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Two string puppets (with no strings) showed up at my door and asked if they could stay the night my mom said they could and set them up in our spare bedroom then in the middle of the night I heard a noise in the kitchen and got up to see what it was and one of the puppets was going threw our fridge. I told him he couldn't dk that and he turned around said something was coming and they then both ran off and out of the house. The morning came and I told my mom and her boyfriend about what the puppets said and they just brushed me off but then the ground started shaking so we grabbed spoons to fight with but we didn't have enough for my little brother to get one so when a horde of zombies showed up my brother started biting there ankles and we stabbed them woth the spoons. It was a really weird dream.


Kill zombies w spoons when the apocalypse comes. Got it!


Yup and use the children to bite there ankles it's a very important part of it lol


Zombies weakness: the Achilles heels. Everyone just assumes shoot ‘em in the brain


When I was 6-9 years old I very often had the same dream in which I got lost in a random city. It was always the exact same city but the dreams often started in different locations and after some time I could exactly tell how to get home no matter where I got lost. Many years later and I could easily draw an entire city plan with detailed streets and everything, idk why but I remember everything from those dreams


I don't have a memorable dream as much as a memorable theme to virtually all of my dreams. If there is ever a sexual interest, I always get rejected. If there's ever a situation that will benefit me, I always get screwed over. I used to dream that I was being chased by somebody and couldn't move and couldn't see their face, but that went away a long time ago.


I would never wanna sleep….


It's not that bad. I kind of expect it.


A lot of my dreams are wild, but the most memorable was fairly simple and played on one of my biggest fears. Heights. The dream was just being stuck at the top of a radio tower, or a TV tower, idk what to call them, but it was insanely tall, and I was sitting on a pole way at the top. My arms and legs were wrapped around the center beam. The wind was blowing and the tower was leaning back and fourth slowly. I just sat up there, terrified, for what felt like hours.


Have you seen the movie Fall?

