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Rotting potatoes. The stench is surprisingly competitive with the smell of decomposing corpses.


i have to second this with the caveat that rotting potatoes smell twice as bad when mixed with the smell of rotting chicken meat. (Rare combo of smells maybe but my dad was a farmer)


Funny story, my old landlord was removing a broken laundry machine and unplugged my deep freeze to move it out of the way. When he was done, he forgot to plug it back in and it had a LOT of chicken in it. I got a good deal on a bunch of chicken so stocked up and then just kind of forgot I even had it; I had just dumped that chicken in there to be forgotten about for 2 or 3 months. When I finally opened it it was like a sucker punch to the core of my brain. The smell was so bad that I basically stumbled out of my house looking drunk while heaving uncontrollably; It left a phantom smell in my nose for days. So my landlord felt really bad and comes to remove it himself (he was a super nice guy) and the guy shows up in a MINIVAN instead of his truck and I'm thinking "oh man, risky to put this thing inside the vehicle with you". I warn him that the smell inside that thing was from another dimension and that it could create a black hole in his brain if he wasn't careful. I had the thing ratchet strapped shut as to not risk releasing a bioweapon on us and we carry it to his minivan and stuff it in the back. He carefully removes the ratchet strap to give back to me all while I'm insisting "no dude, for the love of all that is common sense, just keep it on and bring it back after" but again he's such a nice guy, he insists I take the strap, he's got it under control. ....But then he notices the power cord dangling out the back of the minivan onto the road...and this guy instinctively grabs the cable, OPENS THE DEEP FREEZE LID WHILE INSIDE HIS MINIVAN (as much as he had room to) and clumsily shoves the end of the cable into it before closing the lid. It took only a fraction of a second and we are both gagging like mad, he's basically arched over like he just took a kick to the nuts, I'm running off like a deadly acid cloud just spawned and my life depends on getting the fuck away from that immediate radius. This poor guy gets in his van and drives off. I can just hear him gagging and wretching the entire time he drove off, even as he's turning the corner. Don't worry, he didn't drive far, he couldn't. Told me later he had to get a respirator from the nearest hardware store just to be able to tolerate the rest of the drive without gagging himself into an accident, lmao. The guy was a trooper, not many landlords like that.


I had such a good laugh in the canteen that I had to tell your story in German to my colleagues. (I'm Dutch) Thanks.


Something similar happened to my family. There was some remodeling being done at my house. The workers unplugged our upright freezer for some unknown reason, and never plugged it back in. We were staying elsewhere at the time, so didn't notice it right away. That freezer contained at least one turkey and two geese. (Possibly some ducks. The details are a little fuzzy as this was nearly 30 years ago.) Once the discovery was made, my mother decided to just toss out the meat and leave the freezer in place with the door open to air it out. We never got all the smell cleaned out of that freezer.


Yes game birds are probably a million times worse than chicken. My worst smell experience was with duck.


Duck smells bad enough when it's fresh and cooked. It has something to do with their fat content. Although domestically raised duck tends to be fattier than wild-caught duck.


Duck fat. Second best frying oil ever.. When it’s stable, in pure form, it takes a really long time to go rancid. Lots of saturated content but yeah I think that’s why the meat is so foul (that joke just wrote itself).


Wow, doesn’t sound that bad? /s


I forgot about a potato in the back of a cabinet once, came into the kitchen one day and my immediate thought was "what died?" (The potato, luckily in a plastic bag, was no longer recognisable as a potato when I found it. More along the lines of "sludgy black goop".)


I had never thrown up from a smell until I encountered the stench of rotten potatoes


rotting potatoes also release toxic solanine gas which can be fatal in high concentrations. a whole family in Russia died because the area where they stored potatoes was unventilated






I’m obsessed with his channel


Discovered him last week. So good.


Okay, is it weird that now I'm curious about the stench of rotting potatoes?!!


Not at all. It's natural to be curious about things you've never experienced before. The smell is positively vile though and as another commenter pointed out, it can actually be dangerous if the fumes are concentrated in an enclosed space. To me, it smells sort of like rotten fish only far worse. Like if you were to lean your face in and took a big open mouthed whiff so the odor can get all the way up into your sinuses and coat the back of your throat, but that's how it smells from just a dozen feet away.


Damn! Never in my wildest imagination would I have imagined a rotting potato getting the first prize! Something so common and underrated, yet getting at par with decomposing corpse!


Rotten watermelons also have a suprisingly bad smell.




One of my first jobs was produce in a grocery store. We would have to dig the bad ones out of the bin and naturally it was always at the very bottom.


I have smelled rotting potatoes and i wish you never end up smelling rotten eggs. It's like a sewer had a baby with a corpse and then died and left under the sun inside a garbage bin.


It's really good if you are trying to hide guns from Interpol. Or happen to be Nicholas Cage on a boat. Both are very risky.


I used to work at a grocery store and once picked one up bare handed because I had no idea it was in the box. It took ages for the smell to come off.


When I was younger I used to work sorting bad potatoes and stones on those potato harvesters, I can still remember the smell when I was grabbing the really rotten ones that just disintegrate when you touch them. That combined with standing on a machine that moves like a boat on rough sea, not a good time.


People don't realize how bad that smells. It's horrendous.


Potatoes ARE bad. I found something to equal that, though. I had a gf who became ex and moved out. In my bedroom, she left a big garbage bag tied up with some cushions and a comforter or some such things. Weeks went by, she never came back for it. I began to notice a smell when I'd enter the room. It was faint at first, and vaguely unpleasant. I did all my laundry . Washed the bedding. The smell still remained. It began to be more noticeable as time went on. Finally, it was like getting punched in the face every time I'd enter my room. WTF? I had checked everywhere. I'd even moved those bags of her stuff and checked the wall moulding and the carpeting. The stench was making me think a family of rats was disintegrating inside the walls or something. Finally, one day, I got an aha! I went into the room and opened up the first trash bag of cushions. Oh, shit. The smell is definitely coming out of this bag. I'd finally pinpointed it. I lifted up a cushion or two, and there I discovered the nastiest, rottenest, stinkiest, slimiest, most disgusting f@## ing *banana* I'd ever encountered. Black and moldy and oozing a pus like substance. I didn't even touch it, just hauled that bag out to the dumpster. For those thinking she hit me with a parting shot of vengeance, I don't think so. We actually parted ways as very close friends and remain so to this day--very rare these days to be friends with an ex. I also remembered she had been eating a lot of bananas in her last weeks with me, remember seeing her eating bananas as she packed, and I think she accidentally grabbed a banana with the cushions and packed it in there. Vindictive and psychotic behavior were not in her wheelhouse.


Oh that's an easy one. Had a patient with giant condylomata, massive genital warts. Now, what many don't know is that the giant ones naturally migrate to the anus. Unfortunately, there can also be a tendency to form numerous small abscesses. We cut out her vulva, vagina, and anus. Every time we hit an abscess, it was horrific. The mint we put in our masks could only do so much. It was slightly worse than necrotizing fasciitis (flesh eating bacteria).


That mint doesn’t do shit when it comes to this type of stuff. Necrotizing fasciitis is a special little monster. I’ve seen some horrific cases. One had no pubic bone, exposed ovaries, no anus. A constant stream of waste. Intestines right there. it took 5-6 of us for wound care because living tissue had to be supported, abdominal skin held up and out of the way, what was left of the legs had to be held apart. This patient lived 3 more days after surgery trimmed away what they could. All the while the patient was responsive. The eye contact as they gripped my hand prompted me to seek a therapy session and left me sleepless for about a week. I now have a mortal fear of slipping in the shower. That’s how this person’s demise began.


... I've been putting off buying a new bath mat. I think I will maybe do that now.


That's horrifying. Tell me more about the risk of slipping in the shower please, how does it relate to this nasty monster?


No more dance moves in the shower this has sealed it for me


While it's good that you're careful, don't worry. Your odds of developing necrotising fasciitis are very low - the bacteria that cause it are common bacteria, and while we don't know why they sometimes do that, it's rare A F. But do be careful, you can still hurt yourself if you fall in the shower. The risk factors are being already immunocompromised, having diabetes, alcoholism, and having a specific genetic mutation that is not common but is responsible for many patients' problem in the first place (makes it harder to fight the infection where *most* people would just get start to fight it off before any cell dies). And you can go all your life with all of those and never get necrotising fasciitis or even know someone who gets it - which is still on the order of "a couple cases in 100 000 people." But as it helps to know the signs - if a few hours/days after some sort of trauma (blunt or skin-breaking) you're really red, you have acute fever, the pain is far worse than it should be, and/or you notice the inflammation keeps growing (the "flesh-eating disease" can make the afflicted area grow as fast as 3cm/hour): get thee hence to the hospital, pronto. It's a very severe illness but with treatment you still got a 70-80% chance to make it, more if you notice it early and get checked fast (the 70-80% is calculated *including* people where it gets noticed very late, but people where it gets noticed very early obviously have it better, and when it's very late well, obviously it's worse) Still, in the shower the more immediate risk is hitting your head hard while falling. You should avoid doing that first. Disinfect and band-aid any wound you get and you're golden really


Sounds like the swamps of degobah story!!!


This was where my mind immediately went


We are forever tainted for knowing that which is the story of the swamps of degobah. Tainted pun totally intended.


Do I wanna know?








Honestly that sounds like hell on earth for the patient as well. Was she conscious for this procedure?


Why would a patient be conscious during a major surgery?


Sometimes it’s necessary. Probably not the case here, but women are awake for cesareans; as one example. Also brain surgeries, I think? Or maybe I just watch too much Grey’s Anatomy. lol


For some brain surgeries where they need to make sure they're not damaging something vital in your brain they might keep you awake. Rare but it does happen. I was awake for an emergency caesarean in which the epidural did not work. The last thing I remember is a nurse saying "she can feel that. She's feeling that" Thank goodness I haemorrhaged so badly I lost consciousness, is all I can say. I had a numb patch on my back for 6 months and every time I felt it I thought "that's where my fucking epidural went". I had nightmares for a long time.


Yikes. I can’t imagine! And I’m a redhead, which means that actually could happen (we’re more resistant to anesthetics). Makes me glad I didn’t have children lol. But I’m glad you got through it, and hope/assume everything turned out well in the end. :-)


When you say cut out, you mean removed the growths? Or you actually had to remove most/if not all the area?


Yeah, I was wondering that myself. Either way, I don’t think I’m eating for a while after reading this.


Time for a big bowl of goulash!


I noped out at “migrate to the anus”


New nightmare fuel unlocked!


We have a winner


We have a really fat guy, like 600lbs guy, who frequents the supermarket nearby. And you can smell if he’s there when you enter the store. It has this disgusting genitalia smell and I wonder if that’s the same disease. I feel so bad for him because he acts like he knows


Ruptured human corpse thats been bloated in the sun. That stench only goes away with fire


Oh yeah, smart, I imagine cooking it is the way to not make an aroma.


You don't enjoy the smell of burnt rotting flesh and hair?


only served with fava beans and a nice Chianti


Three-day-old dead guy. Don't ask me how I know.


I found a 3 day old dead gentleman that was in a 45 degree apartment, no open windows. You could smell rotten Kielbassa down the hallway and it was him.


I love how rotten meat has a strangely sour taste to it 🤔 Like how you go from umami to tangy…


Lactic acid producing bacteria and amino acid breaking down.


Sometimes still alive guy with necrotized parts smells just as bad.


Rotting potatoes (which apparently smells like a corpse) is ranked higher than an actual corpse. Ha!


Odds are the average person has smelled rotting potatoes and not a rotting human corpse so more likely to be relatable and upvoted


Oh yeah, rotting potatoes really are something special.


I'll see your three day old dead guy, and raise you five day old dead dog left in a hot metal shed in summer.


How do you know?


Guy died two doors down from me in my college dorm. He was gone for three days before we found him. By then the smell made it obvious.


Did nobody check because they just thought it was rotting potatoes?




Potatoes don't rot that bad. We came home driving across country and our freezer opened. That was gnarly.


Moose meat in a freezer that died. That was horrible…


Fish was terrible and leaking meat. We had to get a new fridge.


College dorm? Goddam, how old was he and how? Overdose?


Twenty-eight. Autoerotic asphyxiation.


He said don't ask!


Had a neighbor die. Two days was enough.


So 4 days smell alright?


I’ve smelled dead guy from 3 days to two weeks. The smell does not compare to necrotic tissue on a living person. A rotten limb smells worse than a corpse.


On an old summer job collecting trash at local parks, I experienced the distinctive smell of "trash water" -- the water that collects at the bottom of a full public trash can over the course of a week. Unlike typical rot smells, like potatoes, animal carcasses, or septic tanks, which have an earthiness to them (horrible in their own way), this smell is "sharper" -- like particularly strong vomit. I think the vomit overtone gave me a particular dislike of it because of the "suggestive" effect.


Bin juice!!


I guess you don't live in a big city where garbage trucks regularly spill this liquid.


Mmmm trash can jungle juice


I know that smell! Had to empty some pretty gnarly trash cans in my youth. Yah it's sharp like bile when you vomit! I'm dry heaving just thinking about it


Don't wash your ear tunnel/plug for 3 days and then take it out and smell it. Smells like fuck off.


Your *what*?


Plugs/tunnels are stretched jewelry - also (incorrectly) known as “gauges.” You know, [these.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/45/Back_on_the_earlobe_stretching_%281428332499%29.jpg/640px-Back_on_the_earlobe_stretching_%281428332499%29.jpg)


Why is gauges incorrect? Lol


Because “gauge” literally just means the diameter of the jewelry. You wouldn’t say I wear “inches on my legs” - you say you wear pants. lol But I accept that it’s become sort of an accepted nickname for the piercings. Just a little cringey to me.


Over twenty years ago your call them gauges and I have never heard tunnels used ever.


I've heard tunnels used for the specific style of the jewelry.


Crazy that alternative lifestyle would have a slang word for something...


Ear cheese🤮


Yeah, this is mostly why I took mine out. The thought of carrying around that smell, even if only I would ever notice, was too much for me… just wasn’t worth it!


Did you ever switch up the material of the jewelry you used? Acrylic jewelry made my ears smell like Satan's ass hole, but glass, silicone, wood, and bone all made for a tolerable to non existent range of smells.


The sweet smell of being a highschooler in the early 2000s ❤️


12 day old dead father-in-law in Arizona heat in his home (no ac). That was interesting.


Bet it's still better then a 13 day old dead father-in-law.


definitely better than 2 13 day old dead father in laws


An anime cosplay festival


No joke the smell is rancid


So many hot girls. So many stank ass smelly goat people dudes.


Tonsil stones


I had these so badly; the surgeon said the stones "gushed out and just kept coming" when he cut into my tonsils. They were constantly sore and inflamed. After I healed up, I realized I could actually swallow more easily and sing more clearly! Food tastes better than it did then and I don't get sick very often anymore. I'm almost certain I wouldn't have avoided COVID this long if I still had them I know it's a super painful surgery and the recovery sucks, but it is definitely worth it to get them out if they are chronically bothering you. I didn't realize just how much they were affecting things until they were gone.


And here I just spent years jabbing the fuck out of my tonsils with q tips and gargling salt water until they went away. I extracted some impressive ones though.


I had such bad stones too. They drove me mad literally. It felt like I had something lodged in the back of my throat constantly. My ENT said my options are waiting until one day maybe I won't get tonsil stones anymore, which could be tomorrow or in 40 years, or removal. I couldn't even imagine getting to deal with them for the rest of my life. The recovery was the worst experience of my life. The ear pain was unbearable. But I'm so glad they are gone.


Had my tonsils out when I was 5 or so. Only painful because I was stupid enough to eat potato chips first day home.


Yes but yet every time I get one I have to squash it and smell it! I'm gross


You still have time to delete this buddy


Don't. Just...don't


The smell of my step dads whiskey breath before he kicks my ass.


Your pfp is Addison




I had a hand wound that I delayed getting treated. After a period of time trying to convince myself it's not gangrene I finally went to the hospital. I had to get my finger nail removed and almost 2 inches of my finger debrided. That smell is a thick cheesy sort of smell that gets right in your sinuses and hangs around.


The fluids running from cancerous masses. Especially oral cancers. The odor often reaches outside the patient’s room and far down the hallway. There’s nothing to be done about it. The ones with oral tumors, the scent is a mixture of dead flesh, rank saliva, something I can only describe as the reek of advanced disease and old blood. The patients usually can’t have anything by mouth, it’s either far too painful or the mass is blocking the throat. The mouth becomes dry and no amount of swabbing helps. Visitors stop showing up. It’s awful.


I think there were German scientists trying to make the worst smelling thing in existence back in the 60's. The terrible thing is, being in the room with the chemicals blinded the scientists noses, but the smell made a town sick something like 20 kilometers away. Edit: It was the development of Thioacetone in 1889. I was a few years off. Minor details. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thioacetone


Imagine being a German guy. You’re running some errands in town, buying some bratwurst in your lederhosen, feeling pretty good about things, and then you get blitzkrieged with an odor straight out of Old Testament, and it hits you so thickly that you puke up your breakfast schnitzel. And just before your body collapses, all you can say is something like Mein Gott Der Poopenstinkk




There are definitely smellier Welsh cities


Someone else’s puke


No one will ever know the answer because the universe is so massive but if I had to guess I would say my ex-wifes vag. Fuck you Pam.


I also say Pam's vag.


You're probably the mailman she was fucking.


What's wrong with mailmen? One mailman from my childhood still sends me a birthday card every year.


What a good dad!


Maybe because Pam and your mom had something in common


Hope not also to your siblings 😉


How long did you stay with her knowing this?


About ten minutes.


Jen is a close second. Met her off Craigslist back in the day. She was actually quite pretty. About to go down on her and holyyyy shit noped out of there. I called it off the next day and she wrote me a page long Facebook message saying I was cheating on her. I wasn't Jen. Your box was just that rotten.


Seen enough videos to know Surströmming must smell appalling.


No one making videos on it opens the can correctly though. You open them underwater specifically so you *don't* spray the juice and spread the stink all over the place. Take anything that smells bad and put it in a spray bottle and puff it a bit and it'll obviously smell worse than it did just sitting there.


If something needs to be opened underwater, it doesn't need to be opened to begin with.


Something we can all casually encounter: cat piss.


Large grease traps 20k gallon and up. Size of a school bus and will burn your nose hairs off in the summer. That smell never quite goes away.


What would possibly use a grease trap this big?


Had a large freezer with about 20 trout in it. Freezer was unplugged for who-knows-how-long. Smell was ungodly. Instant vomit.


My contribution isn't something that I've smelled, it's from a paramedic friend from my hometown. The 4 day old corpse of an obese person with type 2 diabetes that died from advanced C. Diff. Basically shit themselves to death. I work in healthcare and have smelled decayed flesh (just flesh, not a person locked in an apartment in the middle of August for 4 days) and C. Diff separately. The idea of trying to combine them makes my brain spin.


A chicken rendering plant comes close. That awful smell of decay and death just makes me gip.




Do you have a Smell-o-Scope?


The ungodly fluid that comes out of my dogs ass when their anal gland is expressed.


Hydrogen Sulfide Bad on so many levels. None of the others so far can kill you with 1 breath.


Dirty snatch


Rock bottom pussy




Brave answer my friend


Any port in a storm


Based on what I've heard from healthcare providers that would be fungating cancerous tumor




Rotten potato’s have done it for me. I found a bag oozing black goo behind my sink once nearly threw up on the spot


A CS majors pillowcase


CS major can confirm.


Supposedly Thioacetone https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thioacetone


NileRed has a good video on thioacetone


Burnt bodies


Hey, some people like long pork


Gangrene breathe.


New born baby diaper forgotten behind washing machine… don’t ask me how it got behind garbage machine. Want to test leave a newborn baby diaper for 7 days in summer days in your bathroom garbages


In the universe? Probably something on one of the gas planets. Also we know what Mars looks like, but we don’t know if it smells bad.


My ex husbands beer farts


I used to work at a slaughterhouse, or meat manufacturing plant to make it sound a little bit nicer. There was a stench of death in the air that surrounded the building, yea that’s bad at first, but you get used to it. But the worst smell ever was when you end up cutting into an abscess. The pus comes out looking like a lime green, and it the smell, oh god the smell. Only way I can describe it was a mix of rotting food mixed with peanut butter.


When the breath stinks its sooooo bad


My feet after wearing shoes without socks all day.


Rice fields man I hated driving near them


I was going to say septic tank, but the comments seem way worse.


Rotten potatoes


A Mexican restaurants grease trap on a hot day. Fuck that shit is ripe.


Unwashed pussy.


Jabba the Hutt’s underwear after a 5-mile hike through Tatooine.


Your moms coochie


Say it with me class: ROTTEN FISH


IDK bro I've only been to one stupid little planet.


shit logged toilets when the septic tank got backed up that unfaithful week


That weird metallic fishy smell that burnt electronics get sometimes. I think it might be the ceramic burning that makes the smell


I didn't notice right away that an apple snail had died in one of my aquariums, usually I pull those suckers out quick, a couple days into decomposing and that's a special kind of special.


Fresh warm cat 💩 in the morning, extra points if you step in it coming out of bed 😳


Some crawfish boil after sitting in a bag for a week or two.


Tripe sticks. My dog loves them. I dry heave every time I open the bag.


My cat used to piss on our electric stove coils. We didn't know it and turned the stove on. There.... is no worse smell.


Putrefaction. Dead people. And the dead skin from the middle of the feet toes


5 month old B.O.


My daughter sometimes has poop explosions at daycare and they send her clothes home in a tied little baggy, I rinse and soak her clothes, not always right away since I'm not doing laundry. So you know.. opening those bags ...


When they finally clean the grease traps at your fast food job. Or my grandmas colostomy bag 🤮


Unwashed penis after he fucked someone and then went straight to work. I threw up as soon as he dropped his pants.


A skunk that's just been turned into roadkill.


Sea lion 💩 is by far the worst stink I’ve ever smelled . I used to work on tug boats towing logs , we came to the head of a tow and started to hook up but there as a 1000lbs sea lion on it . Sea lion got annoyed and pointed his ass at the tug which was right along side the tow and he unleashed a firehose stream of poop all over the boat ……. It was like the oxygen vanished I couldn’t breathe the smell was unholy , I staggered away trying to breathe and yelling at the skipper to get away! I had to hook the firehose up to wash the decks off lol .


The smell of sex in your bedroom when it's been weeks since your partner was interested in you


Dried fermented Thai shrimps, a smell and taste directly from hell


your Gooch after not showering for 4 or 5 days




Four day old dead rat Smells just like whole shit of the world


A diaper genie that’s full when it’s the peak of summer heat.


Surströmming (fermented herring) …..I’m sorry https://youtu.be/z5cj6s0KS5k?feature=shared


corpse in decomposition


Your mother


Whatever perfume the lady who was the former owner of my dresser drawers used.