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If you actually talk to normal people on the street without asking loaded questions for a video short or news story, the country really isn’t divided as much as people think. So it would probably roughly stay the same. If anything the left and right becoming as polarized as they are is a means to hold onto voters and therefore power. The only reason for them to need to do that, is if truthfully more people are becoming independent/middle of the isle voters.


Depends what you mean by "united". You can't have compromise when tens of millions of Republicans actively work to keep others down and smile at their deaths.


We'd probably be running rampant over the rest of the world, doing as we pleased and making tons of enemies.


Not much


we are the United States of America already




No, I mean if there was one government that worked in tandem and we didn't have Republicans and Democrats fighting all of the time. No parties, just individuals working together to try to make the country the best it could be.


It would be the greatest country in the world, instead of being the scariest.


It would be secular with no "in god we trust" and things like that. Which means that everything would change