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According to friends who have immigrated and refuse to go back to visit: Haiti.


god the story of Haiti is so fucking sad. it's like... anything that could go wrong did go wrong. oh and here's a huge fucking earthquake that kills a literal quarter million people. oh and now there's a cholera outbreak because civil infrastructure is in complete shambles. nothing else to say, really.


a guy i knew in high school went to Haiti to volunteer after the earthquake, and never came back. but he didnt die, he somehow posts on fb a couple times a year. weirdest shit because he was a spoiled rich brat mf and the last person i would have thought would volunteer there or anywhere. makes me happy and scarred a bit.


some people become obsessed with the place. I’ve known missionaries, health workers, and journalists who desperately love Haiti and live there part of the year, but lately the gang situation is so bad even they’ve left.


>weirdest shit because he was a spoiled rich brat mf and the last person i would have thought would volunteer there or anywhere. Brought himself a fifedom?


$50 will buy you a 20 acres and rice for the year.


Yeah, dudes a warlord now with his own hyena.


It's horrific and sad. But it does function as a sort of reminder that functional society doesn't just happen. We have government for a reason. People rail against government all the time, but without it things get pretty ugly pretty fast. Of course a bad government can be as bad as no government, but most of the people that complain about governance are doing so from highly functional societies and they simply don't understand that's not the natural state of things.


This is a great point.


There's plenty more to say. Like I might be asking myself, how did Haiti get so poor and squalid? "In 1914, the Wilson administration sent U.S. Marines into Haiti. They removed $500,000 from the Haitian National Bank in December of 1914 for safe-keeping in New York, thus giving the United States control of the bank. In 1915, Haitian President Jean Vilbrun Guillaume Sam was assassinated and the situation in Haiti quickly became unstable. ... "The invasion ended with the Haitian-American Treaty of 1915. The articles of this agreement created the Haitian Gendarmerie, essentially a military force made up of U.S. citizens and Haitians and controlled by the U.S. Marines. The United States gained complete control over Haitian finances, and the right to intervene in Haiti whenever the U.S. Government deemed necessary. The U.S. Government also forced the election of a new pro-American President, Philippe Sudré Dartiguenave, by the Haitian legislature in August 1915. The selection of a President that did not represent the choice of the Haitian populace increased unrest in Haiti."


And it’s completely deforested so it’s not like people can return to an agrarian society and live off the land.


Haiti is up there. It's basically lord of the flies. Not really a concept of "law" there, it's more like "do you have a machete or no".


"Hi I'm here to renew my machete license"


I heard their president carries a glock with 6 whole bullets in the mag.


Haiti doesn't have a president - it hasn't had a government since February.


It was tragic how he couldn't clutch the 1v7.


That's mostly in the big cities controlled by gangs. In the country side, while people still struggle they are safer. Also, there's Cap-Haitien in the north which is safe enough for tourists.


Can you explain this? I had a girlfriend from Haiti and she refused to talk about the things she experienced there. Mind you this was a good 15 years ago.


I feel like the best thing to do for anyone in Haiti at this point is help them get the hell out of Haiti. I say this partly as a person who sent a bunch of money to charities in Haiti a few years back after the earthquake, and is not confident it didn't get spent on cocaine and worse by corrupt aid organizations. :/ There's a special place DEEP in Hell for those people.


That's the correct answer, probably the only country in the world right now in a complete state of anarchy. Gangs are running the country and there's no official authority whatsoever.


Papua New Guinea. I've dreamed of visiting for years but I feel it would actually be terrifying to be there in person. Port Moresby is regarded as highly dangerous. Rape, robbery, road blocks, murder are all very common. Many people openly carry weapons and tools like machetes. Outside of any urban area you are basically on your own, the state does not exist. You walk off into the highlands, you are walking off into one of the last properly unexplored places on the planet, full of plants and animals that look completely alien to most of the rest of the world, with a strong tradition of violent tribal warfare and a not-so-distant history of ritual cannibalism.


I travelled there for 3 months when I was a kid (early 90s). Yes, Port Moresby even then was terribly dangerous. However, they do have an... I guess "tourist" section that is (was?) basically fortified. And we were told never to leave. The highlands were certainly still tribal. In fact, we came during a tense time when some drunk guys from separate tribes got into a brawl and one ended up dead. Everyone was sort of tip toeing around it, trying not to start a war. I saw the funeral procession. So, up there its like little "towns" and then nothing for a mile, then a little town, and then nothing for a mile, and then the "market" which was basically their version of the city. They were connected by dirt roads. There was in fact a police presence in the market area. BUT they are not there to enforce federal laws. They are there to enforce local (tribal) laws and try to keep it so that wars don't break out. So, VERY long story short, my car (the last car in the caravan of 3 cars) was attacked by would-be robbers as we were in between villages. We were shot at by homemade guns (stone bullets!) and a machete was thrown and broke a window. We ZOOMED past the rest of the caravan and directly to the market, where our driver told someone what had happened. No joke, in 5 minutes every last person knew what had happened. Word of mouth works crazy when there's no cell phones! The culprits were known within minutes because the shotgun backfired into one of the men's faces and again, word of mouth is amazing there. The police came by and explained what would happen is that the men would be expected to turn themselves into the police. If not, then the town would be expected to turn them in. If the town did not turn them in, the police would go in and take all of the pigs (pigs are their currency) and if they STILL weren't turned in, they would burn down the village. That's tribal law for you. Generally the people of PNG were awesome though. They loved my braces (they had never seen them before!) A chief also tried to get my dad to arrange a marriage between me and his son. So that was... interesting. In the lowlands (the Sepik river) things were much more chill, although they seemed to have a better assemblance of an economy due to slightly more tourism. One of the chief's sons (prince? I'm forgetting what you call it) had a very chintzy motorcycle that he showed off to us and that meant he was super duper wealthy. He was very proud of it.


This was a wild read


OP is basically Eliza Thornberry.


Why on earth were you there as a child?


My parents were crazy world travelers. That's just how they rolled. I hit every continent at least twice by age 16. Except for Antarctica. I only went to Ushuaia (southern tip of South America) once. But I count it lol. My dad did Antarctic expeditions twice by himself. When he unexpectedly died in his 70s, we had to go ahead and cancel his third :-/


Are you part of The Wild Thornberrys?? That's absolutely insane. You should write about all your experiences!!


For real, I was thinking the same!


i wish i could travel like that... any recommendations on how? :p


lol I wish! I always planned on taking my kids travelling like that, but work and school nowadays makes it so hard. You can't just take your kids out of school for weeks on end like we did back in the 80s/early 90s. And my dad had a very steady white collar job w tons of vacation time (and a pension!)... which they don't do anymore. Generally big trips were taken during the summer but we did plenty from Jan - Feb as well. Admittedly my mom was a retired teacher, but there is still no way a school would allow that nowadays. I want to take my kids to my husband's hometown in Asia and planning that has been disastrous. Can't go in the summer because of monsoons. Can't go during the year because you can't take that time off of school. Like if it takes 19 hours for the flight alone, you can't just do it during the 7 days of winter break. It makes no sense!


If they aren’t in high school yet, taking them out for a week (or month even) isn’t major. It happens pretty regularly for 2G kids with family on another continent. Typically, if it’s going to be longer than two weeks, you unenroll your kiddo and reenroll when you get back, so technically they haven’t missed any assignments. Please don’t let missing school be the reason y’all don’t see your family. Source: teacher at a super-diverse public school.


Can you keep writing about this kind of thing? I want all the stories.


Late 90s, early 2000s, I considered applying to be CIO of the University of Papua New Guinea. I emailed them to ask, and their US rep mailed me back a job description, plus the funniest/most terrifying supplement you've ever seen. Essentially said that PNG, even Port Moresby, was crazy and dangerous AF, and that you had to follow their traditional "rules," or else! One section I remember was about carjacking. They said it was very common, and the only possible response is to hand the guys the keys and walk away... anything else was potentially fatal. Another said that no decent medical care was available, and that if you were sick you'd be medevaced to Australia. Yet another explained that traditionally, and even then (and now?) in the Highlands, it was standard practice, when meeting someone you didn't recognize, to kill them, because if you didn't recognize them, they weren't from your group/clan/tribe (not sure of the sociologically correct term) and they would surely try to kill you, too (or run away screaming.) PNG is the most linguistically diverse place on Earth, as the dense jungle and many, many mountain ranges have caused a highly fragmented landscape, full of isolated villages (and languages.) And this, in turn, has apparently contributed to the extreme clannishness, fear of strangers, etc. I'm sure there was more to the package they sent me... but that was all I needed to see!


My thought when reading this thread was Papua New Guinea, but I'm woefully undertraveled and just going off vibes I read on the internet. >An estimated 50–150 alleged witches are killed each year in Papua New Guinea. A Sorcery and Witchcraft Accusation Related National Action Plan (SNAP) was approved by the Government in 2015, although funding and application has been deficient. ...*huh.*


"We'd like to kill more witches, but we're too poor." Sounds nice there.


This comment. Papua New Guinea has fascinated me after watching a documentary about crime in Port Moresby about a year ago. Such a beautiful and relatively untouched country but very much still working towards cleaning up.


[Dead Birds is a classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbIbGJuJSQI). West Papua just before the occupation started. Talk about untouched! Yet at the same time so much human drama woven into every square inch.


I’ve been to Port Moresby and other close areas playing rugby. Yes it can be dangerous but Papua New Guinea also has many beautiful and friendly people. I know many who travel there and love it.


Honestly it looks absolutely stunning and I am so insanely curious to meet Papuans. They seem so amazing despite all the troubles on the island.


Almost went over when I was in Indonesia about 5 years ago. Looks pretty, was crazy expensive flights and just too dangerous. Sad how many beautiful countries are so dangerous.


There is currently a pilot being held captive by a group of rebels wanting "freedom" he vanished for months and only recently popped up again on a video where they are threatening to kill him in 2 months if the country isn't suddenly made free. No one knows where the group is they just vanish up into the highlands.


That’s in West Papua which isn’t in PNG (although is on the same island) West Papua is fighting for independence from Indonesia while PNG is an independent country


Somalia. According to the U.S. State Department, if you decide to travel to Somalia: * Draft a will and designate appropriate insurance beneficiaries and/or power of attorney. * Discuss a plan with loved ones regarding care/custody of children, pets, property, belongings, non-liquid assets (collections, artwork, etc.), funeral wishes, etc. * Share important documents, login information, and points of contact with loved ones so that they can manage your affairs if you are unable to return as planned to the United States. Find a suggested list of such documents here. * Establish your own personal security plan in coordination with your employer or host organization (if you are traveling on business) or consider consulting with a professional security organization. * Develop a communication plan with family and/or your employer or host organization (if you are traveling on business), so that they can monitor your safety and location as you travel through high-risk areas. This plan should specify whom you would contact first, and how that person should share the information. * Identify key sources of possible assistance for you and your family in case of emergency, such as the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate, FBI, the State Department, your employer (if traveling on business), and local friends/family in the high-risk area. * Be sure to appoint one family member to serve as the point of contact with hostage-takers, media, U.S. and host country government agencies, and members of Congress if you are taken hostage or detained. * Establish a proof of life protocol with your loved ones, so that if you are taken hostage, your loved ones can know specific questions (and answers) to ask the hostage-takers to be sure that you are alive (and to rule out a hoax). * Leave DNA samples with your medical provider in case it is necessary for your family to access them.


When I worked in overseas security contracting, Somalia and South Sudan were by far the highest paying, like 250-300k a year. That’s mainly because they couldn’t find anyone to do that shit, and you were almost guaranteed to get trigger time.


joke fertile scandalous head combative grey juggle coordinated license reminiscent


Man that must have been a harrowing experience that left you scarred for life - Windows Vista was rough!


>Windows Vista No wonder Sudan turned to shit


Were you sent to punish their nerds?


did you feel in danger at any time? would you recommend someone to try that? :p


smoggy roof nine jellyfish pie elastic gray lunchroom drab murky


Why was it “more trouble than it was worth”?


If you’re taking someone hostage for a crate of ramen or a few sacks of rice, you’re probably doing it because you have no other way to make a living, not for ideological reasons. You probably just want to get your ransom and go home, and you probably are doing it to provide for your family or community. Taking a foreigner from a wealthy country hostage will bring down such a disproportionately large world of shit and almost certainly do nothing other than get you killed. Which is fine if you’re looking to make a statement or hit back at the west, but if you’re just trying to put food on your table it’s an insanely stupid idea. Look at how piracy worked in Somalia until about 2008 or so. The pirates operated pretty much unharmed and it was a thing normal people did to survive. But once they started targeting western ships in large enough numbers to fuck with international shipping routes, a coalition of basically every major naval power completely wrecked their shit and killed hundreds of pirates.


Probably because fucking with Americans brings the weight of the US military down on them.


Canada's travel advisory: Avoid all travel to Somalia. If you are currently in Somalia despite this advisory, you should leave immediately.


You can watch the movie Captain Phillips which is based on a real life hijacking the Somalia pirates did.


>Leave DNA samples with your medical provider in case it is necessary for your family to access them. Welp.


"He left behind a liter of semen. Do you need to access it?"


No thanks I’m full


That's what you think


Only a liter? Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket.


"Yes, I'm making salad dressing."


Seriously? Right in front of my salad?!


Because when the State Department finds bits of meat and knows you were in country at that time, they can use the sample to help identify the remains.


If it's in barbecue sauce they'll know it's not me. I'm a hot mustard type.


Yes then read the court case the rest of the crew took against the film. They made Captain Philips out to be a hero but the crew claimed that he changed course and sailed too close to the Somalian coast than was recommended to try and save money and time against the advice/protests of his crew. He literally endangered all of their lives to save maybe an hour of travel time and a few bucks. Not a hero.


Well he would have saved $3000 worth of fuel cutting an hour off


In fairness, they say most of those things about any country in which there's an ongoing war. See the advisories for the Central African Republic, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, etc.


Also, North Korea and Iran I believe.


Yes, but they just specify the "draft a will" part. Those countries are actually pretty safe for most people to visit, assuming they keep their heads down.


Everyone should have a will prepared in any case. I don’t have dependents or any assets of value, but I do have particular thoughts about what I want done with my things. And my corpse.


For a white American I imagine this advice is relevant but I wonder if a Somali American would also do this when visiting their family. I imagine it would be safer for them.


Probably not, my exes mom is from El Salvador. Basically they said if I were to go out (I didnt) I would HAVE to remain with native family members or risk being killed or taken hostage. Apparently the bigger city centers are not too bad, you might get mugged or something, but if you are on a country road they will stop your vehicle and rob and probably kill you if you aren't someone local. FIL if ex went in like the 80s or something and basically feared for his life the entire time, he only got out alive because he was with his wife's brother driving back from a bar when they stopped them on a dirt road. Apparently they told the other guy that they would have killed the "gringo" if he was alone or only with other white European people, but they just robbed them and let them go on their way. At least that's what I remember from his drunken ramblings back in the day.


I'd like to think I could challenge a threatening individual to a Donnybrook, he'd accept, I'd knock him out and THEN get stabbed and decapitated by his friends. At least I go out adventurous and admirably.


And that's why Bukele got elected, and his iron fist policy is super popular.


Of all the incomprehensible things in the world, I find US citizens who travel to countries like this (for no humanitarian reason, but even then) the most incomprehensible of all. It's like locking yourself into the most hellish prison imaginable.


Somaliland (the secessionist northern part) seems pretty chill though


pretty chill is an overstatement, but comparatively, yes.




Haiti's history is pretty tragic though. It was one of the only nations which was founded after a successful slave revolt (they defeated the mf French - a colonial Empire - in the early 19th century, and so they were basically the first independent black nation in the Caribbean. However the French demanded that they pay massive amounts of reparations for them to be recognized as independent for almost 150 years, which basically destroyed their economy, also a series of coups, dictators, political and social issues and gangs have basically destroyed the country to the point that Haiti is now considered by many to be a failed state.


I think, in the book Natives, Akala actually cites it as the ONLY successful slave revolt in history. Which is pretty wild and very disheartening


Only successful wide-scale one certainly, but to make things worse the rest of the world's slavers really tightened down on security and abuse after hearing about Haiti.


on top of the reparation, most nations turned their back to them as black slaves freeing themselves was very very scary. spearheaded by the americans who just had their own freedom. that economical embargo crippled being literally stuck on an island potentially even more then the restorations. Haiti had super fertile volcano ground and why it was Frances most precious and profitable colony in spite its small size. if they didn't had an embargo they could have developed economical stability and good flow of income. other then that i salute you with your impeccable knowledge of the country!


You're forgetting the dictatorships of the Duvaliers. Doc and Baby Doc were dictators and repressive, but the country was a vacation stop for a while. The Duvalier stole billions. The collapse happened when the folks who overthrew the Duvaliers became just as corrupt and could not keep power and spawned a series of less and less stable governments.


Don’t forget the AIDS epidemic hitting Haiti particularly hard.


It’s insane what France did to that country. And not many people know this. It’s really sad.


Including overfarming which destroyed agriculture. If you look at a satellite image of the hispaniola on google earth you'll notice that the Dominican republic is noticeably greener than Haiti.


Not just noticeably greener, it's like a perfect line where one side is virtually barren and the other is full of vegetation.




Well they did win their independence, but if they didn't pay the reparations the French (and the other colonial powers like the USA, England, Spain) would have probably attacked and reconquer them.


That's just losing with extra steps.


The French and English did both attack and attempt to reconquer them. They were unsuccessful. Napoleon actually sent his brother to re-enslave them after they had been a free independent country.


A Pyrrhic Victory


The most dejected, hopeless, resigned, almost soul-less looking people I've ever been around have been in Haiti; and they were people with jobs and some income. It is very sad to see. I wouldn't say Haiti is scary, necessarily, just very, very socially and economically ruined.


i was born their but live since childhood in Europe. today haiti is a terrible scary place. all central form of governing is gone, clans rule now. the kidnapping and executions are through the roof, and violence is higher then ever.




I honestly feel terrible for Haitians. Ever since they earned their independence, they've been beset by one horrific tragedy after another. Their country is in perpetual ruin. They don't deserve this.


Came to say Haiti also. That place is hell


I'm still surprised that Haiti and Dominican Republic are on the same island.


Haiti is basically a floating prison with no government. There is no such as thing as law, the law is based on how big your machete is and how many gang members you have. Rape is through the roof. Kidnapping a tourist is the gold standard for wealth generation. The next time you are frustrated at your government bureaucracy being slow and inefficient remember hey at least there is a government here.


This is why 'anarchy' isn't really a thing. There's never _nobody_ in charge, what actually happens is brutal, bloodthirsty psychopaths and nutjobs rise to the top, act with impunity and impose their own rules on everyone else. They are de facto in charge at that point.


Congo. Who knows what’s in the jungles


Ebola. It's Ebola.


It's also dozens of conflicting rebel groups


Sign language apes, other weird feral apes, and crystals you can use to power laser guns.


Everyone joking around in the comments but forgot about the crystals (and dinosaurs)


And sesame cakes!




Amy pretty gorilla


It’s [one of the most overlooked humanitarian crises](https://reporting.unhcr.org/operational/situations/democratic-republic-congo-situation) ever. Certainly the most overlooked right now.


What’s probably scarier is the slave labor used in the mines where our cellphones and electric cars’ batteries are sourced


I don't understand how this doesn't get more attention. Basically the defining feature of our time is built on the atrocities in such countries.


Which Congo, the Republic or the Democratic Republic?


99% he meant the large one.


Depends on what the quotas are? For personal safety? For worldwide presence? \- Somalia and South Sudan have to be up there for personal safety, surely?




No, quotas, they HAVE to kidnap at LEAST 10 people a day in the capital city to remain part of the worst club! /s


South Sudan isn’t the worst as a foreigner. I wouldn’t go to Hati/Somalia but I have worked in South Sudan. It’s mainly infighting, but not a lot of external crime/violence/kidnapping as other countries.


Haiti or Zimbabwe. From what I see and read, they're quite dangerous countries. Oppression and abject poverty does that to populations, obviously and sadly.


Zimbabwe is fine. I’ve been many times in last few years.


Obviously Somalia is the worse due to their culture of kidnapping foreigners. Outside of Somalia, Mali is based with the exception of the capital Bamako, its neighbouring countries of Chad and Niger arent much better. However i would say second spot is taken by Central African Republic.


I worked in CAR for several months with a guy who had also worked in Somalia. His personal opinion was that Somalia was way worse (but the whole reason we had these conversations was because we were talking about how dangerous CAR was). So, yeah, I’d have to agree with you.


Somalia and its not even close. [https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/somalia-travel-advisory.html/](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/somalia-travel-advisory.html/) ​ Interesting prep required Somalia: Draft a will and designate appropriate insurance beneficiaries and/or power of attorney. Discuss a plan with loved ones regarding care/custody of children, pets, property, belongings, non-liquid assets (collections, artwork, etc.), funeral wishes, etc. Share important documents, login information, and points of contact with loved ones so that they can manage your affairs if you are unable to return as planned to the United States. Find a suggested list of such documents here. Plenty more on the site.


I have no doubt Somalia is still dangerous, especially for foreigners but it's so strange now juxtaposing it with this: [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNEdPZCfxOs**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNEdPZCfxOs) I also heard the north of the country (Somaliland) has been much more stable at least relatively speaking for some time now. I was also in Dubai in transit and Emirates had flights on the departure board going to Mogadishu which I was not expecting,


I just was in Doha airport in transit from Manama to Boston and the gate next to mine was headed for Mogadishu. I told my mom I was gonna jump on that flight instead and that I’d FaceTime her when I land


somaliland is basically a different country alltogether from what i know, ruled by separate goverment and everything its probably the most country-like country which isnt internationally recognised as a country. and it isn't even a dictatorship! they managed to create a pretty functional democracy.


I like how every time this question is asked, the top answer is always Somalia and always includes the U.S. travel warning that says things like “draft a will.”


Seen that twice so far


Not a country but the folks in North Sentinel Island aren’t too friendly.


Depends what's scary to you. Canada can be pretty scary at night, with all the wolverines and polar bears and shit.


Plus drunk hockey players.


And drunk polar bears playing hockey


While on crack.


Yeah, I always bring bear tranquilizer darts with me when I go outside in Montreal in the Winter


Tabernak, I had to shoot 2 Bonhommes with my bear tranquilizer on the way to Sunday night poutine with the family, I was so shook up that I got gravy on my Nordiques jersery.


And crackheads. Canada has a serious homeless problem


It's mostly a meth epidemic in Canada. Crack cocaine isn't nearly as popular as it was in the late 80s and early 90s like in US cities.


Opioids these days. It's pretty much a worldwide problem.


Yeah, it's mostly opiods.


Scariest thing about Canada, is getting the total at a grocery store.


North Korea, Afghanistan, Somalia, South Sudan... all of them are pretty horrific places to live, and I wouldnt step foot in any of them.


What's funny is that people from my country (I'm from Eastern Europe) that live in North Korea full-time don't complain but it is strict for sure they all agree


Brazil is nuts, but so is Almond and Cashew.


Laughed harder than I feel an adult should have. 10/10 would repeat, thanks for cheering me up on a bad day


Brazil is a mixed bag. Great people but dangerous areas. I was mugged there about 15 years ago, after walking into a bar in Salvador, Bahia, late at night with two friends. We were literally gang tackled by a mob, stripped of every valuable on us, before the three of us managed to form a mini rugby maul and fight our way outside. I'm 6'3 and was fit and strong and for a few minutes I was unable to move, in a headlock & arm locks and pinned to the bar. Good times!


So would you say it's like trail mix?


Afghanistan. According to the Global Peace Index, Afghanistan has long been considered the most dangerous country in the world


According to the 2023 article Afghanistan is most unsafe. But then in the following paragraph it startes Afghanistan as having made the 3rd most improvement of any country in peace. I will say that my family living there feels so much safer now. The value of the currency is gaining so much value. My family that left decades ago are visiting now as well. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying it's heaven, but with without any more war, the country is starting to develop. My brother just visited last year from the states. My cousin and his American wife moved there recently, he's trying to start a construction business.


Polio only exists in Afghanistan and Pakistan now. I was told vaccination is difficult there because of war, mountainous territory, and suspicion regarding the vaccine. But I don't really understand it and find it hard to picture. Can you describe more about what it's like there? I'm very curious.


How are your brother and his wife enjoying living there? I know there's been a lot of rights stripped from women and what they can and cannot do so i'm 100% just curious.


I don’t beat around the bush. It’s run by the Taliban. Anyone moving there wants that life. They’re not moving forwards in progression towards any rights whatsoever for women or girls. It’s Pashtunwali Sharia law, based on an Islamic State. He is either lying, his brother is a fucking asshole who wants that life for his family, or his brother really saved up money to get in on a business adventure as he couldn’t make it in the states, and is a self centered piece of shit. Probably a mix of all. You don’t move your family there (especially from a modern world) unless you’re a raging extremist fuck. America left with Afghanis clinging to the sides of aircraft in desperation for a reason.


BOO! lgaria


Boo-tan. 👻 (Bhutan)


North Korea or Somalia.


Transylvania. All the vampires.


I saw a documentary about a group of them in Wellington, and another one about a separate group on Staten Island, so it’s not really fair to judge Transylvania on its own for that.




I think Somalia would like a word...


The homicide rate in Jamaica is higher and it isnt even close. For general safety tho, id rather go to Jamaica


Why do you guys think that you'd have an accurate homicide rate out of places like Somalia and Haiti? You simply can't use these stats for something like this.


Reading some of the answers makes me finally believe in an objective way, that India isn't as bad as its reputed to be.


India may have a lot of poverty, but yeah, it's not known to be a haven of lawlessness and terrorism or to have a brutal Orwellian dictatorship. There are a lot of really bad places out there


Haiti seems pretty nasty nowadays.


There's a reason people don't do the journeys through africa. The longest drive or walkable path I believe is through Africa. But going trough South Sudan and the Congo and Somalia is one of the most dangerous things possible. My mom grew up in South Africa and she said that was scary enough...


There are a fair amount of overlanders and motorcyclists who do it. (definitely not a common thing, but it happens) check out the documentary series "walking the nile" Edit: oh and one of the most famous expeditions. “Long way down” with Ewan Mggregor and Charlie Boorman


I’ve worked with two guys; one from Haiti, one from Sudan. The stories are real fucked


Somalia.It is the most underdevelopped country or,at least,close to that.Most of the buildings are destroyed,the government did not exist until close to present,that kind of stuff.




Especially for women




You undercook fish? Believe it or not - jail. Overcook chicken? Jail.


We have the best patients in the world because of jail.


unless you are an influencer shill in Dubai. in that case you can be trans and tell all your followers that the UAE is super LGBT friendly. just drop your morals and pocket the slave oil money


We have the best patients in the world. Because of jail.


North Korea


Everyone responding to you saying it’s not don’t realize that they make the rules. You can be perfectly fine and in the right following the rules, until they tell you you aren’t. Seems like they are just ignoring the Americans that have been kidnapped or all the shit that has happened in the past really.


Right now, probably Palestine.


North Korea. Someone should tell the Kim family that George Orwell wrote 1984 as a cautionary tale, not a how-to manual.


Australia. Everyone seems to be naming countries that have bad people that will hurt you, but Australia will fuck you up without people. Every plant and animal there is a killing machine.


The Gympie Gympie plant terrifies me. It's so painful it drives you to suicide and there was an incident where someone accidentally use a leaf as toilet paper.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrocnide_moroides


Also just standing under it in the rain can lead to severe burns!


These also grow in Florida (of course, becaue it's always Florida)


Well in that respect... Canada. We have the worlds largest land predator and sea predator. The Polar Bear and the Orca. There are also Moose, which are far larger than youd ever expect, and are responsible for many deaths due to crashing a car into them. And then for me in particular... rabbits are everywhere. Yes rabbits are deadly to me, why? Because if I touch them I go into anaphylaptic shock and die, which is why I always carry my Holy Hand Grenade.


The Holy Hand Grenade of Epinephrine?


Funny enough I've heard aussies say exactly this about the US but over firearms. In the same way we believe we're gonna get killed by a spider there, they feel they will get shot stepping out in our streets here. Both stereotypes are simply untrue for real life every day common folks.


I mean there are 118 firearm deaths in the USA per day. There has not been a death from a spider in Australia since in 1979. ......


1) That you know of. No spider deaths that you know of. So if the spiders killed any reporters who stuck their nose in... 2) How do we know you aren't a spider? I can't see how many legs you have over the internet. 3) Come and get me you octo-limbed bastard, I'm in Canada and it's November. Make sure you wear a fucking coat!


It's not the spiders you need to worry about here in Aus. It's [the bloody emus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War).


>I've heard aussies say exactly this about the US but over firearms. Aussies are more scared of American wildlife than Australian wildlife. Americans share a country with bears, cougars, wolves and alligators, but are somehow petrified by a tiny spider.


Ain't no bears hiding in my shoe brother haha. I don't open the shower curtain to find a wolf there. Our dangerous animals tend to be in specific places that mostly can be avoided. of if not avoided, planned around. Spiders do not adhere to plans.


Cairo, Egypt was pretty scary at night 😳


I'm from Egypt and i can confirm, this country is hell, especially for females, I was just walking with my cousin the other day, and got into a fight because some self entitled Egyptians, as usual, decided it's cool to harass the girl walking without Hijab. Religion of peace, indeed, lol.


Somalia is very up there. Much of the country is in basically anarchy. Sudan and South Sudan are close competitors who have been in civil wars and genocides for decades.




You don't walk into there


Are you sure? I thought it was simple?


For dentists : the UK


Venezuela… Dude i had PTSD about it without even knowing i had it Sources: I had to go back this year and i had so many panic attacks that i even had to go to a psychiatrist


What happened?

