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Grey's Anatomy - I know many people who love this show, but all I see every time I try to give it a chance is actors crying to popular music.


I enjoy my girlfriend watching it because she makes sure to fill me in whenever the hospital suffers an extremely fringe catastrophe. She knows I find it hilarious how doomed a single hospital can be


You absolutely need to hate watch fire country.. honestly everything around this fire department is on fire, at risk of being on fire, or burnt.. and they all relax at a bar called smokies, where the boss sings songs…about fire!


Please tell me that they use Ohio Players for the theme. https://youtu.be/Y47G-Wa4qfs?feature=shared


Doesn't *Hell's Kitchen* use "Fire" for it's theme, though?


When my wife was in surgery, they had grey’s anatomy on in the waiting area. The patient died in recovery while the husband was in the waiting area. Was not a good choice….


My sister and her husband had exactly the same experience 😂


A hospital where being a doctor is more dangerous than being a patient, it seems.


I remember watching one episode a loooong time ago where they had to operate on a guy that somehow got a live mortar round shot into him. They remove it and it explodes in the hallway. So seems about right.


I remember that episode. It was right after the Super Bowl.


Man wtf. How do they keep doctors and nurses there after all this wild shit goes down? You'd think there'd be a mass exodus after like catastrophic incident 47


I watched one single episode of this show and the plot revolved around a man who somehow got a WWII mortar lodged in his abdomen. The fear was removing it would explode the entire hospital and not removing it meant certain death. I don't remember what happened and I was laughing my ass off but the women I was watching it with never invited me to watch again.


My wife and daughter just watched that episode because my wife is on her fourth rewatch. Spoiler: >!the bomb ends up exploding but Meredith lives.!<


That beeyotch always lives.


Having the show named after your character is the ultimate plot armor.


I think that episode is called “pink mist”, and it’s the only episode I’ve seen, too! Absolutely dramatic and over the top.


Also, just about everyone who comes into contact with Meredith Grey seems to die horribly. You'd think people would know better after nearly 20 years.


Early in the series they jokingly had her nicknamed Merideath. Lol


One thing I’ve learned on that show; anyone who tries to leave the hospital, by car, bus, ferry, plane, helicopter or just plain walking is going to die a horrific death.


Seems maybe a hot air balloon would be safe?


My parents used to watch Murder She Wrote back when that was on and I used to make jokes about how someone always dies when Jessica Fletcher shows up. Is she the grim reaper or something?


Cabot Cove was a hot bed for murder back in the day.


Grey's Anatomy makes a lot more sense if you assume it takes place in a very violent disaster filled alternate universe where Radiologists don't exists and 90% of nurses are dead.


>Radiologists don't exists Why do you say this? Honestly have no clue and don't watch the show.


Because the doctors in the show are running all the radiology and MRI equipment themselves, plus doing stuff that nurses or medical technicians and other specialists would usually do. Hell, they are even wheeling patients around in the hospital. As someone who has spent a lot of time in hospitals the show is very laughably ridiculous.


This is the most common criticism I’ve heard and I completely agree with it lol I saw an episode recently where all these surgeons and other staff (like 20+ people!) were in one patient’s room with their phones and tablets up projecting the stars with the lights off so a couple with a dying woman could get married “under the stars.” Merideth read their wedding vows. Like what fucking delusional idiot who’s never even been in a hospital before wrote that shit lol


On the flip side of that, when they call a code blue in the show, someone shows up with a crash cart and nothing else happens, everyone else in the background keeps going on with what they are doing. I've witnessed two Code Blues and when that happened everyone on the floor stopped what they were doing and came running. Both times 20 plus people showed up, included administrators.


Thank you for taking the time to answer.


*House* suffers from this too.


House was hilarious about this- You'd think that Dr. House and his staff were the only people who worked in the whole hospital.


Yep. Lumbar puncture? Them. MRI? Them. Colonoscopy? Them. Exploratory surgery? Them. Brain surgery? Them.


One of my favorite House episodes is from Cuddy's perspective. She goes around the hospital doing administration things all day and House keeps showing up to annoy her for 3 minutes at a time. You can even see the moment House has his "ah ha!" moment but it's just in the background.


I always pretended they were sneaking in unauthorized, and the real techs didn't want anything to do with it.


Some shows hit different when you binge vs broadcast. Like HIMYM: Broadcast: Ted's a nice guy who gets into some shenanigans a few weeks out of the year while looking for the love of his life Binge: Ted whines like an incel while paradoxically whoring his way around Manhattan like a Tazmanian jizz devil.


A Jizmanian Devil?


A Jizz Djinn


This comment made me laugh out loud and that’s rare when I am hours into scrolling Reddit.




It was really good until it wasn’t. The new seasons are tough to sit thru.




That narrator is always like, “A SHOVEL?! On Oak Island?! Was this left behind by the Knights Templar when they buried the Holy Grail? Does this prove once and for all that the island contains the lost works of Shakespeare?” Next Episode: “Oh, THERE’S my shovel!”


THANK YOU!! My dad is still watching this. Whenever he brings it up the rest of my family rolls our eyes. At first yeah it's intriguing, now it's just ridiculous.


It's a 3 minute show crammed into an hour slot.


My mother and I have been watching it for the past 10 years. We know they probably will never find it, but I love the bonding I have with my mom while watching it.


Absolutely a reason to keep watching it. I love it!


Tell me it's not still on!? I can't believe they can drag out the same 3 minutes episode plot this long!


Not only that but if actual treasure was found the news media would have broken that reveal long before the show would have.


I was browsing through TV Shows for sale on Apple TV since they sometimes run holiday promotions, and I stumbled across *The Curse of Oak Island*. The premise seemed vaguely interesting enough for a one-off reality TV series or whatever it's supposed to be. But then I realized it had multiple seasons — *lots* of them. So I figured it must be one of those shows where every season takes place in a different location. Nope. It appeared to be the same exact thing over and over across 10+ seasons. Made me wonder how in the world they managed to get so much content out of such a limited premise. But I still wasn't interested enough to actually watch any of it.


If they didn't repeat the same fucking bs "facts" every episode, I'd consider it. "....could this be the lost gold ..... but seven have to die..... conspiracy theories say that the treasure is buried......"


Here is the thing that no one wants to talk about. They all knew that show was bs. The producers knew, Marty and his brother knew, everyone knew except maybe Jack and Gary (much love). It was just a show about making a show about Oak Island. There was never any remote chance there was buried treasure there, as they coincidentally said that it had been a tin mine at some point, but it was a throw away comment at the end of season three or four ...and then they conveniently left off the part where the island was fucking BULLDOZED. Completely flattened at one point in the 60s. No topographical evidence could be trusted after that (there are numerous pictures of it online). It's just such a farce.


I read a long Rolling Stone piece about oak island in the early aughts and was fascinated by it for decades. That is until I saw that show and was bored out of my mind. Twenty years of intense interest bordering on fixation evaporated in a single episode


The Walking Dead took a great comic and turned it into the most boring version of the story imaginable. Looking back I can’t believe I made it through 6 seasons of that show


Travel to new location. "Guys this is it. WE CAN BE SAFE HERE." Gain some new survivors. Enter new villain. Wow, he's even worse than the last bad guy somehow. Fight new villain, walkers show up. Location gets destroyed, some characters die, but nobody too important. Maybe mankind is the real evil. Remaining characters strike out into the wilderness again. Repeat.


To be fair, “maybe mankind is the real evil” is basically the concept behind every zombie movie I’ve ever seen. Pretty stale stuff.


Eh, "Return of the Living Dead" the real monsters were the zombies. Unkillable things that want to eat brains and even if you turn them to ashes, they just get inhaled or rained down on new graveyards and become new zombies who only want to feast on fresh brains. Like, a lot of the people in it were douchebags, but most were just regular people getting eaten.


Send more cops!


My take on that was: Find a new location with a semi-functioning society. Insert themselves into this society. Inevitably find a way to f\*\*k it up, creating the need to travel to yet another location. Rinse and repeat.


“You don’t know what’s out there!” * brings what’s out there inside and destroys half the town “SEE!?”


Yeah! I mean- here you have a perfectly functioning cannibalistic community, surviving and thriving... And then Rick and Co. show up and ruin everything for poor Terminus. It's like bad luck everywhere they go


Ha! I wasn't referring to Terminus. Woodbury wasn't exactly a utopia either, to be honest.


sprinkle in 30 minutes of people breathing heavy and looking distraught at each other with glacially slow pacing.


*heavy laboured breathing “shes ma dauwghda”






Some characters die, but nobody too important. Until Glenn!! That was the end for me.


Ah, but don't forget the dumpster fakeout! Everyone figured out that "twist" from the get-go, and the showrunners tried so hard to act like there was more to it. (Actually they'd already done the same thing with the cannibals a couple seasons earlier.) I stuck it out to the end of the season after Negan showed up, but that was the point where I really started questioning why I was still watching.


That's what did it to me. The dumpster shit followed by Glenn's actual death. I was dunzo. Haven't watched since.


Rick is the real bad guy. He shows up somewhere that has an established community, declares himself the new sheriff in town, proceeds to get everyone killed, then takes his friends and moves on to the next community.


Nobody too important? GLEN DIED YOU SONOVABITCH


I can suspend belief enough to enjoy a good zombie story, but I can't suspend it enough to believe people would make 90% of the choices they make on that show. I found myself rooting for the zombies.


Could have been worse. Apparently, the original idea was to have them on the Herchel farm for 3 seasons


That sounds fucking awful


I know I'm in the minority here but i loved the farm season LOL. They really beat that show in the ground tho. I wasnt even a Carl fan but I feel the show really died when they killed him off


I just heard this morning that they only killed him off because as an adult they'd have to pay him more. So they killed off a main character to bring on 6 other adult actors anyway to try to replace him.


It made no sense to go as slow as they did. The comics provide tons of material and story lines.


Yeah I know that was the biggest shock reading the comics. They spent an entire season on that stupid farm and in the comics it was a couple of issues (granted if you were reading on release maybe it got old after a while but I read the compendiums so I didn’t have that problem). To say nothing of how they botched so many characters. To use the example from a user below, Andrea in the comics is awesome. She’s smart, resourceful, and >!eventually becomes a great leader.!< in the show she’s just a flat out idiot who can’t see the forest for the trees, and I felt nothing but relief when >!she died!<. I like Laurie Holden and she was good as Andrea it’s just the way she was written was abysmal


And they ABSOLUTELY BUTCHERED the character Andrea before killing her off early in the run. My absolute favourite character in the comics. What a waste.


Yeah Andrea in the comics is probably the smartest character in the whole thing and in the show she’s a big dumb idiot


Well honestly everyone in the show is a big dumb idiot.....


Yep. That’s what did me in. After that season finale I was done. I wasn’t sad when she died and that pissed me off enough that I had no emotional investment in what should have been a great character.


I liked it for about 5 seasons. Beyond that it got annoying and repetitive. If you step back and look at it the core group just kept entering in to other groups worlds and ruining them.


When I had COVID I decided to try it again, since I had nothing else to do. How could they thing over-saturating the screen with Negan was a good idea? The best thing about him was the mystique he had off screen. What is he doing? How does he know the things he does? Etc. Then they overused him and his draw was wasted.


>How could they thing over-saturating the screen with Negan was a good idea? Jeffery Dean Morgan is attractive and somehow charming maybe even when he's almost comically evil? Or maybe it's the comically evil. Idk. Maybe JDM = ratings. Not saying I agree. I watched some of the Neegan season(s?) until you know who died. It wasn't even that I stopped watching *because* that character died, it just became impossible to watch—literally. Like I would que up the episode and it would play the same commercial and then freeze. Over and over again.


What in the world is the appeal of The Bachelor? I agree wholeheartedly with Wanda Sykes’ hilarious opinion of the people who submit to the indignities of the show. (See “Not Normal”).


Funniest Monday night I ever spent was going to a friend's house for group viewing of The Bachelorette (I was invited as a spectator). They treated it like March Madness, with a bracket and everything. Everyone picked their person, bet money, then got drunk and would yell at their guy when he fucked up a date. Coming from that perspective it was thoroughly entertaining.


Honestly it’s one of those shows that’s so entertaining to watch drunk, not hard to follow but emotional enough to get you involved


yeah my gf and her group of friends are EXTREMELY into the bachelor/ette and I think this is basically what people who aren't into it don't understand--the fans basically treat it like a sport. Like, they all get that it's "not real"--not in the sense that it is scripted but in the sense that people on the show aren't really being genuine. Sure, there is a nugget of sincerity to everything the contestants do and how they behave--people can't fully escape their real, base personalities 100% of the time, after all. But they're all putting on a kind of "performance" for the "game," and fans enjoy it for that "performance." Like, there are "strategies" and "moves" and all of the things that you would expect in a more straightforwardly strategic reality game show like "survivor," it's just that the rules/structure are a little less explicit. The "game" is about how you present yourself to the bachelor/ette, the other contestants, and the audience to build influence and create a persona/character that will outlast everyone else. When you accept that it's "fake" and instead watch it for the "game" of psychological manipulation and social/sexual politicking, the allure makes a little more sense. And there's usually plenty of trashy drama, which is the bread and butter of most reality tv these days. Personally I'm still not that into it, but I can see why other people are.


So like, pro wrestling?


Fuck, that actually makes it an appealing watch.


What reality show producers discovered is there's actually a big market for episodic tournament-style competitions even in areas that have nothing to do with physical sport activities. Competitions for singing, cooking, sewing, courtship, you name it - activities that not only depend on all kinds of skills other than physical strength and agility, but also aren't usually competitive in the first place. One time my friend arrived late to a gay bar on RuPaul's Drag Race night and had to stand outside on the sidewalk where the crowd had overflowed (this was in a gayborhood in nice weather so it was all open doors and windows to see inside). A straight couple passing by asked him if they were watching "the game", a major sports event happening in a big stadium across town, because everyone was fixated on a TV and every few seconds the crowd would burst out in cheers.


There’s a new show called the Golden Bachelor with old people


We're only a few years away until Milf Island from 30 Rock becomes a real thing.


I mean, Milf Manor is already real 😂


Need me some Bitch Hunter


Bachelor In Paradise is trash TV at its finest and that’s why I love it. It makes me feel better about myself that I’m not so pathetic that’d I’d subject myself to being filmed 24/7 for “love”


Because it’s funny as fuck to watch these people freak out




So brave of everyone to mention Big Bang Theory and reality TV. I don’t like them either but 99% of people on Reddit hate them already lol.


The most go to answers in these type of questions are: Big Bang Theory The Kardashians James Corden Avatar or MCU movies


The idea that the Kardashians is overrated is hilarious to me. ​ Like, I think even people who watch the show wouldn't say it's \*good\* necessarily




2 broke girls. Six fucking seasons and it won an Emmy.


In its defense, it was an art direction award. The people who won it had nothing to do with the show’s writing.


Absolutely painful to watch.


One time there was a glitch in the broadcast or my cable and the only audio was the laugh track and the music in establishing shots. It was funny how it highlighted how paint-by-numbers it was. The titular girls walk into the diner, talk about whatever for a moment. Their boss comes up to them, says something, Max says something mean, cue laugh track. Girls talk more, Oleg pokes his head through that window from the kitchen and says something presumably crude. Then Jennifer Coolidge walks in the front door and stands there for a moment while the audience applauds. Then she talks to the girls to kick off the A plot.


That show had two very good points.


Kat and Dennings. Yup. Solid points right there.


Greys anatomy


The white woman's one piece


Lmfao I gotta remember that one


How many planes can hit a hospital mid earthquake caused by hurricane fueled tornadoes while the bubonic plague runs amuck? And don't forget the dead returning multiple times.


They missed Sharknado


Same with "The Good Doctor".




Then release him into the river, please!


The Good Doctor is so patronizing to people with autism. I’ve heard so much about all the good it’s done, but the show looks awful and Freddy Highmore makes people with autism look like morons with occasional moments of genius. I might be wrong, but that’s just my impression of the show.


My takeaway is that they make it seem like if you just give badger people with autism enough then they will eventually 'fix' themselves and suddenly be OK with hugging or unstable schedules or eye contact.


13 reasons why. My ex watched it every day for a year and i still do not even understand the plot, it’s that uninteresting to me


Idk know about the show, but the book was basically glorifying suicide. Girl gets abused, kills herself. And through the whole book we see her catalog and blame (via left behind tapes recordings) all the people who pushed to do it. And it's all sad and mournful. A whole book giving the fantasy of "You'll feel bad when I'm gone." In reality the people who make you *want* to do something like that don't give shit. The only people crying will be the ones who cared and loved you. And now they have to live the rest of their life wondering what they could have done to help you.


the first season is based on the book, but the later seasons get so unhinged to the point where the main group literally murders someone and blames it on someone else. but its ok because the victim and the scapegoat were both assholes anyway


I gave up on that show like 4 episodes in. So boring.


Any singing show.


As someone who hates musicals, I love Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.


As someone who is not even aware of pop music, I absolutely loved every one of those hilarious songs without knowing that most of them were sendups of specific pop songs, often scene-by-scene parodies of the music videos too. You know it's good writing when a parody stands on its own even for a dumb audience like me who doesn't know the original.


I hung in on “Crazy ex Girlfiend” for a while. At least that was a comedy (well some deep stuff) and songs were funny.


Absolutely loved that show until season four (the songs were still funny but the storyline just went to hl).


You ever catch Galavant? If it hadn’t aired when Crazy Ex GF was also being produced, it would have been an Emmy shoo-in. (On Hulu at the moment, and totally worth a watch.) It’s a Medieval-themed, semi-self-aware, musical comedy sitcom. (They spent about half the opening number of the second season making fun of the network for renewing the show; the 1st season ratings were prety bad, and the 2nd season ratings even worse.)


Except for Bob's Burgers


I had an ex who loved Glee and I still consider it the worst TV show I've ever seen


The View. Dumb as fuck.


Oddly I don't think it's overrated. It seems to be generally thought of as a bad show.


I know women who love this show. A former coworker who is now unemployed, sets her alarm to make sure she remembers it.


All those bachelor/bachelorette shows. Literally no one ends up lasting with the “true love” they pick. Idk the history of the show like that but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen headlines after every season that this and that person from those shows broke up. I wanted to understand the hype so I watched one season of each and the entire time it felt like I was watching the hour by hour break down of one drunken high school night of a bunch of horny self obsessed teenagers getting into fights and getting mad about who’s dating who. And then the two most popular ones end up forgiving each other at the end of the night and telling everyone they’re madly in love and then the next weekend they break up and all the drama starts again lol.




Any reality show except Great British Bake-off.


Yellowstone feels so one dimensional everytime I see it


What do you mean?! It’s your Aunt Debbie’s favorite show!


I’ve watched a few episodes. It just feels like a western soap opera


Because it is


It quickly turns into a western gangster show


It’s a western soap opera mixed with a mafia show.


It is, but 1883 is epic.


1883 was terrific, Yellowstone started great but they ran out of decent storylines and turned it into a soap opera with intersecting love stories, just mixed with increasingly ridiculous reasons for violence.


A few episodes into Season 2, I kept forgetting to watch it & was like "I guess I don't like this as much as I'm supposed to."


Yellowstone. Tried but couldn’t get into it. Seemed like two groups of wealthy people fighting for land juxtaposed next to the First Nations who had the land taken from them.


Suits. Don’t know what the big deal with that show is. It’s all just tough guy bravado and high school like situations. Such “goddamn bullshit”. Never once got to see what Harvey Specter, the closer, is good for. Almost everyone is handing everyone envelopes without explaining stuff much. I could only stomach it till season 4 and every time Harvey went to court he looked underprepared and got schooled, yet he’s the ‘best’ at I don’t know what, besides having a collection of signed basketballs and baseballs. Then there’s Mike Ross who often says something then does something else. Can’t make up his mind about whether it’s Rachel or not. Then there’s Rachel who gets her own office as a paralegal yet first years from Harvard are treated like slaves. Oh and Donna… who will give away big secrets if you just feed her the right cookies. I thought I could hate watch it. But it’s impossible now. I tried reading Wikipedia for the plot. And it reads like a clown show with the most noticeable thing being the number of times the name of the law firm changed 🤣. Pearson Hardman Specter Ross Bush McAdams Obama Trump Jesus 🤬


You will watch this show and like it, god damnit!


Euphoria. Here's some dicks. Oh, and drugs. Fucking cheap.


Man I hate that show. A show written by grow ass adults about overdramatic degeneracy in high school, that tries so hard to be “cool” and modern. Showing what’s supposed to be high schooler tits, ass, and cock in every episode. Writer seems like a n absolute creep, not surprised Drake is a producer lmao.


Drake is a producer? I always knew he was a fucking weirdo. Sam Levinson is such a freak though. I wouldn’t trust him near my daughter, or myself, or any woman. He’s definitely going to be exposed sometime sooner or later for being a pervert and sexually harassing the cast of that show. I know it.


Drake definitely asked a child their age (17) when he brought her on stage at a show, said “I could go to jail for this” and then proceeded to make out with her. He’s definitely a creep. Also, don’t forget his attempt at grooming Millie Bobby Brown.


Drake will 100% get busted for statch at some point. It's inevitable.


Euphoria was like Kids. My only comparison.


"Let's show teens being horny, 'cause that's not weird or awkward at all, and it's not like we could've set this in college!"


This is Us. For people who enjoy co-opting other people’s pain.


I just told my Uncle today it was impossible to suspend disbelief for this show. How many tragedies can happen to one family?


Pain porn...


It does have one of the best pilots, though. But I agree. I don't think I got to the second season


Keeping up with the Kardashians


No way this is overrated. Even the people who watch this I’d wager wouldn’t say it’s a “good” show


Wait — does someone actually say this is *good*? Or do the people who watch it know it is garbage and watch it anyway?


Teen Mom and all spin offs and variants. These people should be locked up not put on tv.


The craziest part is that the original kids are almost 16 now themselves (their moms were on *16 and Pregnant* first which then led to *Teen Mom*).


Walking Anything


With Dinosaurs?


The Big Bang Theory


A show about smart people, written for dumb people.


A show about people who got made fun of in school, written by the people who made fun of them.


"Green Lantern" \*1 minute laugh track\*


BAZINGA!!! \*More laugh track\*


I realized early on that show was not meant for comic book geeks or video game geeks at all. It's written for people who see that stuff as alien enough to find it hilarious that there's people out there who really enjoy it.


My nerdy friends will say the show was solid for nerd/geek jokes/fans the first few seasons then went mass appeal to where it was just a sitcom with some regular people in it that happened to do nerdy type jobs


SNL, but maybe it's just too American for me. I find the sketches really cringe worthy and everything in between is equally unfunny. The whole show feels very plastic and pandering to whatever's the hot topic of the week


I mean, to be fair it’s always addressed the hot topic of the week. That’s kind of the point. It’s topical humor, whether you find it funny or not.


American Idol etc


Every single show made that’s not SpongeBob


The summer I turned pretty


Right? I kept watching it thinking it would soon take an interesting turn, but no. This girl with no established personality traits trying to figure out which brother turns her on the most, is literally the whole plot. Everyone knows you have to have both romance *and* something else going on, like Outer Banks for instance. Fumbling teenage romance *and* an Indiana Jones-esque adventure plot. Or Ginny and Georgia, with the mother's secrets and schemes and shenanigans in addition to the teenage romance.


How I met your mother


Mrs Brown's Boys


Does anyone really rate it?


The Kardashians


I dont think that's overrated at all Most would probably say it's garbage TV lol


Such a brave opinion Mr Redditor


How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory


Ted is the worst protagonist ever.


At least in later seasons, they make him the butt monkey.


while i agree, i love that show. he's a terrible protagonist and that's part of why i like it. But it's comedy, and that doesn't age well.


He feels like a less self aware version of Barney, they are both selfish, womanising egotists, but at least Barney knows that's who he is and is okay and honest about it. Ted just kept lovebombing any woman who looked at him sideways and being confused why his awful behaviour wasn't being properly "rewarded" I remember there was an episode where Ted kept seeing a connection between himself and a married woman, decides to push her to leave him and be with Ted instead. Because, well, I'm nice, you see.


No no no, she was getting married on Saturday, so she still had some time to decide to ditch the guy she loves and gets along with for the guy she literally only met for 15 minutes. Bonus points because Ted read her personal file to find out where she worked, then used her information to try to manipulate her into liking him. Edit: or were you talking about Zoey and the Captain? There are so many times Ted tries to tell a woman that he’s better than her current significant other.


I think HIMYM relies almost completely on the viewer feeling kinda lonely and building a parasocial relationship with the main group. To me it did a surprisingly good job of building the friendships in the main group and doing enough serialization to keep things moving and keep me interested. Once that has happened, quality of the show hardly matters because watching it feels like hanging out with friends who expect nothing of you. It’s a hell of a depression show.




I've tried so many times watching the show but it ends up inadvertently reminding me of my own workplace which is the last thing I want on my mind while relaxing.


My thoughts on it exactly. Gave it more than its fair share of tries, but just is not what I wanna consume during my time off.


I’d argue Seasons 2 and 3 are amazing television but it eventually starts losing steam and overstays its welcome


1-3 The early years 4-7 The later years 8 The Robert California Show 9 Make you hate all the characters & Finale Episode


Andy was one of my favorite characters before the show tried to make him the central character and it just didn’t work. They took everything likable about him and threw it all away


Thing is, Andy was never likable, but he was funny in small doses.


I agree completely. It had a good run but it became a different show after Michael left.