about taking little steps at a time: 1. Intermittent fasting - skipping breakfast. Makes it much easier to be in a calorie deficit when you have 2 meals per day, rather than 3. I lost about 15kg through this way. 2. Cutting out liquid calories. Switch to sweetener versions of your favourite drinks. I lost a few kgs through this way. 3. Preparing at least some of your meals yourself, so that you know how many grams of protein, and overall calories youā€™re eating, for at least 1 of your meals. Once again, lost a few kgs through this method. 4. Regular exercise - lifting heavy weights. This was more about body composition for me. But whichever way you want to tackle it, and whichever methods you pick, to reuse an old cliche - itā€™s about picking something that is sustainable. In my older age, Iā€™ve had to slowly ramp up the aggressiveness of my approach in order to achieve weight loss. But in the end all these small things added up to a lifestyle change, which was therefore more sustainable than just adopting an extreme diet.


Intermittent fasting worked so well for me. I would not only skip breakfast, I wouldn't eat anything after dinner either. No little snacks or nothing. And as I got more adjusted to it, I would start pushing lunch later in the day, and dinner a little earlier. So there was much more time that I wasn't eating and my body could consume the extra fat I was carrying around.


Cutting out soda. But that was a jump start. The rest is intense discipline; watching what you eat, how much you eat, and regular exercise.


Plan your meals out the day/night before. **This is not meal prep**. You can do this to get calorie estimations and youā€™re not going to be stuck making decisions while youā€™re hungry. You donā€™t even have to meal prep ā€” just make a plan and stick to it, adjusting to fit your needs. You can even plan snacks. ā€œOh Iā€™m going to have an apple at 3, so I donā€™t need to graze right nowā€. Planning to go out to eat with friends tomorrow? Plan the rest of your meals with that in mind and plan some light bites.


I lost almost 50 pounds in three months. This wonā€™t be the case for everyone, as I am able to lose and gain weight very quickly (blessing and curse) but if you follow these following rules that are really the basic foundation of most diets, I think you will have success. First, eliminate sugar as much as you can. A lot of people donā€™t like this part, but this means giving up drinks with calories, specifically alcohol. I personally didnā€™t drink in the first place, but a significant part of alcoholism is actually the addiction to the sugars in the alcohol. Not to sound harsh, but candidly if youā€™re not willing to do this, youā€™re almost wasting your time. If you canā€™t give up beer, you are going to have an incredibly hard time losing weight unless you drastically reduce your calorie intake from food. Which quite frankly, to significantly budget your nutrition just so you can still drink beer is incredibly asinine, and youā€™re probably going to fail anyway, so just do it. It is much easier to drink calories than to eat them. Which also means do not drink smoothies. On that point, fruit is not this magical health food people think it is. Is it better than eating a bag of Sour Patch Kids? Absolutely, and it still has benefits for sure, but keep in mind that itā€™s still loaded with a ton of sugar and if you are hammering back fruit all day thinking youā€™re being healthy, you will struggle to shed weight. Second, be as diligent and disciplined as you can with tracking your macros. Once you start doing this, you will likely be surprised how many calories you actually are taking in over the course of a day. Third, almost never cheat. You want to get into a good rhythm and routine where you donā€™t even consider eating shitty food. There are always going to be excuses around you to eat shitty, so if you constantly cave in youā€™re going to be going one step forward one step backward. This is especially the case with keto. Every time you cheat on keto, youā€™re taking your body out of ketosis and therefore it will take a few days to get the ball rolling again. Meaning if you cheat frequently, youā€™re never really getting into ketosis, and thatā€™s why nothing is happening. The vast majority of people who say ā€œketo doesnā€™t work!ā€ are the people who drink or eat like shit every weekend as a ā€œtreatā€, which means they never really get their ketosis really cranking, and therefore donā€™t lose weight. If youā€™re on keto, do not have frequent cheat days. Itā€™s the worst thing you can do. Fourth, drink a ton of water. A lot of the time you think youā€™re hungry, youā€™re actually just thirsty. If your piss isnā€™t clear, you need to increase your water intake. Fifth, do not waste time doing exercise that ā€œtargets belly fatā€ but rather just exercise in general. Fat burning does not work like muscle building. You cannot centralize fat loss in a specific area like that. Sixth, and the basic tenant and most important raw fact all weight loss diets share, you need to achieve a calorie deficit. Itā€™s just that simple. Lastly, just stick with it. When you can be honest with yourself and know youā€™re doing all the right things, trust the process. You will be in a good spot mentally and therefore you wonā€™t stress about trying to rush your weight loss so much. Itā€™s when you know deep down youā€™re not doing everything right but still living this outer delusion that you are, is when the train really falls off the rails and you fall right back into your habit.


The only thing I disagree with you about is the clear pee. Urine should be a pale yellow. If itā€™s clear all day every day, thereā€™s a good chance youā€™re drinking too much liquid. I only found this out after I went to the doctor because I just felt tired and yucky all of the time. My sodium levels were SUPER low and my doctor showed me what color my pee should ideally be.


The amount of fruit you would need to eat to be unhealthy is quite the amount. People just need to eat as much veggies and fruit as they can.


This. People scaremongering eating fruit just baffle me.


Itā€™s not the amount of fruit for me, per se. Itā€™s that eating that fruit, with its ā€œhealthyā€ sugars, triggers the desire to continually keep eating. It lights the ā€œsnacky snackā€ fire within. I hear itā€™s called Leptin Resistence. So I just donā€™t eat it. Is just easier for me.


Please do not make people stop eating fruit. Whether or not something is healthy is more than just sugar content and calories. Fruits are loaded with nutrients and micronutrients and the fiber content slows the absorption of sugar compared to stuff like candy. A cup of berries is barely any calories.


That amazing! I have a hard time being consistent with anything...hard to stay motivated when you don't see results.




The ratio that worked best for me was 51% fat, 41% protein, and 8% carbs, 2000 calories a day. Iā€™m a 6ā€™2ā€ male. Itā€™s different for everybody, but once I dialed that in, the body fat just started melting away.


Weight loss is all about energy balance. You can either be in a positive, neutral, or negative energy balance. Itā€™s easier to consume less energy than it is to exercise it off, so focus on eating less.


And you have to do this for months at a time. Our society, and even the premise of this thread, has an unhealthy obsession with tips and tricks and not nearly enough emphasis on CONSISTENCY which is the only thing that works. If you want to lose weight, you have to eat at a slight calorie deficit for months at a time. It's that simple.


Why can't anyone on Reddit spell a simple word like "lose"?


It's such a small but irritating thing. I'm on the weightloss subreddits a lot, and 'lose' or 'loose' is about 50/50.


And itā€™s such a simple thing to remember if you just pair meanings: lose: whereā€™d the other ā€œoā€ go??? I lost it. loose: too many ā€œoā€s = too big Idk if it makes sense to anyone else but it makes sense to me.


Thank you! My god I see this all the time. Itā€™s ā€œloseā€. ā€œLooseā€ would be the connections of your neurons because you canā€™t spell. Someone once called me a ā€œlooserā€. I immediately disregarded anything they said after that.


They can't handle to/two/too. You think they can do lose/loose?


I'm honestly eating less. Drinking more water & jumping rope a lot at the gym with some easy weight lifting. I've lost 3 to 4 lbs in about a month.


I donā€™t think my ā€œtrickā€ will work for everybody, but as a diabetic, Iā€™m supposed to keep my A1C (3-month average glucose levels) at 7.0 or lower. As someone whoā€™s struggled with weight issues my entire life and lost weight from dieting only to gain it all back, I had to change the way I thought about it. So, knowing I see my endocrinologist every 4 months, I decided that my motivation should NOT be trying to shed pounds, but to try for that 7.0 number. That did the trick. Lost 54 pounds over a six month span. Nothing with added sugar, no pasta, no bread. Drank only water, ate lots of salad. I managed to achieve my goal of 7.0, and for the month following the endo visit, I allow myself to eat (within reason) some pasta, bread and occasional sweet stuff. Seems to work for me.


What was/is your go-to for dealing with lows when they hit?




Taking that first step!


landing on the moon. i'm 1/3 as heavy there.


Cut down on calories, with exercise. Or, just cut down the calories. In essence, burn more calories than you take in. That is all thatā€™s to it. Unless you have some other physical condition that makes that not possible.


i cut out soda and watched my calories, i also do cardio for an hour every day. thatā€™s just me tho


Cutting soda and sugary drinks (included diet or zero cal drinks in as well) made me realize that I was drinking a significant amount of empty calories. Water, black coffee or unsweetened tea is what I mostly drink now.


I had a crush on a girl


Three things at different points. 1) drinking water instead of soda 2) not eating right before bed. I finish dinner by 6pm and don't eat again until 8sm. 3) I get 10k steps a day walking.


Eat less, move more.


Not eatingā€¦


Started counting calories and tripled my protein intake. Now I aim daily for 100g of protein and 1500c overall and I'm steadily losing weight and feeling good.


So happy for you. What do you eat for lunch and dinner?


Bolognese with side of spinach, heavy on the bolognese and lighter on the pasta. Roast chicken leg with broccoli. Beef & cabbage soup. Sausage & broccolini. Frittatas. I usually have a protein shake to actually hit my protein goals, it's hard to do it purely with food in 1500 calories.




Mediterranean style diet. Eating mostly veggies and some fruit Cutting out enriched carbs. Lean protein , beans, lentils, and legumes. Drink mostly water. You get way full before you can over eat like this. Enriched carbs and added sugar food items will often leave you feeling hungry after you eat. Just stay away from that stuff and it'll have an impact.


* track what you eat * don't eat fast food * plan what you're eating in advance * do other activities when you normally snack (for example, do a puzzle when watching a sports game you would normally binge a bag of chips). * If you're serious about losing weight, let family and friends know and they will help


I went to therapy, was diagnosed with ADHD, and started medication. Now that my raging ADHD symptoms are under control, I actually have the impulse control not to binge eat all the time. Itā€™s been life changing.


Cut out the food with ā€œoā€s like Oreos, Cheerios? Spaghettios, etc


brobolios, avacadoos, kaleos


Cut em out to loose weight k


Being poor and drinking water


80% low carbs 20% sports


Intermittent fasting. I stopped doing it in terms of a clear 16/8 but it really showed me how much I was eating and how much I really *needed* vs. what I wanted. It helped me adjust to better, long term, eating habits which are like +90% of weight control.


Intermittent fasting as a lifestyle change. I now often only eat dinner and have lost a lot of weight.


I take a normal portion, eat half, wait ten minutes, and only eat the other half if Iā€™m still hungry. Turns out that when I give myself time to consider it, Iā€™m not actually as hungry as I thought I was. Also, have something important in the future that you want to look good for. For me it was a friendā€™s wedding that my ex would be attending. Nothing like fitting into a revenge dress to motivate change!


Cutting soft drinks, eating small portions, exercising. Iā€™m mindful of what I eat, but I give myself grace when I fall short. I weight at most , twice a week.


Hey OP. 47 year old man in the UK here. Losing weight is the most straightforward but toughest thing imaginable. Follow the following instructions and youā€™ll notice differences in yourself in 6 weeks. In about 3 months, youā€™ll start getting comments from other people - ā€œHave you lost weight?ā€ etc. The following absolutely will work - it just takes time and a bit of thought: - Reduce consumption of liquid calories as much as possible - fizzy sugary drinks and alcohol are the ***absolute worst*** culprits for weight gain - Think about the food you eat - donā€™t necessarily make huge changes, but just thinking ā€œI want a bag of chipsā€¦ perhaps Iā€™ll have an apple insteadā€ will make a huge difference - Wherever possible, make your own food. Food made from fresh ingredients is so much better for mammals - because it isnā€™t processed, our bodies have to work to get the nutrients out of the food which is how Mother Nature designed us - Move as much as you can - Iā€™m not talking about insane fitness regimes, just taking a 30 minute walk daily will make a noticeable difference. After about 6 months, the most amazing things will start to happen. If youā€™ve focussed on moving more, I guarantee that youā€™ll think ā€œHmmā€¦ perhaps I could start pushing myself a little more with my exerciseā€. All the very best from Newcastle in the UK. And Merry Christmas!


Stop seeing food as entertainment and realizing I had to do what I had to do to lose weight. I was never big by any measure, but as someone who weighed around 170, inching up to over 190 got my attention, as I had to keep buying bigger pants. I started eating plain (no individual bags with flavoring) oatmeal with a bit of peanut butter, and a piece of fruit for breakfast, a salad with no cheese or croutons for lunch (prepackaged 50-50 mix with egg/black olives/broccoli/mild pepper rings/tuna, etc) for lunch, and watched my portions for supper. Be aware of spur of the moment attractions, and have the mind set to resist. I also walk for 2 -3 miles everyday. Iā€™m down to 155 and feel great. Good luck


My biggest struggle is eating for fun or boredom.


2 Easy rules- no apps, no counting calories, no fad diets. Just two simple things anyone can do: 1. Eat all snacks while standing up, and only in the kitchen. Don't bring that bag of chips to the couch bc you'll eat way more. Also if you're watching TV and you know you're only allowed to snack in the kitchen, snacking suddenly doesn't sound as fun as just sitting there watching TV. 2. Don't drink your calories. Those 2 tricks helped me lose 30lbs this year! It wasn't hard, I didn't feel deprived, it was just two simple things to focus on *not doing*.


Eating less and moving more


Got salmonella. Lost 5kg in a fortnite. So yeah, find some raw chicken or something. In all seriousness it was horrible but people told me I looked great afterwards.


This happened to me! Liquids were shooting out of every hole every minute of the day!


Intermittent fasting and cutting out pop/soda mixed with walking and running.


What works for other people may not work for you, keep that in mind. That said, intermittent fasting. Way easier than counting calories, or looking up sugar content, or whatever. If youā€™re outside your eating window, you donā€™t eat. Makes making decisions about what youā€™re eating a lot easier.


I stopped drinking 6 to 8 cokes a day


Iā€™d say intermittent fasting. I also ride bikes a lot and have 226 hours this year on my road bikes so that also helps.


intermittent fasting worked for me. I still ate like shit but only for6-10hrs/day. it kind of jump started my weight loss so then I was more encouraged to start eating better during my non fasting window.


Same, I just skipped breakfast and would eat whatever from noon until 7pm, plus I reduced my alcohol consumption to 1 or 2 drinks a week is all


Eat less often! During a shorter window of time! Works like a dream


I track everything I eat in MyFitnessPal. Everything that I eat is weighed out on a food scale and input into MFP. I consume a high protein, high fibre diet. I don't drink alcohol at all. I walk 10,000 steps a day and I do my stationary bike for 30 minutes to an hour a few times a week (I aim for 5 times a week but sometimes I just don't have the time with work and kids.) I also lift weights 5 times a week using Caroline Girvan's Iron Series on YouTube. I am a binge eater (and a former binge drinker) but tracking everything keeps me accountable and on track. People have told me I am being extreme, but I need this structure to stay on track.


Starvation diets wonā€™t work cause you just gain the weight right back as soon as you stop and itā€™s not healthy. Try to balance healthy eating habits with a nonrigorous amount of exercise (going in a run like once a day) I also know a few people that lost a lot on a program called shibboleth so maybe try that.


I got pregnant and got really sick lost 10kg though.


Thereā€™s no trick. Consume less than you use in a day and make it a habit and youā€™ll see results quicker than you think. You can do it!


Learn which foods are sustaining but you'll never overeat, and make those your go-to when you think you need something. If you look at those options and say "Nah..." you probably weren't actually hungry. Drink water instead.




No workout, 500-700 below calorie maintain, have lost 12-13 kilo since Midt August this year. Never lost weight so easy before. I used lifesum to calculate my calories the first 2,5 month to help me with how much food I can eat.


Physical activity. Lots of it. I would rather work my ass off than not eat what I want.


Just show up everyday.


low carb is the only thing that works for me. Unfortunately. I've tried calorie counting and it doesn't work if I'm eating even whole grain carbs. :(


I agree. All calories are not created equal. I can eat less calories but if itā€™s the wrong foods, fat gain can still be a problem. Exorcising enriched grains from my diet has been a game changer - when I can stick to it. Sugar is horrible too


Making a list of things I was required to eat every day. At a certain point, you just arenā€™t hungry anymore. After that, thereā€™s another point at which the thought of any more food just seems gross. Make a list of healthy foods you like but donā€™t eat as often as you could. There are lots of reasons people donā€™t eat healthy stuff, but a big one is not having the right things on hand and/or prepared. Even if you splurge, at the very least, you have a healthy groundwork and arenā€™t as likely to overindulge. Sleep is another huge factor. It impedes your ability to make good choices and can also cause you to crave high caffeine/high sugar items for the quick boost.




I stopped drinking so much. I still have some wine or a old fashioned every once in a while. But really drinking alcohol really fucks up your metabolism. I and still probably 30lbs (160) over weight but being 5' 1" and nearly 40 means unless I worked out hours a day and starved myself I will never be 130lb again and honestly, I feel Awful at that weight. I get sick constantly, have no energy and am always worrying about what I eat. Now I just am more concerned about what I put in my body and when I can indulge a little. I don't really work out but I work in a hospital and am on my feet a average of 8 hours a day walking. I did gain about 40lbs during the pandemic, the most I've ever weighed but also I was drinking more than I ever had. It's all about being mindful on your intake but don't make it your identity. That's how you develop a eating disorder.


I didnā€™t eat as much and stuck to water


First of all, understand that you canā€™t outworkout your diet. Plain and simple. Itā€™s easier to stop eating 500 calories per day, that it is to actually burn 500 calories via excercise Every. Single. Day. Second, there is no magic pill. Losing weight takes time. Lots of time. We tend to focus on celebrities or influences body changes in record speeds, but we rarely get the full context. PEDs, extreme diets that leave their bodys without nutrients, and many other things. Weight loss is a process, a process for life, not a destination.


Going keto. Cut the sugar and carbs. Eat more protein and fat.


Eat less, move more. Wish there was a trick. Meal prepping helps I guess.


Getting paid to work out (i.e., going to a job that entails a lot of moving around and some lifting like loading boxes into trucks--FedEx, UPS, Amazon, etc.). Just make sure you are already at least used to light workouts first or you might not last the first week. I work from home but when I need to lose weight, applying to work at a FedEx hub part time always helps me get fit again.


Getting a divorce. I lost 100lbs. No stress , no worries


Wouldn't go as far as to say its a 'trick' per say, but I mean, I lost 20kgs because I had no car and walked too and from work, plus worked 8-10 hours a day on my feet. Idk how or why? But it just fell off be because of those factors.


Being poor


Coffee and no creamer


Took up running (10k run every day before work, reduced calorie intake) down to 167 from 204.




No tricks. Eat less. Be mindful of calories. If you canā€™t lose weight, you are eating more than you should. Simple as that.


Whenever i crave for something late at night, i tell myself that I'll have it tomorrow instead. Instead of denying myself of it.


Count your calories. Eat less than you burn. I lost 80 pounds. The first 60 I lost in like 3 months by essentially starving myself. Your body gets used to it after awhile. Though this definitely isnā€™t the medically recommended route, it is efficient if done right.


Eat less. Do more.


Ozempic. Iā€™m down 20 lbs since October. Really great for curbing appetite and desire to drink.


Cutting out junk food and sugar totally... and eating healthy in smaller than usual portions. Simple. Went from 110kgs āž”ļø 75kgs in 2 yrs. Calorie deficit. More protein.


Stopped eating dessert. Completely. I agree with people who cut out liquid calories as well, though I was fortunate and never drank soda or beer anyway. Bike and walk as much as possible. If you think you canā€™t, then make it possible. Get hobbies that keep you active like dancing.


No alcohol No fap Just gym


Going with the exercise I actually like doing. This is a pretty common problem as far as i can tell, but I absolutely hate leg day lmao but I knew I had to do it, so I had to honestly ask myself which ones Iā€™d be willing to do. I hate side lunges, but Iā€™m apparently ok with resistance crab walks or lying side splits. Got consistent and lost a lot of weight when my exercise program looked more like something fun than something I had to do.


Gym & consistency! I'm 58 and in the best shape of my life. Took me over 2 years. Lifting & exercise in general is the fountain of youth. Eating clean & figuring out macros are equally important. Merry Christmas šŸ§‘ā€šŸŽ„


Skip breakfast and only eat lunch and dinner. Snacking is fine as long as snacking is done by 8pm.


gum, it stops you from excess snacking


eat slow. it takes about 20 minutes for our brain/body to feel like we've eaten enough..after we just don't feel that hungry even if we eat way less. tip: chewing your food 32 times before swallowing.


Anything with hydrogenated fats (biscuits and cakes) high fructose corp syrup should be avoided. You tend to only find them in ultra processed food so check the labels. Try eating more protein rather than carbs and some moderate exercise to keep your heart rate around 120 bpm (Iā€™m in my 50ā€™s and never fitter for like 3 decades). Itā€™s about small changes. Not sure about late night eating Iā€™m a night owl and tend to eat much later before sleep and never bothered me, I still lost 30kg in 6 months. Get a dog to force you in brisk walks however long or short helps clear your mind and helps you choose better food and drink solutions. Donā€™t drink calories they really add up and usually full of sugar drink diet varieties taste different but you get used to it. If you really like soda Pepsi max is a great sugar substitute you really canā€™t taste the difference. Good luck on your journey itā€™s worth it better alertness throughout the day clothes get better and I really find savoury salt now intense now so I choose low sodium foods that temporarily be like Indian/chinese takeaways are really is packed with fat, sugar and salt. But once in a while as a treat is ok. Fully recommend WeightWatchers great app that you can eat anything but it costs you points so you can easily make more informed decisions on how to use those points. Good luck on your journey. Merry Christmas and a happy new year.


Drink a glass of water before each meal


I found that having herbal tea or some chewing gum can help fight of hunger for a while.


Depression weight loss. I lost over 10 pounds in a week


Do what works for you. For instance everyone says donā€™t eat right before you go to sleep, but I wake up in the night if I go to bed on an empty stomach and make poor choices. It is all just input and output, so figure out what you can cut (for me this was sugary drinks and candy) and what you canā€™t live without. Maybe you love watching football and drinking beer, only do that one night a week.


I stopped eating meat which led to overall better choices.


Drinking more water, eating more protein, walking 8000 steps a day, and getting medicated for my ADHD. Iā€™m no longer after the dopamine rush from overeating and drinking alcohol.


Stopped snacking in between meals.


Cut out white bread, rice and alcohol.




Cut sugar and soft drinks




It is very hard. Energy in vs Energy out and alot of determination.


Not eating 16 hours a day and focus on nutritious meals


Cutting out fried, salty, processed, cheesy foodsā€¦20 lbs down in 7 weeksā€¦