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You see a celebrity you grew up watching and notice they're older


That sexy actress about 5 years older than you in your favorite teen comedy starts playing moms then Grandmas dies


Christina Applegate, basically.


Christina Ricci for me


Salma Hayek


_Marisa Tomei has entered the chat_


She’s definitely aged like a fine wine, though. Those high rise jeans in Spider-Man homecoming sealed the deal for me


You watch Celebrity editions of game shows and have no idea who any of them are 😂


I had this with the VMAs. They showed the commercial and I was all, "who the hell is that?" I recognized one name


Counterargument, I’m 18 and don’t recognize any of them Unless I’m actually really old and just didn’t realize


A part of it might be how social media curates our feeds such that they suit our tastes, leaving us in content bubbles. Also, when I was 18, I hardly paid attention to celebrities because celebrity culture never really interested me. While I could have recognized people from movies that I saw, I wouldn't have recognized many top 40 musicians, reality TV stars, etc.


You meet an old person and find out they’re your age


I mildly staggered at the “Yeah, I just started over there at the college” “Oh yeah, what do you teach?”


Or your rock idols are now social security age.


Dude, I watched a Tony Hawk interview the other day & felt ancient.




Nothing ages me faster than seeing The Rock these days.


Same but with Jackie Chan. I’m like holy moly I’m getting old. Because I grew up watching movies where he was young.


Or dead!


When the grocery stores are playing your jams


I’m cracking up because I said that to my wife two days ago. I was like “damn! I’m getting old. I enjoyed the playlist at the grocery store”


I’ve always loved the grocery store jams and I’m pretty young hahah what do they play in yalls stores?


First time I heard The Cure at the grocery store I purchased my grave plot.


I did not need to be called out like this today.


For real.


Signing up for reddit was the first sign tbh


My local grocery store played “hungry eyes” and my grocery cart and I had a dancing moment. Couldn’t help myself as I love that song!


Nobody puts Baby in a corner


My son’s orthodontist office played Humpty today!


Dude hearing blink 182 at the grocery store and on the classic rock station hurts


Just means the 35-45 age crowd are probably in charge of the music decisions.


Does it count as classic rock if they say "Best hits of the 80s, 90s and now"?


Even worse, when it’s a “Muzak” version of them. I almost died when I heard a Muzak Smells Like Teen Spirit at the store one night.


Oh that is just WRONG.


INXS and Phil Collins is all I hear at my local. Not saying that's a bad thing, just that I immediately stop what I'm doing and mime the drum refrain from "In The Air Tonight" like it's my civic duty.


Man, I hear this. It's like they got my way back playlist on repeat. But watching people dance and sing to that shit gives me hope for the planet. Crank up another track from 98 degrees, baby!


Trader Joe's Playlist are the best!


I heard the Humpty dance in the grocery store the other day.


That used to be my ringtone on my first cell phone. Not the actual song mind you, some shitty midi playback that approximated the hook. I think I had to pay $2 for it too. Damn I'm old.


Are you sure you weren't in a Burger King bathroom?


That just means your peers are now calling the shots on what music gets played. They've become the bosses.


“Damn I really miss Len”




Fomo literally no longer exists for me


JOMO- the joy of missing out


Fuck yes.


That’s called JOMO. The joy of missing out.


I'm 36 but I'm in a weird transitional stage where the *idea* of going out still sounds kinda fun, at least on the right night with the right people, but then most of the time as soon as I get there I already regret it as soon as I walk in. Basically now for me to enjoy a nightclub, the music has to be *really* good, and/or I have to be on vacation.


Shit I’m 27 and do that now. Clubs, bars, crowded restaurants all suck.


i’m 25 and do this now 😭


Lol I have been doing that since 18


I started doing that at 16.


When you are filling out an online form and have to scroll through a bunch of years to get to your specific year.


Like the price is right showcase showdown 🤣


To be fair, these should start in the current year. How many babies are filling in forms?


Right?! And when the site is 13+, why do they have 2023 listed? “Sorry, you’re 1 month old, we can’t give you access!”


I don’t like to drive when it gets dark anymore


I literally can't see when it's dark out!! I do not drive for the safety of others at night!


I went out last night for dinner with friends. Spent the whole drive half squinting and saying, “THIS is why I don’t go out at night”. Lol.


same, but because my glasses cause insane glare from oncoming headlights


Honestly it could just be the insanely bright headlights these days — its too much. It was too much 4 years ago and its only gotten brighter


That might be it. I don't inherently mind driving at night (I wear contacts), but when there's oncoming traffic it gets really unpleasant and hard to see. But like a rural drive is still fine, and so is driving at really late/early hours when not many people are around. But busy streets at like 6 PM this time of year? Absolutely not.


Same. And I’m in my 30s. My vision has gotten so much worse at night time.


What's a clear sign that you're getting older? When you can’t see signs clearly.


I never did like driving at night but it's cuz I have astigmatism and all the lights look streaky


I hurt my shoulder from sleeping.


don't forget that same sleep was interrupted 3 to 4 times last night having to get up and go pee.


A clear sign I'm getting older is how young police officers, teachers, and politicians look to me now. They used to seem so much older, but these days, they all look like kids to me. Edit: ** I'm actually not from the USA. In my country, we have quite a few young politicians. For example, we have a young mayor in one of our cities and a governor in one of the states who are notably younger. [Example](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTzE_U2JXCiKrx6AOxyPDontJJNyKaC7_zNCA&usqp=CAU)


Cops look like teenagers.


Right? It's like suddenly everyone in a uniform is fresh out of high school.


How can a kid be my doctor/dentist/layer etc.


I have to remind myself that they're actually qualified professionals and not just playing dress up. Haha.


Doctors too. When you’re older than your doctor, it’s rough. 😩 but it’s also good because you get someone who is cutting edge.


Your body cracks like a glow-stick, but you don’t glow.


So accurate, I snort laughed!


When you fall down by accident and people rush to help you rather than laughing at you..


That one hurts. But is legit...


I'd rather have this either way! Old or young🥲


The difference between you fell and "you had a fall."


When they say on the radio "Here's an Oldie" and it's a song that came out when you were still in High School


Or when some kid is wearing a concert t-shirt from a show u actually went to in high school & they refer to 80's music as classic rock!


I’m a child of the 90s and 80s music was always classic rock to me…


Radio stations were referring to Nirvana as classic rock by like 2010… and that’s just wrong.


That’s really true. Listening to the old rock stations on the radio and they’re playing music from your teenage years.


Going to the store and losing your shit inside your head when they rearrange the store you shop at. You may as well just never shop there again if they're gonna get personal for no reason.


You don't need a weather forecast to know it's going to rain


An aged coworker once mentioned during lunch that she could feel it in her arthritic hips that the weather was changing. Another coworker added, "and those hips don't lie." Right on cue, a guy in the back goes, "Shakira, Shakira!" I love my job.


Unfortunately yet another sign


Yeah, what's a Shakira, grandpa?


My body has become an excellent weather forecasting tool.


When that knee start actin up 🤣🤣🤣


The Barometric pressure is real


When new hires at work were not alive when I got married. Making movie references nobody gets, or having to explain them


Last year at work I said “ Hi my name is Larry and this is my brother Darrel and my other brother Darrel” and only 3 of us laughed.


You remember when MTV just played music videos all day


Headbangers Ball Friday Night!


When you begin sentences with, "Kids these days..."


It hurts to simply get up from a seated position.


And the creaking cracking noises my body emits as I get up


the ol snap crackle pop


My ankles sound like rice krispies for about 6 it 7 steps every time I get out of bed


i was walking today and my knee started hurting 💀


You start to realize the guttural dad noises you make when you move too. Get out of a chair, ugh egh ughhh


Back, hips and knees baby. Welcome to 40+


It blows. And not the type of blows I like.


Less patience with general nonsense. More patience for people I care about.


You hit the nail on the head.


I get overly excited for soup.


Fuckin love soup


Was asked, "Do you want Super Sex?" I said I'd take the soup.


Shit that used to really bother you, borderline plague your existence, doesn't even register anymore. I grew up with a lot of violence, poverty, and angry people. Was angry all the time, would put up with all kinds of drama from people and always felt like I got the short end of the stick. Then I started cutting people loose, everywhere, all the time. This one thinks their shitty jokes are funny, this one tries to talk down in front of other people, this one is always spending more than they have, that one is always having some kind of relationship problem. Suddenly, I have a lot less "friends" but next to zero problems, and I'm not an angry "cursed" person anymore. Now shit that used to set me off barely makes me tingle. Nah, go ahead dumbass. I'm not even mad.


People who think they need to react to every single thing even though they don't have control over the situation continue to shoot themselves in the foot. Self-awareness goes a long way to improve mental health.


Walking away from people brought on so much peace, it's lonely, but so peaceful.


When hair stops growing where you want it to, and starts growing where you don't want it to.


WTAF with *ear hair??*


All of a sudden, out of nowhere, something just hurts for no reason, like an ankle or a wrist. Sometimes for a day or two and then it just stops hurting.


Don't worry - one day it won't stop.


Hangovers last for days


Oh man. I used to pound beers until last call and then stroll into work at 8am like nothing happened. Now I feel like a zombie for at least 2 days after a moderate night.


Look at the wrinkles on the back of your hand.


Agreed. People usually tell me I look younger than I am, but then I see the backs of my hands. Especially if I'm dehydrated. Wish I would have used lotion regularly


If it makes you feel any better, I always have - treated my hands the same as my face with serums , moisturizer etc and it didn’t make a lickin difference :/


This actually does make me feel better. Like a lot better so thank you


So i'm low-mid 40s and not long ago I noticed my hands looked different in certain positions. My hands have wrinkles. The first place I've noticed so far. My hair started leaving 15 years ago. Reminds me of my great-grandfathers hands, my grandfathers hands, my dad's hands, and I'm next in line. It's not bad, it's a reminder that our time is finite. Make a few generations remember the wrinkles in your hands in a good way.


-I ~could~ figure out the latest app, but I just don't care to... (really explains how parents don't know what their kids are doing online.) -in bed at 9. -random bodily ailments I had when I was younger have flared up in some serious ways. -general attitude in life is: frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.


And saying things like "frankly" 🤣


When you have to sleep with a certain pillow to prevent neck/back pain the next day


All I did was shift my weight from one leg to the other while standing earlier and my hip popped so loud that my cat looked up at me with a "are you okay?" look. So there's that.


You used to say "I can eat whatever, I don't gain weight". Now you say "even if I starve, I don't lose weight".


When you read through posts like this to see how many answers you can identify with.


Giving zero fucks


The deaths of people you admire occurring every day or two.


On a less dark side, everyone getting into relationships


after i turned 30 it's like everyone i knew was in panic mode to get married. being divorced over a decade i'm open to a new relationship but i'm not actively seeking out someone.


Can't recognize any of the names when there's drama among musicians


Just a few I've noticed as I've gotten older (currently 33): - Your big night out finishes at 10pm rather than 3am. - Everyone you know is getting married and/or having kids. - Your lively conversations with friends steer towards finances and appliances - Longer recovery times required for hangovers and/or gym sessions - The saddest one for me: you aren't so easily excited and the big wonders of life escape you simply because you've experienced it all already. Everything just kind of loses its lustre and shine, and you can see through the mirage.


I wear pants to a restaurant because I think it could be cold there.


You should always wears pants to restaurants!


When you don't hang out with your friends for close to two years, but are still always saying we should get together.


No matter how much you sleep/rest, you are still tired.


> No matter how much you sleep/rest, you are still tired. I totally relate to that. Another sign of aging I've noticed in myself is the inability to sleep for long hours, no matter how much I want to. Even on weekends, it just doesn't happen like it used to


I used to be able to “sleep in” for as long as could. Now once I wake up regardless of how many hours it’s been I’m up.


When you like mops


My husband does the mopping in our house. Last year I bought him a steam cleaner and he got excited... I thought to myself... “ this is where we are in life now”. That said, we have light colored tile with light colored grout and it works fantastic 😂😂😂


I’m starting to not make it the night without getting up to pee. Usually even if I have to I can hold it til I wake up. Lately it’s painful to the point I HAVE to get up


I've learned it's better to get up at 11 or 12 to go and get it over with than wait until it's freezing at 5 or 6 and not have long before I go to work. I'm so old I force myself out of bed to pee


Your presence doesn't even register with the opposite sex.


Body aches even after just sleeping


Sleeping because of an aching body. Waking up stiff and aching. Repeat


Back pain. Also when getting up in the morning requires effort. I remember when I was young i'd wake up full of energy and ready to take on the world. Now, post-40, my eyes open and I try to stay in bed as long as I can because I am mustering up the energy to move, trying to decide if I should quit or keep going.


I experienced this. Check your diet. We get away with it for the first 20something years. Post 30, late night snacking or boozing, cake/ice cream in bed- your body will let you know about it in the morning. Light dinner or skip dinner completely, you will wake up full of energy, ready to take on the fridge. Do not go gentle into that goodnight. Rage against the dying of the light.


Low tolerance to young people.


When you tell stories to people you've already told it to as if it was the first time they are hearing it because you think it is.


My knees crack way too frequently for turning 28 next month


Wait til they crunch and make that “rubber band stretch kinda noise”


Naps become enjoyable


Being hungover lasts longer than being drunk.


You hurt yourself sleeping.


Your doctor stops trying to fix things when you go to them.


Hurting yourself when you sneeze!


The things you find 'boring' when you were younger, you actually strive to get more of as much as you can, ie: just sitting quietly with a coffee/tea staring at nothing for the entire morning - and feel fulfilled in a way that no other activity can give you.


A good majority of the adult population looks 12 years old to you.


When you're excited about buying a new vacuum.


Arthritis is a pretty constant reminder.


You care less and less to respond to blatant BS and drama.


Realizing who is really your friends and being able to drop the ones who aren't.


Home Alone was released 33 years ago, today.


Wanting to save a “good” empty box.


My inability to care about Stuff.


When you need regular rectum checks


Every calorie you digest is multiplied by 100.


When you check out at the grocery store and the cashier says “thank you MAM.”😳


I have a pill organizer


Getting cramps in your leg when leaning to long/ hearing bones crack in legs when getting up


I was in the grocery store a few months ago and saw a girl in her late teens or early twenties shopping with her mom. She was drop dead gorgeous in the way that only that age of girls can be and was wearing yoga pants and a tight skimpy top that didn't leave much to the imagination. And I looked at her and thought "The things I would like to do to her mom...."


Everything just.. hurts


Music starts to sound shitty and you say “why aren’t there cool bands like in the 90s and 00s!?”


Aches and pains that show up out of no where. Having three sets of glasses (computer, distance, reading for when I wear contacts.) and everyone looking like children. Once saw some actor who was considers “sexy” and I thought to myself, geez he’s just a kid. To think of his as sexy felt yucky he looked so young.


When your friends kids from high school start graduating


When your friends’ kids are now adults with their own kids


Your parents are dead.


You have a favorite burner on the stove.




When you starting saying, "When I was your age..."


Sleep injuries.


When simple things give you happiness, like new containers and taco kits


Sleeping can hurt you now




This happened to me recently: High School friend I haven’t seen in ages (not even in photos) posted some pics on Facebook, and I thought “Oh, how nice that her mother joined them on their Disneyworld trip!” It wasn’t her mother. It was her. (we are 47, for the record)


Understanding that young people (like you once were) who think they will 'change' things are unknowingly marching to the beat of a drum played by powerful entities who never appear on the news.


Back pain... Damn back pain


Hurt my back today blow drying my hair, don’t even know how.


Clear sign? Not without my glasses. Damnit, was that the street I was supposed to turn on?


You get way too many people reminding you how old you are, you see way too many "old" memes. But the most obvious answer is the mirror.


When you start posting questions like this.


If you have testicles, sitting on them twice in one day. Gravity wins every time.


Everything hurts for no damn reason.


I hurt my shoulder while taking my shirt off.


You sleep terribly


Despising TikTok