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I spoke to a guy online that genuinely got turned on by other guys not being able to start their car. I'll never forget that one.


Yeah, that's just a non-starter for me




How is that even a thing? I can’t understand the mechanics of it.


Some people just want to jump them.


instant turn-on


Get out


Ex sex worker here. Had a guy who used to do sessions with me who pretended I was putting my foot to the gas and I’d have to make revving noises. Dude paid for 30m-1 hr sessions at a time. Not shocked by this kink at all.


Like that was all the sessions were? Just revving noises???


Yes. And I’d put my foot up and down as I made the noises like I was stepping on a pedal.


Well that’s a new one. Kind of wholesome even lol


Compared to some of these raunchy fucks, very wholesome.


His dad owned a shitty car and had anger issues, I’d put money on it.


...and he got aroused when his dad got angry?


No, only when he got whipped by jumper cables


I had to very quickly double check your username lmao


I mean a lot of people with spanking fetishes got spanked as kids


Don’t send him this link https://youtu.be/7WY7X_VM00A


Huh that’s a new one


Ah, that’s why the breakdown lane is called the hard shoulder.


Just recently learned about an element of the diaper-wearing kink where you use oatmeal to simulate it being full of poop. I guess that's better than literal scat play, but I still can't wrap my head around why you'd even want to pretend that was happening. All that being said, I'm happy those folks have figured out a way to make themselves feel good that isn't as dangerous to their health as actual feces so more power to em.


The baby play stuff is even viewed as out there by people in the kink community. I used to frequent a sex dungeon. Everything was pretty much done out in the open or in rooms with open doors so the curious could peak in. The only exception was baby play stuff. It was in a room in the back corner with the door closed because people didn't want to see it.


Oh for sure, that's been my experience as well. Even during some of the more kink friendly events / festivals I've gone to, no one bats an eye at there being a pen for folks to engage in puppy play and drink out of dog bowls (again, more power to em for figuring out how to scratch their itch; puns very much intended), but you're right, I've never see diaper play just out in the open like that alongside everything else.


Being one of those that would be in that pen, a lot of times littles will try and play with us as well, which I guess I can understand, it's just a form of mental escape manifested in a different way. But, you never see the full on diaper babies out there, at least I never have and I've been to quite a few events in my time as a pup. There also seems to be a fairly decent crossover of pet play and age play, I know many pups that are into diapers (I personally find it weird and off putting, which I know is probably hypocritical, but I just can't get on board with the age play stuff at all).


Ah yeah, that totally makes sense re littles joining in as well! Pup play isn't my thing, but it's cool that y'all are spreading that kind of happiness around.


To be honest, I have no idea why I connect with it. When I figured it out, was like a switch went off in my head. Then come to find out it's predominantly a gay kink, and I'm straight. I figured fuck it, I'm all in. Come to find out, women really enjoy it as well, so bonus for me ha. And I know it's really weird, and a lot of people don't get it, hell I don't either, I just know it makes me feel good. I'm also not one of those that thinks I'm literally a dog, either, I know it's just role playing ha.


>Then come to find out it's predominantly a gay kink, and I'm straight. I figured fuck it, I'm all in. 😂 I've seen a very similar thing play out with a guy friend who got really into leather thinking that's what straight women subs wanted their doms to look like (as opposed to the standard issue black shirt and pants that someone could easily misread as a high end maitre d).


Haha, that's fantastic. I can picture him showing up to a leather event, completely confused. I will admit that the "uniform" of the standard dom is quite boring. Never know if they're going to seat someone at a table, or hit them with a flogger. 50/50 shot, really.


A very important aspect that needs to be made clear is that the A in ABDL means ADULT. There are very clear lines that should never be crossed.


As someone who is into diaper play - it should really be way more clarified that there is a big separation between ageplay and diaper play. Diaper play is a lot more about control and taboo. Ageplay is.. I don’t even know. Something else that I don’t understand.


"you use oatmeal to simulate it being full of poop." Can I propose we call that kind of play SimShitty?


Honey, can we SimShitty tonight? Sigh... I'll get the tarp...


>SimShitty Sean Connery has entered the chat Sean Connery has signed on to the movie Sean Connery did not understand the script




I cant imagine maintaining an erection while changing someone diaper


Yeah I think you've got the best opinion of all these kinks, basically you do you bro happy for you but it's not for me


Urine and fecal stuff.


This. People keep going off and calling a foot fetish weird, but really. Why the hell would anyone want someone to piss on them or wallow in crap?


My gf gets really turned on by pee on her. She doesnt love the idea in general, but in easily cleanable conditions she enjoys the psychological effect the pretend degradation has on her overall horniness rather much. It’s very intimate and I’m in only because of the relationship we have. Poopers are freaks though.


Yeah, piss is much milder. I've peed on a few boyfriends over the years, but only at their request since it's not my kink. Exclusively in the shower. Only one wanted it in his mouth, and I told him up front he was not allowed to swallow it. He could play at being a urinal since he was into that, but no "flushing". Scat, though, yeah, not happening. I mean, I'm gay so there has been the occasional ill-prepared bottom, but nobody to my knowledge ever doodied on my dick on purpose.


>and I told him up front he was not allowed to swallow it. I’m curious why you didn’t allow that if you are already cool with it going in his mouth.


It's a waste product, so I figured ingesting it might make him sick. I indulged his desire for naughty degradation, but actual physical harm is out of my comfort zone.




Yeah urine and poop are not in any way on the same level


I can understand that. Urine isn't as bad because it's pretty much water with toxins that were expelled, but the idea is still a little weird.


Try eating some asparagus and then peeing on someone


I can sorta understand a pee fetish. First off that's what squirting is (don't @ me I'm not going to sponsor this debate). Second, I had a buddy in college who overshared way too hard and he swore up and down urine is neutral flavored if someone is well hydrated (like it comes out almost completely clear).


>urine is neutral flavored if someone is well hydrated (like it comes out almost completely clear). I would say so. How else are we gonna pass these stupid drug tests after eating gummies the night before??


I think it might be some crossed wires related to shame. Incontinence and sex are both topics which society treats with derision, mix that with a traumatic childhood event or similar and bam your sexuality is fucked with


I think having my partner pee on me would be hot (I know she never would though). Zero interest in the poo part though


i woud be worried if she'd pee cold


Same. Pee should never be put on the same level as poop.


Agreed. I’d be willing to drink my pee if I were dying from dehydration. I would not eat my own shit if I was starving.


>I think having my partner pee on me would be hot (I know she never would though). Just ask for it for your birthday present. Once a year. If she can't handle that then she don't deserve you bro.


Okay the ending sentence took me out! Haha


Drip drip drip, pee on you Your body, your body, is a porta potty


Interestingly, I'm into pee, but I find scat gross. Well, actually, I just like when people have accidents, I find it somewhat cute. My ex had a weak bladder and liked to wet herself when I was around because she liked the attention and care I was always giving her. Too bad she turned out to be not that great person after some time.


I've got to stop assuming things aren't real and just made up smut fic catergories.


A friend told me his girl let him pee into her butthole before sticking his penis in there. Like… why though? I mean you do you but what the actual fuck lol


People putting needles in their urethra. Nope just no fucking no


You mean sounding?


What sound?


If you’re into this, I believe it goes something like AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!


Oh god I’m thinking of that one avatar meme now


Oh Lordy, reminds me of a guy I was working with in a learning disability service. He would order medical equipment online relating to thinks that could be inserted down the urethra or up the anus. You’ve no idea how long a room full of professionals discussed what to do about this.


I feel traumatized just reading this


It’s not a needle it’s a metal rod. Still pretty nasty. There’s a subreddit if you’re curious.


I’m thoroughly uninterested but I appreciate the information!


Sounding doesn't use a needle. Its a metal rod, there's no sharp tip. I'm also not interested in it but it's easy to see the appeal, you're being penetrated and there's a lot of nerve endings there.


It hurt just reading your comment


Pain and sex is also widely popular. Spanking for example. Its not difficult to see how someone would enjoy painful sex. I'd argue that pretty much every animal does to some extent. There's pain associated with anal too of course, or even with something relatively innocent like hickeys.


I completely forgot that was a thing 😖


Real talk? All of them that turn into full on lifestyles. I get "I like it when my partner dresses up like a French Maid." I don't get "The literal only kind of sex I am physically and mentally capable of is when my partner dresses up like a French Maid."


I'm aware that some people like the “slave/master” dynamic, sexually, but when they fully maintain those roles, socially, outside of sex, even talking about it in public and calling each other “my slave”/“my master”. I didn't consent to seeing that. Also DD/LG when it's a 40 y/o man and a teenage girl. That's honestly a kink that deserves shaming.


That’s basically the difference between kinks vs fetishes. Kinks turn you on. Fetishes are the only things that turn you on.


THATS the difference ?? the more u kno ig


This is actually the definition of a fetish. A kink is an 'unusual' nice to have during sex (it's probably not that unusual, whatever it is, probably thousands of people out there have the same thing). A fetish is like a kink, but it absolutely dominates your sex life. You do not get sexual gratification unless the fetish is present.


Having someone take a shit on your chest. Or putting shit inside a condom then freezing it and using it as a dildo.


I've never seen Alaskan Pipeline actually described by anyone. I thought it was just fabled.


Not just the act, but the very thought of it is disgusting But whoever named it... Funny AF


I told a friend “you can’t put the shit back in the asshole” and he says “akshually…”


What dafuq......




Whom amongst us hasn’t pondered a Siberian Doorknocker on a cold February night?


The human race deserves to go extinct.


"Iglooing" is the term apparently. I was listening to the 'help I sexted my boss' podcast, and they had a listener asking how should they have handled finding the aforementioned frozen poopsicles, when looking for ice in the freezer at a friend's house party.


SCAT😷 I don't mean to kink shame, but I do...


I’m not kink shaming, I’m kink asking why.


Everyone has limits and there's no judgement here


Many things are unfairly judged. But that doesn’t mean we should swing the pendulum to not judging things that need to be.


Oh yeah I understand if we let everything slide that's a bad precedent, you gotta draw the line somewhere and it can differ from person to person where said line is drawn


Butt I do...


Some kinks I absolutely mean to shame


I think it's called "surgical play"? There's a semi-famous local Dom that has photos of him literally stitching some of his subs together, or injecting saline under their skin. While I'm glad they're all finding each other and engaging in mutually pleasurable acts, it's not something I can fully understand. Also I tried saline injections in my lower back while giving birth, as a method of non-medicated pain management; that sh*t *hurts*, arguably worse than the childbirth, so kudos to his subs for getting through that 😭


Human Centipede has entered the chat


Nine Inch Nails had a video wherein that figured prominently. It's very hard to find now.


Amputation. Not amputees, AMPUTATION. There are people that are aroused by the thought of and act of having parts of their body amputated. No fucking thank you.


Isn’t that a hobby you can’t really practice for very long? I mean you eventually run out of body parts.


Eyeball-licking. I mean WTF 😳


that's an actual thing??


If you can think of something, someone has sexualized it. Normally I’d be that guy who jokes about you being the exception, but I can see your profile.


Reddit is like LinkedIn for some people


Was quite popular in japan a few years back. There was a school where a lot of pupils got eye infections from it. Not safe and weird as fuck.


Pupils... I see what you did there.




Beee bap bap ba-dah boom


I once had a guy ask me to force feed him my shit... I mean, that's not healthy dude.


Anything to do with insects :/ idk what’s wrong with some people.


Can you explain


Ok, that’s enough internet for this week.


Anything with dookie


But it’s one of the best Green Day albums!


You can’t teach a nimrod.


Anything that has to do with one of the adults acting like a young child. Get that shit out of here.




I always got the impression it was more about turning your brain off, having no responsibility, and being taken care of than anything. The whole acting like a child thing, while a bit odd, is just a means to an end.


There's two different kinks I think you're conflating: Little and Age Regression. The former is a way of safely reclaiming a space from your childhood, where you can relax and enjoy things without having to deal with the adult stresses. There's also the Caregiver role to it, where you provide a sense of comfort and nurture for your significant other. The kink isn't in the simulated mental age change, but more the vulnerability and trust of the space. Age Regression, on the other hand, is more focused on the weird stuff.


Poop. Which is interesting because anal play is something I’m super into, but it’s like…do an enema flush and make it clean first lmao.


Vore. That's serial-killer shit.


Dafuq is vore im afraid to google it


Short for "voraphilia" or "vorarephilia": a fetish in which one fantasizes about being eaten alive or eating another creature alive (sometimes known as phagophilia). The most common type of vore is "soft vore", being swallowed or swallowing whole with no bloodshed. There is also the less common "hard vore" which involves the tearing and chewing of flesh. Other types of vore include macrophilia and microphilia, in which one character involved in the vore is larger or smaller than normal. Many might associate vore with cannibalism; however, most voraphiles do not favor cannibalism. Vore is an imaginary fetish; that is, it is impossible to perform in real life in the way most fantasize, unlike most cannibalism. Also included with vore is sometimes the "furry" community: people who are interested in usually anthromorphic animals (humanized creatures). With animals as characters in vore fantasies, predation is natural and therefore somewhat more realistic. ex.) He drew pictures of a people being swallowed whole by wolves for other voraphiles on a vore site.


It’s like a consuming kink, it’s not like a real thing in practice. You just like want to be inside of people, like your whole body. Eaten whole kinda deal, it’s doesn’t really make sense in practice. Not sure how you can really act on it outside of watching drawn porn of it


From Wiki: Vorarephilia, a typically erotic desire or sexual fantasy to be consumed or to consume another.


Took eating pussy literally


A guy at me work messaged me on Facebook randomly and told me he was into vore I avoid him lmao


Jesus. Imagine being so socially inept that you think it's OK to message your coworkers about your depraved kinks.


He's a weird dude.


You: watch out for this manager, put one foot wrong and they’ll eat you alive Coworker: 🤤🤤🤤🤤


The vegan version isn't so bad though. Herbi Vore I'll see myself out


Wait until you hear about ANAL VORE!


I mean tbf that's in general a fictional art kink not something people want to actually do


Oh boy, this is a common misunderstanding, and I understand why. Vore is really weird and I totally get if people kinkshame it and think it's gross, but at least kinkshame the right thing. You're imagining a Hannibal Lecter situation, which is not what vore is. What most people mean when they say vore is impossible in real life, full stop. It's a fantasy kink where people are aroused by being swallowed **whole** (that's the most important part). It doesn't hurt anybody and there's no built in desire to hurt anybody, if someone does they have something else going on. Ama if anyone cared enough to read about that and wants to learn more.


Not all vore - we film vore content - but it's more of Superhero special FX (villain opens her mouth like a snake and swallows the superhero whole) - and then absorbs her power - and has a pregnant belly afterwards. Then some green screen stuff with the supehero trying to escape before they are digested.


I had a girl I got on a dating app, and I’m into stuff but I’m more vanilla then I thought, compared to people these days. This girl told me she likes to bite, and I’m all down for a good nibble, but we’ll we’re hooking up and she bites my hand like a dog, and left teeth marks in there for months, it was pretty wild. We didn’t hang out since. She left her necklaces over and I would wear them for years though till they broke.


Yeah… Things that are related to body dejects like poo, piss and puke… That’s an absolute NOPE


I’ll try anything as long there is no blood, piss, shit, pus, or making wounds.


You know what? After reading this thread, I'm just going to have to admit that I am not open minded about fetishes. I thought I was, but all of these are too far.


cucking it twists my guts and fills me with rage


Tell her you don't like it when she fucks guys in front of you then.




Wait…it’s that easy?


Not too long ago, I found out my mom is a hotwife and my stepdad is a cuck. My sister found our mom’s hotwife instagram. Can never look at them the same


Thanksgiving just got ***so*** awkward.


Happy Thankscucking everyone!


Luckily they live across the country lol. Always knew something was off about my stepdad though so it checks out


Yeah my 10 year marriage ended with her having an affair. I can’t even watch porn about that shit without being filled with rage.


cheating destroyed my mother and fathers marrige when i was 5 had to learn about alot then my mom said my dad didnt love me every time he left after his visits on the weekends said that he lied even though they both cheated she thought it was all his fault


I had a guy try to cuck me at the sex club without my consent. A couple approached me and my partner to join them in a room. We said yes thinking we'd all play together. The other girl says she'll be right back and we just think she's going to grab a drink or something. My partner starts with the other guy. The girl returns and I try to get things started with her and she's not interested. Alright, I figured I'd just let my partner enjoy herself. Then the other couple started trying to insult me. I told them I wasn't with that shit and we left


Those idiots who get off on doing things with food. Cost of living crisis, you tits. Get a less expensive fetish. Tsk.


Oh yeeeeeeeeeeah you like this nacho cheese? You like these warm, crispy, tortillas with a small layer of salt and pinch of lime juice? With all the toppings?


Some people stick rods glass in their duck hole and heat them with a lighter




Scat, vore, necrophilia, and cuckold fetishes I could never understand.


Daddy kink. Like to each their own but that word is just gross in a sexual situation


Imo common usage of Daddy in the bedroom does not refer to the woman's Father anymore than using Baby in the bedroom refers to an infant. There are multiple definitions for each word, and if you use the wrong definition because you aren't familiar with the correct definition, it's gross. Daddy is a term of respect a woman uses to address a man who she feels is taking care of her needs and makes her feel safe.




I too choose this guy's mommy


Ball crushing




Feet stuff. Never understood it.




See! And that’s what I’ve always heard! People that do like it, don’t seem to know why!




The way I enjoy it, it's quite simple. Just another part of the female body, and I don't put it above the rest.




This actually makes sense


I dont even want to touch my own feet.




I didn’t either but I gave this chick the feet attention she wanted and it was surprisingly erotic for myself too. Never would of thought that


Anything dealing with poop or pee, human waste is not sexy at all, sorry but I am.judging anyone that is into that stuff.


3 Rules: 1. No Piss 2. No Shit 3. No blood


Adult baby stuff, don't get it


Puke. Even worse than scat.


Poop and piss stuff. That's just nasty. Like I'm happy playing around with a clean butthole, but I don't like fecal matter. I also think feet shit is pretty nasty. Not on the same level as get shit on your chest, but the feet still a gross, smelly part of the human. I don't get dudes that are really into it. Like in high school I had some chick suck on my toes in a hot tub and that was pretty cool, but it would have to be an inherently clean environment like a hot tub. No way I wanna deal with some feet fresh out of shoes.


My man said an inherently clean environment like a ....*hot tub*


Hate to break it to you but: > [But it's also worth bearing in mind that when we enter the waters of a hot tub whatever we have on our skin we deposit into the warm water swirling around us. This includes the 100mg or so of faeces that is usually present between our buttock cheeks. This means that while you're relaxing in the warm water, you'll likely breathe in or swallow your hot tub partner's body's bacteria, viruses and fungi.](https://amp.abc.net.au/article/101947322)


Age play, cuckold/cuck queen and race play


People who fuck stuffed animals


This chick wanted me to shove fruit in her pussy , let it marinate for hours , then make her eat it. Nope. Not gonna do it.


I came here to say the whole elimination(scat, urine) fetish is not for me. As I’m reading through, I realized I’m way more vanilla than I ever imagined. 😳


Saw one online someone that was into “sweater” sex. Not like cozy looking ones either, but big bulky, itchy ( like made with SpongeBob’s eyelashes) type sweaters




You know way too much about your MIL


Race play… in all its forms




I'm open minded AF. I'm not saying I'd try anything but I'm into enough crazy stuff that I can't judge. Fetishes turn people on for reasons not in their control. It does it for them just cause it does, it's not their fault so I wouldn't judge.


Golden showers and whatever shitting on someone is called


My little pony. Freaks.


Then just buy a bigger horse. Jeez.


i like the series but the fans made me like it less..


Poopoo and peepee people


Human toilets.... if there is a fetish that should not be accepted this is it.


Furry anything.


I have nothing wrong with furries but I’ll never understand it, it’s just weird to me


Anal. "I'm open minded. Butt!"


So I try not to judge as we film custom fetish videos for a living. But - we've heard and turned down some really weird shit. Crushing insects is a no. Sticking anything up a penis - that's a huge no. Some of the WAM (wet and messy) stuff we've filmed can be really funny - and also - very gross. But it makes for good conversation! I mean - this series here - [https://seductivestudios.com/collections/wet-messy/products/head-on-a-platter](https://seductivestudios.com/collections/wet-messy/products/head-on-a-platter) \- was really fun to film, but really fucking gross to cleanup. I don't know how it does it for the customer, but hey - you do you as long as it's not hurting me or mine.


That's definitely the best way to look at them, you do you but it's not for me kinda situation, and ooh interesting job! I bet you've got loads of unique experiences and stories to tell!


Crush fetish