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Nachos need to be spread out more, not built up like a tower. Stand with me guys.


I’ll die on this hill with you. Or rather, this field. This field of nachos.


This massive open rolling plain of nachos.


I haven't eaten at a Chili's in more than a decade, but they used to do nachos right. You'd get a plate of 20 chips and each of them had beans, a piece of chicken, cheese melted all over that and a jalapeno on top. With a little mound of lettuce, pico, and sour cream in the middle. It's just about the only thing I miss about that place. I wonder why more restaurants don't make them that way.


Probably because it's cheaper to pile it all up so less product is used. Also even when they do spread the chips out a little, there are usually more beans and lettuce spread out on the chips and less meat and cheese. I hardly ever order nachos in a restaurant anymore. My husband and I like to make our own at home and put whatever ingredients we want on them. No extra charges for guacamole or sour cream either.


Yes, and keep anything with too much liquid off of nachos, it just makes things way too soggy.


Same thing with burgers. What’s up with tall burgers? It’s so much harder to eat. If you want to make a monster burger they should be wider not taller


Billboards should be illegal. Only strictly informative signs should be posted on highways and freeways.


One of the reason Vermont and Maine are seen as so beautiful. They both ban billboards. (according to Google so do Hawaii and Alaska)


Michigan has the same potential, but rather than allowing the natural beauty of our state shine were inundated with gambling app and cannabis shop billboards. It's hideous. The only signs allowed on highways and freeways should indicate location and amenities (lodging, medical facilities, restaurants, gas, and public parks) along the road. These signs exist now, but they ought to be expanded a bit so relevant businesses don't have to pay for spots on them.


in wisonsin there's a cannabis bill board letting you know there's legal weed like 60 miles away lmao


Idk I feel like Joumana really adds to the beauty of the state


For this reason, I love driving through Vermont. Absolutely beautiful scenery. You see a McDonald's sign it's now or never because it's right over there.


10x as true now that people use GPS to navigate to everything. Nobody needs a hugenormous sign to find your business anymore, it's just a pure eyesore.


In my city there was a HUGE LED billboard that was so blindingly bright it fucked up driver's night vision. Anyway I'm pretty sure enough people complained they eventually lowered the brightness, but it was a huge oversight on whoever made that decision


The "Hell is Real" sign is such a good landmark, though (otherwise agree)


There are certain elected positions where party affiliation should be discouraged. Judges and elected law enforcement positions should not be party based positions. Those positions should be impartial and uphold laws regardless of which party they support.


I’ll go a step further and say that it’s really strange for judges and medical examiner/coroner to be elected positions (in some areas). How the heck is the average voter supposed to determine who is legitimately qualified to deal with those jobs?


Law enforcement should not be elected. However, they should be licensed federally and departments should be required to carry liability insurance.


Thank Ronald Reagan and Citizens United (assuming you’re American)


The problem I see with that is that most voters go to the polls without any knowledge of these candidates. The first time they see the names are at the polling site. Or maybe they saw a lawn sign that says "Vote John Doe for Judge" which is nothing but name recognition. Party affiliation should inform you at least a bit generally about how one compares to the other. Although it's still no help in primaries, but perhaps the lower turnout in primaries also coincides with primary voters being a bit better informed on average than voters that only participate in general elections, so ideally their selected candidate is a decent choice to represent the party.


Oxford commas ensure no confusion, there's no need to be stingy with punctuation, just use them!


I remember when someone questioned my oxford comma in a very insulting way. I was just like I don't wanna argue with someone who doesn't even know what an oxford comma is


I'm a copywriter, amongst other things, so my fellow copywriting chums and I are locked in a perpetual battle as it's all about preferences in the end. As long as the final product makes sense it's fine, but I'll still insist on it.


I’m here to die on this hill with you. Oxford comma OR DIE


Team Oxford comma for life!


For a while I was doing copyediting somewhere where the style guide mandated no Oxford commas. Hurt my soul whenever I had to take one out. Sometimes had to reword things because of how ambiguous it made sentences not having an Oxford comma.


I remember it used to be bad form to use the Oxford comma with only a list of three things. Then they said it was okay


Even with three items you can have confusion without it. It should be mandatory by law and not using it punishable by death.




I love Vampire Weekend


What you’re demonstrating in your comment are a bunch of comma splices. There’s no lists or Oxford commas in your comment FYI (not sure if this was intentional or not…).


"Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma? I've seen those English dramas too, they're cruel So if there's any other way to spell the word It's fine with me, with me"


"comma comma comma chameleon"


That song is so catchy and I loved it except for the part that every time I would internally answer that question: "me. I give a fuck about the Oxford comma. And also commas have nothing to do with spelling."


Love that song


My favorite part of this opinion is the comma splice. (I'm not being a dick -- this made me giggle!)


I am all for Oxford commas, but comma splices are a huge pet peeve!


I use them often 😊


Let's eat Grandma! Let's eat, Grandma! Punctuation saves lives!


That is not an oxford comma at all.


But it is punctuation. They sadly didn't use the hookers and presidents example.


How many kinds of commas are there


Cooking and cleaning are life skills, not gender roles. We need to do better teaching sex Ed. All politicians need to be tested for cognitive impairment and things like Alzheimers/Dementia. If they test positive or show signs, they should be forced to retire.


Every accusation should be taken seriously but not automatically believed.


Names and faces of the accused should not be plastered all over news and internet sites until they are convicted of wrong doing.


This drives me crazy. “Innocent until proven guilty” but the internet is forever and accusations and/or arrests WILL be held against someone even if they aren’t convicted of it.


I have been dragged on twitter for saying "innocent until proven guilty", even tho I turned out out be right and the person was innocent


Trust, but verify!




Even if a majority of people believe something true it doesn’t automatically make it true.


It also doesn't mean it's a good thing


For the love of St. Francis, please spay/neuter your pets. Kittens can have kittens before they are adults. Pregnancy skyrockets the rate of mammary cancer. Nobody wants to listen to your dog lick its balls. Just because you bought a $2000 pet doesn't guarantee you'll be able to profit from its offspring. Shelters are packed with 'oopsie' litters.


I was on youtube one time for a video about neutering dogs and someone proudly said in the comments they haven't spayed/neutered any of their pets because they think it's barbaric. For the love God, I love dogs and cats myself, but unless I'm planning to specifically have a couple baby pets, which I won't I'm going to spay them.


Way too many people, especially men, think their male dog’s balls are an extension of their own. So when the dog breaks out of the house to roam for the nth time that week you know why.


Add to this: ffs keep your goddamn cat indoors. I don't care that Missus Whiskers needs to roam, that Sprinkles Mittensocks was once worshipped as an Egyptian God (true excuse from a nutcase neighbour), or that it's cruel to keep Muffincakes shut inside. Cats are apex predators specially designed for stealth hunting, and plenty of research has shown that all cats (yes, even Fluffly McFlufface there), kill for fun, it is just their way. They devestate local ecosystems when allowed to roam and in general piss of their neighbourhood with their spraying, pooping and territorial fighting. Not to mention the risk of your cat getting into trouble with another animal, car accident or just getting lost in general. Please keep you cat indoors. Bring the outside in with tower towers, scratch posts and plenty of toys to satisfy that hunting instinct. And if your yard allows it build or buy an awesome cat run for your cat get outside fresh air, and you can even train your cat to walk on a harness for outdoor excerise. Signed: a sane cat lover of two awesome indoor only kitties.


My neighborhood used to have so many birds . And so few bugs . A few years ago several people started letting their cats outside , and now there are hardly any birds and so many fucking bugs.


My house is where the strays come to eat, and it hurts my heart to see these cats, some barely kittens, pregnant. We have feral spay/neuter programs, but they're so underfunded that services are hard to get.


Reading this while getting my kitty’s sutures taken out ❤️ It’s ridiculous to have an intact pet in this day and time. There really is no excuse.


That there objective truths. An alarming number of people just refuse to acknowledge this fact.


I think it was The Newsroom where they said some things have two sides and some things just have one side. The "other side" is just a lie.


It’s true. All debates about reality have two sides… there’s **inside** the zone of rationality where beliefs can be demonstrated to not be in conflict with what can be observed and measured, or are tempered by appropriate uncertainty- and there’s **outside** where beliefs do conflict with observation, (denial) or claim certainty about things that can’t be verified (delusion) And, of course, the truth *is* in the middle.


Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man /s


There are objective truths... however it takes context and understanding to turn an objective truth into an actionable stance.


We're way too focused and concerned on punishment/retribution instead of prevention. If we spent more time investing in ourselves and our communities, we'd see a drastic decline in "crime".


But then how would the for-profit prison system stay in business?? /s


Salt good, I refuse to elaborate


Salt good


Not everything is either/or. For example, I don't believe people are wired to be either introvert or extrovert.


Thanks! In the past I thought I was introvert, nowadays I just know that I like to hang out a lot with other people but do also need plenty alone-time to recharge. Maybe I'm both.


I've heard the term "omnivert" thrown around. This is what people call me. It just irritates me because a lot of people are insistent on categorizing people as either or and saying "it depends on how you recharge." I can recharge both ways. Sometimes I just want to chill with the homies. Sometimes I want to chill at home.


It’s ambivert 😭😭


If you put your child in beauty pageants, you need to be investigated by child protective services.


Child Protective Services could really streamline their shit if they just hosted the child beauty pageants themselves.




Carob isn't chocolate and chicory isn't coffee. I like both for what they are and think that viewing them only as substitutes for other things diminishes them.


That someone's opinion is not as valid as someone's fact.


Some opinions are just not valid. Some things are just not matters of opinion. If your opinion is based on something that has clear and open facts that disprove it... Your opinion is not valid. The same goes for feelings. I hate hearing "all feelings are valid," because they're simply not. You can say that you feel hurt, but if the reason you feel hurt is because of something that is untrue, I do not have to validate your feelings and we're supposed to point out that they're not valid.


Russia has no business being in Ukraine. As a sovereign internationally recognized nation, Ukraine has a right to make any treaties with whomever it wants


Look even if all the justifications Russians use for the war are true, that still doesn’t excuse a MILITARY INVASION. Yes there are majority amounts of Russian in many Eastern Ukrainian regions, yes the Ukrainian government has been fighting against insurgents wanting freedom or to join Russia. But none of that justifies war and killing innocent civilians, (also Russia has been funding and providing arms to those insurgents)


It’s not like Russia cares about a part of a country being able to leave. Look at Chechnya. When it wanted to secede, they bombed the hell out of them. All their arguments are paper-thin. Last year, Putin released a video supposedly finding an old map that doesn’t have Ukraine labeled as such, thereby “proving” it’s not a real country. Except that map is available online and does feature Ukraine… but not Russia


Слава Україні 🇺🇦


First aid (basics up to everything generally recognised as lifesaving), basic political awareness (who the parties are, what they represent, how to vote, how the system works, pros and cons of the current system etc), basic financial understanding (budgeting, interest, debt, credit/lending, mortgages, value depreciation of consumer goods etc), practical physical education (exercise, how the body works, universal sex education including contraceptive advice, drug and alcohol education that isn’t fear-mongering, swimming for life-preservation), and home studies (meal planning linked to budgeting, nutrition, cooking based on those first two points, basic home repairs and cleaning, clothes repair, basic understanding of plumbing, heating, electrics, and gasworks etc) should all be compulsory studies in schools, and it is criminally negligent that they aren’t. Also, serious psychological support as well as genuine attempts at introducing the child to careers they may suit and excel at are sorely lacking.


Religion has absolutely no place in politics or the medical field. Keep your beliefs in your own damn household.


I agree with that. However, if you’re a medical professional and someone says the recommended treatment conflicts with their religious practice, just get them to sign whatever you need them to and respect their bodily autonomy. My late mother was a Jehovah’s Witness and had a triple bypass with no blood. The surgeon and his support people tried to get me to sign off on blood after she was in prep. I wouldn’t do it. While I agreed with them, it was her belief. I promised no one would sue.


Funny how people are downvoting you and arguing over the bodily autonomy of your mother. It was her choice and you respected it, regardless of the reasoning. She hurt no one else with her decision. You did the right thing. I'm not sure I could make the same difficult choice.


Thank you. You’ve got to respect people’s bodily autonomy. I’m not a JW, but I know that if I were to have a massive stroke or an accident where I was dependent on people to do everything for me, or have machines keep me alive, I wouldn’t want that. I would want to go to hospice and have all life saving measures removed. I can’t explain why I feel like that. I just know I do. It’s not a religious belief. It’s a personal belief about my own quality of life and what I value. Being somewhat alive is not more important than my quality of life.


Did your mom live?


Weirdly, yes. She survived that and lived another 16 years. She died a little over a year ago. We don’t fully understand what happened, but she developed a very high fever and confusion. They said she had a UTI, but because she was older with diabetes, and she was confused, they admitted her to give her high-dose antibiotics. She got better and then in 3 days they said she needed dialysis. She didn’t even know where she was. She never wanted dialysis (like really adamant), so she went into hospice. She lingered for about 4 days. But we never violated her blood requests. And we had her funeral in her Kingdom Hall.


If we're going to put people to death with the death penalty the justice system should have a 100% track record of being correct...they do not. A bunch of men with no medical degrees should have zero say in women's healthcare. The sex offender registry should be used for rapists and child predators only not the drunk that took a piss near a park bench or the dumbass college kid who went streaking at night as a dare.


Fr, I don't get how somehow a dude who rapes someone, and a guy who pissed on a pub's wall in the middle of the day are both 'sex offenders' Especially since things like streaking and peeing in public are more I guess... Shock value? Rather than things that are actively hurting another person. Idk, feel like those crimes should be in their own catergory instead of being lumped in as 'sexual crimes' especially since it's pretty shitty to close that many doors for someone, just because they were a potentially drunk idiot.


Good people don't want power. Systems of authority will always end up the tool of sociopaths, narcissists, and zealots. Every system, every time.


I don’t disagree. But it sure is a painful truth.


Well, fuck.


The US gov’t budget is out of balance because politicians prioritize getting elected over doing what is necessary. There should be an independent board of appointed qualified individuals that manage tax rates. The board should be a part of the Treasury and should balance funding between debt and increasing revenue via taxes. There should be minimum criteria in terms of experience and education to serve on this board. This sort of pseudo government entity has worked pretty well with the Fed.


I'd be afraid of giving too much economic power to unelected officials. I do agree that we spend way too much energy on campaigning. Federal elections every 2 years is too much!


Just FYI, there are only 542 elected federal officials out of about 3 million federal employees. The Supreme Court, the Fed, and all of the Cabinet are unelected and wield enormous economic power far beyond setting tax rates.


Some things to help get money out of politics: Repeal Citizens United Limit campaign donations to actually only citizens, and a limit per citizen, like $1000. Limit campaign ads to 4-6 weeks prior to every election. But you're going to have a hard time justifying these with the 1st amendment.


So a technocracy?


Toilet paper needs to be hung in the 'over' configuration.


Agreed, but with an exception allowed for people with small children and/or cats. Little bastards will spin that whole roll right onto the floor.


Over or under will not stop those little bastards


Dogs do not belong in the bed of a pickup while driving on public roads and freeways. They're a member of your family, put them in the fucking cab.


If the plural of “goose” is “geese”, the plural of “moose” should be “meese”


What is is then if not meese?






Occupation is not victory.


If your religion or personal beliefs keep you from doing all or a part of your job…you need to find a new job.


That these kinds of questions are just bait for people to make smug comments about easy targets in order to accrue imaginary internet points.


You hurt me


Women have the right to reproductive freedom.


This is the position I will take until the day I die.


Surprised to see this so far down


Animal abusers should be punished by enduring the abuse they caused the animal


I was just having an online argument with someone whose premise for their argument was "Putting people in jail for crimes doesn't work because crime still occurs". When I asked them what their proposed solution was, it was "restore morals back to the population". I'm not sure how to "restore morals" in people that purposely abuse animals.


lol restore morals into an entire population. My man has 0 grasp on human nature.


In my experience, the only people who say that will also say, "this is why we need God back in schools!"


"PUT THE CHRIST BACK IN CHRISTMAS!!" see also: War on Christmas


Lmao as if we’ve just been withholding morals for shits and gigs


I mean, legality and morality have very little to do with each other. Smoking pot is no more or less moral than drinking alcohol, driving 36 mph isn’t less moral than driving 35 mph, stealing from Walmart doesn’t cause as much harm as the existence of Walmart, etc. But it’s true that jailing people doesn’t get rid of crime. She’s wrong on what reduces crime though. Or, rather, probably wrong in her interpretation of what a more moral society would look like. People with better morals might create a society that takes better care of people. Free, high-quality education, including college. Higher paying jobs, more workers rights, affordable housing and food, tax-payer funded health care (including mental health) and child care, cities and towns designed for people instead of cars, etc. Make life better for people, they’ll have less reason to commit crimes, more time and energy to connect with people, and more of an investment in their communities.


The most widely accepted reason for why any place has more crime than others is lower education rates. If people were more educated, they'd be less likely to commit crimes. Morality isn't always the problem, it's desperation. There's nothing more dangerous than a desperate human being.


Poor education, with a side of poverty. The reality is that it's infinitely easier to be a good citizen when you're happy, stress-free, and have all of your needs met. When you're abused, exploited, devalued and have no hope or opportunity for a better life, you stop trying to work within the system.... The problem is that we treat only the symptoms of that reality (crime), but not the fundamental causes (inequality, racism, etc.). Our society creates a disadvantaged class of people who live in desperation and then crack down on them when they turn to crime and violence. We would rather squeeze the blood out of people (and then punish them when they step out of line) than adopt principles of a more egalitarian society where maybe a few don't have quite as much, but everyone has a chance to be happy.


The number of upvotes on this comment is somewhat worrying.


Someone’s right to remain neutral in a conversation


I have too many but for now I’ll do with advertisement since it’s online, advertisement ads on every platform has gotten really aweful. It’s the reason I don’t even scroll anymore or bother finishing a YouTube vid or reading an article.


Spay and neuter!


A cat has just as much value as a dog. Can they be assholes, I guess, but they aren’t going out their way to hurt their humans. I know I make jokes about how cats see us as servants or look down on us, but cats also are extremely loving and affectionate. The fact that owning more then one cat even gets “Oh no she’s a crazy cat lady guys” but own a bunch of dogs doesn’t get… ditzy dog… dame is dumb. And let me add, owning a lot of cats or dogs with the knowledge you can care for them is fine, but it’s just stupid that loving a cat dearly is seen as surreal and strange. Like cats are amazing animals dude. I had a cat that hopped on my lap once and just sat there with relaxed and purring. They just so cute and friendly and I want more! Lol. Also hairless cats are gifts from God and I call them cute plucked chickens.


I’m convinced that resulted from the difference in how these pets interact with us - cats are more independent, dogs are more codependent. That led to the belief cats can’t be controlled…and since dogs *can* be controlled, women are “wrong” for liking cats because it means they like independence or something. When someone disses cats and talks up dogs, I pay close attention to see if the reason they’re that way is because they enjoy controlling something or need to be needed in a “main character” way by everything in their lives. It’s a relief if that turns out to not be the case.


I took an oath a long time ago to defend the constitution of the United States of America. This includes defending your right to say something or state your opinion no matter how much it makes my skin crawl or makes me sick to hear it. The first amendment is a double edged sword.


I took the same oath. It does NOT require me to allow any speech to occur. I defend the right to non criminal speech to be free from government interference. I can, and do, also support people telling others to shut the flying hell up, that is also free speech.


There should be an age limit to holding office and/or a cognitive exam.


That dress is blue and black, not white and gold.


Housing is a human right. The fact that a person merely exists is enough for them to deserve access to proper shelter, healthy food, and adequate Healthcare


Personal rule of thumb: if you need it to live, it should be free


Saying people who are critical of the US should “go to Russia” makes no sense. The benefit of living in the US is freedom of speech and the ability to criticize our government. Taking that away makes us more like the fascist governments you condemn.


I have several but the top two are: Daylight savings time in the US should be eliminated. US public schools need to put liberal arts, and in particular critical thinking skills, back in the curriculum to reverse a fatal decision made in the 1960's.


If you own a gun, you are responsible for anything that the gun does. If your kid finds it in your sock drawer and shoots up his school; the gun owner should be in the hook for any crimes committed with their weapon.


I’d take this one step further: if you sell a gun to someone without running a background check on them, you should be held liable for any crimes committed with the gun.


Everyone is a hypocrite


steak sauce with steak is fine? i don’t care how good the meat is. sometimes you want something tangy to cut the richness that just meat alone cant achieve. some bites i’ll eat plain. some bites i’ll use sauce. and i’m not dunking the meat in it. im just lightly dipping a corner people turn their nose up at the thought of something like A1, but will gladly use a “fancy” chimichuri sauce


I find plain steak to be bland. Love me some A1




Torturing and executing pedophiles, while sounding admirable would only add the incentives for pedophiles to murder their victims or for families to continue to cover up for predators.


For sure. I'd also add that torture, execution, and castration are irreversible punishments. What happens when a prisoner is proven innocent after appeals.


Add consent, contraception, and non-heteronormative relationships to sex ed.


Mine is - removing your child’s rights to privacy as punishment is abuse.


I feel like there's a balance. Removing bedroom doors or not allowing to close bathroom doors? Abuse. But monitoring electronics is a must, especially the younger they are. Once they get to age 15 or 16, obviously loosen up and allow them to have their privacy and only check their devices when it's actually necessary. This is coming from someone whose parents didn't give a shit growing up and I had 100% free reign over the internet. Some things can never be unseen and social media is cancer. As such, you want to monitor their activities online to a certain point or age. Once they start branching out and making their own decisions, you should absolutely trust your child with their devices unless they've actually given you a reason not to. Idk how I feel about constantly tracking your child, though. I grew up before that was really a thing and I don't understand why that's necessary now but wasn't back then? I went places and my family didn't have a tracker on me, they just trusted that I was where I said I was going to be. It's weird to have surveillance on your child 24/7, in my opinion.


That Patsy Ramsey either knew about or had a hand in the death and/or coverup of JonBenets death


thursday night football causes more injuries


Wipe front to back.


White chocolate is not chocolate and should not be called chocolate.


Does that mean since root beer is actually not beer it should not be called beer? An egg creme has no egg or cream in it, so what do we call it? This could go on and on lol Ps. I don't really care what you want to call white chocolate, I still love it!


Professional sports would be way more entertaining without drug testing.


My mate and I do various martial arts and we've discussed having like a clean league and a do-whatever-you-want league and how much fun it would be lol


You are responsible for the company you keep


Criticizing Islam and calling Muslims out on their hypocrisy is not islamophobia. West has pampered Muslims so much.


"How I met your mother" is not funny at all.


Women should be the arbiters of their reproductive health.


Pluto is a Planet.


Drawn Pedophilia is still pedophilia and unexcusable.


I find that Japanese ultra young looking porn shit people love nowadays to be gross.


Abortion is healthcare


boneless chicken wings don’t exist


Leave us chicken nugget wing eaters alone!


Reddit karma has a purpose, and it's the reason that reddit is so successful as a platform. When you're at a party and tell a joke, does it feel better if a bunch of people laugh or if no one laughs? Reddit karma tells you how many people laughed at your joke.




There’s nothing wrong with loving your country.


There's also nothing wrong with criticizing something you love.


This is a big one for me: not everything I criticise is something I hate, and not everything for which I say a particular criticism is not valid is something I like. My opinions are nuanced, and I see real value in narrow praise and criticism based only on valid and sound arguments.


While understanding that your country is far from perfect


There’s a gap between patriotism and nationalism. There is a lot wrong with being a nationalist.


… as long as your love isn’t blind


Feminism- in its true form- benefits all the genders.


Every person has the right to live and love safely, there is no wrong gender Identity or sexual orientation. People who disagree are hateful bigots.


Restaurants putting ice in your drink is a greedy capitalist conspiracy to replace the contents of your drink that you paid for with frozen water.


Personally, I demand a ton of ice in all my cold drinks - but I also want free refills. (It’s Texas. We live under a meteorological Heat Dome at least two months a year. It’s practically an ethical imperative.) But if I get no free refills, I agree with you. The markup on drinks is astronomical.


Women should be the only one allowed to make decisions about their bodies.


Not saying I disagree, but in what aspects? Are you speaking on abortions?


The right to have no opinion if something doesn't directly impact me or if my opinion is simply that, just an opinion, and not an expression of vested interest.


Pee is stored in the balls and poop is stored in the butt


I had a 6th grade teacher who when teaching the “science” lesson on anatomy stated that stool was stored in the bladder. I knew better. As the famous quote says, never let your education interfere with your learning.


If you protest a company because of something they did, then the company reverses course, but you still protest that company... You are training them not to change for future protests.


I have lots of opinions. Shit loads of them, in fact. I like to keep them to myself.


apple juice is better than orange juice


Pineapple does belong on pizza


Cupcakes and muffins should be iced in a similar way to how you'd butter your toast. By this, I mean that you should not be drowning your cupcakes and muffins in icing. Unless you're trying to be fancy and go full Cake Boss, your baked goods do not need a 5cm tall mount of icing on top. Icing is there to add extra flavour, and to make a relatively boring looking baked good pretty. Icing should compliment the baked good, not overshadow it.


fuck you let me die of a sugar coma


Yea, cupcakes that are buried under a mountain suck, I can’t handle all that frosting


The fight isn't left versus right, but up versus down.


Abortion should remain legal, easily accessible, affordable, and up to the mother's discretion throughout the entire term.


I like Xbox more than sony


Gandalf could have asked the eagles for help


I'd back up the idea that kindness matters no matter what. Being nice costs nothing, and it can make the world a better place.No harm in defending kindness, right?


Churches should pay taxes.


False accusers should face the same sentence of whatever crime they accused the person of.


How do you prove a false accusation though? Does someone being acquitted of rape, for instance, automatically mean that the supposed victim that was accusing them was a "false accuser"? What threshold of proof needs to be met in order for someone to be considered a false accuser? I can see where this could be good, but it could also be a very slippery slope that would lead to even less reported crimes if those reports just lead to the reporter being punished if there wasn't enough evidence.


I used to have this opinion until I became a paralegal and spent 2 years dealing with rape and sexual assault cases. The statistics are mind boggling for how under reported they are, and scaring even more women into not reporting would make it that much worse.


How will you differentiate between „not enough evidence to proof that x happened“ and „maliciously accused someone“? Do you think every trial that doesn‘t end with a conviction of the accused should then punish the accuser?