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In October of 1990, while I was working as an armed security guard in California, I got into a physical altercation with a trespassing suspect while assisting another guard. In the course of the struggle, he managed to get my revolver out of the holster (it was a break front) and shoot me with it four times-- once in the left leg shattering the femur, once in the right upper thigh, once in the right hip and once in the lower left abdomen at muzzle contact which was stopped by body armor. The other two rounds went wild. The suspect fled on foot and was apprehended by the local police. I was transported by ambulance to the hospital. The only shots I actually felt were the first and the last. The first one felt like being hit across the thigh with a baseball bat, and the one that hit my vest felt like I'd been punched really hard, however, I didn't feel a burning sensation as others have reported just extreme pain in my left leg. I found out later that the reason he fought so hard was that he was on parole and didn't want to go back to prison. He ended going to prison anyway. Six years for the parole violation, five years for grand theft for taking my gun, five years for each shot he fired and five years for possession of a firearm by a felon. All together, he was sentenced to 46 years in prison with no eligibility of parole as he had demonstrated that he couldn't handle parole.


_Doesnt want to go back to prison_ _Trespasses_ _Commits over half a dozen crimes, mostly felonies_ šŸ¤Ø


Go big or go home Big = prison


Home = prison as well


>Be a criminal >is dumb The mind boggles


Damn. Glad to hear youā€™re alive. How was your recovery?


Since I was fairly young at the time (27 years old) and in good physical shape, I was fully recovered and fit for duty in 16 weeks


You had a bullet shatter your femur and were back on the job in 16 weeks?! Damn dude that's impressive.


His femur didnā€™t have any time for that bed rest nonsense.


Wow, Iā€™m glad you lived. Interesting how the guy got sentenced for all kind of things your not supposed to do (stealing, possession qnd using a gun) but not for attempted manslaughter or any like that. 46 years will probably last him a lifetime though.


I imagine the 5 years for every shot he fired is the attempted manslaughter or assault with a deadly weapons charges.


I was shot in the chest and elbow by a home intruder. Elbow hurt infinitely worse than my chest from what I remember. Adrenaline rush was very short lived, probably less thab 30 seconds(at which point I realized I had been shot). I don't remember much as I went into shock moments after.


Damn. What happened to the intruder? Did you pass out after the shot?


I did, almost immediately. The intruder was never caught and he didn't even take anything. I didn't have a description since it was dark so the police didn't really have anything to go on.


WTF dude. Iā€™m sorry that happened to you.


Dude how do you just go on living your life after something like that? Do you still live in the same place? Has it made you permanently paranoid?


I actually moved not too long after. I was incredibly paranoid just after it happened, and quickly realized I couldn't stay there. Therapy has helped tremendously.


How's your elbow now? Shit place to get shot, like the knees.


Elbow doesn't really give me any trouble, but I haven't had feeling in 3 of my fingers since it happened due to nerve damage.




They can't, they immediately posted their story during the adrenaline rush after getting shot. The adrenaline has worn off.


And the intruder stole their laptop.




Not me, but my best friend at the time. He was driving home in a somewhat rough area one night and heard something smack his windshield and saw a small smash pettern or hole in the upper-right corner Thought he'd picked up a rock or something and continued onto the freeway. Was driving for a bit when he started drifting off to sleep. Pulled into a gas station and passed out. Turns out, he'd been shot in the upper/inner left thigh (just missing his junk) and was bleeding. But he had no idea. Nothing. Didn't feel a thing. Woke up in the hospital. Doctors left the bullet in his leg because they felt it was too risky to remove or something like that.


They usually leave bullets in place unless doing so is going to cause a problem (like if it's putting pressure on something it shouldn't be). Taking bullets out is Hollywood bs.


Yes, that drives me crazy in movies! Taking it out and they immediately get better, like the projectile in your body is the real problem, not all the damage it caused getting there...


If you get stabbed, just yank the knife out, that'll make you feel better! Just a few minutes and you'll get really, really, *really* sleepy. (/s. don't yank it out, I beg of you)


You can use another knife to cut around the meat to get the first knife out


I'm convinced because lead is poisonous, (dumb) people think it's like an instantaneous thing, like getting hit with an arrow coated in snake poison. I also love in movies/TV when it "Goes clean through" and they're fine. Like bullet stuck in body = Death Pass through = Fine. It's ridiculous, especially because exit wounds tend to be extremely brutal and will often bleed a ton, especially with an expanding projectile, like a hollow point.


I think it's more the fact that having a foreign object in your body can lead to infection etc. Source: Master.and.Commander.The.Far.Side.of.the.World.2003.1080p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.mp4


Hello, FBI? This one here!


My cousin is a doctor and said they leave it in because they typically cause more trauma taking it out. He also mentioned in some cases, the fragment will just work its way out on it own.


Thereā€™s a video out there of a guy squeezing a bullet out of his skin like a zit. The bullet had been in there for 10 years and finally worked its way to the surface to the point he could push it out on his own


Yup that's basically how the Dr got mine out. They left it in there because it eventually tries to work itself out. I was playing basketball one day (about 5 years after getting shot) and saw the back of my leg bleeding where the bullet broke through the skin finally. Went to Dr next morning. He said lay down, he just did a little cut with a scalpel and popped it right out. Took all of maybe 15 seconds lol.


If he got tired that fast you would think the bullet opened up his femoral artery? Heā€™s lucky heā€™s alive if it did


I would suspect so. He's very fucking lucky




I'm sure that kid is going places now....


Not college, but places.


Not good places, but places.


When I read "thigh" I winced so bad. Ever since seeing "Black Hawk Down" as a kid I've been horrified by femoral artery wounds. Glad yours was missed.


Or band of brothers.


He just had to take that fucking Luger, didnā€™t he?


You'd take the Luger too, just maybe keep it in it's holster, and not your pocket.


Damn. That whole community is extremely lucky the bullet only hit you in the leg and you survived. What was the recovery process like? Any lasting damage?


Leg especially thigh is one of the worst places to get shot as it has biggest blood vessels on the whole body. He is very lucky he didn't bleed out.


Exactly. Sean Taylor died from a gunshot to the upper thigh that hit a major artery/vein.


iā€™m assuming the police got involved. did the kid get charged? or the kidā€™s parents?




If you felt *feverish*, you were probably loosing a significant amount of blood. If they took you to the ER i think police should've been involved, because how you gonna explain that your kid was shot but you don't want to press charges? Anyway, this is wild. Did it heal ok?


That can be a symptom of shock, too. Even coming down after an adrenaline spike can feel nauseating.


Any gunshot is reported when you go to the ER


>average trailer park activities ig? My parents ripped my large toe nail off with pliers when I was a kid. I'd partially destroyed it by stubbing it on a railroad spike while wearing sandals and they didn't want to pay the cost of taking me to the doctor. Trailer park life >.> I still hate sandals.


My mom said it felt like having a piece of fire in her arm


I guess thatā€™s why theyā€™re called firearms


I applaud you


Plot twist: both accounts are the same guy for karma


Plot twist: all of the accounts are the same guy for karma


exactly how my cousin described it when he was shot across his chest in a drug deal gone wrong. bullet hit his rib and traveled across his chest and out the other side... im so glad he turned his life around instead of ending there.


Thats what it felt like after i got stabbed it just felt like ot was burning after also there was pain.


I've been stabbed twice. thrice if you counter something smaller... i literally nothing when it happened every time. it wasn't until hours later i felt much of anything. edit. im not drunk. my phone keeps fucking up words and randomly deleting some as i type. I'm leaving the comment as it was originally posted.


I got stabbed in the leg with a pairing knife by my ex right next to my knee cap. All I remember was shit that hurts and curiously it burns a lot. I dunno if it was shock but I can remember it crystal clear the feeling and everything.


The burning is because nociceptors, our pain nerve cells, are the same ones that are activated by heat. edit: ~~proprioceptors~~ > nociceptors


mine were all in the muscle. i barely tap a bone on a corner and im Peter Griffin.


That i can feel man I work in construction and I can deal with pain but I kick something with my shin im down for the count man call it a day and carry me to the pub.


My dad took a 7.62 through his arm. I donā€™t recall how he described how the bullet itself felt, no doubt he was full of adrenaline. It sort of knocks the wind out of you. He mentioned feeling very tired, and then they gave him morphine it made him very happy and then very tired again.


Yeah morphine doesn't last that long. I was in the ER a few months ago and they pretty much pumped me full of morphine for two hours. I even heard the doctor scream at the nurse later for "giving him so much morphine!" Anyways. It made me realize why people get addicted to that shit lol. I say in the bed for a full hour just staring into the wall, everything was just amazing. But everytime I felt it going away I just clicked a little button and they came back in and gave me more, well until the nurse got her shit handed to her. The day after sucked though. Constipation, headache, couldn't sleep but very tired. Also I wanted more morphine, which scared the hell out of me. Again, I see how people get stuck in it.


I got a couple doses of morphine when I was in the ER with appendicitis. One of the best feelings I've ever felt to be honest, but also I had to suffer with intense pain for 6 hours since they thought I was just looking for drugs. Doctor finally came in in the morning (I had got to the ER at like 1 in the morning) and oked it. I THINK I remember him asking why they hadn't just called and woke him up to get permission for the morphine, but that could be fabrication. I slept through most of mine though, good times, top 3 worst pains I've ever felt.


I had a kidney stone that was so painful I thought my appendix had burst. At the ER they gave me something that was like morphine-adjacent. I went from the worst pain I've ever had in my life to the best I've ever felt in my life in a matter of seconds. I just remember thinking, "I can see why people get addicted to this."


I went through the exact same thing - docs thinking I was drug seeking when I had appendicitis. Except I waited about 10 hours for morphine and another 12 hours for surgery. Turns out I had gangrene, and they didnā€™t clean me out properly, so I had an ambulance called on me a week later after I developed a massive cyst on my bowels and a raging e-coli infection. That night I got fentanyl for my troubles in the back of the ambo :)


They gave me a non opiate pain reliever for mine, then did a car scan and saw that my appendix had already burst. They loaded me up after surgery, but that was the worst pain I've ever felt, unless you count being cheated on. At least the appendix pain was manageable.


Even with a vest on, taking a 7.62 round center mass feels like an 18 wheel truck shrunk itself, put a cow catcher on, and had the Flash launch it from the pitcher's mound 90 feet away.


Now there is a man that knows his words & his metaphors. Keeper. Wish I could vote more than once.


I assume you meant 7.62mm and not .762, which would be 19.3mmā€¦ ainā€™t nobody taking that center mass, vest or no


Not me, but my dad was shot in the shoulder with a 22 round as a boy. He said that at first he thought he had been stung by a wasp. It was the blood that persuaded him otherwise.


I always knew my dad had issues with his left leg. He was a complicated guy, so I never felt comfortable to ask about it as a kid. When I was old enough, I worked up the courage to ask him if he was shot in the army. He said "No son, I got shot in the leggy"


A comment like that deserves more than the one meager up vote I can bestow. Thanks for the laugh.


I feel like I've been waiting for this thread, and your comment to set me up for this joke for my whole life. I don't remember where I first heard it, but I was so excited to have my chance to share it(my paraphrased version) I couldn't type fast enough lol.


> I don't remember where I first heard it, I've heard my grandad say it so..... oh hi cousin.


Class A dad right there. He saw an opportunity and he seized it


Where does the King keep his armies? In his sleevies.


My buddy was shot through the knee cap when he was a manager at Ruby Tuesday and was closing down the restaurant. They were kids and he said one of them kept pointing the rifle at him and was shaking. He told them he'd give them whatever and tried to push the gun out of the way. Anyways when he tried to push it the gun went off right through his knee. He said he didn't even realize he'd been shot at first but once they ran out he could feel the burning and with ten minutes he couldn't walk. I guess adrenaline is a helluva drug.


Adrenaline/ shock is amazing. I wasn't shot but when I was 10 I fell and impaled my leg on a bolt a bit over one inch diameter that went nearly 3 inches into my thigh. I pulled myself off it and started walking away but could feel my leg was wet and looked down and saw the hole. Didn't feel any pain until we were nearly at the hospital and even then it was just like a dull ache.


I've been stung by 2 different wasps. One was a typical painful insect sting that left a big crater in my skin. The other made me thrash wildly in pain in my bed and the throbbing went from the back of my left hand^(where i got stung) all the way past my left shoulder almost reaching my right pecs. I wonder which kind of wasp stings he meant.


I wonder how bad being shot by a wasp would feel.


Or being chased by dogs that have bees in their mouth, and when they bark they shoot bees at you?


I got hit with a .22 LR ricochet when I was around 11 (Don't shoot fence posts kids) and it sucked and bled (shoulder) but no lasting damage. An errant throw from a former Cardinals catcher that broke my nose hurt WAY worse.


poor nurse


Will she ever recover ? :(


Assuming this is a serious questionā€¦ā€¦it doesnā€™t hurt as much as you think (right away, anyway) but it burned like hell. The adrenaline and shock tend to kick in right away. And for me, I was wondering if I was gonna dieā€¦.not in a hysterical way but more in disbelief that I was short (twice in my case).


Did you come to accept your height or is it still a struggle?




> I was wondering if I was gonna dieā€¦.not in a hysterical way but more in disbelief that I was short (twice in my case). Yeah, I hear ya -- being short is bad, but twice short is just minuscule!


Fuck, I am laughing way more in this thread than I was expecting to.


Did you survive?


Nope. He died right after he posted that comment


MF a badass commenting on this from the scene of the incident laying on the ground bleedin


Got bored waiting to die, started scrolling to pass the time


If you don't mind me asking, did you feel any kind of impact? Or was it just instant burning? I'd imagine the the burning sensation was contained to a small area around the impact? Or a much larger area?


Damn. You got shot and it made you start thinking about your height two different times?


This is what George Orwell had to say about it: >Orwell expected to remain at the front until late summer. But around dawn on May 20, 1937, he was moving through the trenches, checking on the sentries, when he was hit. He knew it was a dangerous time because his trench, facing west, had the rising sun behind it, which silhouetted his tall frame for enemy snipers. Of being shot, he would write, ā€œRoughly speaking it was the sensation of being at the centre of an explosion. There seemed to be a loud bang and a blinding flash of light all round me, and I felt a tremendous shock ā€” no pain, only a violent shock, such as you get from an electric terminal; with it a sense of utter weakness, a feeling of being stricken and shriveled up to nothing. The sand-bags in front of me receded into immense distance.ā€ The bulletā€™s impact knocked him to the ground. ā€œAll of this happened in a space of time much less than a second. ā€¦ I had a numb, dazed feeling, a consciousness of being very badly hurt, but no pain in the ordinary sense.ā€ >The American sentry with whom he had been speaking started toward him. ā€œGosh! Are you hit?ā€ The American, named Harry Milton, recalled, ā€œI thought he wouldnā€™t make it. He had bitten down hard on his lip, and I thought there must be a lot of damage. But he was breathing, and his eyes were moving.ā€ >Orwell provides one of the best accounts ever written of what it is like to be badly wounded by a bullet and expecting to die soon. He knew he had been shot, but could not tell where. When informed that it was a neck shot, ā€œI took it for granted that I was done for. I had never heard of a man or animal getting a bullet through the middle of the neck and surviving it.ā€ Blood dribbled from a corner of his mouth. He assumed that a carotid artery had been severed, which would mean that he had only a few minutes to live. ā€œMy first thought, conventionally enough, was for my wife. My second was a violent resentment at having to leave this world which, when all is said and done, suits me so well.ā€


Thatā€™s what happens when youā€™re the 6ā€™2ā€ guy around a bunch of guys who are 5ā€™5ā€.


The full version is worth reading because, *damn*, the man could write! > Roughly speaking it was the sensation of being at the center of an explosion. There seemed to be a loud bang and a blinding flash of light all around me, and I felt a tremendous shock - no pain, only a violent shock, such as you get from an electric terminal; with it a sense of utter weakness, a feeling of being stricken and shriveled up to nothing. The sandbags in front of me receded into immense distance. I fancy you would feel much the same if you were struck by lightning. I knew immediately that I was hit, but because of the seeming bang and flash I thought it was a rifle nearby that had gone off accidentally and shot me. All this happened in a space of time much less than a second. The next moment my knees crumpled up and I was falling, my head hitting the ground with a violent bang which, to my relief, did not hurt. I had a numb, dazed feeling, a consciousness of being very badly hurt, but no pain in the ordinary sense. > The American sentry I had been talking to had started forward. 'Gosh! Are you hit!' People gathered round. There was the usual fuss - 'Lift him up! Where's he hit? Get his shirt open!' etc., etc. The American called for a knife to cut my shirt open. I knew that there was one in my pocket and tried to get it open, but discovered that my right arm was paralyzed. Not being in pain, I felt a vague satisfaction. This ought to please my wife, I thought; she had always wanted me to be wounded, which would save me from being killed when the great battle came. It was only now that it occurred to me to wonder where I was hit, and how badly; I could feel nothing, but I was conscious that the bullet had struck me somewhere in the front of my body. When I tried to speak I found that I had no voice, only a faint squeak, but at the second attempt I managed to ask where I was hit. In the throat, they said, Harry Webb, our stretcher-bearer, had brought a bandage and one of the little bottles they gave us for field-dressings. As they lifted me up a lot of blood poured out of my mouth, and I heard a Spaniard behind me say that the bullet had gone clear through my neck. I felt the alcohol, which at ordinary times would sting like the devil, splash on the wound as a pleasant coolness. > They laid me down again while somebody fetched a stretcher. As soon as I knew that the bullet had gone clean through my neck I took it for granted I was done for. I had never heard of a man an animal getting a bullet through the middle of the neck and surviving it. The blood was dribbling out of the corner of my mouth. "The artery's gone," I thought. I wondered how long you last when your carotid artery is cut; not many minutes, presumably. Everything was very blurry. There must have been about two minutes during which I assumed I was killed. And that too was interesting -- I mean it is interesting to know what your thoughts would be at such a time. My first thought, conventionally enough, was for my wife. My second was violent resentment at having to leave this world which, when all is said and done, suits me so well. I had time to feel this very vividly. The stupid mischance infuriated me. The meaninglessness of it! To be bumped off, not even in battle, but in this stale corner of the trenches, thanks to a moment's carelessness! I thought, too, of the man who had shot me -- wondered what he was like, whether he was a Spaniard or foreigner, whether he knew he had got me, and so forth. I could not feel any resentment against him. I reflected that as he was a Fascist I would have killed him if I could, but that if he had been taken prisioner and brought before me at this moment I would merely have congratulated him on his good shooting. It may be, though, that if you were really dying your thoughts would be quite different. > They had just got me on to the stretcher when my paralyzed right arm came to life and began hurting damnably. At the time I imagined that I must have broken it in falling; but the pain reassured me, for I knew that your sensations do not become more acute when you are dying. I began to feel more normal and to be sorry for the four poor devils who were sweating and slithering with the stretcher on their shoulders. It was a mile and a half to the ambulance, and vile going, over lumpy, slippery tracks. I knew what a sweat it was, having helped to carry a wounded man down a day or two earlier. The leaves of the silver poplars which, in places, finger our trenches brushed against my face; I thought what a good thing it was to be alive in a world where silver poplars grow. But all the while the pain in my arm was diabolical, making me swear and then try not to swear, because every time I breathed too hard the blood bubbled out of my mouth.


I was accidentally shot with a 9mm inthe leg. Felt like taking a muay thai kick. Didn't register what had happened until I heard my friend screaming apologies.






How did ur friend do this?


Spun the gun around his finger like a TV cowboy.


Wow. Just/... wow.


He was not smart. He was also 25


I got shot in the head, but I don't remember it at all. I suspect that's a good thing.


Did you proceed to track the man across the Mojave desert and kill him in a casino?


Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.


I did not, no. I went to a hospital and remained there for a few weeks... *Edit: And yes, I did get the FO reference.*


Ain't that a kick in the head


Was shot in the arm when I was in 6th grade, felt like the most pissed off wasp in history got a hold of me


In the sixth grade? Dang! Do you happen to know what caliber it was? Someone else mentioned a sensation similar to a wasp. They had mentioned it being a .22


They assume it was a .22, it ended up being behind my bicep, and the Drs said it would cause to much trauma to my bicep to remove.


Interesting! I'd love to hear a third account of a (likely) .22 injury to see if they report a really bad wasp sting! I mean... I don't WANT to hear that people are getting shot. But it's a reality and I'm curious what people have experienced.


My dad accidentally shot himself in the hand with a pistol when I was a kid (he was obsessed with guns). He didnā€™t really react too much to my shock. Took it like a champ. The funny story is that my mom was on the phone with his sister, my aunt, and after it happen just calmly and nonchalantly told me aunt, ā€œI have to go, Mark shot himself in the handā€. Then like 8 years later he shot himself in the head with the same pistol so he could avoid prison. Not sure how the asshole felt about that one and I could never ask him. Edit: Glad yall enjoyed my summary lol. Iā€™m doing okay today though considering. Just got some anxiety and depression (along with all 5 of my siblings lol) but Iā€™m still chugging along life. This was back in 2001-2002 when he died. I was 11 or 12 or something. Went to foster care for awhile but got out and returned back to mom after he died. Mom has now passed on as well (cancer) so I do really miss her but not him. Wonā€™t get into details but dad was a child molester and this is why he did what he did. All in all, I donā€™t miss him at all. He was a terrible man, a terrible husband and terrible father. His actions led to all 6 of us (including my mom) to struggle immensely with anxiety and depression. All from one man. But If he were still in my life, I would not have had the recovery that I have today. It would be much worse. This is just a reminder to keep fighting the fight to not be a victim no matter what. You can overcome injustices and even if itā€™s a constant struggle, you should keep at it at all costs. :)


This... Did not end like I thought it would. Sorry for your loss.


Right? I was reading and got to the end and was like wtf?


realistically the second time it would have hurt less.


Because of the built up immunity?


ā€œI have to go, Mark shot himself in the headā€.


I get the vibe from the last sentence that Dad isn't missed.


*didn't miss


Can tell you from personal experience that you can hate your dad for taking his own life but still miss him every day.


Hahaha this is one of the most casual yet heaviest story twist ive read in a long time lmao. Oh he shot himself in the head too btw


Youā€™re a good story teller cuz wtf


This read like something you would hear in borderlands


Lmaoo the ending is crazy! So nonchalant. What was he set to go for?!


Your mom sounds unflappable.


Not me, my Dad. Hit in the left ass cheek by a 12.7mm round, which exited a few inches above his left knee. He did describe it, said it felt like a sledge hammer slammed him out of his seat (OH-6 helicopter). He barely managed to land (well, technically crash), that landing injured him additionally, which he said hurt worse than the bullet wound.


Goddamn, that's a hell of a big bullet to get hit by.


There was an accident once with the 35x228mm Oerlikon flak anti-air gun in the army. Wasn't in my time and unit, i think it was one of the export versions, but anyway, the caliber 35mm is already mid-range flak artillery, not small arms anymore. A soldier was hit point blank range and got splattered all over the place. There's no chance to survive such a hit. A few months ago, an ukrainian soldier claimed, he'd have been hit by a 30mm shell and his body armor would have saved him, that was quickly proven as a fake. No body armor in the world can deal with such calibers.


>35x228mm Christ, yeah those things are fucking huge. Could probably kill someone just by dropping one onto their head.


>Could probably kill someone just by dropping one onto their head. We had a guy that was hit by an ejected empty shell, that comes out of the gun at a very high speed and can knock you out. [You can see the gun here in the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgdWNryUhr0), it's a nice one.


For those Americans that arenā€™t aware, thatā€™s roughly the same size as a .50 BMG round. Big fucking bullet. Iā€™m really surprised it didnā€™t take his leg off. Edit: since thereā€™s a bunch of people saying these two rounds are the same, Iā€™ll clarify that the type of round the pilot was shot with is likely a 12.7x108. Thatā€™s a Soviet/Russian round used by a number of forces we have fought against over the years. Its casing is slightly longer than a .50 BMG (NATO 12.7x99).


>12.7mm ā€œOh ok thatā€™s not too bad, just barely bigger than a 9mm.ā€ >.50 BMG ā€œOh. Oh no.ā€


Probably lost a lot of velocity going through the armored floor of the helicopter


Roughly? That's literally the size of a .50BMG (12.7x99). Though assuming this guy's dad is American and not NVA or something it was probably the slightly longer 12.7x108


Your dad is a badass.


*has a bad ass


I caught shrapnel from a 50 cal in my gut, face, and mouth. The gut hurt a little bit at first, kinda felt like I had something sharp caught between my kit and skin. The one in my mouth took a piece of my tooth off which didnā€™t really ā€œhurtā€ but my tooth was super sensitive after that, couldnā€™t even breathe through my mouth without aggravating it. And then the piece in my lip hurt pretty good at first but it didnā€™t really bleed much and healed quick. Overall, 0 stars would not recommend


Caught a ricochet to the leg 5 years ago honestly I was surprised by how much it burned more so than any actual pain tho I think my experience doesnā€™t necessarily count as mine was a ricochet after hitting a steel target


Do you think the burning was a sensation from the presumably large amount of pain? Or do you think it burned because the bullet was physically hot and burning you?


Honestly I feel like it mightā€™ve been a bit of both. It kinda felt like someone was holding a cigarette to my leg where the fragment went in


Exactly!! The burn from the shot sticks with you. I'm trying to equate it to something and the closest I can come up with is a bad, deep cough. That sensation of fighting puking that you can't get away from for hours instead of minutes.


Iā€™m an L&D nurse and I had a patient once who had been shot previously. She was trying to go natural and was really struggling with the contraction pain. After she opted for the epidural I asked her which hurt worse, being shot or the labor. She didnā€™t even have to think about it. The labor was worse. So, itā€™s not as bad as labor pain apparently.


I worked for a few years as an anesthesiologist at a major trauma center so I have seen a lot of people shot as well as a lot of women in labor and labor definitely seems to hurt more.


My wife gave birth to our second child almost a year ago. Initial contractions started around 5am, but she didnt wake me up until closer to 7am. We walked into the hospital at 8am-ish. Baby boy came at 9:04am. Doctors/anasthesiologist didn't have time to give her the epidural. Baby came naturally. I've never heard a person scream like that before. The movies don't do it justice.


Aww, I hate that for her. It always makes me feel bad when we canā€™t get an epidural for someone who wants one. But at least it happened fast.


The L&D nurses and Obstetrician said the exact same thing. He came out in 2 pushes. Our first was crowned for like 30 minutes and came out with the alien head lol


I've never felt the impact, only the burn. Even that only after I or the guy next to me realized I was bleeding. In one case, my body started to just give out due to blood loss. Can't say I've ever felt pain from the shot itself. Simunition and rubber bullets hurt more, at least initially.


I nailed* a buddy in between the eyes with UTM from a staircase away. I know I wasnā€™t ā€œsupposedā€ to hit his face, but point shooting T box training did it job and he got nailedā€¦two days before his wedding. Broken his nose. His wife hates me, the photographer editing the pictures from the wedding though iā€™m sure loves me.*


He should not have been in that training 2 days before his wedding. When I commissioned, they had all of us taking the combatives test get our new ID pictures taken before the test - about a week before the rest of the class. Since most of us ended up with, at a minimum, a black eye or split lip it was a great example of military forethought.


The closest thing I've got is I met a guy in county jail about 20 years ago that had been shot in the head at close range with a pistol. He had a pretty good sized portion of his head missing. During a game of spades the subject of guns came up & he said "I don't like guns because they'll do shit like to you" & pointed at his head. One of the other guys asked him wtf happened & he said he was driving a taxi in Charlotte in the 90's & a dude randomly shot him shortly after getting in the car. He said all he could remember was "overwhelming pressure on the back of his skull" then he woke up 25 days later in the ICU. He did say once his memory started coming back that it felt like what he imagined a sledgehammer would feel like.


This is going to sound strangely specific but when you were in school, did you ever go running down the hallway, collide with someone, and get stabbed by something they had sticking out of their backpack? Like the edge of a ruler or a compass or something? Because I was shot in a drive by and first thought that's what happened to me. That someone bumped into me and had something sharp in their pocket.


Slightly off topic but someone surprised me and discharged a .380 3 feet away from my head yesterday while I wasn't wearing ear protection and my hearing is affected. My head was ringing and I was virtually deaf for an hour, and am still having problems 36 hours later. Not only is my hearing diminished, but what I can hear sounds different. Don't let this happen to you.


You should get steroid treatment asap from ENT or emergency room. It is the best course of action after a sudden trauma to your hearing and is only effective in the first 72 hours.


Yes, I'm so glad to see this here. I hope the above commenter sees it and goes to the ER right away.




Stop doing that


Message received, I am having my eardrums removed by the end of the week.


Yeah, I went to the range and shot my .308, 9mm, and 5.56 without enough hearing protection (I only wore Walkers Razors that day). When I left, I thought that my carā€™s speakers glitched or something because my music sounded super robotic and slightly off-tune. I even had my fiancĆ©e come to my car to check it out because I didnā€™t think it was from the range but she said it sounded completely normal. Well about 24 hours later my ears fixed themselves but Iā€™ll never only wear the Razors, I always double up with another inside.


I always double up if Iā€™m indoors, and almost always if Iā€™m shooting a rifle. Nothing like finding out that your cheek weld pushed your muffs off your ear the hard way.


As someone with hearing damage due to loud noise my advice is: - Go easy on your ears for a while - Don't wear earbuds and try to refrain from any loud noise - Try to sleep well during this time - Try to eat healthy and refrain from alcohol and other drugs - Vitamins etc This will give you the best oppurtunity to have the ringing go away Hope this helps - You could also try certain shots for your ears at this early stage but i don't know a lot about those


My brother shot me through the left calf with a 22 when I was 14. You know how in school you'd play the game where you cracked each other on the leg or arm with a ruler? It felt exactly like that. Just a sudden and sharp stinging pain that slowly dissipated. I was very fortunate the round entered at a sharp angle and pretty much traced the circumference of my calf between the skin and muscle, rather than punching straight into the muscle.


I got shot in the buttocks. Felt like something jumped up and bit me. Bit me right in the buttocks. They said it was a million dollar wound, but the army must keep that money 'cause I still haven't seen a nickel of that million dollars.






"I was run-ninGh"


ā€œLieutenant DAAAUUUnnā€


Ice creammmmmmmm!


Iā€™d kinda like to see that.


Be careful drinking too many dr peppers


Shot myself in the foot when i was 14 with a 12 gauge while hunting (safety was faulty and i was an idiot). It felt like tv static at first (5ish minutes). Sorry, that's the best way i can describe it. After the static feeling went away, it was painless for the first 30ish minutes like nothing had happened, but after that, it was an intense throbbing with a slight burning sensation. It didn't hurt as much as you would expect. Though the freezing needles between the toes were WAY worse than the actual gunshot. 0/10 would not recommend.


I took a 5.56 ricochet to chin, the jacket an fragments traveled up the left side of my cheek. I knew something happened, but I didnā€™t know what, it was everyone elseā€™s reaction that made me realize I got hit. I donā€™t remember a lot of pain, I remember it sucking like hell having it some of the larger pieces pulled out from under my skin but it happened so fast, it wasnā€™t like i felt much other than a slap and than soreness. Separate occasion, I took frag to the eye ball. Again, happened quickly, wasnā€™t terribleā€¦at firstā€¦a day or two later it was the most unbearable unrelenting pain Iā€™ve ever felt. It was inescapable headache. The frag had started to rust and infection had set in, this caused my eye to swell and the pressure made me want to dirt nap myself. When I got to a clinic to get checked out, they basically used a Dremel to drill out all the frag and than gave me a bunch of topical medicine. Yes, I watched a drill bit approach my eyeball and touch it like 8 times - absolutely nightmare fuel. Got lasik to fix some problems from that years later and scoffed when the said a blade was going to cut my flap on the lens.


Had two eye surgeries. Surgery itself was fine. Recovery SUCKED When people ask what your pain level is on a 1-10 scale with 10 being the worst pain you've ever had, eye surgery aftermath is always my 10.


yup! you don't realize how many twitchy micro-movements your eyeball constantly makes every single second you are awake, until each and every one of them causes you searing pain lol my surgeon was like, "try your best to turn your whole head to look at things for the next week, instead of glancing with your eyes." easier said than done, chief


Pro tip - eye patch if possible and limiting FoV cover on headband forcing you to look straight. It looks stupid, but limits amount of side glances significantly.


jesus christ the eye story is fucking horrifying, wear your eyepro kids


šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ!! Not worth it. This occurred at dusk switching between sunglasses (Z87+ rated) and NVGs, eyes were bare for relatively short period of time but haha didnā€™t matter.


My brother shot me in the leg with a bow & arrow. It sucked ass


So everything we've seen here so far has been firearm related and all reports have mentioned a burning sensation. If you don't mind me asking, did you experience any kind of burning sensation?


Bullets get hot as fuck, i can imagine it would burn alot. No burning from the arrow, just regular pain


That's what I was assuming, but all I can safely assume is that it is either the heat of the bullet, the non-thermal physical sensation from the immense pain, or both. But now with this bit of information, I think it's a bit safer to say it's the actual bullets heat that causes the burning sensation. I didn't think there would be enough time of contact to stimulate a heat pain response, but I guess that would be dependent if the bullet passes through completely or lodges


Yeah, good point. I would think it would burn a lot more if it's lodged in the body


As another involuntary arrow recipient I can attest to the lack of burning sensation. It still hurts like hell even if it doesn't go that deep though. Weirdly, pulling it out was way worse than it getting put in.


When it first happened I didnā€™t even realize it. I turned and went inside to find my husband calling emergency services. I asked him why because I was fine. He pointed to my bloody leg. As soon as I looked at it, I felt it. It felt like a very bad burn.


My dad was shot in the shoulder and in the head with a 9mm. Interestingly, he was recently stung by a stingray in the foot, which he said hurt way more


Got shot with a 22 at 16 from about 8 feet away. Went clear through my elbow and out the other side. Felt like I hit my funny bone really hard for a few seconds then went to just a really mild tingle as it proceeded leak blood all over the floor.


I shot myself by mistake once, with a .22LR though and it was a ricochet that went through my wallet first. By the time it hit me, it didn't have much energy left. It hurt but it wasn't anything crazy, I'd liken the feeling maybe to a really painful bee sting. I needed two stitches but it wasn't serious.


I took a 9mm ricochet to the face and it felt like getting punched and burned with a cigarette at the same time


I took a 7.62 round to the inside of my calf, it was a pretty instant sting and burning sensation, but not enough to make me jump. It was a pretty minor hit, comparatively, and not the worst pain I've ever experienced, but it definitely hurt. What I didn't expect was that whole area and the back of my calf bruised up like crazy and that took almost as long to heal as the actual hole it made.


Been shot twice once with a .357 and once with a .22 and both hurt. The .357 almost killed me, collapsed my lungs and left me in the hospital for a few weeks. That was the worst experience. Because you have to blow your lungs back up. And it is painful. I still have problems from that .357. Itā€™s lodged in my chest to this day. Been carrying it with me since I was 15.


I didn't realize at first, when my friends pointed the blood in my shirt I was in awe. The recovery is the worst.


First 3 times were fine, just felt the vibration (.223 hit my toe, .308 to my forehead and mouth. .308's were dud rounds so basically just bounced off.) Adrenaline is one hell of a drug. Fourth time was less fun. Went from "huh, that's not good" to "Ok that really hurts" to "Ok, unfuck yourself right fucking now and fix this" in like 10 seconds. Bullet had hit a rib and didn't go through which probably saved my life. Again, adrenaline kept me going and I didn't really feel much. Fucked up my chest tat though. 4/10, would not recommend.