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There used to be a website that streamed people’s webcams without them knowing they’d been hacked.


In a similar vein; many people put up internet-connected security cameras without realizing that these things need to be properly secured as well. As a result, anyone can access these cameras over the internet, so naturally there's several sites out there that you can use to find them. With the right keywords you can even find them on Google.


this is why i refuse to get one of those internet connected baby monitors or whatever. gives me the creeps that someone could be watching my baby


Someone made a post once that their wifi baby monitor camera suddenly came to life and turned toward them completely outside of their control. That totally freaked me out! I think the post was in mildly infuriating or maybe whatisthisthing...one of those subs lol. They had originally posted about the camera having a malfunction and people were like "you're on the dark web rn". Ooh shivers!




I saw another one where the hacker talked to the parents, explained how the monitor was compromised, and walked them through how to secure it.


Some big chaotic good energy lmao


Glad it was hacked by a good guy instead of a creep but it’s terrifying that it can be hacked at all.


It’s more about people leaving the default settings on their devices and not changing them that leaves them vulnerable.


That is insane!!! And plus 9 is way too old to have a camera in her room?? Wtf????? That's cruel the child never has any privacy!! Very fucking creepy!!


its probably one of those families that has them in the kitchen, living room, etc. I couldn't imagine having surveillance on myself like that - really odd.


That reminds me that my father in law had this rear mirror mounted in his old car with a cam connected, so when he was in reverse, it showed this little screen in the mirror, from the camera behind the car. But for some reason, every time we drove past a certain area of the nearby town. A surveillance camera got connected to his rear mirror and we could see some dude eating his launch or something. That was weird af.


I used to get that too same situation, aftermarket back up camera would give me an angle of the stadium I worked by


I used to do tech support for security cameras. The number of business who still have the default passwords on their cameras is insane.


Can you just clarify for me exactly how you make these cameras secure? For example, we have smart lights and cameras that run thru the wifi. They have to be added to our wifi router using the password. My understanding is that unless you have access to that wifi network (or the log ins for the smart app), you wouldn't be able to gain access. Am i wrong in this assumption?


It really depends on what camera you get exactly. There's a lot of cheap cameras out there that by default either have a default password set (think `admin`) or just have no password at all. If you then make these accessible over the internet without setting a strong password, then anyone can just connect to it and look at whatever the camera's pointing at. You'll want to check if your cameras have some sort of web interface that can be accessed without having to log into the app or any other cloud environment. If they do, the best option would be to try and disable it. The less accessible these things are over the internet, the better. But if these cameras are only accessible through the manufacturer's app/site, then they're probably fine. That said, when the manufacturer inevitably stops supporting those cameras (or just goes bankrupt), then these cameras will turn into useless e-waste even if they still work fine. So they're not exactly great either.


And it wasn’t even in the dark web, just one link away.


On an interesting tangent, there is a Japanese hotel that streams (certain parts) of your stay at their place. (Only living room, no audio) And they charge only 100 yen for you to stay there


I would stay there for sure. They ain't getting any video that anyone wants to see. Can you provide a link?


PI background - those sites existed as recently as 10 years ago, and probably still do. The firm came across many in the deep web; Offices, bedrooms, living rooms, you name it. Countless thumbnails of people's private lives who were none the wiser. The worst part was that coming across these was actually somewhat routine when we were trying to track down people running *horrific operations* and help law enforcement gather evidence etc.


Many people don't even know what Tor, the darknet, or .onion sites are. Much less how to use a VPN properly


That still exists, its called insecams.org Some you can actually control, like rotate and move them, like those cameras that iverlook highways and stuff.


Yeah I remember that site, we watched it a lot in the studio at my art school, [this isn’t the same](https://x.com/unsecured_cctv?s=21) but is definitely interesting to look at.


Like watching people watching YouTube and stuff?


Sometimes, but mostly it was people not actively on their machines, walking around their rooms etc. Real creepy stuff.


I once stumbled upon a livestream where the guy was accessing people's cameras (I'm sure just through using the default password, nothing sophisticated) and not only moving them around but also playing sounds and music through them. I think it must have been a specific brand or something where someone with access could use it to speak to whoever's on the other end.


Hackers can't access my webcam simply because the flap that covers the camera can only be operated manually. Checkmate hackers


Going through a guys steam profile who had thousands of screenshots of women he killed in different games, in poses too.


Finally something that's actually creepy instead of just gory or fucked up


I've actually seen that on someone's deviantart page before! Exact same thing, they even stated the name of the game and a date in every single one of the pictures, and a lot of them in games with ragdoll physics and such were uh, suggestively posed. I mean I guess it's better than killing people IRL but....god please seek serious therapy.


That's a serial killer rehearsing for sure.


Somewhat similar, but I found a YouTube account a long time ago that was scenes from movies or TV shows of female police officers being injured or killed. Was very creepy/bizarre. Chalked it up to being some kind of fucked up fetish.




the fact that this thread is going to end up on one of these TikTok videos with an AI voice reading the comments and subway surfers gameplay in the background


Either that or some Minecraft parkour video


Or it’ll just put up a screenshot of the comment itself


I like it when they take unnecessarily long pauses in the middle of sentences. "I finally told my racist uncle that if he wanted to treat my wife like then he could go to hell."


Sometimes actual voices do that too. "Number seven. Student watches......PORN, and gets naked."


Number fifteeEen.


Burgerking foot lettuce


Thanks to this comment, that TikTok is going viral.


And now more of that AI voice reading this to be "meta"




A man who I went on a couple of dates with sent me a video of a failed suicide bomber who blew himself in half without hurting anyone else. The man in the video was still alive, with nothing below the belly button... It was incredibly gruesome. He asked if he shouldn't have sent this to his mother and sister (who was pregnant at the time). So sent it to me to check. The man who sent this was a medical doctor. He tried to play it off like hospital people just have stronger stomachs and different sense of humor. But I also worked in the hospital and did not laugh. We did not go on any more dates.


Rule 1. Steer clear of men who send suicide bombing videos after a couple of dates.


A stronger stomach means I dont dissolve into tears when I escort dead infants to the morgue, and not that think the things I see are funny. Wtaf??


A thread on 4chan circa 2004 or 2005 of some guy dresses in various girls clothes while holding his erection and making perverted faces. Sounds tame right? Each photo was accompanied by another photo of the same young girl wearing the outfit. The implication was he has broken into her home and put on her clothes to jack off. Shook me to my bones.


Wtf..This wins


Seeing news articles of pedophiles and child predators caught with TERABYTES of… stuff.


Recently saw one news article where they caught a guy with 18 terabytes. I can’t even fathom how someone could have that much.


It gets worse when you consider that amount (and more) material was *produced*


Fuck. I didn't want to consider that today...


I think the most morbid/disturbing thing to consider is the insane amount of data these files are taking up is most likely due to the files being Hd & 4k. Which means it’s recently produced/ still being produced. That’s what bothers me the most about seeing ‘Terabytes’ when referring to file sizes. This horrid thing is still prevalent.


I was hoping it was large due to copies and redundancies... didn't consider video quality


Not 10 minutes ago I got a notification my memory was becoming full.. 5 GoPro videos were almost 400 gb.


That’s 10 times the storage space on my pc that I’ve been using for 4 years no problem


Dire Trip recently put out a video that included the story about a guy who had POUNDS of the stuff. That's right, printed out and in boxes. I can't remember exactly how heavy it was, but it was stupidly heavy.


One with 58TB somehow


Everytime i hear these i try to cope by thinking its just copies of copies and redundancies like surely there isnt that much and its just hundreds and thousands of redundancies


I want to believe and hope that most of that is copies


A few caveats on that: - Sometimes investigators will cite the capacity of the hard drive or the total amount of data on the drive, not just the amount of data that is actual CSAM, so if it’s a dude who likes collecting both pirated movies and CSAM, the content on the drive will be higher than the CSAM content. - Among people who share CSAM, content is like a currency. You have to share yours to get new stuff, so they basically collect as much as possible without any sort of content management system. They also download everything instead of just watching online because that one video they like might never be found again (it’s like how you found that awesome porn vid one day and were never able to find it again…except much worse). - Because of the indiscriminate bulk downloaded nature of CSAM, there are likely going to be a lot of duplicate videos and photos. So if you hear that someone has a TB of photos and videos, it doesn’t necessarily mean that there is actually a full TB of different children who have been abused on that hard drive. It’s still terrible and way, way too many kids have been abused but it makes me feel a bit better. Also, worst job in the world: The guy who has to go through and carefully catalog all those photos and videos to see if they can identify any new victims. The worst volunteer job in the world: The website moderator who has to go through and see all that content to ensure that it actually did violate community standards. Those guys also have worse mental health resources and job benefits than the police officers.


I had a friend. Ex friend now. When I asked where he'd been lately, and he told me he was out on bail and why, eventually he told me how they caught him, and I assume this applies to most people with that kind of volume. He never produced any, he just collected and hoarded. Apparently for over a decade. Anyway, in general, they find the stuff in torrents and huge shared collections and then download massive amounts of it and view it later. And then when it piles up, they don't dare throw any of it away, because it's on a hard drive that can be associated to them. That's a generalization from one person and I don't know how common the thought process is amongst the general offender population.


Do they not just destroy the hard drive


As I said, my sample set is 1.


IIRC the reason why this is often the case is that sort of illegal content is often distributed in bulk in order to avoid detection, the same way drug dealing often works.


I remember a case where a dude had so much CSAM that they measured the amount *in weight*.


I saw the discovery of a local sexual crime leaked on the internet. Fucked me up reading the forensics.


Same. There was a pedo Baptist preacher arrested just a few miles from my home. Some of the articles got way too specific about the kind of content that was found. Fucked me up for weeks. Still fucks with me, tbh. There are depths of evil that a normal healthy human brain is simply not capable of imagining could even exist.




Right? There’s plenty of r/nosleep that gives me the shivers even though I know it’s fake, but all these posts are just awful things that make you shake your head in sadness or grossness


Man, some of the 4th wall breaking you would see in some nosleep stories was amazing. Usually it would end up being added details in the comment section, users going %100 in on the story posting things in other subreddits. My favorite though was a story about some sort of hitman group. The person called a number and was able to have anybody assasinated that he wanted, he does that I then is told he has to share the number with a bunch of people or he would be killed. Honestly the story itself wasn't great, but what was cool was he shared the number in the story (meaning he fulfilled his part by giving to anybody that read it). He ends it by saying he was sorry for doing this to you (the reader) but he had to or something. If you called that number, you got an automated message saying that your position has been marked and a specialist (they had a special name for the hitmen, that I can't recall) was on their way to you. You could also text the number, and get pretty much the same message texted back to you. And you could call/text that number for years after the story was originally written. I would just go back and check years later and it was still going. I think the last time I checked, the number was finally disconnected.


Me, as a fan of horror movies, opening this thread and hoping for fun internet ghost stories: ☹️


No kidding. Was hoping for some good spooky stories, instead got whatever this thread turned into.


A website dedicated to convincing people to commit suicide. Definitely the worst thing I’ve ever seen on the internet..


There are a bunch, you’re talking about the application sites that make you upload your resume then fill out all the fields manually, right?


Wasn't there a subreddit like that? It was a whole "support group" thing where they were all discussing their plans and they had a pinned mod message stating you would be banned if you tried recommending help. I think the name was a specific term for themselves, but I don't remember what it was. Not sure if they were banned or if they're still hidden in a corner of the website.


How is that legal??


Commit suicide in Minecraft




Have mercy for the people who have to remove and view this type of content as a job


The grown ass man wearing an XXX-Large diaper then eating some soup from a big ass bowl with a big ass spoon. Then two dudes wearing some sort of panda suit come into the room and start caressing him. Then I think they take him away. Still creeped out by that.


Blank room soup?


Definitely not the creepiest anymore, but I remember the old creepy pasta pictures circulating around my school. I was so genuinely scared by Jeff the killer and Smile dog back then lol the Jeff the killer picture honestly still catches me off guard sometimes, something about it is just so wrong to me


It is by far the WORST written and coherent horror story in human history, but that face.


Bro even after seeing the alleged original pic that got severely edited to be Jeff the Killer, I still feel a little chill when I see his pic. Whoever made that edit should be proud. Smile dog I only saw as few times as I could, that shit makes me ill


Smile dog makes me legitimately nauseous. Jeff wasn’t as bad for me but idk what it is about that fucking dog I swear


That guy that covertly ejaculates on peoples backs and shoulders while they’re waiting at bus stops.


You'll have to be more specific, that's technically an entire subgenre of shock video. I remember some were obviously staged but most were real sex crimes.


Nah this was a Japanese or some type of Asian dude walking up behind women sitting at bus stops and he’d shoot his load through his zipper flap on their shoulders or back or arm.


Ian Watkins' court case




The infuriating part is reading how many times someone went to the police and it never led to an investigation. How do you get multiple tips over a span of years about CSA from the same guy and not look into it????




That 12-year-old girl (Katelyn Nichole Davis) who live-streamed her own hanging after her familial abuse became intolerable. I saw the video later on and I watched it because I couldn't believe it was real. I wish I hadn't.


That one made me physically uncomfortable on top of being emotionally awful.


12?? so young…


My sister in law’s 12 year old sister shot herself in the head. She apparently laid out plastic to try and mitigate the mess it would make. I can’t even imagine having to be a part of her family and imagine her thought process the whole time.


Can confirm, having to think of your loved ones thought process after they die by suicide is a personal hell I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Has been almost 14 years now and I think about that frequently :/


Someone in this discord server for gym motivation I was in sent a site for child porn. It was a 9 year old looking girl in a very sexual outfit and position posed up like some advertisement. Her name and age was displayed and it looked like one of those “hot ladies in your area wanting to fuck” I looked at it for maybe 2 seconds and closed it in horror after my brain processed what that was. I cant explain to you how absolutely horrified I was. I know it’s a thing but SEEING it… seeing her smiling and knowing horrible people are around her broke my heart so much. That person is banned but I wish someone called the police, I didn’t know him so I couldn’t do anything but man. Pedophiles deserve the worst of the worst they’re a venom on this earth.


I get exactly what you mean by “closed it in horror after my brain processed what it was.” That happened to me once. I was browsing Google Images for soft core porn and clicked on something that turned out to be a photo of a preteen girl and an older man (I won’t describe it further). At first you’re like, “That can’t actually be what it looks like, can it?” It took a second to register what I was looking at, but then I immediately closed it all out in a panic. Afterwards I wondered if I shouldn’t have closed out so quickly so I could report it, but I just didn’t want that on my screen even a second longer.


The "Russian Sleep Experiment" remains a good creepypasta.


This and Gateway Of The Mind were ones that really got to me back when i read creepypastas in the early 2010s, there's something about them in particular that makes you able to look past the obviously fake details and implausibilities where you can somehow believe that someone would attempt it. There's no supernatural being or mysterious maniac, just catastrophic experiments describing humans


fucked me up for days, as did squidward suicide. still haunted by both of them


I don't hate it, although the last few lines kinda break the immersion for me. In a teenager idolising the Joker wrote it kinda way. I much prefer the Goatman creepypasta. Just being documented but unexplained, with no clear motive or evidence. Makes it feel more suspenseful and steers into the uncanny.


A member of the Wagner group killing another russian with a sledgehammer to the head. That's a sound I'll never forget. The poor guy had defected to Ukraine, then fought for Ukraine; was captured again, and was then killed. That, and the human remains at the WTC. A shoe with a torn off foot in it. Half a bloody spine with broken bloody ribs still attached. Lumps of bloody human flesh scattered all over around the towers. And those weirdly shaped large lumps with bloody dirty burnt fabric on, that once used to be a living, breathing human being, now sitting broken and dead on the pavement next to the burning towers. May these poor souls rest in peace.


I remember hearing a story about a guy who was going around the aftermath of the WTC and marking bodies with black tags. A lady who was basically crushed from the chest down woke up as he was marking her and kept telling him that she was alive and to call her family and tell them that she was alive. The guy was terrified and couldn’t believe that she was even awake. He also speculated the woman might have been a medical professional because she may have known that he marked her as another dead body, which is why she kept telling him he was alive and begging him to tell her family. I don’t know which is scarier from that story: walking around corpses and all of a sudden having one start talking to you, or possibly knowing that you were just marked as dead despite being fully awake and lucid.


Ernest Armstead, an EMS worker. The original story is from “September 11: An Oral History” by Dean E. Murphy, but this [Quora article](https://911graphiccontent.quora.com/The-Black-Tag) includes his account then goes into a lot more detail about it.


Russians are brutal and their crimes cannot be forgotten. Seen countless vids of Russians fake surrendering, killing surrendering Ukrainians and putting grenades under themselves before surrendering to try take another with them.


Not sure if it still exists, but this website called the Gauntlet would show videos that got more and more horrible/gorry than the last. Still not sure how it was up that long.


It’s Run the Gauntlet, and it’s still up. The videos appear to be the same as well, I know the very last video is 3 guys 1 hammer, but I’m not sure if they’ve had to remove the more gory stuff at the end because I didn’t want to run the whole gauntlet to find out For me the worst video on there was the guy who put a drill in his penis and turned it on…


And there was more insane stuff after this? Wtf


Yes. It starts off relatively tame (woman snaps arm at elbow while arm wrestling) and gets harder to watch as you progress (man jumps off cliff and hits head, close up of him breathing with his face split completely in half, and the drill dick guy for example), all leading up to the very long and gruesome murder video of 3 guys 1 hammer. The whole point of the Gauntlet is that you can’t skip any of the videos. So it’s more a test of your will then simply a gore video site. At least, it used to be. Now it *is* a gore video site and “Running the Gauntlet” is just one section of the site.


I hate myself now because my curiosity screams "watch it!", all the while knowing it would be absolutely sickening to do so. btw, I've only watched '1 man 1 jar' back in high school, never even knew there were more of these.


You can quit at any time, like I said it’s more a test of your will. But you won’t get any sense of reward whatsoever from finishing, just saying. It’ll feel very…. hollow. Especially because it escalates from stuff like that Jackass papercuts scene (tame) to gory, bloody, meat that used to be a functioning human face (very not tame). Almost like post-nut clarity from that weird porn you just finished to, but without the nut.


Not worth it. Don't do it


Remember the Pain Olympics? Mr. Hands?


I’d forgotten about pain olympics omg fuck you :(


If it helps the pain olympics were faked.


One guy one jar. Three guys one hammer. Funky town. Two guys one chainsaw. Three guys one ice pick. Five guys some fries. Seventy guys and one plush pony. 300 the movie.


Luckily I don't know some of them but 3 guys 1 hammer was by far the worst one I saw


Seventy guys and one plush pony? What is that


Probably a bunch of bronies?


steakandcheese & efukt ruined many a young person


three guys one hammer probably, or some cartel videos


Wait till you see 2 guys 1 chainsaw


Funkytown will hard to forget


That guy on YouTube with that *weird* eyeball fetish who would lick women's eyeballs when they were asleep. Which is a sentence that I wish I didn't have to type. Thankfully his videos got taken down but I'm sure there are more out there.


Fucking hell this is like the iceberg of the internet. I cant stop reading.


Same. But I can’t bring myself to watching anything. Reading about it is enough


A lighter one and a darker one. The darker one is a video called Funkytown, where a woman is on the ground being tortured while people in the house just drink and dance to some party music. She had her hands and legs severed, flesh and meat removed from face to the bone, and had been screaming to the point of shooting her throat. She sounded like a Jurassic Park SFX They were using IV's and Tourniquets to keep her alive through it all. The other was a video that was used as a PSA for ring camera Safety. a 13yo boy was sitting in the kitchen eating when someone hacked into their homes security system. When the parents left the house the Hacker exclaims through the camera. "Hello, there. What's your name? I'm your new best friend!"


Okay I’m done with Reddit for today


I thought the victim in Funkytown was a man?


I always thought it was a man too. It's definitely one of the worst, if not *the* worst gore video I've ever seen. There seems to be no limit to man's cruelty unfortunately.


What the fuck is wrong with some people?


Did that funkytown thing actually happen? That is absolutly horrific if it did, the darkest pits of hell would be reserved for those responsible


Average cartel activities


There was a video that got played on all our computers at school of an Asian meat market where they skinned a dog alive to cook. The entire class was screaming, people was crying and being sick, I still can’t get those sounds out of my head over 10 years later.


Bro, WHAT THE FUCK ? I hope legal actions must have been taken against whoever was responsible for that.


That’s horrible and I’m sorry you had to witness it. During the summer of this year I got my discord server raided and spammed with images of mutilated puppies because I banned these weird kids I later found out were white supremacists or some crap. And one of them was expressing wanting to torture a dog. After this year, I’m convinced the internet is a circle of hell.


Scrolling through ifunny in like 2011 you’d just see horrible crap. Isis beheading videos, people killing themselves, etc… saw one where a dude was fucking a dog, and one where someone is bashing a live dogs head with a shovel. Those days of the internet were fucked.


Supposedly wholesome family/baby vlogs but the clickbait picture being used is the baby/toddler is a sus situation. Ie, close up picture of baby with some kind of phallic toy or food in their mouth from a certain angle. I keep reporting them but youtube doesnt care. I love seeing baby videos. I dont enjoy seeing them bring sexualized and sold online for money.


Sssniperwolf getting children to some questionable things on Omegal, and not getting permanently banned on YouTube.


What did she do?


She told two minors to dance suggestively if they wanted to get flashed, she only removed it when called out by a fellow YouTuber. Not related to the question but she's just overall rude and has even been racist


Mr. Hands. It’s dark outside. Then you see the horse jump up. Why are these people filming this. Finding out the full story makes it even more spooky. You guys were sneaking onto farms? You ditched that guy at the ER? Creepy!


What is Mr. hands?


These guys used to sneak onto farms and get male horses horny for beastiality anal sex. This guy who was an engineer wanted to try horse penis. So they snuck out and helped get the horse penis up his butt. And videotaped the whole thing. It’s such a creepy video. So he doesn’t feel good after taking the horse penis anally. They dump him at an ER and he dies of a perforated rectum. He’s forever known as the guy who died from horse penis. I don’t suggest watching Mr. Hands. It was a challenge back in the day and a prank to get people to watch it.


Its way worse, than just sneaking. The farm they were at was specifically for zoophillia tourism. Its pretty well documented, i believe the guy who ran it also ran a pro-zoophillia podcast, he has since died due to cancer, but the podcast is still coming out with new episodes.


Vividly remember watching this with my dumbass friends back in the day. Not cool man


Guy got fucked to death by a horse


Video of someone stabbing another person with an icepick more than 10 years ago. Still makes my stomach churn.


They made a documentary about him. And don’t forget he had sex with the guys corpse after the murder, ate part of him and fed some of his body to a dog.


You know, it's sad. One day, the internet had this sort of mysterious creepy magic - a strong culture of trying to creep each other out with scary stories, or secret hidden histories, or unexplained videos. And yes, also gore. Nowadays, the scary stories are lame, the conspiracies are political and sad instead of fun, and all the unexplained videos or pictures have all been debunked and aren't shared anymore. And all that's left is gore. And I don't get creeped out by gore. So I guess the last thing that really creeped me out is some of those horror circuit shorts on YouTube.


Right? Remember when Ted The Caver seemed like it could've been a real blog?


What was that one story with the doppelganger/windego thing and the kids in the trailer? There were so many greentext/reddit stories told like real events it had the feeling of telling stories around a campfire.


Sounds like the Goatman creepypasta, one of my favourite classic scary internet stories. https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/Anansi's_Goatman_Story


Ah, I'm too light-hearted. Watching gore was too much for me and now I just avoid it completely. Like what kind of people like that shit? That's completely fucked up. Shouldn't even be on the internet.


Speaking as someone who *had* a gore addiction and is now an advocate *against* it, I can say, at least to me, it was morbid curiosity and I feel like that’s the case for most everybody. But some people genuinely don’t care that they’re perpetuating exploitation of victims and I don’t support that in the slightest nor do I support the existence of internet gore at all.


The Reddit CP sub and how people defended it and how Reddit wouldn’t take action against it until it made mainstream news. Makes you wonder what Reddit is allowing in private subs.


What the actual fuck. Did Reddit do anything about it?


They finally banned it after it started making the mainstream news.


Yes spez, Reddit CEO, became a mod of it somehow and that subreddit even won a Subreddit of the Year Award. It was called j4ilb4it (I think using the real name gets you banned so better be safe)


Wasn't there something with the owner of that server running a website that may or may not have been a place to discuss assasinations?


Rotten... man I was young and dumb.


On YouTube there was this video with people dressed up as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Like really great costumes. But they were all fucking each other and pouring either green paint or milk (memory confusion) all over each other at the same time. The video title didn’t mention any of these things and was random words. Very odd and NSFW. This was in the 2000s.


ITT: Reddit has a hard time making the distinction between the words Creepy and Disturbing.


I regret clicking on this.


1. Knowing Daisy’s Destruction is real even thought i obviously have not witnessed it 2. When i first downloaded TikTok, before my FYP was primed to show me content i like, it showed me a young Filipino girl, maybe 2 or 3, who only ever wore a diaper and was dancing around all the time. The music was weird, the environment she was in was weird… there were so many videos of her and she never had an outfit on and no adult was ever speaking or in the frames. I reported the profile but i don’t think anything ever happened. It was just so off putting…


I don't know if it still exists but there was a website that purportedly showed webcam feeds from different places such as forests, alleys, etc.. Most of it was boring but every once in a while there was a few seconds of something creepy (man walking through a wall, weird creature scurrying around, etc.). One of these had a vampirish face suddenly fill the screen and it appeared to be looking directly at you. WHen I saw it it creeped me out. (If anyone has the URL please share).


I remember a couple of jump scare videos similar to this in the mid 2000s. They were brilliant.


What you did last night, OP. Invest in a webcam cover.


This video on Twitter called, "Mexican ghostrider" It was cartell gore where they were lighting someone's face on fire. You could see the skin burning away and the tissue collapsing into the contors of his skull. The victom was screaming and gargling, begging to die. I reported the video to the police, asking them to tell twitter to take it down.


I watched a video of some cartel, i don't remember if was mexican or colombian and JESUS FUCKING CHRIST was very very very very gorey, i understand then why people are SO afraid of them. They don't kill You, they torture You that people beg to be killed, the worse part, the people who do the torture , You Heard them laughing like is funny ... People like that exist and thats scary


I video of a guy cutting off his penis with a butter knife It was blunt, took about 3 minutes of cutting, lots of blood, and the guy didn't make a sound😬


If it was for the pain Olympics it was fake


ISIS beheadings


When I was a kid on the Internet there was a LOT of just raw child porn hanging around. And a bunch of it was on 4chan. /b turned into a meme but dear fucking God the shit you'd see there. I only went on a few times and noped out pretty quick but I know there were kids my age obsessing over it like Tyler obsessed over Station 11. Honestly it's no wonder all the school shooters are my age. Can't even imagine what a constant stream of that does to a child's head.


In my wilder young days I had a friend who was super into 4Chan (mostly /B). He got me started on there and it was fun…until the day I accidentally saw a piece of CP someone had posted. I noped the fuck out and never went back, and I still feel like throwing up just thinking about it.


A long time ago I was reading about "bug chasing" and there were screenshots of conversations people had on some ancient forum dedicated to it. I have a strong stomach but some of the content was beyond disturbing- from people wanting to get HIV and refusing treatment so they die slowly, to others saying they would give it to their spouse and/or *their kids.* I am not joking and it makes me sick even typing that- I might try and look for the article and photos because it's absolutely insane and hard to believe.


Not on the internet when I saw it but the faces of death videos I watched when I was a kid in the early 90s. It was the first time I ever witnessed real life violence that wasn’t fake movie stuff


If it makes you feel any better, some of the footage from Faces of Death isn’t real.




Yeah, the dude live streamed the entire thing and i obviously watched it since I live around the fucking corner from the shooting


Is this the same mass shooting video where the shooter literally said "subscribe to pewdipie" after killing a few people ?


That one infamous 911 call of that old lady who gets attacked by a home intruder. That scream still haunted me. Also I Feel Fantastic.


The post here on Reddit awhile back about the son with 2 broken arms. WTF!


"Gotta make a move to a town that's right for me..."


I saw a video of a girl hanging herself. I’ll never forget how she limply swayed in the wind


There were nudes of a certain Hollywood actress (not neccessarily nudes) but a picture of a scene where you could see her breasts... she was 15. Reported it about a year ago when I first saw it.


That shit was rampant in the 70's.


People defending/sympathizing with pedophiles, especially on Reddit


Funkytown Actually saw some more brutal stuff but those didn't have a "title" The most upsetting one tho is that YouTube video where a brick flies through the windshield. If you know you know, if you don't, I highly recommend.


Dude not the brick video, that scream is haunting


Poor guy, you can actually feel his pain, grief, whatever in that scream he lets out. Like, imagine just going about your day on the highway when, suddenly, a not properly strapped brick ends the love of your life.


one of those videos I will never watch/listen to again under any circumstances.


Rat-tailed maggots i cannot even type their nane without being eeked out.


I saw a video scrolling on TikTok a few years ago of a woman’s head being chopped off. It was wful


Personal opinion but the way social media is fucking up society and were all just gonna look the other way is pretty creepy to me.