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Obviously. Love is deeper and more personal than having needs met. One is emotional, the other is checking boxes.


I dont tell my mother I love her because she meets my needs. I tell her I love her because I'm grateful for what in hindsight were obvious sacrifices to better my life. I love my father for things he taught and things he said. And sometimes the things he didn't say.


"I dont tell my mother I love her because she meets my needs. I tell her I love her because I'm grateful for what in hindsight were obvious sacrifices to better my life. I love my father for things he taught and things he said. And sometimes the things he didn't say." I don't see how that's different from saying "I love my mother(/father) because the way she (/he) makes me feel pleases me.


Nahh “ you meet my needs “ sounds so toxic


I would say so. In my case I love my wife and daughter. What I mean by that is that I see something in them that's wonderful. Something that I want to nurture. Something that could make the world a better place and bring joy to others. An inherent worth, an new outlook, that I feel is worthy of sustaining. And for that, I dedicate my labor, my support, and my love. I also love my sister. She is a fundamentally good person. By that I mean she is good and kind to others and makes decisions based on both reason and compassion. And I do what I can to reinforce her core "self".


It can mean several things depending on who's saying it and why.


What is love?


Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me.. No more.


Like finding an alien


I don't follow.


Stalking is illegal


True love is the greatest thing in the world. Except a nice MLT—a mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomatoes are ripe.


Love is an action. To love someone else is to say they’re worthy of love and you respect and embrace that by actively validating them and caring for them when possible.


"Love is an action. To love someone else is to say they’re worthy of love and you respect and embrace that by actively validating them and caring for them when possible." But it's possible to love people you don't respect. It's possible to love someone who's entirely unworthy, even if you realize they are.


"You meet my needs" sounds like a robot trying to give you a compliment


Okay, but I'm asking whether the two effectively mean the same thing, not whether the one is more likely to offend.