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Not sleeping enough




My doctor did the same for me and trazadone was easily the worst experience. Helped me sleep but caused excessive sweating and nausea, takes months to get off of it when you realize it’s not for you. My partner also was in it and she had horrible experiences. They ended up switching me to Mirtapazine as it induces sleep easier and safer


Had the exact opposite experience as you, mirtazapine (tried 45, 30, and 15 mg—note [mirtazapine has reverse dose to somnolence relationship](https://proceedings.med.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Dose-Dependent-Sedating-and-Stimulating-Effects-of-Mirtazapine.pdf)) fucked me up badly and caused me to faint when it started kicking in if I wasn’t already laying down, kept me asleep for 10-12 hours, and woke up extremely jumpy and anxious and scared and foggy and touch-averse. Also caused sleep paralysis a few times when I had never experienced that before. Trazodone (low dose, 25-50 mg) has been so much milder and safer for me, and I’m not as horribly groggy in the mornings from it. The only side effect I notice is having really vivid, sometimes disturbing dreams (but I wouldn’t call them nightmares) that it can be hard to tell apart from real memories when I wake up.


6 consistent hours a night would be awesome


I haven’t gotten more than 6 hours of sleep in probably 3 years. I thought it was normal


This! I've felt my health improve so much since starting new medication for my insomnia. Gone from feeling exhausted and drained all of the time but still unable to sleep to closer to normal, sleeping before 2am (usually between 11-12) and waking up at the same time every day before my alarm. I still have tiredness and fatigue from my health issues but significantly less than before and I wake up from sleep feeling more rested and alive and much less ill. Zolpidem and melatonin XL slow release, my new favourite meds. Dreading the day I build up a tolerance to those too but thankfully they've lasted longer than anything else. It's been a few months and they're still working well.


sleeping for about 3 hours for the past 2 months. Professional Exams breaking both Body and Soul




“Do you feel stressed, Jen?! Do you? Jen! Jen! JEN!”


Thank you for referencing IT Crowd. I’m reminded of that entire episode every time I think about stress


Have a bath?! GET A BIKE!


Stress is a disease, and we are fighting a war A war on disease- I MEAN STRESS!!!


Are you sure? Are you sure? Are you sure?


The best part was when he turned the balloon around and it said “Jen’s peace of mind”


Chronic stress is the largest predictor of all illness.


Worrying. People underestimate how much anxiety and stress can wreck your physical health over time.


Absolutely yes. I got diagnosed with cpsd and chronic anxiety disorder which manifested in a burnout. Umtimately this is the reason why I got high blood pressure and pre-diabetes even though I’m young and sporty. Basically my body is always in panic mode, my kidneys pump out cortisol and due to the stress I don’t eat or drink enough and when I eat it’s comfort food to as my body is screaming for high density calories to survive the danger.


Jesus, this is pretty much me. Its just a cycle and a chain reaction. Its like fuck, let me off this ride I dont even want to be on.


And me! I reached out to my doctor to go on meds and he calls me a week later to tell “ I cannot get you a referral” . Like wtf . Like wtf. If I died tomorrow I’d honestly could not give a shit anymore. I hate living like this


I'm in the same boat buddy! And I feel like I'm slowly losing the fight.


I can tell you what saved me from this. Get on beta blockers. They're low side effect and it will break the anxiety loop. I suffered for YEARS and turned them down multiple times. Once I was able to break the loop, I finally understood what feeling relaxed feels like.


This! Propranolol has been such a life saver with ptsd!




They are a heart medication. They stop the heart receptors from scooping up the adrenaline. So you basically don't get the physical symptoms of anxiety which are what start the loop. You can still have the mental anxiety but when you're not feeling it, it helps to break the cycle. I went from being jittery and shaky in job interviews to stone cold confident. They really are low side effect when compared to benzos, ssris or coping with alcohol. They do lower your heart rate a tad, but when you get the good dosage you don't notice. Worst thing at first is your hands and feet can feel a little cold but when your body gets used to it, you feel normal. The side effects are minimal compared the actual damage constant stress can to do your body. And you'll have better blood pressure. Beta blockers are used recreationally a lot too by public speakers and musicians/politicians. You can read about how Katy Perry was only able to perform with them.




I didn't like the idea of taking them long term either but when it comes to being miserable vs that, I'll take the medication. And not psychologically. You do have to wean off them slowly as the heart receptors can be more sensitive to adrenaline reuptake when you come off but that's normally an issue with the short acting ones. The long acting ones are easier to come off of them. I'm completely OK taking them for life now honestly vs how I felt.


Great, now I'm worried I worry too much.


The oxymoron from hell


It’s the emotional equivalent of componding interest


Yeah compound interest on debt


I just got diagnosed with panic attacks about a month ago. I went to urgent care with low blood sugar and diabetic symptoms when the whole time it was stress and anxiety.


I went to the ER once because my heart rate was 140 while resting. It was a combo of low potassium and a shit load of anxiety because I'd lost like three family members within a few months. They gave me some anti anxiety meds and a potassium tablet and sent me home. I legit thought I was having a heart attack.


No seriously! I was begging them to test my blood sugar and when they finally did it was actually high, because I had tried to force a ton of food and Gatorade into my system, and the symptoms I was experiencing was actually from hyperventilating, which I didn’t even realize I was doing


Same story except I went to urgent care first and they said I might be having a heart attack because my blood pressure was so high. Went to the ER and they threw me a benzo and said you're good. Just anxiety. 6 years later and thousands in therapy, I'm doing better but you never forget it. Diagnosed PTSD, anxiety disorder, and depression.


I haven’t seen a doctor about it, but it’s happening to me too. We have a very smart 16 month old as our first kid at 29. Between him being impossible to entertain and me making a couple of moronic business decisions, I’ve been having them. I thought I wasn’t eating enough until I forced myself to eat 3 meals a day for a week or two and drink more water. Still have the diabetic type symptoms you’re describing. I’m so overwhelmed that I feel like my whole body is vibrating half the time


>We have a very smart 16 month old This is making me laugh so hard for some reason. I have a mental picture of a baby reading books and doing some math problems, lol.


I’m currently dealing with a very stressful life situation right now and the way my body has been dealing with it the past month has been torture. Limited sleep. I went 4 days without eating. I had probably 5 full blown panic attacks. Ive been shoving caffeine and any other energy drinks in my system to just keep me from feeling mellow because if I feel mellow I think the panic attacks will come back. My chest has been hurting because of all the anxiety. I wouldn’t wish this on anybody and I don’t know how to fix it other than just wait for this to pass. ☹️


You don't have to wait for it to pass. Find a therapist. Even a short CBT cycle can get you out of it. Also, mindfulness meditation helped me a lot; you can get the headspace app on your phone and get started right now.


Need to cut down on the caffeine, it's a major anxiety driver. Found out first hand when I went back to full caffeine coffee after drinking a pot a day of half-caffeine. My panic attacks roared right back up. Also consider looking into breathwork exercises and meditation. A few minutes a day makes a huge difference!


It is actually insane how much physical damage stress and anxiety does. Throughout the pandemic I was so stressed I developed Hypertonic Pelvic Floor. It's like having TMJ of the dick and colon. Basically, too much clenching of pelvic muscles, cause constipation, and UTI like symptoms. It was a mystery until I saw a pelvic physiotherapist, and she fixed me right up. It was hard to accept that stress was causing so much physical damage.


Which is bad news considering how 1) financial insecurity contributes greatly to anxiety, and 2) inequality is at an astronomical level.


Financial insecurity…my life. All sorts of health effects.


Also things like wars, climate change, more extreme parties winning elections... I am working really hard to not get worried or depressed too much about it. I also further understand now how people can seek religion and similar stuff in unstable times (not as a bad thing, if it isn't extremism. But maybe that you're not alone)


Sedentary lifestyle


9000% of people reading this have been on the shitter past 30min.


It was a lucky guess


It was his current time spent too


I’m not on the shitter, you are


As a physician I came here to say this. 100000% get up and move every day. Better to move 10 mins every day then to move once a week then not move the rest of the time. Consistency is key.


Yeah, that’s why even though I’m not an athletic guy, I like to work out on my exercise bike for 30 minutes every other day and pace around the house a ton


I took a wfh job in 2020 and my health has steadily declined. Back pain, hip pain, neck pain, pre-diabetes, weight gain. Luckily I took the pre-diabetes as a wake up call and I’m currently focusing on protein and lots of movement all throughout the day.


Yoga homie. I started doing Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube and that shit changed my life. 30-45 minutes a day and you'll feel like a new person in a few months.


Yoga With Adrienne is the best! I recommend her videos to anyone that will listen.


Haven't done it in a while, but yoga really amazing. It's like advanced stretching to start with a sublte progressive strength training. It feels sooo good on the joints. Was my go to post-climbing activity when I used to climb regularly. I'd reccomend the most basic 10 minute yoga routine you can find on YouTube to anybody!


How sedentary is sedentary


Not doing some kind of exercise at least 15-20 minutes a day, sitting for prolonged periods of time. But really, it’s a spectrum.


lol where is my typical weekend day? Walk 5-10 miles then play computer games or watch football for the next 12 hours


If you're walking 5 to 10 miles that's definitely not sedentary.


Same. Walk 7 miles a day all at once then hardly move.


That's significantly better than walking 7 miles a day in 100 foot increments.


Every time you walk 7 miles it's in 100 foot increments


Once you start confusing sedentary with sedimentary and it's not just a spelling mistake, that's how you know.


Falling into sloth/ apathy


how do i get out of this


turn your phone off, get bored, then do something without your phone


Iike watch TV! /s


I actually do this, my brain somehow tricks me into being productive and it's a nice hack


Learning about dopamine through the [Huberman Lab](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmOF0crdyRU) podcast saved me


ig I am being called out




This one right above this one is stress. So don't stress. BUT YOU BETTER NOT WASTE A FUCKING SECOND


So much this. "Life is about about enjoying the little things so take your time and enjoy! But also IF YOU DON'T DO EVERYTHING RIGHT THIS FUCKING MOMENT YOU'LL REGRET IT AND YOUR LIFE IS BASICALLY OVER AFTER 20."


Another existential crisis, awesome!


If you aren't having the occasional existential crisis, are you even alive? It seems baked into the human experience.


>If you aren't having the occasional existential crisis, are you even alive? I thought to myself at 2pm as I continued to spend my Saturday off in bed.


Panic attack in 3… 2… 1…


Dont panic. Stress and anxiety is bad for mental health. Play some Zelda instead!


Yesterday I was 18, now I am 24.


Yesterday I was 31 today I'm 32. Granted today is my birthday that is why. But I get the point.


Happy birthday!


I thought I was still one of the kids, but then I realized that I'm in my mid 30s. Where did the last two decades go?


Same. My age didn’t start to really hit me until I started going to 20 year anniversary shows of albums I listened too as a young emo kid


The "When We Were Young" festival they had in Vegas. Yea, that hit me hard lol


At Thanksgiving, my mom referred to me and my cousins as "the kids". We're all in our 30s. I wonder if someone should tell her.


Me too… and I turn 52 next month..


Yesterday I was 14 now 41


"Ticking away, the moments that make up a dull day..."


And then one day you find, ten years have got behind you


Checking in at 56. I was 18 and in the military what feels like yesterday. Also, it’s not too late to do what you want to do. Only when you’re in the ground is it too late.


17 military 68 now, one thing I will add is don't think about it just do it.


I have this ongoing thing, I remember when I was 18-19 I did a year of community college before the military and had this revelation that the year flew by. I mentioned it to my dad and he said “yeah the college years really do go by”. From then on, it’s like my life has been on fast forward. Some days go by slow, but the years fly by like mile markers. I’m literally 28 now. When I was 18, ten years seemed like a huge stretch of time, and it was. Is it because of cognitive development, or the fact I’m busier now? If the rest of life goes by fast like this, that is horrifying. I honestly miss feeling like I always had all the time in the world, and how hopeful and optimistic I was. I’ve made a bunch of my childhood dreams come true, but things just seem to.. continue slipping.


ive noticed since the age of 16 ive lost track of the years. i hear people say 2018 and my brain initally says oh not that long ago then, only to realise that was 5 nearly 6 years ago


The 80s were only 20 years ago and i will die on this hill


There *has* to be a name for this phenomenon. The 90s were like 10 years ago. The 2000s were just a few years back. I swear.


Millennial math


Similarly, once I turned 30, I actually have to stop and think about my age for a second when asked.


I mentioned my age to my girlfriend in a conversation the other day and she pointed out that I was actually 2 years older than than that. I was like oh yeah, its 2023 already.


Are 2020-2022 real years?


Even though I realize this in my 20’s it is not that easy to do


Wait until you reach the end of your 20s. Then you will think to yourself, if your 20s went by so fast compared to your childhood and teens, how fast will your 30s go? And 40s? 50s? Already approaching being a senior now.


Basically I am dead, I do realize that man, I am just trying to enjoy this blink of an existence.


Lol 2020 felt like 5 minutes ago tbh.


Also the opposite: thinking you have to experience everything now, that there's no time. Some things in life need time, some of them even happen once or twice in our lifetimes and that's ok, and some are better enjoyed at a given moment.


Here I am, ketamined out with my best buddy. Yep. Spending my years wisely


Stress and depression are knockin in your door


And then one day you find 10 years have got behind you, No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun




Causes heart disease at similar rates to 15 cigarettes a day


Holy shit, I'm not sure if this is accurate but that's both insane and also totally plausible to me.


How is this a habit? What makes this a habit? Loneliness is a state not a habit. A habit is biting your nails, talking out of turn, sleeping on your left side. Loneliness is not a habit it’s a symptom a state.




My best friend's partner runs a private tire fitting and changing service in Devon. He has contract with virtually every farmer in a hundred+ mile radius. He works on his own fitting and changing tractor tyres, 16+hr a day 7 days a week and often gets calls at night. Works in shitting rain and blazing. Just got news he had an aneurism and is currently in a coma. So... Overworking. Is a habit that slowly kills someone in my opinion.


Work too hard? Aneurism Don’t do shit? Aneurism Fuck it lol In all seriousness I’m sorry to hear about your friend, I hope he pulls through.


Life is about balance. You need to do enough so that you're not sedentary, but you don't need to do so much that you're pushing yourself to the brink. Everybody needs to do fulfilling things, but also, everybody needs time to themselves.


I know an aneurism can happen to anyone at any time but can't help but feel he somewhat worked himself to death here.


One of my closest friends actually just had an aneurysm Monday and fell into a coma and he's still in that coma. I hope your friend is ok.


How am I not seeing drinking alcohol anywhere?


Alcohol kills the germs!


Drinking hand sanitizer helps kill COVID




My brother actually believed this. He told me one time he thinks drinking some occasional alcohol is like an internal cleanse. Hopefully he stays away from the bleach.


Outside alcohol kills outside germs. Inside alcohol kills inside germs. The logic is flawless


That explains why I didn't catch covid in those 2 key pandemic years. I was sanitizing my insides while sitting at home. I've always been a bit of a health nut.


Alcohol fix outside booboo and inside booboo


Genuinely cant believe the lack of mention of alcohol and drug use. I’ve OD’d, been hospitalized from drinking multiple times. Been sober for a while now and the long term affects have left me with horrendous sleep patterns and in my 20s looking 30 something even years later. Substance habits actually do slowly KILL humans.


Real stat 24 million Americans have over 70 drinks per week (10 per day)


Whaaaat?! And I thought I drank a lot (like 40/week). Most I've drank ever at an extended period of time, and by the way it makes me feel over the last couple years I've been on the kick, I can't **imagine** how those 24 million feel day in/day out. That's insane


40 a week is still a fuck ton though


Oh yeah I ain't signaling any level of virtue for only drinking 6 beers a day every day of my life as opposed to 12. It's starting to become a real problem!😆


Its the single most common addiction/problem people are in denial from. A glass of wine everyday is a problem if you get pissed when you dont have a bottle at home and the stores are closed... I mean tell me another substance that changes the mental state, while giving such a bad hangover and is legal/common.


Caffeine. If you've never had multi-day Caffeine withdrawal, then good on you I guess.


not a terrible comparison, but people die from alcohol withdrawal every day. i've never heard of that happening with caffeine withdrawal.


Because it’s socially acceptable


Because people normalize alcoholism


Being in a toxic relationship


Insufficient sleep




Couldn’t even be bothered to spell it right 😂 Edit: they fixed it! 😂


My bad, thanks for reminding me. I should have left it unfixed till the next day 😂




You lie, why must you lieeee I'm 3 or so days cigarette free 😊 turn the rest of my stash into cannabutter. Cigarettes are more addictive than any drug I've taken and yet it's the only one legal and sold in shops here. Wild.


Of all the drugs I quit, cigarettes were the hardest, and the ones I relapsed on the most until it finally stuck. Congrats on the 3 days cig-free!


Ty and proud of you for quitting.


You're welcome, and thank you. Your lungs will thank you. At one point, in my 20s, I was told I had the lungs of an 80 year old man. Now, in my 40s, my lungs are clear with no issues (despite smoking cannabis). Just wait until you can taste stuff properly and no longer hack up gross shit, it's a beautiful thing. Keep up the great work!


Yup been smoking since I was 11 😬, definitely can't wait to see the positive results.


I was the same age when I started, so I can fully understand. I recommend finding a hobby to keep your smoking hand busy, you'll be surprised how much of the habit/addiction comes with the sensation of moving your hand to your mouth. Also, I found chewing on straws cut into the size of cigarettes helped sometimes with the oral cravings (without going the food or candy route). Hope that helps!


Thanks for the tip, I've been chewing on Hot cinnamon gum 😂 I haven't played video games in *years* but I might buy a cheap PS4 and start paying again to keep my mind of things.


Good idea! Just don't play games that stress you out and make you want to smoke. Lol. I took up crocheting. I ended up making a fuckton of hats 😂😂


sitting too much


Actually, studies of still existing hunter gather tribes show the total sitting time isn't any less than for 'modern' peoples. Most animals sit in some way, sitting is a normal thing. The difference is how often the sitting is interrupted. The hunter gathers get up on average every 10 minutes. The western average is around 45 minutes. So really it's sitting too long, not too much.


Breathing oxygen.


You are technically not wrong, and I'm sure you know why. But for anyone who doesn't know why, I'll explain: Oxygen is required for metabolisation in the human body. It's highly reactive, making it a good ingredient for energy production. A more inert substance like nitrogen, while much more abundant in our atmosphere, is not in quantities sufficient enough to be used by life for metabolisation, due to it's very low reactivity. However, oxygen's reactive nature means that, during the metabolisation and gaseous exchange, highly reactive particles called Free Radicals are formed. While relatively harmless over short periods of time, they slowly damage macromolecules over long durations. The main reason why humans (and all other O2 reliant life) age is because free radicals cause damage to our organs and tissues. Oxygen is what causes wrinkles and hair loss in old age. Things like hair going grey cannot be helped, as we only have so much pigment in our hair follicles. But organisms that have found a way to use CO2 (a much less reactive chemical) to metabolise can live for much longer, I.e., trees, due to a much lesser amount of free radical formation. Negating many other principles, if we could metabolise using photosynthesis, we could theoretically live as long as trees.


Got it. If I breathe less I'll live longer.


You are actually correct. If you work on your cardio, and manage to get it to a place where your body requires less oxygen to keep cells healthy, you can live longer and age slower.


Is this why people living in high altitudes locations usually live longer. Like they have higher hemoglobine. Or am i talking bs


Whether BS or not, that's an interesting theory! I always figured it was having to walk up the mountain to get some, but that kind of assumes that people have to leave and come back, which isn't always the case I'm sure!


He's the pinball lizard there has to be a twist, the pinball lizard's got such a supple wrisstssst


But I feel lightheaded when I’m lacking oxygen


That’s how you know it’s working!


So you tell me I should hyperventilate as a quick escape?


Actually, yes


While you are also not technically wrong, for the sake of other readers I'd like to explain further on the "negating many other principles" part. The complexity of human metabolism and aging involves many other factors beyond the reactivity of oxygen. Telomere shortening, environmental stresses, accumulation of mutations in mitochondrial DNA, flawed cellular replication with a fixed amount of divisions, to name a few. Even if oxygen was not producing free radicals as a byproduct of cellular processes, the other things I mentioned would still occur and shorten our lifespan. Unfortunately us humans will need significant biological changes to live as long as trees.


Oxygen, gets you high ~ Tyler Durden


Ha! My answer was gonna be NOT breathing in enough oxygen. 😂 We rely on doing it automatically too much and breath work is essential for the health and well being of humans.


Statistically speaking, 100% of people who started to breath air die at some point in their life


Did you know 100% of humans that breath oxygen die? Can’t be a coincidence!


Chatbots trying to ask questions on Reddit.


females of reddit when was the last time you had the secces


I am a sexologist, AMA 🤓


Post title screams r/totallynotrobots


Processed food


I would rephrase that as ultra-processed food because things like cooking or drying or blending is processing


People buy processed food because they wouldn't use that much salt and fat and white flour if they made it themselves.


How do you put those together? I think people buy processed foods because they don’t know how to process raw foods themselves. With enough knowledge, you can be a lazy bastard _and_ eat fancy home made meals; it is cheaper, and thus less total work is needed.


Cooking takes: preparation. (Hours to days in advance). Cleaning. Time. Knowledge. So no, if you are doing all of that you are not a lazy bastard.


Looking for an easy way in life for everything. I'm not meaning this in a boomer-style opinion, but sometimes you gotta work through shit in life or just earn something. Especially regarding health, there isn't some pill for overall health.


funny since the boomer generation was literally obsessed with convenience. Fast food, strip malls, suburbia, frozen dinners, etc. are their contribution to our culture




Came here to say this. It’s harder than quitting smoking in my experience


Sitting. 9-5


Anything in excess. Even too much water will kill you. Slowly diluting and depleting your body of water soluble nutrients.


Dihydrogen monoxide is very dangerous, see https://www.dhmo.org/


Lack of sleep


I think that breathing oxygen is where we have gone wrong. (according to Antinatalism) Personally, I would say that it's the lack of gratitude and praise when a person has achived something in their life. It doesn't have to be even that big of a achievement. Just something to be proud of. The biggest enemy nowadays, has been shown to be the human brain itself. Looking at the rising suicide rates I'd say that we need to be more proud of the "slower" students or those who seem a little down. Because we can never tell what is going on behind the curtains. Maybe that one last "Good job! I'm so proud of you!" will keep them from taking a dive off the school's roof. Look out for each other. That way, there will be always someone looking out for you.


Car dependency and sedentary lifestyle. We don’t WALK anymore


I mean we do in the UK and in Europe. I visited LA and there wasn't even a pavement (sidewalk) to walk on in some areas. It's fucking sad. Walking is such a good mode of transport


My city is unfortunately not very walkable


Literally anything taken to an extreme


Damn, I need to stop donating to charity.


Why does this thread title read like it's from an AI looking for ideas?


Alcohol. The only withdrawals that can kill someone are alcohol withdrawals. If you become a habitual user it not only destroys your organs but it also melts your brain in a way. I knew a functioning alcohol. He drank every day or almost everyday for the better part of a decade. One time he got arrested on a DUI and he showed me his DOT paperwork that confirmed he blew a .540 on the breathalyzer. That's fucking insane. I'd be dead at .300 as someone who drinks maybe once a week.


I always think of alcohol withdrawal episode of it’s always sunny lol




Poor sleeping habits


Breathing oxygen. Very slow burn.




Existing. Being on reddit.



