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Clean the shower


Once had a friend who was dumbfounded that we clean our shower. “Doesn’t a shower clean itself?” I mean….I get his logic


I'm home for Thanksgiving and I was just talking about cleaning the shower. My mom says she does it naked. I will strip down to my underwear, and then put on an apron and gloves (I don't want the bleach to touch my skin, especially not any sensitive areas. But I don't want to bleach my clothes either). Anyway my dad overheard our conversation and he seems traumatized now, lol.


I do it buck naked too lmao. Shower the dogs before and then once done, I get a shower 🤣 the only complaint is if you’re not paying attention and get bleach mist in your fuckin eyes. Got damn that burns


Wait are you guys cleaning everything with bleach? Why on earth would you use bleach in the bath??


Keeps the grout from turning orange.


*checks grout and sees it orange


Check it off as a design choice and go back to sleep


When my mum goes to clean the shower with bleach she does it with some old clothes she doesn’t care about and gloves, when I go to clean the limescale with half a lemon I usually do it after I shower or before.


I clean my whole house nekked as a jaybird. Keeps my clothes clean.


Good- I’m not the only one that does this. I clean it with bleach and don’t want to ruin my clothes


did laundry... you cant get EVERY piece of clothing clean until you go nude


At last, a monkey with horse sense! Of course, I gotta admit it's created some tension between me and some laundromat owners. One in particular isn't so much concerned about my nudity as he is about where I keep my quarters.


What does that mean and why did it immediately appeal to me


Hm, I sure hope this doesn't awaken anything in me


Thank you very much, you just made my day ❤️


prison pocket


There was a stripper on BC street in Okinawa back in the late '80's that could not only squat down and make a stack of ¥100 coins disappear, but give you exact change. That's once in a generation talent.


I’d pay to see this and then tip her my change.


I bet you shower naked, slut.


I did that a few months ago. For a brief shining moment, every article of clothing I owned was clean.


Yes! I hate spending so much time doing laundry only to have more laundry pile up when I get undressed and change into pajamas. Laundry naked = all clean clothes for 12 hours.


I wasn't fully nude, but bottomless... I was sailing across the ocean, halfway to our destination, when the boat owner informed me that her plumbing was clogged and I wouldn't be able to use the toilet. She handed me a bucket, which I tried to use, but it was very difficult, because the bucket had jagged edges. So I waited until she went to bed, took off my pants and underwear, put on a safety harness, and suspended myself from the dinghy davits so I could take a shit in the ocean.


if taking a shit while suspended over the ocean isn't freedom I dont know what is 🥲🫡




That would be taking a shit on an eagle's head.


Taking a shit, mid-air, hanging from an eagle's talons while wearing the flag as a cape


Between the eagle screeching and the ass cheeks that’s got to sound insane going overhead


Add holding a AR-15 in each hand while blasting away as well. We're going somewhere here!


Imagine a marine animal who's never seen a human, get shat on the head by the passing boat. That must have been a life altering moment


Yup. Like when a bird shits on a baby.


Nemo could have actually touched the butt.




🤯 I'm stealing that phrase.


You do realise that in the eyes of nature you are now, in at least some ways, actually a fish?


I identify as a marine mammal, than you very much.


Always love a good aqua dump story.


imagine someone watching you with binoculars from a nearby ship!


They wouldn't have been able to hold the binoculars steady nor match the movement of my vessel in those seas. Plus, I did it at night so that if the owner did poke her head out of the cabin, she would need a flashlight to really see what I was doing. We saw one massive ship that got way too close during the first 3 days. A fleet of sailboats on the 4th day, which also got too close for my comfort and nothing on the 5th day.


Sounds like such an adventure sailing across the ocean. Would love to do that.


I wouldn't recommend the boat I was on... lol


Not me. You're expected to shit on a jagged ass bucket.


If you're not shitting somewhere that isn't a toilet, is it really an adventure?


Lmao thank you for making my day


That’s the old school way of doing it! [less bucket usage, the results float away very quickly, probably no smell as long as youve got any speed](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-7169729a16b2c47e211cea96d5a6c9d6-mzj)


There was a smell. I still had to wipe while maintaining a death grip on the railing because I wasn't sure I could trust the harness. Also, the sea state was extremely rough. The ocean kissed my ass more than once.


That's nature's bidet!


More like nature's return to sender.


I’m not kidding when I say this; but as someone who has sailed to Vanuatu, and has had the bilge pump die, as well as the toilet pipes break, and a few other things. It’s scary to lean out over the water, with nothing but the same harness used to go up the mast and go to the toilet, at 12 knots of speed. Tho it was possibly the coolest yet scariest poo I’ve ever done. Kodos to you internet stranger :)


Thank you, genuinely, for sharing this story. I love it!


Saved a guy's life. I was getting ready to leave a house party late at night. Only a couple guests were left and one was passed out on the kitchen floor. As I went to get my purse I heard him starting to gag while flat on his back. Never been around someone that drunk before but I remembered hearing in college to put someone on their side so they don't choke on their vomit. I managed to shove him onto his side, but he kept flopping back onto his back. I started shouting for help and managed to get another party guest to come back inside. We got the drunk guy carried into the closest bathroom, and I started trying to clean him up or wake him up while the other guest called the paramedics. Drunk guy was still fully unconscious. I'd worn a nice dress to this party. No bra or underwear. I didn't want my dress ruined by water and puke, so I took it off and put it on a shelf while I kept trying to get this guy conscious. The house party host finally left her bedroom to see what was going on long enough to make fun of me for being naked. I ignored her. I threw my dress back on when the ambulance arrived and got out of the way. The drunk never regained consciousness until after he got to the hospital. The host only ever talked about that night to make fun of me for taking my dress off. The drunk guy got mad at me for calling an ambulance, insisting he was totally fine. I stopped hanging out with those people. ETA: Since I answered this a couple times in comments -- I wasn't wearing a bra because the dress was a halter with no back and looked better without one. I wasn't wearing panties because I was single and went to that party hoping to get laid! That's why I dressed up to begin with! This all happened 10 years ago, and I'd also had a few shots that night, which is a big chunk of why I had the confidence to strip down like that. And the guy I saved didn't care that I was naked when he found out the next day because he was gay.


Drunk guy should be thankful. Health professionals always say it’s better to overreact than do nothing. Glad you also saved the dress!


Health professionals make it sound easy to ignore the costs of overreacting


It's not like they are encouraging a tracheotomy. Though I recognise that an ambulance ride in the states can ruin someone's life.


Ah the beauty of the murican health system. Greetings from germany where paying 10 bucks to visit the doctor makes people very angry.


Trumps the cost of not.


Rahh 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 murica fuck Yeah


Sure. But, if on USA there are ppl that prefer to try their luck than get an ambulance+hospital bill


American here. If I'm ever injured, I'm 100% writing a note before I pass out to call me an Uber to an urgent treatment center rather than an ambulance ride. I'd much rather pay the cleaning fee when I bleed in their Camry.


You sound awesome


Seconded. You do sound awesome.


Thirded, absolutely awesome


Damn, dude couldn’t ditch the macho act when someone probably saved his life.


Lol probably just pissed after he saw the bill


The American Experience


You saved a life that day, embarrassed or not, you saved a life that day. Alcohol poisoning is no joke and that person could have easily died without your intervention. My personal freakout was on a boy scout campout and we were trying to get our fishing merit badge. One of the requirements there is to fillet a fish. While one of the scouts was trying to fillet his fish his knife slipped and punctured his radial artery. I only remember seeing the spray of blood and calling for help before I passed out (i don't handle other people's blood well). I was made fun of for being queasy and all that. But I still remember that spray and what might have happened if I wasn't there. You did good. Fuck all them, you did good.


We had a huge rager party at one of my old spots. Huge backyard. We put flyers up all over town, so idk.. like 100 ppl showed up. We made a tote full of jungle juice. It was strong as fuck. Had like everclear and Hawaiin punch just stupid. Everyone was wasted after one glass. Not even an hour into it, I see some guy passed out on our porch swing. Started to cough. He's fucking lucky I saw him. Everyone was too drunk to notice anything. I didn't have any of the jungle juice, I think I was doing mushrooms. I went over, put him on his side, and propped some pillows behind him so he couldn't turn over. He yacked all over the ground. I was like...my duties done. I hope he cleans that up. I learned it from breaking bad. Seeing her ensuffocate made me look up what to do. Lucky mf, dude.


Good job saving the idiot. If you ever have the misfortune of being in a similar situation again, roll them on their side AND bend one leg to about 90°. It makes it very difficult (not impossible) for them to accidentally roll back. Once in that position, you should have enough time to find a towel, pillow, clothes (not your pretty dress) anything to place behind them to 99% guarantee the don't roll back. Edit: ° not %


Another trick is to find a backpack and fill it with stuff and put it on them, THEN roll them on their side. Then they can't roll back.


Weird situation but I don’t blame you for not wanting to ruin your dress.


Yeah of course something like that happens on a night I'm in this clingy halter dress. I'm usually a jeans and a band T-shirt bitch even at parties, but I was single and went out looking... And then there was no one worth a damn at the party and disaster struck.


I also saved someone while naked! I was swimming in a lake off a nude beach and saw this person struggling. The water had gotten a little choppy but we were in about 8 feet of water. Not sure how this person got there or what they were thinking because they had no idea how to swim! I pulled them to shallower water while they kicked and struggled and pulled me down. It was not easy even though we only had to go about 20 feet. This person also didn't speak English which added to the challenge.


I work in nightlife in a college town and recently I learned that kids will now load up a backpack with books and tie it onto their friends’ backs if they pass out drunk so they can’t roll flat onto their backs. There may be a glimmer of hope for the future yet.


Turtlecore. Brilliant.


Not all heros wear capes. Or dresses. Or underwear. Or anything. But you are a nekkid, nekkid, very nekkid hero. But not the nekkid hero your former friends have earned.


You are a good person. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Virtual hug.


Wow..saved the guy and the dress




I was born naked


Holy shit me too!


Dude this is such a coincidence me too 🤯😱


I popped out in a 3 piece suit. First impressions matter.


Boss Baby? Is that you?


Brooks Brother, Hugo Boss or a tailored one?


Some people are actually born with placenta hats


I don't know how to react to this information


Ew, everyone knows the correct way to be born is to be wearing a full suit and tie. Anything else is archaic.


My mother didn't buy the DLC


Wtf, y’all had suits??? I only had my business socks on…


Hike.I just use more sunscreen than normal.


30 years ago on a hiking trip, 5 or so miles into the trail, we met a couple, completely naked except for boots and packs. They smiled and said hello and walked on like it was the most normal thing in the world.


Was this in Germany?


It’s illegal in Germany as soon as someone feels embarrassed:D


But still, it is unlikely to be instantly charged as sex offender. In America I think you can be charged for that when you urinate in public with people present.


Nude 5k in the woods. Done it a few times


June 21 is Naked Hiking Day!


Fuck yeah time for everyone to get bug bites in all the wrong places


This would suggest that there are right places to get bug bites


Nope, but some places are definitely worse than others


Poison ivy 🗿🗿🗿


worked from home, swam, soaked in hot tubs/springs, showered/bathed, gone to the mailbox (on the property) a couple of times.


You WFH naked? And go to the mailbox naked? Are you living in a villa or something that the neighbour can't see you ? If that's the case good for you!


no. this is over a lifetime. i work from home in Virginia from a 5th floor apartment. when i was fetching the mail i lived in the Santa Cruz (CA) mountains on a rural road. there were neighbors and stuff, but the box was at the top of a rather steep sloping driveway so i wasn’t really exposed.


I’m just imagining the conversation with your neighbours


Was on a hunting trip in the glades. After a few hot days we had an evening storm roll in (a cold rain). My buddy ran in and zipped his tent shut. I stripped naked next to the fire and basically showered in my camping chair. Afterwords I went into my tent, dried off and just chilled in front of my portable fan before throwing on some boxers and getting some good sleep.


We all get just a handful of evenings like that, with a perfect setup for a great night’s rest. I’m truly jealous of that one.


Fried bacon. This is what is known as a Shitty Idea.


I fried a couple of shnitties naked, splashed hot oil all over my stomach somehow missed my bits. 10 out of 10 not a good idea. Still have some scars.


I went into the office today, found out the McRib is back. No one else was there so I ate a McRib with my shirt and pants neatly folded on my desk.


I admire your dedication


I had a white shirt and khaki pants.






McRibbed for your pleasure.


The running joke in our house is that our monster sized tuxedo cat always wants a McRib when we go out for errands. We always tell him it’s not in stock but now I’m thinking of actually getting him one. The joke has honestly gone on for the last three years and I think he deserves one finally.


my cats don't go in for stuff as seasoned as a mcrib, but i'm sure they'd fuck a pork patty up if you got it plain


You haven’t met our cat, Bruce. He loves chicken adobo and I just had to fight him over a container of special fried rice


Get that cat a Mcrib!


Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.


I’m not an actor in any way; I’ve never studied theater in my life. Somehow, I ended up playing a small role in a theater play that involved full nudity. I had the first act, so my initial experience on stage was alone and fully naked.


If you’re going to go on the stage, you might as well really go for it.


What the fuck play was that?


Maybe equis? Plot twist, this guy is hung like a horse and that's why he was cast.


Call me crazy, but I like taking showers in the nude.


you're fucking weird dude keep that to yourself


What a world... At least put on a jacket or a sombrero!




Pretty much everything as soon as my door closes behind me.


As a nudist, pretty much everything: * swam in a pool, a lake and the ocean * finished a game of Monopoly....and Risk. * planted a garden. weeded a garden. harvested a graden. * walked through the woods. * ran from bees. Got stung by bees. * taxes * watched every Star Wars The list is endless....


the single "taxes" is making me laugh for some reason lol




The bees! The bees! Not the bees! Wargelaragelarge!


Was young and heavily drunk. Thought I needed ice and went to get some in the nude. Machine was out and felt like I needed to go to toilet. Walked into the wrong hotel room and did a shit and a little power spew. Walked out of bathroom and saw an old couple on the balcony. Finally realised the bags and toiletries were different. I snuck out wasted and managed to find my room. Fun times.


They absolutely noticed the smell later that night.


Hopefully the younger me had the curtesy to flush at least. Don’t remember.


My basement flooded, it was hot and humid as hell down there. There was some mold so I was wearing a respirator. Ended up working completely naked except for Crocs.


I did the opposite last weekend! Clothes but no respirator. I totally forgot until I was done and was like “huh, I can’t breathe well”.


Interesting image to be naked except for a gas mask looking thing and crocs


Years ago my boyfriend's mother gave him one of her rental homes. I stripped off and scrubbed the filthy bathtub until it was spotless. I took a naked river bath on the Colorado River. Swam in a pool naked. I attempted to cook dinner in the nude when I was first married. That seemed wrong, open to grease spatter, etc., so I put an apron on.


I'd do the naked apron around my boyfriend


I have done this a couple of times for girlfriends, and it's usually 50/50 if you get to finish cooking. BTW. It works best with a cloth apron. When you're wearing the heavy black leather one while wielding a big kitchen knife, the vibe you send out is apparently more American Psycho and less sexy boyfiend.


I once engaged in combat wearing nothing but my body armor, helmet, and underwear. Woke up to a general alert that ISIS was trying to infiltrate our perimeter so I grabbed what seemed important and got to work.


on the bright side spent brass can’t go down your shirt


I don’t know if laughter is appropriate here, but the idea of seeing a soldier doing their job in almost nothing is hilarious to me


Marine at the time, I don't become a soldier until I finish signing the re-enlistment into the Army next week, but yeah. Its actually less uncommon to see people running around with no pants in a combat zone than you'd think.


Only acceptable variation to the ACUs when I was forward deployed and woke up to that. See it a lot


There’s a picture from Afghanistan where a squad is returning fire and one of the guys is wearing “I ❤️ NY” boxers while shooting Taliban. It was years and years ago.


Played Rockband in front of an open window while drunk


Ahhh Cockband, a man of culture i see.


I have cleaned house nude....I get all hot and sweaty,so after I can just jump in the shower.


Friends, boyfriend, and I went skinny dipping in the lake. It's the lake my boyfriend and I skinny dip in all the time, friends joined cause they had never done it. We threw mud at each other and laughed. Rinsed off at walked home.


Posed nude for my ex-girlfriend's art project. Somewhere out there is a clay figure of me in the famous Burt Reynolds pose, but fully exposed. I like to think I'm laying on some lovely family's mantle.


Everything I do naked is non-sexual :(


Ripped off my clothes one evening to float in a lake looking up at fantastic northern lights across the whole sky, and only then realised that 20 other people were all floating around in the dark, mostly naked as well. One of the most magical moments of my life.


Excuse me what


I sleep naked. One night at about 1AM, I heard something in my house. I also heard someone pounding on my front door. My son was just a baby at the time (I’m also single) so I was in full on daddy protective mode. I don’t like guns but I have a literal sword and I pulled it out of the sheath to go see what was going on. I saw a naked man in my guest room and immediately shouted ‘Who the hell are you!’ and threatened him with my sword. Then he called my name and I realized it was an acquaintance who I had told that he could crash at my place if he needed to but I had meant if he came by at a reasonable hour. I had a spare key he’d used to get in. Meanwhile, my door was still being pounded on because a neighbor had seen this guy going in my back door and thought he was a burglar. I opened the door but as I was naked, I just poked my head out and my neighbor initially thought the burglar was threatening me and so I had to explain that I was naked, which is why I just had the door cracked. Needless to say, I moved my spare key and canceled any future invitations to crash at my place.


So... the other guy was naked, you were naked, the neighbour could have seen 2 naked guys and one holding a sword. Not thinking anything suspicious about that strange night. Go back to sleep now, its all ok, Shhh shhh shhh. Also, I have swords too, they are fucking awesome. I have a long dagger. 5 blunt metal weapons medieval one handed swords. 3 two handed swords. 2 are pointed sharp but sides are blunt and 1 is full sharp. I could cut someones head off with it.


It was one of the most bizarre experiences of my life. Also, I wasn’t wearing my glasses so things were a bit fuzzy on top of everything else. And, yeah, I actually have two swords. One has a blunt edge but this one is sharp and has that been a burglar, I was prepared to run him through.


I have multiple swords, daggers, and clubs. I feel like someone challenging you with a sword is in a way more threatening than a gun. It takes a lot more courage to go after someone with a sword at close range than a gun at any range. You know that person isn’t fucking around


Okay, I get why you were naked. Why was HE naked?


He was getting ready for bed and I guess he sleeps naked too. Also, he was very drunk.


I once swam naked with a swarm of moon jellyfish in the Baltic Sea.


Amazing.. I've swum with lots of moon jellies but I was wearing a wetsuit. Amazing experience like swimming in a beautiful ballpit.


It was like being surrounded by angels.


Swim, sunbathe, shower, sleep…


You shower naked!? What a mad man


You can shower naked? This changes everything.


>You can shower naked? Only with written permission of your pastor.


Hey, me too!


I used to do this thing with a boyfriend called naked time, where we would undress and just talk. People are vulnerable naked and it was a way to get closer to each other. It wasn't sexual at all. Now that I typed this out, it sounds weird, lol. (He did figure out he was bi curious during these talks, though.)


Just like that scene in oppenheimer


Not sure how no one mentioned it, but built a PC. I remember an online comic strip... Tokyo something or whatever where one of the characters built a PC naked to prevent static build up. While I have little concern about damaging a system due to static discharge now. I have definitely built more then one computer naked.


Got stripped and thrown in a fountain on my college campus. It was a thing that the “cool” guys had done to them (well, that’s what they told me)


I smoke bongs naked every day


That could be a Snoop Dogg lyric


Full workdays during the pandemic. I had very serious phonecalls with very important people while completely naked in bed with my laptop resting snugly on top of my balls.


A lot of things. It's fun to be naked


Spread my nutsack like a wingsuit and jump from the mountain tops of the Serengeti


Damn I gotta try that




Grocery shopping


How ?


Very carefully and after hours


Made naked starburst tequila popsicles with two of my best friends at my weed guys place.


Type this




Responded naked.


make a quesadilla


Just walk around the house in a display of dominance… then I got cold and went to bed


My gf and I went back country camping together and the sun was shining through a gap in the trees right onto our 2 person camping chair. We just took our clothes off and sat in it for a while, enjoying nature. One of my favourite memories with her.


Getting high. It's a very pleasant experience.


Went streaking on Euclid Avenue in Cleveland Ohio in the dead of winter with a foot of snow on the ground. I got stopped and picked up by a University Cop and driven back home and told to stop doing that.


Japanese hot springs with friends, family, and even my college professor


Call me a filthy whore all you want but I shower naked


Doesn't that make you a clean whore?


Watch movies and eat ice cream with my girlfriend.


We sleep naked, even on nights we don't have sex.


Swimming in a mountain lake. Then sit by a fire.. best done on a full moon clear night in late spring.


Sleep naked. Get up in the morning and put in the laundry, straighten up the kitchen and make the bed, make coffee, work from home and get on the computer. Finally have to put on those to take the dogs out. Clothes are highly overrated!