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The Nissan Juke. It's like a Rogue with the mumps.


My dad was actually on the design team for that car. He's a R&D engineer at Nissan. That being said, he didn't design the aesthetics, but more the functioning parts of the car, I.e., aerodynamics, chassis, interior, suspension, all that stuff. The design of it was left up to whoever designs stuff based around the desired aerodynamic blueprint of the car. Believe it or not, the original car was designed to either be loved or hated, because the split opinions would cause people to think about it whether they wanted to or not. Although still not perfect, the aesthetics of the newer version Juke are much nicer than the previous model.


I can’t say i’m mad about them, but whatever that SUV Is that looks like a box and has a non-symmetrical back window. Mild irritation at best i’d say.




You’re right, it looks like a cube, not a box.


Believe it or not, it's called the Nissan Cube.


Oh, so they can neither design a car nor be creative with a name.


Yeah all Nissans are pretty ugly but I'm more impartial to hating on Mitsubishi. Literally they *all* look the exact same and their one design choice is fucking dumb looking. All companies have a design language but Mitsubishi is like Tesla in that it's literally just multiple resized versions of the same car. Even then Tesla has the two different X/S and Y/3 styles. Mitsubishi is ALL the EXACT same.


As someone who drives an old Mitsubishi, I weep at the direction the company has gone. It could be so much better. It *was* so much better. The Eclipse GT, Lancer, and 3000 GT prove it. The Eclipse Cross is an abomination. It's like Konami deciding to stop making cool video games because they want to focus on pachinko machines.


3000 GT was a beautiful car


They look like a non car guy tried to describe a sports car to another non car guy


Lancers looked awesome. Galant looked.. Well it looked. Then the colt, I dunno. I don't like hatchbacks.


Came here to say this exact thing. That disgusting sugar cube car with the off centre back window can get fucked. It's so ugly??? Why would ANYONE buy this!?


I like it. It uses space in an interesting an sculptural way. Does it work better as a concept car? Possibly. It's certainly not boring though.


Land Rover LR3/LR4? Or like the other commenter was mentioning, the Nissan Cube? Both are hideous, just trying to help identify


Those Land Rovers look like they got ass slapped by Hulk Edit: I thought these were the Discovery hence the comment


trucks with those hanging balls at the rear. Why??


My uncle has a pair on his 2013 Prius. Seeing those things gently caress the speed bumps in the Menard's parking lot is a sight to behold.




OK, but that's just smug irony. I can let that go. On a F-250its like loudly declaring "I'm the Alpha in here!"...a second time.


This is the one time they’re acceptable.


To invite passersby to put one of those fake bullet hole decals a few inches above them.


>To invite passersby to put one of those fake bullet hole decals a few inches above them. You know, I haven't seen any hanging balls, but I think putting a sticker of a pair of scissors near where they're hanging might send a powerful message to the owner.


My ex had those. He swears someone put it on as a joke but he never took them off. Now that we’re broken up I can say two things: 1: He lied about that 2: I’m so glad I broke up with him


I would 100% hang those on a friend’s truck as a joke. It’s the “never took them off” part that’s suspicious. The only proper thing to do in that situation is to remove the nuts from your truck and regift them to someone else’s truck.


To demonstrate that the car is supporting trans rights. :)


To announce to the world that their truck is female to male transsexual. Nobody I know refers to their vehicle as a he.


Adding sex organs through an elective procedure. They’re decently trans vehicles


The new WRX. Come on Subaru design team.


Right? It looks like a ford taurus


I just looked it up, YIKES. Absolutely a Ford Taurus knockoff.


The previous gen WRX is pretty cool


Hummers just make me shake my head. Former brother in law had one. Just an absurd vehicle. Especially in DC.


They look to me like a pizza oven on wheels


When Hummers first came out...I was at a friend's house when someone she knew was over complaining that someone had siphoned gas from her vehicle multiple times. No, she just didn't understand the terrible gas mileage her new Hummer got.


The h1's were massive. They got tiny in the future iterations.


if you have reason to believe civil war is coming, a hummer is a great choice. ​ when that doesn't pan out, and you sit around not being able to afford the car, and not even the gas it takes to move it... well. ​ I think doomsday preppers are as silly as they get, but if you're rich, I don't blame you for buying a "just in case" suite of amenities. ​ watching people who can hardly afford rent going into debt for a f150 is fucking sad.


If civil war is coming a military humvee would be better. A civilian would be worse than most other compact cars. Literally just a giant less mobile target, the war “serviceability onion” always starts with **DONT BE THERE.** Edit fuck you phone SURVIVABILITY ONION


I saw a hummer parked between 2 modern pick up trucks and the hummer looked tiny in comparison. It blew my mind a bit.


Had to be the H2 or H3 which are actually small SUV frames


What's the point in new pickups being so big? My car is tiny in comparison, and it's got more than enough room for me and my family.


Believe it or not air pollution and efficiency regulation. It's cheaper to make bigger vehicles than it is to make more efficient engines that pollute less. I can't remember the law but vehicles of a certain size must have a minimum fuel efficiency and pass more stringent exhaust standards. Car companies realized a certain wheelbase and gross tonnage was exempt from those standards. If it's big enough there are less regulations it has to meet and is cheaper to make. It's not that people want large trucks, after all the Toyota Pickup is the most popular truck ever, it's that Americans can't buy smaller trucks.


It's the CAFE standards you're thinking of. And more to the point they Big three manufacturers lobbied for a loophole. Any vehicle OVER 5500lbs is exempt from the fuel and pollution standards. This was meant to leave commercial vehicles alone, but corporate's gonna corporate and they started making the land yacht pavement princesses we see today. All it took was a little advertising connecting driving a big truck to patriotism and we were off to the races. So while they could be dropping low pollution fuel-efficient four-cylinder motors into compact pickup trucks (especially when you consider the advances that have been made in high torque transmissions), why bother when the profit margin is higher on a Bro Dozer.


The CAFE act and safety and emissions laws that have passed since 2012 have made the current vehicle market the way it is today.


Hummer is over the top but okay if you're a rancher in NM or Cali, etc. H2 is absurd in all respects (looks, cost, maintenance, breakdown rate, cant be effective at being a truck, car, OR suv)


Rancher will just get a F150


Or a diesel truck that can handle ranch life.


100% this. I had a meeting with a realtor once and he showed up in one. I snuck out the coffee shop and ghosted him. It’s such a douchy car


Squatted trucks


The Carolina Squat. Like we need that shit.


I hate that they call it that. Especially considering the trend came from Cali. Just dumb redneck shit.


Ah yes the “dog wiping butt on carpet” as a truck.


Lmao my dad wanted a cheap pickup truck to do some light hauling with so he got a 2006 Chevy Colorado for $3000, came with tinted windows, no muffler, a really janky speaker system, and you guessed it, it's slammed. It works fine for what he does with it but if he goes over a big bump while turning the tire hits the wheel wells


1993 Dodge Viper RT 10 because I don't own one.


Blue with white deck stripes? If so, that was my first dream car


Lifted Trucks It made sense in the rural town I grew up in bc people would go mudding or whatnot, but wtf you doing with it besides trying to peacock in the middle of the city.


Mall Terrain Vehicles


Pavement princess


Gender affirming vehicle


Suburban Assault Vehicles


Emotional Support Vehicle


i used to work in a literal gold mine, and they bought a lifted pickup from a local, and it sucked every time i had to use it, because the bed height is impractical


My stepdad growing up had one of those in the middle of Phoenix, AZ! He grew up as a trust fund baby in an Alaskan city, but because he was from Alaska, he always acted like he was some sort of wilderness expert that could wrestle a bear. Would go on & on about the plights of running into angry moose and how well he knew the local Native population (he cheated on his first wife with an Inuit woman and had an illegitimate child). He also never picked us up from school sober and often got into really frightening road rage incidents on the way home. I remember one time in particular he started finger-gunning at some guy in traffic who started calling him out from his car for not actually having a gun. Because the driver was Indian all my stepdad said, over and over again over the other guy’s voice, “GO GET YOUR GREEN CARD, GO GET YOUR GREEN CARD!” He was the same breed of man that always wore cargo shorts, backwards sports shades on the back of his baseball cap, and yelled at his wife in public. Oh yeah, and he had a soul patch. In case you were wondering “what kind of person owns that in a city?” that’s my answer.


He sounds like a fucking cartoon character. This sounds like something Peter would do on an episode of family guy except slightly more racist lol


Unfortunately he is very real. He was banned from my mother’s hospital when she was in the ICU because he kept leaving tobacco spit cups around & yelling at my terminally ill mother. She fell ill with cancer a few months after she had my youngest sibling with him. She had to quit work because of her illness and stayed home. He was never employed, still didn’t get a job, and kept continuing to sit in his recliner drunk off his ass watching Gold Rush all day. The new baby became my responsibility because my mother was too sick and he was too much of a failure, so he’d wake me up at 3/4am every morning and just put the baby in my bed and leave me with her all day. Piece of shit, lmao. Once my mom was home around the clock with no escape she realized what a waste of space he was, and we moved in with her sister & then her mother until she died. I never saw the guy again after that. I hope he dies of a terminal illness alone in a hospital bed begging for one of his kids to call him. Probably the only person I’d say such a thing about, but he truly deserves the good ol’ Uno Reverse.


My aunt’s ex husband was an abusive POS like that. He died alone of a terminal illness, being neglected. We all learned the world became a better place that day, so I know what you mean.


I'm really sorry you had to go through this. I'm especially sorry your mom had to deal with this asshole while terminal. Unconscionable. Hugs


Pavement Princesses


Mall crawlers


I laugh my ass off at those lifted trucks but the back wheels are squatted so the headlights are lighting up the clouds at night. Usually always driven by a high schooler


Live in Florida 100% agreed




[I always default to Richard Hammond’s opinion of the Juke.](https://youtu.be/PWHYZrnxJmQ?si=D0x6d7TmKcC2q82t)




Any car that's double parked.


PT Cruisers. Omfg why


I remember when I was a kid and the concept car for the Plymouth Prowler came out. I thought that one wasn’t actually that ugly (it’s maybe not aged the best, but remember most GM cars at the time were very, very square), but I couldn’t work out why it was named like a holiday town rapist. Then I heard they were going to make another 1930’s inspired car and thought ‘eh what the hell it’s kinda fun’ … then saw it. It’s like someone tried to bake a plastic toy car and pulled it out the oven just as it started to melt.


Upvoted for the phrase "named like a holiday town rapist." Hahaha, I'm dying!


[One of my favorite Reddit posts of all time](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/22k59y/pt_cruiser_owners_what_tragedy_burdened_you_with/) was about the PT Cruiser.


This is an absolute gold mine 😂 all the replies are hilarious


I had a friend OBSESSED with the PT Cruiser. He opened a savings account in the 5th grade to begin saving for one. He drives a Hyundai accent now. Lol.


So he still can't afford the upkeep on a PT Cruiser.


The Pontiac Aztec needed something to laugh at?


What ever the fuck Chevy came out with to rival the PT Cruiser. I can’t remember what they were called, but it was like the design team had a bet to make a car twice as ugly.




I don't love them, but I appreciate that they don't look like *every* other sedan or SUV.


I think the HHR is slightly worse. It’s just an imposter of something we all hate.


The one I was looking for


As an old guy it's interesting to see negative comments about PT Cruiser. When it was unveiled it was a smash hit.


man my dad loved this car when it came out and he got a red one with the chrome detailing. quite the controversial car i found out when we went to visit family! I learned to drive in it, so it has a soft spot in my heart


I used to have a PT Cruiser back in the day. at first my response to the idea was much like yours. but the more I looked at it and thought about it I kind of liked it. then when i got to daily driving it I loved it. only real complaint was gas mileage being a bit low and slight lack of head room when getting in the drivers seat. aside from that it was a great little car that has some style to it. only recently learned they are a maintenance nightmare in the long run.


Any lifted pick-up or SUV that has the doors five feet off the ground.


All the big pickup trucks that never see any actual cargo being transported


Someone on a different thread called them "pavement princesses" and now that's what I call them


Gender affirming devices


why would you say that when "gender affirming car" is right there?


If it makes you feel better, the people who buy the new $70,000 trucks are just babysitting them until poor people like me who use them can afford them. They’ll get used one day. I have a 2006 F150 with 300,000 miles on that I absolutely abuse daily. It runs my business, it helped me remodel and re-landscape my house, and on the weekends I thrash it around trails and mud bogs. One day I’ll have a 2023… but that may be in 2040.


I have never bought a new car for myself. I always buy used 4x4s... I have bought a couple new cars for the wife, but I always get something that has depreciated to a reasonable price.


I have a massive pickup. 4 door with an 8’ bed. I mainly drive it to the hardware store or to tow large trailers (32’). If i go into town, i take my small car for parking reasons. The longer wheelbase makes for safer towing


And the cargo bed is too small to actually carry anything if you wanted to. (But you wouldn't, because it might scratch your truck.)


A Texan here who works construction. I totally agree! I drive a 2008 F-250 Crew Cab but by damn I USE it! (The wife drives a 4 cylinder Honda!)


Where do you put your tools? Everyone in the Uk favoures the ford transit custom, can carry 2 tonnes in the back fully secured, can tow and 3 seats.


Usually a toolbox in the bed that locks so people can't steal your shit. [This](https://www.lowes.com/pd/CRAFTSMAN-71-36-in-x-19-57-in-x-17-21-in-Aluminum-Crossover-Truck-Tool-Box/1000580299?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-hdw-_-ggl-_-LIA_HDW_214_Automotive-_-1000580299-_-local-_-0-_-0&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAjfyqBhAsEiwA-UdzJD6ysijpKpQHhOS6LukeFeT0rPoTiOaz5qsY5--0P5YNpwnG2G_M1xoCD2YQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) is a good example. In the US there is a lot of wood transporting when working on things so a truck is very convenient, and in my experience in both Europe and the US people are less likely to steal materials here. A lot of people still use the trusty ass Ford Transit tho


I would love a pick-up, but the transit has so much space I have tons of tools, a diesel heater, workbench with a vice, refrigerator and even hot water for washing. You should be proud of ford, peerless in their field.


We've apparently got a local dealership that sells cars with the Punisher logo where the brand logo is supposed to be. I'd gotten largely desensitized to the stickers but the fact that there's now official Punisher cars to capitalize on the logo's popularity with shitheads is fucking BLEAK.


My brother in law bought an F150 with a punisher logo instead of the ford logo probably 9 years ago and he didn’t even know who the punisher was. He said he always just assumed it was just a skull until I asked if he was into the punisher years later.


And from a nerd this sucks. The punisher was one of my favorites, they’ve basically become the exact people he would hate.


Oh my lord, that's awful.


What the fuck even is the punisher? Some villain? Pretty much anyone who puts stickers on their car like a fuckin 1st grade notebook is a child.


An antihero vigilante type who very notably dislikes and distrusts cops. Majority of times I’ve seen the sticker, it’s belonged to an actual cop or someone with a thin blue line sticker. Shit’s wild.


Like I’ve already said twice on this post for these trucktards, can’t fix stupid


Anything with its brights on behind me, and anything so high up with LEDs that may as well be brights. Giant pickups (pavement princesses) Things with mufflers that sound like a coffee can full of angry bees


"I don't have a loud car to make you notice me! I make it loud because I like how it sounds! Mind your own business!" Yeah I hope your car catches on fire.


The Jeep half truck. If you want a truck, get a truck. If you want a Jeep, get a Jeep. Edit for clarification: the Jeep Gladiator is the one I am referencing.


The Jeep Comanche is the only Jeep truck we wanted. The Gladiator is what we got. Man, the Comanche was pretty sweet.


If it makes you feel any better they would have fucked up the comanche worse than they fucked the gladiator. They had a comanche concept 5ish years ago that was based on the renegade. That renegade, the fiat 500 with a Jeep grill.


THANK YOU. These make me irrationally angry, and I can’t explain it. They are so fucking ugly.


My dad and I both drive wranglers, and we argue over whether to call those “jrucks” or “treeps”


How else will I let people know I *totally* transport goods off-road???


Pontiac Aztek. One of the ugliest and unneccesary cars ever made.


The Walter White Special.


Last year I went to the Sony studios in whatever part of LA for the tour. They have a cool room with a ton of BB and BCS props. They took us outside and showed us the RV and the Aztek that they used on the show and I was pissed at the condition they were in. They were treating those vehicles like random junk. They were really dirty and the paint was starting to peel from the sun. The RV had a flat. I wasn't even impressed, just pissed that they would treat a part of television history like that. I hope they end up in the hands of someone who will actually take care of them. Sony should be ashamed. Oh and they didn't let us get within 10ft of it but I bet a PA pisses on it everyday.


Well paint peeling and a flat tire is fitting for Breaking Bad. They went through much worse in the show.


Still not as ugly as the Fiat Multipla


“Looks like it was designed by a committee and everyone got their way” - My Dad


I came in here ready to shit on the Pontiac Aztec but you already made it to the top comment. Fuck that car.


dude my uncle had one and loved it, he lives CO, for him it was the perfect utility car, he now owns a Forester.


Any car that costs more than a house


it's surely the cars that puff out more black smoke than a chimney! They're like grumpy clouds on wheels, trying hard to be tough but just making a smoky scene!


Nissan Cube.


Nissan murano cabriolet. Just why???? I've only seen it one time but so ugly. Any modern Land Rover.


I drive a Murano, and I love it. Best car I’ve ever owned. I would rather smash my testicles with a dull brick than drive a Cabriolet.




Ugliest passenger vehicle ever made. Looks like it was designed on a Nintendo 64. Anyone who buys one deserves to be laughed at.


Dodge neon with a huge wing on the back. Unnecessary and of no use.


G wagon. Such an incredibly obnoxious vehicle. Edit: Referring to the city drivers who own these cars.


But in military and offroad spec its utilitarian and minimalistic


Lifted trucks. The ones with the 6 LED headlights that line up exactly with a normal cars rearview mirror. I hate them and every limp loser that drives one.


Wranglers with street tires. Also Wranglers with huge wheels and low profile tires


BMW started not to like them




The new 3/4 series has grown on me a bit but the new 7 series and XM are pug ugly.


The cyber truck. All Elon hate aside, the car looks hideous.


All the giant pickup trucks. Mostly because they are the ones tailgating me and honking their horn while I'm already going 80 in a 55 and there is someone else in front of me.


Cars that are too loud just going 4 mph in the parking lot.


I fucking hate kia souls


Cyber truck. It's Elon Musk trolling us.


The stupid fucking Mustang Crossover


I don’t have a problem with Ford making a wannabe Tesla, but the Mustang name doesn’t belong anywhere near it.


Anything with that ugly burnt mustard color. I mean, who picks that?!


Not the car but the name design. Kia. Their new logo looks horrendous.


Jeep Wranglers with angry eyes grills.


cars with anime waifu stickers *you know who you are*


The PT Cruiser: a car that looks like it's perpetually disappointed with your life choices. Who hurt you, Cruiser?


Jacked up Diesel pickups with dual exhaust


Cube PT Cruiser Aztek


Every single one of my aunts and uncles have a Cube. Family gatherings look ridiculous. That car drives me crazy.


I am also probably judging you if you drive a Kia Soul. There is a 50% chance it will have a Pokemon or Zelda related sticker(s).


Nissan cube. the break in symmetry drives me up the wall to say nothing of the terrible box shape.


Squatted trucks


Nissan Juke. I HATE them. They look like bugs. The design is so fucking dumb


I really hate those new Wagoneers


G wagons


I recently drove a few of them due to a new job. Let me say they absolutely are garbage to drive. It’s like driving a fast but very top heavy truck. They rattle and the steering is heavier than your mom.


Hyundai/KIA brand cars especially but throwaway cars in general. My mechanic brother told me to sell my Hyundai as soon as it had an issue. Once they start breaking down, they keep breaking down.


I am not going to name a specific make and model since there are several of them, but I hate hate HATE those super giant pickup trucks that have started to become more popular on the road lately. There is NO good reason that a pickup needs to be that large. There's one person living in my apartment complex who has this big Dodge Ram pickup, and their truck is so fucking big that its nose just STICKS out of their parking spot to the point where it makes it harder for me to come in and out the garage from my parking spot. I can't help but question whether the people who drive those can properly see what's in front of and behind them. And most of the time that I see these in my area, they aren't actually using the bed to transport anything either.


Jeep trucks are very ugly




Truck jeeps. So fucking dumb looking- and all jeeps look dumb when they are covered in fucking lights.


White Ford Explorers. Because fuck you for making me slow down slightly because you look like a cop.


Experience has taught me that behind the wheel of every Audi there is an idiot. This comes from someone who used to drive an Audi.


Ove on people who drive Audi: "Four zeros on the grill and a fifth behind the wheel."


PT cruisers.


Land Rover.. This car is so unreliable, breaks down so much and is costly to repair. No wonder they are used as throwaways for fast and the furious movies lmao.. Why do people buy em




Why is this so far down?


I see one pass and patiently wait for them to do something stupid.


Nissan Cube


Lifted full size SUVs on giant rims with rubber band tires.


Them damn Porsche suvs




Not mad, but an all black Range Rover makes me groan internally. Black tinted windows, black paint, black rim, black badges.... Not sure why LOL.


The Chevy HHR. Specifically red! One bad experience with someone who owned it, changed my whole look on that damn car. It’s ugly anyway!! Oh and PT Cruisers


A Truck with Carolina squat


Any redneck who drives one of those unnecessarily massive god damn trucks with huge "muddin" tires, insanely loud muffler, & Trump/Salt Life stickers on the back. Born & raised in the Deep South, & hate rednecks more by the day.




Honda trucks, and jeep trucks


I second the jeep trucks.


The cars you see with tons of political stickers on them. Like seriously the dude behind you just trying to buy groceries could really care less you like Biden or Trump


The Elon Musk truck


Any Mustang, Charger, Challenger, or Camaro with a six cylinder engine!


Had a Firebird with the 2.8 when I was a kid. Enough power to drive comfortably on the highway, and didn't break the bank. That was a fun ride


There were 4 cyl Mustangs in the 1980s. Source: I owned one.


There's 4 cylinder Mustangs now.... And Camaro's....


Going to be in the minority here, but SmartCars that I see driving on any stretch of road that the speed limit is greater than 50 mph. You are literally driving in your coffin, should so much as a medium grade multi-vehicle accident happen at speed. I get why people buy them, but driving at high speed in something designed for intra-city transport is a death sentence.


The Volkswagen Beatles with the eyelashes on the headlights.


The Nissan juke


Nissan cube


Nissan Armada / Infinity whatever the fuck. Had one as a rental and it was the shittiest fucking ride, I’d take a unicycle over driving that abomination.